Why you should install a cylinder lock: operating principle, advantages and disadvantages. Door lock with latch: mortise and overlay devices

In the classification according to the method of fastening to the door, locking devices are divided into 3 types:

  • invoices;
  • mortise;
  • built-in

Depending on the location, types of secret and deadbolts, the lock mechanism also varies. Devices for entrance and interior doors are similar only in some operating principles, but in structure they are different elements.

The generalized scheme has the following structure:

  1. Housing and cover panel.
  2. Mask (secret mechanism).
  3. Crossbars (retractable bolts).
  4. Executive device.

Common models include a halyard latch (tongue) and a handle. Regardless of the method of fastening, there are always two components: a secret system that recognizes the key, and an executive component that implements the ability to lock.

Structural door lock mechanism

The following types of secrets are distinguished:

  1. Cylinder. Elements that prevent the lock from being picked are placed inside the cylinder. When the key is inserted into the keyhole, the grooves on it contact the pins, moving them to the level required to move the cylinder.
  2. Suvaldny. Inside there are plates of complex shape, spring-loaded and placed in one block. The “safe” key, characteristic of this mechanism, has as many teeth as you need to move the levers, the combination of which is individual for each device.
  3. Disk. The cross-section of the key is almost a semicircle with several notches. Inside the secret there are discs that, when turned, release the locking mechanism of the door lock.
  4. Combined. Can be present at the same time different kinds secrets. There are versions in which the lever part is placed in the cylinder, which provides better protection from burglary.

Regarding actuators, mechanical, electromagnetic and electromechanical principles of closure are distinguished. The most popular is the first option, the operation of which is based on the insertion of a metal rod from the door into a special groove in the frame.

How does a lever-type door lock work?

The main element that provides protection against forceful burglary is the bolt shank post. The gap between it and the code slot directly affects the protection function.

The time that can be spent breaking the door depends on the number of levers. The most commonly used option is the one with six plates. But the more there are, the more reliable it is. Proper work provide springs that allow the levers to return to their original position.

Armor plates cover the most vulnerable places, and the front side with a frame is not only a decorative element, but also protection against forceful hacking.

The principle of operation of a door lock with a lever secret

The mechanism is based on a set of plates that have shaped cutouts.

The opening scheme is quite simple: the key, with its teeth, aligns these levers in a certain position, allowing you to turn and open the system. If at least one of the plates does not fall into its groove, then the mechanism will remain closed.

The key is the carrier of the code for arranging the required combination of plates, and a high degree of reliability is ensured by the fairly large dimensions of the device and the presence of armor protection. It is very difficult to hack such a system by force.

What are the features of cylinder type

IN general scheme The design of a door lock of this type has the following structure:

  • disguise;
  • deadbolt and deadbolt;
  • body and front frame;
  • lever for controlling the latch;
  • a strike plate into which the bolts are immersed when locked.

The cylinder inside the box is “frozen” using coding pins. When the key is immersed in the lock slot, it performs the task of arranging them to the required positions, obtaining such a separation line that allows you to unlock the cylinder and move the bolts.

Installing a lock on the door

The ability to attach a locking device with your own hands depends on its type and complexity, as well as the material of the door leaf. There are models that come with pockets for a certain type of deadbolt. And if we are talking about a wooden door and you need to install an internal door lock with your own hands, then you will have to cut out the appropriate holes in it, making accurate measurements and calculations. It is still recommended to contact specialists for installation.

How to make a door lock

There are craftsmen who like to build something non-standard with their own hands. They will come up with an interesting mechanism for the door too. The easiest option is to make a regular deadbolt from improvised means. But there are mechanisms that are much more complex. You can independently make parts of a door lock or an entire electromechanical locking device.

Alternatively, it could have the following structure:

  • bolt;
  • actuator from a car lock;
  • remote control with keyboard (or other type of secret);
  • power unit;
  • a certain set of electronics and components (you can use the Arduino platform and the like).

If you need to make a lock for the box with your own hands, then you can get by with a conventional mechanical design in the form of a latch. Or buy ready-made fittings and install them yourself.

