An individual heating system is the dream of millions! Apartments or a house with apartment heating - a more attractive look for buyers, investors, developers

Apartment heating, according to many experts, is the most productive and cost-effective way to supply heat to apartment buildings. When arranging such a system, the amount of resources used is taken into account, which allows you to control the temperature indicators yourself. To install individual heating, the following components are used:

  • devices for air supply and smoke removal.

The most cost-effective way of autonomous heating is to use natural gas as a source of energy. Every year the system expands its territory, this confirms the effectiveness of using it to solve heating issues multi-storey buildings.

Important advantages of apartment heating:

  • individual heating allows residents to personally regulate the temperature level in their homes, which eliminates disturbances in the heating and supply system hot water for all sorts of reasons;
  • heating system makes it possible to significantly reduce gas consumption, consumers note savings of up to 40%, which significantly reduces payment costs utility payments;
  • when constructing houses with individual heating, it is possible to reduce costs during the construction process, since there is no need to install rather expensive heating lines, there is no need to equip heating points;
  • it becomes possible to build houses in those parts of the city where there is no modern heating network structure, but there is a stable supply of gas;
  • autonomous systems are highly environmentally friendly; they use boilers with a combustion chamber closed type, which allows you to solve the problem of ventilation of apartments. A built-in fan outside the building ensures the removal of combustion products, which easily dissipate in the air, while their quantity complies with European standards;
  • there are no heat losses in heating networks.

When installing autonomous heating, consumers can significantly reduce their costs, while the presence of the system allows them to independently monitor the environmental conditions in the room. Process Maintenance It is simple and convenient; if it is necessary to replace pipelines, heating equipment or control devices in the event of redevelopment or an emergency, the operation of the entire system in other apartments is not disrupted. To organize autonomous heating, wall-mounted boilers of the brands Protherm, Baxi, Vaillant, Viessmann, De Dietrich are suitable, which have excellent characteristics and will provide comfortable conditions for apartment residents. Equipment from presented European brands can be purchased on the Alfatep website.

Disadvantages of apartment heating

  • Difficulty organizing smoke removal. The removal of combustion products through a coaxial air duct to the outside of the house will inevitably lead to damage to the facade, while combustion products and soot will enter the apartments when the premises are ventilated. According to existing sanitary standards and the requirements require organizing a single chimney, which is a costly and time-consuming process.
  • The system runs on gas, which poses a certain danger, especially considering that each apartment is equipped heating equipment. To solve this problem, it is necessary to use high-quality boilers for each room, which are equipped with control devices, draft and temperature level sensors, as well as automatic system turning off the gas supply when the flame disappears (Bosch, Buderus, Vaillant, Protherm).
  • In multi-storey new buildings, a problem may arise with different levels of draft on the first and last floors. Residents on lower floors may encounter high level draft, while for residents of the top floors the draft will be low.
  • When using individual heating landings, basements and attics are not heated, which can lead to freezing of the foundation and a reduction in the service life of the building.
  • Uneven occupancy of new buildings increases the cost of heating your own home, since the cold walls of neighboring apartments will cool their premises, which will lead to additional expenses. Also, heating corner apartments requires more gas consumption.
  • The boiler requires quality service which should be carried out at least once a year in special centers.

Thus, owners of apartment heating can receive hot water and heat at any time, which ensures proper comfort for apartment residents. At the right technology installation and selection of higher quality and reliable heating equipment, the use of individual heating will reduce the cost of paying utility bills and is a more cost-effective solution. To select high-quality and efficient boilers, as well as to install a chimney and select the necessary component materials, we recommend visiting the Alfatep website, where a large range of heating equipment is presented.

Autonomous apartment heating in apartment building represents independent system heating a room or a separate building. Individual heating systems running on gas have become the most popular among consumers. This is due to its low cost and environmental safety for the environment. There are also electrical systems heating the apartment.

Western Europe was the first to practice installing individual heating. The Italians have become leaders in replacing traditional heating. Residents were no exception northern countries: Germany and Scandinavia. Since 1999, the idea of ​​translation apartment buildings for individual heating multi-storey building captured Russian Federation. Thanks to the fact that the Japanese shared their experience in installing and maintaining equipment and saving money, an increasing number of Russians readily responded to the government's idea. In connection with the massive refusals of stationary heating, an urgent decision was made to develop new SNPs.

Advantages of an individual heating system in an apartment building

  • Heating system design apartment building allows utility companies to reduce tariffs for services provided. In addition to financial savings, the consumer himself will be able to increase or decrease the temperature for heating the room at the time he needs. Thus, adjusting the heating system of an autonomous apartment building is effective way set the optimal temperature.

  • Individual heating of residential premises allows developers to slightly reduce the cost of square meters when commissioning a property. This is due to the fact that builders incur large costs when laying communications. In addition, the installation of heating in an autonomous apartment building allows developers to develop new territories remote from populated centers with all the infrastructure;
  • The fact of significant savings in the natural gas on which it operates has been proven in-house system heating of an apartment building. Compared to heating an apartment with electricity, natural gas is economical.

