Thermostat for gas heating boiler. Features of room thermostats for boilers. Homemade external thermostat for the boiler: instructions

Automation in the heating system allows you to more accurately control the temperature in heated rooms and save on fuel. By installing a thermostat for the heating boiler, the owner of the cottage increases the efficiency of the boiler equipment by 20–30% and greatly simplifies its maintenance.

We will talk about the types of thermostats used in practice, the rules for their location and connection features. The article we have proposed describes in detail the options and diagrams for connecting devices. Taking into account our advice, you can choose the device wisely and install it if desired.

A conventional heating system with water as a coolant consists of heating equipment or a connection unit to centralized network, internal wiring pipes and radiators.

To regulate the volume of heat coming from it into the rooms, you have to either constantly monitor the boiler or regularly close/open the valves on the radiators.

At the same time, the inertia of such a system does not allow maintaining the desired temperature throughout the day at the set level. If you put more firewood into the stove or supply gas to the boiler, the coolant in the pipes will heat up more, and it will also release more heat through the radiators.

This is good at low temperatures outside. But with sudden warming outside, the heat in the house becomes unbearable. The fuel is already in the firebox, and the water has already heated up, there is no way to get rid of the heat. Plus the boiler continues to work.

Without a thermostat in the system, you have to turn it off manually. You can, of course, open the windows for ventilation and let out the heat, but then your fuel bills will definitely ruin you. The conclusion suggests itself: a heating thermostat simplifies living and makes it as comfortable as possible.

A thermostat (temperature regulator) is a device for monitoring the temperature in a heated room and increasing/decreasing the heat supply to it

Consists of a thermostat for heating system from:

  • temperature-sensitive sensor (element);
  • tuning unit;
  • control module;
  • electromagnetic relay or mechanical valve.

In the simplest models there is no control unit. Everything happens due to pure mechanics and change physical properties temperature sensitive element.

These thermostats do not require power supply. In terms of efficiency and accuracy of system adjustment, they are inferior to electronic devices, but they are non-volatile. If there are problems with the voltage in the network, they will definitely not stop working.

The operating principle of the thermostat is as follows:

  1. Using the control unit, the desired temperature is set.
  2. When the required parameters are reached, the sensor is triggered, which leads to the boiler shutting down or shutting down shut-off valve in heating pipes.
  3. After the air temperature in the room drops, the boiler equipment or heaters turn back on.

The electronic control module allows you to set not just one temperature indicator, but several for each time of day separately. Plus, if such a unit is available, it is possible to install an additional temperature sensor outside and link the functioning of the thermostat to the data from it.

Depending on the type of device, the thermostat is connected directly to the boiler to regulate its operation or at the inlet to the radiator to control the volume of coolant supply

The simplest thermostat is shut-off valves with a temperature sensor, standing on the pipe near the battery. When the desired temperature is reached, it closes and reduces the coolant current. And when cooling room air it opens again, causing the volume of incoming heat to increase.

More complex and advanced models require the presence wireless sensors and control units. All communication between individual elements occurs through a radio channel. In this case, wires are not laid, which has a positive effect on the aesthetic side of placing such thermostats in the room.

Types of thermostats for boilers

The main difference between thermostats is different types of temperature-sensitive sensors. Some are installed on the heating pipe, others inside it, and others are mounted on the wall. Some are designed to measure air temperature, and the second - coolant.

The choice of thermostat model depends on:

  • boiler type;
  • heating system wiring diagrams;
  • availability of free space;
  • required functionality.

Many modern boilers are pre-designed to connect thermostats to them. Moreover, the manufacturer of boiler equipment immediately writes down all the nuances of this installation in the technical data sheet.

If an electronic thermostat model is selected, then it is best to give preference to the most efficient one - the one recommended by the boiler developer

Ideally, the thermostat should regulate the operation of the heating device itself, that is, the supply of fuel to it. This is the most efficient connection scheme in terms of fuel economy. In this case, the energy carrier will be burned exactly as much as the heat required.

But such a thermostat can only be installed on or. If so, then a thermostat with a mechanical valve, which is mounted on the pipe, will help regulate the room temperature.

Regulators installed on batteries are designed to shut off the water supply if the temperature in the room or coolant is too high. In this case, the boiler stops working a little later, when its own temperature sensor inside is activated, preventing overheating of the equipment.

Group #1: mechanical

The operation of a mechanical temperature sensor is based on a change in the characteristics of a material when its temperature changes. This is an easy-to-use, budget-friendly, fairly effective and completely power-independent option. It is designed to be installed on pipes to regulate flow.

A classic example of a mechanical thermostat is a device with a needle valve (constipation) and a thermal bellows head

The following substances are used in mechanical thermostats as a substance that responds to temperature changes:

  • liquid.

When the liquid is heated, the gases expand, which leads to their pressure on the shut-off valve stem. When the temperature drops, they compress, the constipation is returned by a spring, and the heated water again flows through the pipes into the heating radiators.

They are characterized by low sensitivity and large adjustment errors. They only work when the temperature rises by 2 degrees or more. Plus, over time, the bellows filler loses its characteristics, the numbers on the knob for setting the required temperature parameters and the actual degrees begin to diverge.

These thermostats are quite large in size. The vast majority of them are designed to measure the temperature of the water in the batteries, and not the air in the room. It is often difficult to precisely adjust them the way the home owner wants.

