Closed independent heating system. Transition to independent heat supply schemes

Of course, living in your own home has a huge number of advantages compared to living in an apartment in a multi-apartment residential building: clean air, absence of constant noise or annoying neighbors, the ability to create all kinds of design and interior, both internal and external. When building a house, a properly selected heating system is of great importance, which can be based on either an independent or dependent heat supply scheme. What it is and how they differ is in our article.

The fundamental difference between the two schemes

First of all, you need to understand what it is independent system heating. Surely many of you will think that such a unit is a system that is capable of functioning without providing it with power. However, this is not quite true. A dependent heating system operates from a centralized mains, while an independent heating system, accordingly, operates at the expense of individual resources.

In addition, the dependent heat supply scheme is fully subordinated to the source of its energy supply. It consists of a heating boiler, a pipeline duct and a system of radiators, which are combined with the heating main. The coolant, which is usually hot water, operates continuously through the system, creating the necessary temperature conditions in the house. Such a heating installation does not allow for adjustment of the water supply, and homeowners are forced to wait until the end heating season so that the installation stops functioning. A similar heating system is practiced in the vast majority of secondary housing apartments, with the exception of those where individual heating is installed.

In new buildings, an autonomous heating system is mainly used, which allows residents to independently determine the temperature of the coolant, the time and end of the heating season.

Main characteristics of an independent heating system

An independent connection scheme for the heating system operates autonomously and does not depend on centralized energy resources. Of course, installing such a heating unit will cost several times more than the device dependent block, but at the same time it has a number of advantages:

  1. Use of process water for domestic purposes.
  2. Despite the fact that the acquisition and installation of components Supplies and functional equipment will not cost you that much, the savings will be felt in the consumption of fuel resources.
  3. Possibility of adjustment and creation of comfortable temperature conditions for accommodation.
  4. Dependent and independent heat supply systems also differ in the type of coolant. In the first case, process water circulates through the main line, which contains all kinds of impurities (sand, salts, etc.), which over time clog the circuit, preventing the full movement of the coolant. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease temperature regime inside a heated room. Whereas in the case of an independent heating unit, the homeowner can easily use purified water as a coolant. This will not only prevent blockage of the heating main, but also extend the service life of the functional equipment used to construct such a unit.
  5. There is another difference between these two options for heating a home. Thus, absolutely all boiler houses that provide central heating, they operate using electricity and, as soon as power failures occur, the water in the circuit begins to cool. In turn, an independent heating system can fully function without electrical power resources. Can buy a heating element, operating on solid fuels. Such a unit is a metal container equipped with a thermostat and mechanical adjustment devices. This version of the heating block will avoid being tied to a centralized gas pipeline. But at the same time, there are also some difficulties in using equipment of this kind. So, from time to time there is a need to load fuel raw materials into the ash pit. Therefore, in order to simplify the task, experienced specialists recommend making bunkers and conveyors through which fuel materials are supplied. Wooden saw cuts can be used as energy resources, because without electricity, unfortunately, you will not be able to start the conveyor.

This, in fact, is the whole difference between dependent and independent heat supply systems. And if you live in a large private house, then you will certainly appreciate the advantages of the latter method of heating your home.

VIDEO: Analysis of the heating circuit

Types of boilers

A correctly selected and installed heating boiler is the key to an efficient heating system!

As a rule, the choice of a heating device is based on the specifics of using a particular type of fuel. There are also combined options, allowing the use of two or three types of fuel, depending on its availability and accessibility.

Operating on gas

The simplest and most popular option for installing the heating system of a private home. Firstly, compared to others energy resources, gas is the safest and most profitable. Secondly, such equipment is an automatic installation that does not require constant human presence. You only need to set up the unit once and you can completely forget about it for a long time.

Without a centralized gas supply, such a unit will not work for long. It is extremely difficult and economically impractical to change cylinders filled with gas with enviable regularity to ensure complete heating of the room.

Electric boilers

Such models are suitable for heating private houses where there is no possibility of connecting to a centralized gas pipeline. But again, power outages can lead to cooling of the coolant, which is not entirely comfortable in winter time of the year. And it is unlikely to work for a long time on storage devices. And besides, this heating option will not be so cheap.

