Pillows filled with buckwheat. Buckwheat pillow for health: beneficial characteristics, possible harm and disadvantages. Tips for selection, care, reviews

To improve the quality of sleep and give the body the opportunity to fully rest, people resort to everything possible ways. It's no secret that one of the elements of healthy sleep is how comfortable the pillow you choose is, especially if you have back problems. Modern manufacturers of this bedding, taking this factor into account, they are expanding the range of pillows offered to consumers, giving preference to environmentally friendly materials, convenience and therapeutic effect.

Particular attention is paid to the pillow filling. And if down pillows or pillows with holofiber have already become familiar to us, then, for example, filling in the form of coconut or bamboo often causes surprise. And some could not even think that a pillow could be filled with buckwheat husks! But such pillows exist, and have been for a very long time - buckwheat husks were used to stuff pillows back in the Ancient China and Japan.

In Asian countries, pillows with buckwheat husks are still very popular, especially among representatives alternative medicine. In the USA, this bedding is also in demand, and rehabilitation specialists often recommend this device for treating the back and correcting posture.

To what does the buckwheat husk pillow owe its popularity? Is it really that effective and does it have any disadvantages? Having studied the reviews of people who have experienced its effect on themselves, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a pillow stuffed with buckwheat husk in more detail.

What are the functions of a pillow filled with buckwheat?

According to the manufacturers, a crispy eco-pillow made from buckwheat husk can not only improve sleep, relieve headaches and muscle pain, straighten the spine and ensure correct posture, but also prevent the appearance of dust mites in the pillow. As for the latter, few such studies have been conducted in our country, but Korean experts presented facts according to which the number of dust mites in a synthetic pillow was several hundred times higher than in a pillow made of buckwheat husk.

If the manufacturer approaches the cleaning of buckwheat husk from flour residues with all responsibility, then the pillow will be completely safe for everyone, including allergy sufferers and asthmatics. And if you have any doubts, before using it for the first time, you can freeze the buckwheat husk pillow - this will not give dust mites any chance!

It is better to purchase pillows filled with buckwheat husks from companies whose specialization is the development of environmentally friendly products. In Asia, the USA and Canada, they approach this matter with all responsibility, subjecting the husks to multi-stage purification, which reduces the risk of allergies to almost zero. Such a pillow will be able to take the correct anatomical shape and, in combination with the orthopedic properties of the bedding, provide external micromassage and inhalation of buckwheat essential oils, benefiting the body from the inside.

The main function of a buckwheat husk pillow is to provide comfortable and complete sleep with simultaneous orthopedic effects. Repeating the contours of the head, such a pillow relieves excessive stress on the cervical and shoulder regions and provides support to the spine. With the help of this bedding, it is possible to align the spine and correct posture.

Advantages of a pillow filled with buckwheat husks

  1. Convenience for everyone - the volume of a buckwheat husk pillow can be easily changed, adjusting it to suit you personally. The amount of filler can be reduced or increased using a convenient zippered compartment.
  2. Supports the head and neck in the correct position while sleeping. Adapting to the curves of the body, evenly distributing the load, a buckwheat husk pillow helps relieve pain and relieve neck tension, which is especially important for cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Micromassage. A light massage, somewhat similar to acupressure, affects the shoulders, head and neck, improving blood flow and lymph flow to the brain, which helps relieve headaches, normalize blood pressure and combat chronic fatigue.
  4. Reducing pain. About a fifth of those who regularly use pillows with buckwheat filling noted a significant reduction in pain in the cervical region. Only 5% of consumers were dissatisfied with the pillow and complained of pain caused by its excessive hardness.
  5. Fight against snoring. Since the head and neck are in the correct position during sleep, snoring decreases and in some cases disappears altogether.
  6. A pillow with buckwheat husk does not accumulate heat and moisture and is highly breathable. Thanks to this, it will not be hot to sleep on. However, after the expiration date, the husks become compacted, and the ability to pass air gradually decreases.
  7. Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic. Thanks to natural and safe materials it is possible to avoid allergies during operation buckwheat pillow and also prevent the development of asthma.
  8. Benefits for breathing. Essential buckwheat oils contained in the husk have a healing effect on the respiratory system.
  9. Minimal care. The pillow cover can be washed by first removing it from it. buckwheat husk. If the pillow is knocked to one side, this can be corrected by shaking it thoroughly. The only thing the manufacturer does not recommend doing is soaking the husks, as they will quickly become saturated with moisture, which will be very difficult to dry.

