How to make a closed ecosystem. Terrarium in a jar. Closed ecosystem for your eyes

Humanity is the most influential species living on planet Earth. He demonstrates his superiority by unceremoniously interfering in various natural processes and into the lives of their less developed neighbors. However, despite the rapid development, there are things that we are unlikely to ever be able to put significant pressure on.

Changing our biosphere, the possibility of existence in outer space or on another planet - these areas of research will become decisive for our descendants. One of the most possible solutions The stated objectives include the creation of a closed ecological system. Developers in many countries are working on this task, overcoming great difficulties in realizing a self-sufficient world.

People began to create ecological systems long ago. Sown fields, parks, artificial reservoirs - all this is designed to bring some benefit. We recreate the conditions that allow us to support the vital activity of individual living organisms and their habitats. They interact with each other under our influence. However, besides us, the ecological system of planet Earth also affects such formations. It is disproportionately higher on the hierarchical ladder, globally influencing its man-made copies.

The goal is scientific experiments is to study changes in the Earth’s ecological system itself or the possibility of creating such an independent natural complex. This means that the task has been set - to build a closed, autonomously functioning project, with its own set of living organisms and habitat. Work in this direction is being carried out quite intensively. Their scale and success are varied, but scientists do not stop trying to feel themselves in the role of the Creator.

Project "Eden"

The Eden Project is the largest greenhouse on our planet. Conceived by Sir Tim Smith, it opened to the public in March 2001. It took 2.5 years and a lot of intellectual resources to build it. The location chosen was Cornwall, UK.

"Eden" consists of two buildings formed by geodesic domes, which represent a spherical architectural structure. The dome consists of a set of hexagons and pentagons, which form the frame of a huge greenhouse. The main materials used by the builders were tubular steel and special thermoplastic. This coating allows sunlight to pass through and accumulates heat, and is also less dangerous than stained glass windows.

Inside the domes, the developers recreated a set of biomes - sets of ecological systems that correspond to certain natural and climatic zones. Each such object contains a unique set of living organisms and vegetation. Visitors are offered a journey through several climatic zones within one building. The volume of cognitive and developmental information is difficult to overestimate. In total, “Eden” features three biomes, each of which is widely filled with characteristic representatives. The largest ecosystem represents the equatorial latitudes. It occupies more than 1.5 hectares and reaches a height of 55 meters. Supported internally temperature regime and humidity. Mediterranean species are more modestly represented. Their biome occupies just over 0.6 hectares, but in addition to the ecological system, it stands out for its sculptural design. In the open air there is a biome responsible for representatives of temperate climates.

Of course, the Eden project cannot be called a full-fledged independent closed ecosystem. The work of the greenhouse is constantly adjusted by special computer software and scientific staff. In addition, the materials from which the shell of the domes is created have rather short shelf life, which makes the Eden project quite vulnerable.

BIOS project

Scientists from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Biophysics have approached the isolation and autonomy of an artificial ecological system in more detail. Their series of BIOS research programs have yielded good results. Launched in 1964, BIOS-1 and BIOS-2 used two- and three-tier human support systems. Initially, the main component of the complex was supposed to be chlorella algae. They successfully converted carbon dioxide into oxygen, but turned out to be unsuitable for food. Krasnoyarsk scientists introduced the third element - higher plants. In 1968, such a three-part system was tested, showing promising performance. The experimental environment was able to achieve 85% of the water resource reuse threshold.

Based on previous developments, researchers launched the BIOS-3 project in 1972. The research base was a sealed room, the volume of which was 315 square meters. It was divided into four compartments: two were intended for growing plants in artificial conditions, one was occupied by microalgae cultivators, and the last served as a living space. Ten population experiments were conducted, each involving three people. Engineer Nikolai Bugreev was in BIOS-3 for about 13 months.

This scientific company has achieved unprecedented results. Complete autonomy in terms of water content and gas exchange was achieved. Self-sufficiency of food for the experiment participants reached 80%.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, work on BIOS-3 was suspended. Only in 2005, activities to create closed ecosystems were resumed in Krasnoyarsk.


