Water consumption when flushing the heating system. Where can I get a program for flushing the heating system in an apartment building?

Washing method internal systems heating
hydropneumatic method.

Flushing the system is necessary after repair, installation, and also after completion heating season to remove sludge and dirt.
The most effective is the hydropneumatic method of flushing - bubbling water with compressed air to create a violent movement of the environment in the system.
To eliminate the possibility of contamination of an already washed area, washing is carried out in the following sequence.
To flush heating systems, the following fittings must be installed at the inlet (see Appendix 1):
for connecting the compressed air pipeline from the compressor DN 32mm (18),
for connecting a pipeline cold water DN 50mm (19),
for drainage of drained water DN 50mm (20).
To ensure the possibility of removing large contaminants from pipes, the diameter of the drain pipes should be taken from the following ratios:

Pipe diameter, mm up to 70 80-125 150-175
D pipe, mm 25 40 50

Discharge of rinsing water if available drainage device in the chamber it is carried out directly into the drainage, and in the absence of drainage, into the nearest storm drain or into the chamber, from where it is pumped out by pumps.
When flushing heating networks, mobile compressor stations of the VKS-1, AK-B, DK-9 type, with a capacity of 5-6 m3/min, a pressure of up to 6 ati, or another type of diesel compressor can be used.
Depending on the bandwidth drainage device, compressor power and possible water consumption, several washing modes are used.
The normal washing mode is considered to be the movement of the mixture, accompanied by shocks and slippages of alternately water and air.
When introducing compressed air into the area being washed, it is necessary to ensure that water cannot enter the compressor receiver, for which the valve on the water supply line should open only after the pressure in the receiver becomes greater than the pressure of the water supply system.
Taking the reduced speed of movement of flushing water equal to 1 m/sec, the approximate water consumption during flushing for various pipe diameters will be:

Pipe diameter, mm 50 70 80 100 125 150 200
Water consumption, m3/h 8 14 20 30 50 65 125

Pressure tap water selectable in the range from 1.5-3.0 atm. When the pressure is more than 3.5 atm, stressful operating conditions for the compressor are created, under which it cannot provide normal network flushing.
At a pressure of 1 atm, compressed air from the compressor can block the access of water to the pipeline and at the end of the section only air will be observed escaping. In this case, you should alternate the operation of the compressor with stopping it for 10-15 minutes with a continuous supply of water.
Keep the air pressure in the flushed pipeline at 3-3.5 atm.

In addition, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the premises and placement of input nodes in accordance with SNIP ||-33-75 and each input node must contain (see Fig. 1.):
-water jet elevator (16),
- installed design restriction device (nozzle) (17),
- mud traps on the supply and return lines (14,15)
-four valves (1,2,3,4)
- inserts for pressure gauges (5,6,7,8,9)
- inserts for thermometers (10,11,12,13).

If there are no connections for flushing the internal heating system and, as a result, no flushing is carried out, the consumer will not be connected during the heating season, as it clogs the heat distribution networks.
And also the lack of inserts for pressure gauges and thermometers does not make it possible to carry out adjustment work Therefore, consumer claims for unsatisfactory heat supply will not be accepted and all responsibility falls on the housing office.

Heavily dirty heating systems, long time those that have not been washed are washed in three stages.
First stage.
Flushing each riser with compressed air from bottom to top when the heating system is filled with water (to loosen deposits), starting with the most distant riser.
Second phase.
Flushing each riser with a water-air mixture.
Third stage.
Flushing of distribution pipelines with a water-air mixture.

During annual flushing, you can limit yourself to flushing risers in groups (up to 5 risers).

Procedure for flushing internal heating systems
hydropneumatic method.