Group #2: electromechanical

These thermostats operate on principles similar to their purely mechanical counterparts. Only a metal plate is used here as a heat-sensitive element.

When heated, it bends and closes the contact, and when cooled, it returns to its original position and opens the circuit. And through this circuit a signal is sent to the burner control unit.

The electromechanical thermostat requires power supply; it controls the valves or burners in the boiler that regulate the flow of coolant using electrical signals.

Another option for an electromechanical thermostat is a device with a sensor in the form of two plates made of different metals. In this case, the heat-sensitive element is installed directly into the firebox of the solid fuel boiler.

At high temperatures, a potential difference occurs between the plates, affecting the electromagnetic relay. The contacts in the latter alternately open and close. As a result, air injection into the combustion chamber is turned on/off.

Group #3: electronic

This type of thermostats for hot water boilers belongs to the energy-dependent category. Such devices have a remote temperature sensor that monitors the room temperature and a full-fledged control unit with a display.

For electric boilers, such thermostats are a mandatory addition. Without them electric heaters will work non-stop, heating the air or coolant too much.

In the vast majority of cases, boilers and boilers operating on electricity are equipped with thermostats at the factory.

An electronic thermostat has two main elements:

  1. Temperature sensor.
  2. Microcontroller.

The first measures the temperature, and the second controls it and issues signals to increase/decrease the supply of thermal energy to the room. The sensor can send an analog or digital signal to the controller. In the first case, the thermostat’s capabilities are similar to its mechanical counterpart, only it greatly exceeds it in the accuracy of temperature measurements.

Digital thermostats are the pinnacle of development of these devices. They allow you to regulate heat supply according to a preset algorithm. Plus you can connect to them much more more sensors located both indoors and outdoors.

Many electronic thermostats have remote control capabilities via infrared or cellular. This allows you to regulate the room temperature not only using the remote control in the room, but also from any point outside it.

For example, while still leaving work, you can send a signal to heat the room air to comfortable parameters, and when you arrive the house will delight you with comfort and warmth.

Electronic devices intended for automatic adjustment qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the coolant are a mandatory component. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with their device.

Connection diagrams

All methods of connecting a thermostat to a heating system are divided into three connection options:

  1. Directly to the boiler.
  2. To the circulation pump.
  3. On the pipe supplying coolant to the radiator.

The first two schemes exclude deterioration bandwidth heating pipeline. No additional locks are placed in it, and the hydraulic resistance of the entire system does not change. The thermostat here only controls the operation of the pump or boiler; it “does not come into contact” with water.

When installing a thermostat on a battery or a common pipe with several radiators, the hydraulic resistance, on the contrary, increases. Even when fully open, the thermostat valve slightly slows down the flow of coolant.

Ideally, the boiler piping project should be carried out immediately, taking into account all thermostatic and other devices.

Thermostats should only be installed into existing heating pipes as a last resort. maximum efficiency their use can only be achieved if they are included in the system at the design stage

If the water heating system in the house is made according to, then it is better to immediately abandon the third option. When the temperature sensor is triggered, the valve will immediately shut off the entire radiator line in several rooms, and then you can immediately forget about comfort in rooms far from the boiler.

The thermostat should be connected to the radiator input via. So, when triggered, it will redirect the coolant flow bypassing the battery. In this case, the water will return uncooled back to the boiler. The latter will stop heating it, thereby reducing the consumption of gas fuel or electricity.

When installing a thermostat air temperature sensor, you must adhere to certain rules, otherwise, under the influence of neighboring devices or objects, it will trigger falsely.

The temperature sensor must be installed:

  • in a place where there is no direct sunlight;
  • away from cold bridges, drafts and rising heat flows from radiators;
  • so that it is not covered by decorative screens or curtains;
  • at a height from the floor within 1.2–1.5 meters.

At incorrect installation sensor, the thermostat will begin to produce false signals. This can lead to overheating not only of the air in the room, but also of the coolant in the system. And in the second case, it won’t be long before there are problems with the boiler.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

There should not be any particular difficulties with installing the thermostat. You just need to choose it correctly for a specific heating system. And the selected video materials will definitely help you with this.

Video #1. Connecting a room thermostat to a gas boiler in all its nuances:

Video #2. Wall thermostat review:

Video #3. Technology for incorporating a contact thermostat into a system with a circulation pump:

An addition to a heating boiler in the form of a thermostat is a great way to save money on heating your home, increase living comfort and reduce wear and tear on equipment that heats the coolant. The money spent on thermostats pays off in one winter season.

In this case, you can choose as simple mechanical option with manual control, and a more advanced device with a programmer.

Would you like to tell us how a boiler with a thermostat works in your country house? Do you have information that will be useful to site visitors? Please write comments, ask questions, post photos related to the topic of the article in the block below.

A device that regulates the operating mode of a gas boiler, focusing not on the temperature of the coolant in the boiler, but on the air temperature in the room - this is the temperature regulator for the heating boiler. That is, this is a device that provides not just control of the process of heating water with a gas boiler, but control of the process of heating it based on the final result.

Why should you buy a thermostat?

When the operation of a gas boiler is adjusted manually, the equipment is forced to operate in a mode that involves constant short-term switching on and off. In this case, water heating is started for a short period of time - no more than 10 minutes. At the same time, constant circulation of water in the system is ensured pump equipment, which works regardless of the state of the heating elements.