In the early 1990s, the largest attempt to create a livable, off-grid environment was undertaken in the Arizona desert. The Biosphere-2 project is a hermetically sealed laboratory complex spread over 1.5 hectares. The experimental structure includes 7 compartments with individual climatic conditions. It has its own ocean, desert, and tropical forest. All blocks are inhabited by corresponding species of flora and fauna. The shell of Biosphere-2 transmits up to 50% of the sun's rays, and gas exchange with the external environment is reduced to the possible minimum.

The primary task of the Biosphere-2 project was to test the possibility of human existence in the created conditions. The results were not particularly encouraging. Scientists and experiment participants faced many problems and shortcomings. Eight people were placed in the environment of a huge laboratory. However, they soon encountered oxygen starvation. Air oxygen saturation dropped from 21% to 15%. One of the most likely reasons was the activity of soil organisms. One way or another, the precious gas had to be pumped up additionally.

Later it turned out that the size of the ecosystem is not able to provide residents with food in full. A decision was made to additionally seed the areas. The most serious problem has become the mass reproduction of insect pests. Scientists also did not take into account the influence of wind on strengthening the structure of plants. Without it natural phenomenon the trees became fragile, having no chance of full growth. The experiment on human settlement in Biosphere 2 raised many questions and criticism. The next research approach did without the presence of people inside the laboratory. And in 2005, the project was put up for sale without achieving its goals.

Hello, Habr!

I recently came across an interesting article on the Internet, from a gardening point of view, about an Englishman who 53 years ago planted Tradescantia in a jar. He sealed the bottle and, after watering it 40 years ago, never opened it again. The idea came to him out of curiosity. To this day, the plant lives, grows and absorbs oxygen. Tradescantia has formed an ecosystem: photosynthesis produces oxygen, the air inside the vessel is humidified and moisture falls out, fallen leaves rot, releasing CO 2 . But photosynthesis also requires light, so the bottle must be constantly moved towards the window and turned around so that the leaves grow evenly. I added some electronics for a houseplant and this is what came out of it.

Stage One
As already mentioned, the most important thing in the process of photosynthesis is light. But not just anyone!

For plants, the most important colors are blue-green and yellow-red. The wavelengths are respectively from 440 to 550 nm and from 600 to 650 nm. I went to the store and bought 4 red, 2 blue and 2 green LEDs (read on Radiocat). Next, I placed them under the lid of the jar, securing them to cardboard, and connected them in parallel (2 red, 1 blue and 1 green).
Because LEDs different colors The lights have different supply voltages, I installed resistors.
I made a hole in the lid for the wires and secured the cardboard with the LEDs under the lid, after inserting the wires into the hole. For greater isolation from the outside world, the hole can be sealed.

Revision of the lighting module dated 07/01/13.
The module was specially coated with a thick layer of Tsaponlak to prevent corrosion of the element pins and copper on the board.

Stage Two
I have already done the main thing, i.e. the backlight, so I’m moving on to useful additions.
1. To ensure that the light only comes on when the plant is in the shade, you need to add a photocell.
Connection diagram:

To make the pot completely smart, let's connect an Arduino to it. Analog InPut in the diagram - any analog input on the Arduino. We will attach LEDs to the PWM (or PWM) output, the brightness of which will change depending on the illumination of the photoresistor. But first, let’s find out what values ​​the voltage divider will produce.


int sensor =0; // connect the divider to the analog input of Arduino A0 void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); ) void loop() ( Serial.println(analogRead(sensor)); delay(1000); // Sends values ​​from the divider once every give me a sec )

In my circuit I used a photoresistor from the ZNATOK electronic designer kit. It has a shadow resistance of 120 kOhm. Resistor R1 is calculated using the formula: R 1 =V in *R 2:V out -R 2 ; V in in the diagram is +5V, V out is “to the analog input of the Arduino” (I hope everyone remembers the order of actions: first, the first-degree operations are multiplication and division, and then the second is addition and subtraction). Also, remember that the resistance of the photoresistor can vary nonlinear.
The minimum lighting value from my divider is about 100 (let's call them conventional units), the maximum is about 755 cu.
Knowing these values, you can write a program for the Arduino controller.


