textbook for bachelors. Economic theory. textbook for bachelors Economic theory




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Sevastopol 2016




Economic theory as a universal economic science.

System of economic categories and laws.

Economic needs and their relationship with production.

Socio-economic content of production factors.

Productive forces and production potential of society.

Social and economic efficiency of production.

Essence, types and structure of industrial relations.

Economic systems and their evolution.

Property in the system of industrial relations.

Economic interests and needs.

Natural and commercial production.

Money and monetary circulation.

Socio-economic content of production costs.

Market in the system of social reproduction.

Market demand and supply.

Competition, its place and role in economic progress.

Market structure and functioning of its main elements.

18. Market infrastructure.

Banks and their role in the economic system.

Enterprise as the primary structural link of social production.

Production assets (capital) of the enterprise.

Essence, types and organizational forms of entrepreneurship

Essence, forms, types and systems of wages.

Profit as a result of the enterprise's activities.

Loan capital in the system of commodity relations.

Agrarian relations.

Land rent.

The state in a market economy.

The economic growth.

World economy.


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However, it is recommended to place legislative and regulatory documents in first place in terms of importance.

Examples of bibliographic descriptions of various sources:


On insolvency (bankruptcy): Federal Law of October 26, 2002 (as amended on February 5, 2007) // Russian newspaper. – 2007. – February 9


Resolution: On approval of the State Program "Ensuring the safety of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings for 2006-2008": Government Resolution Russian Federation dated April 10, 2006 No. 200 // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2006. – No. 16. – Article 1739.

...Books titled:

Books by four or more authors, collections: Introduction to literary criticism. Literary work: basic concepts and terms: textbook. allowance / L.V. Chernets, V.E. Khalizev, S.N. Broitman [et al.]; edited by L.V. Chernets. – M.: Higher. school; Publishing center "Academy", 2000. – 556 p.

...Books entitled:

Pharmaceutical chemistry: textbook. aid for students universities / L.N. Protasova, M.I. Ivanov, A.A. Sidorov; ed. I.N. Sovenko. – M.: Rior, 2014. – 323 p.

...Chapters or sections from books:

Kuzmin O. Methods of investment portfolio management / O. Kuzmin, S. Prince // Economic Encyclopedia / editorial board: Gavrylyshyn B. D. [ta in.]. – K., 2001. – T. 2. – P. 349.

...Articles from collections:

Grinyuk K. A. Indirect marketing technologies for promoting the total tourist product of Sevastopol / K. A. Grinyuk, A. A. Piskun, N. S. Sarieva // Vestn. SevSTU / Sevastop. state tech. univ. – Sevastopol, 2004. – Issue. 53: Economics and finance. – P. 76-88.

...Newspaper articles:

Kushner, A. “Harmony is a mysterious power...”: To the 200th anniversary of the birth of Evgeniy Boratynsky / A. Kushner // Moscow. news. – 2000. – No. 15. – P. 5

...Articles from magazines:

Brusnitsyn, L. Ensuring the safety of participants in the process: opportunities and development prospects / L. Brusnitsyn // Russian justice. – 2003. – No. 5. – P. 12-15.

... Remote access electronic resources:

Review of the food retail market [Electronic resource] / MDNgroup. - Electron. Dan. – Kyiv: [b. i.], 2009. – Access mode: http://www.mdn-group.com/news/articles/180.

Akchurina A. M. Application of economic and mathematical methods in managing the use of capital of petrochemical and chemical industry/ A. M. Akchurina // Oil and gas business [Electronic resource] / Ufim. state petroleum tech. univ. - Electron. magazine – [Ufa], cop. 2001-2008. – Access mode: http://www.ogbus.ru/authors/Akchurina/Akchurina_1.pdf. - Cap. from the screen.

3.Exam questions on economic theory 2016 – 2017 academic year

1. The emergence and main stages of development of political economy

2. Subject and functions of political economy

3. Classification of economic sciences. The place of political economy in the system of economic sciences

5. Research methods in political economy

6. Main factors of social production

7.Production efficiency

8. Essence, classification and relationship with the production of economic needs

9. The law of increasing needs

10. Essence, functions and classification of economic interests

11. Essence and structure of the economic system

12.Types and models of economic systems

13. The productive forces of society and production relations

14.Structure and types of economic (production) relations

15. Property as an economic and legal category

16.Types, types and forms of ownership

17. Forms of ownership in countries with market economies and the main trends in changes in property relations modern stage

18. Privatization: essence, necessity, principles

19.Objects, goals and methods of privatization

20. Essence, stages of development and main features of natural economy

21. Essence, causes and types of commodity production

22. Essence and properties of the product

23.Theories of value, cost and price.

