Mirror tiles: advantages and disadvantages. Scope of application in interiors. Mirror tiles in the interior: how to use glossy accents and a review of the best combinations

In what cases and for what can decorative mirror tiles be used?

Mirror tiles - playing with light

The most common use is for visual increase space. But if in a small or narrow room you will place the tiles opposite the cabinet and the light from the window to the street will not be directed into them, the effect of magnification will not be created, and the mirror wall will distract and disturb the views of those in the room.

If you want to use mirror tiles wisely, choose a place where the window will be accurately reflected. It is not necessary to cover the entire wall space with finishing, but if you are joining tiles, it should not be one or two stripes. You can cover with them, for example, the upper half of the wall or part of the wall behind the back of a sofa or armchair. If you're decorating a bedroom, you shouldn't place a mirrored wall opposite the bed unless the bed is near a window and the tiles don't directly reflect it. In front of everyone listed conditions The ceilings in the room should be high enough, the color of the walls should be light. Mirror wall in a small kitchen can double the space. Wallpaper in the kitchen should be light.

Mirror tiles - a labyrinth that goes into the heights

If indoors low ceiling, Maybe, the best solution will decorate it with mirrors. Moreover, there are special self-adhesive tiles. In the case where the ceiling is two or three levels, for example, the central part can be decorated with panels. An interesting example is when, with the help of such decoration, a whole labyrinth of reflections was created. Although this technique is best used in a small corridor, where no one will bother their psychological impact a mysterious labyrinth, while the first effect of a spacious corridor will be preserved.

Mirror tiles - the purpose of beautiful objects

It is not necessary to do this with the entire (or part of) the wall; you can use mirror tiles to create accent areas by placing the tiles fragmentarily, for example, above a false fireplace, chest of drawers, or near a table located against the wall. In this case, you must comply next condition: mirror tiles should not reflect too many objects, they will distract attention and will not create the illusion of space. In overcrowded rooms, it is almost impossible to achieve the goal of expanding the space with the help of mirrors. And what things are reflected in the mirrors is of great importance. If it is a beautiful lamp or an unusual floor vase, consider that you have made the right decision!

Mirror tiles - possible compositions with mirrors

Three large mirror framed fragments on one wall look very impressive; for example, in the dining room they pleasantly decorate the wall, diversifying its relief and texture and creating the impression of a cafe with beautiful furniture. Spotlights or beautiful chandelier will not be superfluous.

The panel can be placed not opposite or next to the window, but next to its reflection in another mirror. The achieved double effect will be original and catchy if you accurately calculate the size of the tile and its location. It’s good when such a mirror fragment reflects houseplants, in this case the illusion of a winter garden will appear.

A non-trivial way to use tiles is to cover a wall using the “crushing” method - for example, with squares in a checkerboard pattern, alternating mirrors and a covering made of cork or any other material. Not squares can be used, but stripes of equal size, or narrow ones in combination with wide ones. They can be placed both vertically and horizontally. An interesting example is the arrangement of panels with a “honeycomb” texture.

You can create a whole collage of panels, but the composition should not leave a feeling of chaos. Decorating with mirror tiles gives great opportunities for those who dream of a fairy tale through the looking glass.

Mirror tiles in the interior - photo

A mirror is the most mysterious piece of furniture and at the same time quite universal and ordinary. For designers, it is an excellent tool, thanks to which unique designs are born. design solutions. In standard interiors, a mirror can only be found in the hallway or bathroom, but we suggest using it additionally in the bedroom, living room and even kitchen. Let's consider what mirror “things” exist for interior decoration.

Mirror mosaic made of pieces of different sizes

This is the most fashionable and popular interior decor. A certain ornament is laid out from mirror pieces of the same or different shapes. You can decorate any room in the house with mosaics:

  • bath;
  • hallway;
  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • kitchen.

Mirror panel in the bathroom

They usually paste over a fragment of a wall, floor or ceiling. Often in the interior there are decorated with mirror pieces:

  • vases;
  • furniture;
  • doors and other accessories.

