Make beautiful candles with your own hands at home. Melting utensils. What you need for creativity

Individuality in your interior design will always be its winning side. Nothing gives it so much home comfort apartment, like things made by the hands of the owners. And if until now you could not boast of such fruits of handicraft, you have a great opportunity to fix it. We invite you to try making candles with your own hands.

Candles are a wonderful souvenir that can brighten the atmosphere of any family holiday. Candles have long been an attribute of celebration, significant dates, and romantic evenings. Yes, just sitting in silence, listening to your favorite music to the trembling of a gentle light - this is sometimes so missing.

For some, a candle is nothing more than a cute decorative item. And there is nothing wrong with this either; such products serve as wonderful decorations in the home. But scented candles can become a real psychotherapeutic tool: they will help create the necessary atmosphere for relaxation, taking a person into the world of dreams and pleasant memories.

In addition, a candle is a wonderful gift. The warmth of your hands and the light of a beautiful candle will be the best wish for a loved one. Candles will decorate even the most modest setting, highlight color scheme of your apartment will be evidence of the excellent taste of the owner.

Needless to say, mothers on maternity leave can even earn extra money from such a pleasant activity. And not only mothers - everyone who is fascinated by the process of creating a candle. And you can be sure that there will be people who want to purchase such hand-made beauty.

So, we have many reasons to finally begin our creative process. But to make a candle, we need to stock up on certain materials and tools.

Materials for making candles

Indeed, how to make candles with your own hands without special materials? We will need the following in our work:

  • Wax melting vessel
  • Candle molds
  • Pan (for water bath)
  • Sticks (the first is to attach the wick, the second is to stir the wax)
  • Decorative elements to decorate the product
  • Wax crayons
  • Household candles or stubs of old candles
  • Paper threads (100% cotton)

All this will help us create, if not a wax masterpiece, then a beautiful original candle. So let's begin!

Candle wick

Now we have to learn how to make a candle wick with our own hands. Whether we make a gel, paraffin or wax candle, in any case we will need a wick. In order to make it, we need natural cotton thread without any impurities. Alternatively, use colored floss threads as a wick. It looks very cute and unusual.

The thickness and texture of the wick depend, first of all, on the thickness of the part of the candle that should burn out. For example, there are candles that are partially composed of flammable materials. Only the core burns out in them.

For those who are going to cast a candle from wax, you need to take thick threads and weave them not very tightly. Paraffin and gel candles, on the contrary, require a tight weave of threads (otherwise the wick will smoke when burning).

Wick for wax candles

Wick for gel suppositories

You also need to be attentive to the following detail: if the candle is colored with wax crayons, small shavings can clog the wick without dissolving in the paraffin or wax. In general, there are a lot of nuances in this issue; be prepared for the fact that choosing a wick for a certain type of candle will have to be done by trial and error.

If you use a very thick wick, it is possible that the candle will melt too much, which can lead to soot. If you make a very thin wick, it will constantly go out.

There are several options for designing a wick: it can be crocheted, braided, or twisted with a rope. Before pouring the candle, you can soak the thread with wax, or you can do both pouring and impregnation at the same time.

If you don’t want to waste time making a wick, then use a wick from ready-made household candles.

Candle mold

In this matter, your imagination plays a decisive role. You can use any plastic or metal molds that you think are cute and appropriate for making candles. Don't limit yourself to ready-made molds: yogurt packaging, cream jars, baking tins, tin cans, glasses or mugs that can withstand high temperature heating Some even use milk tetrapack as a mold for a future candle.

Candles poured into tea cups

Candles made in eggshells

But for your first experience, it’s better not to split hairs: take something simple. For example, a yogurt cup. Be sure to remove the paper label first, as it may catch fire.

We take our glass and pierce a hole in the middle of its bottom with a thick needle - insert the ready-made wick there. WITH reverse side cup, the wick must be tied in a knot. In this very place of the knot there will be the top of our candle, because it will be poured “upside down”: the knot minimizes the flow of paraffin, stearin or wax through the hole we made at the bottom of the glass.

