Room interior with furniture. How to arrange small rooms? Ideas for renovation in a small room

If you have small apartment and it would seem that there is no way to bring all your design ideas to life - do not despair, because even the interior of a small room can be made very attractive and cozy. But to do this you will need to follow several important rules.

In fact, these are rather not rules, but useful tips professional designers, adhering to which, you will be able to visually expand the space, properly decorate the interior, eliminating all that is unnecessary and leaving only the essentials.

Color solutions

As a rule, the interior of small rooms is decorated in several colors. It is not at all necessary that base color was white. Many people believe that it is what gives the room volume. However, you can also use shades of other colors, for example, blue, beige, green.

As an additional color, it is necessary to select more bright shades main background. By the way, this technique allows you to add volume to a small room.

Various figurines, watches, photo frames and other small items can be made in rich colors. At the same time, remember that you do not need to clutter up an already small room with these items - they should not attract attention to themselves at all.

It is worth mentioning separately about the interiors, where dark colors were chosen for the main background. Of course, this solution allows you to smooth out some imperfections in the walls and ceilings, but at the same time the room will seem much smaller than it actually is.

Interior lighting

Decorating the interior of a small room, Special attention need to pay attention to lighting. Large chandeliers, which can be used in spacious rooms, are not suitable here. Instead, purchase stylish ones, such as spotlights, which can also highlight one or another area of ​​the room.

If possible, install big windows instead of standard ones. Daylight will fill the room with warmth and will lift your spirits.

In some cases you can use neon lighting for niches and shelves. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, because you most likely want to create a cozy atmosphere, and not something like a noisy nightclub.

Ceiling in small rooms

The main rule to remember is that you cannot have a multi-level ceiling in small rooms. It is also highly undesirable to paint it in dark colors.

If you want to visually increase its height, then choose the same color for the ceiling as the walls. Or use vertical striped curtains on the windows.

But still the ideal solution is White color and a smooth surface. Stretch ceilings look very good. Glossy PVC film gives the room volume, and the ceiling height will visually increase.

You should not paint baguettes with a separate (especially saturated) color, because this solution will not bring the desired result. You will immediately notice how the border stands out, which will make the ceiling noticeably lower.


So, you are thinking about the interior of a small room. Wallpaper with vertical stripes, proper lighting, light color palette- all this visually expands the space. But what other options are there? If your financial situation allows you, then, of course, use mirrors. Of course, this pleasure is not cheap, but it is worth it.

Mirrors can be used on walls or cabinet doors. If we are talking about a bedroom, then you can sheathe the wall behind the head of the bed with them. Various glass shelves and other decorative items will create a stunning play of light.

Of course, you can say: “If a person can afford such expensive decoration, then he most likely has the money for an apartment with spacious rooms.” Maybe that's true. However, for example, the same bedroom does not always have to be large. Rather, compact and cozy.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a small room

Modern photo wallpapers are often used by designers in their projects. The pattern can be selected to suit any interior style. But even if you don’t find something that suits you, you can order photo wallpaper, for example, with a picture of your loved one.

However, most often, to increase the space, wallpapers with beautiful landscapes or busy cities are used. In principle, it all depends on the taste preferences of the apartment owner, but sometimes you still need to listen to the advice of experts.

If your room is decorated in light colors, then it is better to choose black and white photo wallpaper, for example, with images of mountains. Colorful ones are recommended for use in children's rooms, but not in all cases.

General advice - try to buy photo wallpaper that best matches the interior style of your room.


A crucial moment in interior design small room is the choice of furniture. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in the size, so before going to the store, take all the necessary measurements.

If we are talking about the living room, then corner sofa in the interior of a small room there will be great solution. Concerning general recommendations, then it is better to choose transformable furniture here. This will significantly save space.

The bed should be equipped with drawers where you can hide bed linen. Today you can find interesting models tables with retractable table tops. Sofas in the interior of a small room should be as simple as possible, without bulky armrests.


Do you want to bring coziness and warmth to your room? Then approach the issue of choosing textiles correctly. You should not use curtains with tassels, large bows and other decorative elements in the interior. Remember, simplicity is key.

