Children's Swedish wall in the interior. Wall bars for children in an apartment - a sports complex for every child

The wall bars are one of the most popular home sports equipment. It is useful for both children and adults to exercise on it. What to pay attention to when buying wall bars: which model to choose for the room, and which wall is designed for large space?

Modern parents find it difficult to decide which wall bars to buy for their child, because in their childhood, having unhindered access to such a machine in the gym at school or on the street, today’s mothers and fathers had, at best, a horizontal bar at home. Today it has become fashionable to be athletic and healthy, so everyone tries to instill in their child a love of sports from an early age. There is no need to convince anyone of the benefits of a sports complex for children: such models have become firmly established in almost every home. Let's figure out what material to choose for this simulator and which wall model is better (simple or with additional equipment), and also learn about the peculiarities of the shape of such complexes.

Wooden models

Made from pine or beech. These are quite durable materials that can withstand both the weight of a child and an adult. The main advantage of such models is environmental friendliness and safety. Unlike metal, wood does not slip. The second point that attracts parents with a wooden complex is comfort for the child. The little athlete will be happy to exercise on the exercise machine in winter and summer, and his hands will always enjoy touching the bars. This is an excellent choice for a preschool child.

Among the disadvantages of wooden models, I would like to note their fragility compared to metal complexes. If we choose a simulator not for home use, and for the hall where the load on the complex is maximum, then give preference to more durable structures. The second point is the compatibility of the complex with additional attachments. Wood is less likely than metal to withstand the added use of a bench or barbell, so if you're unsure what to buy for a semi-professional or professional athlete, don't experiment with wooden models, but give preference to metal walls.

Metal complexes

The main parameter is the profile size. If you want to choose an exercise machine for your home, then take it “for growth”: the metal can withstand heavy loads, so not only a child, but also a teenager and an adult can exercise at the complex. The second attractive point is the ability to supplement the wall with various equipment, which professional athletes like.

Of the minuses, I would like to note that metal is a rather slippery material. Therefore, if you are thinking about which wall bars to buy for a child of preschool and primary school age, give preference natural wood or combined models. Children also don’t really like to exercise on a metal exercise machine because their hands are cold on it.

Shape and mounting options

There are only 3 types of wall bars: to the wall, in the spacer and a mixed model.

– fixing the exercise machine in 4 places with brackets to the wall. Not recommended for rooms with weak partitions and for walls covered with plasterboard.

– fixation only between the floor and ceiling. Such walls are not recommended for rooms with suspended ceilings.

Mixed type- the most durable and durable method. It is screwed to the wall and at the same time installed in the spacer between the floor and the ceiling.

Types of wall bars


Invented as a simple staircase against a wall, it has long become a real exercise machine for athletes. All complexes are divided into children's and adults. The best option- a universal model on which the baby can study together with dad or mom. The simplest configuration is a vertical ladder with a horizontal bar. If you want to choose a complex for a child, then it all depends on what age the wall bars are purchased for. For kids, it is better to buy the Early Start model, but for a preschool child, a classic exercise machine against the wall, supplemented with hanging play equipment, is already quite suitable.

Wall bars are the most famous and sought-after type of “sports” furniture. They are especially popular among children, a little less often among adults. Their main advantage is their versatility, which is why they are good decision for the full physical development of the child.

Universal "Swedes" are especially relevant for families living in cities. Unfortunately, today not every yard has a modern playground where a child can safely play educational and sports games. Moreover, with the onset of cold weather you can’t really run outside either.

In this article we would like to talk about what parameters to pay attention to when choosing a wall bars for yourself or your child.

Selecting wall material

The first thing you should decide on when choosing a wall bars is the material from which it is made. As a rule, it is wood or metal. Both varieties have their advantages and disadvantages.

Wooden wall bars

Wooden walls are often produced from beech or pine, less often from other, more expensive types of wood. All parts are carefully polished and adjusted. They are not always varnished. Their main advantages and disadvantages:


  • Pleasant tactile sensations - wood is not as cold as metal and has a slightly rough surface.
  • Less dangerous than metal steps with glossy steps - you can slip on wooden steps, but it’s more difficult than on metal ones.