The assortment of stores in Moscow, and other cities, allows you to find any parts, so if you wish, you can not only build the latch itself, but also an entire door locking mechanism with coded access or even a sensor that reads fingerprints.

The door lock device must be reliable to protect against burglary and unauthorized entry into the premises. The level of security depends on the type of lock and the secret mechanism that provides security.

Types of door locks

Depending on the design, the lock can be:

The body of the mortise lock is completely built into the door leaf. Such a device has a sufficient level of home protection against burglary and penetration. The invoice is attached to the door leaf from above or can be partially recessed into it. The hinged locking mechanism may have different size and design. It consists of a cylindrical arch and a body with a secret and comes in:

  • small;
  • average;
  • big.

The choice of a mortise, rim or padlock depends on which door it will be installed on.

All mechanical locks have the following components:

  • a housing that hides the secret lock mechanism;
  • bolt or bolt;
  • core (cylinder mechanism) into which the key is inserted.

Inside the cylinder there is a secret lock mechanism, which differs depending on its type.

The locking mechanism of a plastic, metal or wooden entrance door can be cylindrical, lever-less or lever-type. In addition, there is also combination locks, screw, with codes and locking mechanisms on interior doors. Thus, there are a lot of devices to ensure safety and peace of mind. In order to have an idea about the features and design of each of them, we will consider all these types of locks in more detail.

Cylinder lock device

The cylinder lock is opened with a small key, which has teeth on one side different shapes and size.

A cylinder lock can be mortise or padlock and have the following components:

  • top and bottom pins;
  • spiral springs that activate them and return them to their original state after removing the key from the cylinder.

The cylinder lock mechanism rotates, driving the bolt, only when the pins are flush with the surface of the cylinder. This is achieved if “your own” key is inserted into the key groove, which allows you to assemble them in the desired position. If you insert a “foreign” key into the cylinder mechanism, the pins inside will be positioned incorrectly, which will not allow you to turn it and open the lock.

The design of the cylinder door lock can be single or double. Single mechanisms are used in door locks which can only be opened from the outside with a key. Double ones are designed for those locks that are controlled by a key on both sides.

Lever lock mechanism

The lever lock is considered one of the most reliable among all locking devices for an entrance plastic, metal or wooden door. Its secret lies in a group of plates or levers that have cutouts of various shapes. Each of them corresponds to the protrusions and recesses on the key, which allow you to assemble the plates in the desired way and open the lock.

The reliability of a lever lock depends on the number of levers. Each individual option for placing level plates that differ along the contour is called a series. By increasing the number of levers with different locations of protrusions and depressions, you can increase the number of series. For a lock with three plates it is 6. For four-lever locks, a set of plates gives, respectively, 24 different series. In locks that have two rows of levers, the number of series reaches up to 150. Double-bit keys are used to open them.

The principle of operation of a lever lock is similar to a cylindrical one, only the role of pins in it is played by steel plates. To increase protection, to make it more difficult to assemble the plates and make it difficult to open the lock with a random key, the cutouts of the levers are made of different sizes, and the plates themselves are of different thicknesses.

Bessuvaldny castle

The structure of a leverless lock is characterized by only one plate, so this lock is considered the most unreliable. Therefore, experts recommend installing it on interior doors.

The secrecy of lever-less locking devices is provided by the configuration of the shape of the key slot. In addition, on the base of the lock, opposite the key slot, there are barrier plates or annular projections. They are made in the form of concentric circles, to bypass which special slots are made along and across the grooves of the keys.

Code lock

The combination lock can be electronic or mechanical. For electronic prerequisite work is to connect to electrical network or an independent power source. Mechanical is easy to install and use. In addition, it is easy to reprogram if necessary.

The combination lock circuit is a bolt that is activated when the required combination of numbers is pressed in the case of a mechanical operating principle of the device. For electronic locks, you need to enter a secret combination or use a magnetic key.

Electronic devices are more reliable than mechanical ones and are widely used on entrance doors to offices, buildings and residential apartment buildings.

