Folk remedies against aphids on currants. Additional measures to combat aphids

Currant - useful plant, the taste of whose fruits has been known to everyone since childhood. Healing properties shrub and its berries have provided it with widespread use in folk medicine. But not only people, but also insect pests are fans of currants. The most active and aggressive is the aphid.

Aphids are small insects (up to 5 mm). Its shades range from green to black. With the arrival of spring, female aphids emerge from overwintered eggs and begin to actively reproduce, infecting the bush. The pest pierces the leaves and shoots of the plant with its thin proboscis and feeds on its juice as much as possible. Having exhausted the plant, the aphids move on to more and more bushes. One of her faithful companions are ants. Therefore, when you start fighting the pest, also take care of the adjacent anthill.

Stages of combating aphids on currants

Having discovered affected plants, the destruction of the pest should be started immediately. Sick bushes produce a small harvest of not very high quality.

Means for killing aphids on currants

Both organic and chemical compounds are used to treat affected bushes.

Chemical exposure

Organic compounds

  • Add 200 g to 10 liters of water onions. The resulting composition is left for a day, and then the currants are processed.
  • 200 g of onion peels are kept in 10 liters of water for 4 days. Next is processing.
  • Combine 100 g of hot pepper in pods and 1 liter of water. Boil the composition, let it brew for 2 days and squeeze out. Before spraying the bushes, dilute the composition with water in a ratio of 1:7.
  • Pour 1 kg medicinal chamomile 1 bucket of water. The resulting solution should be left for 12 hours and filtered. Before applying to currant bushes, dilute the mixture in a ratio of 1:3. To enhance the effect, you can add laundry soap.
  • Collect 3.5 kg of fresh celandine and place it in a container with 10 liters of water. Leave the composition for a day, and then apply it to diseased plants. Dry herb is suitable for smoking.
  • Pour 100 g of dried citrus peel into 1 liter of water. Insist for a day.
  • Place 400 g of shag or tobacco in a bucket warm water. Leave for 24 hours and strain. Before treatment, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and 50 g of soap is added.
  • Dilute 1 tbsp of soda per 1 liter of water. It is recommended to add a little soap.

The optimal processing frequency is 1 week.

Prevention of aphids on currants

As with any disease, prevention is easier to cure. What measures will reduce the likelihood of an aphid attack?

Aphids are a common pest that like to feast on the green part of the plant. It happens that aphids attack currants when there are already berries on the bush. In this case, it is necessary to do something as quickly as possible to combat these insects and not lose the harvest.

Traditional methods

Every gardener has several effective and safe home methods for controlling aphids in his arsenal.

Soap solution

You need to take 300-400 g of laundry soap, grind it with a grater, and then add it to 10 liters of water. Flexible currant branches can be dipped into the prepared solution.

Or you can use a sprayer to treat the entire bush. In this case, it is necessary to wet the leaves on both sides. But how to use laundry soap against aphids on an apple tree will help you understand this

Garlic infusion

Garlic infusion

Infusion of celandine

Take ½ bucket of finely chopped plant, add water to the brim. Leave for 24 hours, then filter and apply to spray the berry bush. But how to prepare celandine for aphids on trees, and how effective this remedy is, is described in the article

Infusion of celandine

Iodine and milk

You need to take 100 ml of milk and 1 bottle of iodine. Dissolve all this in 1 liter of water. Use the resulting solution to spray the bush. But how does spraying a tomato with iodine during flowering occur, and how effective is this remedy?


You need to take a bottle of vodka and place a little liquid soap in it for better adhesion of the solution to the leaves. Treat the affected parts of the plant with the resulting composition. You might also find it useful to know how you can


You need to take 75 g of soda and add it to 10 liters of water. Spraying with this solution can be carried out at any stage of development of the berry crop.

Marigold infusion

This remedy is very effective in the fight against aphids. To prepare the infusion, you need to use dried flowers. Take 10 liters of water and add ½ bucket of fine raw materials. Wait 3 days and then filter and add to ready solution 50 g grated soap. It is also worth paying attention to how you can do

Tomato tops

Using tomato tops, it is possible to obtain an effective solution for combating aphids. For this, 2 kg of dry tops and 4 kg of fresh tops are used. Finely chop the raw material and add 10 liters of water. Set on fire for half an hour.