  • The main drawback is the margin of safety. Often it is an order of magnitude lower than that of metal walls. Even expensive wall bars made of very durable wood species are often inferior to metal ones.
  • The second drawback follows from the first: it is quite difficult to choose a wall bars made of wood that could easily support a bench for a barbell (together with a barbell and an athlete, of course), overhead bars, and a bench for the press.
  • It is also worth considering that wood is less resistant to environmental conditions - water, dampness, direct sunlight, so it is better not to install them in rooms with an active environment.

Conclusion: wall bars made from natural wood are less dangerous, are considered more environmentally friendly, contribute to the development of tactility in children, and are more suitable for children's rooms. At the same time, they have limitations in terms of safety margin, which is why there are often restrictions on expanding their functionality, i.e. not suitable for serious strength exercises.

Swedish metal walls

Usually made from hot rolled metal profile. For children's models, a smaller profile is used - 30x30 mm, wall thickness - at least 2 mm. For adults, the main profile has dimensions of 40x40 mm or more. To choose a truly durable wall bars, pay attention to these parameters.


Of course, the main advantage of iron walls is their strength. In some cases, the user's permissible weight may exceed 150 kg (if exercising with weights).

This design can be supplemented with serious power “accessories” - hinged bars, a bench for the press and barbell, and supports for the barbell. Even if they were not originally included with the wall, you can purchase them later.


  • As a rule, iron is cold and not as pleasant to the touch as wood.
  • Often after painting, the surface of the steps becomes glossy. This can cause you to slip or slip on the steps.
  • Considered more dangerous.

We solve these shortcomings with the help of special neoprene handles that are put on the steps of the wall. Convenient, simple, comfortable.

Conclusion: Metal wall bars differ from wooden ones in their high strength - if installed correctly, they can support even the “biggest” person. Steel modifications are designed to use the entire “arsenal” of attachments. For these reasons, many families opt for such walls.

Selecting the fastening type

There are 3 various types Swedish wall fastenings:

  • Wall mount– using special U-shaped brackets, the Swede is fixed in 4-6 places to the wall, resting its lower paws on the floor (not suitable for weak partition walls and walls covered with plasterboard).
  • Spacer fastening between the ceiling and the floor (not suitable for rooms with suspended ceilings).
  • Mixed type– the swede is screwed to the wall, then spreads between the ceiling and floor (the most reliable method of fastening).

Conclusion: The most reliable type of fastening is mixed, however, not all models of wall bars can be fastened in this way. In addition, do not forget to take into account the features of your own interior - ceiling height, wall material, etc., because all these factors can be an obstacle to reliable installation.

When choosing a wall bars, be sure to pay attention to the type of fastening.

Types of wall construction:

The variety of designs that exist on the market today can be divided into 4 types:

  1. I-shaped model– the simplest, wall bars – 2 racks and several crossbars. Can be attached to the wall or in a spacer. Unfortunately, it cannot be used to hang attachments for children.
  2. L-shaped model– the most popular walls, in the upper part of which there is a horizontal bar or a one-sided monkey bars. They fit well even into small rooms, and can also be attached with any of 3 types of fastening.
  3. T-shaped models– quite practical types of sports walls. They are usually attached to the ceiling and floor. Moreover, the staircase is located strictly in the middle, and from it at the top in both directions there are two monkey bars - all kinds of ropes and crossbars are attached to them.
  4. U-shaped models- These are the most massive children's corners, designed for large and spacious rooms. There will be somewhere to roam. Often a considerable number of rings, crossbars, rope ladders and other accessories are attached to these structures.

Conclusion: I-shaped wall bars - a budget option with limited functionality, L-shaped ones are the most popular. If you want to purchase a T or P-shaped wall, you should take a very responsible approach to measuring the dimensions of the room and compare them with the dimensions of the product, as well as study how it is attached so that there are no difficulties later.

Selecting equipment for your wall

The functionality of most wall bars can be changed to suit your needs using various attachments. This is very convenient: to begin with, you can buy the simplest configuration option, and then gradually buy everything else.