Similar work organization climate system is fraught with significant costs electrical energy. In addition, this mode leads to rapid wear and tear of all heating boiler systems. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that room thermostats have become so popular all over the world. In some Western countries, their installation is considered mandatory. Since if the house is heated using a gas boiler, the presence of a “home controller” significantly reduces gas and electricity costs, and also helps to use expensive equipment more carefully.

The thermostat for the boiler has a certain response threshold (on average about 0.2 °C); when the air temperature decreases or increases relative to the specified parameters, it either turns on or turns off the boiler and pump. Such a system guarantees the owner of the thermostat whole line advantages:

  • fully ensures control over maintaining the required temperature in the home, which means that even on days of sudden temperature fluctuations outside, coziness and comfort will always reign in the house where the thermostat is working;
  • with the advent of this equipment, the owners of a house or apartment immediately have at least one less problem: not only the “weather in the house,” but also the level of operation and serviceability of the boiler will now be monitored by this small device;
  • Due to significant savings in fuel and electricity, the cost of purchasing the device pays off within a few months.

What are thermostats?

Currently, the choice of thermostats is large, and they may vary depending on:

  1. Type of control of boiler operating modes:
    • wireless;
    • wired.
  2. By level of functionality:
    • simple;
    • provided with a hydrostatic function;
    • programmable.

A wireless room thermostat for a gas boiler is capable of regulating the level of operation of the boiler and heating the air in the rooms using a radio signal. For wired ones, only the method of connecting to the controller via wired connections is relevant.

The capabilities of thermostats may vary. Less expensive - simple, reliable and durable wired thermostats do an excellent job with the list of basic functions, stably maintaining the level of set temperatures in the room (usually in the range of 10-30 o C), but only in one mode. In addition, the operation of the device does not affect the level of fuel consumption by the boiler.

A completely different matter is a wireless room programmable thermostat for a gas boiler.

By purchasing such a device, you can use the following features:

  • remotely monitor and control the operation of the boiler;
  • installation and configuration of various operating modes of heating equipment depending on the day of the week or time of day;
  • monitoring fuel consumption and serviceability of gas heating boiler systems.

The list of capabilities is even wider for thermostats equipped with a gyrostat function. Such a room thermostat for a gas boiler is capable of providing control not only over the temperature in the room, but also over the level of air humidity.

Connecting wireless option

The principle of operation of a room thermostat for a gas boiler is quite simple, but the most convenient in terms of connection remain wireless thermostats. This model usually consists of a pair of blocks:

  • block for installation near a gas boiler (by connecting to a controller or gas valve);
  • a unit with a set of control buttons and a display - designed for installation in a room from where it is planned to control the air temperature in a house or apartment.

Moreover, the connection of the thermostat to the boiler is carried out using terminals, and the transfer of information from one unit to another is carried out using a radio channel. Perhaps the only disadvantage of wireless models is their dependence on batteries, which often need recharging or replacement. At the same time, the device itself informs the owner about the battery charge level, which is certainly a plus.

Where to put the wires

The situation is much more serious when installing wired models. And although Experts recommend combining this procedure with performing repair work, since the wiring will most likely have to be either masked or laid in the body of the wall in the formed channel after it is grooved.

Another disadvantage of wired thermostats is the need to allocate a separate room or significant space in the house for placing the device. Since, according to the instructions, the correctness of their operation may depend on the availability of sufficient free space.

It is also highly undesirable to install it near household or other climate control equipment and heating devices, as well as in places where the device will be exposed to direct sunlight.

The process of connecting a thermostat is, in principle, not difficult. It is enough to follow the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer of the boiler and thermostat.

About the mechanical thermostat

An important point, those who have chosen a more durable and reliable mechanical thermostat for their home should remember that this device does not require an electrical connection or batteries. However, during the work on connecting it, it will also not be possible to avoid fiddling with the wires. But in this case we are talking about wires that ensure communication between the device and controlled climate control equipment.

The mechanical thermostat is connected to the boiler using a 2-wire connection.

The video shows how to connect the Ballu BMT-1 thermostat.

About the specifics of the settings

After you have successfully connected the new equipment, you need to configure it, during which you can set the desired parameters, including the ability to:

  • Heating, and in some cases air conditioning in the room;
  • Determining the optimal delay period for the activation of the thermostat sensors (a window open for a short time or, on the contrary, the heat flow from a switched-on hair dryer can “mislead” the sensors of the device, but enabling the response delay function will avoid errors;
  • Setting the temperature fluctuation step. That is, choosing a step of 1 degree means that the thermostat will turn the boiler on or off when the air temperature changes by 1 o C.
  • Determination of maximum comfortable temperatures. Some devices allow you to program the temperature depending on the time of day or day of the week (for example, on weekdays, when no one is home, you can reduce the air temperature by several degrees, ensuring fuel savings; a couple of hours before the inhabitants of the house return, the device will turn on itself , will adjust the temperature, ensuring it increases to a comfortable level).

About compatibility issues

The method of connecting the thermostat to the boiler is largely determined by the choice of thermostat model and can be done either from a controller, from a battery, or from a network.

You can often find recommendations from boiler manufacturers; when purchasing a simple or programmable thermostat for a gas boiler, rely on the boiler manufacturer and its recommendations. In principle, this advice is worth listening to, although, having looked through the pages of numerous forums where issues of connecting climate control equipment are discussed, you can often come across the opinion that for the most part, products from different brands “get along” well without entering into conflict.