1. The housing office coordinates with the district branch of the enterprise the cleaning schedule.
2. At the specified time, a representative of the enterprise (the foreman of the heating district) is invited and, in his presence, the housing office begins flushing work.
3. For the period of flushing, the heating system is disconnected from the quarterly network by valves 1, 2, 3, 4, and if their density is insufficient, additional plugs (blinds) made of sheet steel with a thickness of at least 3 mm are installed.
By the beginning of the heating season, all four valves must be inspected.
4. Attach flexible hoses (rubber hoses) to the flushing fittings using half-nuts in accordance with GOST 2217-76 (half-nuts “ROT”). It is necessary to provide for cold water and air inputs check valves.
5. Washing is carried out after removing the nozzle from the elevator.

The system is filled with water through valve 19 with air collector valve 21 open and valves (valves) 22,24 open and valves (valves) 1,2,3,4,18,20,23 closed. After water appears in tap 21, the tap and valve 19 are closed.
Each riser is purged with air.
To do this, close all taps 24 on the risers. Open valve 18 (air). By sequentially opening valve 22 on the risers, the risers are purged with air from bottom to top.
To drain water into the sewer, a flexible rubber hose is put on fitting 20 to release the mixture into the storm drain.
Each riser is washed, starting with the most distant one.
To do this, open valves 22 and 24 on the risers in sequence with vent 21 open. Open valves 19 (water) and 18 (air).
Then for rinsing:
sequentially fill the risers with water;
close taps 21, 23;
open water drainage through valve 20.
Turn on the air through valve 18 and, with valves 19 and 20 open, turn on the risers in sequence by opening valves 24 (valve), starting with the most distant riser.
In systems with a lower heating circuit, flushing is similar. The system is filled with water through valves 19, 24 (valve), 22 with tap 21 open.
Then each riser is blown with air, starting with the last one. For continuous flushing, discharge from the riser can be done through tap 23a.
To drain the water-air mixture from several risers, the mixture is discharged through drainage 20 into a storm drain (see Fig. 2).
The design nozzle is installed.
Filling the system network water, is carried out in the presence of a representative of the enterprise.

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Tell me where I can get the washing program heating system in MKD.


Flushing the heating system in an apartment building is compulsory work carried out by the management organization for the purpose of proper maintenance of heat supply systems (heating, hot water supply) in an apartment building. This is provided for in clause 19 of the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2013 No. 290.

Regularity and technology for flushing the heating system in apartment buildings

Flushing of the heating system in an apartment building is carried out annually after completion heating season, and also after installation, overhaul, current repairs with replacement of pipes (in open systems systems must also be disinfected before commissioning).

Systems are flushed with water in quantities exceeding estimated flow rate coolant by 3 - 5 times annually after the heating period, while achieving complete clarification of the water. When carrying out hydropneumatic flushing, the flow rate of the water-air mixture should not exceed 3-5 times the calculated coolant flow rate.

To flush heating systems in MKDs, tap water or process water. In open heat supply systems, final rinsing after disinfection is carried out with water that meets the requirements of the current drinking water standard until the discharge water reaches the required values sanitary standards for drinking water, for condensate pipelines, the quality of the discharged water must meet the requirements depending on the scheme of condensate use.

These requirements are provided for in clause 9.2.9 of the Rules technical operation thermal power plants approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2003 No. 115 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Similar requirements are provided for in clause 5.2.10 of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170.

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Heating system flushing program

In this case, flushing of the heating system pipelines is carried out according to a program approved by the technical manager of the organization and agreed with the heat source (heat supply organization). This is provided for in clause 6.2.20 of the Rules.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a special form of flushing program for heating systems. Therefore, such a program is prepared in free form with mandatory approval from the heat supply organization.

Life in a private house surrounded by nature is impossible without a high-quality and reliable heating system. But the system autonomous heating in a private home - this is difficult engineering structure which requires regular technological maintenance. If such equipment is not given proper attention, it begins to become clogged. This is primarily due to the fact that process fluids used in heating system pipelines contain many additives. With a constant flow of water, they are deposited on the walls of pipes and internal surfaces various devices heating system. All this slows down the normal movement of the coolant, and broken areas of scale and sediment layers can clog the system or cause breakdowns of the circulating pumps. To prevent emergency situations, routine maintenance is carried out on the heating system, one of which is hydropneumatic flushing.