Locks on interior doors

The lock can be installed not only on the entrance door, but also on the interior door. However, it is difficult to call them full-fledged locking devices, because any lock must have a secret that provides at least minimal protection. And the locks on interior doors they have no such secret. They include the following components:

  • handles and external decorative trims;
  • crossbar driven by a handle;
  • locking mechanism.

The interior door has no internal structure. Through it you can get to the internal latch and unlock the mechanism connected to the handle and preventing the door from opening freely.

Knowing what locks are made of and having an idea of ​​their operating principle, you can more confidently choose a locking device on which your safety and the safety of your personal property depend.

There are dwellings on our planet whose inhabitants do not lock the door. We do not belong to this category. For us, a door lock is a reliable protector designed to protect the house from unwanted intrusions. There are door locks different types, let's try to figure out how they differ and how they work.

Based on the type of installation, door locks are divided into three types:

  1. Invoices. The simplest option. It is easy to change the padlock yourself, because it is attached to the top of the door leaf. The kit also includes a metal jamb attachment, but the handle usually does not. Overhead locks cannot be called a reliable option.
  2. Mortise locks. They are placed inside the door leaf, both entrance and interior. Most modern castles can now be classified as this type.
  3. Built-in. Option for a metal door. The lock acts as a direct part of the door leaf, that is, the door is sold with a closing mechanism.

Whatever the door lock, its structure includes the following parts:

  • pen;
  • halyard tongue;
  • retractable crossbars;
  • overlay panel;
  • a secret mechanism, which is also commonly called the larva.

We emphasize that the reliability of the lock will depend on the cylinder. The more combinations of the secret mechanism are available, the more difficult it will be to pick the lock. Some modern models Locks cannot be opened with a master key at all; their level of secrecy implies opening exclusively with a native key.

So, the larva is the mechanism that blocks the structure in doorway, preventing unwanted guests from entering the premises. Based on the type of secret mechanism, it is customary to distinguish the following types of locks:

  • Cylinder locks. Familiar and fairly simple products. The secret part is located in the main part, which is shaped like a cylinder, which gives this type of lock its name. In this case, pins are located inside the cylinder; they block the mechanism when the lock is closed. The key must have notches that fit the pins and help move them out of place. Such castles are also often called English.
  • Disk. Experts consider such locks unreliable. Inside the lock there are disks that are moved with a special key, which looks like a rod cut in half with notches. The key moves the discs, they rotate, a tunnel is formed and the door opens. Such disc locks used to be often installed on iron entrance doors, but now this option is becoming a thing of the past.
  • Cross locks. As the name implies, the larva is cross-shaped, and the same key is attached to it. It is noteworthy that the degree of secrecy of cross locks is quite high - no less than 20 thousand combinations. However, such a device can be hacked even with an ordinary Phillips screwdriver, and the secret mechanism itself is attached to the lock body with only two screws and is not protected by an armored pad.
  • Deadbolt locks. From German the word “crossbar” is translated as “bolt or bolt.” This is the operating principle of this type of device - the key pushes or pushes a special metal bolt inside the lock, that is, the deadbolt. WITH reverse side deadbolt locks are equipped with a latch.

  • Level locks. Experts call them the most reliable option. Inside the lock mechanism there are plates - levers. The special key is shaped like a soldier or a butterfly. When you turn the key, the levers are raised to the level specified by the coding. The security of the lock can exceed 5 million combinations. The downside is that the hole for the key is quite large, but the security lever and false grooves can make the burglar’s ​​work difficult.
  • Code locks. In this case, instead of a key, a secret set of numbers is used, the entry of which opens the device.

All types of locks listed by us are of the mechanical type. However, door locks can also be electromechanical. In this case, the deadbolt will be powered by an electric motor. Such locks are not widely used in everyday life; they are more often used in massive bank safes, where it is too difficult to close the bolt manually.

In electromagnetic locks, a magnet acts as a locking mechanism. To the most modern options applies electronic lock, which has the following features:

  • there is a built-in controller;
  • you can use internal or street version;
  • opens with a key fob or contactless card;
  • protected from vandals.

In addition, electronic locks can simply be connected to an alarm system or complex “ smart House" It is impossible to open the electronic lock using conventional methods; there is no keyhole. You will have to use methods such as signal interception or code selection. Well, or break down the entire front door, saw through the metal rods locking the entrance, that is, use harsh force methods.

