Accent wall in the interior: a win-win technique in room design. Accent wall in the interior: ideas and solutions

An accent wall is an element that can greatly refresh the interior, add a touch of exclusivity to it, and even change the space for the better. How to use this technique correctly and in which rooms is it appropriate? We decided to look into this and looked at real examples using an accent wall in the interior.

What is an accent wall and why is it needed?

Many people have heard about the concept of an accent wall, but not everyone knows what it is and what it is needed for. First of all, it is used to designate a particular area, for example, highlighting a living room or dining room in a studio apartment. But often this technique is used to visually deepen the space or distract attention from any shortcomings of the room.

Cold and warm shades

The next question that interests many is which shades to choose, warm or cool. Here everything depends not only on personal preferences. Important factors are also the size of the room, as well as its location depending on the cardinal directions. If the room is small, then you should not use too active or warm colors, as they can only make the space smaller. Cool, deep or refreshing colors would be appropriate here.

As for the cardinal directions, in apartments where the windows face the north and east, it is better to use more warm shades, but in the south and west rooms cool colors will be appropriate.

Most often, an accent wall can be found in bedroom interiors. This element decorates the wall at the head of the bed and focuses attention on this area. This technique will help visually stretch out a cramped room and slightly deepen it. Especially if you use shades of blue, gray or green for decoration.

In the living room you can use more daring color combinations than in the bedroom. Here the wall is often painted a different color, directly in the sitting area where the sofa is, and attention is also often focused on the wall with the fireplace. This method of zoning is perfect for the interior of one-room apartments and studio apartments.

You can place emphasis and add accents not only in the language, but also in the interior. Choose one of the walls in the living room, bedroom or nursery and make it the striking force of the entire interior with the help of color, decor or texture. The result will exceed all expectations and certainly will not go unnoticed.

Living Room Design Seattle Staged to Sell and Design LLC

Benefits of an Accent Wall

An accent wall is one of the most favorite techniques modern designers, until recently virtually unknown to the general public. However, there is nothing difficult in creating this spectacular decorative trick; the main thing is to choose the right wall for decoration.

Accent with wallpaper large drawing, wallpaper My Collection

Photos and accessories to create a focal point in the interior, Pottery Barn

Usually, the wall opposite the entrance to the room is chosen as an accent wall, on which the eye immediately falls, but there are no strict rules here. So, for example, in the bedroom it could be the wall behind the head of the bed if you want to draw attention specifically to sleeping place, or the opposite wall, if you want to admire the interesting decor while lying down. In the living room - the wall behind the sofa or soft group, or, on the contrary, the one on which the TV, collection of photographs, etc. is placed.

3D panels as an accent, Steuler-Fliesen

Pros of an accent wall:

  • helps to divert attention from deficiencies in planning and repairs
  • visually moves away or brings one of the walls closer
  • delineates different functional areas
  • saves money on finishing, because expensive materials are used only on one of the walls
  • allow you to use dark and bright colors or unusual textures without visually overloading the space

Photo: Chris Snook

Accent walls can vary significantly in composition: you can highlight one or several adjacent walls entirely, or you can only highlight a small plane, which is usually done to emphasize the vertical or horizontal.

Classic accent wall designs

We came across the design option for an accent wall as a child, but hanging on the wall in every second Soviet apartment, the carpet can hardly be called a positive example. But let’s not talk about sad things, let’s instead look at really successful interior solutions!

Design by Benco Construction


The simplest, most budget-friendly and popular option for an accent wall is to highlight it with a color that contrasts with the rest of the decoration. In this case, a bright and saturated color is chosen for emphasis, and all other planes are resolved in a neutral color scheme: white, gray, beige, etc. The walls can be plastered and painted, or you can use textured plaster or paintable wallpaper.

Accent wall in hallway, designed by Knight Architects LLC

Memo: the accent wall should be perfectly aligned, you don’t want to attract the attention of guests to crooked corners and imperfections in the renovation?