But here is a parameter that is really worth considering when deciding to buy a temperature sensor for a heating boiler in a regular HVAC store or household appliances or online store, is the area of ​​the room heated by the boiler and the most preferred temperature regime.

TOP thermostats 2017–2018

Having studied the opinions of consumers and analyzed information from several authoritative online publications that annually compile rating lists of the most discussed models of climate control equipment, it is easy to conclude about the popularity of thermostats of such brands as:


At the same time, the company believes that best thermostat for gas Bosch boilers– Bosch, of course. And, although there is so much information on the Internet about successful symbiosis climate control technology this manufacturer with thermostats from other companies. However, for example, the Bosch software digital thermostat definitely deserves attention. The model is equipped with a digital display, has a calibrated temperature sensor, and has backup power options. The device can regulate the room temperature according to the time of day and days of the week.

The video describes in detail the Bosch EMS series regulators.


Also, when choosing a room thermostat for an Ariston gas boiler, you should pay attention to the thermostats offered by this Italian company. Among them you can also find models that can program the required temperature conditions not only for the week ahead, but also for any hour of the coming week. There are also less complex, but cheaper options that “can” set the desired temperature regime for the next 24 hours. However, the availability of hourly programming helps home owners solve many problems, including saving gas and electricity.

We invite owners of Ariston boilers to take a closer look at the Sensys control panel.


  • full system control via bridgenet® protocol;
  • easy setup/management of system parameters;
  • temperature control;
  • display of solar system parameters (if connected);
  • display of energy audit report (kW), solar system performance, CO2 reduction, stock hot water;
  • electronic sensor room temperature;
  • easy-to-manage daily and weekly heating mode programming;
  • easy-to-manage daily and weekly programming of the DHW mode (if an external boiler is connected to a single-circuit boiler).


This company also recommends connecting the thermostat to the Proterm gas boiler only when using “native” models. There are a number of reasons for this. For example, thanks to a special eBus switching bus, the thermostat can control the modulation of the gas burner. Thermostats from other manufacturers cannot be connected to the Proterm boiler in this way. In addition, on the display of some models from Protherm you can see not only the specified boiler operating modes, but also error codes that occur. In addition, the system, if necessary, is capable of restarting the boiler itself. This way the boiler temperature is regulated.


Connecting a room thermostat to a Buderus gas boiler will also create less problems, if we are talking about a device produced by the same company. Moreover, the developers have provided a simple and intuitive interface for the device.

Programmable room thermostat Simple MMI 7 Days – with communication via OpenTherm™ protocol. Designed for complete boiler control and comfortable room temperature control


If you managed to purchase a room thermostat rq10, connecting to a boiler of the same brand will not be difficult. Moreover, the quality of this technology rarely raises any complaints.


Room thermostat for Ferroli gas boiler a very successful development of the Italian company.


Also on trend is the thermostat for the Baxi gas boiler, which is easy to install and operate, also features an intuitive adjustment system and provides significant savings to home owners.

The BAXI mechanical room thermostat is used to detect the room temperature and transmit data to the boiler, providing feedback. Regulates room temperature from 8°C to 30°C


Thermostats from the listed companies successfully help solve problems such as:

  • problem of timing of the gas boiler and pump (unreasonably frequent switching on and off of devices);
  • setting the optimal temperature regime by day and hour;
  • simplification of the heating device maintenance process;
  • setting fine settings.

All these functions will provide comfort in any home and a good mood for its inhabitants.

In order to create the most comfortable indoor conditions on heating season, the heating system must be balanced and be able to be constantly regulated. Modern gas boilers, unlike their predecessors, provide the ability to change power over a wide range without significant loss of efficiency.

Due to modulation, some models allow you to change the power from 6 to 24 kW, this creates the prerequisites for creating the necessary thermal conditions in residential premises and obtaining significant savings on fuel consumption. The heating installation itself cannot perform regulatory functions - its task is to ensure heating of the coolant, but the frequency of boiler starts and power can be adjusted using external control devices. One of these devices is the thermostat, which will be discussed in this article.

Why do you need a thermostat for a gas heating boiler?

Any heating system is a closed circuit filled with water or antifreeze. The boiler heats the coolant, circulation pump pumps it through a system of pipes and radiators; heating radiators transfer heat to the end consumer - heating the air in the room. In a perfectly balanced system, the boiler should operate continuously with maximum efficiency so that the amount of heat generated by the heating installation is no more or less than what is required at a particular point in time.

To do this you need:

    regulate the temperature of the coolant

    receive data on the current temperature in a heated room

The coolant temperature is regulated depending on the outside temperature. Typically, this device is called an outdoor temperature sensor. That is, with a connected sensor, the boiler will independently select the desired coolant temperature. This is very convenient because sometimes the temperature outside can change over wide ranges in short periods of time. Basically, these changes occur at night and the owner of a gas boiler that is not equipped with such automation is forced to constantly run around and “tweak” these settings. A particular inconvenience arises when the boiler is located in a separate boiler room or basement.

It remains to find out what the current temperature is in the room to make a decision about turning on the boiler and constantly monitor further changes in this temperature in order to turn off the boiler when the desired value is reached. This is exactly what you need thermostat for gas heating boiler! It gives a signal to start and stop the boiler depending on the set room temperature.

