Connect the light to the box in the garage complex. Methods for connecting a garage to the electrical network. Where to start working on connecting electricity

Conducting official electricity and

preparation of a complete package of documentation.

In garage cooperatives, connecting to electricity is very simple. You contact the board of the cooperative with a request for an electricity connection, they give you the number of a local electrician. We met, looked at what we needed to buy, and literally within 2-3 days there was already a brand new meter in the garage and the lights were on.

And if your garage is detached (not part of a cooperative) or the cooperative collapsed long ago or there never was a cooperative. How then to connect to the life-giving light? And without light in the garage it is very bad. The garage seems dark and unpleasant, somehow cold and repulsive. It is very inconvenient to park the car in the dark in the evenings. You constantly shine your phone and a small flashlight on yourself, you can’t see anything, you cling to everything and you can’t find anything.

You can, of course, do it the old fashioned way and negotiate with a local electrician; he will cheaply install a wire on a pole and voila, there is light, or so the previous owner “electrified” the garage before you.

Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Unauthorized connection and use of electrical, thermal energy, oil or gas.

Unauthorized connection to electrical networks entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 10,000 to 15,000 rubles; for officials - from 30,000 thousand to 80,000 thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of 1 to 2 years; for legal entities - from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles. (as amended by Federal Law dated November 3, 2015 N 307-FZ)

What to do? Walking and shaking that sooner or later they will come, not only will they cut you off, but I will also fine you. And sooner or later they will definitely come.

In such cases, it is worth thinking about an official connection to electrical networks.

First of all, you need to collect a package of documents to obtain technical conditions. Hand them over to the electrical grid. They accept documents three times a week for three hours, at inconvenient times. As in any major government organization, queues and you can’t figure it out...

During the next working week after submitting the documents, an electrical network employee will call you to inspect your garage for the possibility of connecting to the electrical network, where the nearest connection point is located. Usually they call during the daytime and offer to meet at the garage within one to two hours! This is often very inconvenient, especially with our endless traffic jams.

After an on-site inspection, an authorized employee prepares technical conditions for connecting your garage to the electrical network. It often happens that the specialist who prepared the technical conditions does not thoroughly understand the situation and produces unrealistic technical conditions. (we had cases when they issued conditions for carrying electricity to a garage; it was necessary to build a 1.5 km line costing 1 million. When it was possible to connect in 50 meters, or they wrote that it was necessary to lay 80 meters of cable underground, when it was possible to connect in 5 meters) in such cases it is necessary to meet with employees, the management of the relevant departments of the Distribution Zone and prove the illegality of such a decision.

After receiving adequate technical conditions, it is necessary to directly connect the garage to electrical networks. Usually this connection is carried out by the installation team of electrical networks. The cost of their services is certainly not cheap, on average from 15 to 25 tr, depending on the complexity and distance to the connection point (the price includes a cable, a meter, the necessary limiters and circuit breakers). Unfortunately, it is more expensive to refuse their services, because in addition to the connection, they issue one linear diagram, a test certificate that everything complies with the requirements of the law. Upon completion of their work, the garage is already electrified, and you can use electricity with complete peace of mind. It takes 1 to 2 months from submitting documents to connect the garage to the networks.

Next, you need to sign an agreement with the supplying organization, write an application for opening an account, and open an account. The final stage of registration of electricity takes about another 3-4 months.

Since 2007, our Garage Agency has accumulated experience in providing electricity to garages in Rostov-on-Don. Solved whole line not standard tasks. Employees have extensive experience working with RES specialists,connections have been accumulated with each district office.By contacting us you get a completerangeservices, from the initial request for technical specifications, physically connecting the garage to the electrical grid, ending with issuing you your first receipt for your electricity bill.

Dial and Get a FREE consultation. Find out how much it will cost to install official electricity in your specific case.

Hi all! If you are reading this article, most likely you have the same problem, there is no light in the garage and there are two options: You have already tried and nothing worked with connecting the electricity, or you are just at the beginning of the journey. I’ll tell you my story, it’s not finished yet, but I will seek justice, no matter how difficult it is.

Our family owns a garage, which we purchased a long time ago; it has been our property since I was still walking under the table. There was always light in the garage, we regularly paid for the light and everything was fine. They didn’t really use the garage, they mostly parked the car and that’s it, they used little light, only in the fall and winter to get in and out of the garage.