Go ahead. We need to place any stick across the glass - a toothpick, brush or pencil. We need to tie the other end of the wick on it. It should be positioned strictly in the center in a vertical, level position. This way, you guarantee yourself that the candle will burn and melt evenly.

Coloring a candle

Really beautiful candles You will succeed provided you don’t forget to color them. The simplest and most acceptable way is to color candles using simple children's wax crayons.

Do you think it would be smarter to use watercolor or gouache? Indeed, the palette of these paints is richer than the color variety of crayons. But the problem is that both gouache and watercolor are made on a water-soluble basis: these dyes are not suitable for working with a candle. They do not mix well with wax or paraffin, they can float in them in strange-colored flakes, and then completely settle to the bottom.

Decorating candles can and should be done only with fat-soluble dyes, and these are our wax crayons.

Often, many craftsmen use lipsticks or shadows to decorate candles. If you don't mind your cosmetics, please feel free to follow their example. But rest assured that the aroma of lipstick will linger throughout the house, which is not always pleasant. Many people may find this smell intrusive.

If you have already decided to do decorative candles do it yourself, it is better to use less aggressive materials. When choosing wax crayons, we focus on soft types of this dye. Candles made using mother-of-pearl wax crayons are especially good.

If you come across hard crayons, melting them will be difficult. Yes, and planing them is quite problematic. So, we chose a piece of chalk, sharpened it using a grater, and added these shavings to the wax cinders. Mix the shavings and cinders thoroughly with a stick.

However, there is another coloring option. It’s easy to find tableted pigments in specialty stores. different colors. They can be mixed with each other and dosed. Using such pigments, you will be able to make a truly unusual, bright or delicate candle. Pigments in tablets significantly expand the possibility of obtaining interesting shades.

You should not refuse to use dyes: they give the candle a unique look and create a unique pattern.

Pouring a candle

Now that the wick is ready, it’s time to fill it. We will need a regular tin can. It has to be flattened a little to form a kind of nose. This is necessary to make the process of pouring out the molten material easier.

It is better to lubricate the pre-prepared form with a thin layer of dishwashing liquid or plain vegetable oil. Both remedies are equally good.

We need to put the fragments of candles in a jar (candles must be of the same quality). If we are going to make a paraffin or wax candle, we can take a saucepan or ladle for melting, which is not too much of a waste. In any case, this container should be placed in the pan that will be used as a water bath. In principle, you can use whatever you want, except glassware.

So, we fill the pan with water, boil the water, and then immerse the container with wax or paraffin. This is how our material will melt.

When the material and shavings are completely melted, you can begin pouring the candle.

Fill the bottom of our mold with wax and let it cool. Do not rush to fill the entire mold at once, otherwise a lot of wax or paraffin may leak out through the hole in the bottom. We pour the wax in layers, and what has flowed out is re-sent for re-melting. When the candle is completely filled, it needs to be cooled. The temperature should be room temperature.

Many people make a mistake at this point: they try to speed up the cooling process by placing the candle in the freezer. In this case, it may spread unevenly.

This is not critical if we fill the candle upside down. If you use another method, then you should leave a little wax in order to fill the depressions next to the wick. And after drying they will definitely appear.

When the temperature of the candle becomes equal to the temperature of the room, you need to untie the knot at the bottom of the mold. At this moment, we remove the product itself by carefully pulling the wick.

If you can’t do this, you can cut the mold. Or put it in the refrigerator for a minute, and then put it under hot water for a few seconds.

After this, we cut off the excess part of the wick, leaving a tip of 1 cm. If there are unsightly seams left from the mold, they can be removed hot water. But with these manipulations, the candle may become cloudy, its shine may fade. That's why optimal solution will choose a candle mold that does not contain seams.