In addition to the occurrence of emergency situations, the accumulation of scale in a pipeline heating system also sharply reduces its efficiency. Thus, just a millimeter of scale on the inner surface of a heating radiator reduces its heat transfer by 15 percent. Accordingly, to achieve in the house normal temperature, you will have to increase the power of the boiler, and therefore increase fuel costs. In order not to incur extra costs, you need to clean the system.

The accumulated scale on the internal surfaces of the system has a much lower thermal conductivity than conventional metal used to make pipes. Scale is essentially a heat insulator - its thermal conductivity is 40 times less than that of metal. Even a thin layer of scale reduces the efficiency of the heating system to minimum values. Moreover, scale actively interacts with the metal of the pipes, which leads to increased corrosion and even the formation of fistulas.

In order to improve the quality of operation of the heating system, it is not necessary to wait for emergency situations. Such work must be carried out regularly, usually at least once a year.

Heating system diagnostics

To identify the need for hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system, it is necessary to carry out an initial diagnosis. It can be carried out in living conditions without resorting to the services of expensive specialists. It is based on the diagnostic results that it is necessary to decide on flushing. In addition, after routine maintenance, gently subject the heating system to anti-corrosion treatment - this will reliably protect the walls of the pipelines for the next operational period.

So, the main signs that your heating system needs hydropneumatic flushing are the following:

  • Your heating boiler is making unusual sounds that you have not heard before,
  • The time it takes to warm up the system to operating condition increases significantly.
  • One of the main signs is uneven heating of heating system elements. So, if the pipeline system is hot to the touch, and the radiators are much colder, it is necessary to urgently flush it.
  • An indirect sign of a clogged heating system is an increase in energy consumption when the same temperature is reached and in similar weather outside.

How is hydropneumatic flushing carried out and what equipment is needed?

The main essence of hydropeneumatic flushing of a heating system is cleaning the pipeline system and heating radiators using compressed air. In this case, the coolant remains in the system, that is, water. The beginning of this process sharply increases the speed of fluid movement in the system, and compressed air gives the water increased turbulence, that is, uneven movement and the formation of turbulence. Under the influence of a mixture of air and water, scale and deposits formed on the internal surface of the system are loosened, carried away by the water-air flow and removed from the pipes and radiators to the discharge point.

The discharge point for loosened deposits in this type of flushing is the drain pipe or a specialized tap. If these elements are missing in the heating system, they must be inserted before starting cleaning.

If the heating system with liquid coolant has an elevator, it must be dismantled before flushing to avoid damage.

The air in the heating system is supplied from a compressor to create a powerful water-air flow with turbulence. This device should show a pressure of 0.6 MPa at the outlet. In order to prevent water from entering the compressor receiver from the system, a check valve is installed at the point where it connects to the pipeline system.

A good compressor with a powerful and uniform air supply supplies the pipelines with a water-air mixture, which loosens and knocks down scale deposits inside the pipes. The compressor must operate in a uniform pulse mode, creating not just a constant flow of air, but a series of air-water shocks. This is how the turbulence that loosens the scale is formed.

A smart solution is to use a compressor that can add disinfectants and cleaning agents to the air flow. In addition, such a device must be protected from spontaneous shutdown, be quite compact and, preferably, have an alarm about the level of the flushing liquid being consumed and the displayed pressure parameters.

Hydropneumatic flushing methods

Even if you have necessary equipment, you still need to take into account the individual characteristics of the heating system. The chosen method depends on many factors, including the following:

  1. whether it is an apartment building or a private sector;
  2. how many floors does the house have?
  3. what liquid was used as a coolant;
  4. how long ago the maintenance or cleaning was carried out;
  5. what material are the pipes made of?
  6. What year was the system installed?

Depending on all these factors, a specialist must conclude that it is necessary to choose one or another washing method.

Flow washing method

This method of cleaning heating system pipelines from slag consists of the following steps:

The heating system must be completely filled with water, leaving the air intake valve open.

After filling the system, the valve must be tightly closed.