  • Using autonomous system heating, it becomes possible to minimize heat waste on the way to the consumer. There is no need to additionally insulate the heating mains through which hot water is supplied to consumers' apartments, and balancing the heating system of a multi-story building is easy and relatively quick;

  • For those who are rarely in their apartments, optimal solution there is insulation of the external surfaces of the room, which will allow long time retain heat and avoid structural damage due to moisture;

  • Special attention can be paid to the ventilation system. When setting up the heating system of an apartment building and, in particular, gas-powered equipment, it is important to understand that decomposition products must be removed efficiently. New buildings have everything the necessary conditions to implement the plan. Mounted here modern systems ventilation and cleaning. Thus, flushing the heating system of an apartment building will be carried out without problems, since the design already provides for it. To install autonomous heating for an apartment in an apartment building, it is important to coordinate everything with city managers and be sure to provide a design for the placement of the equipment.

Features of heating devices in an apartment building

Depending on what kind of heating wiring you have in multi-storey building, when choosing a boiler for installing an autonomous heating system, give preference to boilers with an insulated combustion chamber. This type of boiler has a ventilation system in its structure, which can independently regulate the supply of fresh air. It is convenient if the boiler is characterized by a cyclical operating rhythm, which ensures gentle disposal of combustion products entering the air. The released carbohydrate oxide should not exceed permissible limits.

As you can see, the advantages of switching to heating an apartment building are obvious. Installing this type of equipment will allow you to become independent from housing and communal services companies. Determine the end and start time of the heating season and the optimal air temperature for yourself; adjusting the heating in an apartment building is a simple process. And, not least important, saving the family budget.

Today for consumers utilities Due to the increase in their cost, apartment heating in an apartment building is becoming more and more relevant. This type of heat supply differs from centralized heating and allows you to save money. In the field of providing heat to residents multi-storey buildings Certain standards and regulations apply. At the same time, experts note that centralized and apartment-by-apartment methods of heat supply have their own nuances, advantages and disadvantages. The centralized system for supplying coolant and hot water supply is considered predominant, but it has serious disadvantages:

  • a specific consumer of a thermal resource (apartment owner) is not interested in using it economically and does not have the resources to do so technical capabilities;
  • Transportation of the coolant from the heat source to the final consumer is carried out over long distances and at this stage large heat losses occur.

At the same time, the apartment heating system has the following advantages:
  • there is no need to build expensive heating mains;
  • the coolant is delivered from the point of generation to the consumer without loss of energy;
  • Each apartment owner has the opportunity to use the amount of heat he needs.

Arrangement of apartment heating system

Apartment system heating system consists of:
  • heat generator, which is also a source of heat supply;
  • supply pipelines hot water with water fittings;
  • heating pipelines together with heating devices.

A heat generator room is a room for public use or separately allocated in an apartment for placing a heat generator and other equipment.

The apartment heating system allows saving money at the national level, which must be found for the construction and repair of heating mains. At the same time, each owner of a heating boiler has the opportunity to personally regulate the heat in his apartment without paying fixed prices charged monthly with a centralized system. It is clear that the owner of the living space will not turn on the heating in warm weather.

Besides central heating, which is becoming more expensive from year to year, does not always provide a comfortable temperature in the apartment in cold weather. There may be several reasons for this: an accident on an old worn-out heating main or heating season the regional administration decided to start later.

When there is an apartment heating system, in order to set the required temperature at different times of the day, a programmer connected to modern heating boilers. For example, if the owner
is at work from morning to evening, and other family members will not be at home, then support in the apartment high temperature not necessary. The boiler will automatically provide the temperature set at, for example, 18 degrees.

Combined system heating, detailed video:

If we consider existing species heating in the apartment, it should be noted that individual apartment heating is a material incentive aimed at saving heat. For many years, consumers have been explained that they should insulate apartments and windows, and not heat the street. But exhortations utilities remain unsuccessful. Now, if available, the amount of gas payments depends on the degree of insulation of the apartment. Thus, for the owner of the living space, a reduction in utility bills becomes a material incentive.

If you have your own double-circuit boiler, usually used when creating a door-to-door horizontal heating in the apartment, residents are provided with both heating and hot water (read also: " "). As a result, when switching to an individual heat supply system, consumers do not face the risk of turning off hot water in the summer, which is so familiar to many residents of large cities.

Apartment heating (apartment heating) reduces costs many times over: based on operating experience from 1997 to 1999. in Smolensk there are over 800 apartments with apartment heating in buildings of various storeys, the cost of utilities for heat supply and hot water supply for a family of 4 people compared to centralized system decreased by almost 6 times, and taking into account subsidies - by 15 times. The consumer gets the opportunity to achieve maximum thermal comfort, and determines the level of his own provision of heat and hot water; the problem of interruptions in heat and hot water for technical, organizational and seasonal reasons is eliminated.
A sociological study conducted by our company in Smolensk among residents of houses with apartment-by-apartment heating showed that the factor of having apartment-by-apartment heating in the purchased housing (apartment) is in second place after the location of the housing, ahead of even such important criteria as price, layout and construction material.