Essentially, wall bars equipment can be divided into 2 types - for adults and for children.

People often prefer a wall bars for adults and, as a complement to it, a separate set of equipment for children, which usually includes rings, a rope, a rope ladder, a basketball hoop, etc.

When the child grows up, he will begin to study with you. A standard “adult” set necessarily includes a horizontal bar and a bench for working out the abdominal muscles.

But sometimes the main focus is on the children. In this case, the children's wall bars are a full-fledged sports and gaming complex. It is simply ideal for a child, but practically useless for parents.

It all depends on how “friendly” you are with sports - maybe you don’t do it at all or visit a gym outside your home. Happy owners of large apartments often install two walls at once - an adult and a children's.

Popular equipment for adults:

  • horizontal bar;
  • hanging beams;
  • press bench;
  • bench for barbell;
  • hinged supports for the rod;

Popular equipment for children:

  • gymnastic rings;
  • rope;
  • rope-ladder;
  • basketball hoop;
  • gymnastic mats;

Precautionary measures

If the child is very small, when practicing on any wall bars, parents must always secure the child with the help of supports. Older children can study independently, but under the supervision of elders.

To prevent your baby from hurting himself or knocking out his knees while constantly climbing near the wall bars, you must put down a soft rug or mattress, or preferably a mat. Such mats can be sold together with a wall bars, but if it is not included in the kit, then you need to take care of it in advance.

Remember, when buying a wall bars, you are making an investment in the health of your child.

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The Children's Sports Complex (DSC) is an interesting and useful sports and gaming equipment for physical development that can attract the attention of not only children of different ages, but also adults. Remember with what joy in childhood we climbed the wall bars at school, did pull-ups on horizontal bars, and swung on ropes and chains installed in the courtyards. Now parents have the opportunity to give their children the opportunity to engage in such sports equipment right at home or in the country.

Today, the most basic DSK models are capable of organizing a full-fledged gym for the whole family on 1 m². And for those who have free space, there is a wide range of models for creating a full-fledged sports and play area.

Even simple models are equipped with a horizontal bar with different grips for the development of different muscle groups, a number of gymnastic equipment, such as rings, trapeze, rope, rope ladder, climbing nets, swings, punching bag, basketball hoop and much more.

We turned to Ekaterina Smorodina, the head of the Tula specialized store of children's sports complexes for home and garden "YULA71" for a professional opinion.

Ekaterina, please tell us what are the benefits of exercising at the sports complex?

Classes at the DSC are more of a game form and develop coordination, dexterity, flexibility, strengthen the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and form correct posture. The main purpose of the sports complex is to easily introduce a child to physical education, which gives necessary preparation for practicing any sport and leads to harmonious physical and mental development. It is not without reason that the purchase of DSC is often recommended by orthopedists and pediatricians.

How to choose the most suitable one from the variety of models?

The more functional the complex, the more interesting it is for activities and games. In practice, size and additional equipment is a compromise between the desire to purchase the best option and the possibility of placing the DSC indoors.

Today there are special models for very limited space. DSK should be convenient and suitable for you.

To select a specific model, you need to decide on the installation method of the complex. There are only two of them:

  • Mounting to the wall (wall-mounted). The main criterion is the absence of a panel wall structure. Suitable even for installation on a partition.
  • Fastening between the floor and the ceiling (spacers). The main criterion is the absence of a suspended or false ceiling.

Are wall-mounted and stand-alone installation options equally reliable?

Absolutely. Each method is designed to withstand all the necessary loads.

Which material to choose for DSC: metal or wood?

Today, 90% of families choose metal complexes. This is due to their increased reliability, durability and ability to withstand significant loads compared to wooden ones. Whole line modern solutions make metal DSC as safe as possible. Even the manufactured models of wooden complexes from our production are combined with metal elements on critical parts of the DSK. However, some clients choose wooden DSCs based on subjective preferences. This is rather due to prevailing ideas from those times when high-quality metal processing was labor-intensive and expensive.

— Does your store offer products of your own production?

