Walk autumn preparatory group card index with goals. Summary of a walk in a preparatory group for school on the topic: Autumn

Summary of an autumn walk in the preparatory school group "Hello, autumn." Teacher - speech therapist Tatyana Semenovna Pavlova

GBOU secondary school No. 519 preschool structural unit Guryanov, 63

Target: consolidating knowledge about the signs of autumn, expanding the vocabulary on the topic “trees”.


Educational: Improve the ability to perceive a poetic description of nature, see the beauty of the autumn season

Educational: cultivate love for native nature, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other,

Cognitive: consolidate the use of words - signs, actions, teach to compare and generalize objects, develop children's speech activity in connection with what they see, consolidate clear pronunciation of sounds.

Educational: improve coordination of movements, develop accuracy, emotional well-being.

Preliminary work: reading I. Tokmakova’s book “Trees”, reading poems by A. S. Pushkin, A. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin, A. Maykov, looking at illustrations, using fruits and leaves to make crafts, drawing autumn leaves, compiling collective compositions on the theme of autumn.

Listening to Tchaikovsky's play "October", preparing and viewing the exhibition in the book corner.

Methodical techniques: Using riddles, proverbs, sayings, sayings about autumn and trees.

Materials: tree leaves, balls, dolls, dishes, strollers.

Progress of the walk

Teacher: Guys, guess the riddles:

Came without paints and without a brush.

And repainted all the leaves.

But I don’t touch the fir trees and pines.


I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again.

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees. (autumn)

Teacher: That's right, the riddles talk about autumn. Look at the decoration of the trees. We have already observed the “golden autumn”. The leaves on the bushes and trees turned yellow, reddened, and fell off. It was .

Teacher: What do leaves do in the fall?

The leaves rustle, rustle, wither, fall, tear off, lie there.

A child reads a poem:

Autumn. Our entire poor garden is crumbling.

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind.

Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.

Teacher: Rowan trees give us real pleasure; they have not dropped their bright red fruits. You know, many trees have a characteristic leaf color, tell me:

Children: Poplar, birch, ash - yellow, aspen - red, maple - orange, oak - brown.

Didactic game“Which tree is the leaf or twig from?

Progress of the game: There are leaves and twigs on the playground; the child, having chosen a leaf, names which tree it fell from.

Example: I found a maple leaf, it fell from a maple tree.

Teacher: Our site is decorated not only with trees, but also shrubs. What names of shrubs do you know? (acacia, lilac, bird cherry)

Teacher: What is the difference between a bush and a tree?

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Children: a tree has one trunk, but a bush has many;

the tree is higher and the bush is lower;

the tree grows longer, and the bush grows smaller;

the root of a tree is more powerful and stronger than that of a bush;

shrubs are used as a hedge, a source of fruit or a medicinal plant,

and wood is also used as a building material.

Low mobility game “Trees and Bushes”

Progress of the game: Participants are divided into 2 teams. The presenter names trees and bushes one by one. When hearing the name of a tree, children raise their hands up, and when they hear the name of a bush, they lower them down. The presenter can name a tree and lower his hands, or, on the contrary, name a bush and raise his hands. The team whose members made fewer mistakes wins.

Teacher: How do trees benefit us?

Children: They provide oxygen, purify the air, decorate our city, provide warmth, berries and mushrooms grow in the forest, birds build nests in the trees.

Teacher: Guys, how does a tree reproduce?

Children: The tree is planted as seedlings, the seeds are carried by the wind, birds, and animals.

Teacher: the second month of autumn is coming to an end - October.

They say about October: If in October a leaf does not fall cleanly from a birch or oak tree, expect a harsh winter.

What else do people call this month (October is a dirty month). Why is October a mess?

Child 1: In October, the sun shines little and is not bright, it rains often, and the earth does not have time to dry.

Child 2: There are also frosts at night. In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.

Teacher: Speak slowly and clearly: Lumberjacks cut down oak trees to make log houses.

The teacher reads a poem:

Autumn leaves are circling in the wind,

Autumn leaves cry out in alarm:

“Everything is dying, everything is dying! You are black and naked.

Oh, our dear forest, your end has come!”

There are few leaves left on the trees, but they are different time will delight us with their unique beauty. What will the trees do in winter?

(rest, sleep, gain strength)

Didactic game “Recognize a tree by its leaf or fruit”

Progress of the game: The presenter shows the children a picture of

leaves or fruits, children call a tree.

Outdoor game “Friendly guys”

Description: 2-4 hoops. Children stand in front of the hoops. They need to run away from the ball and stand in one of the hoops. Children can stand 3-4 people in a hoop. When the guys run to their hoops, the adult praises them, “What friendly guys.”

Role-playing game "Family"

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Card file of winter walks in the preparatory group

Card file of winter walks in the preparatory group.

In a colorful version, the card index is presented below.

Card index of walks WINTER

Observation #1

Observing changes in nature. Offer to look for signs of winter on your own.

Mystery: Powdered the paths,

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

Didactic game "Who is bigger?"- practice selecting definitions for nouns.

What words can you use to describe winter? What's winter like? (magical, fairy-tale, snowy, frosty, blizzard, sparkling, magical winter, cold, beautiful, etc.)

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Target: cultivate a desire to collectively improve your site.

Outdoor games

"We - funny boys» .


Increase physical activity;

Act quickly on the teacher’s signal. "Birds and Cat".

Target: learn "fly off" only when called, run within the area, jump on both legs, easily bending them at the knees.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: practice jumping on two legs moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m.

Observation #2 of Seasonal Changes

Goals: form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night gets longer and the day gets shorter);

Progress of observation The beauty of morning winter. The days are unspeakable, At least lend the snow to all other snowless winters.

December has arrived - the first winter month. Through the low gray clouds rarely the sun is peeking through That's why people call it December "frown"- a gloomy, sunless month, the days are short, the nights are long, it gets dark early. At night in December the frost crackles - it builds ice bridges on rivers, ponds and lakes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What month does December follow?

What has changed at the kindergarten site compared to November?

What are the protective properties of snow?

Covering tree roots with snow.

Target: cultivate a desire to provide assistance to living objects.

Outdoor games: Snowball game.

Target: consolidate skills in throwing objects.

Jumping on one leg.

Target: cultivate a sense of balance.

Individual work: Development of movements.

Target: teach self-insurance when performing balance movements

Publications on the topic:

Card file of walks for young children (autumn) AUTUMN (September, October) 1. Observation of the sky: gray, gloomy, no clouds. P/n “Catch the ball.” Games with sand and external materials.

Card file of walks for the month of April for the preparatory group Card No. 1 April. Observing the altitude of the Sun - to consolidate knowledge about the influence solar energy on the life of plants, animals and humans.

Card file of walks for May for the preparatory group Card No. 1 May. Weather observation - continue to form generalized ideas about seasonal changes in inanimate nature at the end.

Card No. 1 middle group Winter (wildlife) December Observation of birch and mountain ash Purpose: to develop knowledge about plant life in winter.

Card index of walks in the senior group. Winter. December. Part 1 December. Part 1. Walk No. 1 Observation of seasonal changes Objectives: - to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (night.

Card index of walks in the senior group. Winter. December. Part 2. December. Part 2. Walk No. 8 Watching the bullfinch Objectives: - expand ideas about migratory birds; - develop the ability to analyze.

Card index of walks in the senior group. Winter. January. Part 2 January. Part 2. Walk No. 8 Observing snowflakes Objectives: - pay attention to the fact that snowflakes come in different shapes; - learn to compare.

Summary of an autumn walk for children of the preparatory school group “In the footsteps of autumn”

Kulita Lyudmila Vladimirovna, teacher at the Children's Development Center - kindergarten"Gull"
Description of material: The proposed summary of entertainment will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group for school, deputy heads for educational and methodological work of a preschool organization, and students of pedagogical faculties.
Target: Creating conditions for consolidating children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.
- Develop children’s ability to name the signs of autumn, changes in nature, using figurative words and expressions, attention, coherent speech (vocabulary: petiole, edge, chlorophyll)
- Strengthen the ability to establish connections between signs in nature and the ability to defend one’s point of view, draw conclusions (reason, prove, build proposals, establish cause-and-effect relationships.
- Continue to develop memory, attention, thinking through games and gaming exercises.
- Investigate the natural phenomenon of leaf fall, leaf structure, and experimentally draw a conclusion about the presence of green matter in the leaves.
- During the experiment, show children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.
- Cultivate curiosity and the ability to interact with each other.
- Expanding children’s knowledge about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature: why leaves turn yellow and fall and how they fall.
- Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Techniques: solving a problem situation, explanations, motor actions
Used forms of organizing children's cognitive activity:
group, subgroup and individual

Equipment and material:
A bell, a secret letter, a route map, a riddle mnemonic table, maple leaves with signs and proverbs, magnifying glasses, pieces of white fabric folded in half, real large and small leaves, stones, jump ropes, balls, a tape recorder.