A stream of compressed air is supplied to the system, at the same time the drain pipe opens

Before emerging from the drain pipe clean water The water-air mixture continues to be supplied to the system. Please note that the volume of the flushing mixture can be quite large, so take care in advance of the location for draining the used liquid.

Flushing and filling the heating system

In this case, it is necessary to carry out the following sequential operations:

  • Fill the heating system with water with the valves closed.
  • Compressed air is supplied through the inlet pipe with the outlet pipe closed for 5-1 minutes.
  • After the air flow stops, the outlet pipe opens and the water-air mixture with scale removed is drained from the system.

Please note that the volume of supplied water-air mixture is calculated individually for each heating system depending on its volume. Otherwise, if you do not calculate correctly, you may end up with broken pipes rather than clean ones.

How is pressure testing carried out?

After hydropneumatic flushing, and indeed before each heating season in autonomous system heating systems, it is necessary to check the tightness and carry out routine work to improve the tightness of pipeline connections. Day after day, the connections of your heating system wear out and in order not to have an accident with a breakthrough in the cold season, that is, the tightness of the pipes must be prepared in advance. This operation is called crimping.

heating radiator crimping

Note that, as a last resort, pressure testing can be carried out during the heating season; usually such an operation is performed after accidents on pipelines. In addition, pressure testing and monitoring of the condition of pipeline connections is carried out during the first start-up of the system after its installation.

The process of crimping heating system pipeline connections consists of the following stages:

Slowly fill the system cold water. Please note that the pressure in the system must be increased gradually, not abruptly. The fluid pressure level in the system is controlled using a pressure gauge. When the operating pressure of the system is reached, it remains under pressure for about half an hour. During this time, you can visually inspect the condition of the pipelines and their connections, make sure that there are not only leaks, but even the slightest leakage of water. The most in a simple way control of seeping moisture will be placed under the joints of the pieces toilet paper or napkins on which drops of water or silt will be clearly visible

In addition, the condition of the system is monitored by pressure gauge readings. This is done because pipelines can leak in places inaccessible to visual inspection. If there is no decrease in pressure on the pressure gauge and there are visual signs of damage to the pipes and system, you can begin to operate it. For additional confidence, the pressure in the system can be increased by 10-15 percent above the calculated one.

Training video: Hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system of a residential apartment building

Widely used for cleaning heating systems in apartment buildings. Hydropneumatic flushing technology is based on cleaning sludge and deposits on the inner surface of pipes and heating radiators with a stream of water mixed with air supplied under pressure.

Hydropneumatic flushing of heating systems - instructions

  • Flushing of the heating system is carried out in the presence of a representative of the energy supply organization.
  • A master is invited to begin the washing thermal unit area and in his presence, flushing work begins.
  • During flushing, the heating system is disconnected from the district heating network by valves 1, 2, 3, 4. If the valves do not have sufficient closing density, additional blinds (plugs) made of 3mm sheet steel must be installed.
  • By the beginning of the new heating season, these valves must undergo an inspection.

Preparatory work

Rubber hoses are connected to the fittings used for flushing. Hoses (rubber sleeves) are connected using half-nuts “ROT” (according to GOST 2217-76). It is necessary to install check valves on the air and water inlets that will be used for flushing.

Before washing, remove the nozzle from the elevator.

  • The system is filled with cold water through valve 19 with open valve 21 of the air collector and open valves 22 and 24, as well as closed valves 1; 2; 3; 4; 18; 20 and 23. After water appears in valve 21, this valve and valve 19 must be closed.
  • Blow air through each riser of the heating system.
  • To do this, close all taps 24 on the risers. Open air valve 18. By sequentially opening valves 22 on the heating risers, the risers are purged with air from the bottom up.
  • To drain waste water after sewer system storm drain, a flexible rubber hose must be put on fitting 20.
  • Starting from the far riser, hydropneumatic flushing of all risers is carried out sequentially.
  • To do this, you need to open sequentially valves 22 and 24 on the risers with air valve 21 open. Next, open water valve 19 and air valve 18.

