Crafts for the garden from waste materials. Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden: photos and descriptions of the best ideas. What improvised materials are best not to use for garden crafts?

Owners of summer cottages or garden plots are happy people. After all, even on a small piece of land you can do great work and relax with friendly company. There is also room for creativity here. You can decorate your site with simple DIY crafts. After all, they are the ones who create that unique comfort and light romantic mood. Also, if you don’t yet have good gardening equipment and tools, then we recommend looking at these products, for example, we bought a chainsaw with a 40% discount!

Do you want your country house to become not just a family summer residence, but also resemble an amazing fairy tale? Then my advice to you: pay attention to the decorative elements that can be made with my own hands. I offer you the TOP 10 ideas for a DIY garden that will help transform your site.

Before embarking on such an important task as designing a garden with your own hands, I recommend carefully inspecting your household supplies. In arranging a summer house, various little things and objects will come in handy, which at first glance may seem absolutely unnecessary to you. Remember: you can’t throw anything away at your dacha! Self-taught designers use absolutely everything they can get their hands on: old dishes and furniture, leftover building materials, firewood, car tires, plastic bottles.

Original flower beds in old containers

There are flowers at every dacha, without exception. Even if there is just a plot for growing vegetables, any housewife will certainly plant on it at least a row of asters or a couple of peony bushes.

To add originality flower arrangements, try planting them in old unnecessary containers. These can be watering cans, pots, large bowls. You can even use a wheelbarrow or cart.

Look, this is what a long-disintegrated bed looks like if it is sowed with perennial flowers. Just a riot of colors!

Flower bed made of wood

We decorate the garden with flowers so that we can enjoy bright colors all summer long. If the flower beds have been laid out for a long time and you don’t want to change their location, you can simply update them appearance. For example, build a picket fence from wooden sticks or weave something like a basket from elastic vines.

Wooden log houses look original - as if flowers were growing from a miniature hut.

If you did country paths made of stone, then after laying there will probably be a lot of excess material left. Why not use decorative stones to decorate your flower bed? You can simply lay them out in several layers around the perimeter, forming sides of the desired height.

And born designers can try to build a real work of art. Stone compositions with flowers in the form of huge cups, vases with a wide neck, or baskets like this look great.

Car enthusiasts probably have a dozen old tires. You can use them to make cute maxi flower pots. The tire needs to be cut on one side to create teeth, and painted in any color.

Amateur summer residents with a rich imagination know how to make beautiful garden using available materials. A material that makes it possible to embody mass creative ideas, are plastic bottles.

A large drinking water bottle can turn into a cute pig.

In such a flower bed you can plant flowers, sow seedlings, and grow perennial lawn grass. An important plus: this flowerbed can be mobile and roam from one corner of the site to another.

For especially creatively gifted summer residents, it will not be difficult to make interesting figures from unnecessary bottles different shapes. Collect eggplants, drinking yogurt containers, dessert packaging - absolutely all plastic. And then start creating! How do you like the idea of ​​such a cute donkey?

Or why not make a family of pigs?

Here's another charming pony.

This idea is for real craftsmen, lovers of applied arts.

Cutting down a tree or even old tree stump may be useful for creating a feeder. Birds will fly in to peck the grains at any time of the year, not only in winter. Take a piece of wood and hollow out the inside, leaving the sides. The feeder is ready, all that remains is to secure it to a tree branch.

A bird feeder made of small diameter rods can add a rustic touch to your dacha. If you know how to make a birdhouse with your own hands or miniature house, then building such a structure will not be at all difficult.

The simplest feeder

Do your children love to watch birds? They ask you to make a feeder, but you brush it off, citing being busy? Then you will like the simplest option - a plastic bottle feeder. Make a couple of holes in the container, insert wooden sticks and pour in the food. That's all!

Garden figurines

This method of decoration summer cottage– for true gurus. If you are into handmade crafts, you can easily make garden figurine no worse than those sold in stores at fabulous prices. And it will be required for creative work at the dacha there is not much at all: available material and unlimited imagination.