Disadvantages of buckwheat husk pillows

All problems associated with a pillow stuffed with buckwheat husks arise mainly from initial stage use. It could be:

  • the need to get used to the pillow due to its hardness and weight;
  • at first, the rustling of the husks may interfere with falling asleep;
  • It will take some time to determine the optimal pillow volume for you personally;
  • short service life;
  • Some people are annoyed by the smell of buckwheat from the pillow.

A pillow with buckwheat husks is indeed more rigid than the down or feather bedding we are used to. This especially affects those who are not used to sleeping on their back. Lying on their side or stomach, some noted that in the first days of use, more pressure was placed on the ears and a tingling sensation appeared. However, you need to remember that if you purchased a pillow with buckwheat hulls in medicinal purposes, then sooner or later you will have to learn to sleep on your back so that your neck and head are placed in the correct position during sleep.

The next drawback is weight. A pillow with buckwheat husks does not allow for turning over during sleep, so its weight is appropriate - 1-5 kg.

You will also have to get used to this, as well as the fact that in order to move such a pillow you will need to put in more effort.

The rustle of buckwheat husks initially distracts some from sleep, which is not surprising - such pillows are considered hardly the noisiest. This greatly interferes, again, with those who sleep on their sides and stomachs, with their ear against the pillow. However, many users claim that this drawback goes away in a maximum of 3-4 days. Having gotten used to the crunching of buckwheat husks, at first, over time, you stop noticing it altogether.

To determine the size of the buckwheat pillow, you will need to experiment for several days with the amount of filler. Considering that the manufacturers have provided for everything and made the adjustment process as comfortable as possible (the cover has a zipper, an additional amount of buckwheat filling is supplied with the pillow), this drawback is also not so significant.

But the limited service life of a pillow with buckwheat hulls is a more serious inconvenience. As the husk gradually becomes denser with use, the size of the pillow gradually decreases. You can, of course, regularly add husks (if you have them in stock), but experts recommend completely updating the buckwheat pillow filler every 2-5 years. The frequency of updating here depends on how well you take care of the pillow.

The unpleasant smell from the pillow, which bothered users in the first days, also disappeared over time.

As you can see, almost all the disadvantages of a pillow with buckwheat filling are associated with primary inconveniences of use. Considering that the majority of people who use it note that they are satisfied with the purchase by about 4 points out of 5, it should be assumed that the benefits of a buckwheat husk pillow are still much greater. By the way, the manufacturing company also played an important role in the evaluation, so before purchasing, carefully study the sites with the product and try to evaluate it from the point of view of the quality and reliability of the supplier.

How to care for a “buckwheat” pillow?

As we have already written, there is nothing complicated in this matter. To extend the life of a pillow with buckwheat filling, it is necessary to carry out several manipulations:

  1. Do not wash the entire pillow. Only send the diaper for washing. In this case, it is better to pour the filler into a sealed bag and protect it from moisture. Although it is preferable to clean the bedstead with a vacuum cleaner. It is recommended to clean the pillow with buckwheat hulls several times a month at the beginning of use, and then you can do this as needed.
  2. Don't forget to ventilate your pillow. If possible, pour the filler into a suitable container and dry it in the sun (just keep it away from the wind!).
  3. Shake the pillow regularly - this will help prevent husk particles from quickly knocking down.
  4. Periodically sift the filler to get rid of crushed husk particles.