Powered by electrodes

Instead of heating elements, electrodes are installed in such equipment, due to which the water is ionized and, as a result, it is heated. This option is not as popular as the previous one, but at the same time it is much safer and more durable.

True, such a device will have to be regularly readjusted and constantly monitor the quality of incoming water, on which the efficiency of the unit largely depends.

Solid fuel units

The highest quality example of an independent heating system. Such units are also divided into several more types depending on the type of fuel. Thus, carbide boilers can operate on:

  • firewood;
  • coal and coke;
  • pellets made from wood waste.

In addition, there are also models that can operate on both wood and coal. Combinations such as electricity + coal, wood + electricity, etc. are also known.

Liquid fuel boilers

Such heating equipment runs on diesel fuel. It can also be safely called an independent heat source. But at the same time, unlike the previous option, the cost of this type of fuel is becoming higher and higher every year, so today not many people decide to equip their homes with such heating installations.

As you can see, heating a private house can be done using all kinds of equipment and energy resources. The choice always remains with the homeowner himself!

VIDEO: Example of heating a private house

Hi all! What is a dependent heating system, what are its features, why is it called that and how is it fundamentally different from an independent heating system? A dependent heating scheme is a scheme in which the coolant flows from the main heating network directly into the internal heating system of buildings. That is, the “internal heating system” of the house depends directly on the external heating network.

The heating of the vast majority of buildings in our country is installed according to this scheme. That is, water from a heat source (boiler house, thermal power plant) either immediately directly or through a mixing (elevator or pumping) unit is supplied to the consumer. The connection of the local internal heating system from the main heating network occurs through an individual, or heating unit, in other words.

Every building must have such a heating unit.

The fundamental difference between an independent scheme and a dependent one is that the connection to the internal heating system of the building with an independent scheme occurs through an additional heat exchanger installed in the heating point of the building. That is, we get two circuits, the heating one is from the external heating network, which heats the coolant in the second circuit, the heated one. And the second circuit is the internal heating system of the house.

Both dependent and independent heating systems have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them. The main advantage of the dependent circuit is its simplicity of design; there is a very minimum of equipment required for operation and adjustment. Such a system is relatively easy to maintain and does not require additional equipment in the form of heat exchangers. The monetary costs for installing such a heating system are less than for an independent system.

However, there are also very significant disadvantages. In particular, it is precisely the dependence on the parameters in the main heating network. Well, for example, a pressure surge from the external heating network, say through the return line. Of course, on the return pipeline in the heating unit there is safety valve from such cases, but still there is no absolute guarantee. The same can be said about the dependence of such a system on flow network water in the supply and return of external heating systems. The consumer here depends entirely on the normal operation of the heat source (boiler house, thermal power plant).

What are the advantages of an independent system versus a dependent one? This is primarily the ability to precisely regulate the amount of heat during internal system heating the house, its higher reliability. In addition, with this scheme it becomes possible to significantly improve the quality of water in the internal heating circuit, namely, to reduce to a minimum the amount of sand, scale, and mineral salts. In general, this heating scheme has many advantages.

There are, however, very significant drawback— monetary cost of implementing such a scheme. And it is an order of magnitude higher than that of the dependent circuit. Still, the advantages of an independent scheme outweigh its main disadvantage, and such a scheme is more promising for the consumer.

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First, let's figure out what an independent heating system means. First of all, it should be clear that this system heating system can operate without providing it with electricity. The difference between an independent heating system and other types is that it is not connected to the heating circuit.

The dependent system is completely subordinate to the source of its energy supply. It is presented in the form of a boiler, pipes and radiators interconnected into a single whole. Hot water circulates in a circle continuously. In a dependent system, there is no way to independently regulate the temperature of the supplied water and to turn off the heating early when it gets warm. A dependent heating system is tightly tied to the heating main as the main source of coolant.

Features of an independent heating system

An independent heating system connection scheme does not depend on energy sources. There is a negative side to such a heating system - the high cost of its installation. In an independent system, it is possible to use process water for third-party needs. As you can see, a dependent heating system is more accessible in terms of installation on site. It is installed without much knowledge. It is important to study in detail the scheme of upcoming work.