DIY aroma candles

Making scented candles with your own hands is quite possible. In particular, this is worth doing for those who are true fans of aromatherapy. In order for you to get exactly the aroma candles, you need to add some essential oils before pouring them into wax. The choice of oil depends on your taste: you can add any oil, except perhaps rose oil. After all, its smell when burning will be suffocating and heavy.

It would be great if the decor of the aroma candle matches the plant whose oil we use. For example, using lavender oil as the basis for the aroma, pink or lilac dyes should predominate in the decor of the candle.

Using laurel or mint oil, it is better to decorate a candle with green shades.

Vanilla or cinnamon will be organic in warm, beige-brown tones of a candle.

It's not just oils that can make your candle scented; regular coffee is a strong and pleasant scent.

In principle, achieving the scent of a candle is not so difficult. Aromatic oils are added to paraffin, wax or gel. And then the process of making a scented candle is no different from creating a regular candle.

We advise experimenters to mix oils: you are guaranteed an unusual bouquet of aromas. If you are afraid of “doing something weird” and synthesizing incompatible smells, look at perfume recipes. Follow their instructions, just don't add rose oil.

Gel candles

Now let's talk about how to make gel candles with your own hands. In order to make gel candles, it is better to use ready-made gel wax. The recipes for making candles are often written on the packages with it, and you can use it.

For those who are used to doing everything themselves, the following recipe can help:

  • 5 g gelatin
  • 2 g tannin
  • 20 ml water
  • 35 ml glycerin

First we need to dissolve the tannin in the glycerin through the heating process. We continue to heat, adding the remaining glycerin and gelatin to the composition. Add water to the resulting clear solution. Bring the mixture to a boil. Some cloudiness of the solution should not scare you: it will soon disappear. Until the water completely evaporates, you need to boil the solution.

You can also add essential oil to gel candles; this does not contradict the recipe. A separate, especially pleasant process is decorating gel candles. At the bottom of any transparent container we freely place decorative elements: beads, beads, pebbles, shells, sequins, coffee beans, dry plant stems or flowers. Then fill everything with gel transparent wax. This candle looks simply incredible: transparent, delicate, with a magical pattern inside.

Coffee candles

I can’t imagine making decorative candles either. special labor. For example, you can make an original coffee candle. The decor is, of course, coffee beans. The principle of operation is this: a small one is inserted into a large mold. Between the walls of the two molds you need to pour coffee beans, and then fill them with candle mass.

As soon as the mass with coffee beans has frozen, the walls need to be blown with a hot hairdryer. Thanks to this, excess paraffin will drain and the coffee beans will be clearly visible.

Now the outer layer with coffee beans is ready. We put it back into the mold, fill the inside with paraffin/wax of a different color.

Coffee candles can be like this:

You can make sea candles in the same way: instead of grains, they will contain pebbles or sea shells. As an option - transparent gel candles with small pebbles or coffee beans.

Candle decoration options

How else can you decorate a candle you created with your own hands? The first way to add originality to your candle is to use unusual, unexpected shapes. Sometimes interesting shape can be more advantageous than even the most skillful decor. A wonderful decorative element for candles is various types of glass stands.

In a specialized store you can find special stickers for decoration. Or decoupage is a great way to decorate candles. By the way, it is very fashionable among professional candle makers. Most often, napkins are used as the basis for decoupage. Don't forget about safety precautions: use special varnish for candles.

For lovers original decor The following option will do:

Before pouring, place shells, pieces of dried fruit, cinnamon, seeds, and dried flowers around the edges of the mold. Or let it be coffee beans in an ensemble with rhinestones and beads. But in the latter case, it would be more appropriate to talk about the decor of the finished product: we insert decorative elements into melted paraffin/wax.

An already frozen candle can be covered with bamboo or cinnamon sticks. You can add star anise or the same coffee beans to them. It will be beautiful decoration for aroma candles.