Yes, we are a store of the production company "Veresk" (trademark "Vesely fidget") and official representatives of the production company "SPK". From such a partnership comes a guarantee best price in the Tula region and the availability of almost the entire range in stock.

What should you first pay attention to when choosing a DSC?

The main criterion is safety:

  • All protruding parts and connections must be covered with special safety elements.
  • The main elements of the complex must have a diameter of at least 40 mm and a metal thickness of at least 2 mm.
  • Accessories must be ergonomic and of high quality. Climbing ropes must be used to secure them. The ropes must be secured using special carabiners.
  • The nodes of climbing nets must be covered with protective covers.
  • The design of the complex must easily support the weight of an adult (100-150 kg).

Please advise what amount should I expect when purchasing?

Decent full-fledged models for home installation cost about 5,000 rubles. More complex models - 8000-9000 rubles. Playgrounds for installation in a country house or personal plot start from 10,000 rubles.

Manufacturers regularly hold promotions and discounts on many models. Our store always has complexes at very reasonable prices.

Is it difficult to install a sports complex yourself?

Most buyers just install DSK on our own. Home models will take about two hours of your time. Country complexes - about 4 hours. Each product comes with detailed diagram assembly and all necessary fasteners. In our VKontakte group There is an assembly video recorded by customers.

For those who do not want to waste time and effort or cannot assemble the complex themselves, we have an assembly and delivery service.

How do complexes from different manufacturers differ?

The main differences are:

Mode of production. Unfortunately, the “garage” type of production is still very common, which cannot but affect the quality. From bona fide manufacturers, DSCs are manufactured in factory conditions modern equipment with program control, which ensures the accuracy and reliability of products.

Material. Raw materials must be of appropriate quality and comply with regulatory requirements.

Processing methods. When processing, painting and even packaging must be used modern solutions. For example, painting should be done with powder, this is the so-called dry method.

Production specialists will tell you more than 30 different criteria that distinguish manufacturers from each other. Unfortunately, it is difficult for the buyer to determine this when choosing a DSK, especially when the purchase is made through online stores, and no one has seen the product in person.

Quality is made up of nuances. The only one helpful advice, which can be given when choosing - be sure to evaluate and compare the product “live”. Even online reviews are often biased and sometimes custom-made.

Manufacturers who know their advantages set up exhibition halls to demonstrate the merits of their products. And the fact that an online store will provide the best price is a myth. It is much more important to buy from proven and actually existing organizations without intermediaries - this will guarantee the best price and satisfaction with the purchase.

What can you wish for our readers?

We like to say that good habits are formed in childhood. The age range for a child to become accustomed to a healthy lifestyle is not as wide as it seems. At the same time, you can allocate a small corner to place even the simplest sports equipment in almost any home.

I wish everyone to lead healthy image life and introduce this useful habit to everyone you care about!

Attention! Special offer for MySlo readers. Each DSK buyer who uses the code word “SLOBODA” will receive a gift of their choice!

Specialized store of children's sports complexes for home and garden "YULA71".

The physical development of the baby is one of the main priorities for caring parents. A children's sports wall can help a child grow strong and healthy.

Let's find out what you should pay attention to when choosing such equipment, and figure out how to make such a convenient tool for training at home.

What is a Swedish wall?

Children's sports walls for home are a simplified version of the equipment that is traditionally located around the perimeter of gyms in educational institutions.

For use in living conditions Manufacturers often offer inventory that consists of only one section. Therefore, a children's sports wall can be delivered to the apartment and installed there without any problems. It is a staircase from the ceiling to the floor, at the top of which there is a pull-up bar.

Additionally, such equipment can be equipped with:

  • benches;
  • rope ladders;
  • bars;
  • soft grips and armrests;
  • rope ladders;
  • ropes.

What do classes on the wall provide?

First of all, the children's sports wall allows the child to develop flexibility of the whole body. Regular exercise makes it possible to get a truly attractive, athletic figure. The use of such equipment helps train the cardiovascular system. Ultimately, while practicing on the wall, the child receives a whole lot of positive emotions.