Main disadvantage electronic lock— it is strictly tied to the energy supply. Simply - there is no light - the door does not lock. You have to either provide a backup power source or additionally install a mechanical lock in case of a power outage.

As you can see, the choice of modern locks is very large, and the price, of course, will depend on the degree of reliability, the metal used, and the manufacturer. Let us clarify that our article concerned locks for entrance doors, interior doors have their own characteristics; far fewer requirements are put forward for them in terms of reliability.

The need to update your front door locking system can be caused by various reasons. The first installation of the mechanism is also very important, since it is carried out on an untested door in terms of reliability. No less common are installation operations involving the replacement of a device due to its breakdown. Malfunctions can be caused by irregularities in the operation of the product, or by a manufacturing defect acquired during the manufacturing process. Installation also becomes necessary in cases where the system fails due to errors in the previous installation. Recommendations for installing such mechanisms will help you protect yourself from such phenomena, but first you should familiarize yourself with the designs of locking systems.

General door lock design

For maximum reliability, it is better to provide the front door with devices from two different systems. That is, if possible, then it is more advisable to use two mechanisms in one canvas. A common combination of lever and cylinder devices is common, which forms a reliable locking system. It will take a lot of time to mechanically break into such a door, not to mention the fact that special equipment will be required to implement it. At the same time, the device is interconnected and determines each other - the classic system is a cylindrical mechanism, the design of which includes pins, a body, a cam and a cylinder.

It is designed according to a similar principle, but it provides a whole system of locking elements, which complicates both the design of the mechanism and its installation. And now it’s worth considering separately the lever and cylinder locks from the point of view of the principle of operation.

Cylinder models

The operation of the system is based on rotary mechanism, as a result of which the bolt is activated and the door opens. Secret element in in this case enclosed in a cylinder and is a set of so-called pins that determine based on physical parameters the key belongs to its larva. Depending on the number of cylindrical components and the accuracy of their execution, we can talk about the secrecy of one level or another. According to experts, the number of combinations for models of this type can reach millions. However, it is not recommended to use a cylinder door lock in a single capacity. Installation of models of this type is usually carried out in conjunction with the same lever mechanism or armored linings, which increases the safety of the protective system.

Level models

The basis of the lever mechanism is a complex of plates, which act as code elements, just like the cylinder components in the previous version. These are spring-loaded levers, which are usually made of steel. Such locks are devices whose massiveness is a plus. The larger the lever, the longer the attacker will have to bother with the opening. But, again, a door lock, the installation of which was carried out in accordance with all the rules and recommendations of the manufacturer, will not leave an ordinary burglar any chance of success. Especially if this lock is supplemented with additional linings.

Installing a cylinder lock

Thanks to the simplified mechanical design, such a lock causes less hassle during installation operations. Such models have few advantages, but they also allow you to save on consumables. So, when changing the lock, it is enough to update only the cylinder. In general, the instructions for installing a cylinder-type door lock look like this:

  • First of all, the distance at which the grooves for the working elements of the lock will be made is measured.
  • Using a chisel drill, a hole is made the same diameter as the lock cylinder.
  • A cylinder is inserted into the hole from the outside, after which it should be pressed with the installation plate. Then the connecting rod is inserted so that there is a small indentation behind the plate.
  • A plate, rings and other fittings are put on the rod, which act as fasteners in a particular set.
  • There should be a button on the lock body - it should be pressed to release the bolt and install the mechanism on the plate.

Installation of a lever lock

First, you should mark the places where the screws for attaching the lock will be located. After this, using an electric drill, technological holes are made for central installation castle, that is, its wells. Then the device is mounted on screws, after which you need to check the correctness of its position. It happens that doors have additional layers of finishing. To avoid damaging them, thin drills should be used initially. True, with such equipment, installing door locks with your own hands can cause certain inconveniences - for example, the well will have to be formed in several approaches. But in forming the ends you can arm yourself with a drill optimal size- in this case, niches are created for bolts. At the final stage, the lock is attached using screws and the linings are installed.