Then to perform the flushing

  • consistently fill the risers with water;
  • close taps 21 and 23;
  • open the water drainage through the 20th valve.

Turn on the air with valve 18. With valves 19 and 20 open, turn on the risers in series, opening valves 24, starting with the farthest riser.

Hydropneumatic flushing of heating systems with bottom wiring

In heating systems with a bottom heating circuit, flushing is carried out in a similar way. The system is filled with water through valves 19; 24 and 22, while valve 21 is open.

To divert the air-water mixture from several risers at once, the mixture is discharged into the storm drain through drainage 20 (see Fig. 2).

Hydropneumatic flushing of heating systems is carried out until the discharged water is completely clarified.

  • After finishing washing, you need to dump the residual water.
  • Fill the heating system and perform a one-time reset.
  • Next, fill the system with water and take a sample for analysis.

During long-term operation of the heating system, preventive actions should be taken to improve the operation of the system. Flushing the heating system is performed by professionals, but it is quite possible to do it yourself if you follow the recommendations outlined in this article.

General concept and methods of flushing a heating system

Due to a decrease in the efficiency of the heating system, the pipeline should be flushed, because the areas where the coolant moves slowly become silted.

The large amount of water required for the heating system carries small particles of sand, dust and other debris. This all settles on the pipes, and therefore it is worth cleaning the heating system. If steel pipes If they do not have an anti-corrosion coating, mineral deposits will appear on them over time.

Small particles clog pipes and slow down the heating system.

In apartment buildings, heating is flushed once a year, but in private buildings, the owner independently decides when to flush the heating system.

Reasons why you should flush your heating system:

  • low heating level;
  • partial heating of radiators;
  • Radiators closest to the boiler heat better than those further away.

Consequences of neglecting to flush the heating system:

  • breakage and damage heating devices systems;
  • freezing of the system in winter;
  • large financial losses;
  • failure of the entire system;
  • emergency situations;
  • overpaying for electricity due to poor quality heating of the premises.

Basic methods for flushing a heating system:

1. Chemical method- used to restore the functionality of a heating system that has been in use for a long time, in multi-storey building. Cleaning with a chemical method consists of pouring an alkaline or acidic solution into the system, working the system with the solution for many hours and rinsing, and then filling it with ordinary water. Chemical solutions do an excellent job of removing rust on metal and cast iron radiators.

Tip: The chemical flushing method is not used if the heating system includes aluminum radiators.

2. Biological or dispersed - a special liquid is poured into the heating system to flush the heating system, saturated with living biobacteria. This washing method is the most effective.

3. Hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system - consists of cleaning the heating system using a hydraulic pump, which creates high pressure, as a result of which the scale is partially destroyed and comes out. This method consists of two stages: flushing and pressure testing of the heating system.

4. Cleaning radiators involves the use of valves that shut off the water and allow you to clean individual elements of the heating system.

5. To flush the heating system, large enterprises use electric pulse flushing. The essence of this method is to supply electric current to the system, as a result of this action, scale is separated from the pipeline.

Flushing the heating system using chemicals

One of the reliable and cheap ways to flush the heating system is chemical.

Advantages of flushing the heating system with chemical solutions:

  • simplicity;
  • low cost;
  • quick results;
  • does not require stopping the heating system;
  • carried out both in winter and summer;
  • high quality.

Disadvantages of the chemical method:

  • toxicity;
  • not used in aluminum heating systems;
  • problems with disposal of solutions after washing.

Instructions for flushing the heating system with a chemical solution:

1. Before performing flushing work, you should study the heating system and select the most suitable chemical.

2. Dilute the chemical solution according to the instructions. Solutions come in liquid and powder form.

3. Connect the flushing device to the system, having first filled the container with solution.

4. Ensure circulation of the solution in the system. The timing is determined by examining contamination and the general condition of the heating system.

5. Drain the solution, rinse the system several times and fill with water.

Biological or dispersed flushing of the heating system

The dispersed method of flushing the heating system is a more advanced analogue chemical method. When using a dispersed solution, the reagents do not destroy the structure of the metal, but only weaken the molecular relationships between metal product and scale or dirt.