Individual heating in a private home allows you to save money by reducing fuel consumption. It can be customized individually to suit personal desires, creating comfortable conditions residence. Dependent heating system is full process water. It leaves behind sand and salts, which over time clog the pipes, disrupting the normal process of water circulation. As for an independent heating system, you can use purified water when installing it. This approach will extend the life of the equipment.

But there is another important point - dependence on electricity. An independent connection diagram for the heating system allows you to do without electricity.

You can purchase a boiler that will operate on solid fuels. The boiler is presented in the form of a steel tank, thermostat and mechanical regulators. This will allow you not to be tied to the gas pipeline. But there is also a not entirely pleasant moment. It is necessary to periodically load fuel into the ash pit. To simplify the task, we recommend making a bunker and a conveyor for supplying fuel. Sawdust and firewood can be used as an energy source. You will need electricity to run the conveyor.

Heating boilers

The pyrolysis boiler operates in two stages. First, the wood is heated by supplying oxygen until gas is formed, and then the stage of fuel combustion occurs. To avoid the reverse movement of gases, you should think about an electric fan. Boilers with top combustion can operate for up to five days with a one-time supply of coal. The air is constantly moving. An ordinary fan contributes to this phenomenon.

Non-volatile boilers allow ignition using a piezoelectric element. When the fuel ignites, it is possible to manually adjust the strength of the flame. After extinguishing, the burner is extinguished at high fuel temperatures, and the pilot burner operates in normal mode, releasing heat evenly.

Boilers that have a built-in electric ignition do not start working when the gas supply is stopped.

The non-volatile heating system starts working after the fuel has completely cooled to the set temperature. Electricity is needed to run the fan, which supplies air.

So how do you decide which is better? If your home is located far from a power line, or the electricity supply is unstable, it is better to choose the option independent heating. A non-volatile boiler runs on gas without connecting to electricity. This heating option is economical; it allows you to reduce costs by 20% annually. You also get a system that allows you to manually regulate the flow of heat supplied and fuel consumption.

To prevent the house from cooling down if the heating is turned off, we recommend doing the following. The boiler is connected to a UPS with a high-capacity battery. You can also purchase a boiler that runs on diesel fuel.

What is it - an independent heating system? Are we looking at energy-independent heating or something else? What are the disadvantages and advantages of this solution compared to the alternative? Let's try to figure it out.


Let's clear up the confusion first.

Energy independence is an ability heating equipment work in the absence of electricity. The ability is undoubtedly pleasant, but we are not talking about it now. However, we will also touch on this topic.

What is the difference between independent and dependent heating systems? Connection diagram to the heating main.

Dependent circuit

Imagine an ordinary residential building. How is it built?

  • Input valves cut off the elevator from the route.
  • Behind them, on the supply and return lines, there are valves or valves embedded through which hot water can be supplied from the supply or return pipeline.

Useful: in modern elevators you can often find two taps on the supply and return, separated by a retaining washer. Their function is to ensure constant circulation in the hot water supply system.

  • After the hot water supply inserts, we see the elevator itself - a nozzle with a mixing chamber. Jet of hotter water with high pressure from the direct pipeline, it heats up part of the return water and draws it into repeated circulation.
  • Finally, house valves cut off the heating system. They are closed in summer and open in winter.

The key feature of a dependent heating scheme is that water enters the heating and water supply systems directly from the heating main.

Independent circuit

Now let's imagine another diagram:

  • Water from the supply pipeline enters the return pipeline, giving energy to the heat exchanger along the way. Water, we repeat, is not used for heating and hot water needs.
  • Drinking water from the water supply is supplied to the same heat exchanger, but to a different circuit. It heats up and enters the heating system. It can also be used for household needs.

Actually, we have comprehensively described the independent connection scheme for the heating system.

Comparison of solutions

The dependent heating connection scheme has, in essence, only one advantage, but a very important one - low cost of implementation. Elevator unit for small cottage you can assemble it yourself from consumer goods shut-off valves. The only thing noticeable against the background of wiring batteries around the house will be the cost of manufacturing the nozzle - the only exclusive one made, the diameter of which determines thermal power elevator

What are the assets of an independent scheme?