Preliminary work:
While walking, watch the leaves fall from the trees.
Collecting leaves different shapes and coloring.
Conversations about autumn;
Reading works of fiction: “Falling Leaves” by I. Sokolov-Mikitov,
“Forest in autumn” A. Tvardovsky,
poems about autumn by A. S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, A. I. Bunin;
Learning poems and sayings about autumn;
Singing songs about autumn and listening to music;
Examination of illustrations and photographs depicting autumn nature;
Drawing in art classes and independent artistic activities various trees;
Working with plasticine and applying it to the base (plasticineography);
Tree watching while walking;
Crafts from natural material;

Expected Result:
Children participate in research with interest, observe, and draw conclusions. They know how to reason, prove, build a proposal, establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Actively and kindly interact with adults and peers in solving gaming, educational, and creative problems.
Progress of the walk
Teacher: (rings the bell)
- My bell is ringing and ringing.
And the guys gather around
All the children gathered around
You are my friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands together
And let's smile at each other
(close your eyes 1,2,3 – the magic will come soon)

Letter in an envelope.
- Do you love to travel?
- What can you go on a trip with? I suggest you go on a journey “Following the Footsteps of Autumn”, and what we will go on, the song will tell us: “Wheels...” (melody sounds).
So what should we take on the trip? Who is driving the car? Can anyone operate it? What does a driver need to take on the road so as not to leave the route? (look at the route map).

Stop "Know-ka"(the map shows a yellow sheet)
Exercise: name the signs of autumn that determine the time of year.
- the day is shorter and the night is longer;
- the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow, they fall, and leaf fall begins.
- the sky is gray, gloomy;
- it rains often;
- migratory birds fly south;
- wild animals make provisions for the winter, insulate their fur coats, and some go into hibernation;
- people wear demi-season clothes;
-harvest vegetables, fruits and grains;
- autumn months are called September, October, November:
1. September – fieldfare. Why do you think it was called the fieldfare? (because rowan appears at this time).
2. October is a deciduous month (because the leaves fall).
3.November – winter road (it becomes cold, like in winter).

Stop "Experiments"
(there is a mushroom on the map, children find, take and decide what they would like to find out)

Study No. 1 (a magnifying glass and a sheet are drawn),
Study #2 (green leaf)

- What needs to be done to answer the question?
(children's answers: you need to conduct experiments and experiments in the laboratory)
-What do you guys think, why does a tree need leaves?
Children: Leaves not only decorate the tree, thanks to the leaves the tree breathes.
Problematic question:
- Are you interested in finding out how a leaf is structured? (And interesting)
And in order to better consider what should be used?
Children's answers: let's use a magnifying device - a magnifying glass (magnifying glass, green leaves).
Study No. 1 of leaf structure using a magnifying glass
Let's first consider the petiole - this is the part that connects the leaf to the branch.
Now look at the top surface of the sheet. You see the veins - thin tubes. Which go from the petiole along the entire leaf, through these veins the leaves feed on moisture.
The edge of the sheet is called the "edge". Examine the edge of the sheet.
The tip of the leaf can be sharp or rounded. Look at it and tell me what it is like on your leaf.
What can be concluded: The leaves have a petiole that connects the leaf to the branch and veins through which the leaves receive moisture
Problematic question:
“Why do the leaves change color and fall off in the fall?”
Educator: Why do the leaves turn yellow in the fall? The fact is that the leaves have green color thanks to the green stuff. Now let’s conduct an experiment and see this substance.
Study No. 2 “Why is the leaf green?”
Children suggest: - Let's first find out why the leaves are green?
Educator: Take a piece of paper and place it inside a piece of white fabric folded in half. Now take the stone and tap the leaf firmly through the fabric. What did you discover during the experiment?
(Children: green spots appeared on the fabric).
- This green substance from the leaf is called chlorophyll, and it colors it green. (For this experiment, it is better to take succulent leaves of indoor plants).
Children's conclusion: When autumn comes and it gets colder and there is less sunshine. This green substance gradually decreases until it disappears completely. Then the leaf changes its color and becomes yellow or...
-What color are the leaves of trees in autumn? (Children: orange, red, brown).
Labor activity: Collecting stones after the experiment.

Stop "Play"
- Children, when leaves fall from trees, what is this phenomenon called?
- Look how I arrange the leaf fall. How do leaves fall to the ground? What did you notice? Let's check if this is true? Take your leaves, place them on your palm and, on command, blow on them. What can be concluded? (the leaf flies, it is light).
Outdoor game "Falling Leaves"
Progress of the game:
Children choose a leaf for themselves and name which leaf they chose in size and color.
Children run and wave their arms:
Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
Leaves are flying in the wind!
Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (The actions are performed by children with yellow pieces of paper.)
Beautiful red leaves are spinning.
They all circled around and sat down on the ground. Sit down! They sat down and froze.
A light breeze came and blew (blow).
The leaves rose and scattered in different directions (the children scattered around the playground).
Spinning, spinning!
Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
Leaves are flying in the wind.
Now all the leaves run to me.
Independent motor-play activity: games with external materials (jump ropes, balls).
- Guys, our walk has come to an end. Now do you know why autumn is called yellow and golden? (children's answers.)
- What is leaf fall?
- What did you like and what did you remember about our walk?
- Well done guys, you all answered well today and worked hard.
In memory of our autumn walk let's take a photo.

Preparatory group for school.

(Badanina O.P., Tropina Yu.N., Petukhova E.V.)


“Leaves are falling, falling, leaves are falling in our garden...”


Goal: Strengthening the skills to notice changes occurring in nature, understanding what causes leaf fall. Explain to children that in nature nothing happens by chance: plants need fallen leaves on the ground in winter and autumn.


A colorful park, a colorful garden.

Leaf fall has begun! The leaves have begun to fall!

The leaves rustle merrily under the children’s feet! (M. Avdeeva)

Questions for children:

Do you know why the leaves fall off in the fall?

Do you like colorful leaves?

Do you like collecting them?

Why do leaves change color? What color do the leaves become on birch, maple, elm, etc. How do fallen leaves feel to the touch?

Why do sometimes 2-3 leaves fall, and sometimes a lot?

V. talks about how, by shedding their leaves, trees prepare for winter cold. The leaves cover the ground with a continuous carpet and protect the roots of the trees from frost. The ground under the fallen leaves will not freeze deeply, will not become too compacted under the weight of snow, and will retain air, which is very important for the various inhabitants of the soil that loosen the soil and make it fertile. In spring, under fallen leaves (litter), the ground retains the moisture of melted snow longer. Fallen leaves on the ground are not garbage; they are very necessary for the soil and the plants that grow on it.

Game “Pathfinders. Which leaves are there more?

Goal: development of observation, attention, logical thinking, consolidation of knowledge about trees in the kindergarten area.

Children disperse around the area and collect several fallen leaves from different trees. Then they all get together and take turns laying out the leaves by type, naming which tree they come from. They compare which leaves are more and which ones are smaller, and explain why (if a leaf is from a tree that does not grow on the site, they tell how it could get there).


"Let's help the plants."

Goal: to involve children in helping as much as possible in caring for plants.

Children rake fallen leaves to the roots of trees and shrubs, and cover perennial flowers on lawns so that they do not freeze in winter.

Experienced activity

“Why do flowers wither in autumn?”

Purpose: to establish the dependence of plant growth on the temperature of incoming moisture.

An adult invites the children to measure the temperature of the water (warm) before watering, water the stump remaining from the stem (chrysanthemum, aster), onto which they first place a rubber tube of suitable diameter with a glass tube inserted and secured into it. Children watch water flow out of a glass tube. Then the water is cooled with pieces of ice, the temperature is measured (it has become colder), watered, but no water flows into the tube. They find out why the flowers wither in the fall, although there is a lot of water: the roots do not tolerate cold water.