Possible breakdowns and repairs

Typically, door locks fail for three reasons: due to irregularities in the installation of the mechanism in relation to the door leaf, due to wear of internal elements and as a result of mechanical breakdowns of the housing. The situation in the first case can be corrected by re-installation. The larva is removed, the fixing strips are unscrewed, the position of the device is corrected, and the installation is carried out again.

In case of internal faults, dismantling should also be performed, but the lock itself can be disassembled using a hexagon. You should unscrew the screw for the external handle, the fixing bolt and the secret. If all elements work properly, then reinstallation should be done. But it is important to understand that repairing and installing door locks does not guarantee that the problem will not reoccur. If the mechanism jams and it is possible to restore it, then with a high probability it will happen again. Therefore, it is still recommended to perform a complete replacement.

Do-it-yourself replacement

Again, cylinder mechanisms are easiest to work with. To replace it, you need to remove the armor plate from the outside and open the lock itself with a key. Next, the metal plate is unscrewed from the end part. To release the bolts, the locking element must be pulled back again. The screw in the center of the device is unscrewed and the cylinder is removed. Then the door locks can be replaced and installed from a new set. IN reverse order a new secret is inserted, after which the fastening and protective additions are screwed in.


Particularly complex process Maintenance does not cause locks for ordinary metal doors. Traditional mechanics are easy to install and relatively reliable. But there are also disadvantages that a classic door lock has. Installation requires intervention in the base of the canvas, its structure is deformed. True, the latest modifications of cylinder and lever devices are distinguished by their compact size and neat fit into the door niche. But, on the other hand, we should not forget about the dependence of the reliability level of the same lever mechanisms on the size.

The door hardware market offers all kinds of locks, differing in appearance and internal device. To understand which model to choose for your front door, gate or entrance, you need to understand how the different modifications work, which mechanisms provide the highest degree of protection, and what tasks they are suitable for various options locking systems. All types of locks are usually classified according to two criteria: installation method and locking mechanism.

Depending on the installation technology, there are three types of locks: padlocks, mortise locks, overhead locks. In addition to the difference in installation, they differ in the degree of protection, which affects the scope of application.

Types of locks

Modifications and uses of padlocks

A padlock is a locking device that is attached to the door by threading a shackle into special holes (eyelets). This option is one of the simplest methods of protection. It is easy to use, easy to install and change. These locks differ from each other:

  • secrecy mechanism;
  • design;
  • material used to make the case and the bow;
  • body size;
  • diameter and length of the bow;
  • the presence of protection against moisture;
  • number of keys included.

Types of padlocks

There are several types of padlocks on sale:

  • open type with a semicircular shackle - the simplest device, the body of which contains a mechanism for the key and holding the shackle;
  • mushroom-shaped – models with the arch fixed in one place;
  • semi-closed - the vents are protected by eyelets, and the fixing part is hidden in the body;
  • closed - the most reliable, since the bow is completely hidden in the body.

Keyless code models

The strongest padlocks are made from steel, but they are susceptible to corrosion, so the solution is stainless steel, the disadvantage is the higher price. The most practical material for manufacturing is cast iron, which does not corrode and does not deform.

The main disadvantage of mounted modifications is the ease of mechanical hacking. To reduce risk, choose models with a molded body and hardened temples.

Another way to protect the premises from third-party penetration is a model with an alarm. This type of device has a built-in sensor that reacts (a siren sounds) when you try to break the shackle or when hit, and it runs on a battery.

Areas of application for hinged locks: suitcases, mailboxes and other boxes, basements, garages, warehouses, that is, everywhere. Can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Installing a mortise locking device in a gate door

Mortise locks for doors and their degree of protection

Mortise locks are the most popular; they are mounted directly inside the door leaf without disturbing it appearance. The disadvantages of mortise mechanisms include the complexity self-installation.

This option is considered the most suitable for installation in metal doors. When inserted, the mechanism is located close to the outer surface of the door leaf, which makes it more accessible to intruders. If the lock is embedded in a wooden door, there is a possibility of drilling, while when installed in a metal door, it is protected by a sheet of metal. The installation also includes the installation of additional security elements (plates) to reduce the likelihood of burglary.

