Simple devices for stretching the legs and spine. Exercise machines for stretching the spine. Manufacturers of traction tables

Spinal traction at home (traction) has a positive effect on displaced injuries. This method is used to treat scoliosis, hernias and chondrosis. Thanks to traction, the distance between the discs becomes greater, which relieves pinched nerves and eliminates pain. The method of stretching the spine is viewed with skepticism by doctors, despite the fact that traction equipment is used in the arsenal of hospitals. Are stretching exercises effective as a treatment? More than that, but traction is not used for all diseases of the spine, and in some cases, spinal traction at home is contraindicated.

  • Displacements due to dislocations and fractures. It fixes the vertebrae in a certain position, preventing them from moving.
  • If you have scoliosis, you should not carry out a long course of traction for the spine, so as not to get complications. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury to the spine. The treatment of scoliosis requires an integrated approach (massage course, special exercises, support collars and corsets).
  • Some doctors do not recommend using this method of treatment for osteochondrosis, so as not to injure the discs and vertebrae affected by the disease.
  • With a hernia, traction - good way without surgical intervention, but traction forces have their limits. Otherwise, the patient's condition may worsen.

Contraindications for traction

Spinal traction may not always be beneficial. You should not perform spinal stretching exercises at home if you have arthritis or osteoporosis. Do not do it for diseases of the vascular system, heart disease and high blood pressure. It is not advisable to carry out during thrombosis, critical days. Traction should not be performed on pregnant women so as not to harm the fetus. Not used for colds, viral diseases, especially if they are accompanied by high temperature.

When stretching the spine, you should not strain too much; if the patient feels weak, it is better to abandon this method.

Types of stretching

Spinal traction is divided into 2 types:

  • . Underwater traction requires a pool and special equipment. It is done in hospitals. Water helps eliminate pain.
  • Do it yourself, both in clinics and independently. Doctors usually use special tables (couches) for vertical and horizontal traction.

Exists a large number of compact exercise machines that are easy to install in an apartment. But when using traction machines, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

How to do spinal traction?

To stretch your spine at home, you should use a number of exercises:

  • For the thoracic region: the patient needs to stand with his feet shoulder-width apart. The patient lowers his head, bending in the thoracic region, while the lower back remains flat and does not bend. A person stretches upward, simultaneously relaxing tense muscles. This position is fixed for 10 seconds.
  • The patient leans forward, placing his feet shoulder-width apart. When you bend your body forward, your palms touch the floor, your legs and back relax, and the load falls on the muscles of the spine.
  • The patient gets up to the starting position, touches his forehead to his legs and bends towards his shins. Over time, the person will become more flexible and will be able to perform this exercise without difficulty.
  • The patient stands, then bends over, putting one leg forward. You need to reach your forehead towards your leg. We fix the position for 30 seconds without holding our breath.
  • We collect our hands in a “lock”, moving them behind our back. The patient sits or stands, and hands are placed behind the back like this: one on top and the other on bottom. We fix the position for forty seconds.
  • The patient sits on the floor and stretches his legs. After this, he takes his feet with his palms, without bending his knees, and reaches out to them with his forehead. The body is fixed in this position for 20 seconds. It is not at all difficult to perform spinal traction on your own; this way you can improve the patient’s condition with your own hands.
  • Hanging on the horizontal bar ( wall bars) can also be used as exercises for stretching the spine on vacation, at home.