Bright colors and contrasts in the room are not for you? A calmer and more noble option for creating an accent wall, playing on the contrast of textures. Brickwork, artificial stone, wooden panels and mosaics, if we are talking about a damp room, will help create a harmonious and noble interior.

Wooden panels in the living room interior, Maienza- Wilson Interior Design

Advice: accents using texture will look especially good in loft, art deco or eco-style interiors.

Accent your bathroom interior with tiles from Ceramiche Coem

Natural materials in decoration always create a feeling of luxury and good taste, however, they may be too heavy or dark, not to mention their cost. An accent wall in this version is just a reasonable compromise.

Black and white accents in the interior always look very advantageous, Tubadzin

Drawing or pattern

Do you want to add some real flair to your room? A panel with large images or wallpaper with a striking ornament is exactly what you need for an unusual accent in the interior. Digital printing technologies allow you to print almost any image for an accent wall, even your own photograph, and large geometric or floral patterns will go perfectly with textile interior decor.

A large floral pattern always looks good as an accent, Wall&Deco wallpaper

Want to save money on stylish wallpaper? Stencil painting, vinyl stickers and even multi-colored tape will help you do this without much difficulty.

Wallpaper panels, Glamora

Advice: an accent wall doesn't have to be very contrasting. Choose a collection of neutral wallpapers, monochromatic for the entire room, and with an unobtrusive pattern for an accent wall. This technique is very convenient to use for zoning.

Accent wall with vinyl decal to create an unobtrusive interior in the nursery, design by Beekmans Design

Paintings, posters and shelves

Do you want to freshen up your interior, but the renovation has already been completed, or you’re just not sure that you’ll like the idea of ​​an accent wall? Place a large panel, poster, family collection of photographs or paintings on only one wall. If you create a single, harmonious composition from them, such a wall will certainly not be left without attention.

Paintings as an accent, Pottery Barn

An alternative to paintings and posters can easily be decorative hanging shelves with unusual design or a collection of trinkets placed on them: from minerals and corals, to your grandmother’s favorite porcelain elephants and the family library.

Large abstract panel as an accent, designed by Hang My Art!

Unusual solutions for an accent wall

The above options belong to the list of the most popular, but no one is stopping you from showing maximum imagination and ingenuity in decor, because virtually anything that attracts you can act as an accent. Special attention an object or a group of them.

Pottery Barn

Modern designers are ready to hang everything on the walls: from shabby window frames to oars and wicker baskets. You can also choose beautiful dishes, mirrors in unusual frames, a sculptural object or a personal collection of baseball caps as decor, as long as it matches the rest of the decor.

A chair on the wall, why not? Pottery Barn

A little imagination and more sense of proportion, and you will truly become the owner unique interior without extra costs and effort!

When decorating interiors, various techniques are used to individualize the room, enliven it, make it brighter, while maintaining coziness and comfort. A fairly common method that allows you to fully express your imagination and combine several different materials– accent wall. This technique can be used even without reference to the next renovation, when you want to introduce a fresh note with minimal investment of time and money. When creating such a wall, you must adhere to several rules, and there are a great many ideas and materials.

Basic rules for creating accent walls

An accent wall, which differs from other surfaces in texture, color or pattern, can perform several tasks:

  • Distract attention. It has been proven that fifteen seconds are enough to form a visual perception of an object. Attracting attention original wall will be remembered, and existing shortcomings or defects will fade into the background.
  • Serve as a background for photographs from the family archive, evidence of achievements (certificates, diplomas), collectibles, paintings, decorative elements– contrasting walls are often used to highlight them.
  • Zoning the space - today, instead of partitions, many people make several zones in one room, separating them with accent walls. This distinction saves space and looks advantageous.
  • “Vivify” - an ordinary, standard interior and plain walls will “sparkle” with new colors if one of the surfaces is highlighted with color or texture.
  • Adjust - visually expand or narrow a room, align, combine decorative elements, finishings and pieces of furniture.