Mirror panel on the ceiling and wall of the living room

Advantages of mirror tiles in the interior

Mirror elements in an apartment are not only beautiful, but strangely enough they are also practical. If the room is properly decorated with mirrors, then in the end you will get a lot of benefits:

  • a large influx of illumination and brightness in the room;
  • mirror fragments can easily decorate uneven areas of walls;
  • mirrors decorate the niche;
  • with the help of this design you can visually expand or narrow the space of the room;
  • the room takes on an illusion effect;
  • wear-resistant surface;
  • Mirror mosaic tiles are easy to care for.

Full mirror wall in the living room

Types of mirror material for interior decoration

Mirror mosaics and tiles are found not only in the standard silver color. You can also find other colors on sale:

  • gold;
  • bronze;
  • black mirror.

Any mirror tile and panel can withstand high temperature and chemical influences. Mirrors differ not only in color, but also in:

  • form;
  • size;
  • type of processing;
  • fastening method.

You can purchase such a panel ready-made or individual tiles. If you have the desire and time to work, then it is available for sale in loose form, that is, you need to stick it yourself onto the prepared surface.

Mirror mosaic made of pieces of different types

The processing of mirror products is no less important. There are three types:

  • grinding;
  • polishing;
  • facet.

The first type of processing is used in budget options mosaics. The polished edge looks stylish and impressive. The bevel gives the product additional volume.

Mirror mosaic with facet processing

It is worth remembering that before making a mirror panel in a room, you need to carefully consider the ventilation of the room. Otherwise, the mirrors will constantly sweat.

In addition to the main advantages, mirror surfaces have one drawback - the installation technology is complex with a huge number of nuances. And if, in addition, this design work, then it will be expensive.

As soon as such decor appears in the room, an atmosphere of solemnity immediately appears. Mirrors look very good in the living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.

Caring for mirror surfaces in the interior

Miniature mirrors do not need special care. The tiles do not get very dirty, but are easy to clean if necessary. In addition, it has additional advantages:

  • abrasion resistant;
  • shines for a long time and does not fade;
  • does not fade;
  • does not fade.

If mirrors are chosen for the kitchen or bathroom, then it is better to purchase tiles that have additional protective covering. It will not darken for a long time and will retain its original appearance for many years.

Mirror wall in the room

Living room design with mirrored walls or ceiling

Decorating a living room with mirrors depends on the size of the room. If the room is small, then it is better to decorate not the entire wall with mirrors, but only the cabinet doors. Thus, large and bulky furniture turns into an inconspicuous piece of furniture.

Living room with mirrored ceiling and walls

It is allowed to design one small wall with mirror tiles. The joint must be decorated with plaster molding. Thanks to this, the decoration seems complete and laconic.

Mirror tiles in the living room

If you are determined, bold and decisive, then you can decorate the walls with mirrors, placing them opposite each other. You will get a looking glass effect. But if you are an ardent supporter of Feng Shui, then this method is not suitable for you at all.

Convex mirror wall panel

In order for mirrors to play their role, you need to carefully consider the lighting of the living room. Ideally, the lamp should be located above a reflective surface. Lighting devices must be original. The lampshades should be large.

Mirror ceiling tiles for living room

If you are a supporter of the classic style, then you should take a closer look at the mirrors that are installed on semi-columns. They will diffuse the reflection of light throughout the living room.

Mirror column and wall in a studio apartment

If you like plants, then you need to place them in a room with mirrored decor in a separate corner. Otherwise they will block all the light. This will create the feeling of a greenhouse.

Interior partition, framed with mirror tiles

Bedroom design with mirror surfaces

If you want to transform a small bedroom, it is best to use a mirror panel. It is best to install it opposite a window. The room will appear bright and spacious.

Mirror columns in the bedroom interior

If the room has niches and uneven walls, be sure to stick mirror tiles in them. The result will be very original.

Built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors

But in everything you need to know when to stop. You cannot glue mirror tiles randomly throughout the room. You risk getting an uncomfortable and cold room that looks more like a dance hall. Remember, mirrors in the bedroom play the role of an additional design, not the main one.