  • Interesting read:

Lumbar traction

Pulling Exercises lumbar region:

  1. The patient lies on his back, pressing his shoulders to the floor. Your arms should be outstretched. We bend our legs, first place them to the right of the body, return them to their original position, then place the legs to the left of the body. We repeat the exercise 4 times in each direction.
  2. The person lies on his back, places his leg on the floor, and bends the other leg and pulls it towards his chest. The position is fixed for 30 seconds; ideally, the patient should reach his forehead to his knee. After which the leg straightens and the person returns to the starting position. The same manipulations are done with the other leg.
  3. Lie on your stomach and bend your right leg at the knee. We fix our hands on the foot of the bent leg, and the heel is pressed against the buttocks. We remain in this position for one and a half minutes. We straighten the leg and do the same with the left leg.
  4. We get down on all fours, smoothly relaxing the abdominal muscles, bending in the lumbar region. The lower back should bend without pressure or effort, simply under the weight of the patient's body. After this, we pull in our stomach and bend our lower back upward. The back should look like an arch.
  5. We lie on our backs, place our feet on the floor. You need to bend your knees. Then, pressing the buttocks to the floor, we bend our lower back upward, fixing the position for 15 seconds. And after that we bend the lumbar region down. The exercise is repeated up to 8 times. Rule: exercises are done without sudden movements and at a slow pace.

To avoid traction in the hospital, you can build a special traction table at home. This excellent device is useful when the patient cannot hang on the horizontal bars.

They do it like this:

  • We take a wide board, which is wrapped in several layers of fabric. This way the body will not slide on the table.
  • One side of the board is attached at a height of 130 cm from the floor and above, at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Straps are attached to the high edge of the board. The length of the straps is about half a meter.

How to exercise on such a simulator? You need to lie down on the table, relax all your muscles, and put straps on your arms. Such a table will not only not harm the spine, but will also improve posture, stretch all parts of the spine, and relieve muscle fatigue.

  • We recommend reading:

The exercise machine can be made from a bed with a hard mattress. To do this, harnesses are made on it. The width of the harness is 7–8 cm, and the length is about 150 cm. They are made of thick fabric, and the bed itself is raised at an angle of 40–45 degrees (at the head). Harnesses are attached at the head of the head, they go under the arms to hold the body.


  • To prevent pain in the spine from appearing, it is enough to watch your posture, do not lift heavy things, and sleep comfortably.
  • To avoid neck pain, you should avoid sitting on soft surfaces, and your feet should be firmly on the floor, and it is recommended to keep your back straight. You shouldn’t bend over too much, and if your work involves sitting for a long time, you should warm up from time to time. You cannot sit cross-legged.
  • After stretching, you should not overload the spine, and lift weights only from a sitting position. When carrying bags or other heavy objects in your hands, their weight is distributed evenly so that curvature of the spinal column does not occur.
  • You need to sleep on a bed with a semi-rigid base and a thin mattress. It is better to use an orthopedic mattress and pillow rectangular shape. To relax the muscles, the head should lie parallel to the base of the bed. Muscles cannot relax if a person sleeps less than 9 hours.

If these rules are followed, then the likelihood of spinal diseases is reduced.

The traction method has been used since ancient times, when the first diseases of the spine began to appear. Such pathologies of the spine include displaced fractures, hernia, osteoporosis, scoliosis and others. Due to traction, the distance between the spinal discs increases, resulting in a decrease in pain.

Today there is no consensus on the advisability of using this method in medical circles. Some modern doctors are skeptical about the procedure, despite the fact that the hood is used in many medical institutions and expensive equipment is used.

The growth and formation of the human skeleton occurs until the age of twenty, after which the body begins to age. The nature of the processes in each case is different, in some they proceed faster, in others - more slowly.

Osteochondrosis is considered one of the most common diseases among older people; the disease is accompanied by pathologies of cartilage and intervertebral discs.

Almost always, the first symptom of the disease is pain; if pathological symptoms are ignored, the disease progresses to the following stages:

  • Protrusion - an intervertebral disc protrudes into any part of the spinal column;
  • Hernia is the next stage of the disease.

The listed diseases are accompanied by pain; when the pain is localized in the area of ​​the sacrum and lower back, it irradiates to the leg or gluteal region.


Exercise machines are prescribed in the following cases: displacement due to fractures and dislocations; with the help of exercise machines, the vertebrae are secured in a certain position, they do not move. For scoliosis, a long course of spinal traction is not recommended; this avoids complications.