Construction type

What shape does a household children's sports wall have? The Swedish wall can be presented in the following form:

  1. I-shaped models are the simplest design option. The design is presented in the form of 2 parallel racks connected by crossbars. Can be fastened by surprise or fixed to the wall. This solution does not provide for the possibility of using additional attachments.
  2. L-shaped models are the most common walls. The upper part of the structure is represented by a one-sided monkey bars or a simple horizontal bar. Suitable for placement in rather cramped apartments.
  3. T-shaped models are extremely practical solution. Such structures are attached to the floor or ceiling by surprise. The staircase is located in the middle of the room, and from it in both directions, all kinds of crossbars and ropes extend to the walls.
  4. U-shaped models are the most massive structures, designed for installation in spacious rooms. Suitable for equipping with numerous additional rows of crossbars, rings, and rope ladders.

Wooden children's sports wall

Often in the production of children's walls for household use Beech or pine wood is used as a manufacturing material. All parts can be sanded and adjusted, and treated with paint and varnish coatings.

What are the advantages of buying a wooden wall? The following is worth noting here:

  1. When using such equipment, the child does not have to experience unnecessary discomfort. Wood gives a pleasant tactile sensation, has a slightly rough surface, and does not cool as much as metal.
  2. Wooden children's sports bars for the home are less dangerous than metal ones. The leather slips less on the steps and rungs of such models.

However, wood products have a relatively low margin of safety. It is quite difficult to choose a reliable wall made of such material that would withstand the loads that are placed on the structure when equipped with a bench for a barbell and hanging bars.

Wood is less resistant to stress environment. Therefore, it is advisable to operate such walls in dry rooms protected from direct sunlight.

Metal wall

Quite often, children's sports walls for the home are made from hot-rolled metal profiles. For such structures, a profile measuring 30 x 30 mm with a wall thickness of about 2 cm is used, which is quite enough to support the weight of children.

Main advantage metal products- highest strength, resistance to mechanical stress. This opens up the possibility of using a whole range of additional equipment and organizing weight training. A metal children's sports wall can easily be supplemented with hanging bars, barbell supports, and abdominal benches.

At the same time, metal is not as pleasant to the touch as wood. As a result of sanding by the user's hands, the surface of the crossbars becomes slippery over time. Therefore, metal sports walls are considered more dangerous.


There are several options for fixing a children's sports wall:

  1. Fitting on special U-shaped brackets. A children's sports wall, installed in a room, is firmly rested with its legs on the floor, after which it is fixed with fasteners in 3-4 places to the wall. This option is not suitable when installing equipment in rooms with plasterboard floors.
  2. A fairly common solution is to secure the wall with spacers. The latter are installed between the floor and ceiling. This solution looks irrational if there are suspended ceilings.
  3. Mixed fixation - a children's sports wall is delivered to the room, screwed to the wall, and then spread between the floor and ceiling. This installation method is considered the most reliable.

Precautions when using the wall

Safety is one of the main criteria according to which one should choose one or another children's wall bars. The main factor here is the level of environmental friendliness of the manufacturing material. Based on this, it is better to give preference to structures made of natural wood.

If the wall is purchased for a very young child, classes should be carried out under the supervision of parents. Older children can train without support. But to prevent the child from hurting himself, there should be mattresses, rugs or mats under the equipment. All this can come complete with the wall or be purchased separately.


It is not recommended to start using the sports wall bars if you have injuries or exacerbations of back diseases. Before training, be sure to warm up, which will protect you from unpleasant tendon strains.

It is worth highlighting a number of basic common exercises that can be performed on the wall bars:

  1. Pull-up. At first glance, it appears to be a completely unchildish exercise. However, it is beneficial, even if the baby is unable to fully lift his body. Thanks to the applied efforts, the muscles of the back, arms and chest are activated.
  2. "Spring". The exercise makes your posture proportional and visually reduces your waist. To perform it, the upper crossbar is grabbed with your back to the wall. The toes are pulled up, the heels are towards the floor, and the chin is pressed towards the chest.
  3. Taking your legs back. A position is taken facing the wall while hanging on the crossbar, the feet are thrown behind the back and returned back. Regular exercise helps develop the muscles of the legs and back.
  4. "Pendulum". You hang on the bar with the back of your head to the wall, your legs are moved to one side and then moved in the opposite direction. IN in this case the muscles of the back and lower back are involved.
  5. Leg lift. The user is positioned hanging with his back to the bars, the limbs are bent at the knees and moved towards the chest, after which they are lowered to the starting position. The exercise is designed to train the abdominal muscles.