But I grew up and began to take a keen interest in everything in the world, including welding, car repair, painting, etc., and there was not enough electricity, the machines in the cooperative are weak, as soon as I turned on a powerful device, the machine turns off, and you need patience to wait for the local electrician ( the machines are in his garage) sometimes you wait a couple of days even though he lives 50 meters away. With automatic machines, this is a necessary measure, and I understand that a couple of years ago a bad person joined the cooperative; he ran a heating device all winter, bypassing the electric meter, and debts accumulated. Plus, the time has come to change the general meter; the electrical networks have cut off the electricity supply until all the problems are resolved.

Contacting a network company

This situation did not suit me at all, I understood that people would not collect money for that good man and we can’t see electricity like we can see our ears. I went to our electrical network LLC "BEK", there they greeted me with skepticism, they argued that it was impossible to connect one garage, especially since we have a cooperative there and I need to negotiate there, they began to give arguments, they say, imagine a residential five storey house If we connect everyone separately, there will be a web of wires and stuff like that. I left with nothing.

I started reading forums, started studying the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 861 “On approval of the Rules for non-discriminatory access to transmission services electrical energy and provision of these services..." Federal law from N35-ФЗ<Об электроэнергетике> . And it turned out that they are obliged to connect private property, even if it is necessary to pull a line or install a transformer to the connection point, then the electric company must do this at its own expense. Of course, this will not happen on the same day after your application; there are time limits for this, they are in the resolution. The electric company may cite a lack of budget for this year, but next year it is obliged to include these works in its budget and all design work too.

Having read, I went a second time, they looked at me angrily, they started telling me new excuses again, if you were an entrepreneur, then no problem, but as a private person we can’t, imagine if everyone goes. I put an end to these conversations, sharply said that they were obliged to accept my application, and then they could write down on paper all the reasons for the refusal. I wrote a statement and left to wait for an answer.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 861 does not make any difference between an entrepreneur and a private person; the rights are the same. If I tell you this, it is a lie and a misconception.

To submit an application you need: a photocopy of your passport; in architecture, take a copy of the topographic plan, property documents, that is, a document on the ownership of the building (garage), if you have documents on the ownership of the land, it’s good, if not, then it’s okay.

When submitting an application, you should think about how many kilowatts you need, according to the law they give from 1 to 15 kW, but keep in mind that after 5 kW you will need to connect 2 phases and install a more expensive meter, as well as more powerful and expensive machines. Up to 5 kW (inclusive) only 1 phase is required.

You should carefully consider the choice of connection power. If you subsequently want to increase the power, the cost will be approximately 10,000 rubles per 1 kW, and this is provided that there is free power on the transformer.

A preferential connection costs 550 rubles up to 15 kW, this benefit can be used once every 3 years, that is, they connected a house in the village, and after a couple of years they wanted to connect a garage in the city, then either wait until 3 years expire, or pay in full.

My mother went to submit an application on June 16, 2016 (the garage is registered in her name) and these are not good people We persuaded her to 4 kW, this can be corrected in the future. We began to wait for a response from the network company, and received the following response:

The funny thing is that the TP-96 connection point, which the network company writes about, is located behind the wall near my garage and you need a 30 cm piece of cable to connect.
As you can see from the answer, they are fixated on the cooperative, according to their logic, it turns out that the garage is already connected and they do not have the right to connect it a second time, everything is correct, but there is one thing. I am connecting my property for the first time, the fact that I am a member of the cooperative is their guess, during the entire time we owned the garage we did not sign a single piece of paper stating that we wanted to be a member of the cooperative, we did not sign any papers at all.

Here we need to clarify a little, the cooperative even in Soviet times had great power over its participants and negotiated with the authorities on its own behalf. As it was arranged, a certain number of shareholders gathered and organized a cooperative, built garages and handed over membership books to the shareholders of the cooperative and the person received the right to use the cooperative’s garage, but if the board of the cooperative considered this person a negative element, then they took away the membership book and the person left the cooperative. No one owned any property in the cooperative. The 90s came, those who were adequate went and registered the garages as their own property, while others remained on “bird rights”, for them the cooperative remained both a judge and a prosecutor. So LLC “BSK”, when giving an answer, is a little mistaken in the concepts of private property and cooperatives, as I think this remains to be seen. I don’t want to depend on the cooperative; I’m ready to connect and pay the tariffs established by the state.

Contacting the FAS

Now I need to help explain to BSK LLC what I want, and the Prosecutor’s Office and the Federal Antimonopoly Service will help me with this. I decided to contact the FAS, since I do not live in the regional center, I decided to apply via the Internet. I wrote on 08/28/2016 in free form what I wanted and that my rights were violated, attached the response from the network company and began to wait. They called back a week later, found out the details and said that they would take care of this matter. I wrote on this site for this box and did not fill out the form below.