Wardrobe with mirror door

If you are a person prone to all sorts of superstitions, then mirrors in the bedroom should not be installed in the following way:

  1. You cannot install a mirror design opposite the bed. During sleep, a person gets rid of all the negativity accumulated during the day, and the mirror will return it back. And if a married couple sleeps in front of the mirror, then a quick breakdown in their relationship awaits them.
  2. It is not recommended to install mirror surfaces opposite front door to the bedroom. Thus, favorable energy will not flow into the room.
  3. In the mirror installed in the bedroom, a person should be reflected in full height. If for some reason this cannot be done, then the reflection should be logical.

Mirrored headboard by the bed

To decorate your bedroom with mirror panels, use the following tricks:

  • decorate the bottom perimeter of the room with mirror fragments of coal;
  • to increase the height of the room, make a mirror panel on the ceiling;
  • You can decorate the head of the bed with mirrors, this will add depth to the room;
  • install symmetrically two tall mirrors from floor to ceiling in the area of ​​the bedside tables;
  • for the bedroom it is better to choose round or oval mirror elements;
  • install a backlight near the mirror surface or hang a garland.

Mirror wall made of tiles in the bedroom interior

Kitchen design with mirror tiles and mosaics

Not long ago, mirrors became a popular decoration in many kitchens. At first glance, this seems impractical and unnecessary decor in this room. But with the right approach, the mirror panel will become a real highlight kitchen interior and will breathe a lot of light and brightness into a small and nondescript room.

Kitchen apron from small mirror tiles

There are several options for decorating a kitchen with mirrors that you need to familiarize yourself with:

  1. Built-in mirrors in the facade of the set. Most often they are used to make an apron. The room will immediately become deep, wide and cozy. If you consider an apron to be an impractical element, then you can hang mirror strips so that they intersect with the furniture.
  2. For a compact kitchen, choose mirrors with bright small frames or without them at all.
  3. Mirror elements will highlight the overall style of the kitchen. They can highlight one of the zones in the kitchen.
  4. If you have a large and spacious kitchen, then be sure to hang a mirror in the dining area in front of the table.
  5. A refrigerator with a mirror surface looks very original and luxurious. It will reflect the entire interior of the kitchen.

Mirror panel in the dining area

Mirror mosaics and panels are usually used in the following styles and directions:

  1. Art Deco or Empire. In these styles, it is preferable to use round or shaped mirrors.
  2. The frame should be large and massive. Such accessories should decorate the dining area.
  3. Modern. This style uses streamlined mirrors. Usually they decorate the side wall of the room or the one opposite which the set stands. The presence of mirrors in the facades of the set is allowed.
  4. Minimalism and hi-tech. Mirrors should be of unusual shapes, without frames. Illumination is allowed.

Original mirror in the interior of a modern kitchen

If you are a supporter of experiments and everything unusual in the interior, then, undoubtedly, you should try this design idea, How mirror panels and mosaic. Reward your home with plenty of light and brightness.

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When arranging housing, today everyone strives to achieve uniqueness, a reflection of their individuality. The trend is to experiment with shades, textures, and materials. Therefore, mirror tiles in the interior become part of the overall multifaceted, but at the same time harmonious composition. The presented photos will help you navigate the diversity of the latest trends.

The use of mirror tiles in the interior

The use of mirror tiles in a residential area allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • expressively decorate the space;
  • visually expand the room;
  • visually make the room brighter;
  • decorate the walls with strong, durable material that does not leave scratches.

If previously mirror finishing materials were found exclusively in the bathroom, today these boundaries have expanded significantly. And beveled mirror tiles can be used almost endlessly in the interior. During its production, the chamfer is removed, the result is an exquisite thin material that fits well into the most elegant design solutions.

Living room decoration

When decorating a living room, several materials are combined. Mirror tiles in the living room interior are appropriate on the walls, ceiling or floor. It is advisable to include one mirror layer in a multi-level ceiling. It will visually increase the height. It is not worth making the ceiling entirely mirrored, otherwise the effect of an inverted space will interfere. You should also avoid mirror surfaces on two opposite walls. This creates a tunnel effect and makes it difficult to relax. If you absolutely want to design two opposing walls in this way, then you need to attach the material at different levels, then mutual reflection will not work.