Cool the resulting solution and store it in the refrigerator. Before use, you need to dilute the concentrated solution with water in a ratio of 1:5.


To obtain the solution, take 4 kg of fresh grass. Finely chop it and add 10 liters of water. Wait 24 hours and then apply the solution to treat currant bushes.

Pharmaceutical chamomile

To prepare the solution, take 1 kg of raw materials and 10 liters of water. Wait 12 hours and then filter. Before using the composition, it must be diluted in a ratio of 1:3 with water. To get maximum results, you need to add a little laundry soap.



You need to take 1 kg of dry stems and leaves of the plant, add 2 liters of boiling water. Leave in a water bath for 30 minutes. Before use, dilute the concentrate with 10 liters of water.

Horse sorrel infusion

Take 400 g of raw material, finely chop it and add 10 liters of water. Before using the spray solution, it must be filtered.

Orange peels

Take 100 g of peel, add 1 liter of water. Leave for 3 days. After this, you can spray the plant.

alder leaves

Take 1 kg of raw material and add 5 liters of water. Let it sit for 1 day, but before doing so, simmer the product on the stove for 30 minutes. Before using the decoction, it must be filtered.

In the video - a remedy for aphids on currants:


Apply chemicals To combat aphids, it is possible only a month before the berries ripen. The following formulations remain effective:

Fumigation of the garden

Fumigation of the garden remains a very common method of combating aphids. For these purposes, you can use tobacco, mushroom or rubber. Fumigation should be carried out before the buds open, as well as at the moment of their opening.

If you choose the option with rubber, then you need to take an old and unnecessary container and place a piece of rubber. Place a smolder under each bush. If you use tobacco or mushroom, then manipulation is carried out using a beekeepers smoker.

It is necessary to fumigate the plants for at least 3 hours. It is best to carry out the manipulation in the evening, when there is no wind. After this, the aphids completely die, and there is no need to use chemicals. The disadvantages of this method include the presence acrid smoke, which has a detrimental effect on human health.

The video shows the fumigation process:

It is necessary to be extremely careful when fighting aphids on currants when there are already berries. It's best to take advantage folk remedies. Some of them are very effective and at the same time completely safe. But it is worth using chemicals only in extreme cases, if there is a massive pest attack, and other control methods do not give a positive result.

Aphids attack many trees and shrubs. They often choose red and black as their habitat. To effectively combat this pest, you can use chemistry, biological agents and methods, as well as folk recipes.

How to recognize aphids on currants. Why is an insect dangerous?

This pest is preparing for something new summer season since autumn: it lays larvae that overwinter on plants. In spring, black, green, and brown insects multiply quickly, feeding on the sap of young trees and bushes. Signs of aphids on currants:

  1. Reddish tubercles appear on the leaves.
  2. On the branches you can discern white scraps - pieces of skin that the aphid has shed.
  3. The leaves dry out, curl, bend, the buds do not have time to open, and the fruits do not ripen.
  4. Many ants are running along the branches.
  5. The plant is covered with honeydew, a sticky liquid produced by aphids. Ants happily feed on these secretions.

Attention! When starting to fight aphids, destroy the anthill, which is probably located somewhere near the currants. For example, pour boiling water on it or use insecticides.

Peak aphid activity occurs in June. Over the summer, several generations of insects are born. When there is little food for all individuals on one bush or tree, winged forms of this pest appear. They fly to neighboring plants in search of a new place to live and food. Because of aphids, currants are lost nutrients and does not develop, and also begins to suffer viral infections. Therefore, it is necessary to remove aphids from the site in early spring.

At the first symptoms of aphids, treat the currants

Folk wisdom to protect the currant harvest: recipes

  • Ash solution. Pour 2 tbsp. powder hot water(3 l); add 1 tbsp. l. soap - laundry or liquid; leave for 24 hours; spray the bushes with a spray bottle.
  • Onion or garlic tinctures. First method: chop 1 kg of green onions; fill with a bucket of water; let it brew for 6 hours; then strain and spray the bushes. The second method involves using onion peels. It is filled with water and left for 5 days. For 0.5 kg of husk you need a bucket of liquid. To prepare garlic tincture, 500 g of crushed heads need to be poured into 5 liters of water and left for about a day.
  • Soap solution. It is very easy to prepare: in 1 tbsp. water add 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Mix and spray the bushes.