Recently I was in the garage and the chairman walked past, we started talking, we are on good terms. He said that about two weeks ago the power grid came to him about my garage, they asked me to sign a paper that said that the garage was part of a cooperative, the chairman signed it. I thought how good it was that the FAS had begun to shake the network company, because there had been no news for a long time, about 2 months.

And after a couple of days the paper arrives in the mail (via email) Mailbox) from the FAS that they are extending the consideration period due to a lack of materials on the case. This is very good, Fas, by law, can extend the period, but not more than 60 days. The response also stated that the deadline for the case is October 29, 2016, which means we will soon know the answer.

30.10.2016 The FAS sent an answer, unfortunately not in my favor. Everything is said to be according to the law at LLC "BSK" and the garage cannot be connected 2 times, one from the cooperative, and the second independently by the owner. Now the next logical step is to leave the cooperative in which it is unknown how I ended up and reapply for connection.

23.05.2017 Yes, a lot of time has passed since I was denied a garage connection. And all this time, I was working on documents for resettlement to the right bank of the Kama. For those who don’t know, our city is failing due to the fault of the Uralkali company. The time has only now appeared. I drew up a certificate stating that I have not been a member of the cooperative since December 20, 2016, and the chairman signed it. And attached to the application. I will connect 5 kW. Now we are waiting for the response from BSK LLC. In fact, there are no more reasons left for refusal, but we’ll see...

19.07.2017 Almost victory! Today I went to find out how things were going, since all the deadlines for a response, according to my application, had already passed. I came, there were a lot of statements on the table and mine was separately on the sidelines. They told me to go to the boss and make a statement, which I did. There was a girl sitting there and the strangest thing is that she was the first one who didn’t want to swear with me (although I never swear; they constantly raise their tone). She immediately said that there is no reason for us to refuse you, but you need to figure out how and where to connect me. I told her everything where the connection point was, it turns out she was not aware of all my ordeals, her subordinates, as I understand it, shoved my application under the carpet and only now began to deal with it. But maybe this is just another noodle, but the fact that they will give me the Technical Condition for Connection is almost 100%. I didn’t put any pressure on the timing, and she, in turn, promised to sort it out by the end of the week. Let's see what will happen next.

04.08.2017 Today again, I went to the power grid, a conversation took place, short and boorish on the part of an employee of the power grid. I asked why you still don’t give an answer to my statement, because all the deadlines have passed. The employee began to say, there is a lot of work and I’m not the only one here. I objected, but Russian Government Decree 861 clearly states no more than 30 days. To which, the employee began to rant about the cooperative, I stopped her and said, I’m including private property, what does the cooperative have to do with it? To which the employee said, the conversation is over, she repeated this to any of my phrases and did it in a very rude manner. There was nothing left but to contact the prosecutor's office, which was done on the same day.
Now we’re waiting to see how they react to the prosecutor’s check; he’ll probably also tell them, the conversation is over)))

17.08.2017 We received the Technical Conditions for connection. I think in the next month I will record a video where I will describe in detail what and how to do without nerves and without problems. What to carry where, what to write, who to contact.

20.11.2017 Certificates of testing, grounding of wiring, etc. have been received. The money came out to 1200 rubles. for 4 acts. Now, with these acts in the near future, I’ll go to the power grid to find out what’s next)) I do everything slowly, so if you set a goal, you can do everything much faster. And in order not to get lost and to be among the first to see the video clip, I recommend subscribing to my channel, the “Subscribe” button is located to the left, right under the “subscribe” or link.

12/27/2018 The garage was connected to electricity. Victory!!! I'm preparing a video with all the details subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Continue this article on social networks, this is not necessary to promote my blog. And so that people can know the entire connection algorithm and not waste their nerves and money. Every day about 20-50 people are viewing this article. That is, there are thousands of people who struggle with connecting their property. Repost, help rein in careless officials. Thank you in advance!!!

Since the summer I have been trying to connect the garage to the electrical grid, but constant problems from the network company forced me to contact the Federal Antimonopoly Service...