Light flowing curtains will give the room a certain charm. At the same time, they should be light shades; the presence of some simple pattern is allowed.

Bedspreads should also be simple, without a pronounced pattern. Cushions can be used instead of chairs.

As for carpets, whether to lay them or not is your personal choice. However, if possible, it is better to do without them. At the same time, if the floor is not heated, and it would be cold to walk without a carpet, then, of course, you must use it.

By the way, using a striped carpet, you can visually make the room wider. To do this, lay it in strips perpendicular to the long walls.

An original way to visually increase space

To visually expand the space, you can draw a window on the wall with a view of the ocean or mountains. Such a pattern will not only decorate the room, but also visually enlarge its boundaries. Of course, such work may not be cheap at all, so, as an option, try to find interesting photo wallpapers.

It is not necessary to apply the drawing to a separate wall. It can go to the door and even to the ceiling. Here everything depends on the designer’s imagination.

Small bedroom interior

It is better to choose low furniture so that it does not catch the eye. In principle, in the bedroom it is enough to install one or two bedside tables, a wardrobe with mirrored doors for visual increase space, bed and dressing table.

Proper lighting will create a favorable atmosphere for relaxation. You can use lamps built into the furniture that beautifully illuminate the shelves. But in any case, the lighting should not be too bright.

Wallpaper for the bedroom in the interior for small rooms, choose light shades, which will give the room volume. But too much light is not a good solution in all cases. Therefore, behind the head of the bed you can cover the wall with photo wallpaper or decorate it with a large painting.

How to choose a bed for a small bedroom?

Choosing a bed is perhaps the most crucial moment in arranging a bedroom. By the way, it is undesirable to use a folding sofa with a high back instead, since this technique “eats up” space.

As a rule, the interior design of a small room does not always make it possible to install a large bed. But there are several options to solve this problem. Firstly, if you live in an apartment alone, you can purchase a single bed. Secondly, it has long been practiced to arrange sleeping place under the ceiling. In this case, it is recommended to use the space under such a bed for storing clothes or other items.

Of course, for a young couple it is better to buy a large bed. Wherein required condition- the presence of drawers where you can store bed linen.

Interior of a small room for a boy

The choice of interior design for a small children's room for a boy must be approached based on the child's age and interests. If he is interested in, for example, airplanes, then it is recommended to decorate the nursery using paintings with images of pilots and various thematic figurines.

Color solutions depend on the boy's temperament. The interior of a room for active children should be done in soothing colors. If the child is not very active, then use brighter shades. At the same time, remember that red can cause increased irritability, while green can calm you down.

As for the furniture, everything is simple here - a small bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a desk by the window. If possible, equip a small sports corner.

Separate functional areas can be highlighted with spotlights or small carpets.

In order to make the most of space when decorating the interior of a small room, you need to listen to the advice of professional designers:

  • It is not recommended to make a multi-level ceiling in small rooms;
  • You need to use the free space rationally, so you should leave only the necessary pieces of furniture in the room;
  • if you install a sofa with a high back, the ceiling will seem lower, which means it is better to abandon such models;
  • forget about large chandeliers, buy neat modern lamps instead;
  • if possible, use mirrors to visually increase the space;
  • Natural light will fill the room with warmth and lift your spirits, so install windows of non-standard sizes.

And remember that there should always be order in a small room. Put everything unnecessary in drawers and closets.


Decorating the interior of a small room is not as difficult as it might seem. Of course, in a large room you would most likely have more possibilities. But not everyone can afford a spacious apartment.

If ideas for arranging a small room don’t come to your mind, then use someone else’s. Today there are many sources of information. Remember, the main thing is desire! With a little imagination, you can definitely create interesting design and bring it to life.

Decorating a living room is a very serious and responsible matter. Compared to the hallway, bathroom or kitchen, which are more likely to act as auxiliary rooms, the design of a bedroom or living room is quite important, since these are the main rooms in every home. It is in these rooms that we spend, as a rule, most of our free time while at home. Well, of course, if you don’t take into account the cooking time in the kitchen. And when we are planning a bedroom design, of course, we want to immediately take into account many nuances, which sometimes can even be contradictory. But all this can be done and your dreams and desires regarding how each room of your house should look like come true.