Popular door lock models

Based on their resistance to burglary, this type of lock for entrance doors is classified into 4 classes, depending on how long it takes to open it:

  • first class - less than 5 minutes (suitable for installation in interior doors, rooms without material assets);
  • the second – more than 5 minutes (suitable for installation on apartment entrance doors, protective properties – average);
  • third – 15 minutes (suitable for locking rooms with valuables inside, protective properties – increased);
  • fourth – 30 minutes (suitable for locking the doors of rooms in which there are valuables of great value, the protective properties are high).

Example of a certificate of conformity for a mortise lock indicating the security class

In addition to resistance to opening, the mechanism is tested for secrecy, reliability and durability. Based on all these indicators, the lock is assigned a final security class.

Interior models with decorative handles

Locks for interior doors - a type of mortise

All interior types internal locks can be classified:

  1. Latches. They do not provide for locking the door, but simply fix it in the closed position using a tongue.
  2. Mechanisms with a lock are locked on one side by pressing a button or turning a handle.
  3. Locks that are opened and closed with a key. Installed in a room where access to unauthorized persons should be limited. Depending on the type of locking mechanism, the degree of protection will differ.
  4. Electromagnetic. They depend on an uninterrupted supply of electricity, but have the ability to provide information to the owner about the frequency and time of entry.

Mechanism options

Overhead locks - advantages and disadvantages

Rim locks are installed directly on the door leaf from the inside, so the locking mechanism is located away from the outer surface of the door. Overhead devices are suitable for installation on both wooden and metal doors.


  • possibility of installation without the involvement of a professional;
  • installation, repair, replacement without compromising the integrity of the door leaf;
  • the ability to open the door from the inside using a rotary handle;
  • the permissibility of using both the main and additional locking devices.


  • impossibility of installation on doors with double sash;
  • ease of opening from the inside (if an intruder entered the room through a window, he can easily exit through the door).

Disc lock

Overhead locks, like mortise locks, are assigned security classes.

Classification of locks by type of locking mechanism

In addition to the fastening technology, locking devices are also classified by the type of locking mechanism, which can be called a key indicator that affects reliability. Mortise, overhead and even hinged modifications may differ in their internal structure, depending on the built-in mechanism.

Lock for iron door

Deadbolt locks - unreliable protection

A crossbar (rack) lock is a simple device, inside of which there is a crossbar (rack) with teeth and machined grooves. The set includes a long key with grooves that match when inserted into the keyhole.

Unlike other types of locks, where unlocking occurs by turning, the deadbolt opens by pressing the key into the keyhole. At the same time, the spring inside the device is compressed and the locking bar moves to the side.

The crossbar mechanism belongs to the first safety class, that is, it has low protective properties. There is an opinion that this lock can be opened with a pencil, so it should not be used to lock rooms containing something valuable.

Scope of application: wickets, gates, access doors, utility rooms, any premises where there are no particularly valuable things.

Deadbolt lock device

Types of cylinder locks and their features

Among the popular cylinder locks are the following types:

  • disk;
  • pin;
  • frame.

Disc mechanism

Disc locking devices were developed by the Finnish company Abloy, so they are often called Finnish, or abloy, regardless of who the manufacturer is.

Inside the case, in a special cylinder, there are disks with free rotation relative to each other. Each disk has a hole into which a key is inserted, as well as a groove for a special balance rod. When the “native” key is inserted into the hole, the disks rotate and the grooves of each are lined up in one row, forming a place for the balance rod to enter. The cylinder with discs rotates and the bolt opens.

If an attempt is made to open the mechanism with another key, the discs do not turn, and a “groove” for the rod is not formed. The rod turns out to be clamped between the disks and the cylinder wall, the cylinder does not rotate, and opening does not occur.

The more disks in a cylinder, the more reliable device. Disc mechanisms of class 1-2 are often used in interior doors, with a higher degree of reliability in other rooms, but as a rule they are an additional security device.

The components of the locking mechanism of a pin cylinder lock are spring pins, which, by inserting the “original” key, are aligned in the desired position and allow it to turn.