A room thermostat and an outdoor temperature sensor are different devices with different purposes, but they are an integral part of one system.

It is also necessary to understand that best result can only be achieved if the heating system is initially correctly designed and the premises are properly insulated. After all, if the house has low energy efficiency, frequent switching on of the gas boiler cannot be avoided and the system will have strong inertia.

Frequent starts of a gas boiler inevitably lead to a decrease in resource actuators: fan, pump, electronic control board. Some relays used on the board have a rating capacity of 100 thousand cycles. If, for example, the boiler turns on every ten minutes, then the specified number of cycles will be reached in approximately 3 years.
So, we figured out that thermostat is necessary to control the switching on and off of a gas boiler - next we will consider the principle of its operation.

What is the operating principle of a gas boiler thermostat?

In modern heating systems, all processes are controlled electronic board. In most cases, there is a place on it to connect the thermostat - these are two contacts connected by a jumper. The principle of operation is extremely simple: contacts are closed - the boiler turns on, open - it does not turn on. The jumper in the standard delivery of the boiler constantly closes the contacts, and the operation cycle occurs according to its own logic specified in the settings (for example, by timer).

In the case when a thermostat is connected instead of a jumper, the contacts are closed or opened according to the logic already specified by the thermostat. The result is a switch that either mechanically or electronically closes and opens contacts instead of a jumper.

If the temperature of the room in which the thermostat is installed is lower than the set one, the switch will close and the boiler will start, as soon as the temperature rises to the desired temperature, the contacts will open and the boiler will turn off the burner. The principle can be seen schematically in the figure.

Depending on the method of measuring room temperature, thermostats can be mechanical or electronic. The main difference is the accuracy of the readings themselves and the possibility of additional settings. Electronic room thermostats allow a more flexible approach to temperature regulation and have functions for programming operating modes in different time days or on different days of the week.

For example, lowering the temperature in some rooms during the day, even by a few degrees, can provide significant savings in gas consumption over a long period of time.

What types of thermostats are there?

Depending on the method of communication with the heater, thermostats can be wired or wireless.

In the latter, the module with the temperature sensor is located directly in the room in which the adjustment is carried out, and the module for closing the contacts is installed next to the boiler and receives signals via a radio channel.

Tested in practice: the use of regulation allows you to achieve significant savings of up to 30% in gas consumption.

Conventional thermostats for a gas heating boiler, discussed above, allow you to achieve a certain comfort and savings, but the maximum can only be achieved with the use of special temperature control schemes in each room.

This is only possible with the use of a central control unit and regulators in each room.

With this regulation, the controller makes a decision to turn on based on the specified parameters temperature regime in each room, and to maintain the temperature in the rooms, special controlled valves on radiators are used. The use of such systems allows for full climate control in the house and provides maximum energy savings, but their cost is of course significantly higher.

The user also gets the opportunity to remotely control the boiler via GSM communication or via a smartphone, the ability to program and inform about emergency situations. This is especially true for owners country houses. Timely information about an accident can prevent unpleasant consequences.

How to install a thermostat

In principle, installing a thermostat is not difficult, but if you are not sure that you have the necessary skills, it is better to use the services of a specialist.

So, the first thing you need to do is open the instructions (operating manual) for the gas boiler and find the layout of the connectors on the board. On the electrical connection diagram, the location for connecting the thermostat is clearly indicated and all that remains is to remove the top cover of the boiler and the protective cover of the control board. There are usually no other jumpers on the board itself, and the thermostat connection location is indicated by the letters “Ta”.

Before carrying out work, you must make sure that the gas boiler is de-energized and there is no voltage at the terminals! Some Internet sources say that the signal voltage for connecting the thermostat from the boiler side is harmless 24 Volts - ALWAYS check!!! For example, in BAXI boilers there are exactly 220 Volts!!!

Next, according to the instructions for the thermostat, you need to connect it to the boiler board instead of a jumper and assemble everything in the reverse order. It is better to make the connection with an insulated copper cable with a cross-section of at least 0.5 mm2.

Some thermostats support the connection of both heating and heating units and there may be several outputs. Those. there will be a fundamental difference in the operation of the switch: what state will be in the initial position - normally closed or normally open. For heating installations, the connection must be made to a normally open initial state. When the temperature drops, the contacts will close and a signal will be sent to turn on the boiler (as an example, look at the connection diagram for the ZONT H-1B GSM thermostat).

As a rule, manufacturers of boiler equipment offer thermostats as additional accessories, in principle, at fairly reasonable prices. In principle, these devices do not do anything supernatural, so when choosing, you should first of all pay attention to the price of the device and the presence of really useful functions in it, such as the ability to program and set temperature hysteresis and accuracy. Electronic models would be preferable, as they have more precise adjustment. It is very important to choose right place to install the thermostat. It should be located in a place neutral with respect to heat sources, preferably where it will not be exposed to sunlight.

It is also wrong to place it close to heating radiators - in this case it will heat up quickly and stop the boiler prematurely. The location for installing the thermostat should be selected to best match the comfortable temperature for the occupants. Recommendations for installing the room thermostat can be found in the operating instructions.

Buying a Salus thermostat means significantly increasing the comfort in your home, as well as saving up to 30 percent of fuel consumption.
Forget about endless manual adjustments of the heating boiler - entrust this task to reliable and modern electronic thermostats!