  • Incomparably more flexible temperature control. It is enough just to reduce the flow of coolant through the heat exchanger - and the house will become colder.

Please note: yes, in the elevator unit you can also press the valves, removing the difference. However, for them this is an emergency mode, fraught with falling cheeks and stopping circulation. In the case of an independent system, we simply adjust the performance of the circulation pump.

  • The practical consequence of flexible adjustment of heating to the needs of the home is efficiency. Relative to the dependent system, it is estimated at 10-40 percent.
  • Finally, the main thing: In a dependent system, we are forced to use water with a lot of contaminants. It carries sand, scale and a lot of mineral salts.

There is no talk of using water as drinking water, moreover, in some regions hot water It is not advisable to even wash from the tap. An independent circuit makes it possible to use purified water or even non-freezing coolants as a coolant.

For DHW needs It is no problem to heat drinking water.

Electricity addiction

Now let's return to energy dependence. When does a heating system need electricity to function, and when can it be done without?

Solid fuel boilers

The canonical solution is a conventional steel or cast iron boiler with a water jacket in the firebox and mechanical adjustment of the blower using a thermostat. This unit is completely energy independent.

The photo shows a classic solid fuel boiler.

However, this design has an important drawback: the boiler requires frequent loading of fuel. Three technical solutions allow you to make heating as independent from humans as possible:

  • Hopper and conveyor belt, as the fuel burns out, it supplies new portions of sawdust or pellets. Electricity is required at a minimum for the transporter to operate.
  • divides combustion into two stages: pyrolysis of wood with a limited supply of oxygen and combustion of the resulting gas. In this case, the gas combustion chamber is located below the pyrolysis chamber. The movement of combustion products against the vector of natural draft requires the operation of an electric fan.
  • Top combustion boiler capable of working on one load of coal for up to five days. Only the top layer of fuel smolders; air is supplied to it from top to bottom, and the ash is carried away by a stream of hot combustion products. Air circulation is provided by... that's right, an electric fan.


Non-volatile gas heating boilers use manual ignition using a piezoelectric element and flame regulation by a mechanical thermostat. When the main burner is extinguished at a high coolant temperature, the pilot burner continues to operate.

Boilers with electronic ignition stop the gas supply completely when idle. As soon as the coolant cools below the critical temperature, the discharge ignites the main burner and heating resumes. In addition, electricity often drives a blower fan that supplies air to the burner.

Which scheme is better? If you have frequent power outages, a non-volatile gas heating boiler would be more appropriate. Precisely because he is able to do without electricity in principle. On the other hand, these devices are less economical: up to 20% of the total gas consumed is spent maintaining the pilot flame.

Another one useful feature, which gas systems lack non-volatile boilers heating - the ability to control the weather and control by external thermostat, taking the temperature, for example, in a remote room. Of course, we are also not talking about programming the temperature for a day or a week.

Useful: in case you have frequent short-term heating outages, this will help simple instructions. Connect the boiler via a UPS with a high-capacity battery.


Everything is simple here: solar boilers are COMPLETELY identical gas boilers with electronic ignition. Only the burners differ. In fact, a lot of dual-fuel units are being produced.

It is clear that without a forced-air fan and electronic ignition, the devices simply will not be able to work.


You will find some more information about the types of heating systems and equipment for it in the video attached to the article. Warm winters!

It happens that private houses located within the city are located next to laid networks district heating, and some are even connected to them. Of course, nowadays the priority is individual heating, and centralized heating is gradually becoming a thing of the past. But if the house is already connected to the network or there are problems with autonomous system, then you need to use what is available. To work together between a heat source and consumers, a dependent and independent heating system is used. What they are, as well as the pros and cons of both schemes will be outlined in this material.