Pillow filling is an important component of a restful and healthy sleep. Not only the cost, but also the softness, elasticity of the surface, smell and the ability of the product to retain its shape depend on its quality and characteristics. In the East, the culture of sleep dates back more than one century. In Japan, for example, with apparent external asceticism, special requirements are placed on the rigidity, hygroscopicity and environmental friendliness of pastel accessories.

Pillows made from buckwheat husks are especially popular among the scrupulous Japanese. Many experts consider this option the best of all used today

natural fillers for bedding.

Unfortunately, such pillows are not yet widely available. But any of the models can be bought in the Dreamcatcher online store.

Residents of Moscow have the option of self-pickup or purchase at one of 11 operating retail outlets, full list which are located on the company’s website in the “Delivery and Payment” section.

What are the benefits of buckwheat husk pillows?

Unlike down pillows, the proposed option is more rigid. Thanks to the fine fraction, the filler freely takes the shape of the head, without losing elasticity and preventing the back of the head from “sagging.” In this position, there is no deformation of the cervical spine, and blood circulates freely without stagnation. With constant use of the pillow, noticeable improvements in well-being are observed in people suffering from headaches, increased intracranial pressure, chondrosis and other diseases of the blood vessels and musculoskeletal system.

At the same time, the buckwheat pillow has a pronounced conditioning effect and good hygroscopicity. Buckwheat husks perfectly maintain a constant temperature. Unlike medical products, which have the same set of useful properties and are used in rehabilitation institutions, a pillow made from buckwheat husk is relatively inexpensive.

It is worth adding that products made from buckwheat husks are completely hypoallergenic. The filler does not rot, does not cake, does not accumulate dust and has no irritating odor. Even those who sleep on these pillows are useful. Anyone who has an allergic reaction to the protein contained in buckwheat flour. Thanks to thorough cleaning of the filler, its traces are completely absent from buckwheat husks.

How to properly care for an eco-pillow?

  1. Each buckwheat pillow, which you can buy in our store, is sold in special adjustable covers that allow you to add or, conversely, reduce the amount of filler. For hygienic use, cover the cover with a regular cotton pillowcase.
  2. In order for the pad to retain its properties longer healing properties, like any bedding, it needs to be shaken and ventilated. It is not recommended to wash the cover with filling.
  3. Instead, experts advise “roasting” pillows in the summer sun or “calcining” them in the cold in winter.

Types of pillows made from buckwheat husks

Standard buckwheat pillow (price varies depending on size) - 40x60 cm and 50x70 cm. If necessary, you can order a model of a different size.

Often manufacturers offer not only traditional rectangular flat options, but also rollers or “horseshoes”. Their price is usually lower.

For children, special models of smaller size and filling density are produced.

The most popular additives used are combinations medicinal herbs, bamboo fiber, film pine nuts or a synthetic filler that regulates the rigidity of the product.

Unshelled buckwheat is sometimes found in large chain stores. You can buy it both at a beekeeping farm and from a farmer who grows this crop. Sometimes such cereals are sold in large markets. It is very important to determine the amount of such cereals. As a rule, unhulled cereals contain approximately the same amount of husk as kernels.

Husk separation

To separate the husks, you will need a thick cloth bag. Place the cereal in it and tie it. It is best to make a loop at the end of the tie to make it easier to bang this bag against the wall. If there is a lot of buckwheat, you can put the bag on the floor and beat it with a wooden stick. Ten minutes of intense beating will be enough. Cover the room with sheets or pieces of wallpaper. Place a large sheet of paper on top. Pour the contents of the bag onto it and place it in a warm place, but protected from direct sunlight and wind. The buckwheat together with the husk should dry well, after which the husk will easily separate. It is best to separate with a hairdryer or fan. The kernel will remain in place, but the husk will scatter, and this is what sheets or pieces of wallpaper are needed for. Collect the husks in a separate bag. There is no need to dry it additionally.