091FL IT500 RT500 ERT20
ST620 KL06 RT10 ERT30
ST620RF KL06RF RT300 ERT50
ST320 RT300RF

Temperature regulators (thermostats) Salus designed to maintain temperature in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The company's products are used in “artificial climate” systems, both in domestic and industrial environments.
Business card this English company is the development and production ready-made solutions in the field of control of heating systems and air conditioning systems.
Devices manufactured by Salus Controls are used as: thermostats for heating boilers, underfloor heating systems, radiators, fan coils, and also as thermostats for controlling circulation pumps.
Programmers thermostats with programming functions are often called thermostats, although this is not entirely true, because all Salus thermostats have a built-in device of this type with certain functionality depending on the specific model: programming energy consumption, water supply, monitoring various sensors, etc.
The design of thermostats is based on shut-off and control mechanisms, which receive commands from the control unit, which, in turn, receives data from various sensors: thermo, pressure, humidity, temperature, etc. Based on the data from these sensors, control is carried out heating boilers, servos, valves, etc. Electronic thermostats are usually equipped with built-in programmers, with which you can set climate parameters that are comfortable for you. Using a heating control system helps save a lot of energy resources.
It is recommended to install Salus thermostats in the same room as heating devices, at a height of about 1.5 m. Their connection and operation will not create unnecessary problems for you, because most devices are easy to install and have a user-friendly interface. Depending on the configuration, SALUS Controls thermostats have additional features: zone climate control, wireless control (including via the Internet), weekly programming, etc.
Salus thermostats can be used in a wide temperature range from 0°C to +60°C; the main advantage of the company's products is precise control of air temperature - up to 0.5°C.

About SALUS Controls:

Salus Controls is a technology and distribution firm focused on developing thermal and renewable energy management solutions.
It is part of the Hong Kong-based Computime Group Limited, renowned for its research and manufacturing capabilities in consumer electronics control technologies.
The company occupies a specific niche in the field of automation of heating and air conditioning systems, in the sector of “smart” control automation. Computime Group Limited serves clients in the commercial, industrial and consumer markets in Asia, North America and Europe since 1974. It is a supplier of products (thermostats and thermostats for heating) for the companies Viessmann and Buderus. The main industrial enterprises supplying products to Russia are located in Poland and England.

Salus Controls in Russia:
Over the past few years, Salus products have gained great popularity in Russia. This is connected not only with high quality Salus products and ease of use, but also with competent technical solutions, laid down by Western engineers, low price and a large variable range of models offered. The main portfolio of Salus in Russia is represented by thermostats for heating boilers, thermostats for heating radiators, automation for controlling heated floors and Internet thermostats for the heating system.

Briefly about popular models of SALUS Controls thermostats

"Hits" sales of 2014 and 2015 - this is a programmable thermostat Salus 091FL and its wireless analogue Salus 091FL RF

Wireless thermostats Salus (daily and weekly)
They electronically control boilers not directly, like wired thermostats, but by transmitting a signal to a control unit (receiver) located next to the boiler. The principle is simple: the room thermostat, depending on the room temperature, gives a command to the control unit to turn the heat generator on or off. The signal is transmitted between the block and the thermostat using a radio signal, so the user does not need to lay control wires between them, which allows saving on installation, materials, and also allows the thermostat to be moved to a new location if necessary. The control unit directly closes/opens the electrical circuit to turn the boiler on/off. The thermostat is usually powered by batteries (on average lasts for a year), but there are also models powered by a 220V power supply. The maximum distance in the house from the unit to the thermostat is approximately 50 meters (at different manufacturers this parameter may differ).

Thermostats (temperature regulators) Salus, with a modern stylish design, control the air temperature in a heated (cooled) room in accordance with their settings and are suitable for heating control systems that use electric, gas or liquid fuel boilers.
These are simple and convenient home temperature regulators with weekly programming capabilities. Models of the Salus 091 series control the operation of a heating boiler or heating pump. Factory settings allow you to select the heat control mode in your home from several programs, without bothering yourself with setting the thermostat. In addition to 6 factory programs with settings that meet the needs of most users, Salus 091FL and 91FLRF thermostats have 3 individual settings programs. Programming is carried out according to the principle of 5+2 days, 7 days, by day of the week, individually for each day of the week.
Thermostats Salus 091FL and 091FL RF have the ability to manually adjust the temperature and can operate in automatic, manual or safe modes.
And most importantly: thermostats allow you to save up to 30% of your heating costs at home or cottage!
What are the savings due to? Here's a simple example: You have absolutely no need to support high temperature in the room where you sleep, it is quite enough for the air temperature to be 5 - 7 degrees lower than usual. And in the morning, when you wake up, the temperature can be raised by a few degrees. This problem is solved by Salus 091FL or 091FLRF thermostats, which you program with the necessary parameters, and they will maintain the set mode throughout the week.