Play activity

Sub games:

Russian folk game"Zarya-zarnitsa"

Goal: running exercise, ability to respond to a signal, development of agility and speed.

"Fishing rod"

Purpose: jumping exercise, development of agility, reaction speed.

Individual work.

"Get a leaf"(jumping in place, trying to touch the suspended leaf).

Game "I'll put it in the basket"

Goal: development of auditory memory and attention.

“Who is most likely to bring a leaf?”(running a race).

A game " According to the riddle and the answer"(enrichment of expressiveness of movements).

Goal: development of initiative, independence, creativity when using natural materials (fallen leaves, seeds, fruits) in games.


"Excursion to the autumn park"


Goal: to form ideas about the state of plants and animals in the fall, to establish connections between the state of living nature objects and the external environment, to identify the causes of changes occurring.

Questions for children?

What new things have you noticed in the decoration of trees in October? Compare with what we saw in September. (The park is now inhospitable, it’s damp underfoot, wet leaves stick to your shoes, the leaves have fallen from most of the trees).

Which trees are the first to dress and the last to undress?

Game “I am a birch tree”(awakening emotional responsiveness, activating creative imagination).

You need to imagine yourself as a birch tree, convey your feelings in facial expressions, gestures, and movements. Repeat the exercise with a new object (willow, oak, pine, maple, rowan, spruce, etc.), into which the children “reincarnate.”

Option: “If I were a tree.”

The child driver imagines a tree and depicts it. The others guess what kind of tree it is.
-Pay attention to branches, buds, rare leaves, fruits. What is left edible for birds in the park?

What birds love to eat rowan berries? Maple seeds?

Examining maple seeds, remove the seed from the fruit and show the children that there is a tree embryo inside it.

Experienced activity.

Goal: development of cognitive interests, ability to compare, draw logical conclusions.

Comparison of maple, ash and oak seeds. The wings of ash and maple seeds help them fly, travel through the air with the help of the wind. Note that acorns are heavy and cannot fly like maple and ash lionfish. Animals help oak seeds in their “travels.”

Labor activity.

Goal: to involve children in collecting seeds and fruits for crafts. Children collect seeds and fruits and put them in boxes by type.

Individual work.

Children with high physical activity: “Be careful"(development of auditory attention, running exercise): to the teacher’s words “One-two-three, run to the tree (birch, maple, elm, poplar, etc.)!” the children run to the named tree.

Children with low physical activity:"Sparrows" (jumping exercise with forward movement).

Game activity.

Sub games:

Russian folk game “Birdcatcher”(the ability to quickly respond to a signal, attention, auditory perception).

"Traps" (exercise in running, agility, development of motor creativity). After traditional version games invite children to come up with new movements: jump from the driver on 2 legs, on one leg, by hopping, etc.

Children stand in a circle. Inside the circle is the driver, who listens carefully and does what he is asked.

Vasya, are you in the forest now?

We call you: “Ay!”

Well, close your eyes,

Find out who is calling you.

The driver closes his eyes and guesses who called him.

Independent activity

Goal: development of initiative and communication skills.

Children's games with balls, jump ropes, natural materials.


"Gifts of Autumn"

Preparation: There are tasks for children on “maple leaves” hidden on the site and the sports ground.


Goal: development of coherent speech, observation, memory.

V. invites the children to talk about changes in nature, compare them with September and October. Summarizes the children's answers: November is the last month of autumn, sad, cloudy, but today autumn has prepared a gift for us. Before you find him, you need to complete tasks.

Children look for and find the first sheet of paper with the task (riddles):

Flies like an eagle, roars like thunder,

He knocks on the window without asking anyone. (wind)

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.

The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (cloud, clouds)

The longest-legged one walks without a path and without a road,

Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness, only his feet are on the ground. (rain)

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,

The rain is pouring down. When does this happen? (autumn)

Game activity.

Children look for and find a task on the playground: name migratory and wintering birds.

Sub games:

"Migration of Birds", "Day and Night".Goal: development of dexterity, attention, ability to act on a signal.

Outdoor game at the request of children.

Individual work.

Task: show yourself strong, dexterous.

“Walking on a log with an extended step”(balance, attention).

"Go through the tunnel"- agility, flexibility.

"Who will collect the most items"(dexterity, attention).

“Catch and throw!” with the ball (coordination, agility).

Independent activity.

V. invites children to play with various physical education aids (balls, hoops, skittles, jump ropes...), encourages new ways of moving with them.

Role-playing games at the request of children.

At the end of the walk, the teacher praises the children and asks them to find the last piece of paper (“gift”). Children look for a surprise using the game “Warm and Cold” and find a treat - apples.


“Hello, winter guest!”



Target: expanding children's knowledge about the water cycle in nature,

Development of observation skills and the ability to draw conclusions

The teacher asks the children where the snow comes from. Explains that rain comes from rain clouds in summer. Now it’s winter outside, there are no rain clouds, the weather is cold, frosty. In clouds, steam and small droplets of water freeze and turn into snowflakes; they fall to the ground, forming heaps of snow, snowdrifts. Make a riddle:

White, patterned,

Little star,

Fly into my hand

Sit a minute

The star spun

There's a little bit in the air.

Sat down and melted

On my palm."

On a windless day, snowflakes fall slowly, and you can see their shape. When the wind blows, snowflakes fly like dust, touching each other and other objects. Their rays break off and lose beautiful shape, In severe frost under a clear sky, crystals in the form of needles fall out. Offer to catch a snowflake and examine it.

Invite the children to make a snowball. Will it work out or not? Why?

Experimental and labor activity"Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

Goal: to reflect existing ideas in transformative activities.

V.reminds you of upcoming New Year's holidays and offers to decorate the Christmas tree on the site unusual toys- of water. Questions for children:

Is it possible to make toys from water?


Can toys be colored?

What can I use for the form?

Children express their suggestions, together with the teacher determine the procedure: pour water into a container, add paint, prepare a mold, pour water into it, put a thread in it, leave it in the cold. (Once frozen, lower the bottom of the pan into the pan for a few seconds. hot water and take out the finished toy.)

Play activity

Base games: "Hunters and Hares", "Snow Carousel"Purpose: running exercise with dodging, changing speed.

Role-playing game “At the North Pole”. Goal: application of children's knowledge in play activities.

Individual work.

Children with low physical activity:"Who can ski faster to the tree"Goal: practicing a sliding step.

Children with high physical activity:“Who has more hits?”Purpose: an exercise in throwing at a horizontal target.

Independent activity.

Goal: development of initiative, independence, friendly relationships between children.

Skiing, sledding each other.


“In January, in January there is a lot of snow in the yard...”

Observing the work of adults.

Excursion to the city street.

Goal: strengthening the rules of behavior on the street, expanding children’s knowledge about professions.

Questions for children:

Where is the snow on the street? (On the roadway, on sidewalks, near houses)

Where exactly is there more snow, where is there less? Why?

Who clears snow from sidewalks near houses and shops?

Who clears the snow from the sidewalk near your entrance?

What does a janitor do in winter?

Who removes snow from this part of the road? Also a janitor? Why?

Who has seen a snowplow on the streets?

How does she remove snow?

Where do dump trucks transport snow?

Why do we need to remove snow from the streets?

Pay attention to how much space there is on the road for cars to pass.

If snow were not removed from the roadway, how and where could cars drive? Is it dangerous? Why?

Return to the site. The teacher draws the children's attention to the snow piles that appear when clearing the area of ​​snow.

Work "Building a snow city"

Goal: fostering a desire for collective participation in activities.

Questions for children:

What can you make out of snow?

Why is this possible? (Snow is sticky, freezes, takes the desired shape.)

What needs to be done to make buildings more durable? (add water to the snow mass).

What tools will be needed for construction? (shovels, scoops, buckets)

Everyone together determines a place for construction and builds a “city.”

Role-playing game "Builders".

“How to warm your hands?”

Goal: identifying the conditions under which objects can warm up (friction, movement; heat preservation).