If you are using dried plants (or any other decorative items that can become flammable), the candle wick should be thin so that the candle only melts in the middle.

In principle, if you have the opportunity to go to specialized stores for material, you will buy a lot there useful means. For example, markers and outlines are sold there; they do not burn, but during the smoldering of the wick they melt along with wax/paraffin.

If you don't want to collect old candle cinders, use paraffin beads or candle gel. In specialized stores you can even find ready-made wicks (with a metal holder). For floating candles, you can purchase specially formulated wax.

Today is a fantasy creative person There is practically no constraint: the prices for materials for making candles are not high, the process is exciting and not as long as it might seem. Having once created a beautiful candle with your own hands, you are unlikely to deny yourself the pleasure of experimenting again.

And for inspiration, we invite you to watch a wonderful video master class on creating carved candles


In this article we want to tell you how to create candles with your own hands. Such candles will make your design unique, and they are also perfect as a gift.

Did you know that people started using candles back in the 3rd millennium BC? True, at that time only wealthy citizens could afford them. Nowadays, candles are used mainly as cozy decorative items. Let's see how you can make such a miracle yourself.

DIY candles for beginners: master class

For these candles, which are easy to make and can decorate any decor, you will need the following:

  • Actually, ourselves candles- some

IMPORTANT: It is quite possible to purchase the most ordinary candles in the hardware department of the store. They, however, have a grayish tint due to the fact that they are not cleansed. However, this drawback can be easily corrected if you plan to paint.

  • Capacity- a small saucepan. It is advisable to attach a clothespin to the edge. Paraffin, which is melted, is quite hot, so some kind of handle is simply necessary
  • Mold - in our case we need 2 forms of different sizes
  • Wick
  • Plasticine
  • Grater
  • Oil
  • Acrylic contours
  • Crayons- you need wax ones

IMPORTANT: Oil-based crayons will not be able to dissolve in wax - they should not be used unambiguously.

Let's start making:

To begin with, all available cut the candles into small pieces. Remove the wick from them.

Process the crayons with a grater. It is best to rub each color separately.

It's time to put Heat paraffin in a water bath. And while this is happening, it should prepare the form- Lubricate it with oil.

And then the paraffin melted! Now you can enter it add crushed chalk.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important to stir the dye thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

Now paraffin is poured into a large mold. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away - the smaller one will fall into the larger form later. Consequently, the filler level will rise - you need to take this into account.

Lubricate outside small mold- after that it can be immerse in a large one. It is recommended to place plasticine inside.

IMPORTANT: Try to stick to the “golden mean”. With a tiny amount of plasticine, the mold will not sink, and with too much, it will sink to the bottom.

After a few hours you can get the frozen cast. And get started right away wick placement. The hole can be made with something thin like a toothpick or brush.

Thread the wick. The bottom of the candle should be camouflaged using a hot spoon.

The other end of the wick is fixed on a toothpick. The toothpick, in turn, is placed across the candle and secured with plasticine.

The second end of the candle wick is attached to a toothpick

Similar to the scheme with green paraffin, melt and yellow. Pour it into the recess of the future candle. Cut the wick so that approximately 1 cm remains on the candle.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to add paraffin into the recess near the wick.

After everything hardens, it will remain decorate a candle. And this is where the acrylic outline comes in handy.

How to make and decorate wax candles with your own hands?

To make beautiful wax candle in the form of a rose you will need:

  • Actually, myself wax
  • Stationery knife or at least his blade
  • Burner
  • Wick
  • Mirror or glass small size

IMPORTANT: However, if workplace smooth, then glass is not necessary.

First of all, melt the wax. And this is where the burner comes in handy.

Wax the spot is cut with a knife.

Now the wax separates from the surface. One part of it is put aside for a while.

For one of the pieces the wick is applied. It should be as if wrap in wax.

IMPORTANT: Try to perform this procedure quickly, otherwise the wax will harden.