Design of rooms in the house

Depending on what the room is intended for, its design can be completely different. Below - in more detail about this.

Living room

The design of a living room implies absolute imagination and freedom of thought. As a rule, this room is the largest in an apartment or house, and this is where you can make all your desires come true!

However, there are still some standards in terms of choosing the interior design style for the hall. More specifically, the style should be classic or modern. Regarding both options, they do not become boring and none of their elements irritate, even over time. Just imagine loft style interior design! Can it really remain bright and comfortable for many years? Of course not. And most importantly, when thinking through the design of a living room, consider the meaning and purpose of the room. IN in this case We are talking about the room where you will bring guests, hold family evenings, celebrations and much more. After all, this is the heart of your home.

Photo fashion designs room will certainly help you decide on the choice of style in which you will decorate the interior of your own home.


It is very important to take into account the owner’s gender, his character and hobbies. After all, for example, a guy who is professionally and enthusiastically involved in sports cannot have a room decorated in the same way as a “socialite”.

Accordingly, when choosing a style to decorate a room, you need to ensure that it fully matches the person who lives in it.


A lot influences the choice of design for this room. The most important thing is: its size, how many people live in the house, as well as the purpose of the room, or rather, is it just a kitchen or a kitchen combined with a living room. For design options, look at the photos of fashionable room designs for any home.

Naturally, the preferences of the person who spends a lot of time in the kitchen are also taken into account, since cooking takes a lot of time, as a rule, and it is important that the “cook” is comfortable “working”, and regularly.


Here the size is taken into account, on which a lot depends. If you need to design a small room for hygiene procedures, you can handle this issue. But the main thing that needs to be done correctly here is to correctly distribute, arrange and arrange all the elements. You need to make the most of literally every millimeter of space. You may have to not put the washing machine in the bathroom, but place it in the kitchen, and also purchase a narrow and high enough cabinet that will not clutter up the space ( square meters on the floor) and, at the same time, you can fit everything you need into it.

Children's room design

Of course, the tastes of a child and an adult are completely different things. This means that what parents like, the baby may not like at all. That is why, in order to avoid any misunderstandings in the future, if your child’s age allows, consult with him what kind of room design he would like. You don’t have to be afraid to discuss the whole idea with him directly, down to the smallest detail. It wouldn’t hurt to “figure out” the design.

But be sure to take into account when designing your child’s room, what age he is and his size, plan very good lighting. Look through photo room designs, this will help you choose not only the design style, but also decide on finishing materials.


The most important thing is the size of the corridor. This is where you should start when choosing a design style. Of course, if it is very small, then you will have to choose only the most necessary items in the hallway. This is the same closet, a shelf for hats and accessories, a key holder.

In general, the design small corridor in the end it should be completely unobtrusive and quite simple. You should not use colorful wallpaper or open shelves to avoid cluttering the space. It is important to organize lighting correctly, because by choosing it correctly, you can not only make the ceiling visually higher, but also expand the walls.

Of course, if you have a large and roomy corridor, then you can go wild, decorating the interior. Here you can already add a variety of decorations, or maybe you want to put a soft and comfortable sofa, which will be very comfortable for not only the owners, but also the guests to take off their shoes when they come from the street.

Style selection

Quite an important question, in fact, with which we need to start everything. You can consider the most popular and common options.

You have already seen a photo of the design of a room with this design. It is found quite often because it is relevant and modern. You can use some tricks so that the design doesn’t get boring over time.

For example, you can focus attention on such interior details that, if desired, can be very easily replaced, these could be: a curtain, a chandelier, a painting, and other decorative elements. After all, if you replace any of the above with something else, new, you will give the interior a new look! Moreover, for this you will not need to make any global changes at all.

This option will emphasize the solidity of the owner, and besides, the design in the classic style never gets old. She's always popular.

If you decide to choose this style to decorate your living room or bedroom, remember that it should not be cheap! Absolutely all design, furniture, decorative elements must be selected with taste and solidity.