Figures can be made from plaster, polyurethane foam, polymer clay, leftover building materials. At first glance, everything seems complicated, but as soon as you get down to work, you will understand that country house design nothing is impossible!

Photos of garden ideas

Owner country house or a modern summer resident can show their creativity not only in the garden, but also in the design of their territory. The most diverse and original crafts do it yourself for the garden and vegetable garden are easy to make. The desire to outdo their neighbors and show off their resourcefulness is common to many of our people.

The most common base for homemade items in the country or in the garden are plastic bottles or old car tires. All these little things can be both useful in the household and decorative.

An example of decorating a plot or front garden would be a swan made from an old tire, and a watering can cut from a plastic container is a very useful thing for a gardener. Creating both types of homemade products will take a little time and does not require special tools. The main thing is the summer resident’s imagination, practical needs and accuracy.

How to decorate a garden with tires

As a rule, domestic car enthusiasts have a lot of used, completely useless tires. There is no point in collecting them, but they can be adapted for other needs at the dacha or in your garden.

Tires make wonderful decorations in the form of animal figures (snails, swans, dogs, crocodiles, donkeys, turtles). To make such a figure, you need to cut one or two tires according to a special pattern, turn them inside out, and bend them. Sometimes additional parts are cut out of plywood. Then, all this is painted and can be placed in the garden to the delight of the children.

Containers for flowers in the form of vases are successfully made from old tires.

Also, by cutting and turning the tires, they are used to make hanging flower pots or cute flowerpots, fill them with soil and plant flowers in them.

If you put the tires flat, one on top of the other and fasten them together so they don’t fall apart, you get an excellent container for Wastewater or waste. Summer residents often make from tires practical wells for compost.

Although garden swing There are quite a few on sale; a car enthusiast dad can please his children with an original swing made from a cut tire. The result is a figure very similar to a horse, which can only be hung.

And if you paint a tire and fill it with sand, you will get an excellent sandbox, and using a piece of film from the same tire you can make a small pond.

If there is a relief or at least a difference in height on a summer cottage, then the tires, tightly stacked on top of each other with an indentation and filled with earth, will become original steps. And if the tires are dug vertically into the ground, about halfway and at small intervals, you will get a reliable bicycle parking.

Tires can also act as improvised sports equipment that children love to jump on, the main thing is to dig the tires firmly into the ground.

The result of a lot of work stands out professional designer, large sculptures made of tires, this is very beautiful and original, but already significantly higher than the level of simple country decorations.

And to make something out of tires on your own, you only need a sharp knife, the tires themselves, cutting diagrams and brushes with paints.

Second life for bottles in your garden

If we consider all the possible DIY crafts for the garden, a significant share of them is occupied by products from old plastic bottles. These bottles add up quickly as plastic containers are widely used in our lives due to their convenience, light weight and safety, unlike glass bottles.

The large number of these empty containers pushes the summer resident to look for opportunities to reuse empty bottles.

What options are there:

A bottle cannot be a box for seedlings, this is understandable, but if you cut off the neck of the bottle, you will get a container that perfectly replaces a special container for growing seedlings.

From a large five-liter bottle you can make an original washstand; to do this, you need to cut off the bottom and screw the bottle neck down with screws to a wall or fence. Now you can pour water, unscrew the lid little by little (or make small holes in it) and the water will pour onto your hands.

Plastic bottles work well for making bird feeders to help birds survive the winter. You can also make a regular feeder, into which food is added manually and “automatically”.

A lot of various decorations for your yard can be made from old plastic bottles. Starting from a weather vane or pinwheels made from one bottle, to entire artificial palm trees, for the construction of which a mountain of old multi-colored bottles will be used.

If you carefully cut off one side of a plastic bottle, lay it flat and paint it (with a car, a train, a cat, a pig), you will get a nice small vase for flowers.