In a similar way create other petals as well. Don't forget that their edges should be bent to maximize the identity of the real flower.

How to make and decorate paraffin candles with your own hands?

Will please you in winter time of the year paraffin ice candle. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, ice and fire can be combined, and will be needed for this:

Household paraffin candles- 4 things.

IMPORTANT: Paraffin must be of high quality. Otherwise, the candle will begin to smoke, crackle, emit an unpleasant odor, and burn unevenly.

  • Wax colored crayons
  • Ice cubes
  • Two bowls or pans. Please note that their diameter must be different. In addition, utensils typically used for cooking are not suitable.
  • Skewer or a small wooden stick
  • Concerning molds, then use in in this case maybe even a plastic cup
  • Terry towel
  • Something comfortable potholder and oilcloth

Before starting work it is worth cover by work surface oilcloth. Then take candle And call it is the size of a mold.

But besides this candle there are others - you need them cut into small pieces, having previously taken out the wick.

Pour water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat. It's time small saucepan - pieces of paraffin will go in there, and all this is put to a water bath.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important to note that paraffin is highly flammable. Therefore, do not heat it over an open fire or in microwave oven. Don't be distracted from the process, and keep baking soda on hand just in case - this is what you need to put out burning paraffin.

Finely with a knife crumble the crayon. The principle is simple: the more shavings, the more saturated the color of the candle.

Pieces of chalk are poured into a small saucepan. Don't forget to stir.

It's time ice- get him out of freezer, place on a towel, cover with another part of the towel and grind. The sizes of the ice floes should correspond to how you want the openwork to look - thin openwork patterns require small pieces of ice.

Fill the mold with ice. Wherein a piece of candle should be placed in the middle with wick, cut off at the very beginning of work.

Now melted paraffin can be poured into a mold, straight onto the ice.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to use an oven mitt.

Wait for it to cool down colored paraffin. Then remove the impression from the mold. It is recommended to do all this over the sink, as the melted ice will definitely drain off. With a heated knitting needle, taken with a potholder, you can melt the wick, if it is filled with paraffin.

Just in case leave the candle to dry additionally. When using it It’s worth taking a wide candlestick– paraffin may melt.

Beautiful do-it-yourself carved candles: shapes

Carved candles seem incredibly complicated to make, but some of them are simple to make. Prepare:

  • Paraffin
  • Form at your choice. It's better to start with something simple like the outline of an egg. As for the material, due to the ease of removing the impression, it is recommended to choose silicone
  • Wick or weave of cotton threads
  • Capacities, into which colored paraffin will be poured. Cans, saucepans or even tin cans that are unnecessary in everyday life will do.
  • Special dyes or wax crayons
  • Hook and crossbar to him

IMPORTANT: Select the size of the hook taking into account the fact that it should be comfortable for you to hold it in your hands.

  • Bucket with water
  • Paper napkins from the category of those that are soft to the touch

Just like in previous master classes, melt the paraffin in a water bath. Fill it up in the form, while leaving a long – not less than 10 cm.wick.

After the cast is taken out, follows the long wick hang it on a hook.

In a water bath heat the paraffin with the addition of shades.

IMPORTANT: Bringing it to 60-80 degrees will be quite enough. At the same time, you need to stir, because the paraffin settles.

Get started let down hanging on a hook workpiece in a container with the colors you need. Try to do it fast, but at the same time smooth. Allow the paraffin to drain, and then to fix the remaining Place the product in a bucket of water. There can be several dozen layers, because hot paraffin gives a very thin layer.

Now hang the workpiece on the hook - and cut out patterns! To start cut off excess layers of paraffin, which formed smudges. Possible for convenience make a sketch, since there will be no opportunity to make changes.

IMPORTANT: On average, paraffin cools down in 10 minutes, so try to cut out patterns during this time.

Flowers They are formed in a similar way - certain patterns are cut out and folded in the right way. Can decorate a candle, for example, beads. Graceful curls carved candle multi-layer multi-colored candle.