"Know-how" 2014: Internet thermostat Salus IT 500.
This model allows you to control the temperature in your home using a phone (Iphone, Android phone models), tablet or computer from any city and even country; all you need is Internet access and a pre-installed program on your smartphone.
The Salus IT500 thermostat can control not only the operation of the boiler, regulating the temperature, for example, on the 1st floor of a cottage, but also the temperature in the second heating circuit - on the 2nd floor, or the temperature of hot water in the bathroom. This is a modern thermostat with a touch panel in a high-tech style that will harmoniously fit into any interior, plus a wireless receiver that transmits commands from the Internet thermostat to the heating boiler.
A Wi-Fi router must be installed in the house, and a special control program must be installed on the phone or tablet. All of the above devices and software solutions are included in the delivery set, with the exception of the additional Salus IT300 sensor, which allows you to expand the capabilities of the thermostat to control 2 heating circuits. After installing the IT500 thermostat and the application, you can remotely control the heating boiler, increase or decrease the temperature in the house, turn on or off various heating programs, prepare hot water for your arrival, remotely monitor the operation of the heating system in your home and much more.
And again, the most important thing is real savings in money spent on heating.

Some features of Salus IT 500:

  • You can exercise control remote control home heating and hot water system via the Internet!
  • Special software for PC and smartphone makes them convenient tool for control from anywhere where there is access to the global Internet
  • Wireless boiler control (868 Hz) makes connection extremely simple without the use of electrical wiring.
  • Possibility of using 3 configuration options:
    a) Heating only
    b) Heating in two zones (additionally requires iT 300 remote temperature sensor for the second zone)
    c) Heating + hot water control (DHW)

How does Salus iT500 work?

  1. A receiver is connected to the boiler to regulate its operation.
  2. The receiver and thermostat located in the room are connected using a Wi-Fi connection.
  3. The thermostat analyzes the current temperature in the house and makes a decision to control the boiler in accordance with the selected program and schedule.
  4. Temperature data is sent to the SALUS server in real time (99.99% uptime) so that you are always in control and can change the temperature as you wish. Using the program installed on your smartphone, you can always control or change the heating modes in your home from anywhere in the world.

Standard Series Thermostat Salus R300

Simple daily electronic thermostat with LCD display. Allows you to regulate the temperature in the room by controlling the operation of the boiler, pump or heating radiators. It works on the "ON-OFF" principle and is suitable for most boiler models presented on the Russian market.
The Salus RT 300 thermostat has “weekend”, “switch on an hour before” functions, an automatic light saving controller and an anti-freeze function. Modern and stylish design It certainly won’t spoil your interior.

WITH detailed information You can find out about other models of Salus thermostats, as well as their prices.

Some models of heating boilers are equipped with electronic circuits necessary to expand functionality and more convenient control of the microclimate in the house. The equipment turns out to be complex, but with a pleasing abundance of service capabilities - from automatic temperature control in circuits to control of external auxiliary units. An undeniable advantage is the ability to connect additional control modules. For example, a thermostat for a heating boiler will maintain the set temperature and provide convenient heating control.

What are room thermostats for?

Owners of simple heating boilers do not have to think about the convenience of climate control in the house. Most often, all adjustments on such boilers come down to one simple knob for selecting the degree of heating of the coolant - a simple scale with numbers from 0 to 9 is used here. autumn cold the equipment operates on one or two, and in severe frosts users set the knob to higher numbers.

Thus, the simplest thermostat is used here, focusing on the temperature of the coolant in the system. The required heating level is set manually, and then a simple thermoelement based on a bimetallic plate begins to work in the boiler - it turns on the ignition and supplies gas to the burner. This scheme is used in many simple models.

More advanced boilers regulate the temperature and degree of heating of the premises as follows:

Models with a remote sensor will regulate the temperature of exactly the place where the sensor itself is installed.

  • By electronic sensor for monitoring the temperature of the coolant in the heating system;
  • By remote air temperature sensor;
  • By air temperature outside the premises;
  • According to the sensor located in the remote room thermostat.

Weather-dependent sensors are used extremely rarely by consumers - people are accustomed to relying on their own feelings. Therefore, they choose to control the coolant temperature or control the internal air temperature.

A remote thermostat for a boiler is an external control module installed at any point in a household or apartment. It includes a room temperature sensor and controls. The main function of this miniature device is to monitor the set temperature based on the readings of the thermocouple. As the temperature drops, the regulator sends the command to turn on the heating to the boiler, and after reaching the set value, turns off the burner.

Thermostats for heating boilers also have additional functionality:

  • Adjusting the temperature in the hot water circuit is not the most necessary regulator, but some models have it;
  • Setting day and night temperature conditions - the equipment itself will lower the night temperature to the set point;
  • Heating control according to a given program - the thermostat will turn the boiler burner on and off, based on pre-entered data. For example, we can program equipment a week in advance;
  • Control of external equipment - indirect heating boilers, solar collectors and much more.

Thanks to their remote design, thermostats provide convenience for controlling the operation of a heating boiler, which can be located in any remote room - a kitchen, bathroom or basement.

The functionality of thermostats varies widely. The simplest modifications consist of a single adjustment knob with a mechanical scale. More complex devices are equipped with several regulators and electronic displays that display various data. Accordingly, the prices for such devices are higher - they are more advanced, giving users many service functions.

How thermostats for heating boilers work

The thermostat for a gas boiler is a full-fledged remote control panel. Judge for yourself - if the boiler is hanging in the kitchen, then in order to reduce the heating temperature, you will have to get up from the sofa and visit the kitchen area. If the room had a thermostat installed, all you had to do was turn the knob or press the temperature decrease button. The worst thing is if the heating equipment is installed in a hard-to-reach place - in this case, you simply cannot do without a remote control panel.

Programmable thermostats can set different temperature settings for day and night.