Attention! A couple of days after treatment with soap, you need to wash off the remaining solution with water from a hose to prevent clogging of the pores of the plant itself.

  • Remedy with ammonia. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. medicine in a bucket of water. Add some laundry detergent and spray the bushes. Repeat after 14 days.
  • Tobacco-based drug. Pour 100 g of dust or shag into 1 liter of water and boil for about 1 hour. Cool and use for spraying, after diluting 300 ml of tincture with a bucket of water. Repeat the procedure after 2 days.
  • Soda ash solution. Prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. powder per 1 liter of water.

Aphid colony

  • Marigold tincture. Fill half a bucket of crushed dried flowers warm water and leave for 3 days. Then strain, add 50 g of soap and spray the bushes.
  • Red pepper remedy. 1 kg of fresh burning pods pour 10 liters cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour. Store in a warm place for several days, then strain and keep in the refrigerator. For processing, take 1 tbsp. solution and mix it with a bucket of water.
  • Tincture of celandine. Chop 4 kg of freshly cut grass and add a bucket of water. After a day, the natural insecticide is ready.

Attention! Celandine is poisonous, so protect your skin and eyes.

Chemicals for pest control. Prevention

If folk recipes do not help, and the degree of damage to the bushes has reached large proportions, you should think about using chemicals. Among the drugs there are different groups of insecticides. Contact ones act by contacting the insect itself directly. Intestinal parasites enter the pest's body with food treated with pesticides. Systemic ones make the plant poisonous for a long time, penetrating all its parts.

The first treatment with any of these products should be carried out before the buds open. The second is planned about a month before the harvest. Effective drugs considered against aphids:

  • Aktara;
  • Rovikurt;
  • Karbofos;
  • Wofatox;
  • Fufan;
  • Fury;
  • Confidor;

If folk remedies do not help, use chemicals

  • Bi-58 New;
  • Inta-Vir;
  • Kinimix;
  • Aktellik et al.

For the poison to work as effectively as possible, follow the instructions that come with each product.

Advice. Do chemical treatment on a windless day. It is important that there is no rain or dampness. Before work, put on gloves and a respirator.

Many summer residents put off using chemicals until the last minute, relying on “grandmother’s” methods or organics. However, in some cases insecticides really cannot be avoided. If you don’t want to bring currants and other crops on your site to a neglected state, start with prevention:

  • remove excess growth and weeds;
  • clean the bark that peels off - aphids like to overwinter in it;
  • destroy ants;
  • plant useful crops next to the currant bushes: cosmos, yarrow, mallow, tansy - they attract ladybugs and insects that eat aphids;
  • Take proper care of your plants: water, feed, mulch.

Aphids will feel uncomfortable on healthy currant leaves. But do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizing. They provoke lush growth of greenery, and this attracts pests. In the fight against them, you need to be patient and act systematically. Although it is difficult to remove aphids from the garden, it is quite possible if you start on time.

Many gardeners who grow red currants have noticed ugly, unsightly swellings on the leaves of this plant in the spring. In appearance, the symptoms resemble a disease, however, this is the “work” of an insect pest, namely - gall aphid. The swellings on the leaves are called galls, hence the name of the pest.

The insect prefers to attack young foliage, which cannot but affect the health of the bush and the future harvest. In the article, we will look at the causes and signs of damage to red currants by gall aphids, find out how this problem can be dealt with, and what kind of prevention will help prevent the attack.

Description and harm

The gall aphid is one of the representatives of a large family of these insects. Currently, gall aphids can be found all over the world - in places where there are berry bushes. This insect prefers red currants, less often white and black. Since under magnification this insect is covered with hairs, it is sometimes also called the “hairy” aphid.

Gall aphid on red currants

Aphids do not live on currants all the time, but only until mid-July: during this period, the insects grow wings and fly away. However, by that time the damage to the bushes has already been seriously inflicted. Let us note that aphids do not fly far - if there is a lot of weeds and weeds around the currant, then the insect will settle well on these plants in order to fly back to the currant bushes in the fall to settle down for the winter.