24. The essence and functions of the law of value in commodity production

25. Theories of origin, essence and functions of money

26.Money circulation and its laws, definition of money supply

27. Essence and types of monetary system

28. Essence, causes, types and consequences of inflation

29. Essence, concepts and patterns of transition economy

30.Theory and practice of the functioning of a planned economy.

31. Essence and types of income. Nominal and real incomes.

32. Income distribution: Marxist and marginalist concepts

33.Theories, types, forms and systems of wages

34. Essence, functions, objective basis of the market

35 Positive and negative traits market

36. Signs of classification of markets and their types

37. Demand: essence, types and factors. Law of Demand

38.Proposal: essence, types and factors. Law of supply

39. Elasticity of supply and demand

40. Essence, functions and forms of competition

41. Reasons for occurrence, essence and main forms of monopoly

42. Antimonopoly policy of the state

43. Concept, functions, types and elements of market infrastructure

44.Households as subjects of economic relations: main features and functions

45. Essence, main features and classification of enterprises

47.Capital of an enterprise, its circulation and turnover. Fixed and working capital

48. Depreciation of fixed capital, depreciation

49. Essence, conditions, types and functions of entrepreneurship

50. Essence and types of production costs

51. Essence, types and distribution of profit. Rate of profit and its factors.

52.Agrarian relations and features of agricultural production, agro-industrial complex and its structure

53. Essence, types, causes and conditions for the emergence of land rent

54.Features of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector

55. Market and price of land

56. The need and content of state regulation of the economy, economic functions of the state

57.Economic theories of the role of the state in the economy

58.Methods and tools of state regulation of the economy

59. Essence and main directions of economic policy

60. Essence, content and types of social reproduction

61.Theoretical models of social reproduction

62. Main macroeconomic indicators

63.National wealth and its structure

65.Cyclic development and economic cycle

66. Concepts and models of economic growth

67.Financial system of society

68. Credit system of society

69. Objective basis and essence of the world economy

70.Structure of the world economy

71.International economic relations and their forms

72.World market of goods and services

74. Essence, causes and types of international migration work force

75. Essence, causes and levels of globalization of the economy

76. Essence, causes and classification of global problems

78. Results of socio-economic development of Russia in 2015.


1. Nosova S.S. Economic theory. – M.: KNORUS, 2016. – 336 p.

2. Sokolinsky et al. Economic theory. – M.: KNORUS, 2016. – 404 p.

3. Mamaeva L.N. Economic theory: textbook\ L.N. Mamaeva. – Rostov n\Don; Phoenix, 2015. – 365.

4. Economics: textbook for universities \ I.A. Maksimtsev, L.P. Kurakov, L.S. Tarasevich and others; under general ed. L.P. Kurakova. – M.: Publishing house IAEP, 2015. – 512 p.

5. Grodsky V.S. Economic theory: Tutorial. Third generation standard. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2015. – 208 p.

6. Bordovsky V.P., Rudakova O.V., Samorodova E.M. Economic theory. – M.: Publishing House “Forum”, INFRA, 2014. – 400 p.

7. Nikolaeva I.P. Economic theory: Textbook \ I.P.Nikolaeva. – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2013. – 328 p.

8. Kurakov L.P. Economics: Textbook for universities\ L.P. Kurakov, G.E Yakovlev,

A.G. Kostromin, A.L. Kurakov. – M.: UniWesMedia, 2011. – 640 p.

9. Large economic encyclopedic dictionary \ author. comp.: I.A. Maksimtseva, L.P. Kurakov, L.S. Tarasevich and others. Ed. Kurakova L.P. – M.: UniWestMedia, 2011. – 1200 p.

10. Anikin, A.V. Youth of science: life and ideas of economic thinkers before Marx / A.V. Anikin. - 4th ed. - M.: Politizdat, 1985. - 366 p.

11. Balikov V.V. General economic theory: Textbook. – M.: Omega-L, 2007. – 732 p.

12. Borodin E.T. Natural and social reproduction: Comprehension of Marxism and overcoming its contradictions / E.T. Borodin. - M.: Educational Book Press, 2003. - 448 p.