In order to obtain the desired effect as a result of the transformation and improve appearance To avoid making your home worse than it was, you should adhere to certain rules and take into account some nuances when choosing a material and method of visualization:

  • There should be one accent wall. In rare cases, in rooms with large area– two.
  • If the layout allows, select a wall opposite the entrance to the room.
  • When placing a TV on an accent wall, do not use too bright colors - they will distract attention and have a negative effect on the eyes.
  • You can make the entire surface, part of the wall, or highlight architectural elements- arch, niche.
  • Combination - the surface should be different, but not be in dissonance with the rest of the range and materials.

To create an accent wall, three methods are used: highlighting with color, highlighting with texture, and photo printing.


Use contrasting tones or matching colors, but differing in saturation. The color usually highlights the entire wall; this is the most common and affordable way, which does not require radical alteration. It is enough to repaint the surface or cover it with wallpaper.

Contrasting wallpaper with patterns goes well with plain walls and, conversely, a plain surface looks interesting with bright, painted walls. Using stencils, an accent wall can be decorated with symmetrical or fantasy designs. When decorating, you should not overuse flowers to create correct accent Two are enough, with the exception of walls in children's rooms, with thematic images.

Highlighting with texture

Almost any material with a textured surface is suitable for an accent wall. Since the emphasis is on structure, the color scheme of such walls is calm.

Textured plaster - thanks to the filler, various patterns are obtained on the wall. Depending on the method of application, they can be longitudinal, horizontal or fancy. If you simply roll the applied mass with a textured roller, you will get a homogeneous, rough surface.

Decorative panels - square, rectangular or longitudinal sheets imitating various coatings under fabric, stone, leather, wood. They can cover the entire wall or the central part. Unlike plaster, they allow you to transform a room without wet processes, hiding possible surface defects.

Natural wood - lining, panels, decorative boards, gratings, saw cuts. The natural structure of wood is emphasized with varnish or wax.

Mosaic – Traditional glass and ceramic varieties are more suitable for creating accent areas in the kitchen or bathroom, but recently introduced metal mosaics are also used in living spaces.

Everyone wants to make the interior of their home so that they feel cozy and comfortable. Moreover, preferences may change depending on the time of year or mood. In winter, when there is little sun outside, you want a feeling of celebration and light at home, something bright and sunny. If you decorate everything in this tone, then after a while all this pretentiousness will begin to irritate, but there is a great way out of this situation - an accent wall in the living room.

The meaning of creating an accent wall

The name of the technique already speaks for itself. This is a wall whose surface is different from the rest in the room. Moreover, the difference can be not only in color, but also in the texture of the material, design, and so on.

Such a prominent surface not only attracts attention to itself, but can also to some extent change the perception of the entire interior. For any guest who comes to your home, a few moments are enough for him to already have a first impression of your interior.

Accent partition

An accent partition may not play a role in this last role. By creating it, the following goals are pursued:

  1. Somehow diversify the interior. Add a colorful touch to the room.
  2. To attract attention. A wall that contrasts with other surfaces will first attract attention.
  3. An accent partition can help divide the space into separate zones.
  4. You can change the perception of space: small room You can visually make it more spacious, and if it’s too big, on the contrary, it can be made more comfortable.

In the end, this is just a rather unusual and original design solution when decorating a room.

Accent rules

If you decide to create such a wall at home with your own hands, then you should listen to some practical advice that will definitely help you do everything right:

If you follow these simple rules, then it is quite possible to make such a wall in the living room yourself.

Options for accenting a wall in the living room

You can highlight a wall and draw attention to it different ways, but there are several basic options when decorating an accent:

  • Highlighting with color.
  • Invoice.
  • The plot.
  • Ornament or design.

Whatever option you choose, it will still differ in color. But, if you prefer to highlight the wall with color, then you can do this in two ways: paint or wallpaper.

All this is done quite simply and should not cause any difficulties.

Accent wall attracts attention

Now the most important thing is to choose the right color to attract attention. First of all, pay attention to the shape of the hall; if the living room is narrow but long, then you should choose warm colors as an accent. They can visually expand the room if you highlight short walls with them.