An excellent option for those people who prefer a minimum of everything in their interior. The use of clear lines is appropriate here, all objects should be strictly functional, there should be space and freedom in the room, and the colors should be clear. These are the main aspects when decorating an interior in the Hi-Tech style.

But it is suitable exclusively, only for those people who absolutely love it. If you just want to experiment, you may quickly get bored with this style.

Minimalism style

To some extent, it has similarities with the Hi-Tech style. Only functional and essential furniture is installed here. There is absolutely no need to focus on small decorative elements, since here the most important thing that is chosen is wallpaper, furniture and curtains.

Room design 2016 based on the square footage of the premises

Of course, as mentioned above, depending on how a large room(or, conversely), you can apply different styles and arrange completely different designs.

To tell the truth, there is no room to roam around at all in such a room. Only all the essentials will remain here, and many items will need to be completely abandoned. The design of a small room as a whole is not difficult. The main thing is that it does not seem cramped and uncomfortable.

The main thing that will be here is a bed and a small wardrobe. Exactly the closet! This The best decision, compared to individual shelves.

This quadrature is much more convenient for decorating a living room than the previous version. At least you can put more objects and things here. And, of course, styles and designs can be designed much more interesting.

A room of 12-15 square meters

Here you can choose a specific interior design style and stick to it.

As for the larger area, you can view their designs in the photo of the room design of 18 m2.

A room for him or her

The fact that there are differences in room designs for boys and girls is clear to everyone. But there are still some features for interior design that must be adhered to.

For a girl:

  • Light colors
  • Light and elegant furniture options
  • Abundant decoration

For a guy:

  • The predominance of minimalism
  • Strict masculine colors
  • Functional furniture

Today we offer the widest selection and assortment of a wide variety of wallpapers. And they all differ from each other not only in colors or patterns, texture, but also in type, types and much more! If you prefer to decorate your interior with wallpaper, it is very important to consider what kind of room it will be intended for. Primarily due to the fact that, for example, kitchen wallpaper and children's wallpaper will differ too much from each other. In addition, the pasting process itself will also differ.

To the bedroom

It is better to choose neutral tones, regardless of the style of the interior. After all, this is a relaxation room where peace and harmony should reign. You can always create, remove or update bright accents using photo frames, vases, pillows and other decorative elements.

To the living room

As a rule, in a classic style living room you need to select expensive wallpaper with patterns and in solemn colors. Compared to other styles, the wallpaper should match the overall interior, echoing the elements in it, and the texture should look expensive.

Decorating a living room is a responsible matter. If the corridor (hallway), bathroom and kitchen are rather “auxiliary” rooms, then the bedroom or living room are the main ones. After all, it is in them that the most time is spent (not counting the hours of work of each housewife in the kitchen). When planning the design of a bedroom, you want to take into account many points at once, sometimes contradictory. We will try to tell you how to do this in this article. The first chapter will touch on the design features of each room of the house (apartment), the remaining chapters will be devoted specifically to living rooms.

Design of a room depending on its purpose

Living room

This is the case when we can talk about the scope of fantasy. After all, this is usually the largest room in the apartment; you can make many of your desires come true. But, if we talk about a certain standard, then the advice is this: choose classic style or Art Nouveau style. It will not become boring for a long time, and will not irritate you with intrusive elements of bolder styles (just imagine a loft-style living room for a moment - how long will it please you?). You need to start from the meaning of the name of the room - living room. This is the heart of the house; this is where you, for example, take guests.


The first and most important rule is to focus on the gender, character and passions (hobbies) of the owner. It is unlikely that the personal room of a guy-athlete will be similar in design to the bedroom of a woman leading a social lifestyle.

Compliance with the tenant is the main criterion for choosing a room design.


It all depends primarily on the size. If the bathroom is very small, the proper arrangement of the necessary elements in it comes to the fore. Make the most of every square centimeter. You may have to abandon the installation washing machine(you can put it in the kitchen) and order (buy) a tall narrow cabinet. It will not “eat up” square meters of floor, but it will accommodate everything you need.