Children's sports wall. Can you make it yourself?

Let's look at how to make a wall bars for a child with your own hands. First you need to prepare well-dried, seasoned wood. If the structure will be used by small children, it is better to give preference to soft woods - pine or linden. The latter are easier to process compared to beech, oak or ash.

Work progress

To make a children's Swedish wall, the following steps are performed:

  • purchased edged board about 30 cm wide, 4-5 cm thick and about 2.5 m long;
  • the workpiece is cut lengthwise using (15 cm);
  • the wood is planed, sharp edges and corners are removed;
  • in the blanks that will play the role of parallel posts, holes are drilled for the crossbars;
  • all surfaces are sanded with sandpaper;
  • holes are made in the wall for fastenings.

To make crossbars, blanks about 70 cm long are cut from wooden slats. The material is processed lathe until the diameter of such jumpers is 3.5 cm, which becomes convenient for a child to grasp. The surface is final polished and, if necessary, treated with paints and varnishes.

To assemble the structure into a single whole, a whole set of fasteners may be required. These are, first of all: screws, wings, confirmations, bolts and nuts, hexagons, angles and dowels.

How to properly assemble a children's sports wall with your own hands? The drawings will help you understand this issue.

If desired, a self-made wall can be equipped with additional sports equipment: ropes, bars, horizontal bar,


As you can see, there are quite a lot of parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a children's wall bars. Before giving preference to one or another option, it is advisable to ask the seller how high-quality the materials are for making such equipment, and familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the presented model.

Another question is how much the child will like the children's sports wall. Photo various options executions of such equipment can be seen in this material. Illustrative examples will allow you to select several suitable options before visiting the store.

If none ready-made solution does not satisfy the child’s needs, it is worth thinking about the possibility of making a Swedish sports wall with your own hands.

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If there is free 0.5 m2 in the children's room, hallway or living room, then The best way Use this place to set up a children's sports complex (DSC). After all, it brings so many benefits and joy: it instills the habit of sports, helps muscles and the musculoskeletal system get stronger, develops dexterity, coordination and even imagination.

  • In general, a sports complex for children is something like a playground right in your apartment.

In this material you will learn how to choose a sports corner, what equipment there are and what to look for when purchasing.

What you need to know before buying

About materials

Children's sports complexes are made of metal or wood. Which complex is better - wooden or metal? There is no clear answer to this question. Both options can last a very long time, but, perhaps, a metal sports complex is more reliable and easier to clean. But a wooden sports corner is more environmentally friendly, lighter, often cheaper and more versatile in terms of interior design, and it can also be repainted.

  • Keep in mind that the wooden parts from the posts to the gymnastic rings must be absolutely smooth, without cracks or knots.

About sizes

A children's sports complex can have a height from 2.4 to 2.9 m and can occupy an area of ​​0.5 square meters. meters. Before going to the store, measure the exact height of the ceilings and the area of ​​the part of the room allocated for the complex.

About types of DSC

Children's sports complexes can be divided into four groups according to the method of fastening:

  • Spacer - consist of a wall bars/vertical ladder (one or more) and additional projectiles. Installed in the spacer between the floor and ceiling. Advantages: reliable fastening, no need to drill the walls. This complex is suitable if you live in a rented apartment or are planning to move it in the future. However, if / is installed in the room, then it will not be installed. The spacer sports complex is most often L-shaped or T-shaped. However, large complexes are made non-standard (on several racks and ladders).