int sensor = 0; // Potentiometer to A0 int ledPin = 9; //LEDs to output 9 void setup () ( analogReference(DEFAULT); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); //Serial.begin(9600); Uncomment this line to display the current //illuminance in units in the Port Monitor. ) void loop() ( int val = analogRead(sensor); val = constrain(val, 130, 755); // Set the illumination values. // If< 130, то превращаем в 130, если >755, then set it to 755. int ledLevel = map(val, 130, 755, 0, 255); //Convert the values ​​of illumination and cu. //to 8-bit values ​​for PWM. analogWrite(ledPin, ledLevel); // Serial.println(analogRead(ledLevel)); Uncomment this line to display the current //illuminance in units. in the Port Monitor. )

Also, please note that the maximum current through the Arduino's digital I/O should not exceed 40mA.

2. Instead of a digital method for determining the light level, you can use an analog one. By adding a zener diode and a transistor to the divider, we get everything the same as with the processor, only in a smaller volume. Scheme:

Zener diode D1 - any power at 3.6 V. Transistor T1 - any NPN.

P.S. It would look much better if the wires weren't sticking out. The design itself will be more technologically advanced if you put a coil at the bottom of the can and power the backlight wirelessly (following the example of wireless charging for phones).

The photo below shows the first experimental jar. The plant was planted in it on 06/01/13.

Subsequently, it was decided to abandon this can, because... the plant did not have enough space in it to grow (also, the steel lid, with a high degree of probability, will rust after 40 years of use :)).

Instead of a small liter jar, the plants were planted in large - 3-liter containers. The lid was also replaced - with a polyethylene one.
P.S.S. Landing date: 06/30/2013 (a jar was opened on 07/01/13 to replace the lighting module).
Photo 1: 07/10/13

Photo 2: 07.17.13. The photo below shows how vegetation began to appear on the walls. This indicates that the simplest plant species also thrive in the system.

Photo 3: 09/02/13

Also, for the experiment, in a jar with money tree a tangerine seed was planted (not previously kept in damp gauze, etc.). As you can see in the photo above, it has now sprouted.
As experimental data accumulates, information will be posted here.

If anyone wants to make a bright visual aid for themselves and their children about sea life and environment, we will have to start creating a self-sustaining aquatic ecosystem. It will function independently without any external intervention. In addition, this is a stunning decorative element that will decorate any room.

Shrimp feed on algae, which in turn use shrimp waste products as food. The water for the project is best taken from a pond or river, as it contains enough algae and other beneficial microorganisms. The ecosystem will function better with a vent. This will ensure gas exchange with the external environment. With proper ventilation, the ecosystem can function for ten years or even longer!

Step 1. Gathering the necessary materials.

Glass jar with anti-corrosion cover;
- pebbles or sand for an aquarium;
- fresh water from the pond;
- plants for breeding and sheltering shrimp.
shrimp and/or snails, good choice There will be species such as Ghost Shrimp, Cherry Shrimp and Japanese Algae-eater.
Advice. If pond water is not available, then regular tap water can be used instead, but a jar of water must be prepared at least a day in advance so that the water purifies itself. For nutrition, shrimp need either algae from pond water or a special algae base before the plants produce it themselves.

Step 2: Drill a hole in the lid of the jar for better ventilation

You need to be careful, drilling into glass can be very dangerous. Use a special glass drill and glasses to protect your eyes.

Step 3: Washing the jar

Step 4. Bottom of the jar

Place 5 cm of pebbles, sand or gravel at the bottom of the jar. The thickness of the soil layer should be sufficient to plant plants in it.

Step 5: Fill the jar with water

Collect fresh water from a pond or river.

Step 6. Water in a jar

Fill the jar halfway with water.
Advice. If there is no water from a pond or river, then use filtered water or regular tap water. However, in this case, place 1 or 2 special “pads” of algae base on the bottom of the jar, which can be purchased at any pet store. The number of bases depends on the size of the jar. Keep the jar open for 24 hours to allow all the chlorine to evaporate.