Video shows what gall aphids look like on red currants:

Aphids also attract other insects to the site - for example, ants. The latter use aphids as a “cash cow”, while themselves also feeding on the juice berry bushes. To top off all the dangers, gall aphids often act as carriers of dangerous diseases.

Let us additionally note that currant shoots affected by aphids are unlikely to ever catch up with healthy ones in growth, since their development slows down significantly. But how currants are treated against aphids after flowering, and what products should be used, is indicated

Signs of defeat

What symptoms may indicate that red currants are infected with gall aphids.

Infection by this pest begins with the apical buds, which bloom in the spring. But before the leaves appear, it is usually not possible to detect the insect. When the green mass blooms, you can notice the deformation of individual leaves.

Galls form on the surface of the leaves - characteristic swellings in the form of dense lumps of an orange-red hue, unsightly and disfiguring the entire appearance of the plant.

In addition, young shoots are also deformed, as their growth stops and the petioles become crooked. If you notice these signs, don’t be lazy to look under the bottom of the leaves - you can easily see the insects themselves there. But how to fight aphids on currant bushes, and what products should be used, is indicated in this

How to treat

Let's consider the most effective ways combating gall aphids on red currants.

Mechanical method

If aphids have just begun their “work” of sucking juices from currants, insects can be collected manually. To do this, it is recommended to carefully examine the bush and cut off all leaves with the slightest hint of deformation. Pay attention to the lower part of the foliage - it is in these secluded places that aphids sit.

Those leaves that have been removed must be burned. And you certainly shouldn’t throw them away on the site - in this case reinfection inevitably.

Traditional methods

Experienced gardeners often use various simple home methods to control pests and prevent diseases. By the way, many of them are very effective, and at the same time they are also natural and harmless. Let's look at a few folk ways combating gall aphids on currants. But how to use Coca-Cola against aphids on currants, and whether this remedy can help, is outlined

Video shows pest control:

Tobacco method

In this case, the currant bush is sprayed with a tobacco solution. To prepare the product, you need to pour 300 grams of dry tobacco leaves with a liter of water and leave for 2-3 days. Then you need to strain the infusion, add a concentrated solution of laundry soap in a volume of 100 grams (tar soap is also suitable).

The resulting concentrate must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 before use, and then sprayed on the bushes.

Marigold infusion

Aphids really don't like these beautiful garden flowers. To prepare the solution in the required concentration, you need to pour half a bucket of carefully crushed flowers with 10 liters of water (hot).

Mustard infusion

When currants are sprayed with mustard infusion, the aphids leave the bush in a hurry. To prepare the solution, you need to pour 25 grams of dry mustard powder with a liter of boiling water, and then leave for 48 hours. After infusion, the concentrate is diluted with 10 liters of water, 50 grams of liquid soap are added to it, and used to spray currants.

But how effective mustard is against aphids on currants will help you understand this


Almost all folk recipes against currant aphids include soap. But this substance can also be used separately. To prepare a soap solution, you need to stir 300 grams of laundry soap in a 10-liter bucket of water.


Take 200 grams of spruce needles, chop and boil for an hour in a liter of water. After boiling, the solution must be left for two days to infuse. After this, the solution is filtered, the grounds are separated, and the remaining liquid concentrate is diluted with water in an amount of 10 liters. It is recommended to spray currant bushes with the resulting coniferous solution to get rid of aphids.

It is necessary to spray currant bushes in dry weather and in the evening so that the sun's rays do not scorch the wet leaves. You need to spray thoroughly so that every leaf on the bush is moistened.


To get rid of aphids on currants, a method such as fumigation is often used. This method is good because puffs of smoke, unlike water, are able to penetrate into the farthest corners of the bushes and remove aphids more effectively.

To fumigate with rubber, melt a piece of black rubber from a tire in an old saucepan, and then place this smoking container under a currant bush. The shrub is fumigated with tobacco and mushrooms using a beekeeping smoker.

The fumigation procedure must last at least 3 hours. Only this duration guarantees effectiveness.

Chemical and biological drugs

When the aphids have already noticeably multiplied, it is useless to collect them manually and use gentle folk methods. It's time to use more aggressive purchased funds chemical or biological origin.