If this condition is not met, there is a risk of injury; scoliosis therapy requires integrated approach, you need to undergo a massage course and do special exercises. In some cases, doctors do not recommend doing such exercises for osteochondrosis in order to avoid injury to the affected vertebrae and discs.

Traction for hernia - great alternative surgical operation, the traction forces have their limits, otherwise there is a high probability of aggravation of the patient’s condition.

Effect of traction:

  • Increasing the distance between the vertebrae;
  • Creation low pressure inside the fibrous capsule, as a result, the vertebral disc moves during a herniation into the space between the vertebrae;
  • Strengthening tendons and back muscles;
  • Activation of blood circulation in blood vessels.

Features of classes

There is a fairly widespread stereotype that it is enough to hang on the crossbar for a short time, the need to use more complex structures absent. It is worth noting that if you weigh more than 100 kg, doing this is strictly prohibited; the method will help to achieve simple muscle stretching.

Hanging on a bar requires preliminary warming up of the muscles in the gym; at the age of over 45, it is not recommended to risk your health.

Exercise equipment and devices

There are a large number of machines for stretching the spine, often these are inversion boots, an inversion table, and special exercise machines. To stretch the spine, you can use a regular horizontal bar, which is suitable for treatment at home.

Horizontal bar, crossbar

The crossbar can be installed in one of the rooms or in the yard; to achieve optimal effect, 1-2 approaches daily are enough.

Effective exercises:

  1. Hanging on a bar is a simple, effective exercise; to begin with, swinging is enough, after which you can take steps imitating the movements while turning your body. At the same time, it is not recommended to jump sharply, especially when the crossbar is located at a high height;
  2. Corner - in a position hanging on the crossbar, slowly raise and lower straight legs at a right angle; if there are difficulties, it is allowed to raise the limbs in a bent position, gradually the number of repetitions can be increased to 8-10 times;
  3. Pull-up. In the absence of experience, it is recommended to use a low chair and crossbar, jerks and sudden movements in in this case contraindicated. It is recommended to hold on to the horizontal bar very tightly; your elbows should be parallel to each other.

Evminov's simulator

The exercise machine is made in the form of a board with a crossbar installed at the top, its upper part is attached to a hook built into the wall. The patient does exercises while holding the bar; the doctor draws up an exercise program based on the patient’s diagnosis.

This technique is characterized by an increased risk of injury; the first training should be carried out under medical supervision; it is recommended to start the exercises on a board at a slight incline with a gradual increase in it.

Gleason loop

The simulator is used for cervical traction; the clamp consists of two fabric fastenings - for the back of the head and the chin. The patient, sitting on a chair, secures the clamp, the loop is attached to a block with a weight attached to one end.


The simulator is a semi-oval structure with a stable platform located below. The design principle is based on following principle: the patient lies on the surface, his back takes the same shape, the spinal column is extended.

The model shows effectiveness in the treatment of intervertebral hernia; it is allowed to perform exercises such as raising and lowering the body or simply staying in a horizontal position.

FlexyBack Trainer

The device is considered the most accessible for stretching the back; the simulator is made in the form of a curved roller with fiber padding, and a steel frame is installed inside. The ergonomic design follows the anatomical curves of the spinal column, mobility is ensured due to its compact dimensions.

The simulator can be used not only at home, but also in the car, at the workplace.

To prevent pain in the spine area, it is enough to lean against the back of a chair, armchair or car seat. The exercise machine can be installed on the floor; performing slow rolls allows you to set the vertebrae in place and relax your back.

Bestec Air Nobius

The device has a stretching effect on the vertebrae; horizontal stretching relieves stress from different parts of the spine and helps relieve tired limbs. All this allows you to relieve back pain and reveal the body’s capabilities; the simulator is equipped with a system of regulators that allows you to change parameters.