The main thing in this matter is to be slow, because each previous layer must dry before the next one is formed.

IMPORTANT: Such a product must cool for at least 5 hours. The secret is colored flame is burning salts . Moreover composition of salts

  • depends on what shade you want to get: Yellow orange
  • - salt Red
  • – strontium nitrate or sodium chloride Blue -
  • copper chloride Green
  • – barium chloride Violet

– potassium chloride Such candles are good because non-toxic , and if they leak occasionally, then will leave virtually no traces . However.

How to make scented candles with your own hands?

To create a scented candle, use appropriate oil. It's just great if for certain notes of aroma will be selected corresponding shade of wax.

IMPORTANT: You need to add oil to the wax at the stage when it has already melted, but has not yet been poured into the mold.

Please note that:

  • Bergamot combined with lavender will help you relax
  • Lemon and rosemary clear your head of negative thoughts
  • Equal part roses and geraniums, as well as twice their volume lavender will restore calm and help you find balance of spirit after strong experiences.
  • Lemon with cedar will also relieve stress
  • Cloves with orange guaranteed to lift your spirits

Candles enchant, pacify, delight, inspire - how many purposes does this source of lighting have! And, you see, it will be just great if you can regulate all these emotions yourself by making candles with your own hands.

As a child, I really loved it when the lights were turned off. We sat down as a family at the table, lit candles and talked. Or they played dominoes, lotto, checkers. The candles were burning, crackling, bizarre shadows were spreading across the walls and ceiling, and it was so surprising and unusual that I wanted to extend the moments for more than one hour.

And from the dripping wax, while it was soft and pliable, I sculpted new candles, inserting a twisted thread instead of a wick.

Time has passed, but the memories remain. Warm and bright, like the flames of those candles of mine.

And the other day, the children and I also decided to make candles from cinders. It turned out that it is very exciting and interesting, you just need to follow some safety measures. As a result, we received beautiful colored candles of an original shape.

To make colored candles from cinders you need:

1. Remains from old candles.

2. Children's wax crayons for coloring.

3. Forms for pouring candles. You can buy special candle molds in advance, or you can (as we did) use silicone baking molds.

4. Sticks for stirring the melted wax.

5. Containers for a water bath. We use a deep metal bowl for boiling water and an aluminum ladle as a vessel for melting wax.

We also took glitter for decoration and lavender essential oil to scent our candle.

How to make a colored candle from cinders?

1. The idea was to do it yourself candle with multi-colored layers. Children's wax crayons are great for coloring wax. It is necessary to prepare them by removing the paper shell. Which the children did with pleasure.

(Artem and Anya. In the background is another assistant, teenage kitten Tom)

(ready-to-use wax crayons)

2. At this time, you should put a bowl of water on the fire, because we will melt the wax from old candles in a water bath.

3. Prepare the wick for the candles. We decided to use the old one, which was in cinders. Carefully remove it without damaging the thread.

4. Since our candle will be three-colored, we divide all the cinders and candle remains into 3 parts. Pour one part, along with 1 piece of chalk, into a ladle. Place in a bowl of boiling water.

5. While the wax and crayons are melting, gently stir with a wooden stick.

6. At this time, the children prepared silicone molds, placing them in a row on the table.

7. The wax melted, mixed with the chalk and became colored. Add a couple of drops of essential oil for aromatization and glitter (unfortunately, we did not achieve the desired effect, since when the wax layer cooled, all the glitter settled to the bottom).

8. Pour wax into molds. We must be careful - children watch this process from a distance. We wait 5-7 minutes until the wax begins to harden.

9. Place the second part of the cinders and the second chalk into the scoop. We make the next layers of the future candle, just like the first layer.

The third layer was supposed to be purple, but since there weren't enough white candles, we added the remains of an old brick-colored candle. This influenced the final result.

We also made one candle with two layers.