  • Wall-mounted – are a complex based on a wall bars. It is chosen if the room has a suspended ceiling.
  • Wall-mounted – wall-mounted structures are attached only to the wall or ceiling and do not take up space on the floor. These could be: monkey bars, ropes, swings, trapezes, rope ladders and, of course, horizontal bars.
  • Floor-standing autonomous– sports complexes for children from 0 years old or 1 year to 4 years old such as “Early Start”, “Fidget”, “Krosha”, “Pyramid” and “Cheerful Kid”. Are wooden or metal constructions for installation on the floor, they have both built-in and wall-mounted elements. Most often they occupy an area of ​​about 1.5 m2. Some models can be folded like an ironing board, and some can be periodically turned over to one of three sides so that the child does not get tired of the complex. Disadvantage: quite high price (from 15,000 rubles), considering that the complex will not be used for long.

Review of home sports complex equipment for children

The most popular basic set of DSK: wall bars + horizontal bar + gymnastic rings + rope. An example of such a sports corner is shown in the photo below.

Depending on your wishes, availability of free space, budget, type and height of the ceiling, you can add to the basic equipment or even arrange the sports corner differently. So, for example, if there is absolutely no space in the room, then the sports corner can only be equipped with a horizontal bar with attached equipment and/or a monkey bars (it can also be supplemented with accessories).

  • Wall bars - a stationary ladder for gymnastics and climbing - is relevant for children from 1 year old, that is, from the moment they begin to walk. For children over 4 years old, the wall bars are supplemented with all sorts of elements described below. The good thing about a Swedish wall is that it takes up minimal space, it is multifunctional and allows you to “build up” additional equipment gradually.

  • Horizontal bar - can be attached separately, or can complement the wall bars. Older children, as well as parents, can use the horizontal bar to strengthen the muscles of the arms, abs and back, while children can simply hang on the horizontal bar, swing and stretch the spine. In fact, the horizontal bar is a real family exercise machine. It’s also good because it doesn’t take up space (although it requires about 1 m of free space in front of it).

Hint to note: It is good to hang the horizontal bar in the passages above the doors, for example, in the hallway. So, the horizontal bar will take up virtually no space and the whole family can use it.

  • Gymnastic rings– rings on cables are designed for pull-ups, spine stretching and other exercises. Children especially like them, and it is with this equipment that the development of the sports corner usually begins. Gymnastic rings are most often hung on a horizontal bar or monkey bars, but if desired, they can be hung from the ceiling as shown in the photo.

As a rule, children begin mastering the sports complex with something they can grab onto with their hands.

Tip to note: to teach your child to do pull-ups, add a special elastic band to the gymnastics rings or horizontal bar, which will take on part of the weight.

  • A ladder is the same as a ladder, but installed at a height horizontally or at an angle. It can be attached to the wall (along it or from wall to wall), to the ceiling or racks of the complex. As a rule, this simulator is one of the most popular. The monkey bars can be supplemented with gymnastic rings, a rope, a rope ladder, a punching bag or a trapeze.

Handheld in the children's room

  • Rope – allows you to actively use your arms, legs, back, and abs. It does not require much space and is very popular with children aged 2 years and older.

  • - a crossbar suspended by two ropes. You can hang on it, turn over, swing. Since most often the trapezoid can be adjusted in height, it can replace a swing. True, due to the relatively thin ropes, it is more difficult to swing on it and maintain balance, for the same reason the trapeze is much more useful than a swing. The trapeze can be hung on hooks from the ceiling, on a horizontal bar or on a monkey bars.

  • – massages the feet, helps develop coordination and dexterity, since going up/down a rope ladder is not so easy. In addition, it is much more interesting than the Swedish wall.

  • A bungee disc is a rope with a seat disc. It combines both a swing and a rope.

  • A rope climb is a network of ropes, that is, something between a rope ladder and a climbing wall.
  • Punching bag– suspended on a hook from the ceiling, horizontal bar or monkey bars as shown in the photo.

  • Basketball backboard with basket– another attribute for a compact sports corner. It can be installed on the side of a bunk bed, a door, a wall, or the end of a wardrobe.

  • A hammock and a swing are, rather, not sports, but game elements, but they perfectly complement the children's sports corner. A child can read and relax while sitting on a swing or in a hammock.