13. Brevnov A.A. Fundamentals of economic theory: textbook. aid for students universities / A.A. Brevnov. - Kharkov: Odyssey, 2004. - 512 p.

14. Butuk A.I. Economic theory: Textbook / A.I. Butuk. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - K.: Vikar, 2003. - 668 p.

15. Ghukasyan G.M. Economic theory: introduction to economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics: textbook / G.M. Ghukasyan, G.A. Makhovikova, V.V. Amosova. - 6th ed. - M. et al.: Peter, 2008. - 240 p.

16. Kuzminov Ya.I. Course of institutional economics: institutions, networks, transaction costs, contracts: textbook. for students universities / Ya. I. Kuzminov, K. A. Bendukidze, M. M. Yudkevich. - M.: State University Higher School of Economics, 2006. - 443 p.

17. Economics course: textbook / Ed. B. A. Raizberg. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA - M, 2003. - 672 p.

18. Course of economic theory: Textbook / Ed. Chepurina M.N., Kiseleva E.A. – 5th ed., corrected, added, revised. – Kirov “Asa”, 2005. – 832 p.

19. Lortikyan, E. L. History of economic reforms: world experience of the second half of the 19th-20th centuries: textbook. allowance for economics universities and faculties/ E. L. Lortikyan. - Kharkov: Consum, 1999. - 286 p.

20. Marshall A. Principles of economic science: in 3 volumes: trans. from English / A. Marshall. - M.: Progress: Univers, T. 1. - 1993. - 415 p.

21. Simkina L.G. Economic theory: textbook / L.G. Simkina. - 2nd ed. - M. et al.: Peter, 2008. - 384 p.

22. Modern economics: lecture course: multi-level textbook. aid for students universities / Ed. O.Yu.Mamedov. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2000. - 544 p.

23. Sychev N.V. Political economy: a course of lectures / N.V. Sychev. - M.: EKMOS, 2002. - 383 p.

24. Timoshina, T. M. Economic history of foreign countries: textbook. allowance / T. M. Timoshina; Ed. M. N. Chepurina. - M.: Justitsinform, 2000. - 496 p.

25. Tumakova, S. V. Fundamentals of economic theory. Political economy: textbook. manual for universities / S.V. Tumakova. - K.: Vipol, 1999. - 597 p.

26. Filinkov A.M. Political economy / A.M. Filinkov.-Sevastopol.: SevNTU, 2006.- 149 p.

27. Economics: textbook. manual / ed. E.A. Kuznetsov. - Ed. 4th, erased. - Kharkov: Odyssey, 2008. - 512 p.

28. Economic history of foreign countries: textbook. aid for students universities, educational in economics special / Ed. V. I. Golubovich. - Minsk: Interpressservice: Ecoperspective, 2003. - 592 p.

29. Economic theory (political economy): textbook. for students universities, educational in economics special / Ed. V.I. Vidyapin, G.P. Zhuravleva. - M.: INFRA - M, 1999. - 556 p.

30. Erhard, L. Welfare for everyone: trans. from German/ L. Erhard. - Donetsk: Nord - Press, 2002. - 319 p.

Sample design title page

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HE "Sevastopol" State University»

Department of Enterprise Economics


in the discipline Economic Theory

Option No. 2

Completed by: student of group ACT-31z

Ivanov E.V. __________________

Checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor

Filinkov A.M. ___________________


Sevastopol 2016

The structure of the textbook contains sections revealing the evolution of economic thought, microeconomics, macroeconomics and the theoretical foundations of foreign trade. The main stages in the development of economic theory are considered, basic concepts economic theory, the theory of consumer behavior, the concept of a firm, its interpretation in various economic theories are considered. A special feature of the textbook is the inclusion of sections devoted to the economy of knowledge, the market of information and knowledge. For effective learning of the material, after each topic, key concepts and tasks for intermediate control are given: problem situations, questions and tasks.