Step 7. Immerse the bag of shrimp and/or snails in the jar for 15-30 minutes

This will allow the temperature in the bag to adjust to the temperature of the water in the jar, minimizing the stress on the shrimp caused by sudden changes in temperature.

Step 8. Planting plants in the ground

Step 9: Place the Shrimp in the Jar

Using a net, remove the shrimp from the bag and carefully place them in the jar.

Step 10: Filling the Jar with Water

Fill the jar with pond water, leaving it about 2 cm short of the top.

Do not leave too much air space in the jar as this will cause white deposits to form on the inside walls of the jar.

Step 11: Enjoy the Ecosystem!

Keep the jar in the house at room temperature and the ecosystem will exist for several years.
Advice. Avoid exposing the jar to direct sunlight, which can cause excessive algae growth. There is no need to feed the shrimp at all, as they feed on algae. If you keep the jar out of direct sunlight, you won’t have to add water to it.
If there is excessive algae growth, add another shrimp or snails to the jar. Over time, the ecosystem will reach a balanced state in which waste from one organism can be used as food for another. This is a great way to show kids how the larger ecosystem recycles nutrients. Plants convert the carbon dioxide we exhale into oxygen, and bacteria turn waste into nutritious soil for plants. Humans and animals, in turn, breathe oxygen and eat plants, and these nutrients are absorbed into the tissues.
For those for whom the volume of the jar is not enough, we suggest having an aquarium, and the larger the better. It will allow you to engage in amazing art whose beauty will simply take your breath away.

Joseph Gitelzon, Andrey Degermendzhi, Alexander Tikhomirov

“The Institute of Biophysics SB RAS has created a unique biological and technical human life support system - BIOS-3. Experiments carried out on it showed: a crew of 2-3 testers, in autonomous mode, due to a closed cycle, can 100% meet their needs for water and air, and more than 50% for food, for 4-6 months.

Such high results have not yet been achieved on systems of the same purpose created in other countries of the world. Currently, BIOS-3 is being reconstructed taking into account international standards; long-term experiments are planned to simulate cycling processes to ensure autonomous human existence on lunar and Martian space stations.

What is a closed ecosystem?

In closed ecological systems (ZES), the cycle of nutrients is organized in such a way that substances used at a certain speed by some links of these systems are regenerated at the same average speed from the final products of their metabolism to their original state by other links, and then are used again in the same biological processes. cycles.

The most striking representative of natural ZES is the Earth’s biosphere itself: in it, due to the cycle of substances, the existence of life, including humanity, is supported. Ideally, these systems can exist indefinitely.

In artificial ZES, designers strive to implement the cycle of mass transfer processes with a minimum amount of waste, i.e. substances accumulating in the system in the form of unused ballast. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the circulation of mass transfer flows between at least two types of links - synthesizers of substances and their destructors. The work of the former is most often based on photosynthesis. Therefore, they are called phototrophic, and they consist of either lower plants(usually microalgae), or from higher ones. The latter (destructors) oxidize the substances obtained during the process of photosynthesis and the products of their vital activity down to components (ideally to CO 2, H 2 O and mineral compounds) again used by phototrophs.

The most important heterotrophic link in the closed ecosystems we are considering is humans. It is he who forms the requirements for the work of all other links and essentially sets the intensity of the cycle in order to meet its needs for oxygen, water and food. For ZES with the participation of people, this also means the inclusion of their waste products, plant waste and a number of other substances in the cycle. Let us note that such an ecosystem with a phototrophic link consisting of higher plants has a greater closed cycle processes than algae, because the latter are practically inedible and their biomass accumulates in the form of waste. And further. ZES with a person can exist autonomously for quite a long time. This property is in demand primarily for space purposes.

Exterior view of a hermetic cabin with a volume of 12 cubic meters with a person in BIOS-1

Therefore, it is not surprising that the sharp increase in relevant scientific research is associated with the “space boom” of the 50-60s of the twentieth century, when the exploration of the Moon and Mars seemed to be a matter of the near future.