In order for the fight against aphids to be effective, make sure that the drug you choose in the store belongs to one of the following classes:

  • neonicotinoids;
  • pyrethroids;
  • organophosphorus.

But how to use laundry soap against aphids on currants, and how effective this product is, is indicated in this

To provide a long-term positive effect of protection against aphids on currant bushes, it is recommended to use chemicals such as Actelik, Maxi, Vofatox, Confidor or Calypso.

Important: if flowers have already appeared on the currants, it is better to use biological products that can cope with insects without harm to the future harvest.


What measures will help prevent damage to red currants by gall aphids.


Treatment in early spring Applying a solution of this drug to currants will help protect the bushes from damage by aphids. Treatment should be carried out before the buds bloom, and should cover the bushes themselves, as well as the space around the trunk area.


Note that this drug is dangerous for the leaves, as it burns them, so it can only be used for a limited period of time. To spray currants, use a solution in 3% concentration. For one adult bush, you need to use half a liter of the resulting solution. But how you can treat berries against bud mites on currants, and what the best means are, this will help you understand


To prevent aphids from ignoring currant bushes, it is recommended to plant plants such as marigolds, chamomile or calendula nearby. Any flowers with a strong scent will do. Aphids also cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco, garlic and onions.



Timely destruction of weeds will help prevent the spread of the pest throughout the area. Take special care to eliminate dead nettles (nettles), since this plant is an intermediate link between aphids getting on currants and their hatching from eggs.


Red currants need timely feeding, watering and other care procedures. In this case, the bush will be strong and healthy and will be able to successfully resist pest attacks.

Watering currants

Pruning currants regularly. It is important to promptly remove old, dried branches and excess growth, since it is in plant debris that aphids can overwinter.


Scalding a currant bush

So, we looked at the features of the fight against gall aphids that attack red currants. As you can see, this insect poses a serious danger to berry bushes, and can also pose a danger to the entire garden by carrying germs and disease spores. Be sure to take preventative measures against this pest, and periodically inspect the currant bushes for galls on the leaves.

You have black, red and even white currant? Then you know firsthand that the plant is often affected various diseases. Aphids have a special place on the list dangerous pests. It manifests itself in swellings on plants, and black currant leaves curl into a tube.

Aphids often appear on white and red currants: red gall or hairy. Shooting gooseberry loves black currants. Diseases develop when auspicious days, this is often in the heat and drought.

All the wonderful, wonderful warm days bring joy not only to people, but also to this pest. Treatment of currants against aphids should be carried out regularly, because in general life cycle The pest is very short, and about 16 generations can live on a plant in one season!

Aphids are small and harmful insects (about 2 mm). If there are a lot of aphids and they accumulate next to each other, they look like large spots. The insect feeds on the sap of leaves and absorbs it from the back. Even minimal settlements take away the strength of the plant. Currant leaves first curl and then die. The waste product of aphids on currants is honeydew, which ants love to eat. They are considered to be pest distributors; they protect aphids and transfer them from one plant to another. Ants and aphids are a natural symbiosis of two species; it is important to destroy not only aphids, but also ants.

You can combat aphid colonies with the following measures:

1. Curled leaves are immediately torn off and burned.

2. Use a solution of ash and shag (350 grams per 10 liters of water). They spray the currants and treat each leaf.

3. Great effect Washing the leaves and spraying the bush with a solution of soap and soda (a lot of soap + 1 tablespoon of soda + 1 liter of water) will help.

4. Aphids on currants do not like celandine, so it can also be used by preparing a solution (4 kilograms of celandine + 10 liters of water).

5. You can simply wash each leaf and shoot laundry soap.

Besides data traditional methods, treatment of currants against aphids can be carried out using special preparations: vofatox, carbofox, kinmiks, aktar, rokivoort.

The industry offers a wide choice professional means, you can choose any one, but no matter which product you prefer, you will have to spray 3 times:

1. In the spring, even before the buds open.

2. After the sheets are formed.

3. B summer period time, 25 days before harvesting, often either mid or late summer. It all depends on the variety of currant.

Prevention of aphids on currants

For prevention purposes, you can plant plants next to currants that insects do not like: mint, onions, basil, parsley, garlic, tomatoes, marigolds, coriander and tansy. The most in an effective way is to find and destroy anthills. Fighting aphids is difficult, but possible.