10. Leave the wax to cool in the molds.

(Children, while waiting for the candles to cool, scrape off drops of wax. Why? You’ll find out later)

11. When the poured candles have cooled, carefully remove them from the molds. The candles are very easy to take out.

12. We make a wick for our colored candles. We thread the tip into a needle with a long eye, pierce the candle in the middle, and bring the wick out.

13. To secure the wick on the bottom side of the candle, light the existing candle and drip melted wax onto the wick.

That's all. Beautiful colorful candles ready with your own hands! Let's light up and admire!

But that is not all. Anya made her original snowman candle from soft wax (from the drops that fell on the table when pouring candles into molds). And mom, that is. Just like when I was a child, I twisted a wick out of thread, waxed it and inserted it into a candle.

Successful creativity, because it’s easy to make a colored candle from cinders, and the result is pleasing. Candles made by yourself can be used as decoration, as an original gift for grandmothers and friends.

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Candle making at home is becoming an increasingly popular hobby. This is a very interesting and simple activity, having mastered the basics of which you can always surprise your friends or colleagues with a small but pleasant gift. You can also decorate the interior of your home with interesting candles. self made. In this article, the author invites you to try your hand at candle making with minimum set materials and tools, you do not have to buy any special devices or components. And if you are fascinated by this activity, then you will already experiment with dyes, flavors and shapes.

To get started, prepare everything you need:
1. Regular paraffin candle.
2. Small knife.
3. Empty juice or milk carton.
4. Pencil.
5. Dishes for a water bath. Since it is very difficult to put the dishes in order later, it is recommended to use inexpensive dishes that will be used in the future for such purposes.
6. Small sieve.
7. Coffee beans.
8. Small decorative elements for decorating the candle (optional).

Before you start work, carefully read the precautions for working with paraffin!!!
1. Paraffin is a flammable substance, so you should not melt it directly over a fire or in a microwave oven. You need to melt paraffin only in a water bath, and the fire should not be too strong. During the melting process, paraffin can be stirred with a wooden stick or spatula, and under no circumstances should paraffin be left on the fire unattended.
2. When pouring paraffin into the mold, be careful; if you use a bowl with an iron handle to melt the paraffin in a water bath, do not forget to use an oven mitt.
3. Also, when pouring paraffin into molds, be extremely careful and make sure that the melted paraffin does not get on the skin.
4. In case of emergency, keep an open pack on hand. baking soda. If paraffin catches fire, do not extinguish it with water, only with soda.
So let's get started.

1 step.
Using a knife, carefully make shallow cuts along the entire length of the candle, without cutting the wick. Break the candle into pieces and carefully remove the wick. We will need it later. We chop the paraffin from the candle with a knife and put it in a previously prepared container for melting. Now take a larger diameter pan, pour water into it and put it on gas. Place a vessel with finely chopped paraffin on top of the water. When the water in the pan boils, the paraffin will begin to melt in the water bath.

Step 2.
Before the water boils, prepare the mold for the future candle. To do this, take a juice bag and use a knife to cut off the top. Now we take the wick previously removed from the candle and wind it around the pencil. Then place the pencil with the wick strictly in the center of the form.

Step 3.
Now let's return to paraffin. The water has boiled, and the paraffin begins to slowly melt in the water bath. After the paraffin has completely melted, pour a handful of coffee beans into it.

Step 4
Now pour this entire mixture into the previously prepared form. This will be the first, decorative layer of the candle. Now you need to give the paraffin mixture in the mold a little time for it to harden.

Step 5
Then melt the paraffin again in a water bath and pour it into the mold with a second layer. Since we are already making this layer without grains, any impurities in it are undesirable. Therefore, you can use a strainer and pour paraffin into the mold through it, sifting out unnecessary impurities.

