Fertilizing currants in early spring with mineral fertilizers. Additional feeding with microelements. Possible mistakes during spring feeding

So that the bushes are healthy, and the berries are large, juicy, and delight you with the harvest, currants need watering and fertilizing. It is also useful to loosen plants, treat insect pests and mulch the soil. In short, as always, my mouth is full of worries. About the main points black currant carehow to water and feed- Let's read today.

How often to water blackcurrant bushes?

IN watering currant bushes They are most urgently needed before flowering and fruiting. It is recommended to water currants so that moisture does not fall on the stems and leaves - in order to prevent powdery mildew.

  • Watering is carried out mainly in dry weather.
  • Watering frequency: once every 7 days.
  • Water consumption: 50 liters per 1 currant bush.

And in April, it is worth paying attention to loosening the soil under the bush - to a depth of 5 cm. After weeding, the weeds do not need to be removed, but placed directly under the bush - this is additional mulching to retain moisture.

How to feed blackcurrants?

Black currant especially needs the right feeding in springnitrogen fertilizers:

  • The soil under the young bushes is sprinkled with urea. Dose for one plant aged from 2 to 4 years – 50 g. Bushes over 4 years old, in abundant feeding no longer need nitrogen. One such bush needs 25 g of urea. The fertilizer is simply spread on the ground and then lightly covered.
  • Urea is also added in the form of a solution: 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Solution consumption: 10 l per 1 bush. It is convenient to apply solutions as follows: at a distance of 20 cm from the bushes, make grooves with a rake and pour the nutrient mixture into them. After the holes are absorbed, the grooves are covered with earth.

Autumn feeding: under each currant bush put 5 kg of compost, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate.

Feed black currants you can also ready-made mixture organic fertilizers. 2-3 feedings per day are enough summer season(500 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water). And during the period of fruit set they are useful fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium.

In summer berry crops feed with a solution of mullein 1 to 10 with water. A bucket is enough to water 1 square. meters. At a distance of 20 cm from the bushes, grooves are made with a rake and the solution is poured into them. Once absorbed, cover with soil.

We personally tested the favorability of currants for mullein in practice. Our bushes grow next to our neighbor’s barn (2-3 meters), in which the calves live. Apparently, through the soil, even at a distance, currants receive a dose of nutrients. The berries grow large, juicy, hanging like grapes.

Fertilizing currants in spring and autumn

As soon as the ice melts in closed reservoirs, but the snow has not yet melted in some places (end of April), it is important to protect blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes from damage by mites and aphids. To do this, from a watering can with a strainer, bushes with already slightly swollen buds (in which, by the way, pests may already be hiding) hot water(not boiling water).

In spring, nitrogen fertilizing is especially useful for currants: 1-1.5 matchboxes are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water ammonium nitrate(or urea) and water each bush with a watering can and strainer (trunks and soil). Then the soil under the bushes is sprinkled with wood ash (1 cup per bush). After such a shower, the earth is carefully loosened so as not to damage the roots.

All berry crops after picking the berries they feed, including black currants. In autumn, as in spring, it is recommended to first sprinkle the soil under berry bushes with peat, compost, rotted manure and dig it up (at some distance from the bushes so as not to damage the roots). Then when autumn feeding It is recommended to add superphosphate (10 g per 1 m2) in combination with potassium salt. And in the spring - carbamide (urea), which is simply scattered over the soil and then lightly covered.

Beneficial effect on black currants peas, vetches and lupins growing nearby. In the fall, they should be dug up, and they will become an excellent fertilizer for bushes.

Feeding with folk remedies

Black currants love starch, so potato peels or leftover bread are often used as top dressing. How?

In the spring, potato peels dried over the winter (1 liter) are poured with boiling water and kept covered for 2 hours. Fertilizer consumption: 3 liters per 1 bush.
Another recipe: peels and bread scraps are mixed with grass and left to ferment. Released during fermentation carbon dioxide has a beneficial effect on the development of bushes.

Banana peels are valuable as a source of potassium for plants. To prepare the fertilizer, the peels of 5 bananas are dipped in a 10-liter bucket of water and left for 2 days, after which watering is carried out.