Inversion boots

The device is a special attachment fixed to the ankles; when placed in a suspended state, the vertebrae are aligned and the load is removed from the back.

As a result of exercise, the brain is saturated with oxygen, ligaments are strengthened, susceptibility to stress is reduced, the method is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Gravity table

This type of simulator is an inclined plane on which the patient is placed in a lying position. The principle of operation is based on rotating the body at different angles; to create a traction effect, the patient must lie on a plane with his feet up.

Main types of gravity tables:

  • Mechanical - traction is carried out under the influence of gravity, the design is simple and reliable, there is no need to connect to the power supply;
  • Electric - the stretching effect is achieved by moving parts of the structure under the influence of an electric drive; the devices are recommended for use during the recovery period after injuries, as well as for training patients with disabilities.

How to make a trainer at home

You can install a horizontal bar or bar with your own hands in doorway, for these purposes it is recommended to use durable metal constructions. The technique is very simple, it is recommended to do the exercises several times a day for 20-25 seconds, it shows effectiveness with regular repetitions.

It is worth noting that the method is not suitable for everyone; it is very difficult for older people to hang on for more than 10-15 seconds.

How to make it yourself

When making such a simulator, it is recommended to take a wide, smooth board; the upper end should be fixed at a distance of 1.3 m from the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. 2 wide straps approximately 0.4 m long are attached to the upper edge; the patient must freely stretch his arms without assistance; wrapping the device in several layers of fabric will help prevent slipping during exercise.

The patient should lie on the surface on his back or stomach, his arms are threaded through the straps, the core muscles are completely relaxed, a pillow placed under the shins or knees will help to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.


Stretching the back is not always useful; the method is contraindicated for osteoporosis, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, and high blood pressure. The procedure should be abandoned in case of thrombosis, during menstruation, or colds; traction can harm the embryo.

When stretching the spinal column, strong tension is also contraindicated; the patient should refuse exercises in a state of weakness.


Other preventive measures:

  • Avoid sitting on soft surfaces, feet firmly on the floor, spine straight;
  • Avoid bending over; when sitting for long periods of time, a warm-up is provided;
  • Refusal to overload the spine; heavy lifting is allowed only from a sitting position;
  • The weight of bags and other heavy objects should be distributed evenly while carrying, this helps avoid curvature of the spine;
  • The sleeping surface should be semi-rigid, the mattress should be thin, and muscle relaxation can be achieved by sleeping less than nine hours.

In ancient times, when a person developed pathologies of the spine, chiropractors sought to correct these defects by traction. Spinal pathologies included displaced fractures, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and hernia.

Thanks to traction, the distance between the discs increases, which leads to decompression of the nerve and significantly reduces pain. But that was in ancient times.

Today, doctors are skeptical about traction, and this despite the fact that traction is used in many hospitals using expensive and complex devices. But all these complex devices do not solve the problem. In order not to contact a massage therapist or chiropractor, there are exercises for stretching the spine at home.

When is spinal traction used?

There are times when a hood is simply necessary, but there are also situations when it will be unnecessary and it is advisable to abandon it. Based on this condition, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question posed.

  • Traction is performed to eliminate displacements resulting from dislocations and fractures. However, traction is always accompanied by fixation of the vertebrae in a certain position after traction;
  • If a person has scoliosis, then prolonged traction is extremely dangerous, as this can cause injury and lead to other undesirable complications. Scoliosis needs to be dealt with comprehensively. That is, in addition to traction, the patient needs to be prescribed special massage and gymnastics, as well as corrective collars and corsets.
  • But in case of osteochondrosis, it is generally not recommended to engage in traction, citing the fact that any minimal mechanical impact on the injured spine is extremely dangerous, because it can damage already problematic vertebrae and discs;
  • If you have a herniated disc, then by prescribing traction, you are not sent for a complex operation and are given the opportunity to be cured without surgery. Definitely, for any pathologies of various parts of the spine, each vertebra has its own limit of permissible traction force. If it is exceeded, serious injury may occur.