The teacher suggests putting different mittens on your hands - thick and thin - and finding out how your hands feel (one hand is warm, the other is cool). Next he suggests clapping your hands, rubbing your hands together and finding out what you felt (your hands became hot in both mittens). The teacher offers reverse side Use mittens to rub your frozen cheek or nose and find out what you felt (the cheek is first warm, then hot). Children conclude that objects can warm up through friction and movement.

Game activity:

Relay games:

Goal: developing a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, and the ability to obey general rules.

-"Who is faster?" (running while leaning on a sled)

- “Run through the labyrinth” (agility, ability to change direction of movement)

- "Children's biathlon"(run to the target on one ski and hit it with a snowball)

Individual work.

Children with high physical activity“Take fewer steps.”The purpose of the exercise is in skiing. Task: walk a distance of 10m in fewer steps.

Children with low physical activity:"Sliding on icy paths" Goal: exercise in balance.

Independent activity.

Goal: implementation of acquired motor skills in independent activities.

Ice slides, sledding, snow scooters, skiing, hockey.


"The winds blow in February..."

Watching the wind.

Goal: expanding children's knowledge about natural phenomena, development of curiosity.

Riddle: Breaks branches

The snow is rising.

Can you hear him

But you don't see.

Offer turntables to determine the direction and strength of the wind. Explain to children that strong winds during snowfall cause blizzards. But snowstorms can occur without snowfall. Even in clear weather, a strong wind lifts snow from the ground, carries and swirls it with force, forming drifts and sweeping snowdrifts. This phenomenon is called drifting snow. February is a month of winds and snowstorms.

Experimental activities: “Why did the ball wrinkle?”

Purpose: to identify air contraction during cooling and expansion during heating.

The teacher invites the children to take out the balloons that they inflated together in the group. Children watch how, in the cold, the balls quickly turn from dense and smooth to wrinkled.

They conclude that when cooled, the air decreases in volume, narrows, and therefore the balls become wrinkled.

After the walk, the children take the balls to the group and watch how they again take on their previous shape: the air in the balls has warmed up and increased in volume, expanded.

Labor: "Let's clear the snowy buildings"

Goal: fostering a desire for collective participation in activities - preparing a playground.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the layer of fallen snow. He invites everyone to remove snow from paths and buildings together so that they can play. Children independently prepare tools (shovels, brooms), decide where to shovel the snow, and what can be made from a new snow pile.

Game activity.

Role-playing games using snow buildings.

Sub.games: "Circle"

Purpose: exercise in walking, running, acting on a signal, development of attention, coordination of movements.

"White bears"

Purpose: exercise in running while dodging catchers.

Individual work

For children with high physical activity: skiing with changing the pace of movement according to a signal (development of attention).

For children with low physical activity: exercises on an ice ring (balance, jumping on two legs).

Independent activity.

Goal: development of motor creativity.

Encourage independent play with skis, sleds, and on the ice ring.


"Water, water, water all around..."


Goal: to develop children’s understanding of the different states of water, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Invite the children to find water in the kindergarten area.


She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter. (Icicle)

It's fluffy and silvery, but don't touch it with your hand -

It will become a drop of pure as soon as you catch it in the palm of your hand. (Snow)

They ask for him, they wait for him,

And when he comes, they will start hiding. (Rain)

Children, together with the teacher, find the commonality between an icicle, snow and rain, and draw the logical conclusion that all of these are different states of water.

Game exercise “Don’t make a mistake” (development of attention): in response to the leader’s words “ice” - the children hold hands tightly, “water” - they put their hands on their belts, “steam” - they scatter across the entire playground.

Discuss with children the question of why humans, plants and animals need water. Note that a person can live without food for several weeks, and without water for several days. Conclude that water needs to be conserved and care must be taken to maintain the cleanliness of rivers and lakes.

Experienced activities:increase in water volume when freezing.

The day before, the children and their teacher poured equal amounts of water into identical plastic bottles. One bottle was left on the veranda and the other in the group. Children look at plastic bottle, placed on the veranda, is compared with the same one brought from the group. They conclude that when water freezes, the volume of water increases.

Labor activity"Helpers"

Goal: to involve children in carrying out work assignments, to develop a caring attitude towards their health and the health of others, and the ability to anticipate and avoid possible dangers. At the teacher’s suggestion, children sprinkle sand on slippery areas on the paths.

Individual work

Children with high physical activity:

"Get the puck between the pins"(development of attention, eye, accuracy of movements).

"Pathfinders" (ability to navigate using a map).

Children with low physical activity:"Cat and Mouse" (climbing under the cord, running).

Play activity

Sub games:

"Third wheel" (development of reaction speed, running exercise).

"Obstacle Course"(development of dexterity, improvement of basic types of movements)

Story-role-playing game“Journey to the capital” (consolidating children’s ideas about the world around them, developing imagination and creativity).

Independent activity : development of initiative, independence, motor activity, creativity in creating game plots, and the ability to plan one’s activities.


"Spring, spring outside..."


Goal: deepening children's understanding of birds and their needs, developing observation skills, and fostering a humane attitude towards living organisms.

The teacher invites you to listen to the “spring voices” and reads the poem:

Have you heard the song, a sonorous miracle?

She arrived, I know where from:

From distant lands along with the first ray,

And it says, I know what!

And it says, and it says,

About the fact that the cheerful birds woke up,

And the wind flew up to the top of the pine tree.

I know that this is a gift from spring!

Questions for children:

Why do birds fly away in the fall and return to their native lands in the spring?

What migratory birds do you know?

What birds did we see in the kindergarten area and at what time of year?

What do birds do in spring?

How do people help birds?

The teacher invites the children to remember and ask each other riddles about birds.

Did. exercise “How are they alike, how are they different” - comparison of rook, crow, jackdaw.

Work "Let's help the birds."

Goal: to involve children in carrying out work assignments, to develop a caring attitude towards living nature.

At the teacher’s suggestion, children place scraps on bird feeders. warm material, woolen threads, cotton wool.

Individual work.

« Who is the most accurate?- throwing at a horizontal target. Goal: strengthening the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing, developing the eye.

Children with high physical activity:badminton game(teaching the rules of the game, developing attention).

Children with low physical activity"Catch up with the hoop" (ability to roll a hoop back and forth, running exercise).

Game activity.

A game "According to the riddle and the answer"Goal: enriching the expressiveness of movements.

The teacher asks riddles, and the children, using facial expressions and gestures, show the answers.

Sub games:

Russian folk game "Birder Catcher":

Goal: consolidation of knowledge about birds, action in accordance with the text, development of attention.

The players choose birds whose calls they can imitate. Children gather in a circle, in the center of which stands the Birdcatcher, blindfolded. The birds walk, circle around the Birdcatcher and chant:

In the forest, in the woods, on a green oak tree

The birds sit and look anxiously into the distance:

“Ay! The bird catcher is coming! He will take us into captivity!

Birds, fly away!

The bird catcher claps his hands, the players freeze in place. The bird catcher points to one of the children. The child imitates the cry of the bird he has chosen. The bird catcher guesses what kind of bird it is, says its name and the player's name, and then the player becomes the bird catcher.

"Sparrows - crows."

Goal: development of reaction speed, exercise in running from different starting positions.

"Traps in pairs"

Target : development of dexterity, the ability to change speed and direction of movement.

Plot-role-playing game “We are earthlings.”

Goal: to develop children’s ideas about the structure of the Universe, cultivate curiosity, develop imagination and creativity.

Independent activity.

Goal: encouraging children to organize games with sports attributes.


"Hello, butterflies!"

Butterfly watching.

Goal: awakening in children an emotional attitude towards animals, leading to an understanding of caring attitude towards them.


The squadron sat down on a large colored carpet,

It will either close or open its painted wings. (butterflies)

It flutters and dances over the flower,

He waves a patterned fan. (butterfly)

Observing hives butterflies, looking at illustrations depicting bright butterflies.

Questions for children:

What butterflies do you know?

What butterflies can be seen in our area in the spring?

What do you like about butterflies?

What will you do when you see such a butterfly in the meadow?

Have you ever caught butterflies?

The teacher explains to the children that butterflies cannot live after being in the hands of people. Their thin wings have fine “dust” - special scales. It wears off even with a light touch. In addition, the two front wings are very important for the flight of a butterfly. They are very delicate and easily damaged. A butterfly cannot fly far with a broken wing. So is it worth destroying a butterfly for the sake of momentary pleasure? It’s better to let it fly, transfer pollen from flower to flower, and collect nectar. If we destroy butterflies, who will pollinate the plants? In nature, everything is interconnected. If butterflies disappear, many plants and birds that feed on them will disappear.