Or you can not bother yourself with preparing solutions, but simply chop up some fresh banana or potato peels and dig them under the bushes.

All types of currants are considered to be unpretentious and easy-to-care plants that can be found on almost all garden plots. At correct landing bushes quickly grow new branches and delight with a bountiful harvest of useful and delicious berries. But even the largest-fruited and productive varieties after a few years they become smaller and form all less berries, if you don't pay attention to them.

Intensive growth, flowering and ripening of berries require large quantity nutrients that currants actively consume from the soil. Organic and mineral fertilizers, which were placed in the hole when planting the plant, will be enough for 1-2 years, and after that the currants will have to be fed. To get a good harvest of berries, fertilizers for all types of currants must be applied annually, and their composition should depend on the stage of plant development. Red and white currant superior to black in terms of growth intensity, which means they require more nutrients.

Spring needs of currants

Spring care of currants includes not only treating shrubs from diseases and pests, but also applying nitrogen fertilizers. It is carried out at the beginning of leaf blossoming. Feeding during this period is especially important for young plants, which are actively forming new shoots and increasing leaf mass.

As spring feeding For red and black currants, you can use urea. After the snow melts, fertilizer crystals are distributed over the surface of the soil around the bushes and embedded in the ground. It is enough to shallowly dig or loosen the soil around the plant along the projection of the crown. To a young plant you need 40-50 g of urea, and for adult bushes the amount of fertilizer can be reduced. Feeding is also a good idea during this period. mineral elements. You can add 0.5 liters of ash under each plant. Or use ready-made complex fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Currants respond well to liquid fertilizers with infusion of mullein, bird droppings or slurry.

When fertilizing, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the soil. To dissolve minerals moisture is necessary, and high doses can damage the roots of the shrub, for example, if, when applied to dry soil, fertilizer granules get on the roots. Such care will do more harm to currants than good. If the spring is dry, then it is necessary to feed the plants only after abundant watering.

Soil conditions play a big role. When landing on the rich loamy soils It is allowed to fertilize once every 2 years. While on light sandy soils, where nutrients are quickly washed out, caring for currants must necessarily include annual fertilizing. In such conditions, in addition to urea, it is recommended to apply organic matter and potassium fertilizers.

How to feed bushes during and after flowering

The period of formation of inflorescences occurs in May June. The bushes continue to actively grow leaves and shoots and need nitrogen fertilizers, even when active spring growth has slowed down. In addition, the need for phosphorus and potassium, necessary for the formation of inflorescences and the formation of ovaries, will increase. Care during this period should take into account the needs of black and red currant bushes.

The best option Feeding during this period will be alternating complex mineral fertilizer with infusions of mullein or bird droppings. WITH special attention you need to treat red currants. This crop has special requirements for the choice of fertilizers. Red currants do not tolerate chlorine, so preference should be given to fertilizers that contain potassium sulfate instead of chloride. The potassium needs of red currants can be solved with the help of wood ash.

Liquid fertilizers are also used after flowering, during the formation of ovaries and the filling of berries. It is recommended to apply them along with watering, also adding a little wood ash. Many summer residents the best feeding They consider it an infusion of weeds that can be used without restrictions.

Proper feeding and growing of plants

What fertilizers are needed in the fall?

At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, when the harvest has already been harvested and the shoots have finished growing, currants need feeding no less than in other periods. Flower buds are laid on the shoots - the basis of the future harvest, and the bushes are preparing for the onset of cold weather.

During this period, the need for phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. A “set” of fertilizers is applied to the root zone, including:

  • Superphosphate (40-50 g);
  • Potassium sulfate (10 20 g);
  • Organic fertilizers (compost, manure, bird droppings).

Fertilizers are distributed in an even layer over the surface of the soil and sealed, carefully digging up the top layer so as not to injure the currant root system. On rich soils organic fertilizers can be deposited once every 2-3 years.

Mulch and green manure as natural fertilizer

Mulching is often perceived as a decorative or protective technique. Green manure is the best helper if there is a need to naturally increase soil fertility. Some plants are great natural fertilizers. Legumes (lupine, vetch), cereals (oats, rye), phacelia or white mustard will become mulch and fertilizer after mowing. This care is natural and will not harm the plants.