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    1. Economic theory: Textbook / Ed. Sokolinsky V.M.. - M.: KnoRus, 2015. - 352 p.
    2. Economic theory: Textbook / Ed. I.P. Nikolaeva. - M.: Unity, 2015. - 495 p.
    3. Economic theory: Textbook / Ed. Nikolaeva I.P. - M.: Unity, 2018. - 288 p.
    4. Economic theory. Conceptual foundations and practice: Scientific publication. / Ed. V.F. Maximova. - M.: Unity, 2015. - 751 p.
    5. Institutional economic theory and its applications / Ed. O.S. Sukhareva. - M.: Lenand, 2017. - 200 p.
    6. Balashov, A.I. Economic theory. Textbook / A.I. Balashov et al. - M.: Unity, 2015. - 192 p.
    7. Balashov, A.I. Economic theory: Textbook / A.I. Balashov et al. - M.: Unity, 2017. - 224 p.
    8. Balashov, A.I. Economic theory: Textbook. / A.I. Balashov et al. - M.: Unity, 2015. - 527 p.
    9. Bardovsky, V.P. Economic theory: Textbook / V.P. Bardovsky, O.V. Rudakova, E.M. Samorodova. - M.: Forum, 2015. - 542 p.
    10. Basovsky, L.E. Economic theory: Textbook / L.E. Basovsky, E.N. Basovskaya et al. - M.: Infra-M, 2017. - 192 p.
    11. Burganov, R.A. Economic theory: Textbook / R.A. Burganov. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 320 p.
    12. Voitov, A.G. Economic theory: Textbook / A.G. Voitov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 392 p.
    13. Voitov, A.G. Economic theory: Textbook for bachelors / A.G. Voitov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 392 p.
    14. Ghukasyan, G.M. Economic theory: key issues: Textbook / G.M. Ghukasyan. - M.: Infra-M, 2015. - 208 p.
    15. Guseinov, R.M. Economic theory: textbook. / R.M. Guseinov, V.A. Semenikhin. - M.: Omega-L, 2018. - 157 p.
    16. Danilenko, L.N. Economic theory: a course of lectures on micro- and macroeconomics: Textbook / L.N. Danilenko. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 592 p.
    17. Zhuravleva, G.P. Economic theory. Microeconomics - 1, 2. Mesoeconomics: Textbook / G.P. Zhuravleva. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2016. - 934 p.
    18. Zhuravleva, G.P. Economic theory. Macroeconomics -1, 2. Metaeconomics. Economics of transformation: Textbook / G.P. Zhuravleva. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2016. - 920 p.
    19. Zhuravleva, G.P. Economic theory. Microeconomics: Textbook. / G.P. Zhuravleva, N.A. Pozdnyakov, Yu.A. Pozdnyakov. - M.: Infra-M, 2019. - 160 p.
    20. Kaznachevskaya, G.B. Economic theory: Textbook / G.B. Kaznachevskaya. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2018. - 320 p.
    21. Kaznachevskaya, G.B. Economic theory: Textbook / G.B. Kaznachevskaya. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2018. - 252 p.
    22. Kamaev, V.D. Economic theory. short course / V.D. Kamaev, M.Z. Ilchikov, T.A. Borisovskaya. - M.: KnoRus, 2016. - 16 p.
    23. Karpovich, O.G. Economic crime in Russia. Theory and practice of counteraction: Monograph. / O.G. Karpovich. - M.: Unity, 2015. - 199 p.
    24. Karpovich, O.G. Economic crime in Russia. Theory and practice of counteraction: Monograph / O.G. Karpovich. - M.: Unity, 2017. - 352 p.
    25. Korogodin, I.T. Economic theory of labor: Textbook "Higher Education" / I.T. Korogodin. - M.: Economics, 2015. - 239 p.
    26. Kochetkov, A.A. Economic theory: Textbook for bachelors / A.A. Kochetkov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2016. - 696 p.
    27. Larionov, I.K. Economic theory: Textbook for bachelors / I.K. Larionov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 408 p.
    28. Larionov, I.K. Economic theory. Economic systems: formation and development: Textbook / I.K. Larionov, S.N. Silvestrov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 876 p.
    29. Larionov, I.K. Economic theory. Economic systems: formation and development: Textbook for masters / I.K. Larionov, S.N. Silvestrov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 876 p.
    30. Mamaeva, L.N. Economic theory: textbook / L.N. Mamaeva. - RnD: Phoenix, 2015. - 365 p.
    31. Mamaeva, L.N. Economic theory: Textbook / L.N. Mamaeva. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2017. - 352 p.