It is clear that the tastes of an adult and a child can differ greatly. And what parents think is the most suitable option, their child may not like at all. Therefore, first, try to find out which room the child himself sees. Discuss general idea and details, sketch out the project.

Corridor (hallway)

The most important guideline is size. It determines what design you can afford to implement in this room. If this is a modest few meters, then first of all you will have to choose from the essentials (wardrobe, key holder, shelf for hats). The general one should be simple and unobtrusive. It is better to abandon colorful wallpaper and open shelves - this will “clutter” the room. It is also worth considering good lighting. A successful lighting solution will help “push apart” the walls or visually raise.

A large corridor (entrance hall) provides more options when planning a design. In addition to the essentials, you can afford additional elements comfort and decor of the room (sofa at the entrance, large floor vase).

Choosing a style

So, the fundamental question is the choice of style for the living room. Let's look at a few of the most common options.


Undoubtedly, this style will look relevant and modern like no other (corresponding to the name). To prevent the appearance of the room from becoming boring, you can use some tricks. For example, to focus on those interior details that are easy to replace if desired (curtains, chandelier, paintings on the walls, various decorative items). By removing something and adding a new “zest”, you can easily give the room a new mood without resorting to global changes.


The style is suitable for those who love solidity and timeless design options. That’s what’s good about classics – they are always appropriate.

When choosing a classic style for a bedroom or living room, remember - classic does not tolerate cheapness! Everything, from furniture to the most inconspicuous part of the interior, should “breathe” with solidity.

High tech

An excellent option for lovers of minimalism in the interior. Clear lines, strict functionality of objects, a free atmosphere in the room, clear colors - this is what you need to focus on when choosing a high-tech style.

Remember that this style is good for those who really like it. By choosing it for the design of a bedroom or living room as an experiment, you risk quickly getting tired of the unusual look of the room.


A style somewhat similar to the high-tech style. From furniture - only necessary and functional components. The general direction of the design should be observed in the main elements (wallpaper, furniture, curtains), avoiding small parts interior

Design options according to room area

Room 5 sq m

The size of such a room only allows for so much. It is worth refraining from many pieces of furniture and leaving the essentials, according to the purpose of the room. A bed, a small wardrobe - perhaps this will become the decoration of such a small room. Otherwise, the bedroom will turn into a “Chinese box” filled with its owner’s things. Guided by the principle of minimalism in the design of such a room, remember that one large (but shallow) closet is better than separate shelves, etc.

Room 8-9 sq m

This size of living room is undoubtedly more convenient. It is possible to place more necessary things. And design options can be “bolder”. In a room of this size, if desired, you can place both useful pieces of furniture (bookshelves, bedside tables) and “minor” ones (a small aquarium, a TV on the wall, a soft pouffe or a couch).

Room 12-15 sq. m

In this case, you can choose a certain style and strictly adhere to it. The size of the room will allow you to observe all the subtleties of style and embody the chosen direction in everything, without saving on space.

The nuances of decorating a room for a girl and a boy

It is clear that there is a difference in the design of a boy’s and a girl’s room. It is important not to go to extremes and templates when decorating your personal room. Below are the main criteria that you should adhere to when planning your bedroom design.

The bedroom of a young girl has:

  • Light (usually pastel) colors
  • Lightness and elegance of furniture
  • Abundance of decorative elements

Room young man usually different:

  • Some asceticism (minimalism)
  • Strict “masculine” colors
  • Functionality of furniture

It is clear that each person is individual. And a girl’s room is not something predictably “girly”. Surely, an athlete’s bedroom will be very different from a young woman’s boudoir. Also with the choice of room design for a young man - there are many options. It all depends on the personal preferences and lifestyle of the owner of the room.

How to choose the right wallpaper for a room

It would seem that wallpaper is just the background of the room in essence. And you need to choose them, focusing primarily on color. However, the modern assortment expands the range of criteria that you need to rely on in your choice. First of all, the purpose of the room influences. After all, wallpaper for the kitchen will be significantly different from wallpaper for the nursery or living room! And the process varies depending on the type of wallpaper chosen.