You can get a hard, practical broom if you take 2-3 bottles, cut off the bottom, flatten them and cut them into fringes, and then put them on the handle.

Also, using cut bottles, you can protect padlocks from moisture from rain (snow) so that they do not get wet and do not rust.

There are resourceful summer residents who cut many bottles lengthwise, sew cloth from plastic rectangles and even build large greenhouses from it.

Fences built from thousands of bottles laid in rows on mortar look no less original.

Beautiful flowerbed borders can be obtained by burying bottles halfway into the ground in a row. And thanks to the variety of bottle colors, you can come up with a special design for your flower beds.

A small bucket can be obtained by cutting off the top of the bottle and making holes for the handle. You can collect berries in such a bucket.

If you make a cut in the bottle along a curved line, you will get a practical scoop for various bulk substances (for example, granular fertilizers).

Also, a plastic bottle will serve as a suitable blank for making waterproof slates.

From several bottles you can make an easy-to-clean mattress that will protect your knees from dirt in the garden while weeding the beds.

The bottoms of the bottles have relief and symmetry. By connecting them with each other, you can get the most original curtains that will be the envy of your neighbors.

Thus, after reading this article, you could be convinced: DIY crafts for the garden are varied and can be easily made from scrap materials that many people simply throw away. But we haven’t described all the options; your imagination (with the help of old bottles or tires) will provide you with unique, original crafts.

DIY crafts for the garden video

A summer cottage is not only a place where you grow vegetables and fruits. On a standard six hundred square meters (and for some there may be more) you can let your imagination truly unfold! At the dacha you can bring to life a variety of and, sometimes, even wild ideas. Many of them will not only decorate your garden, but will also prove very useful in the difficult work of a gardener. And most importantly, country homemade products will give new life things that, it would seem, should have gone to the landfill long ago.

What can you create from? country crafts with your own hands? You will be surprised now, but anything can come into play! Do not rush to throw things into the trash bin that have expired or that at first glance seem like garbage. Imagine a little - maybe this old shoe is still good for something?

ThingsTransformation ideas
Plastic bottlesBottles from lemonade, milk, and juice are perfect as any details for creating interesting shapes, as well as for creating fences around beds or irrigation systems. The material from which they are made is very durable and moisture-resistant and will last in the country for more than one season.
Milk cartonsExcellent “pots” for seedlings! Gardeners have known this for many years.
Old shoesCreate original flower pots from a “battalion” of old boots.
TiresCar tires can be used not only as flower beds: they can be used to create amazing animals and birds, and also, if covered with fabric or tied with twine, they will make excellent seats.
Lumber scrapsThere is no need to burn the remains of the boards in the oven - it is better to use them to decorate a fence, creating an interesting ornament, or to create small flower beds, paths, or shelves.
Old technologyThe skeleton of an ordinary Soviet bicycle, a rusty car, a broken motorcycle do not have to be scrapped - decorate them as a flowerbed!
Aluminum cansYou can use them to make a device that repels moles. It is enough to put the jar on a stick buried in the ground.
Broken glassColored broken glass will help decorate the fence: drill holes in the boards and insert glass pieces there. On a sunny day you won’t recognize your fence!
Plastic bottle capsThey will help make the look of your country house unique. Create patterns using lids attached to the walls of the house using small nails.
Old clothesScarecrows are still in demand. Cross together two slats, dig the scarecrow's frame into the ground and dress it up in your old clothes. To make the scarecrow “kind,” give it a cute face and dress it in a colorful dress.
Old rakeDo you have old and rusty rakes that have served their purpose? Don't rush to get rid of them. Attach it to the wall of a shed or house and you will have an excellent hanger for gardening tools.

This is only some of the outdated things that can be used in the country. Remember: you can find a new use for every item, you just have to use your imagination a little. Now is the time to give more detailed instructions on creating various country crafts that serve both to decorate the estate and bring considerable benefits.