We flutter around every day,

We don’t know how tired we are at work:

We carry pollen from flowers,

And we really, really ask you

Don't scare us or catch us,

So that we can live in peace! (N. Ryzhova)

Experienced activity.

The teacher invites the children to launch models of butterflies made from thin paper, cardboard, foil, etc. Determine which butterfly “flies” better: made from cardboard, foil or thin paper? Why? Could butterflies fly if they had heavy, thick wings?

Game activity.

Base games:


Goal: development of motor creativity, attention.

Children stand in a circle around the leader and choose for themselves the roles of butterflies, dragonflies, bees and other insects. Children perform imitative movements: spinning, flying, collecting nectar, etc. At the “wind” signal (wave of the scarf), all insects freeze. Whoever freezes last is out of the game. The most attentive one wins.

Russian folk game "Salki".Purpose: running exercise, development of agility.

One driver is selected, who must catch up and greet the players running around the court.

Complicating options:
- The taunted player becomes the driver, and he must run, holding his hand on the part of the body for which he was taunted.
- The embarrassed player stops, stretches his arms to the side and shouts: Tea-tea-help out. He bewitched Disenchantother players can touch it by touching their hand. The driver must cast a spell everyone. To do this faster, there can be 2-3 people driving.

Game "Our anthill"(removing barriers to communication).

Children are running around the clearing. When the word “anthill” is pronounced by the leader, everyone gathers in a circle, pressing tightly against each other.

Role-playing gamesat the request of the children.

Goal: development of communication skills, the ability to negotiate with play partners, independently select toys and attributes for play.

pick up

Individual work.

"Complete the drawing" : complete the second half of the butterfly, beetle, dragonfly with sticks on the sand.

For children with high mobility. activities:

"Thread and Needle" (development of attention, coordination of movements). Children hold hands, forming a chain. Having drawn a chain around the entire playground, the teacher invites the children to stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a row of gates. After this, he leads the chain in the opposite direction under the children’s hands, passing one on the right and the other on the left in turn. At the moment when the chain of children passes under the “gates,” the child who raised his hands to form the “gates” turns around himself and continues moving further.

For children with low physical activity:

"Quickly pass the ball"(development of speed of movements).

Children stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands below, with a ball in one of them. At a signal, they quickly transfer the ball from one hand to the other in front and behind them.


Goal: fostering a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults, a desire for cleanliness and order.

The teacher offers the children to wash and dry the balls and pins.

Independent activity: encouraging the use of physical education aids, developing motor creativity.

Walk No. 1

1. Observations of seasonal changes at the end of autumn.

Goal: Formation of the concept of natural phenomena (frost, frost, waning day, staying night). To consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not warm).

Artistic word:

Not hot, not summer,
Rising from across the river
Autumn, last,
Warm days.

A. I. Isakovskaya


Late autumn is called “golden”. Puddles are drawn in first
thin ice, silver stars fly to the frozen ground -
snowflakes, icy tree branches ringing in the wind, turning silver
fallen leaves covered with frost in the sun. Late autumn sun
Rarely looks out, days become cloudy.


What time of November is called pre-winter (“silver autumn”)?


    Guess the riddle
    And not snow, and not ice,
    Will he remove trees with silver?
    2. Come up with riddles about late autumn.

2. Outdoor games:
"Trap", "Homeless Hare"

3.Work activity:

Balance exercise.

Walk No. 2

1. Observation “Why do birds fly south?”

Target: Introducing children to the period when birds are preparing to fly away: pay attention to their restless behavior. Cultivating a caring attitude towards birds

Vocabulary enrichment : migratory birds, chirping,they are calling in a string.

Conversation: - What were the birds doing in the spring? In summer? In the fall?
Please note - the birds behave restlessly, they gather in flocks and scream. The birds have already grown up and become stronger, they are ready to fly, but still stay close to their parents. The birds have a difficult and dangerous journey ahead. They choose the leader of the pack before flying. Usually this is a strong, experienced bird .

Where do the birds fly? Why?

"Cranes" Poznanskaya.

“The cranes are flying, crowing, sending their last “Goodbye...”.”

They call for summer and fly away to a warm land.”

"Cranes" Poznanskaya.

If your younger brother or sister asked you a question: “Why do birds fly south?” how would you answer?

A rustling line chasing the sun
Birds fly above us to a distant side
They are flying to winter quarters. And in the yard, in the cold,
Clothespins on a rope,like swallows on a wire.

Didactic games: “Guess the bird from the description” .

Target: learn to write a descriptive story, develop coherent speech.

"Who has who"

Target: practice word formation.

"Collect the pebbles"

Target: development fine motor skills hands

2. Outdoor games: "Migration of Birds" (lasagne)The children stand scattered at one end of the playground. They are birds. At the other end is a gymnastic wall with several spans, a pyramid. At the teacher's signal:"The birds are flying away!" - birds fly with their wings spread (children, raising their arms to the sides, run around the entire playground). On signal:"Storm!" - birds fly to the tower - hide from the storm in the trees. When the teacher says:"The storm has stopped" , - the birds descend from the tower and fly again. Children can climb on benches, boards placed on chairs, or other climbing devices.

"Ball to the driver." Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 3 m from one another. The players (5-6 people) stand behind one of the lines, in a column one at a time. The driver stands behind the other line, opposite them. He throws the ball to the child standing first in the column; he, having caught the ball, returns it to the driver and runs to the end of the column. At this time, the second child moves towards the line and repeats the same movements. If the child standing in the column does not catch the ball, the driver throws the ball to him again until he catches it. When all the children have thrown the ball, a new driver is chosen. The game can be played with an element of competition. In this case, it is convenient for the players to stand in two columns and choose two drivers. Success depends on children's ability to throw and catch the ball. If the player drops the ball, the driver throws it again, but because of this, the column loses time and may lose.

3.Individual work. Exercises with elements of playing basketball: pass the ball from the chest with both hands and catch it; pass the ball with one hand from the shoulder.

“Airplanes”: some children are “airplanes”, while others are “clouds”.

Goal: dodge, run away from the “cloud”.

4.Labor activity: Cleaning up fallen leaves.

Goal: developing the ability to finish a job; education of accuracy and responsibility.

Walk No. 3

1. Observation of the first snow.

Goal: to teach children to notice changes in nature; teach to see beauty.

Stars are falling from the sky,
They will lie down in the fields.
Let him hide under them
Black earth.
Many, many stars
Thin as glass;
The stars are cold,
And the earth is warm!
Artistic word.

It was raining yesterday morning
He knocked on the glass of the windows,
There is fog above the ground
Got up like clouds.
At noon the rain stopped
And that white fluff,
To the autumn dirt
Snow began to fall.
The night has passed. It's dawn.
There's no cloud anywhere
The air is light and clean
And the river froze.
(I. Nikitin)
People say:
Snow that falls on green foliage will melt in the next two or three days.
The first snowball is late; The first lasting snow falls at night.

Story. Autumn is the third to complete its work: stripping the forest, freezing the water, covering the ground with snow. It’s uncomfortable all around: the rain-lashed, bare, black trees stand. On the ground covered with snow, everything stopped growing. But this is not winter yet - pre-winter. Not yet, and it’s a sunny day. And, wow, how happy all living things will be in the sun! Look, mosquitoes and flies are crawling out from under the roots and flying into the air. The snow has melted... And at night the frost will strike again. While he is not yet big, he doesn’t tell you to yawn.

How long does the first snow last? (2-3 days)
What does snow feel like? (wet, dry)
When does the first lasting snow fall? (at night)
What is snow?
2.Research work :
Catch a snowflake in your palms and examine it.
Compare two snowflakes.
Determine the place where the snow melts faster.
Find a place where the snow has not yet melted.

3. Outdoor games:
“One, two, three – run!”
Goal: to develop running speed, agility, team coordination
action, ingenuity.

4.Labor activity:
Cover tree roots with snow.
Goal: to reinforce the idea of ​​the protective properties of snow.

5.Individual work.
"Hit the Hoop"
strengthen the ability to throw at a target.