What are the contraindications for spinal traction?

Any physical exercise has its contraindications, and traction is no exception. It is highly recommended not to ignore the recommendations below, because otherwise, you can aggravate existing diseases with several new diseases.

  1. It is forbidden to stretch in case of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and arthritis;
  2. Traction is not advisable if you have vascular disease, heart disease or hypertension;
  3. In case of thrombosis, stretching is strictly prohibited!
  4. Modern medicine is extremely cautious about performing traction during menstruation and pregnancy. First, consult your doctor and listen to your feelings;
  5. Spinal stretching is highly undesirable for colds and viral diseases accompanied by elevated temperature;
  6. Follow the rules of physical therapy - do not overexert yourself and do exercises with force. If you feel weak in your body, stop using the hood.

Spinal traction at home

To stretch your sore back, you can safely use proven yoga exercises. If you have had experience doing yoga, then the following set of exercises for stretching the spine will be very helpful:

  • When stretching your thoracic back, take a standing position and place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Slowly lower your head and bend at the thoracic back. But watch your lower back, it should not bend at this time. Then stretch up and relax your muscles. You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  • Bend forward. The starting position is the same as in the case described above. Next, bend forward and touch the floor with your palms. The muscles of the legs and back should be relaxed so that the entire load falls on the spine.
  • The next type of bending is performed from the starting position described above, only now you need to touch your legs with your forehead and clasp your shin with your hands. Naturally, without preliminary training, you are unlikely to be able to perform this exercise efficiently and the first time. But gradually you will achieve the necessary flexibility and you will complete the exercise without any difficulties.
  • Regular bends that are performed from a standing position. Place one leg forward and, while bending, touch your forehead to your exposed leg. Stay in this position for half a minute and breathe evenly and calmly.
  • Hands locked behind your back. The exercise must be performed standing or sitting, and the hands are placed behind the back, one of which is placed from below, and the second from above from behind the head. Now try to clasp your hands.
  • Flexibility exercise from school. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Next, bend forward and grab your feet with your palms. Touch your forehead to your knees and stay in this position for 15-20 seconds.
  • Hanging on a wall bars or horizontal bar is also an excellent way to stretch the spine.

Below are effective exercises for stretching the spine at home. various diseases backs.

  • Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides and press your shoulders to the floor. Next, bend your knees and try to alternately place your bent legs to the right, and then return to the starting position. After a short pause, repeat the exercise, only to the left side and so on 3-4 times for each side;
  • The next exercise is to lie on your back, put one leg on the floor, bend the other at the knee and pull it with your hands to your chest as tightly as possible, but without obvious pain. Stay in this position for a couple of moments and try to touch your forehead to your knee. Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds, and then slowly straighten your leg and do the same procedure with the other leg;
  • Sit on the floor and straighten both legs. Next, lean forward without bending your knees and try to clasp your feet with your palms. If you can’t reach your feet, then clasp your ankles with your hands. Done? Now gently tilt your head onto your lap and stay in this position for a few minutes. Try to relax completely and do not do the exercise through force or pain. Your main task is not to harm yourself even more;
  • Lie on your stomach and bend your left leg at the knee. Now try to grab the foot of your left leg with both hands and press your heel to your buttock. Lock in this position for 1-1.5 minutes. After holding for a minute, return your left leg to a horizontal position and do the same operation with your right leg;
  • Get on all fours, relax your abdominal muscles and slowly bend your lower back down. Under no circumstances do this exercise forcefully, just let your lower back bend under its own weight. Now pull your stomach in and bend your lower back upward. The back in the lumbar region should take a rounded shape;
  • Lie on your back and bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Bend your lumbar upward as much as possible, and try to press your buttocks to the floor. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Now bend your lower back down, arching your back towards the floor. Repeat this exercise 6-8 times and do it very smoothly and slowly.
We've dealt with the lumbar back, now it's time to consider stretching exercises for the spine for osteochondrosis.