    32. Makhovikova, G.A. Economic theory: Textbook and workshop / G.A. Makhovikova. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015. - 573 p.
    33. Makhovikova, G.A. Economic theory: Textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / G.A. Makhovikova, G.M. Ghukasyan, V.V. Amosova. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 443 p.
    34. Nikolaeva, I.P. Economic theory: Textbook for bachelors / I.P. Nikolaev. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 328 p.
    35. Nosova, S.S. Economic theory. elementary course / S.S. Nosova. - M.: KnoRus, 2015. - 352 p.
    36. Nosova, S.S. Economic theory. Distance learning. Textbook / S.S. Nosova. - M.: KnoRus, 2019. - 350 p.
    37. Nosova, S.S. Economic theory. educational manual / S.S. Nosova. - M.: Rusayns, 2018. - 176 p.
    38. Nosova, S.S. Economic theory (for bachelors) / S.S. Nosova. - M.: KnoRus, 2019. - 350 p.
    39. Oceanova, Z.K. Economic theory: Textbook / Z.K. Oceanova. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 652 p.
    40. Oceanova, Z.K. Economic theory: Textbook / Z.K. Oceanova. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 650 p.
    41. Pyastolov, S.M. Economic theory / S.M. Piastolov. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 126 p.
    42. Pyastolov, S.M. Economic theory. Workshop: Textbook / S.M. Piastolov. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 448 p.
    43. Pyastolov, S.M. Economic theory: Workshop: Textbook / S.M. Piastolov. - M.: Academia, 2015. - 104 p.
    44. Pyastolov, S.M. Economic theory: Textbook / S.M. Piastolov. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 206 p.
    45. Pyastolov, S.M. Economic theory: Textbook / S.M. Piastolov. - M.: Academia, 2016. - 232 p.
    46. ​​Romanova, E.V. Economic theory. Course of lectures / E.V. Romanova. - M.: Ripol-classic, 2017. - 160 p.
    47. Rudnev, V.D. Political economy (economic theory): Textbook / V.D. Rudnev. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2016. - 856 p.
    48. Rudneva, A.O. Economic theory: Textbook / A.O. Rudneva. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 512 p.
    49. Rudneva, A.O. Economic theory: Textbook / A.O. Rudneva. - M.: Infra-M, 2016. - 544 p.
    50. Sazhina, M.A. Economic theory: Textbook / M.A. Sazhina, G.G. Chibrikov. - M.: Forum, 2016. - 288 p.
    51. Salikhov, B.V. Economic theory: Textbook / B.V. Salikhov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2016. - 724 p.
    52. Slagoda, V.G. Economic theory: Textbook / V.G. Slagoda. - M.: Forum, 2016. - 320 p.
    53. Slagoda, V.G. Economic theory: Work. tetr. / V.G. Slagoda. - M.: Forum, 2016. - 320 p.
    54. Sokolinsky, V.M. Economic theory (for colleges) / V.M. Sokolinsky. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 335 p.
    55. Stankovskaya, I.K. Economic theory: Textbook / I.K. Stankovskaya. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2016. - 528 p.
    56. Stolyarov, V.I. Economic theory. / IN AND. Stolyarov. - M.: Academia, 2016. - 24 p.
    57. Sukharev, O.S. Evolutionary economic theory of institutions and technologies (modeling problems): Institutions and technologies. Economic changes. Institutional modeling / O.S. Sukharev. - M.: Lenand, 2017. - 144 p.
    58. Sukharev, O.S. Economic theory of the evolution of institutions and technologies (modeling problems in evolutionary theory and management): Institutions and technologies. Institutional modeling, structural models. Technological development, investments in changing the structure of technology / O.S. Sukharev. - M.: Lenand, 2019. - 312 p.
    59. Talnishnikh, T.G. Economic theory: Textbook / T.G. Talnishnikh. - M.: Infra-M, 2015. - 448 p.
    60. Khudokormov, A.G. Economic theory in history. development.: Monograph / A.G. Khudokormov, A. Lapidyus. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 190 p.
    61. Chernetsova, N.S. Economic theory / N.S. Chernetsova, V.A. Skvortsova, I.E. Medushevskaya. - M.: KnoRus, 2016. - 251 p.
    62. Shuvalova, O.V. Economic theory. part 1 / O.V. Shuvalova. - M.: Rusayns, 2015. - 259 p.
    63. Yanbarisov, R.G. Economic theory: Textbook / R.G. Yanbarisov. - M.: Forum, 2017. - 16 p.