6. Independent games.

Walk No. 4

1. Watching a sparrow in autumn Target . Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about a familiar bird - the sparrow. Learn to see changes in bird behavior with the arrival of autumn. Activate attention and memory.
Artistic word. little sparrow .

The little sparrow cries bitterly and sits on a branch next to him:
Gray, small as big as a ball. - Hush, little bird, you fool.
Cries pitifully. And quietly: I brought a worm...
- Where are you, mother sparrow? Sparrow chirp - chirp,
I didn't eat for half a day, I stopped crying at that very moment.
Who will feed me? Twisted his beak and nose
Chick - chirp, chik - chivyak, - In an instant I swallowed my lunch:
I would like at least one worm... - Oh, how delicious, but not enough!
The sparrow has flown in, bring me some more, mom...
-What does a sparrow look like? (small, lively bird)
- They often say about him: “gray sparrow.”
- But in fact, the sparrow is not gray at all. Which one then?
- What color is his back? (brown with wide longitudinal black stripes)
- What about the tail and wings? (the tail is dark brown, the wings are also dark brown, decorated with a reddish border)

And what color is the head? (gray)
- Conduct observation yourself.
-Where do sparrows live? (sparrows live both in the city and in the countryside)
- Yes, they adapt well to human habits everywhere.
- Why do sparrows love being around people so much?

(near people, birds are protected from predators, they have food and secluded places) - Sparrows especially like to set up their apartments behind shutters or carved window frames of wooden houses.
- And where can city sparrows settle? (under the canopy of the entrance or balcony)
- Let's see where the sparrows have taken up residence in our kindergarten territory?
- How should a person take care of birds? (make feeders, pour out food daily)

2. Outdoor games .
"Migration of Birds"
Game: "We are funny guys"
Goal: Continue to teach carefully, listen to the teacher’s command, develop attention, and ensure that tasks are completed correctly.
3. Labor activity
Organize a labor landing. Treat the trees.
Goal: Continue to teach children how to properly help trees and shrubs and cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

Game exercise “don’t knock down the flag.”
Goal: Learn to walk like a snake between objects without knocking them over.
5. Independent games with external material.

Walk No. 5

1. Observation of water (turning into ice).

Goal: To summarize children’s ideas about the state of aggregation of water in
autumn period.
What properties of water are you familiar with?
Does water have a form?
Is the water in a river, lake, sea, or puddle clear?
What happens to water if it is taken out into the cold?
Story: The water is clear. Objects can be seen through it. Water is liquid. It does not have its own shape; water takes the shape of the object it is poured into. On a flat surface, water spreads like a puddle. The water is colorless, tasteless, odorless. Clean water is clear, cloudy and dirty water is not clear. Only dirty water smells bad. Water freezes when the air temperature drops below 0 C.

2.Research work Experience: Pour in glass jar water, close the lid tightly and leave in the cold. We will soon see that the jar has split, and instead of the jar there is a piece of ice. Frozen water - ice - takes up more space than liquid water, so the ice in the jar became crowded, and it broke it. Ice appears on puddles, rivers,

ponds as soon as the first frost hits. With each frosty day, the ice crust will become thicker. What happens to ice if it is brought into a warm room?

Artistic word
"Cautious Fox"
I went to the stream to drink
Bent over, and the water
Motionless and solid."
(G. Ladonshchikov)

3. Outdoor game:
"Pass" "Cold - Hot"
Goal: Practice hitting the ball with the inside of your leg lift; achieve the correct technique in previously mastered types of walking.

4.Labor activity
Help the elders in cleaning the preschool area.
Goal: To consolidate skills in working with shovels and stretchers; learn to rationally organize your work, work together in a team.

5. Individual work on movement development:
Balance exercises.
Goal: To develop endurance in children.
6. Children’s independent games with external materials

Walk No. 6

1. Observation of the dog

Goal: Learn to establish connections between features appearance, animal behavior and winter season conditions. To cultivate interest in the life of animals, love, and the desire to help in difficult conditions.
What is the name of a dog's home?
What is a dog's favorite treat?
What does a dog look like? What breeds of dogs do you know?
Why are some dogs called "strays"?:

Artistic word
In our house, adults and children know
The fact that I am now the happiest person in the world,
I am the envy of all dog breeders
There is a dog of an amazing breed.
A dog's happy life largely depends on its owner. Dogs eat a variety of foods. They can enjoy fruits, cereals, milk, cottage cheese, but most of all they love meat.
There are a lot of dog breeds - St. Bernard, Dachshund, German Shepherd, Ciao-Ciao, Poodle, Rottweiler - they are all different from each other. The dog is smart, attentive, has an excellent memory, subtle sense of smell, and acute hearing. She will never leave her master in trouble, will never betray him!
“One day I met a stray cat.
- How are you doing?
- Nothing, little by little.
- I heard that you are seriously ill? I was sick
- So, you were lying in bed?
- Homeless, I have nowhere to put a bed
- How strange, I thought,
That in the vast world there is no place
Homeless dogs and cats.
A. Dmitriev
There are people who throw animals into the street. Their life becomes painful. They don't have good food, warmth, affection. they have to live in

basements and on the street. they get sick and die. This is the result of human callousness. And so I want to appeal to everyone:
"Don't throw away your pets!"

2. Outdoor games
“We are funny guys” “Entertainers”
Goal: Learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

3.Labor activity
Rake snow to a certain place to build ice figures (team work).
Goal: Learn to work together, achieve goals through common efforts.

4.Individual work on movement development .

Goal: Improve the techniques of throwing at a horizontal target. Develop eye, coordination, dexterity

5.Independent games with external material

Walk No. 7

1. Observation of snowfall.

Goal: Continue to teach how to see beauty, clarify ideas about the properties of snow. To consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Artistic word:

Light - fluffy
Snowflake white,
How clean
Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Don't raise the azure heights -
Begs to go to earth
Story: During the cold season, it snows instead of rain. Snowflakes form in the same way as raindrops. On high altitude the steam begins to freeze and

turn into tiny crystals. These crystals join together to form tiny hexagonal stars—snowflakes—that slowly fall to the ground as snow.
Where do snowflakes form?
Why? What do snowflakes look like?
2.Research work:
What kind of snow can you sculpt from? try making a ball of snow. Why do snowflakes melt on our palms?

3. Outdoor game:
“A crow is a sparrow.”
Goal: Learn to listen carefully to the team, develop attention, continue to learn how to navigate in space.

4.Labor activity:
Goal: Continue to work together.
Collect snow in a pile to build a slide.

5.Individual work on movement development :
Game exercise: “Don’t knock down the flag.”
Goal: Continue to snake between objects without knocking them over.

6. Independent games with external material.

Walk No. 8

1. Observation of coniferous and deciduous trees.
Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about trees, what they have in common and what is different

What trees grow on our site? (Birch, aspen, pine, spruce, larch, etc.)
What kind of trees are these? (Conifers.) Why? (Needles.)
What kind of trees are these? (Deciduous.) Why? (There are leaves.)
How deciduous trees different from conifers?
What do they have in common? (Trunk, branches, root.)
What conditions are necessary for trees to grow?
What benefits do coniferous and deciduous trees bring to national economy and in medicine?

2. Outdoor games
“Dashes”, “Catch up with a couple”
Purpose: To train children in running over obstacles

3.Labor activity
Cleaning the physical training area.
Goal: To teach children to work together and distribute responsibilities among themselves.

4.Individual work on movement development:
Standing long jump
Purpose: To train children in jumping, pushing off with both legs.

5.Independent games with external material..

Walk No. 9

1. Observation of snow and ice.
Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the various states of water. Develop a realistic understanding of inanimate nature.
Questions: What is ice made of?
What properties of ice (snow) are you familiar with?
How are snowflakes formed?

Artistic word
“We are snowflakes! This is us
winter parachutes
We are circling above you,
We are friends with the winds"
Ice is frozen solid water; as soon as you warm a piece of ice in your palm, it will immediately flow from your fingers in a thin stream. Name the signs of ice (shine, smoothness, hardness, fragility). Stroke the surface to determine smoothness. Hit - to discover strength and fragility.
Water evaporates from the seas and oceans. Water vapor rises high above the ground, where it is always very cold. There, at altitude, the steam freezes into tiny ice crystals. The crystals join together to form stars-snowflakes.
What is snow like in warm weather? (Snow sticky, heavy, wet, damp)
What is snow like in frosty weather? The properties of snow change, you cannot sculpt from it, the wind easily lifts the snow and spins it in the air. (Dry, fluffy, light, crumbles).
Dense, trampled snow melts more slowly than loose snow; dark dirty snow melts before clean and light snow.