Pioneer experiments

The world's first truly operating closed life support systems were created in the USSR in the first half of the 1960s. The main research then took place in Moscow - at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine of the Ministry of Defense, and later at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health (now Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and in Krasnoyarsk - first in the department of biophysics of the Institute of Physics (IF) SB USSR Academy of Sciences, and then at the Institute of Biophysics (IBP) SB RAS. Historically, the search in the IBMP was initially focused on life support systems for spacecraft and orbital stations, where preference was given to the use of physical and chemical processes, and in the IBP, on closed ecosystems for long-term planetary stations, where the dominant role in the cycle of substances should play biological methods. Let us emphasize: using the first approach it is impossible to create a complete cycle, since the ways of artificial synthesis of complete nutrients necessary for human nutrition are unknown. The second one is free from these shortcomings. Life support systems based on it are autonomous and, therefore, more independent of the duration of missions in deep space exploration.

Layout of BIOS-3: 1 – living quarters: three cabins for the crew, a sanitary and hygienic module, a kitchen-dining room; 2 – phytotrons with higher plants: two with sowing areas of 20 m2 in each; 3 – algae cultivator: three photobioreactors with a volume of 20 l each for cultivation Chlorella vulgaris.

Of course, biological ZES allow the use of elements of physical chemistry in them, but only as complementary technologies that help increase the speed and degree of closure of mass transfer flows. Systems where such integration of biological and physicochemical methods is assumed are called biological-technical ZES. These are exactly what are created at the IBF.

The start of work on the construction of the ZES for space purposes at the IBF (in those years the department of biophysics of the Institute of Physics SB AS USSR) was a meeting in the early 1960s between the Director of the Institute of Physics Leonid Kirensky (academician since 1968) and the General Designer of Rocket Systems Sergei Korolev ( academician since 1958). Leonid Vasilievich’s proposal to create a closed ecosystem in Krasnoyarsk that can exist autonomously long time due to the internal circulation of matter, Sergei Pavlovich was very interested. A series of meetings took place in which the founders of this new direction of biophysics, Ivan Terskov (academician since 1981) and one of the authors of this article, Joseph Gitelzon (academician since 1990), took part - they gave a detailed scientific justification for the feasibility and reality of carrying out such work. Korolev set a clear task: within a few years, on the basis of the Department of Biophysics of the Institute of Philosophy of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, to create an ecosystem with a closed circulation of matter, capable of autonomously ensuring long-term human stay in a sealed space under conditions approaching those on Earth. Then the state allocated sufficient funds to attract specialists and purchase the necessary equipment.

The implementation of this task can be divided into three stages. At first (1964-1966) it was implemented biological system BIOS-1, which included two main units: a sealed cabin with a volume of 12 m3 with a person and a special cultivator with a volume of 20 l for growing chlorella microalgae. Based on the results of seven experiments lasting from 12 hours to 90 days, it was possible to achieve an important result - a complete closed gas cycle (the exhaled air was purified from carbon dioxide, impurities, enriched with oxygen produced by chlorella) and water (including regeneration of drinking water, for cooking and hygienic needs).

Then, in 1966, BIOS-1 was upgraded to BIOS-2 by connecting to it an 8.5 m chamber with higher plants - a set of plants was grown here vegetable crops. They increased the closedness of mass transfer processes in the system due to partial involvement of plant foods included in the human diet into the cycle. In addition, higher plants, like Chlorella, participated in the regeneration of the atmosphere for people to breathe. This made it possible to reduce the biomass of chlorella necessary to maintain life activity, and thereby increase the degree of closedness of mass transfer processes. And since an additional volume of oxygen was produced due to photosynthesis of higher plants, it was possible to conduct experiments with a crew of two testers (the longest of them lasted 30 and 73 days). Work in BIOS-2 continued until 1970. Based on their results, for the first time in the world, the possibility of long-term functioning of the artificial ecosystem “human-microalgae-higher plants” was proven.

At the beginning of 1972, the Krasnoyarsk IBF created BIOS-3, a fundamentally new artificial ecosystem. Unlike the previous ones, it acquired completely different design and functional characteristics. The installation with a total volume of 300 m contained 4 compartments same sizes: a residential module with individual cabins for three testers and three compartments with plants for food reproduction and atmosphere and water regeneration.