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Reader comments:


    Artem, hello again!) the chairman asked for a statement free form, but I think this is because there are no registration papers about my condition in the State Statistics Service! Only from the words of the chairman. If there are changes, write, please, in turn, I will also write about victories/losses))

    Vladimir, how did your story end? Our situation. Moscow, group of individual capital brick garages built in Soviet times. There has never been any legal entity: neither GSK, nor anything else. Quite a non-trivial situation. With the advent of private property rights in our country, many owners of these garages did not bother with the difficult procedure of registering them in their name. We (several of the owners) registered our garages as property (it was very long and tedious, but it was done). The certificate of ownership states: Object of right: Premises: GARAGE BOX No., Address: etc. Opposite our permanent brick garages, a row of metal garages has formed, which are roofed by MGSA. Those owners of brick garages who did not register their ownership also joined the MGSA so that, as they say, they would have at least some documents. For a long time, the chairman of this MGSA parking lot was my neighbor, a normal guy, and all the garage owners donated money to him for electricity, but at the beginning of this year, the new chairman began to demand that everyone join the MGSA (pay a fee, etc.) . Naturally, I abandoned this “collective farm” and about 3 weeks ago I was cut off from electricity (they climbed into the distribution box, turned it off and sealed it). We’ll leave out how legal this is now, I decided to go the other way: I submitted an application for a new connection on the MOESK website (everything is quite clear and friendly there), you don’t need to go anywhere - attach copies of documents to yourself. As a result, I received a refusal indicating that the object located at the address is technologically connected. In this case, the address coincides with the address of my garage in the certificate of ownership, with the exception of Premises: GARAGE-BOX No. However, when submitting an application, it is impossible to enter this information (there are no fields where you can enter the premises or box number), i.e. the application contains the address of the entire group of individual capital garages. After the refusal, in my appeal (addition to the application), I described this whole situation. Yesterday MOESK sent a person who took photographs and... yesterday they wrote me a refusal again (a carbon copy of the previous one): the object located at the address is technologically connected.
    And this despite the fact that in my explanations it was clearly stated:
    1. Garage-box No., which legally belongs to me and is a separate object of law, was NEVER officially connected to the networks.
    2. “Car Park No. ... MGSA...” did not provide me with any title documents or agreements with network organizations for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy, nor did it agree to provide me with electrical energy on the basis of a contract or by agreement of the parties.
    3. At the moment, garage box No. is completely de-energized, and my right to access electricity consumption services is discriminated against. Any specialist from your company can verify this by visiting the facility.
    4. After the establishment of private property rights in our country, we, citizens Russian Federation, is actively instilled and responsibility for it (taxes, communal payments etc.).
    5. I want to fully use the private property that belongs to me, which is impossible without electricity, for which garage box No. located at the address must be technologically connected to the electrical networks, which will allow me to enter into a direct agreement with Mosenergosbyt and pay for consumed electricity on the basis of official metered tariffs.
    6. I want to have an honest, independent 5 kW, and not watch the picture of a two-kilowatt heater barely working at full power in winter, when turned on the light noticeably “sags.”
    7. Based on the above, as well as the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2004 No. 861 “On approval of the Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services...”, I ask you to consider this appeal on the merits and satisfy my application No. for a new connection and provide me with non-discriminatory access to electricity transmission services.
    And yet, despite all this, the same stupid answer. Question: They don’t want to move without contacting the FAS?


    Greetings to everyone, I am the owner of a garage box, I am a member of a cooperative, in 2015 I submitted an application to IDGC of Siberia, entered into an agreement, received the technical specifications, fulfilled them, and IDGC is avoiding fulfilling its part:
    We call an inspector to accept the specifications and put the device into operation, he arrives, doesn’t inspect anything, asks why they called because IDGC didn’t do anything, doesn’t draw up an act, turns around and leaves, I send a letter one second three to IDGC about the technical specifications and the actions of the inspectors, I receive an answer a month later and so on until now - “Project documentation is being developed, procurement work is underway” vicious circle, the specifications were made by IDGC no, they are evading

    Hello! I am connecting the garage to the electrical grid. In the technical specifications for connection it is written: Requirements for protection devices (protection devices up to 1000 W) Equip the ASU (VPU) 0.23 kV with overvoltage protection, an input switching device equipped with protection against short circuit and overload in the electrical network, providing control of the value maximum power. Select the nominal parameters of the switching device according to the maximum power of the power receiving device.” What does this mean? What do I need to do, explain in Russian? And how much does it cost?

    I'm Elena. Above I wrote my technical conditions for connecting a garage. And in the electrical networks they explained to me that I had to dig in 2 pins of 1.7 m each and there should still be a metal pin between them. They, that is, the electrical networks, will take measurements, but I need to dig in or contractors will do it and it will cost 13 thousand rubles. Do I really have to do this, or is it the responsibility of the power grid? Maybe they are doing this on purpose, since they are also installing an electrical support (pole).