2.Research work
Experience: Compare the freezing time of water in large and small molds, clean and colored water. Compare the melting rate of snow packed tightly and loosely in glasses.
3. Outdoor games. .
"Wolf in the Moat" "Mousetrap"
Goal: To teach how to jump over a ditch and back when given a signal; develop speed, agility, endurance.

4. Labor activity
Caring for plants growing on the site (raking snow to bushes, flower beds with perennial plants)
Goal: To develop interest in working in nature, environmental consciousness.

5.Individual work on movement development.
Climbing (Climb onto the tribune and step across its other span)
Goal: Develop coordination of movements; cultivate courage and determination.

6. Independent games with external material.

Walk No. 10

1.Observation "What is the weather today?"
Goal: To develop children’s ability to determine the weather condition and notice changes on a daily basis. Teach children (with the help of an adult) to use an outdoor thermometer. Cultivating interest in observations in nature.
Vocabulary enrichment: thermometer, calendar

A game “Name a sign of autumn.” The game is played in a group before the walk. “Come on, arrow, turn around, turn around and stop.”
The teacher shows the autumn calendar of nature and suggests turning the calendar arrows indicating the weather conditions.
Invite children to observe daily changes in air temperature in the morning, afternoon and evening. -What time of year is it now?

- What month?

- What is the weather today?

- Name the signs of autumn. - The nights become cold, and during the day the weather is still clear and warm. The sky is blue, bright, but more often hidden behind clouds. People began to dress warmer. Sometimes, in warm, sunny weather, they appear insects..

Characteristics of autumn weather: cloudy, clear, sunny, cool, windy, rainy, cold, warm, frosty..
Determine the weather using the following signs:
*If the morning sun is red, the weather will change for the worse, possible

rain and wind. *If at sunset clouds follow the sun, it means strong wind, rings mean rain. *Clouds from the south - to rain, from the northeast - to clear

in the form of long parallel stripes - to bad weather.
Didactic games :

“Come up with a sentence” - children make up sentences with the word “weather”.

Goal: to teach how to make sentences with a given word.

“Draw a picture” - drawing on wet sand.

Goal: development of fine motor skills.

2. Outdoor games: "Swan geese"

Goals: teach to follow the rules of the game, act on the teacher’s signal; develop dexterity.


Goals: To teach children to follow the rules of the game, to accurately perform game actions. Develop reaction speed, attention, coordination of movements.

3.Labor activity

Help the elders in cleaning the preschool area.

Goal: To consolidate skills in working with shovels and stretchers; learn to rationally organize your work, work together in a team.

4. Individual work on movement development:

Balance exercises.

Goal: To develop endurance in children.

Goals: To teach children to independently organize games, act as players, drivers, presenters, judges, captains; use a variety of sports attributes in physical activity.

4. Individual work on movement development:
Balance exercise.
Goal: Run and run down the hill ( wooden board).

5. Children’s independent games with external materials.

Walk No. 11

1. Observation of the state of nature

Goals:teach to see beauty, distinguish the characteristic signs of winter, recognize them in literary texts and poems;

strengthen the ability to perceive descriptions of patterns on the window.

Artistic word:

An amazing artist visited the window,

An amazing artist painted our window:

Palms, ferns, maples

there is a thick forest on the window.

Only white, not green,

all shiny, not simple.

Flowers and leaves on the glass

everything sparkles, everything is white.

But the glass was painted without paints and without a brush.

A wonderful artist visited the window.

Guess, guys, who painted the window?(Freezing.)


It got very cold overnight. It was a frosty morning. Some amazing drawings appeared on the glass overnight. The snow pattern on the windows is beautiful both on a sunny day and on a cloudy one.

Why do snow patterns appear on the window? How does frost depict them? Transparent water vapor that is always in the air. It is also present between the frames. Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass of the windows and turns into ice crystals, connecting with each other. Ice floes cluster on uneven surfaces, on barely noticeable scratches in the glass, and an ice garden with unusual Flowers gradually grows on the window.

2.Labor activity


3. Outdoor games


4.Individual work



5. Independent motor activity.

Walk No. 12

1. Supervision of special transport - “ambulance”

Target: expand knowledge about special transport - “ambulance”, the role of the driver in saving people’s lives; strengthen the ability to find the right car by description.


What kind of animal rushes along the pavement, like a daring wind. At the call of the sick

Growls, puffs.("Ambulance".)

The car speeds through a red light, - I’m taking a sick person for treatment! And everyone who calls me

I'll get you to the doctors quickly!("Ambulance".)

What kind of car is this?

How did you guess?

What are such machines needed for?

What kind of drivers should drive such cars? A car with a red stripe and a red cross immediately leaves for the specified address to help the patient. A flashing beacon and a wailing siren seem to be telling other vehicles and pedestrians: “Please let us through, we are in a hurry!”

2.Labor activity:

Garbage collection on site.


achieve the task through joint efforts;

foster mutual assistance.

3. Outdoor games: "Migration of Birds", "Don't Get Caught".

Goals: practice running in different directions;

develop slow and fast running.

4.Individual work


Goal: learn to roll the puck to each other in pairs.

5. Children’s independent games with external materials.

Walk No. 13

1.Weather observation

Target: - develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Ask the children to describe the weather and compare it with the weather in early autumn.

(How have the plants changed? Insects have disappeared, the air temperature has dropped, the first frosts have appeared on the soil, birds are trying to fly closer to human habitation. The sky is increasingly covered with lead clouds. The length of the day is decreasing - the length of the night is increasing.)


This month, no matter the year,

White day rises at lunchtime.

Winter gloom, dirt and slush -

Suddenly there are snowdrifts at the gate. (November.)

Didactic game "Who will remember more"

Goal: - enrich the vocabulary with verbs denoting actions

Blizzard -sweeps, blows,...

Rain -it's pouring, drizzling...

Wind -blows, howls,...

Snow -goes, falls,...

Crow -flies, croaks,... etc.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow to tree roots.

2. Outdoor game

"Trap, take the tape""Homeless Hare"
Goal: to train children to run without bumping into each other. Develop agility and endurance.
3. Labor activity:
Collective work (together with children, collect garbage from the site).
Goal: to cultivate a feeling of pleasure from the work done.
4. Individual work on movement development:
Balance exercise.
Goal: Run and run down the slide (wooden board).
5. Children’s independent games with external materials.

Walk No. 14

1.Observing the changing color of the sky

Target: - develop attention and the ability to characterize what you see.

Draw children's attention to how the color of the sky changes in autumn. The sky seemed to expand; You can clearly see that it is dark blue at the top and lighter towards the edges. It seems to have become larger due to the fact that the trees stand without foliage and the sky is visible through their branches.

Note how beautiful nature is at any time of the year.

Sign: It’s a gray morning in the fall, so wait for a red day.

Didactic game “Where can I do what?”

Goal: - to activate verbs in speech that are used in a certain situation.

What can you do in the forest?(Walk, pick mushrooms, relax,...)

What do they do in the hospital? - What can you do on the river? etc.

2. Outdoor game "Empty place" (OD - running) learning

Goal: to develop physical qualities: agility, speed.

A driver is selected, the rest of the children stand in a circle with their hands on their belts. The driver walks around and says:

I walk around the house and look out the window,

I’ll go up to one and knock softly.

After these words, the driver stops and looks into the circle. A conversation takes place with a child standing in a circle:

- Knock-knock-knock. - Who came?

-This… (the driver says his name).

-Why did you come?

- Let's run the race!

After these words, both run around the children standing in a circle in different directions, trying to quickly return and take an empty place. Whoever gets there first takes it, and the latecomer becomes the driver.

3. Labor activity


strengthen work skillsWith shovel;

4.Individual work.
"Hit the Hoop"
Goal: To train children in the ability to act on a signal,
strengthen the ability to throw at a target

5. Independent games with external material.

Walk No. 15

1. Finding signs of the coming winter

Goals: - develop the ability to independently identify signs of deep autumn;

Identify the peculiarities of plant adaptation to winter;

Foster an ecological culture and love of nature.