DIY mini pond

A mini-pond, created with your own hands, vaguely reminiscent of a fairy-tale swamp where the Frog Princess lives, is very easy to create. For this we need:

  1. an old bathtub or other large container that does not allow water to pass through;
  2. old slate;
  3. old rubber hose;
  4. a piece of thick plastic film;
  5. stones, sand and other “decor” elements;
  6. plants that live in water.

Technology for creating a mini pond on the site

  1. We bury the bath so that its edges are level with the ground.
  2. Around the bathtub we dig slate upright so that its edges are 20 centimeters above the surface of the ground.
  3. We stretch a hose cut lengthwise onto the edge of the slate (it will protect the polyethylene from tearing).
  4. We cover the bathtub and slate with polyethylene, carefully spreading it along the bottom of the future reservoir. The edges of the film can be sprinkled with earth and pressed down with stones.
  5. Pour water into the “reservoir”.
  6. We decorate with stones, plant plants around it, and water lilies can be placed in the pond itself.

Idea - a small pond on the site

Neat beds

Who doesn’t love it when the beds in the garden are not just raised above the ground, but also neatly decorated? There must be order in everything! We suggest decorating the beds using plastic bottles. We will need:

  1. a lot of plastic bottles;
  2. sand;
  3. paint - optional;
  4. shovel.

Technology of work execution

  1. Choose bottles of the same size and color. Colors can be combined if desired.
  2. Fill the bottles halfway with sand.
  3. Dig a shallow trench along the bed.
  4. Place the bottles in the trench upside down and dig in.
  5. Bottles can be painted water-based paint, but this is optional.

Video - interesting crafts for the garden


Do you want lions and tigers, plump pigs, colorful beetles, giraffes and zebras to live in your dacha? Bring to life an idea called “Safari”. You can create an impromptu zoo with your own hands using completely different objects. We will need:

  • plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • old tires;
  • brushes and paint;
  • stones different sizes or old construction helmets, basins;
  • shovel.

The most common representatives of fauna created by summer residents are giraffe, zebra, piglet, and beetles. We will try to arrange them with you on our site.

Giraffe and zebra are made using the same technology. The differences are in the color and length of the animals’ necks.

  1. Dig an old tire halfway into the ground - this will be the body of the animal.
  2. After cutting off the bottom and tops, connect several plastic bottles together to create a neck. Dig the “neck” in front of the buried tire.
  3. Cut one bottle lengthwise, cut off the neck - you get a head. Attach it to the “neck”.
  4. The animal is almost ready! All that's left is to paint. Color your ungulate in the required colors: giraffe in yellow and orange, zebra in black and white.

An interesting idea - a safari at a summer cottage

By analogy, you can also make palm trees, birches and other plants, decorating your “oasis” with them.

Making a piglet is even easier:

  1. Take a large, potbellied plastic bottle and fill it with sand to add mass.
  2. Make ears out of a piece of plastic and insert them into the area of ​​the pig’s “head” (where the neck of the bottle is).
  3. Paint the bottle with pink paint, and draw the pig's eyes and snout with black paint. Piggy is ready!

Interesting idea - piglets made from plastic bottles

Funny colorful bugs can be made from any round containers and placed on beds and flower beds as decoration. Even stones are suitable for making: you just need to paint them with paint, drawing dots like ladybugs, antennae, eyes.

And from an old basin you can make a turtle tortilla. By cutting the tires and bending their parts in a certain way, and then painting them with white paint, we get a swan.

Convenient waterers

Another convenient and practical way to use plastic bottles is to create a convenient system for watering beds. We will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • thick nail;
  • shovel;
  • water.

Technology of work execution

  1. In plastic bottles on the sides we make small nail holes or a thick awl.
  2. We dig the blanks upside down into the soil next to the plant.
  3. We pour water into bottles through the neck.
  4. Water from the bottles will gradually flow into the ground through the holes and nourish the roots of the plant.