They sew a buckwheat pillow in the same way as a feather pillow. True, the fabric for the bedspread may not be so thick, because buckwheat husks do not tend to come out through the gaps between the threads. Take a piece of fairly thick cotton fabric. Cut out a large rectangle. Fold it in half with the right side facing inward. Sew the side seams and part of the top seam, leaving a small opening. Stuff the pillow with buckwheat husks and seal the hole. Sew a pillowcase onto the pillow.

Buckwheat pillow

Despite the fact that buckwheat is not the most best material for stuffing, sometimes they make such pillows. Such bedding, however, turns out to be quite hard. In addition, buckwheat, unlike husks, can rot. Such a pillow usually does not last long, only a few months. The cereal must be thoroughly calcined. To do this, cover a baking sheet with tracing paper. Place the buckwheat in an even layer on the paper. Preheat the oven to 200°C, place a baking sheet in it and heat the cereal for half an hour. It is better to make a pillowcase for such a pillow from soft fabric. Modern hypoallergenic materials are suitable, as well as natural fabrics such as thick cloth. Stuff the pillow very tightly. You can take the most ordinary pillowcase, suitable in size.

From time immemorial, goose and duck down have been collected to make pillows and blankets. Natural feather products are soft, voluminous and can give the sweetest dream. However, those who suffer from allergies should approach the issue of using natural raw materials with special caution.

Procurement of raw materials

The production of a feather pillow begins from the moment of procurement of raw materials. For one thick pillow standard size you will need at least 1.2 kg of a mixture of feathers and down, which in terms of birds will be 10 geese or 15–20 ducks. The presence of feathers and down is mandatory, since an exclusively down product will quickly get confused and lose its shape.

During the harvesting process, feathers are plucked and sorted. In order for the feathers to be plucked well, the beaten bird must be immersed in boiled hot water for several minutes.

Having separated the feather plates from the edge, place the raw materials in gauze, calico or cotton bags measuring 80x50 cm. Prepare a soap solution by combining 200 g of grated water in 12 liters of boiling water. laundry soap and 800 g washing powder. Soak the feather bags for 30-40 minutes, then rinse in warm and cold water.

Pillow manufacturing sequence

For one feather pillow you will need:
- fluff,
- fabric 75x150 cm,
- ruler,
- scissors,
- threads,
- ruler.

To make pillows, choose natural fabric, the density of which will not allow fluff to escape during use. The most suitable would be teak - a cotton fabric that is particularly durable due to its weaving. The density of down-containing teak should vary from 140 to 155 grams per square meter of fabric. Teak is also supported by the fact that it is natural material, does not cause allergies, retains heat, while allowing air to pass through.

Cut a rectangle from the fabric and fold it in half. The making of the bedstead is carried out using a special linen seam. To do this, sew the edge on the right side, and then sew on the wrong side. Leave a small hole on one side through which you can fill the stuffing. Once you've finished stuffing the pillow, sew up the hole.

Feather pillow care

The durability of feather products largely depends on proper care. Feathers collect moisture, dust, and fat, so they need to be systematically washed at least once every 2 years. If this rule is followed, goose feather filler will not lose its quality for 25 years, duck feather filler for 10 years.

To wash the fluff, take it out of the pillowcase, place it in a gauze bag and wash it in soapy water, dry it and put it back into the pillowcase. Do not forget that the product should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated area.

IN modern world There are objects that seem to be made from completely unexpected materials. For example, who would have thought that Buckwheat husk can be used as a pillow filler. In our article we will tell you the benefits and harms of such a product and how to care for it.

First, let's figure out what it is buckwheat husk. Surely everyone has noticed a black husk in the cereal, so it is the husk. After the stage of purification from flour, it began to be used as a filling for pillows.
On an industrial scale, it is obtained during crop processing. First, the nucleoli are treated with water, then using dry air. Then the cereal is threshed, and as a result, husks are obtained, which are used for the production of pillows.