Ask children to independently describe the weather, using in speech as

You can use more adjectives, find signs of late autumn in your immediate environment.

    Establish a connection between changes in inanimate nature with changes in living nature (the sun began to shine and warm less; the plants bloomed, gave seeds, dropped their leaves; birds and animals prepared for the cold period of the year (they flew to warmer regions, hibernated, changed their fur to a warmer one, many wintering birds appeared to have feathers)).

Sign: If the first snow falls on wet ground, it will remain; if the first snow falls on dry ground, it will melt away.

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,

And the bare bushes look sadly.

The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow,

The winter crops are just turning green in the fields.

Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Goal: - clarify and deepen knowledge about the seasons.

The teacher names the seasons and gives an object to the child. The child names what happens at this time of year and passes the chip to another. He adds a new definition, etc.

2.Movable games

"Snow carousel".

Target: practice orientation in the area.

3.Individual work

Jumping on one leg.

Target: teach energeticallypush off and right land.

4. Labor activity

Clearing paths of ice and snow.


strengthen work skillsWith shovel;

cultivate perseverance and independence.

5. Independent games with external material.

Walk No. 16

1.Tit watching

Target: - deepen the understanding of tits

Give the children a riddle:

Guess which bird

Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

The shadow rings loudly: “Shadow-shadow!

What a beautiful autumn day!” ( tit)

The tit is a beautiful bird. The dorsal side is yellowish-green, the ventral side is yellow, with a wide black stripe along the chest and belly. The tits of Central Asia have a bluish-gray back, and yellow the ventral side is replaced by white. The upper side of the head, sides of the neck, throat and adjacent part of the crop are shiny black with a bluish steel tint, the sides of the head are white. The wing is grayish-blue with a light transverse stripe. The tail is blackish, with a bluish coating.

At the end of summer, family flocks of great tits unite with families of other species of tits, kinglets and some other birds. In such flocks at the beginning of winter there are usually 30 - 50 birds that roam wherever there are trees and bushes. With snow falling, most of the tits fly to the south, and the remaining birds for the winter move to the outskirts of populated areas. Tits love to feast on fresh lard in winter, so it should be placed in feeders with other food.

Signs: birds began to sing in the rain - to clear weather; tufting - to bad weather; if a tit starts squeaking in the morning, it will be frosty at night.

2.Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Target:teach how to collect snow on a stretcher and dump it in a certain place.

3. Outdoor games

“Geese-swans”, “Who will jump better?”


continue to learn how to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game;

strengthen the ability to jump.

4.Individual work


Target: learn to roll the puck to each other in pairs.

5. Independent games with external material.

Walk No. 17

1. Observation of the clothes of adults and children

Goals: - continue to develop the ability to establish simple connections between changes in inanimate and living nature;

- consolidate knowledge about the classification of clothing by season.

Draw children's attention to people's clothes. Ask to name parts of clothing, compare it with summer, find out why it has changed.

All living things prepare for the cold season, just in different ways. The cold forces wild animals to grow long hair (arctic fox, fox, mink, wolf, wintering birds), to store food in their homes (squirrel), the appearance of snow leads to a change in the color of animals for protection from enemies (hare). A person does not have wool, so he puts on warm clothes, heats his home, and stores vegetables and fruits.

Didactic game "Who needs what?"

Objectives: - to exercise in the classification of objects;

- develop the ability to name objects necessary for people of a certain profession.

Invite children to remember what people of different professions need to work:

Name a profession, and children must answer what is needed to work in this field.

Name the object, and the children say what profession it might be useful for.

2.Labor activity

Clearing paths from snow; construction of a slide for dolls to ride on sleds.

Target: cultivate diligence and the desire to work together.

3. Outdoor games

“Fox in the Hen House”, “Planes”.

Target: practice running, the ability to act on the teacher’s signal, and jump off the bench.

4. Individual work

“Bring the bag.”Target: practice balance.

5. Children’s independent games with external materials.

Walk No. 18

1. Monitoring transparency and air movement

Target: - generalize knowledge about air and its properties (invisibility, transparency, movement, movement).

Make a riddle:

Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He's invisible and yet

We cannot live without him.

Ask the children to breathe in the cool, clean autumn air. What does it smell like? What do children feel when they breathe in this air?(The smell of freshness, earth.)

Air surrounds us everywhere: on the street, in a group, in any room. It cannot be seen, but it can be felt. You can feel the air when the wind blows, because wind is the movement of air.

Objectives: - to prove to children that air does not have a specific shape, spreads in all directions and has no odor of its own;

- develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on basic experimentation.

The air does not have a specific shape and spreads in all directions.

Invite children to close their eyes and feel the smells (from orange peel, garlic, scented napkins) spreading around.

Conclusion: Air is invisible, but it can transmit odors at a distance.

2.Labor activity

Filling buildings on the site with colored water.

Target: develop teamwork skills.

3. Outdoor games

“Don’t stay on the floor”, “Counter dashes”.

Target: continue to teach how to run and jump without bumping into a friend.

4.Individual work


Target: learn to make turns on the spot and in motion, climb a hill using a ladder and descend from it in a low stance.

5. Children’s independent games with external materials

Walk No. 19

1.Snow observation

Target: - consolidate the idea of ​​snow as a special state of water.


The white blanket was not made by hand.

It was not woven or cut,

It fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow.)


He's busy all the time

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way. (Snow.)

Invite the children to watch the snow, how it beautifully and quietly falls to the ground. Look at the snowflakes that have fallen on dark mittens or gloves. They are all different – ​​needle-like and beautiful.

Take off your mittens and watch the snowflakes melt, turning the snow into water.

Didactic game “What is she like, snowflake?”

Invite the children to describe the snowflake (beautiful, cold, white,...)

Signs: clouds go low - snowfall; clouds move against the wind - towards a blizzard.

Research activities "Water and Snow"

Goal: - experimentally consolidate in children the knowledge that water has different states.

Add snow and ice to the group and find out which melts faster. Place loose snow in one bucket, compacted snow in the second, and ice in the third.

Conclusion: Loose snow will melt first, then compacted snow, ice will melt last.

2. Labor activity

Collecting snow to build a slide for a doll.

Target: learn to work together, achieving the task through joint efforts.

3. Outdoor games

“Two frosts”, “We are funny guys.”

Target: teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

4.Individual work

Consolidating skiing skills.

Target: learn to go down a hill.

5. Independent games for children with external materials

Walk No. 20

1. Observing the length of the day

Goal: - develop the ability to establish connections between the length of day and night and lighting.


Kind, good looks at people,

And he doesn’t tell people to look at themselves. (Sun.)

Continue observing the sun: it shines less and less often and rises low. In November short days and long nights. Children come to kindergarten when it is still dark. Compare with the beginning of autumn, when the child woke up and it was already light, the sun was high. And now the length of the day has greatly decreased. November is the darkest time of the year because there is no snow cover yet.

Didactic game“What did I say?”

Goal: - learn to distinguish several meanings in a word, compare these meanings, find common and different things in them.

Tell children that there are words that are close, there are words that are opposite in meaning, and there are words that are used often and used to name many different objects.

- Name the words, and the children must list its meanings:

A needle - from a syringe, a Christmas tree, a pine tree, a sewing needle, from a hedgehog...

(Nose, ear, leg, handle, zipper, neck, wing, etc.)

2.Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​younger preschoolers from snow.

Target:cultivate a desire to help younger people.

3. Outdoor games

"A clever couple."

Target:develop your eye, achieving good results.

"Hit the target."

Target:learn to follow the direction of a flying object, calculate and perform movements.

4.Individual work

Throwing snowballs into the distance and at the target.

Target:develop coordination of movements.

5. Independent games for children with external

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
Yellowness, yellowness,
This means that autumn is not spring.
V. Nirovich


The rain is drizzling
Sows rain through a sieve
The smoke is gray.
Rain is an artist:
He's drawing
And he plays the trumpets
No worse.
So the gray snow began to fall,
Lay down thickly.
How good is it?
And sad.

R. Seph

Red rain falls from the sky,
The wind carries red leaves...
Leaf fall,
Change of season
Leaf walker on the river, leaf walker.
The sides of the river are freezing,
And there is nowhere to escape from the frost.
The river was covered with a fox fur coat,
But he's shaking
And can't get warm.

V. Shulzhik