    Hello. You described everything in great detail, thank you! I had exactly the same problem, all the same litigation. The only difference is that I have a strained relationship with the chairman, personal hostility. He refuses to sign a paper stating that I am not a member of the Civil Code. What should I do, how can I influence him, how can I prove I’m not a camel? The garage is owned, as is the land. When purchasing, I had no dealings with the chairman, did not sign anything and did not enter into anything...

    Good afternoon It turns out we are not alone in this matter!)
    We have the following situation in our garages: Soviet-built garages were connected to power engineers as a garage cooperative, with one meter on which they chipped in and paid! In 2012, during the next extension of the contract for a year (usually someone called IDGC and signed an agreement on behalf of the cooperative), IDGC requested title documents for the cooperative itself, and since they never existed, they could not be provided, IDGC The power went out! Several people submitted applications for connection, they were given technical specifications but still have not been connected, periodically calling the owners and asking them to sign an extension of the contracts. And finally, the situation is moving forward and it seems that a contractor has even appeared who should carry out the connections in the summer... Looking at this, all the other garage owners hastened to submit applications... and here’s the ambush: IDGC refuses in writing, citing the very “one-time” nature of the connection! And after so many years, nothing really remained from that connection point, and the cable there was supplied at the rate of 1 kW per garage... and now everyone is asking for 10...15 kW. So where to start in our situation? Ask the tax office about the absence of a cooperative? will it help? or hope that the connection point is no longer physically there? and won’t it turn out that by raising a wave, IDGC may cancel the technical specifications already issued to garages? What do you recommend in our case?


    Good afternoon! My name is Valentina. Please help me figure out my situation. I own a detached garage (box 144 sq.m.) of a permanent structure (brick) within the city. Previously, during construction, it was planned to build a house, but due to the life situation, plans changed. The land for individual housing construction is owned. There is no light there, no communications. Now I decided to install electricity there. I contacted the energy supply company (Permenergosbyt), wrote a statement, a man came and looked and said he would do everything, which is what happened... They issued technical specifications, they issued connection certificates for 4 kW (as it is written in the connection certificate), they installed a meter 3-phase (as I understand 220/380) single tariff, they attached a single-line diagram and some other diagram where the lamps and switches are located indicating the power... oh, sorry, I don’t understand anything about this... And they told me to go to the sales department with these documents for a contract. When I I came to the sales department, it turned out that this is a completely different department. I was given a list of documents (forms) that need to be filled out, and this is information about the technical parameters of energy receiving devices at delivery points, then the parameters of measuring systems and an application for electrical energy and power for 2018 year. I filled out these forms as best I could and gave them to them. Today they invited me to receive the contract... I came. They gave me the contract for review, so that I could read it and then sign it and hand it over to them. I began to read the contract and I got the impression that this was not a garage, but some kind of production... the contract itself was drawn up on seven sheets, then a form was attached to it. An application for electrical energy and power (without the population and similar consumers), then an application form to the electricity supply contract for the contractual volumes of electrical energy consumption and power, as well as a form for the electricity metering scheme for 2018. From the contract, I realized that I would have to make an application for electricity every year...what a stupid house? I'm sorry, I individual, I’m not registered with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur, which is why they probably asked for a TIN... to check, and the contract also says that I must choose the price category myself... and I understood them from contract 6. Maybe they want to pin commercial consumption on me, stupid electricity? Please help me with advice on what I should do... I don’t even know and I’m afraid to sign such an agreement or not... I’ll sign my own death sentence out of ignorance... Please help me with advice on what I should do... Thank you!

    Hello Artem! Our situation is somewhat different, but if it’s not difficult, tell me what to do. 12/13/18 our garage boxes 52 pcs. We were disconnected from the power supply in the city of Kolomna (we had a snack at the SIP pole in our direction) citing the absence of our GSK from the tax office, although we have all the papers. We were not sent any notice of the shutdown; we have no debts for electricity. In the electricity supply contract, when and how you can terminate the contract and stop power supply, everything is spelled out. What to do, butt heads with Energosbyt and the networks or leave the cooperative and try to connect as an independent consumer?