Well-designed lighting will contribute to a comfortable stay in a living room with mirrored tiles. Recreation areas should be organized so that the light reflected in the mirrors does not fall on a person. Otherwise, it will be tiring and will negatively affect your vision.

A mirrored floor makes its own demands on the interior. Everything that is reflected in it will become an integral part of the appearance of the space. Therefore, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. You should also think about reflection when decorating mirror walls. If you place bulky furniture in front of them, it will be reflected and visually make the room small and cluttered.

Bedroom decoration

The main purpose of the bedroom is relaxation. Therefore, mirror tiles in the bedroom interior should occupy areas remote from the resting place. For example, side walls, the space behind the headboard. But it is better not to use such material in front of the bed and on the ceiling.

Kitchen decoration

The food preparation area and dining room are characterized by the accumulation of fats and other dirt. Therefore, mirror tiles in the kitchen interior, although they look chic, but only until they become covered with unpleasant stains. If there is a willingness to devote time and effort to caring for it, then this material will become the best option for finishing. Mirror surfaces will look especially impressive next to glossy furniture and glass surfaces.

Hallway decoration

This is the ideal space to use this material. After all, mirror tiles in the interior of the hallway allow owners and guests to monitor the appearance without much effort. If Feng Shui followers live in the house, then it is better to avoid placing panels of mirrors on the wall opposite the entrance. This will help maintain cash flows and prevent them from leaving.

Bathroom decoration

Traditionally, mirror tiles in the bathroom interior, as in the photo, are used very widely. It can be used to lay out one of the walls or completely cover all surfaces. In any case, it makes an impression and looks expensive. There is only one drawback to this solution: hot water causes mirrors to fog up. But this effect disappears after the humidity and temperature decrease.

The combination of simple ceramics and mirror finishing materials looks original. In this case, experts advise taking tiles of the same size.

In conclusion, it must be said that such material has a significant “minus”: it is difficult to work with. A perfectly prepared surface and carefully executed cuts are required. So only professionals can install it.

The main advantage of mirror tiles is the visual increase in the size of the room and natural light. Tile is superior to a regular mirror in many ways, but it also has its drawbacks.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The advantages of the material are not only in the design aspect. You can lay mirror tiles on the ceiling, walls, and floor. And most importantly, the material is safe.

It is more fragile than glass and does not break into small fragments with sharp edges, like tiles. And on household chemicals there is no negative reaction: a room decorated with mirror tiles retains perfect view decades.

The surface can be easily cleaned with an ordinary sponge. And the appearance represents the richness and originality of the finish. But over time, mirrored bathroom tiles can darken and take on an inky hue.

High-quality ventilation solves the problem. And all the shortcomings of tiles are present in modern glossy decor. Due to poor installation or transportation, the material breaks.

You can't expect a huge variety of colors: their number is limited. Sparkling gloss can be completely mirrored or with a pattern applied to the surface.

There are coatings for floors and walls. Floor tiles more durable, able to withstand considerable loads.

There is a coating with a facet, edges sharpened at an angle, and without it. With the help of mirror beveled tiles, distortions are invisible, and the interior takes on a neat and complete look. Most often, such coatings are used for wall cladding.

Material with smooth edges is cheaper. There are pieces standard sizes, There is mosaic tiles and non-standard dimensions. When gluing, there are no special differences between tiles and mirror material, but there are certain nuances.

Transporting and laying mirror tiles requires great care: several pieces are sure to break. So it’s better to take the material with a reserve.

Features of laying mirror tiles

The material should not be laid without seams, but they should not be left too large. The optimal width should not exceed 2 mm. Regular tile adhesive will not work on the material. How to glue mirror tiles?

It is usually attached to liquid nails or acid-free silicone glue. As an alternative, use the Betonokontakt primer. The back side of the material becomes rough, making it possible to use regular tile adhesive for installation.