The benefits of spinal traction for osteochondrosis

This disease often occurs in people of various age categories, and if you develop osteochondrosis, you need to start immediately effective treatment. In addition to reception various drugs And traditional medicine, it is also necessary to do special gymnastics.

That is, you need to do a set of exercises to stretch the spine. What is it for?

Such exercises help lengthen muscle fibers that have been damaged as a result of the development of osteochondrosis.

Thanks to stretching, you will improve blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes, as well as significantly increase the distance between the vertebrae. The stretch will relieve tension in the back and reduce pressure in the internal cavities of the intervertebral discs.


The best effect can be obtained by using a special simulator. It provides uniform and soft stretching. This simulator has two significant advantages - the procedure is pleasant and absolutely painless.

If you plan to treat your back at home, you can use a hard bed or board. Lie on the board so that your head is down, and the extension is carried out due to your weight. Pull-ups on a Swedish wall or horizontal bar have proven themselves to be quite good. The main disadvantage of pull-ups is that your arms will quickly get tired if you have never done this exercise before.

There are several other popular methods of stretching the back for osteochondrosis, but they are usually prescribed by the attending physician. But there is a universal way that no one even suspects - this is swimming.

You've probably noticed that people who swim always have a straight and healthy back. During swimming, a person's muscles relax and the load is removed from the intervertebral discs. Want to healthy back– start going to the pool regularly.

Gymnastic exercises that must be performed for herniated intervertebral discs

In medical practice, various physical exercises are used, which are recommended for people with herniated vertebral discs. Stretching exercises are considered the best, as they reduce pain and help relax muscles and problem areas of the back. Spinal stretching exercises for hernia can be divided into four types:

  1. Stabilizing exercises, also known as strength training. If you engage in strength sports, you will significantly strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, as well as improve mobility, endurance and strength;
  2. Low intensity aerobic exercise. Such exercises include cycling, walking, and swimming. These exercises will strengthen your back and abdominal muscles without putting much strain on them. Water gymnastics is extremely useful, because water helps reduce the load on the back;
  3. Yoga classes. There are many sets of gymnastic exercises originally from East Asian countries that help improve physical fitness, flexibility, psychophysical balance, and also reduce the amount of lumbar pain;
  4. However best result showed stretch marks. Stretching exercises are the best way to reduce pain. But as observations have shown, you can achieve great results only if you combine stretching with strength exercises.

Exercises for stretching the thoracic spine

  • Sit on a chair and press your buttocks tightly against it. Look straight and try to deviate alternately left and right. When performing the exercise, place your arms to the sides and make sure that they move parallel to the floor. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Sit on a chair, put your hands on your waist and move your elbows in different directions. Start slowly raising your shoulders up to the limit, while trying to pull your head in. And then slowly lower your shoulders down to the limit. Do this exercise 3-4 times.
  • Sit on a chair and put your hands behind your head, clasping them together. Then turn your body as far as possible to the left, stay in this position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Now repeat the same movement, but to the right side. As you turn, you should literally feel the stretch in your muscles and spine.


Inversion table DFC Pro 75304

Spinal traction device - medical equipment

Painful sensations in the lower back, between the shoulder blades and in the shoulder area can be caused by completely natural actions or postures. The load on the back above 100% is recorded:

  • In a standing position in a level position or with the torso shifted forward.
  • In a sitting position without or with a tilt of the upper body.

If you do not take any healing actions in relation to the spine, serious complications may arise, the solution of which will require a lot of money and time.

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Hernia;
  • Violations of the functional activity of internal organs, etc.

The spinal traction procedure is considered one of the most effective methods for health improvement and has been popular among the population for several decades. The main means of the procedure is a spinal traction machine, which can be selected and purchased on our company’s website.

Operation process

The spine stretching machine is a vertical rotating table, which changes the body position from normal to upside down.