    Good day to all!
    I bought a garage at GSK in the city of Ivanovo, which has already been cancelled, according to the tax identification number, they registered the capital building as the property, in the garage there was some kind of electricity supplied from a neighboring plant, a common meter for everyone, of course there is no paperwork that I am a member of GSK, today I submitted it to the networkers application for Technological connection, the lady at the reception said in surprise YOU HAVE THE SAME GSK))) ... in general, they accepted the application, I think everything will be according to the above scenarios. Let's go anyway :)

When I came to the electric grid company, the aunt there who was in charge of accepting applications immediately gave me a business card of some kind of sharaga and sent me to do it with them project.Even before filling out the application (!) I said that I would still need it.
For some reason they also demanded a copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number, although this is not in the law.
I refused her demands and stated that everything should be according to the law and in accordance with the rules approved by the RF PP 861. and they would not receive more than 550 rubles.
In the end, she gave me a phone number to contact and their employee would look at the connection location. I called, and at the other end of the line they said that this was not their territory at all (!) and that they had no way to connect... As a result, this lady, who accepted the application and gave the telephone number of their employee, began to say something - the same thing). I told her that she was talking nonsense, but she said that she believed the site foreman.)
This is the “defense” that networkers have taken.
Although in fact everyone knows that the network of the company "LENENERGO". And the garage is located 10 meters from the electric transmission line. And it used to be connected to electricity before I bought it. , The electricity supply company confirms this.) But how can you get the electricity supply company to recognize its network and accept the application?
So far I have written a request to the Administration to give an answer about the ownership of the nearest power grid facility, which is located at the shortest distance from my garage. They must respond within 15 days.
Maybe after the Administration’s response about the ownership of the network, this matter will move forward?))

And you write and register an application for technical connection (only, if possible, attach all the documents listed by PP861 so that the deadlines go). The impossibility of technical connection still needs to be proven to them, which is impossible. Previously, one could say that the network was overloaded - now this is their problem. If only within 300-500 meters. Moreover, if there is a network of another organization, it doesn’t matter. They will have to agree with this organization on everything for you as a sub-subscriber.
Let them refuse you in writing, and then you, and with a letter from the administration, will completely fuck them off.
If they violate the “rules of non-discriminatory access to networks” or even the deadlines, the FAS will have a hard time punishing them. I'll tell you that the fines there are severe.
Well, if you take documents from the sale (if the contract has not been terminated in writing with the old owner), you can write an application (using the same principle) for the restoration of documents on technical connection in connection with a change of owner (accordingly, documents will be needed for this). So there seems to be no reason for refusal either, and if they find it, take it in writing.

It is not difficult to install light in the garage if it is located near the house, electrical panel or power line. If you have electricity, using the garage will be much more convenient; moreover, you will be able to work in it with electric tools and equipment.

We should start with the fact that the wiring needs to be hidden - not so much for the sake of aesthetics, but for security reasons. If the garage is made of sheet iron, then, of course, there can be no talk of any hidden wiring, but in this case, you can use various boxes, sleeves and corrugated pipes.

Important! For safety reasons, a grounding device should be installed in the electrical panel at the input, which can be metal rods with a diameter of 1.5-1.6 cm (they should be dug vertically into the ground and connected to each other with a steel plate).

In addition, all sockets, switches, etc. must be well protected from dust and moisture (it is advisable to use IP44 class devices).

How to install electricity into a garage legally

If you plan to turn the garage into a full-fledged workshop, then you will need a three-phase input, for which, in turn, you need to visit the local Energosbyt and obtain technical conditions there (in the future you will need to comply with each of the points) and the appropriate permit.

And if we are talking about garage areas, then cooperatives are often created in them. It is in such a cooperative that you should obtain permission to electrify the garage, find out where the electrical panel is located and under what conditions you can connect to it. In addition, it is necessary to conclude an energy supply agreement.

DIY garage light: step-by-step guide

The procedure consists of several stages; let’s get acquainted with the features of each of them.

Stage one. We are developing a scheme

We start work by drawing up a wiring diagram - this will help prevent possible mistakes during installation. In the diagram we indicate the location of cables, switches, sockets and lamps, observing a number of the requirements below.

  1. The distance between the ceiling and the cable should be at least 10 cm, and from the floor to the socket - 50 cm. As for the general switch, it should be located to the right of the gate, approximately 150 cm from the floor.
  2. We also note exactly how we will connect each network element. The socket must be located in front of the switch, while the switches with the lamp must be connected in series.
  3. To connect elements, we use straight lines located perpendicular to each other. We start the connection from the distribution panel.

After this, we transfer the compiled diagram to the walls. To draw lines, use a long cord, first dipping it in paint.