To improve grip reverse side opaque and smooth mirror tiles are covered with bitumen and then sprinkled with coarse sand. If the tiles are transparent, replace the bitumen liquid glass. The first layer of mirror tiles on the wall must be horizontal.

When the work is completed, wait a few days until the surface is completely dry, then rub the seams with neutral silicone and polish the glass with a soft cloth.

Conventional grout is not suitable for this design. And silicone will reliably protect the material from the penetration of moisture, which is especially abundant in the bathroom.

To cut the pieces perfectly, use a glass cutter. The edges become even, smooth, without chips. The remaining installation features are similar to laying tiles: preparation, leveling the surface before work, laying it out level and gluing.

Moreover, the last stage is without a rubber hammer. It may damage the coating. Each piece is pressed into the glue, which is why its correct consistency is so important.

Interior with mirror tiles

Even without the help of a designer, the bathroom is decorated with a combination of ceramic and mirror tiles. The combination of mirrors with dark tones is very impressive: such an interior looks luxurious and elegant.

A great way to expand a room - mirror ceiling. It is possible to expand the boundaries by laying a narrow strip of glass material on one of the walls of the room.

If there is a window in the bathroom, the tiles are laid on the side opposite to it: the bathroom looks airy and sunny. But you shouldn’t completely decorate the room with glass materials: it creates the effect of a cold cage.

In order for mirror tiles in the bathroom to please you with their spectacular appearance longer, compliance with the operating rules is mandatory. Maintenance is simple: regular ventilation, wiping the surface with cellulose wipes, use if necessary special means. Any splashes remaining after bathing are removed with a dry, soft cloth.

Mirror tiles are also suitable for masking communications in an apartment. Boxes are constructed from plasterboard and lined with reflective modern coating. The boxes are hardly noticeable against the background of mirrors and fit well into the interior.

Laying luxurious tiles on opposite long sides will visually expand a narrow room. Covering one or two ends of such a room with material will make it longer and narrower.

The use of tiles of different sizes, which decrease from the bottom to the ceiling, visually increases the height of the walls and moves the ceiling away.

Mirror tiles on the floor can also increase the volume of a room. But it is important to select especially durable tiles for the floor.

In low light levels in a small room, it is advantageous to lay out a small area above the chandelier with mirror material. The light reflected from the mirror will multiply, the room will become several times brighter.

A wall lined with glossy squares opposite the window will increase the amount of natural light. The solution is especially suitable for rooms facing east or north, with little sun.

An interesting perspective effect is achieved by finishing the walls with mirror tiles, not completely, but only parts, and laying out the corner of the room. A combination of shiny squares, triangles and diagonally laid tiles will visually expand the boundaries of the room.

Ceiling lining

Mirror tiles on the ceiling give the illusion of increasing space, filling it with air. Often the ceiling in the hallway is decorated with mirror tiles. For the best effect, combine opaque and mirror tiles.

It is recommended to select more ceiling material, the higher the ceiling. But you should not use only large tiles: you get the feeling of an uninhabited, cold room. It is optimal to combine mirror plates and panels under a natural stone or a tree.

Large slab sizes make the seams noticeable, increasing the likelihood of splitting. The image on large tiles is often distorted and dirt is noticeable. And large mirror planes do not always fit into the design of the room.

It is ideal to decorate the ceiling with small tiles and panels. According to the configuration, the mirror ceiling can be square, circular, or diamond-shaped.

It is advisable to use dark colors for framing. The design becomes non-standard and warm. The mirror base of the ceiling is in harmony with cork, wood decor and in the bedroom.

A cornice made of mirror materials will highlight the ceiling perimeter. The room will visually expand, and the transitions of horizontal surfaces will become invisible.

Features of working with ceiling tiles

First, the surface is leveled, achieving a maximum difference in thickness between the tiles of a maximum of 3 mm. First, a set of tiles is laid out on the floor in the intended order of fastening. The tiles are also polished in advance.