In BIOS-3, long-term (several months) experiments were carried out both according to the previously tested “man-chlorella-higher plants” scheme, and according to a completely new one – “man-higher plants”. For the first time in the world, it was possible to create a complete plant diet for testers due to a set of plants grown in the system itself, thanks to which the degree of its closedness in mass transfer was raised to 75%. And in the end, of all the artificial biological ecosystems both in our country and abroad, only BIOS-3 made it possible to autonomously ensure the life of a crew of 2-3 people for 4-6 months due to a closed water and gas cycle of almost 100 %, for food - more than 50%. As already mentioned, to this day this result remains unsurpassed. [Here, as in many other things, the USSR was ahead of the USA, see about their ZES "Biosphere-2"]

It is also important that the path from BIOS-1 to BIOS-3 was completed in a fantastically short period of time - in about 7 (!) years.

The birth of new technologies

The creation of BIOS-3 is associated with a whole galaxy of outstanding scientists. First of all, here we should once again mention Leonid Kirensky, who interested Sergei Korolev in carrying out these surveys in Krasnoyarsk and organized their implementation. Our employee, Doctor of Biological Sciences Boris Kovrov, played an extremely important role in the technical implementation of the system. He had the ability to make quick and, more importantly, optimal design decisions. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​transferring system maintenance modes “internally”, i.e. to the testers themselves. In this respect, BIOS-3 compares favorably with all foreign artificial ZES. During the experiments, medical research into the human condition was constantly conducted on it. Moreover, the work took place with the active participation of IBMP employees under the leadership of Academician Oleg Gazenko, and direct supervision was carried out by Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Okladnikov. It should be noted that during the entire period of the BIOS-3 experiments (which lasted a total of about 11 months) there was not a single case of problems with the health of the test crew.

The most important breakthrough technology was the inclusion of higher plants in the cycle, which became the basis for providing humans with oxygen, food and water. Its author, Doctor of Biological Sciences Heinrich Lisovsky, substantiated and practically implemented the idea of ​​​​selecting higher plants and then completely replacing them with the inedible algae chlorella. Especially for a closed ecosystem, the scientist developed new variety short-stem wheat, in which about 50% of the total biomass was grain.

Let us also add that work on BIOS-3 sharply accelerated the emergence of new technologies. In particular, it was possible to scientifically substantiate the choice of energy and spectral characteristics of visible radiation for the phototrophic link of human life support systems, determine the place of white light in illuminating plant communities both in nature and in artificial conditions, and formulate the concept of light control of the production process in plants, taking into account various levels organization of the photosynthetic apparatus.

In particular, cultivation regimes have been proposed various types plants on the lunar station. It was assumed that if a bioregenerative life support system operates there, then in order to grow plants in it (we repeat, a source of food and oxygen), it is necessary to “teach” them to grow under lunar day conditions, i.e. There is continuous light for about 14 Earth days and night for about the same amount. This unusual problem was solved by Lisovsky and his colleagues. They found such environmental parameters under which it was possible to grow plants that were acceptable both in terms of edible biomass and biochemical composition. This allows us to consider it possible to use the energy of the Sun to build bioregenerative life support systems on the Moon.

Today's day

Currently, our institute is simultaneously solving two key tasks: the technical modernization of the BIOS-3 system and the development of the scientific foundations of technologies to increase the degree of closed loop processes. Their implementation is supported by a series of grants from the SB RAS, and a number of contracts with the European Space Agency. The internal resources of the IBF are also used.

We attach exceptional importance to the second of these areas. Among the results already achieved is the utilization of inedible plant biomass. To involve it in the intrasystem circulation, we are developing a technology for biological oxidation using a soil-like substrate. It is a product of processing wheat straw by worms and microflora, which at the same time serves as a root layer for plants. In addition, the microflora of the substrate inhibits pathogenic microorganisms in the root zone of plants, which helps protect them from rot.

Another result - environmentally friendly technology of engagement table salt into intrasystem mass transfer. As is known, NaCl is contained, in particular, in human liquid secretions, but its concentration in them can be lethal for plants. Therefore, the inclusion of this compound in the biological cycle required the use of a physicochemical method of mineralization of liquid secretions. The idea is this: into a variable electric field An aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is placed, from the molecules of which atomic oxygen, which is a strong oxidizing agent, is split off.