Important!Be sure to monitor the thickness of the product, adjust it to suit you, because if it is very thick, in addition to simple discomfort, it can lead to diseases with the spine and blood flow.

Buckwheat husk- This is a natural bio-filler, which is distinguished by orthopedic and massage properties. This product is able to remember its shape from the first time of use. Products with a denser filler have a higher orthopedic quality, as a result of which the massage effect of the head and neck becomes noticeably noticeable.

The product happens different sizes and density, which allows you to choose it based on your needs. However, thanks to the presence of a zipper on the side of the pillow, you can always remove or add husks, thereby customizing the products for yourself.

  • pain in the spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • sleep problems;
  • frequent headaches;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • snoring;
  • increased sweating;
  • allergies to feathers, wool, dust.

TO beneficial properties Buckwheat husk pillows include:
  • husk is an environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergies;
  • thanks to the ability to take a comfortable position, you will not snore;
  • has a massage effect on the neck and head area. This helps to work on bioactive points, which helps get rid of headaches, restores blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, and relieves chronic fatigue;
  • mites do not collect in the husk, which are often the cause of allergies and asthma;
  • husk contains essential oils, helping to improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • the product does not retain or give off heat, so sleeping on it is very comfortable - not cold and not hot;
  • there is a possibility self-regulation pillow height.

Sleeping equipment made from buckwheat husks is an indispensable thing during pregnancy. Quite often, expectant mothers complain of pain in the back, lower back, and neck, and it is the correct position during sleep that can relieve these terrible sensations. The buckwheat product takes the required shape, which creates comfort during sleep. Some are afraid to purchase it because they believe that it has a lot of weight, and lifting heavy objects during pregnancy is prohibited.
In fact, this is not true at all - the husk, of course, has a certain weight, but it is quite safe to lift during pregnancy.

Buckwheat husk and children

You can buy a buckwheat pillow for a child, but only if he is over 2 years old. In this case, you need to choose a product with a small amount of husk, gradually adding filler to the pillow.

Some babies initially reject such an unusual object; in this case, it is necessary to accustom the child to the pillow gradually: during illness or in moments of overexcitement. Sometimes, in order to enhance the therapeutic effect, buckwheat husks are mixed with various herbs - hops, cedar shavings.

Did you know? In India, buckwheat is called “black rice”, since it ranks second in popularity after this cereal.

Using husk bedding for children has the following advantages:

  • prevents skull deformation;
  • prevents the development of torticollis;
  • reduces increased muscle tone in the neck area;
  • fixes the head and ensures a restful sleep.

Before purchasing this product for a child, you should definitely consult a doctor, as in some situations there may be contraindications.

Even considering the enormous benefits that using a specific pillow can bring, some are in no hurry to purchase it for some reason. Let's look at them.


Depending on the size of the pillow, its weight can range from 2 to 3.5 kg. Of course, if you buy it for a child, it will be quite difficult for the baby to lift and shift it himself. It is this moment that often stops parents when buying things.

Presence of odor

Unfortunately, buckwheat husk has a specific smell, and despite the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, not everyone can tolerate it well. There are cases where, after “inhaling” buckwheat, people cannot eat porridge for a long time.

Rustle in a dream

People who sleep lightly are unlikely to be able to decide on such a pillow. Every time you turn over, you will hear the rustle of the husk. You should also not forget about the one who is next to you - this moment will also interfere with his sleep.


The effectiveness of orthopedic treatment lies in the degree of rigidity. However, for some people, a hard pillow may be uncomfortable and they may not get used to it. It is for this reason that people may refuse it.

Short shelf life

Unfortunately, over time, the husks are crushed by using the pillow, and the massage effect becomes less noticeable. On average, the shelf life of the product is approximately 2 years, after which it is recommended to either purchase a new pillow or fill it with new buckwheat hulls.