Those who are not very well versed in combining colors with each other can be advised to remember the colors of the rainbow. In this case, nature itself gives a hint. Those tones that are located next door will harmonize perfectly with each other. For example, if most of the walls in the room blue color, then it is better to choose green or blue colors for the accent wall.

You can, of course, take a bold step and choose a completely contrasting color for the wall. This will not spoil the impression if the main color scheme in the room is made in white, black or warm colors.

If you decide to highlight an accent partition with wallpaper, then these instructions will be useful to you:

  • Do not combine expensive and cheap wallpapers. This can ruin the whole look.
  • Choose wallpaper of the same thickness. They are easier to join together and glue.
  • When choosing, be sure to take into account the functionality and style of the room.
  • Always combine bright colors with calm and warm ones, otherwise the atmosphere will put pressure on you.
  • Large patterns and ornaments go better with plain wallpaper.

When choosing a material of a different texture for an accent wall, you should take into account the style of your room. If your living room is decorated in an urban style, then great solution there will be the use of stone or brickwork, or at least imitation. Country style prefers wood, and lovers of oriental arts would do well to choose mosaic or painting.

The story wall can be decorated using photo wallpaper. Now on sale you can see a variety of plots and themes on them. Just make sure that there are not too many bright and catchy elements in the room, otherwise all attention will be focused on them, and your partition will get lost in the room.

If you are interested in art and have good skills in this matter, then you can try to paint the wall yourself. The use of drawings, ornaments or simply geometric shapes to create this unusual technique allows you to change the atmosphere and mood in the room. Also, with their help, it is possible to change the perception of the size of the room.

If you make horizontal stripes on the accent wall, this will make the living room wider and lower. Vertical lines, on the contrary, will add space. If most of the walls are monochromatic, you can mark one with an ornament or pattern, although the background may coincide with the rest.

Visual examples of creating accent walls

If nothing comes to your mind at all, but you want to create something special, then you can study the design examples and choose a more suitable option for yourself:

  1. In the living room or office good accent There will be a world geographic map covering the entire wall or a star version.
  2. Geometric shapes on the wall can enliven the atmosphere and add originality.
  3. If the entire room is decorated in light colors, then a dark-colored accent wall will not only stand out significantly, but will also create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
  4. For people who are unsure of themselves, we can advise you to apply. This will give you confidence and security.
  5. If you don’t really want to be clever, you can go to the store and choose photo wallpaper with any theme you like, the main thing is that it matches the style in the room.
  6. Many people install shelves with books in the living room or hang shelves on the wall. If you paint them bright or White color, then the accent partition is ready.
  7. When you don’t want to radically change the design, but want to bring something new, you can simply decorate the wall with your photographs or paintings.

Having decorated an accent wall in the living room, you can place it next to upholstered furniture and also add small pillows to match the color of the wall. This will make your interior more comfortable.

Often in the living room there is a wall on which there is a huge plasma TV. If your living room is too large, then it is possible to focus attention not on the entire wall, but on a separate part, for example, by highlighting a seating area or a work corner.

The fireplace, which is the focus, looks very nice; the entire wall can be decorated as brickwork or artificial stone. If you want to change something, then there is always a right and suitable solution.

Where is it appropriate to make an accent wall?

An accent wall can be useful in the interior of any room. The main thing is to understand for what purpose you want to use it.

If you have one room that combines a dining room and a living room, then this technique is quite suitable for separating these spaces. Moreover, it is sometimes enough to place various decorations or accessories on the walls.

A children's room, like no other, welcomes everything bright and unusual. An accent partition can highlight a play area or a place for preparing lessons.

In the bedroom, the wall at the head of the bed just begs to be highlighted somehow. It all depends on your desire and imagination. Just don’t forget about the purpose of this space so that it doesn’t turn out too bright and provocative. Then you will definitely have great difficulty falling asleep.

An excellent solution would be to highlight a wall in your office. You can use a leather finish that will harmoniously match the leather furniture and chair at your table.