A layer of mulch helps retain soil moisture, protect the currant root system from overheating or severe frost, and prevents the germination of weeds. Various organic residues are often used as mulch: sawdust, peat, compost, pine needles, plant leaves, and mown grass. These substances gradually decompose, enriching the soil with the necessary nutritional properties. With regular mulching and constant renewal of this layer, you can completely abandon the addition of organic matter, since mulch will provide the currants with everything they need.

However, when using sawdust and pine needles as mulching material, you must remember that they acidify the soil, and currants love soils with neutral acidity. In this case, care should include additional contribution lime or wood ash to prevent acidification of the soil.

Tips from an experienced gardener: caring for a bush plant

And a little about the author’s secrets

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Currants constantly need nutrients, which they mainly consume from the soil. From year to year, the amount of nutrients in the soil decreases and in order to prolong the life of berry bushes, the quality of the soil must be increased by applying fertilizers. During the season, it is recommended to fertilize currants 4-5 times, using both mineral and organic fertilizers.

  1. The very first fertilizing is carried out at the moment the plant awakens and the active growth of green mass;
  2. The second feeding is carried out during flowering;
  3. The third feeding occurs during the period of fruit formation and ripening;
  4. Fourth, after harvest;
  5. The fifth can be done when preparing bushes for wintering.

Top dressing can be root or foliar. Foliar feeding carried out by spraying the bush with a weak fertilizer solution.

With this type of feeding, nutrients are absorbed through the leaves and reach the plant faster than with root feeding.
For root feeding nutrients enter the soil and are absorbed by the plant through the absorption of beneficial elements by the roots. Delivery process nutrients It takes time for the roots to reach, and the bush does not receive them right away.

To obtain healthy harvest With berry bushes, it is recommended to alternate these two types of fertilizing.

How can you feed currant bushes?

On the Internet there are a lot of tips and recipes for all kinds of solutions for fertilizing with the percentage and weight content of all the substances necessary for application, depending on the stage of vegetative development of the bush. It is almost impossible to remember everything, and probably not necessary. The most important thing that novice gardeners need to know is:

  • The first two fertilizers should contain nitrogen.
  • Subsequent feeding should be carried out by eliminating or reducing the level of nitrogen elements (since nitrogen promotes the active growth of green mass, and at the stage of formation and ripening of berries this is no longer necessary, because the bush should direct all its forces to the formation and ripening of fruits, and not active growth green mass).

The simplest compositions for feeding currant bushes

Specialized mixtures fertilizers for fruit bushes. Purchased granular or liquid fertilizers for feeding fruit bushes (spring-autumn) are convenient to use. On the back of each package there is detailed instructions on application, composition, timing and rates of fertilizer application.

Folk recipes:

  • Nitrogen-containing fertilizers (spring);
  • Complex feeding (summer - autumn).

Nitrogen is found in manure, compost, and bird droppings.
1. Rotted manure is diluted in water 1:4 and the bushes are watered. Fresh, add water 1:1 and leave for 2-3 days. Bred ready-made composition 1:10 and water at the rate of 1 bucket of solution per bush.

2. Bird droppings are diluted 1:12, the application rate is the same - 1 bucket per bush.
3. It is good to mulch the ground under the bush with humus or compost throughout the spring and summer period.

Complex fertilizing of currants

Complex fertilizers should contain phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and other useful elements. For such fertilizing, you can use ash, starch, and yeast.

All of the listed compositions can be used both for root feeding and for foliar feeding. You just need to be careful with manure and bird droppings; their concentration should be halved.

At first glance, it may seem that preparing infusions is a long and labor-intensive process, but this is not so, we lay necessary ingredients in a bucket of water and place it in the greenhouse. The cooking process will proceed on its own while you go about your business.

Traditional feeding methods should be used in combination with mineral fertilizers, alternating them with each other.

Take care of the currant bushes and then they will definitely thank you with an abundant, juicy and very sweet harvest.