From a medical point of view, harm from using a pillow may include allergic reactions to the husk. In addition, after the expiration date, the husks may have negative impact on the human body, releasing harmful substances, so it is very important to promptly replace the filler.

Not just for sleeping, buckwheat seat cushion

A buckwheat pillow can be used not only for sleeping. It will become an integral item that will provide you with convenience if you spend a lot of time at the computer or in the car. It can be placed on an armchair, on a sofa, on a chair.

Buckwheat husk has a tonic, conditioning and light massage effect. Using a pillow will help eliminate pain, stimulate blood flow, and also prevent ailments in the genital area and diseases of the internal organs.

  • give preference to a cover made of natural fabrics;
  • buy a pillow with a zipper on the side- this will allow you to adjust its height and replace the husks at the end of the shelf life;
  • choose a case in light colors, so you can notice when fine dust spills out of the product;
  • optimal size - 60 by 40 cm. If you have high shoulders, it is better to purchase a product 50 by 70 cm; for children it is better to purchase a pillow no more than 50 by 40 cm;
  • the most convenient form- rectangle. Square and round products will not be very suitable for relaxation.

Product care rules

Over time, buckwheat scales rub against each other, which leads to loss of volume of the product. However, if you follow some tips for caring for your pillow, it will look like new for a long time.

  1. Wet processing of the product is not recommended.
  2. Dry clean once every 2 months. A vacuum cleaner is suitable for this. For the first time after purchase, you should vacuum the product 2 times a month.
  3. It is recommended to periodically sift the husks - this will help get rid of worn-out particles.
  4. Ventilate the product on the balcony, in summer time- dry the filler.

Important! A sleeping bag made of buckwheat husks should have two covers, since small dust particles can spill through one layer of material, which are dangerous for the eyes.

To summarize, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the main fillings for pillows.

To the advantages feather filler include:

  • very soft and comfortable;
  • is able to quickly restore its shape and is easy to whip;
  • retains heat well and has a breathable effect;
  • long service life - up to 7 years.

To the disadvantages feather filler include:
  • increased hygroscopicity, which leads to the formation of a humid environment in which microorganisms and dust mites develop;
  • can cause ;
  • difficulties in care;
  • does not provide support to the spine, may prick.

To the benefits padding polyester include:

  • has good elasticity;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • light, airy;
  • easy to care for, can be washed in a washing machine.

Among the minuses padding polyester :

  • elasticity is lost during use;
  • lasts no more than 4-5 years.

On to the pros buckwheat husk include:
  • has a massage and aromatherapy effect;
  • hygroscopic;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • has antibacterial properties.

On to the cons buckwheat husk include:

  • quite tough;
  • heavy;
  • short service life;
  • quickly loses shape; It makes a lot of noise when in use.

Did you know? Buckwheat is a low-yielding cereal: only 4-10 centners can be harvested from 1 hectare, while for rice this figure reaches 60 centners.

Buckwheat husk bedding - perfect solution, if you often suffer from headaches, have a sedentary and sedentary job. Using this product, you can significantly improve your well-being.

Sleep is for good rest of the whole body. If you regularly wake up with a heavy head, frequent headaches, stiff arms and neck, then this is a reason to think about the incorrect position of your head on the pillow while sleeping. Long gone are the days when people preferred to sleep on high feather pillows, like our great-grandmothers.

Scientists have proven that the quality of sleep depends on the size of the pillow, its height and filling. It is recommended to sleep on low pillows that support the head and neck in an anatomical position. These include orthopedic pillows made from buckwheat husks. They have long been used in Asian countries and have become widespread in the United States of America and Canada. Gradually, our citizens are acquiring pillows that bring health benefits.

What is buckwheat husk?