In a food preparation room, you can use an accent wall to isolate this space from the rest and at the same time allocate space for the location of various kitchen accessories and utensils.

You can highlight one of the partitions in any room, even in the hallway. This is the first space we find ourselves in right after the street. Many of your guests and visitors who drop in for a moment form their impression of your home based on the design of the hallway.

An accent partition here will perfectly emphasize your creativity and ability to use unusual design solutions.

When starting to highlight one of the partitions from the rest, the question may arise: does the accent partition necessarily have to be in harmony with the rest of the space or can it just be a decor that follows only its own rules.

An accent wall in the living room can change your interior beyond recognition, the most important thing to consider is the lighting in the room, the purpose of this room, the size and features of the layout. Don’t discount your tastes, desires and preferences, and then everything will work out for you.

Many designers like to use such a feature as an “Accent Wall” in their work. Even without explaining the meaning of this term, on an intuitive level, it still becomes clear what we are talking about. An accent wall is a wall that is significantly different from the rest of the walls in the room and attracts attention due to its unusual texture. bright color or drawing.

This trick is designed for the “wow” effect and almost all designers love to use it in order to attract additional attention. It has been scientifically proven that a person’s impression of his location is formed in a quarter of a minute, and everything he sees after this time is perceived by the brain under the yoke of the first impression.

A reception with an emphasis on one of the walls of the room not only serves to attract the guest’s first glance, it can serve as an original decoration design solution. Its function depends on the type of accent. In this way you can visually change the room to increase space, narrow it, highlight bright elements decor or architectural features rooms.

Let's figure out in what cases it is appropriate to make an accent wall and consider some rules. Let's see in which rooms it is most appropriate to use this technique, and what are the rules for correct location accent.

Conditions for using this effect:

  1. Typically, the accent wall is the one that first comes into the guest’s field of vision when entering the room;
  2. The emphasis is placed only on one wall, not on two, and especially not on all four;
  3. You can not place emphasis on the entire wall, but only highlight certain fragments or protrusions (optional);
  4. The wall is decorated not only unusual wallpaper. The accent can be made with paint, brick or decorative ceramic tiles, wooden panels, etc.;
  5. You can play with visual effects. By using warm accent colors (orange, red and yellow tones) you can bring the wall closer. If you paint one of the small walls in an elongated room with this color, you can bring it closer to a square. But don't do a similar procedure with long wall, otherwise you will narrow your room even more;
  6. Using cool accent colors (blues, greens and purple tones) on the contrary, visually remove the wall. Therefore, if you still want to focus on long wall rooms, then use a cool color for this. It will help move the wall away and thereby expand the space;
  7. To ensure a calm atmosphere in the room, it is better to avoid using saturated and bright colors in the interior, but stick to a shade close to base color walls, the emphasis can be placed on a pattern or different texture of materials;
  8. And, conversely, for bright accent use the exact opposite color, which, due to the contrast, will provide a “wow” effect;
  9. If the room design is made in neutral colors, then you can use any color you like for an accent without worrying that it won’t suit;

An accent wall can be decorated in any room in your apartment and in completely different ways, but most often designers prefer to place an accent on a wall in the living room or bedroom. In both the first and second options, the accent wall is most often highlighted with wallpaper.

Living room

In this room, an accent in the TV viewing area, where you can place or hang a plasma, will look beautiful. They also often draw attention to the affected area by completely changing the color of the wall behind the sofa or sticking wide strip contrasting wallpaper in the middle of the wall.

If the living room area is quite impressive, then in this case you shouldn’t highlight the entire wall; it will be enough to focus on a small space. It may serve them workplace, section of wall near bookcase etc. An impeccable look is created by the accent in the fireplace area.


There is not much choice here; basically, the wall or part of it at the head of the bed is used as an accent wall. Wall paneling with wood panels also looks very nice in the bedroom. Take a look for yourself and appreciate the uniqueness and unusualness of this design.

And a few examples of how an accent wall looks in a hallway, a nursery, and how it can zone a spacious room. Notice how attractive it is when the pattern on it matches some decorative elements.