Appearance of a small artificial ecosystem: 1 – irradiator with a high-intensity light source; 2 – phototrophic link (higher plants) inside a sealed chamber; 3 – manipulators for working inside the chamber without breaking its tightness; 4 – soil block with soil-like substrate; 5 – instrument rack for control
and automatic maintenance of environmental parameters inside the chamber; 6 – wall of a sealed chamber made of stainless steel.

In such an environment, it reduces plant and animal waste to mineral components, after which they are used by plants as fertilizers. This physico-chemical method is environmentally friendly and relatively low-energy. The starting product for the production of hydrogen peroxide is water; in bioregenerative ZES it is not in short supply, i.e. virtually all the initial products required to support the launch technological process, are easily included in the cycle. It is important that, unlike traditionally used in life support systems spacecraft physical and chemical processes, this takes place at temperatures up to 100 0 C and normal pressure.

True, the mineralized solution obtained in this way contains a concentration of NaCl that is unacceptable for the main species of higher plants. Therefore, it should initially be used for growing human-edible saltwort ( Salicornia europaea) – annual plant of the amaranth family, capable of growing on media with a high content of table salt and accumulating it up to 50% of its dry weight. Then the concentration of NaCl in nutrient solution drops to values ​​acceptable for its subsequent use in the cultivation of other plant species.

A fundamental solution to the problem of involving human liquid secretions in the cycle opens up the possibility of completely eliminating dead-end, i.e. substances unacceptable for further use in the ZES associated with its exometabolites (metabolic products released into the external environment), their inclusion in the intrasystem circulation. In this regard, the IBP has proposed a set of appropriate technologies. The fact is that the issue with solid human exometabolites is much simpler to solve: they do not contain NaCl and their involvement in mass transfer after sterilization does not present any particular difficulties.

Prospects for tomorrow

The formation of closed ecosystems has two clearly defined application prospects: space-oriented and terrestrial applications. The first is related to the development of physical models of stable circulation processes for stationary lunar and Martian bases. The composition of the systems, their specific functions and main design characteristics are determined primarily by the type of a particular planetary station, its tasks, duration of existence, number of crew members, weight and energy restrictions, as well as a number of other requirements (medical, operational, etc.) .

In the literature you can find various options life support systems based both on reserves and physical and chemical methods of regeneration of the atmosphere and water, and on the introduction into the chain of corresponding biological links (microalgae, higher plants, fish, etc.). The experience accumulated at IBP allows us to focus on the implementation of an integrated biological-physical-chemical life support system with the dominant role of the first component. When deploying a planetary bioregenerative solar system (using the example of a hypothetical Mars mission), the regeneration of the station’s atmosphere, built only on higher plants, will suffer significant drawback– great inertia associated with the long cycle of their development. Stationary operation of such a system is possible only several months after the start of the launch: for example, the full provision of water and oxygen to the crew is realistic after 2 months, and the plant part of the diet - after 3–4 months. And during this time, only the mentioned algae cultivator will be able to provide the crew with water and oxygen: with a productivity of 600 g/day of dry matter, it will completely solve the problem of normalizing the air environment for humans.

Of course, in parallel with the launch of the latter, it is necessary to “turn on” the conveyor of higher plants. As it forms, the load on the algae conveyor will decrease to such an extent that the latter can be stopped. Thus, during the deployment of a bioregenerative ZES at a planetary station, it is advisable to switch to a functioning scheme based only on higher plants that provide humans with oxygen and plant food.

As for terrestrial applications of ZES, they are possible in a wide variety of industries. Thus, lighting technologies specially developed for ZES can become the basis for the creation of energy-saving lamps with physiologically based spectral and energy characteristics. These light sources are applicable, in particular, for obtaining environmentally friendly plant products in regions with unfavorable natural conditions. Houses that will use such closed-cycle technologies can provide people with an autonomous existence for a long time (for example, during periods of severe frost and bad weather in northern regions, in hard-to-reach mountainous areas) with partial closure in the reproduction of plant food, disinfection and waste disposal, as well as atmospheric regeneration. Calculations show that energy consumption eco-friendly home even lower than usual.