Practical experience - watering plants

From soda bottles you can organize and drip irrigation, which is very convenient for use in greenhouses. To do this, cut off the bottom of the bottle and pierce several holes in the cork so that the water flows slowly. To avoid mistakes, first make very small holes - it is better to widen them further later.

After creating the blank, dig a hole (about 15 cm deep) not far from the bush, at a distance of 20 cm from the stem, and dig the bottle into it with the neck down at an angle. All you have to do is fill the bottles with water, and the system is ready.

You can organize watering using bottles in another way. To do this, a bottle without a bottom is hung upside down on the side of the plant and filled with water. By unscrewing the plug little by little, you can regulate the water flow. To avoid soil erosion from falling drops, place tiny pieces of polyethylene under the bottle.

winged swing

After working in the garden, you want to relax: for example, sit on a bench and drink tea. But it’s more interesting to relax on a swing, especially with children. We suggest making an unusual and even shocking swing from... an old sofa! The main thing is that you have a strong and tall tree with powerful branches growing on your site, to which you need to firmly secure the old sofa using strong ropes or chains. And it will be soft and comfortable to swing on it. It is better to cover such a means of entertainment with foil from rain and put it indoors for the winter. But no one will have such a swing!

You can also make a swing from an old chair seat: just hang it from a thick and durable tree branch and swing to your heart’s content.

Such different flower beds

Every housewife knows flower beds made from old tires, used both in their original form and in all possible ways. But not everyone will think of making “houses” for flowers from an old bicycle, car, car, shoes or teapot.

An old bicycle can be secured in the ground by digging in the wheels, and supplemented with small pots in which flowers are planted. In addition, run on it climbing plant: it will wrap around the frame of a two-wheeled vehicle and turn it into an unusual flower bed.

Interesting idea - a flowerbed made from an old bicycle

From old rubber boots, painted different paints, you get bright flower pots. Fill them with soil and plant plants there. Don't forget about the drainage holes in the soles of your old shoes! You can place such pots anywhere: on the veranda, fence, between the beds, and this is their huge advantage. By the way, don’t write off non-rubber boots: you can also fill them with soil and plant flowers in them, they’ll just last less than rubber ones.

A flowerbed made from old shoes is an amazing and very beautiful idea.

We save correctly

An old metal teapot is also an excellent flower bed. Attach strings or chains to the handle, hang it on the veranda from the ceiling, fill it with soil and plant a climbing plant such as a birch tree.

An old metal teapot is an excellent flower bed.

Video - DIY crafts for the dacha made by yourself

What can you use to make crafts for your garden with your own hands? Surprisingly, but in progress is underway anything: any piece of junk lying around that was about to be disposed of can, with some ingenuity, turn into a magnificent decoration for a country house. If you get a taste, you will find that there were very few of these bottles, tires, and boards.

There are a lot of options for making flower beds. The simplest option is when a used tire is simply placed on a flower bed, painted in some color, mostly white, and soil is poured inside on which flowers are planted. This effect can be enhanced if you approach the process creatively. You need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • draw cut lines on the side surfaces of the tire;
  • cut the tire along the marked lines;
  • turn out the tire;
  • decorate the resulting product.

Draw the cut lines the way you want the flower bed to look. This could be a flowerpot with a cut line in the form of a wave. This flowerbed looks very good in the form big flower, which is bordered by petals and fringe. A bowl with smooth edges will also work. Draw cut lines around the entire circumference with chalk or a felt-tip pen.

Try to cut the petals so that their size does not exceed 10 cm. If you do more, then at such a difficult stage as turning out, the rubber will not bend in these places. As a result, the handmade rubber flowerbed will not be able to take the shape of a circle. When cutting, use liquid soap to lubricate the blade of the cutting tool. This simplifies the process itself and makes it less labor-intensive.

Turning a tire inside out becomes a stumbling block for many beginning craftsmen - it is a truly labor-intensive process.