Pin cylinder locking mechanism

English door locks - pin with a cylinder mechanism, can be installed in metal and wooden doors, used as primary and additional protection. There are many larvae on the market with varying degrees of protection; the most reliable are those that use several types of secret mechanisms at once.

The main disadvantage of cylinder mechanisms is the possibility of knocking out the cylinder. Therefore, it is recommended to install this type of locks on the front door complete with special cylinder protection (protector). The protector can be overlay or mortise.

Level locks and their varieties

The secret part of the lever lock is the plates (levels), in which special figured cutouts are made. The set includes a key with bits, each of which is intended for a separate lever. When the key is turned, the protrusions of each bit press on the plates, and they, in turn, move a given individual distance. Opening occurs if all plates are in the correct position.

Depending on the type of installation, lever locks are of the mortise or overhead type. Invoices – good decision for garages, mortise ones for apartment entrance doors.

Important characteristics of the lever locking device:

  • number of levers (6 levers – that’s more than 100 thousand different combinations);
  • number of crossbars;
  • the material of the retractable parts (crossbars) must be resistant to sawing (hardened steel);
  • The size of the lock must allow installation in the desired (existing) door.

Lever type door locks

Often level devices are installed in combination with other systems. In this case, the installed types of locks can be dependent (one blocks the other) and independent.

To prevent drilling of the bolt post, the entire lock structure can be protected with special armored plates.

Code mechanisms and areas of their application

Push-button combination locks are used to lock access doors, gates, and various rooms inside the building. One of the main advantages of the code mechanism is that there is no need to use a key, but as far as the degree of security is concerned, it is low.

Disadvantages: The buttons often become stuck and erased, which makes it possible to calculate the possible code. Therefore, for greater reliability, it is necessary to regularly recode. In frosty weather, mechanisms often refuse to work.

Another type of combination lock is a roller lock, which is opened by turning drum rollers with numbers or letters. This mechanism is even more vulnerable and short-lived during intensive use.

Combination push-button lock

Modern electromagnetic access systems

Electromagnetic locking devices do not have standard locking elements such as bolts. This type of lock is locked using the force of electromagnetic attraction, making the door much more difficult to break into.

Mortise ones are considered reliable electromagnetic locks. If it is not possible to embed, you can use an invoice, but the most reliable is considered to be half-embedded.

When purchasing, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • working temperature;
  • tensile holding strength;
  • presence of a power control sensor.

Electromagnetic door lock

Disadvantage: When the power goes out, the lock opens. In this regard, models have been developed with a sensor that controls the power supply and the door pressure density. In case of violation, the sensor sends a signal to the security service and the owner.

Electromechanical locks with solenoid and motor drive types

Electromechanical locks in their internal structure they are not very different from traditional mechanical ones. The main difference is the possibility of remote opening and closing. Installation options include mortise and overhead. Mortise ones are considered more reliable, since they are more protected from third-party access to the mechanism.

Electromechanical locks are classified according to the type of drive: solenoid and motor.

  • In places with heavy traffic of people, as a rule, a lock with a solenoid type drive is installed, since its standard position is open, and when an electrical signal is supplied it closes.
  • With a motor drive type, the lock is closed in the standard position; when voltage is applied, it opens. Such devices are prohibited from being installed on doors located along the emergency evacuation route.

Electromechanical rim lock

If it is necessary to install outdoors, you should choose models for outdoor use that are resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

Invisible lock for maximum security

To additionally protect the premises from third-party penetration, a model of an electromechanical lock with an invisible installation, that is, without a keyhole, has been developed. This type of door lock is used as a complement to other locking devices. After installation, the installation site is not visible either from the inside or from the outside. Must be installed in a quality metal door no gaps between the box.


  • ability to work without an external power source;
  • invisible installation;
  • impossibility of mechanical action;
  • remote control.

Electromechanical invisible lock

When choosing a locking device, always consider the area of ​​its application. Do not forget that the degree of protection of the room depends not only on the type of lock, but also on the quality of its installation, as well as on the quality of the door. If the door is installed incorrectly, there is a misalignment door frame, then no castle can provide reliable protection.