Stage two. We prepare tools and materials

To work we will need:

  • hammer;
  • indicator screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • hammer drill (if the garage is not metal);
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill, set of drills;
  • side cutters;
  • insulating tape;
  • pliers;
  • building gypsum;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowels

We also prepare the most important thing, that is, the electrical cable. It is advisable to use copper wires, although aluminum wires are also suitable. We also buy switches, lighting, sockets, corrugations and cable boxes.

Stage three. Installing wiring in the garage

Installation is divided into two parts:

  • external wiring (to the garage from an energy source);
  • internal.

Important! If the internal installation can be done with your own hands, which many do, then the external installation should be done exclusively by a professional electrician who has access to high-voltage lines.

External wiring

Electrical energy can be transmitted into a room in two ways:

  • underground;
  • by air.

When choosing one option or another, we are guided, first of all, by the relative position of our garage and other buildings. If it is located further than 25 m from the pillar, then with an “air” installation we will have to install an additional pillar. Moreover, the wire must be 2.75 m from the ground (next to the garage), 3.75 m (above sidewalks) and 6 m (above the roadway). We introduce the line through the wall at a height of 2.75 m, for which we use insulators on hooks.

Important! We make a hole for the input with a slope towards the street so that water does not penetrate inside.

After work, carefully seal all the cracks. If the height of our garage is less than the regulated 2.75 m, then we install a pipe stand - a special steel pipe, the upper end of which is curved at an angle of 180 degrees. In this case, the cable entry can even be made through the roof.

As for underground installation, the cable here needs to be protected using a steel box. The entry is made through a hole in the foundation; the cable in this place is protected with a pipe. What is important is that each cable needs a separate hole.

At the end, the electrician who carried out the installation leads the wire to an input box equipped with fuses and a meter. After this, we proceed to the second part of the process.

Inner gasket

It can be of two types (as noted above):

  • hidden;
  • open.

For metal buildings We use the second method, in which the wires should be secured in special boxes or baseboards. Flat cables (such as APPR) are most suitable for this. The cables are attached to the walls with nails or staples in increments of 40 cm. The wiring is done horizontally (about 20 cm from the ceiling line), and we use screws or glue to fix the boxes.

If the garage is made of concrete or brick, then we resort to a hidden type of laying, and we do this even before plastering. If the work is carried out after applying the plaster, then in the right places We groove the walls (we make grooves 0.5-0.6 cm deep) into which we lay the wires, securing them with small nails.

Important! The peculiarity of this method is that the ends of the wires must be soldered to each other, otherwise they will unwind or oxidize. After soldering, secure the joints with insulating tape.

Additional events

Almost every garage has basement or inspection hole. It would seem that it would be easier to make the lighting portable for them, but the fact is that the humidity level there is usually high, so the maximum allowable voltage is only 42 volts. For this reason, we buy and install a small step-down transformer. We also buy special equipment that is designed specifically for such low voltage.

Do-it-yourself wiring in the garage (video): where to start

Bottom line

As a result, it is worth paying a little attention to safety precautions. When performing work, it is imperative to adhere to the requirements below.

  1. There is no need to rush, because the main thing when working with electricity is safety.
  2. Any manipulations related to electric shock(even a banal replacement of a light bulb or socket) should only be carried out in the absence of voltage. For this purpose, you can unscrew the plugs (if you are still using them) or the circuit breakers on the switchboard.
  3. For work at height, trestles or platforms should be used (no barrels, chairs placed on tables, or similar structures).
  4. Shoes and clothing should be as comfortable as possible so that body movements are not hampered.
  5. The tools used must be intact and - more importantly - have an insulated handle. The same applies to electrical equipment.

And remember: if you install the wiring correctly, it is guaranteed to serve you for at least 30 years.

This article will provide personal experience for connecting the garage to the electrical grid in the city. At one time, a garage was purchased, but there was no electricity in it. What kind of garage is this without electricity? That is why one of the first tasks was to connect this very electricity. So, I didn’t know the specific rules and SNIPs, and I didn’t want to know, so I was afraid that everything wouldn’t work out that easily. In addition, uncertainty also lurks from a legal point of view. However, it turned out that not everything was so bad. I will tell you about the history of connecting my garage to electricity in this article.
It all started right after the new year. I will give the dates so that you can get an idea of ​​how long the process takes and how long you have to wait.
Telephone conversations or where to go first

The day came when it was time to get down to business. The first calls were to the organization supplying electricity in our city, even if it was a certain company “Electroset”. As a result, after 2-3 calls, it turned out that we need to contact not the organization that supplies us with electricity, but the organization that provides precisely the technical side of the issue. It turned out that it was necessary to type “City Electric Networks”, namely “Department of Technological Connections”. It was around January 15th.