  • Incline bench– attached to one of the crossbars of the wall bars. Designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is more relevant for teenagers, but also in younger age You can find a use for it - use it as a slide.
  • It is enough to buy a simple wall bars with a mat (without apparatus) or a floor sports complex such as “Early Start” or “Kid”. The disadvantage of “Early Start” is its limited period of use (valid for up to 4-5 years) at a fairly high price.
  • A Swedish wall for children under 4 years old should have frequent steps - the distance between them should be 20-23 cm. From 4 years old, the distance between the bars can be the standard 25-26 cm. Also, for the smallest athletes, bars of reduced diameter are needed.
  • From about 4 years old, a child can begin to master a universal (“adult”) sports complex with almost any elements.
  • For a teenager, especially a boy, it is enough to purchase a wall bars with a horizontal bar, parallel bars, an abdominal bench and/or a punching bag.
  • A children's sports corner should not be placed near a window or next to furniture with many sharp corners.
  • The Swedish wall, horizontal bar, monkey bars, rope and other equipment must be supplemented with mats. Moreover, they not only protect the child from bruises, but are also excellent gymnastic equipment.
  • It is desirable that the crossbars of the wall bars are rubberized. It would be good if they were embossed to additionally massage the child’s feet.
  • All existing bolts must be covered with plugs.

Tip 3. Do not buy children's sports equipment from unknown manufacturers

By purchasing sports equipment from an unknown company, you risk purchasing a low-quality product - with unreliable fastenings, slippery crossbars, fragile parts, quickly wearing out and even toxic materials.

  • Be sure to check all quality certificates, find out reviews about the manufacturer on the Internet, or better yet, ask your friends for recommendations.

Tip 4. To prevent your child from getting bored with the sports complex, periodically remove, change or rearrange elements

The advice applies to gymnastic rings, rope, trapeze, slide and other hanging attributes.

Tip 5. It is advisable to entrust the installation of the complex to professionals

When installing a children's sports complex yourself, there is a risk of not taking into account the curvature of the floors/ceilings/walls, using the wrong fasteners, or choosing the wrong location. Professional installers of sports corners not only install and check the correct installation, but also provide instructions on the operation of the equipment.

  • It is advisable that the DSC be installed by two specialists.
  • A month after installing the spacer DSC, do not forget to tighten the spacer screws vertical racks on one's own.

Tip 6. The most compact options for arranging a sports corner are...

The following sports corners will take up no more than 0.5 m2 in:

  • A universal sports complex consisting of a wall bars, a horizontal bar and mounted apparatus.
  • A horizontal bar on which you can hang rings, a trapeze (see photo below), a swing, a punching bag, etc.

  • A basketball hoop that can be hung on the side of the second tier of the bed, on a door, closet or wall.
  • Handlebar, because it only takes up space under the ceiling, and you can hang additional attributes on it.
  • A climbing wall that will occupy only part of the wall or even the end of a bunk bed, as shown in the photo below.

Tip 7. It is advisable that the sports corner fits into the interior

If the children's room is decorated in neutral colors, then the color of the sports complex can be any. Otherwise you should:

  • Choose a complex to match the color scheme of the interior. For example, in a room with yellow accents, a yellow complex will look great.

Games room with bright sports corner

  • Choose a wooden complex that fits harmoniously into any interior color range, both in classical and modern style.
  • Choose a complex in metallic color (more suitable for modern interiors, as well as for teenage rooms);
  • Choose a sports complex in white – it will be universal and will not clutter up the space.

By the way, if you want to purchase a sports complex for growth, then you should give preference wooden structures, as well as white or metallic.

  • And one more tip for choosing and decorating a sports corner: if you want the complex not to clutter up the space, paint it to match the walls. The following photo slider shows an example of decorating a sports corner to match the walls and furniture.

Tip 8. You can make a children's sports corner with your own hands

If you have minimal woodworking skills, then you can make a children's sports corner with your own hands. From this video you will learn how to make a Swedish wall from boards and cuttings in just 3 hours.

In this video, the master will tell you how to make a children's climbing wall at the end of a bunk bed.