  • First, the body of the simulator is prepared for the procedure by adjusting the table to the user’s height.
  • The user then fixes the legs at the bottom apparatus and lies on the device.
  • When everything is ready, the person stretches along the entire back of the device, twists the body into a horizontal position, then into a vertical position at an angle of up to 90 degrees.
  • In order for the spine to begin to stretch, the arms are lowered down and the whole body is relaxed.

Impact on the body

Buy spine trainer It is recommended not only for treatment, but also as a prevention of pathologies of the whole body. Technology improves:

  • Circulation;
  • Metabolic processes;
  • Condition of the vascular system.

If you use the simulator regularly, you can avoid brain hypoxia, varicose veins veins and thrombosis.

Hood contraindications

If you have frequent back pain, you should not rush to conclusions and run out to buy equipment. It is better to buy a simulator for treating the spine after visiting a doctor, because the presence of certain diseases can only aggravate the condition. It is prohibited to use the equipment:

  • during pregnancy;
  • if there is a tumor on the spine;
  • with inflammation of internal organs and tissues;
  • people with epilepsy, kidney stones and a weak heart.

Safety on the simulator

You cannot start training until the user is fully familiar with the instructions for use and safety precautions.

  • The spinal straightening machine must be installed on a flat floor, where there are no foreign objects within a radius of 0.5 meters.
  • The spinal traction machine must not be used with a body weight exceeding the lifting capacity of the device.
  • It is advisable to conduct the first classes in the presence of a medical professional.

A spinal stretching machine is a device that has long been included in the rehabilitation practice of some doctors. With its help, you can solve the problem of pinched intervertebral nerves. The exercise machine is often recommended for those who want to slightly increase their height. However, not all experts approve of its use, especially in patients diagnosed.

Types of devices

Traction table is another name for a spinal stretching machine. There are several types of such devices:

  1. A modern Japanese option for the home. Gentle, designed not only for stretching, but also for working out different muscle groups.
  2. Inversion table. More like a real sports trainer, more complex than a Japanese home device. It also allows you to work with different muscle groups.
  3. A classic traction table with various fastenings, capable of changing the angle of inclination and “breaking” in different planes.
  4. Electronic traction devices. This is a variation of the classic models, only more complex and with many additional functions. The newest representatives of the class of “stretchers” for the spine.
  5. Pillow-simulator for stretching the spine. There are two types of such devices.
  6. Homemade device. The name speaks for itself - you can do it yourself, but you need to know all the intricacies of professional stretching so as not to harm the spine.

Manufacturers of traction tables

There are not so many well-known brands. And these devices, for the most part, are intended only for professional offices located at medical institutions. It is very important to note this point, because only a certified specialist should engage in this type of activity. Spinal stretching has a whole list of contraindications.

The most famous companies:

  • Ormed. Russian manufacturer(Ufa). Currently, the product line includes 4 models of spinal traction devices.
  • Nevomed. Russian manufacturer (St. Petersburg). On the market since 1995. The product line includes various medical equipment, including spinal traction devices.
  • CHATTANOGA GROUP (USA). The company has existed for more than half a century. There are several types of traction tables in the product line.
  • HILL LABORATORIES COMPANY (USA). The company has been operating since 1945. The devices include not only traction tables, but also special treatment and mobilization tables for manual therapy.
  • MINATO MEDICAL SCIENCE Co., Ltd (Japan). The company has been operating for more than 20 years. The range includes a traction system for: general traction of the spine (chair), thoracic and lumbar spine (table). There is also a traction table-chair.

Let's take a closer look at two companies - the Russian Ormed and the Japanese Minato.


All stretching machines from Ormed are versatile and can be installed both in medical institutions and at home. But before using them, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis in order to understand the contraindications.


Allows traction of all parts of the spine. Works according to a given program. It is an electronic traction device. Includes electronic unit, couch and set of belts. The table works in two planes – vertical and horizontal. Among its functions:

  • Cyclic traction. This means that periods of increasing thrust alternate with its weakening.
  • Static traction. One force acts on the spine throughout the entire time.
  • Variable traction. Unlike cyclic, here the efforts take place over a short time - first a strong pull, then a weak one.