Everyone is familiar with the pieces of black husk that are found among buckwheat. This is buckwheat (or buckwheat) husk. Cleaned of flour, it began to be used to fill pillows. When purchasing products made from buckwheat husks, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, the quality of the pillow and your health depend on it.

Husk and dust mite

A pillow made of buckwheat husks does not collect dust and does not harbor dust mites - a constant companion of down and feather products. This fact was proven in scientific research that was carried out in 2004. Therefore, people suffering from allergic diseases and bronchial asthma can sleep on such a pillow. For those who still doubt their absence, we will give one piece of advice - freeze the husks in the freezer for 24 hours.

Types of pillows

In addition to traditional rectangular products measuring 40x60 or 50x70 cm, children's pillows and neck cushions in the shape of a horseshoe or a regular round shape are made.

For children

Buckwheat pillows for children can be used after two years. The amount of filler should be minimal, and over time it can be gradually increased. If the child cannot sleep on it right away, then you can limit its use during illness or when overexcited. To enhance the therapeutic effect, some manufacturers add various herbs to pillows - mint, hops, oregano, cedar shavings.

First make sure that the child is not allergic to medicinal herbs.

For sitting

People who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car, or in the office can look for a buckwheat husk cushion for sitting. It can be used for car seats, sofas and chairs. They have a tonic, conditioning and light massage effect on the biologically active points of our body. This helps to get rid of various pains, activate blood flow, and prevent many problems in the genital and internal organs.

Using buckwheat husk as a filler has many advantages over a down or synthetic pillow. For those who suffer from allergies to house dust, feathers or bed mites, such pillows will be a real salvation.

People who have spinal diseases, lead a sedentary lifestyle or are employed hard work, sleeping on a pillow with buckwheat will help relieve tension in the muscles of the neck and back. This occurs due to the rigidity of buckwheat, which takes the shape of the body and fixes it.

Before going to bed, the pillow should be fluffed so that it absorbs correct form. If at first you feel discomfort at night, you wake up with the desire to turn around, take a different position, you can also lightly tap the filler with your hand.


The advantage of buckwheat hull pillows is their ability to absorb sweat without creating a thermal effect in hot weather. The structure of buckwheat husk and its shape allow air to pass inside the product.

It will be useful for you to know about the massage effect of the husk on the muscles, face and scalp when you go to bed.

  • Relaxing the muscles of the neck and forearm improves blood circulation in the head.
  • Headaches associated with incorrect body position on the pillow will go away.
  • The snoring that bothers you and your loved ones will decrease or completely disappear.
  • Acupressure of the skin of the neck and face will prevent wrinkles.
  • The effect on the scalp increases blood supply to the hair follicles, which will improve the condition and growth of hair.

Buckwheat pillows are environmental products. If they don't suit you individual indications, then you should pay attention to synthetic filler.


In front of everyone positive properties Products filled with buckwheat husk have certain disadvantages.

  • Some people are allergic to buckwheat husks, so they will have to limit synthetic fillers pillows
  • At first, the pillow seems too hard, the rustling sound is annoying, and the smell is intrusive. After a while, you get used to the rustling and harshness, the smell of the husk becomes softer, and sleep brings pleasure, giving you an easy awakening without headaches or numbness in your hands.
  • Minor disadvantages include the greater weight of the pillow and the short service life of buckwheat husks. A buckwheat pillow will last from two to five years.

Choosing the right one

When purchasing a buckwheat husk pillow, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The fabric from which the cover is made must be natural;
  • The presence of a snake makes it possible to clean the pillow and adjust the height by adding or reducing the amount of buckwheat husk;
  • The light cover allows you to see when shaking that fine dust does not fall out of the pillow.

  • A pillow filled with husks cannot be washed. You can pour out the husks and wash the cover separately. Buckwheat should be sifted to remove crushed particles.
  • The pillow must be shaken periodically and dried in the open air without direct sunlight in summer.

Compliance with these simple rules will increase the service life of buckwheat husks.