To cut the steel cord, you need to use a grinder, with which you make several cuts on the outside of the tire. This should be done smoothly, observing the buildup on the tire. As soon as white smoke starts to appear, it means that the goal has been achieved. Repeat the operation every 15-20 cm. This is all preparatory work oil paints, nitro paint will also work. If you have leftover car paint, you can use that too (photo No. 1). Once painted, glue glass aquarium pebbles onto the flower bed petals to create a dewdrop effect.

How to make a swing?

In the garden or near the vegetable garden, a swing for both children and adults would be very useful. You can again use a tire for this. The use of several tires allows you to create a design that would fully meet the requirements of a full seat.

If there is only 1 tire, then no manipulations are done with it that deform it. Leave it as is, but make several holes, making up to 4 holes on one side. A chain or rope is attached to these holes using bolts with rings. When making fastenings, ensure that the rings are on top, because the rope will be threaded through them. As a result, the tire should hang parallel to the ground (photo No. 2).

But if you have the desire and inspiration, make a full-fledged seat out of a tire. Cut off one side of the tires completely and only cut the other side halfway. The part of the tire whose side is cut bends inward, causing the free side to lie on its side, forming something like a backrest. 2 holes are made on each side, the rings are attached with bolts.

Now let’s make a more advanced model, which also requires 2 tires. We cut off the top and bottom parts of both, leaving only the ring. We fold one in half, after which it is placed on the other crosswise and vertically. This must be done so that the folded tire rests with its back on the inside (photo No. 3). All this is bolted to give the swing correct form. All that remains is to attach the rings, thread the piping and hang the swing.

These are the most simple options, which can be done using tires. But they can turn out to be more exquisite shapes, on which both children and adults will enjoy swinging (photo No. 4).

Decorating the area with polystyrene foam

Swings and flower beds are good. But I want something for the soul. For this, you don’t need to go to the supermarket for a summer resident to spend several thousand rubles. Everything you need is already on the farm. You can make a pond with your own hands, and crafts from foam plastic to go with it. To do this you need to prepare:

  • old tractor tire;
  • a piece of greenhouse film measuring 2x2 m;
  • decorative stone or tile;
  • aquarium and sea pebbles.

An old tractor tire can be found on a farm or from a neighbor who has a tractor. The sequence of work is as follows (photo No. 5):

  1. 1 Dig a hole so that the tire can easily fit into it.
  2. 2 Place the tire in the hole.
  3. 3 Cover it with film so that the inside is lined.
  4. 4 Hide the edges of the polyethylene under the outside of the tire.
  5. 5 We cover decorative stones or with a tile along the edge of the tire, cover the rubber so that it is not visible.
  6. 6 Pour small granite and pebbles onto the bottom and fill with water.

The homemade pond is ready. Additionally, you can decorate it with ferns planted nearby or additional crafts(photo No. 6). You can also purchase a fountain device to make the pond more dynamic. But in this case, you will have to get rid of the idea of ​​adding pebbles, because they will lead to clogging of the pump.

Interesting do-it-yourself foam crafts are suitable for decoration; a master class of which will require the following materials and tools:

  • a piece of foam plastic on which a sketch of the figure is applied;
  • putty or glue;
  • screws, screwdrivers;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • dye.

It is better to make the mushroom voluminous so that it is visible in the area from afar. The hat and stem of the mushroom are cut out of foam plastic separately. A layer of putty is applied to them. When it dries, the edges are treated with sandpaper to remove unevenness. The cap and leg are attached using self-tapping screws or putty. Start painting the mushroom acrylic paint, after which varnish is applied (photo No. 20). Foam crafts can be made more complex, in the form of a swan or some kind of garden figures. The foam itself allows you to make useful and beautiful crafts with your own hands.