Wallpaper for the bedroom

Whatever the style of the room, it is better to choose wallpaper for the bedroom in neutral tones. After all, the first and most important purpose of the room is relaxation. This is what you should start from when thinking about “clothing” for the walls. When choosing wallpaper in bright, specific colors or with a very expressive pattern, think ahead. Will you get tired of this wallpaper after just a couple of months and want a calmer option? If you want bright accents– let them become photo frames, unusual vases, and other accessories. Replacing them with new ones is easier than changing the wallpaper on the walls. If the bedroom style involves “expensive” decoration, you can choose seamless fabric wallpaper. By the way, they will do an excellent job of providing additional sound insulation.

Wallpaper for the living room

Curtains for the living room and bedroom: features of choice

Usually, when designing a room, it is done almost as an afterthought. Although this interior detail can carry no less stylistic load than, for example, furniture or wallpaper! Curtains - how business card rooms. They can make the room boring and expressionless, and when good choice revive the most laconic room in design.

There are rules for choosing curtains that should always be taken into account so as not to be disappointed with the result.

  • Curtains should be combined primarily with the color and texture of the textiles in the room.
  • Upholstery upholstered furniture and the curtains must be in harmony!
  • The patterns of wallpaper, curtains and textiles in the room should not “interrupt” each other, creating chaos. If the wallpaper pattern is clear and pronounced, it is better to opt for curtains in one color, without a pattern.
  • Using the contrast effect to correct room imperfections ( vertical stripes on curtains are perfect for a room with low ceilings, and the transverse stripes will visually expand it). Also, do not forget about the size and shape of the window(s), the size of the room, the height of the ceiling and other features of the room.

When choosing curtains for a living room, it is important not to overdo it! Excessive pretentiousness of curtains, an abundance of details and a complex cut can do a disservice and make all other design elements look inexpressive.

Ceiling design in the room

When deciding on a living room, you need to be guided by many criteria. An important point is determining the amount of financial costs. After all, the ceiling can be either “budget” (simple whitewashing or painting the surface) or more expensive (there are many options here).


Ceiling finishing options and their features

Ceiling plasterboard

Perhaps this is the most common ceiling design option in our time. After all, it has a lot of undeniable advantages:

Possibility of creating complex original designs. The ceiling can become the main thing design solution in the design of the room!

Additional sound insulation.

Saving heat and adjusting the microclimate of the room.

One of the fastest and easiest ceiling repair options. If you want something special, unique design, That suspended ceiling can be combined with plasterboard elements.

The disadvantages include its price (most often it is much higher than other possible options).

Fabric clothA very specific option, used only in individual, thoughtful room design.
(3 Votes)

How to furnish a small room? At first glance, this task seems impossible! I want a small room to fit all the necessary furniture, and at the same time be cozy and comfortable. In this article, we have selected for you several options on how to furnish a small room; the interiors were made by famous designers.

Option #1. How to furnish a small room, namely a bedroom? Very beautiful and truly cozy option The bedroom interior was proposed by designer Marina Pennie (Marina’s official website The dimensions of this bedroom are only 7 sq.m.

We were captivated by the panel with a picturesque view opposite the bed. When you wake up in the morning, it seems like you are in one of the cozy towns in Europe!

If you are wondering how to furnish a bedroom, our following articles will be useful to you:

Option #2. How to furnish a small room - a living room? We liked the interior of a small living room proposed by the architect and interior designer Ekaterina Kozova (Marina’s official website The interior turned out to be very light and at the same time stylish!

If you are thinking about how to furnish your living room, you will find the following articles useful:

Option #3. How to furnish a small kitchen. Great idea for a kitchen interior with an area of ​​only 7 sq.m. from designer Olga Zaretskikh (Olga’s official website Kitchen in a house built in 1959. After the redevelopment, the entrance to the room was moved to the adjacent wall, making it possible to devote 2 walls entirely to kitchen furniture.

If you are thinking about how you can furnish a small kitchen, you will find our following articles useful:

Option number 4. How to furnish a small bathroom? Here is an example of just a super small bathroom - only 1.9 sq.m. square! Designer Maxim Kasymov (Maxim's official website

If you have a very small bathroom and don't know how to furnish a small room, you will find our following articles helpful:

Option #5. How to furnish a children's room? We really like the idea of ​​the design studio GA+Partners (official website to use compact furniture.