The main advantages of dispersed flushing of the heating system:

  • used in any heating systems, including aluminum ones;
  • the solutions are environmentally friendly and do not harm people or the environment;
  • all dirt and plaque is removed in a split form and does not clog the pipes;
  • after washing, a hydrophobic film is created, which prevents the appearance of plaque during further use.

To flush the system using a dispersed method, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the amount of reagent according to individual characteristics heating system.

2. Connect your device with circulation pump. And turn on the device to circulate the solution.

3. After the reagent has penetrated, flush the system and pour the solution down the drain.

4. In order to flush the heating system in winter, install a heat exchange device that will ensure the heating system is closed.

Calculation of flushing the heating system using the hydropneumatic method

Before flushing the system, a number of preparatory works should be carried out:

  • heating system inspection;
  • dividing the system into parts that will be washed together or separately;
  • if necessary, install shut-off valves for separate flushing or shutting off certain areas;
  • calculate the air and water consumption for flushing the system.

To flush the heating system, use an amount of water that exceeds the capacity of the heating system from three to five times. Open heating systems are disinfected. During rinsing, the water should be light in color. To find out how full the system is with water, use a water meter.

Heating system flushing equipment

Flushing a heating system without disassembling components requires special equipment, which is abbreviated as CIF - cleaning in place.

The installation consists of a plastic tank with a pump. The flushing solution is poured into the tank, and the pump fills the system.

  • the device must have automatic system control the supply of pulses for flushing;
  • the device body must withstand various disinfectants;
  • Make sure that the device is compact and easy to move;
  • check the presence of an indicator responsible for the pressure level and water flow.

Let's look at several devices for flushing the heating system:

1. AquaMax Evolution 10 (Italy) - compact and portable


  • plastic tank 10 l;
  • weight: 7000 g;
  • presence of flow reverse;
  • cleaning the boiler and heat exchanger;
  • price: 400 $.

2. Alfa Laval 20 (Sweden) - used for professional cleaning of heating systems.


  • high level of acid resistance;
  • use of anti-corrosion plastic in the manufacture of the tank;
  • weight: 8000 g;
  • tank volume: 20 l;
  • price: $1100.

Do-it-yourself heating system flushing technology

There are two ways to flush a heating system using the hydropneumatic method:

1. Open the valve responsible for allowing air into the system and fill the system with water. Close the valve. Start compressed air with the bleed valve open. When the mixture has passed through all the appliances, drain the water. The system is flushed until clean water appears.

2. Open the valve and fill the system with water or solution. Start compressed air supply. After fifteen minutes, stop feeding. Open the valve and drain the water. After this, rinse the system several times with running water.

Pressure testing of the heating system

After flushing the home heating system, an equally important process follows - checking the tightness and integrity of the system or pressure testing. Pressure testing is used as an independent process without flushing or in combination after flushing the system.

Sequence of actions for performing pressure testing of the heating system:

1. Slowly fill the system with water. Never exceed the pressure.

2. Leave the filled system for an hour or two. Use a pressure gauge to check the system.

3. If the pressure drops in some places, inspect the system components and look for leaks.

4. Drain all or part of the water and fix the problem. Repeat the procedure several times.

Rules for flushing a collapsible heating system

There are two types of dismountable washing:

1. Flushing a collapsible heating system includes the following steps:

  • disassembling the heat exchanger;
  • removing all plates;
  • soaking the plates in a special solution;
  • manual washing of plates;
  • crimping and assembly of the heat exchanger.

2. The second type of washing includes:

  • disassembling the heat exchanger;
  • direction of the water stream into the radiator;
  • removing dirt using high pressure;
  • system assembly.

Advantages of dismountable flushing:

  • complete confidence that the system is clean;
  • the ability to eliminate any contamination;
  • control of the work process.

The disadvantage of dismountable flushing is the need to replace rubber seals and other components that have failed.