The adhesive solution is not applied in a very thick layer. The most in an economical way fastenings remain with liquid nails or gray sealant. It does not contrast with the mirror surface and has antiseptic properties.

And before gluing the tiles wooden surface The ceiling is treated with an antiseptic. To increase adhesion, the surface is primed with varnish, paint or a special compound.

Before applying sealant to each coating, the material is covered around the perimeter with masking tape. Apply sealant to the back side of the material, pressing the tile more tightly to the ceiling. Random smears of glue from the mirror surface are immediately removed with a scraper.

It is permissible to use cleaning products for washing. After 4 days, the seams between the tiles are grouted. If the material is used to decorate the ceiling in a room with high levels of humidity and temperature changes, then end-to-end gluing is unacceptable.

Unfavorable conditions lead to pressure on the tiles against each other, small pieces break off, and cracks form. The material glued in this way will soon become unusable.

The use of mirror tiles to decorate a room will allow you to create a unique look without the help of professionals. luxurious interior. The material advantageously emphasizes the advantages of the room and reliably hides all the shortcomings.

How stylish, fresh and elegant the mirror looks tiles in the interior! Photos and ideas may well inspire a change in design of both one of the rooms and the entire apartments. Availability can radically change the appearance of any room, adding light, volume, dynamism and depth. And mirror tiles are considered unique finishing material, with which you can visually transform space, play up areas of complex or irregular shape, complicate the interior, make it more thoughtful and sophisticated. This type of decor is equally suitable for living rooms, kitchens, hallway, and among the many shapes and designs it is easy to choose products of the desired design, ideally complementing interiors of a wide variety of styles.

Types of mirror tiles

Modern mirror tiles can have the most different shapes, not limited to standard rectangles. These may be large or mosaic squares, rhombuses, triangles, crescents, bricks, planks.

For its production use:

  • glass;
  • polished metal;
  • high quality plastic, such as polystyrene.

Depending on the material, the installation method will change. But in most cases, installation is carried out using special glue or ordinary liquid nails. There are also options with a self-adhesive layer.

Main types

Even tiles made from the same material can differ significantly from each other. Among the most popular options are:

  1. Smooth mirror tiles without any relief. When laying it, the joints are almost invisible, which makes possible creation a solid mirror surface, not limited by the shape of a standard mirror. This finish will fit perfectly into modern styles interior (,).
  2. With facet. A slight bevel of the edges (chamfer) of such mirror tiles greatly facilitates installation, but most of all this type is valued for its ability to create complex surface, revealing the full potential of the interior. Mirror tiles with bevels look expensive and elegant in the interior, giving any room a noble and luxurious look, and the light refracted on the edges creates a lot of glare. This decor will ideally complement classic interiors, especially those made in palace or baroque style, and neoclassical And .
  3. With imitation metal surface. Polished bronze, copper, silver, gold, chrome will fit perfectly into both modern and classic interiors. May be present on the surface patina or other "traces of time".
  4. Tinted mirror tiles, in which the color of glass or amalgam can be any shade - from smoky gray or beige to rich pink or black.
  5. With an image. All kinds of ornaments, designs and patterns on such tiles are obtained by sandblasting or using a laser. This option will give the interior individuality and expressiveness.
  6. WITH textured surface. Volumetric designs, pronounced texture or unusual relief will serve as an ideal decor for a wide variety of interiors.
  7. Advice! Not costs abuse abundance mirror surfaces V home, This Maybe depressingly affect on psyche, call irritation, feeling anxiety. Room With big quantity reflections will uncomfortable.

    Techniques for using mirror tiles in the interior

    Mirror tiles effectively cope with tasks when you need to transform the interior as much as possible, make it more comfortable and thoughtful. Located on the walls, it will help to visually expand the space, creating the illusion of continuation of the room, which is especially important for rooms that are small or too narrow. Thus, it is worth registering long wall, thereby correcting the incorrect proportions of the room. It can also be just part of the wall, for example opposite a window, to let more light in.

    Advice! SimultaneouslydoroomhigherAndwidercladding will helpone andhwallsmirrortiles, laiddiamondsordiagonally.