For builders

Apartment heating significantly reduces the cost of housing construction: there is no need for expensive heating networks, heating points, and heat metering devices; it becomes possible to carry out housing construction in urban areas that are not provided with a developed infrastructure of heating networks, provided, of course, that there is a reliable gas supply; the problem of heating system payback is eliminated, because repayment of the cost occurs at the time of purchase of housing; the consumer attractiveness of such apartments increases.

For gas supply organizations

Apartment heating (apartment heating) allows you to save gas by 30-40%, and acquire the most efficient payer for gas and services in the person of end consumers.

For executive authorities

With apartment heating, heat losses in heating power networks are eliminated; monetary resources are saved due to the lack of heating plants and heating points, the problem of accounting and payment for thermal energy is eliminated; the provision of heat and hot water is transferred from the state to the end consumer - the home owner; As a result, these factors lead to savings in energy consumption and reduce the costs of budgets at various levels for fuel and energy supplies.
The experiment of the Russian State Construction Committee on the construction of multi-storey buildings with apartment-by-apartment heating (apartment-by-apartment) showed the real possibility of this type of heat supply for various constructions: both for elite (brick, monolithic) and for mass (block-panel).

Modern assessment of various heating systems

Comparative cost of capital costs for heat supply of a 36-apartment building (Tula) when distributed to steel pipe(unit cost per square meter of area in rubles; data for 2000):

Gas consumption for heat supply of the same type of apartment buildings in Milan, Italy (per 1 apartment in cubic meters):

Examples of design solutions for air supply and smoke removal systems

Beretta boilers can be supplied with air supply and smoke exhaust kits (so-called manifolds), as well as accessories for hydraulic connections and automatic control. IN multi-storey construction It is advisable to solve issues of air supply and smoke removal using attached or built-in collective air ducts and chimneys, calculations of the cross-section and insulation of which were carried out by both foreign and domestic design organizations.

Ecology of apartment heating

Using boilers with closed camera combustion eliminates the problem of room ventilation, ensuring the correct amount of air for combustion. In such boilers, combustion air is forcedly sucked in by a built-in fan from the external environment and combustion products are thrown out there. The intermittent nature of the boiler operation facilitates the dispersion of combustion products in the air. In normal mode, boilers with a closed combustion chamber and forced draft emit combustion products with a CO (carbon monoxide) content level in the range of 80-110 p.p.m. (which meets European standards).

Italian concern Riello S.p.A. offers wall-mounted heating systems for apartment heating gas boilers Beretta brand. The Beretta boiler is a "mini boiler" the size of geyser. Beretta boiler complies modern traditions in the field of household design and technical engineering. All Beretta boilers are equipped with modern safety systems, adapted to operating conditions in Russia, and have the appropriate certificates and permits from the State Technical Supervision Authority and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Rating: 1 391

Heating autonomous type- This is a heating system that is able to warm up each room or the entire house. The most popular apartment heating is individual heating.

The reason for this is the relatively low price and environmental safety. Although it also happens in an apartment.

Apartment heating system

  • apartment-by-apartment heating of an apartment building allows residents to reduce the cost of tariffs for the types of services that are provided. In addition to the fact that there is an opportunity to save their finances, each of the residents can whenever they need to heat their apartment. The most the best option Setting the required temperature level is precisely the regulation of apartment buildings.
  • Individual heating in residential premises provided by developers during the commissioning of the project makes it possible to slightly reduce the cost of one square meter. This is the result of the fact that builders spend much more money on laying communication systems. In addition, autonomous heating in apartments of apartment buildings helps developers develop many new territories that are located far from populated areas.
  • Gas heating of apartment buildings significantly saves the natural gas with which it operates. Compared to apartments, gas heating using natural gas is more economical.
  • Thanks to an autonomous heating system for apartments, heat costs that are needed to travel from the source to the consumer are significantly reduced. There is no need for additional insulation of the heating main when supplying hot water to apartments to consumers, while the balancing process occurs quite quickly and simply.

Comparative table of economic indicators

Additional insulation

For residents who rarely appear in their apartment, the best option will insulate external walls, this will make it possible to retain heat for a longer period of time and minimize structural damage due to humidity.

Particular attention should be paid to the ventilation system. When setting up heating and, in particular, equipment operating with gas, you need to understand that the result of the decomposition must be efficiently removed. New buildings are designed in such a way that they have everything you need. They have modern ventilation and cleaning systems installed. For example, washing heating system will happen quite easily, because its design is thought out with just such a bias.

Ventilation device

To install apartment heating in an apartment building, everything must be coordinated with certain authorities, and be sure to provide a design for the placement of equipment.

Boiler selection

When the choice comes to a boiler that needs to be installed in an autonomous heating system, then, depending on the type of wiring, you should give preference to boilers with an insulated combustion chamber. This one consists of ventilation system, with which you can adjust the air supply levels yourself.

It is very practical when characterized by cyclical operating rhythms, which can provide a gentle method of getting rid of combustion products that enter the air. The level of carbohydrate oxide that is released must be within acceptable limits.

That is, the positive aspects in an apartment building are quite pronounced. Installation various devices will give you the opportunity to be independent from the work and speed of response of the housing and communal services company.

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