A combined device that looks more like a massage bed. Combines various effects on the spine with massage and heating. Most recommended for lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis. The effect is not only on the vertebrae, but also on the muscles. The duration of one procedure is no more than 20 minutes. The traction table operates from a standard electrical outlet and consumes no more than 300 W per hour.

ORMED Prophylactic

Classic traction table. Spinal traction is carried out under the patient’s own weight; the angle of inclination and height of the kneecaps can be changed. The procedure is considered safe, so such a table can be installed even in your own apartment or house. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.


It is used not only for traction of all parts of the spine, but also for joint diseases, as it is equipped with a vibration mechanism. Applies to electronic models. Works on 6 programs:

  • Cervical spine traction.
  • Complex: paravertebral massage + cervical spine traction.
  • Traction of the lumbar spine.
  • Complex: paravertebral massage + traction of the lumbar spine.
  • Joint traction.
  • Multi-level back massage.

The device operates from a regular outlet, consuming no more than 400 W per hour.


Traction system Traktayzer. Designed to treat 2 patients at once – sitting and lying. Refers to electronic devices. Equipped with a heating function - in the area of ​​the cervical and lumbar vertebrae. There is an LCD display on which the entire course of traction is visible. If the patient feels unwell, there is an emergency shutdown button for the device.

Table-chair Traktayzer Supertrack. Its feature is a smooth transition from a tension program to a relaxation program. There is a heated lumbar and a loop for traction of the cervical vertebrae. The system is complemented by music for relaxation, as well as barbells. It can be recommended for independent use if there is a recommendation from the attending physician.

Indications and contraindications for use

Despite many positive reviews, traction cannot always be done. Most often, the procedure is indicated for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • kyphosis;

Experts have different opinions regarding the use of spinal traction for intervertebral hernias. Opponents argue that after the procedure, the patient's condition deteriorates very quickly, and in many cases, after traction, he has to be sent under the surgeon's knife.

  • Any neoplasms in the spine.
  • Acute inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Mental illnesses.

Homemade device

Making a back stretching machine with your own hands is not that difficult. You can take the well-known one as a basis. The device will require:

  1. A well-sanded wide board slightly longer than your body.
  2. Non-slip material, preferably linen or cotton.
  3. Parachute halyard for making straps.
  4. Wall mount and board mount to fix it on the wall.
  5. Various little things, such as self-tapping screws, screwdrivers and other devices for assembling the simulator.

The DIY assembly technology is quite simple. In addition, you can get creative and make a device using your own drawing.

Remove all burrs from the board and wrap it with fabric in several layers. Secure everything with a construction stapler. The fabric is necessary to prevent the body from slipping off the machine.

Place the board against the wall. The height of the wall mounting should be such that an angle of no more than 40 degrees is formed between the board and the floor. The fastening can be a strong metal strip with small hooks welded into it (at least 3 pieces).

At the upper end of the board, attach a similar strip, only with loops for hooks. It is important to make the fixation as strong as possible, because if the simulator unexpectedly breaks, a person can injure his back.

Secure the halyard to the edges of the top of the board. Its length should be such that with outstretched arms, the body (heels) does not touch the floor. As an option - two straps, one on each side.

To stretch the spine, place your arms through the straps and wrap them around your hands once so that you don't have to hold on with muscle strength. Now relax and allow your body to calmly stretch under its own weight. The second option for using such a simulator is lying on your stomach.

Remember, forcibly stretching the spine without consulting a doctor or under the supervision of a specialist is dangerous. Such experiments always end in failure.

If you really want to stretch your back a little, lie on the bed, grab the back of it with your hands and stretch your heels forward. This method is the safest and is indicated for relaxing the paravertebral muscles after a hard day.