There is a spring, but it alone is not enough. You need a place that would allow you to watch it while sitting in a comfortable chair. It can be made from the same tires, and you should approach this process creatively. Use 5 old tires, a steering wheel and a plastic garden chair. Get an original garden vehicle in which you can relax while observing the site and the spring (photo No. 7). You can get by with 4 tires, without a garden chair, and it will turn out no less original (photo No. 8).

Tires are great building material, from which not only swings, flower beds, chairs and springs are made. Walls and greenhouses are made from it; the variety of figurines is limited only by imagination (photo No. 9). And if you want to do something outstanding in order to express your talents to others, then you can take a swing at such a product (photo No. 10). This is a great way to use and revitalize old wood. With their help you can furnish country house(photo No. 11).

Making from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles that were collected somewhere over utility rooms, are no less valuable material than tires. First of all, they are well suited for seedlings. Turn the bottle on its side, carefully cut off one side without touching the neck and bottom of the bottle, secure it with fishing line at both ends, add earth, and the container for seedlings is ready. The advantage of such containers is that they can be placed very compactly and conveniently on one wall (photo No. 12).

If a large number of bury bottles upside down halfway into the ground, you will get an original border that can be used to delimit the territory on the site (photo No. 13). Additionally, you can embed some figurines into the landscape to decorate it.

For example, you can make a cheerful and bright penguin from 2 bottles. this is done as follows:

  • cut the bottom of the bottles so that their length is 10 cm;
  • connect both parts of the bottles so that their bottoms are on the outside;
  • cover the product with white paint, it is better to use acrylic;
  • Draw the little penguin’s beak, eyes, scarf, hat and traditional black tailcoat.

As soon as you have the first inhabitant of Antarctica, start making the next ones to create a flock of penguins (photo No. 14). Make your own bees for the site. Take 1 bottle and paint it in yellow. Apply black stripes and eyes with a proboscis. Make wings from the second bottle. They can be made of transparent plastic or painted yellow. Now all that remains is to make legs from the same bottle and attach them to the yellow caps glued together (20 pieces). You will get an original composition - a bee on a flower or honeycomb (photo 15). A simpler option is to confine yourself to attaching wings and hanging the bees on a fishing line, simulating their flight.

Bottles serve excellent material to collect flowerbed flowers compactly in one place. To do this, you need a stand in the form of a frame measuring 2x2 m, stretched fishing lines around its perimeter, onto which the cut halves of plastic bottles with flowers are attached (photo No. 16).

Original curtains are also made from bottles, for which you will need a large number of plastic bottles. Cut off the bottoms from them along the edges so that the result is flower-shaped blanks. Treat the cut edges with sandpaper so that they do not hurt when they come into contact with the body and look beautiful, without snags along the cut line. Heat the awl on the fire and make holes with it so that you can insert fishing lines through them. Use knots to secure the positions of the petals on the fishing line. This is done so that the workpieces do not get together in one heap. The result is an original curtain that you cannot buy anywhere (photo No. 17).

We use a pallet

Wooden pallets, in which some materials and equipment are brought, are an excellent material for making the necessary things for the garden.

Instead of throwing them away or burning them in the firebox, create a display for storing garden tools and a garden on the wall.

To make a stand, you need to put the pallet itself in order, sand all its rough edges with sandpaper. It is necessary to provide a place to store small tools and parts that are constantly lost. At the top of the pallet we cut off part of the board, do not throw it away, it will be useful as a door for a future drawer. A board is nailed above and below the door, after which the door itself is attached to the hinges and a lock is mounted. You can make as many of these boxes as you need - you don’t have to limit yourself to just one storage for small tools.

After this, give the stand an aesthetic appearance, paint it or treat it with drying oil. It would be original if you give the stand a khaki color. All that remains is to attach hooks, holders for entrenching tools, and hangers to it. You can even hang flower pots. Once the stand equipment is completed, it is attached to the wall with screws (photo No. 18).

To make a garden on the wall, in addition to the pallet, you will need the following items:

  • greenhouse film;
  • several boards
  • construction stapler;
  • tarpaulin;
  • the soil;
  • varnish for wooden surfaces;
  • flowers.