After any winter - with severe frosts or prolonged thaws, snow or periods without precipitation, currant bushes are depleted. After all, they spend all their reserves on a safe winter. The soil near the bush intensively loses nutrients. Especially if the currants are old and have been in this place for several years. Therefore, timely application of fertilizers to the soil is the key to good development of the bush and, as a result, increased productivity. At different stages growing season currants need certain microelements. Therefore, the task of the summer resident is to decide on fertilizing and the stages of applying mineral or organic fertilizers. How to feed currants in spring for good harvest

and will be discussed in this article.

Deadlines Undoubtedly, currants will bear fruit without fertilizing. That's just how it is. But instead of large and sweet-sour berries, the gardener can get small and sour fruits. Moreover, in small quantities. It follows from this that currants need to be fed. Of course, it is better to use organic fertilizers in the fall for digging, but if this did not work out due to some objective or subjective reasons, then starting in early spring it is necessary to enrich the soil with useful substances. But experience and practice show that this needs to be done systematically.

In the fall, once every two years, 2-3 centners of manure are applied per hundred square meters or the same area, 2 kilograms of ammonium nitrate, 3 kilograms of superphosphate and 1.5 kilograms of potassium salt. If the currant has good growth or grows in southern regions, then the fertilizer rate should be less.

The process of feeding shrubs should take place in several stages. And the first three of them are in the spring.


The first feeding is carried out in early spring, as soon as soil conditions allow. Usually bird droppings or slurry, having previously diluted with water. Manure three to four times, and bird droppings at the rate of 1:10.

If feeding with slurry is carried out, then wood ash is added to it (150 grams per bush).


In regions located further north, spring comes later. Therefore, fertilizing can be done in April during the bud break period. Again, organics or ammonium nitrate are used. Many gardeners use urea. For young plants, 40–50 grams per bush. But the older the currant, the less the dose should be. In addition, it is divided into two feedings.


For adult fruit-bearing plants, the second fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers can be carried out in May, after the currants bloom. During this period, it is practiced to fertilize shrubs with complex mineral fertilizers. Apply preparations diluted with water into grooves about 10 cm deep. They are cut at a distance of 0.5 meters from the bush. As soon as the solution is absorbed, the grooves are closed and the soil in the area where the currants grow is loosened. The purpose of April and May fertilizing is to increase the growth and number of fruiting branches, which will naturally lead to an increase in yield. At the end of May - beginning of June, foliar feeding can be done.

Rules for fertilizing

Top dressing can be root and foliar. The rules for their introduction are radically different from each other. So, the first ones are carried out in specially cut grooves about 10 cm deep, which should be at least 40 cm from the bush. Fertilizers in spring are mainly nitrogen. And nitrogen evaporates very easily. Therefore, preparations containing it must be instilled, after thoroughly moistening the root circle.

Foliar feeding can be done two weeks after the root feeding, twice a season.

All components are diluted separately with water, and then all solutions are poured into one container. May contain urea, boric acid, zinc chloride, potassium permanganate and more.

Foliar feeding is best done in the evening, in calm weather.

More information about fertilization methods can be found below.

Application methods

There are two methods of fertilizing: root and foliar.

There is only one difference: in the first case, the fertilizer is applied to the ground, and in the second, the bush is sprayed with the necessary solution.

Root fertilization is carried out in two ways:

Foliar treatment is carried out along leaf blades. With this method, beneficial nutrients are absorbed and absorbed by plants much faster.

In order to correctly determine the timing of fertilizing, you need to know certain nuances of the currant growing season.

Growing season of currants

Currants are an agricultural crop that is one of the first to enter the growing season. That is, her buds begin to grow almost immediately after the snow melts. In the southern regions the plant begins to bloom in April, and in temperate latitudes in May. But more precise dates depend in all regions on fluctuations average daily temperatures. The flowering phase lasts from 5 to 15 days. This process often coincides with the flowering of bird cherry and occurs when weather conditions worsen. Especially increasing the speed of winds in the northern, eastern and northeastern directions. Therefore, the flowering phase may be somewhat delayed. Hence, the feeding schedule often extends to April - May and even early June.