Step 6
Now we wait patiently for the paraffin to completely harden. Then, using a knife, we cut the juice bag that served as a mold for the candle and carefully remove it. The candle can be decorated with special stickers for candles or simply rewound with tape, which will need to be removed when the time comes to light the candle. This is such an excellent result at a minimum cost.

And if you choose a wider shape and wrap several wicks around a pencil, you will get such a miracle candle with several wicks. And in order for it to be a pleasant coffee color, it is enough to add a regular wax crayon during the melting process of paraffin Brown. I hope you liked your new experience and you will enjoy learning a new useful hobby. Happy creativity!

People have been using candles for a long time. Previously, they served to illuminate rooms, but now they are an element of decor and a way to create a romantic, festive or cozy atmosphere.

You can find a lot in stores different types candles, ranging from simple to fancy. You can make similar decorations yourself from simple materials. Making decorative candles will not require financial costs and will not take much time, but by showing your imagination and putting a piece of your soul into your product, you can create a unique thing that will bring joy to you and your family.

How to make decorative candles with your own hands

What you need

Candle material. Wax, paraffin or stearin. For people new to candle making, it is best to start with paraffin wax as it is easier to work with. Paraffin can be purchased or obtained from white household candles or their remains.

Stearine is easily obtained from laundry soap. Grate the soap on a coarse grater or slice it with a knife. Place the shavings in a metal container, fill with water until the liquid covers them and send to melt in a water bath. When the soap has dissolved, remove it from the heat and add the vinegar. A thick mass will float to the surface, which needs to be collected with a spoon after cooling. This mass is stearin; it must be rinsed several times under water and wrapped in a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.

Wick. For the wick you will need a thick cotton thread, for example, braided or twisted floss. Synthetic materials for candles are unsuitable because they burn quickly and smell unpleasant. It's easier to get a wick from regular candles.

Form. You can use different containers as a mold for making candles: coffee jars, durable packaging, sand molds and plastic balls. If you decide to make a narrowed or round candle, the container you will use for this, for example, a plastic ball, should be cut lengthwise and a hole with a diameter of at least 1 cm should be made at the top so that the composition can be freely poured into it.

Dyes. You can use dry food coloring, wax crayons, or natural ingredients, such as cocoa. But alcohol or alcohol paints water based not suitable for making candles.

Melting utensils. A small saucepan or bowl that can be conveniently placed in a steam bath will do.

Additional materials. You will need them to decorate and add fragrance to the product. Since DIY candles provide a lot of room for imagination, you can use whatever you like, for example, coffee, dried flowers, shells, beads and sparkles. You can scent the candles with your loved ones essential oils, vanilla or cinnamon.


  1. Grind the selected raw material and place it in a water bath. If you are using household candles, be sure to remove the wick. Remains of candles must be cleaned of black soot. While stirring, wait until the mass melts. Dip the wick into it several times until it is saturated and set it aside.
  2. Add flavoring and coloring to the mixture. If you use wax crayons, you need to grind them using a fine grater. By using two or more colors you can achieve a marbled look. And by dividing the mass into several parts and painting them in different colors, you can make a multi-colored candle.
  3. Grease the mold chosen for the candle with vegetable oil or dishwashing detergent. Attach the tip of the wick to a stick, toothpick or pencil and place it on the mold so that the free end of the wick passes through its middle and reaches the bottom. For reliability, you can attach a weight, such as a nut, to the free part of the wick.
  4. Fill the mold with the melted mass, wait until it hardens completely, then remove the candle by pulling the wick. If the candle is difficult to remove, immerse the mold in hot water.
  5. You can decorate candles in different ways, for example, place dried flowers, blades of grass and seeds around the edges of the mold and then pour in the melted mass. For the manufacture of coffee candle you need to pour a layer of coffee beans on the bottom of the mold, pour them liquid material for the candle and put the grains on top again. Decorating the product with beads, rhinestones and shells is best done after it has hardened and been removed from the mold. Decorative elements are inserted into the melted surface of the candle or attached with glue.