How to connect electricity to a building, home, garage, what to do

As a result, they informed me that I needed to drive up and fill out an application for technological connection to electrical networks. In order to fill out the application, you must have the following documents with you:

Right to property (building, land);
- passport;
- TIN;
- print a plan with a duplicate GIS where the garage is located. (what is included below in the pictures)

At first I thought that for the plan it would be necessary to involve some kind of BTI or, even better, to have a document from the cadastral service, but this was not required! Additionally, several photographs were taken of the garage and the nearest pole to which the connection could be made. Like these.

The application is filled out quickly, I also asked about the waiting time... The answer was simple - wait! About a month has passed. They called me that way, but I decided to dial. In the end, it turned out that everything seemed to be ready, but they didn’t get through to me. It was already somewhere on February 9th. Did anyone even call? Anyway! They told me to come and sign an agreement with technical conditions attached. One copy remains in the city power grids, the second for me. From this time on, not only paper work begins, but also the need to start doing something yourself, with your own hands. The technical specifications specify which wire should be used, which meter, installation height, etc. Everything must be done in accordance with your specifications! That is, you need to buy and install everything. From the notes, I would like to recommend that all bends and rods be made with hooks and holes; all this can be useful for connecting carabiners-holders, tensioners holding wires.

(as it turned out, it was necessary to then attach a hook or ring to the top in order to secure it with the tensioner)

(approximately everything will be like this on the pole)

(the shield and meter were installed inside so that vandals would not break anything. The machines must be in a separate box so that they can be sealed. Seal plugs turned out to be unacceptable for this, as the controller said, although they are recommended in stores!)

Here the contract must indicate the amount for connection. In my case it is 550 rubles. This amount must be paid at the bank according to the details specified in the agreement. We go to the bank and pay. Commercial banks charge a very good commission for such a transfer, so it is better either Sberbank of the Russian Federation or through the online account. In this case, the commission was 11 rubles. Then we go again to Gorelektroseti and write an application to inspect everything that you have done.

In my case, they promised to contact me in 10 days, still on the same phone number I left. We are waiting for a call. They called back on the third day. They said that there is an opportunity to come, but to come means that you will pick them up, pick them up and bring them to the connection point. In the end, that’s what happened. I stopped by, picked it up, brought it. Specialist on site technical connection I examined that the wire rod, as I’ll call it, is at a height of no lower than 4.5 meters, that there is a box and a meter installed in it. At the same time, he said that all connections, except for the pole, must be made on his own. This is actually not like that a big problem. The meter was single-phase and was connected in accordance with the material in the article “How to connect a 220 volt electricity meter.” An inspection report was also drawn up and signed, which became the main document for further actions. With this act, I had to go to another department of Gorelektroseti, which deals with direct connection.

Upon arrival there, the contract and act were shown, and the master immediately assigned me a preliminary connection date. I arrived on February 27, and a repeat inspection and connection was already scheduled for March 2. At the same time, I again had to come for a specialist myself.
On March 2, approaching the garage, the same building that I connected, 15 minutes before 10, I saw a car with a tower. These are the direct executors who have arrived! But at 10 I only had to pick up the controller from the power supply. I told the guys that I was just leaving, and then I went to get the controller. Upon arrival, it also turned out that the controller had not arrived and was simply missing. As a result, he came at about 5 minutes past ten, changed his clothes and we set out. Upon arrival, we checked all the connections again and gave the go-ahead to the electricians to connect to the pole. Everything was connected in about 20 minutes, no more. After the performers left, the controller took out a suitcase and began to look at the load on the device. Apparently checking the counter. Afterwards I took him back and received a certificate in return...

That's all. From that day on I could use electricity fully and without problems. I should have come on the call and signed an agreement for the supply of electricity, but this has nothing to do with the connection.

Summarizing the connection of electricity to a building or home

I must say that when connecting a house or building, there wasn’t much you needed to know. I was guided everywhere, especially if you ask and think about it. Everything, in my opinion, went without problems. But this is only a special case, which did not imply the installation of additional poles, transformers, etc. The wire span was 25 meters and that was it.
If we talk about time, you can see for yourself. Everything took less than 2 months, including holidays and weekends.
The financial side mainly included costs for electrical equipment (panel, meter, cable, machines, tensioners, punctures) of about 4,500 rubles and travel expenses. I drove about 120 kilometers around the city, signing contracts and transporting controllers. Well, what about the state duty, if you remember, it was 550 rubles.