Types of fertilizers

Fertilizers are used to maintain soil fertility. Officially they are divided into two groups:

  1. Organic.
  2. Mineral.

But summer residents have long learned to use other effective folk remedies.

In order not to harm the currants, but to improve growth and fruiting, you need to know what kind of feeding this or that nutrients should be carried out in the spring.


Currently, the fertilizer industry produces three groups of fertilizers:

  • Nitrogen(ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, sodium and calcium nitrate, urea). In spring, nitrogen fertilizing is necessary for the growth of green mass of shrubs.

When applied, synthetic urea slightly acidifies the soil, and currants do not like to grow on soils with a low acid-base balance.

  • Phosphorus fertilizers(superphosphate, precipitate, phosphate and bone meal, waste slag, etc.).

Bone meal contains about 35% phosphoric acid. Especially useful for acidic soils, since when applied it alkalizes it.

  • Potassium(potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium salts and lime fertilizers).

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used more at the end of summer in order to increase the frost resistance of shrubs.

Folk remedies

Potato peelings and yeast are used as fertilizers.

Potato waste can be dried and buried under the bush, or you can make a decoction and pour it over the bush. It is enough to bring a kilogram of product to a boil in 10 liters of water and let it sit for 3-4 days.

Preparing a yeast solution is also not difficult. You need to mix half a kilogram pack of the product with sugar (100 grams). Then dissolve the mixture in 10 liters warm water. Let it sit for 1-2 hours. After this, you can feed the bush with the prepared nutrient mixture.


Organic fertilizers include manure, slurry, feces, bird droppings, peat, green fertilizers, ash. Exactly wood ash is most effective in acidic soils because it alkalizes them well.

Animal urine is diluted with water 6 times before application, and slurry 4 times. Chicken manure should be diluted with water in proportions of 1:20. True, some summer residents also practice 1:10, 1:15.

To feed shrubs in early spring, use animal urine, slurry, diluted chicken droppings, etc.


To improve the growth of vegetative mass and increase the yield of currants, it is necessary to adhere to a certain scheme for applying fertilizers in the spring. There are three stages of the procedure.


Before the buds open, as soon as soil conditions allow, fertilize with preparations containing nitrogen.

  • Substances must first be dissolved in water. It could be slurry or chicken droppings. To feed one bush you will need (not dissolved):
  • Slurry - 2 liters;
  • Bird droppings 250 grams;

Nitrogen fertilizing of currants in early spring is carried out only if the main fertilizers were not applied for digging in the fall.


The second feeding is carried out 2 weeks after the first. Under the bushes you can pour and dig in humus and a little potassium sulfate (a tablespoon). Be sure to water the soil abundantly after this.


The third and last feeding, foliar, is carried out 2 weeks after the second with a urea solution. It is enough to dissolve 10 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water and thoroughly treat the leaves of the bush with this drug.

Newbie mistakes

Not only beginners, but also experienced gardeners. The most common errors:

Do not dilute slurry, chicken manure and manure in the required proportions. High concentrations of these substances may cause damage. root system currants. And if the drugs get on the trunk or leaf blades, the plant may get burned.

It is useless for bushes to apply fertilizers to dry soil. Before the procedure, it must be well moistened.

It must be remembered that mineral fertilizers different types must be mixed immediately before application.

When root feeding, solutions are often poured directly under the bush. This is undesirable, as the roots may be damaged. It is better to do this in holes dug along the periphery of the currant crown to a depth of about 10 cm.

Some inexperienced gardeners fertilize at noon. Best time– evening or early morning.

It is best to apply mineral and organic fertilizers not separately, but half in equal proportions.


Video about fertilizing currants in spring.


Spring fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers in early spring is carried out only if fertilizers were not applied for digging in the fall. This is done in three stages:

  1. First stage. For unopened buds, as soon as weather and soil conditions allow.
  2. Second phase. Two weeks after the first feeding.
  3. Third stage. Foliar fertilizing with a urea solution is carried out 14 days after the second application of fertilizers.

In order to properly fertilize currants and not burn the bushes and roots, it is necessary to first dissolve mineral and organic fertilizers in water and, during root feeding, pour the solution into the grooves, which, after absorption, must be immediately covered with soil.