    On opposite walls, it is better not to place areas with mirror tiles directly opposite each other to avoid the appearance of “endless corridors”.

    Using mirror tiles on the ceiling, you can make the room higher, but it is better to cover it not with the entire surface, but to limit it to the perimeter or center, complementing everything. The main thing is that there is no effect of “inverted space” when entering the room. You should also pay close attention to the environment that will be reflected on the ceiling.

    Advice! For too much big premises decor ceiling With with help mirror tiles Not recommended, because the Maybe create Effect emptiness, coldness.

    Composition Basics

    To make the interior look harmonious, it is better to use mirror tiles to focus attention on one of the walls or ceiling, column or wall. In this case, reflective elements can occupy both the entire area and individual areas.

    Advice! TomirrortileworkedonattractionAndreflectionSveta, hercostsdisposeagainstwindows, lamps, to complement.

    An interesting effect can be achieved if you cover adjacent surfaces with mirror tiles, for example, a wall and a ceiling or two adjacent walls. But in this case it is recommended to use products different types(with bevel and contrasting shades or smooth and patterned).

    Finishing using mirror tiles should be done taking into account that a minimum of objects are reflected, otherwise it will not be possible to visually expand the space, giving it lightness; on the contrary, it will create a cluttered effect.

    In order not to overdo it with mirror tiles, it is recommended to combine them with other materials. For example, wall decoration can be done in the form of a checkerboard or honeycomb, where mirrors alternate with wood, ceramics, cork, metal.

    Mirror tiles in the interior of the house

    You can use mirror tiles in the interior in absolutely any room, regardless of its purpose. It could be , or , or , hallway or . But in everything you should know when to stop, carefully considering where, how and in what quantity the reflective surface will be located.

    Living room

    Mirror tiles in the living room interior will help to correctly zone the space:

  • You can design a multi-level ceiling by decorating its individual sections with tile inserts. This will slightly raise the height of the room and add volume.
  • will emphasize the sophistication of the decor, expand the space, and add depth. A wall like this would look best opposite a window or to the side of it.
  • If the living room has interesting furniture or interior items, flowers, then you can “double” them by arranging them so that they are reflected from the tiled areas. Such mirror elements can be located inside bookshelves, in partitions, or niches.
  • or can also be highlighted by finishing the space above them with tiles of various shapes and colors.

Kitchen and dining room

Mirror tiles in the kitchen interior look equally good both in the work area and in the dining area. The work area will be decorated and complemented by practical elements from various elements. It may be small mosaic, bricks or large diamonds - it all depends on the size of the kitchen and the desired effect. With such a finishing of the apron, you will need a good one so that the decorative surfaces are not covered with a layer of fat and soot.

Advice! Mirror tile Wonderful combines With ceramic And even , That's why apron And all wall V working zone Can trim With using straightaway two materials, picking up their By size.

Also interesting effect it will work out if you make 2-3 on one of the walls of the dining room vertical stripes or large rectangles of mirror tiles imitating windows in a restaurant or cafe.


Mirror tiles in the bedroom interior should be placed in such a way that the bed and sleeping people will not be reflected in it. Therefore, it is not recommended to cover the entire ceiling and walls with it.

It is best to use it to decorate the wall at the head of the bed or the partition near the window, as well as wall niches, plot next to, .

Both smooth tiles and beveled or ornamented tiles are equally suitable for the bedroom - it all depends on the style of the interior.

Advice! Before how do choice V benefit mirror tiles For decor bedrooms, costs attach To necessary areas mirror. This will help to avoid discomfort V future, because the like decor fits Not to each.

Bathroom and toilet

Mirror tiles in the interior of the bathroom will come in handy. A mirror is already necessary in this room, but with the help of tiles you can make the atmosphere more interesting. You can use it to lay out one of the walls (above the bathtub or), while on the rest you can use regular ceramic. It will look impressive:

  • Large or medium sized square tiles laid diagonally across the entire surface of the wall.
  • Rectangular elongated shape, laid staggered together with ceramic of the same parameters.
  • Mirror