Another terrestrial application is a model of circulation in the biosphere. Currently, there is extensive debate in the scientific community about possible climate changes on our planet. However, there is still no sufficient understanding of their causes and mechanisms. Modeling will bring closer the answers to many questions, consisting in attention to the most basic, fundamental for the functioning of the system (in in this case biosphere) parameters. Such approaches are testable not only at the biosphere level, but also on so-called “biosphere-like” systems. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to develop simulation models with a fundamentally new understanding of global biosphere processes.

True, in this regard, it is necessary to create simplified biosphere-like artificial ecosystems with a high degree of closedness of the cycle of substances and a relatively small exchange mass, which also have a certain representativeness in relation to natural biotas.

They are already being developed at the IBP; they can be an effective tool for modeling biosphere processes, including studies of their resistance to anthropogenic factors. In such a system, under artificial light under sealed conditions, a circular process is maintained between two main links: photosynthetic (higher plants) and heterotrophic (soil-like substrate). The gas composition of the environment, temperature and humidity are maintained automatically. Creating various factors impact on the system (changes in temperature, CO 2 concentration, etc.), you can evaluate its response and test certain climate change scenarios.


See: O. Gazenko, A. Grigoriev, A. Egorov. Space medicine: yesterday, today, tomorrow. – Science in Russia, 2006, No. 3,4; A. Grigoriev, B. Morukov. Mars is getting closer. – Science in Russia, 2011, No. 1 (editor’s note).

See: E. Galimov. Perspectives on planetary science. – Science in Russia, 2004, No. 6; K. Trukhanov, N. Krivova. Should Mars take the Earth's magnetic field? – Science in Russia, 2010, No. 3 (editor’s note).

Biosphere-like systems are artificial closed ecosystems in which material exchange cycles are formed and operate, which have a high degree of similarity to the global material exchange cycles of the biosphere (author's note).

The number of plants that can be grown in closed terrariums is quite limited. You cannot plant fast-growing plants and plants that store water in their tissues.

The first terrarium was invented in 1842 in Great Britain. During the time of Queen Victoria, this trend spread quickly. A terrarium is a container in which favorable conditions for keeping animals and plants. These items are made of glass and have a metal, plastic or wood frame. Terrariums can be open or closed. A closed terrarium creates a unique habitat for some plants and insects. Transparent walls promote the penetration of heat and light inside. A favorable microclimate is formed in a closed container. Water vapor circulates inside the terrarium and creates ideal conditions for plants, preventing them from drying out.

A terrarium can be a great addition to home decor, and for some people it serves as a hobby of sorts. It definitely looks like a hobby indoor plants, However, this is not quite true. First of all, the terrarium is considered as an autonomous ecosystem in which all plants interact with each other. It does not need to be watered, fertilized or monitor the humidity level.

Typically, for a closed terrarium, plant varieties that grow in tropical conditions are used. A small container of water is placed inside it, partially buried in the ground. The terrarium is opened once a week to release excess moisture from the air and its walls. In a closed terrarium there is special soil, necessary for plant growth and minimizing losses from various microbes. Glass closed terrariums can be in the shape of a ball, bell, cube, inverted truncated pyramid or parallelepiped. There are no drafts in such a terrarium. This allows you to grow the most delicate and capricious plants.

The number of plants that can be grown in closed terrariums is quite limited. You cannot plant fast-growing plants and plants that store water in their tissues. Flowering plants can be planted, but in the future you will have to remove wilted flowers. If left, they will begin to decompose and become a source of diseases that affect plants. Experienced botanists recommend planting in closed terrariums those plants that have root system small or absent. These include: calamus, royal begonia, graceful chamedorea, Cryptanthus bromeliads, Dracaena Sander, ferns, common ivy, Selaginella Krause, etc.

Open terrariums also come in various shapes, and any plants can be planted in them. Both lovers of moisture and those who like to live in a dry climate will take root here. Plants that require direct sunlight are suitable for an open terrarium.