Dependent (open) heat supply system

The main feature of the dependent system is that the coolant flowing through the main networks directly enters the house. It is called open because coolant is taken from the supply pipeline to provide the house with hot water. Most often, this scheme is used when connecting multi-apartment residential buildings, administrative and other buildings to heating networks common use. The operation of the dependent heating system circuit is shown in the figure:

When the temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline is up to 95 ºС, it can be sent directly to the heating devices. If the temperature is higher and reaches 105 ºС, then a mixing elevator unit is installed at the entrance to the house, whose task is to mix the water coming from the radiators into the hot coolant in order to lower its temperature.

For reference. The centralized dependent heating system has a calculated and real temperature graph. The calculation schedule characterizes maximum temperature water and open system it can be 105/70 ºС or 95/70 ºС. The actual schedule depends on weather conditions and may change daily, it is maintained at the central heating point. When there is no severe frost outside, the coolant temperature is significantly lower than the calculated one.

The scheme was very popular during the Soviet era, when few people were concerned about energy consumption. The point is that the dependent connection with elevator units mixing works quite reliably and requires virtually no supervision, and installation work and material costs are quite cheap. Again, there is no need to lay additional pipes to supply hot water to houses when it can be successfully taken from the heating main.

But this is where the positive aspects of the dependent scheme end. And there are many more negative ones:

  • dirt, scale and rust from the main pipelines safely enter all consumer batteries. Old cast iron radiators and steel convectors didn’t care about these little things, but modern aluminum ones and so on heating devices definitely not good;
  • due to reduced water consumption, repair work and other reasons, there is often a pressure drop in the dependent heating system, or even water hammer. This has implications for modern batteries and polymer pipelines;
  • The quality of the coolant leaves much to be desired, but it goes directly to the water supply. And, although the water in the boiler room goes through all stages of purification and desalting, kilometers of old rusty mains make themselves felt;
  • Regulating the temperature in rooms is not easy. Even full-bore thermostatic valves quickly fail due to poor quality coolant.

Independent (closed) heating system

Currently, when installing new boiler houses, an independent connection scheme for the heating system has become more often used. It contains a main and an additional circulation circuit, hydraulically separated by a heat exchanger. That is, the coolant from the boiler house or thermal power plant goes to the central heating point, where it enters the heat exchanger, this is the main circuit. The additional circuit is the heating system of the house; the coolant in it circulates through the same heat exchanger, receiving heat from the network water from the boiler room. The operating diagram of an independent system is shown in the figure:

For reference. Previously, bulky shell-and-tube heat exchangers were installed in such systems, which took up a lot of space. This was the main difficulty, but with the advent of high-speed plate heat exchangers this problem ceased to exist.

But what about the centralized supply of hot water, because now it is impossible to take it from the main line, there is too much heat(from 105 to 150 ºС)? It's simple: an independent connection diagram allows the installation of any number of plate heat exchangers connected to the main pipelines. One will provide heat heating system at home, and the second can prepare water for household needs. How this is implemented is shown below:

To ensure that hot water always flows at the same temperature, the DHW circuit is made closed with automatic replenishment in the return pipeline. IN apartment buildings The DHW circulation return line can be seen in the bathroom; heated towel rails are connected to it.

It is obvious that operating an independent heating system has many advantages:

  • the home heating circuit does not depend on the quality of the external coolant, the condition of the main networks and pressure drops. The entire load falls on the plate heat exchanger;
  • it is possible to regulate the temperature in the rooms using thermostatic valves;
  • the coolant in a small circuit can be filtered and cleaned of salts, the main thing is that the pipes are in good condition;
  • V DHW system there will be drinking quality water entering the house through the water main.

However, due to dirty, low-quality coolant in the central network, periodic flushing of the independent heating system will be required, or rather - plate heat exchanger. Fortunately, this is not so difficult to do. Another disadvantage worth noting is the higher costs of purchasing equipment, namely: heat exchangers, circulation pumps and shut-off and control valves. But closed system more reliable and safer than open, it responds more modern requirements and better adapted to new equipment.


If for some reason you happen to choose a connection scheme to centralized networks, then an independent heating system for a private house is preferable. Even if the temperature in the main is low, you still should not supply this water to your system; it is better to hydraulically separate it from the central one. Provided that such a possibility exists in the material plane, and if not, you will have to crash directly, according to a dependent scheme.