The basis of any thermostat for a heating boiler is a temperature sensor. It analyzes the air temperature in heated rooms, controlling the operation of the burner and other components. By setting the knob or buttons to +22 degrees, you can leave the equipment alone - it will ensure that the desired temperature is achieved. Whatever the outside temperature, the indoor temperature will remain at the same level.

A programmable room thermostat is more complicated - here we can set a specific heating operating program. For example, in the daytime we set +23 degrees, and at night we set +20 degrees (at low temperature your sleep will be stronger and healthier). We can also set the temperature in the hot water supply circuit or adjust the degree of heating of underfloor heating.

A more complex and advanced room thermostat for a gas boiler will be able to work with several heating circuits at once, providing separate temperature control.

Pros and cons of room thermostats

A thermostat for a heating boiler is just a convenient addition that provides temperature control and control of various service functions. This device is not a mandatory component of the heating system; in some cases you can do without it. A room temperature regulator is convenient in large households and multi-room apartments, when the boiler may be located too far away - in this case the temperature can be adjusted, for example, from the living room.

Let's look at all the advantages of a thermostat for a heating boiler:

Once you set up such a device, you can enjoy a comfortable temperature in your home for a long time.

  • Ensures compliance with the specified temperature regime - you can create a comfortable environment in your apartment or house without additional effort;
  • Automation of the heating system - the programming function is responsible for this;
  • The use of a thermostat will reduce the gas consumption of the heating boiler - thereby achieving savings on utility bills.

Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks:

  • Wired room regulator for a gas boiler it requires laying a cable - this is easier to do at the stage of building a house than to lay it on top of the repairs made;
  • Cost of equipment – ​​advanced thermostats are quite expensive. Otherwise, you will have to do without additional functions.

The shortcomings are not the worst, so you can put up with them. After all, you have to pay for convenience.

Main types of thermostats

A room thermostat for a heating boiler is a necessary and convenient thing. But there are so many of these thermostats on sale that it’s dizzying. Let's see how these devices differ from each other and what are the features of their operation in heating systems. First, let's discuss the division into electronic and mechanical models - by the way, the latter are noticeably cheaper, but inferior in functionality.

Mechanical models are simple and reliable.

A mechanical thermostat for a heating boiler is a temperature controller with the simplest internal device. Inside we will find a simple thermocouple based on a bimetallic strip (sometimes other types of sensors are used) that controls dry electrical contacts. The corresponding regulator is responsible for setting the temperature. Thanks to its simple design, the equipment is inexpensive. But there is no automation here.

Please note that the thermostat for the heating boiler and the room mechanical thermostat for the heating boiler are two different devices - the first is an internal unit of the heating equipment.

An electronic thermostat for a heating boiler is a more advanced device. Temperature control in it is provided by a precise electronic sensor that records temperature changes with an accuracy of tenths of a degree. The simplest modifications have a minimum set of functions - monitoring the operation of the heating circuit. More advanced models will delight you with powerful functionality:

  • Control of the hot water supply circuit;
  • Work according to the program;
  • Working with heated floors;
  • Date and time display;
  • Day and night heating operating modes;
  • Night lighting and much more.

The majority of thermostats for heating boilers on sale are represented by electronic models - “mechanical” ones are much less common in stores.

Wireless thermostats are very easy to install as they do not require cables.

Thermostats for heating boilers are divided into wired and wireless. Wired models have a more affordable price. The thermostat is connected to the boiler using a two-wire cable - it is laid under the plaster or placed in baseboards or cable channels. The optimal cross-section of each conductor is 0.75 square meters. mm.

A wireless thermostat is a more interesting thing, since it does not require wiring. The range of this device is up to 100 meters in line of sight. In real conditions, it falls 1.5-2 times due to the walls. The signal is worst in apartments where the walls are made of reinforced concrete. But there is no need to lay a connecting cable, which is important for buildings where repairs have already been made.

Popular models

A typical representative of the mechanical category is the Zilon ZA-1 thermostat. This is the simplest model with a relay output, designed to work with equipment that supports “mechanical” connections. The temperature sensor response range is from +10 to +30 degrees.

This model uses a gas-filled sensor that controls dry electrical contacts. The thermostat is not recommended for installation in rooms with high humidity.

Protherm Exacontrol

A room thermostat for a gas boiler called Protherm Exacontrol is designed to work with heating equipment from the brand of the same name. But it can work with any other boilers. It regulates the temperature in the range from +5 to +35 degrees, and only in the heating circuit. For ease of operation, the device is equipped with a liquid crystal display. The thermostat was created for those who do not need unnecessary functionality.

Among the wireless room thermostats for heating boilers, we can highlight the SALUS Controls VS20WRF model. This is a multifunctional device that can control servos. It provides temperature control in the range from +5 to +35 degrees, can work according to one of the programs stored in the memory, and supports the connection of remote sensors. To control the current operating mode, the device is equipped with a large liquid crystal display.

How to install a thermostat

You can buy a suitable thermostat at any store that sells heating equipment. They are represented by hundreds of modifications, both simple and more advanced. After selection and purchase suitable model you can start installation. Next, we will tell you how to connect the thermostat to the boiler - there is nothing complicated about it.

Correct installation of the thermostat in a living room.

In order to install a thermostat on the boiler, you need to decide on its installation location. The device should not be exposed to direct sunlight, it should not be located in a draft area. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no heating devices nearby - otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the required temperature. A two-wire cable is laid from the thermostat to the heating boiler.