The pallet is opened with varnish, several boards are nailed horizontally behind it, after which its back part is covered with a tarpaulin and secured with a stapler along the entire perimeter. Next, you need to staple the greenhouse film to the pallet, paying close attention to the fastening in the corners. Once the varnish is high, pour soil into the front holes and plant flowers there (photo #19). This garden looks very good next to the tool stand.

Today, in specialized stores you can find a huge variety of decorations for the garden.

Cheap and cheerful?

However, despite this, master classes on making crafts for the garden are extremely popular. After all, many summer residents and owners country houses They prefer to decorate the area themselves.

And for this they use those decorative elements that they created with their own hands. This popularity of crafts is due to the fact that every person in his soul wants to become the one who independently turns his plot into a fabulous place.

And if earlier this was only possible for those people who had a good imagination and could figure out how to use available materials, now it is available to everyone.

It is worth noting right away that the main advantage of such structures is not their cheapness compared to those sold in stores. The person who creates such a craft first of all receives moral satisfaction. After all, he can feel like a creator.

In addition, he creates a thing that will be unique and original. And this is important, because in our time such things are rare.

This is due to the fact that the assortment presented in the store is aimed at mass buyers. And that’s why no one thinks about creating a unique design.

Simple and original crafts for decorating a vegetable garden

Pay attention to the photo of crafts for the garden, which is presented below. On it you will see a simple craft, which, despite its simplicity, seems quite original. To create it you will need a minimum set of tools and materials.

Anyone can create such a creation. In addition, it is ideal for a small summer cottage where it is necessary to clearly delineate paths and planted areas.

Decorative pond

Very often in areas you can see a decorative pond. But most people believe that creating it requires a lot of effort and spending a significant amount of money. However, this is not quite true.

Of course you can purchase ready-made system in a specialized store and use it. However, its cost will be quite high. In this case, it does not matter at all what dimensions the structure will have.

But we suggest you build a small decorative pond in your garden using a regular car tire. This will not cost you any money, especially if you find an old and unnecessary tire in your garage.

In the instructions for making such crafts for the garden, which is presented below, the entire process is divided into stages for greater convenience.

  • The first thing you need to do is determine where exactly your homemade pond will be located. At the designated location, dig a hole that will ideally fit the tire.
  • After this, it is necessary to completely remove tree roots and small stones, if any, from the hole.
  • Next, you should compact the soil at the bottom and pour a sandstone cushion 50 mm thick.
  • Using a knife, separate one side as shown in the picture below.
  • Place the tire in the hole and spread a polyethylene film on the bottom, wrapping its edges.
  • Fill the container with water and decorate.

As you can see, such a craft made from a tire for the garden will become an indispensable decorative element. Your guests will undoubtedly be amazed by it. And you yourself will enjoy this beauty every time you go outside.

You can also organize at personal plot a whole system of reservoirs. In this case, tires of different sizes can be used for their construction.

Specialists involved in the creation landscape design, note that small fountains look very nice in the areas. However, to create them, of course, you will need to purchase special systems.

Difficulty of crafts

Quite often, from those who are just starting to create crafts, you can hear the question of how to make simple crafts for the garden with your own hands so that they look more complex. After all, creating truly luxurious designs often requires considerable time and certain skills.


But experts are confident that even the lack of necessary skills cannot become an obstacle to creating a masterpiece.

For example, if you want to make a simple craft into a more complex one, use the principle of multi-layering.

If we look at the example of the homemade reservoir described above, it can be visually complicated if we use three or more identical reservoirs.

However, you should take one caveat into account. Such a multi-layer structure should look harmonious and holistic. Otherwise, all its charm is lost.

This principle works very well with garden crafts made from plastic bottles, when several small elements are placed nearby. But it should be borne in mind that piling up is completely inappropriate.

Photos of crafts for the garden