If you are thinking about how to furnish a small children's room, you will find our following articles useful:

You can also find useful tips in our article

And finally, a few more photos of ideas on how to furnish a small room!

Visual effects in design- these are the principles of interior design on which methods of expanding space are based. All methods that give the visual effect of spaciousness can be divided into two large groups:

  1. play of color and light;
  2. or clever use of decorative elements.

Let's consider popular design techniques that will make a small room visually taller, wider and more spacious.

Color scheme and lighting for a small room

Choice color range for a small room

There are two fundamentally different approaches to choosing a color theme for a small room.

Approach No. 1 is traditional. For a small room, choose exclusively light, pastel colors with a minimum of dark shades and especially small splashes of color.

Indeed, the more light there is in a room, the more spacious it seems. If you imagine yourself in a completely white room, you will understand that there are no boundaries in it, the illusion of infinity is created. A light tone visually makes the object larger, and therefore the walls, floor and ceiling, decorated in light colors, create the effect of a spacious room in a small room. Moreover, cold shades add depth, while warm shades “stretch” the room.

Options for using light colors in the design of the floor and ceiling to expand the space:

  • A low ceiling in a small room will appear higher if its color is a shade lighter than the color of the walls.
  • The floor and ceiling are the 5th and 6th walls of the room, decorated in light colors, they will merge with light walls. This blurs the boundaries, making the space seem more voluminous.
  • Glossy floor and ceiling reflect light and therefore add depth to the room.

Approach No. 2 - professional. Among professional designers and decorators, the method of “whitewashing everything around” is considered not so much incorrect as schoolboy and primitive. In fact, there are many ways to decorate small rooms and they are completely different. A room decorated in dark colors can also look spacious. But the surest way is to come up with a conceptual filling of the room with decorative items. Some examples of expanding space using bright and dark shades:

  • Accent wall. One wall is painted in a contrasting color. This wall acts as a focal point and attracts attention. And turning your gaze to other walls decorated in neutral tones, we subconsciously perceive the room as more spacious. In this case, it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of tones: they bring the object closer, and cold ones move away. If you want to add depth to the room, you can choose blue, purple or light blue for the accent wall.
  • Unexpected accents. You can paint the most unexpected places in the room with bright colors: a radiator, a window sill, the inner wall of a shelving unit. Place a bright object in the corner of the room farthest from the entrance. Let it be a bright piece of furniture, decorative vase, floor lamp. This technique disrupts the perspective of the room, creating the illusion of spaciousness.
  • Regardless of the overall color scheme, add to the room one deep black object: floor lamp, chair, lamp, picture frame. Black color will not eat up space, but will only emphasize the overall color palette.
  • Black walls for a small room this is a bold decision. But this technique works. Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, black color creates the illusion of infinity, expands space and gives it depth. Furniture pieces look more impressive against a black background. In this case, one of the decorative elements must be white.
  • If the ceiling is high paint it dark, then the corners of the room will slightly distort the perspective. By remaining in the shadows, they will create the illusion of infinity. Especially if black gloss is chosen for the ceiling. Illuminated by a chandelier, such a ceiling seems like a huge mirror, which expands the space. In addition, the dark ceiling visually unites all the interior elements into a single whole.
  • Designers offer dark and rich colors use for finishing the lower part of the walls. This will visually disrupt the perspective: the dark bottom will seem deeper, and the upper part of the room with a light ceiling and walls will “float”, visually making the room larger. A similar technique has been used since ancient times in, where it is customary to finish the lower part of the wall.

Expanding space with lighting

A small room should have a lot of light, and therefore it is worth considering the use of several lighting sources at once.

  • Window- source of natural light. The larger it is, the better for a small room. It is advisable to choose a solid frame, without extra transoms and crossbars.
  • It is better to abandon a massive ceiling chandelier in favor of a small one.
  • Contrary to general opinion, long pendant chandelier will allow you to visually raise the ceiling. Only such a lamp should be located at eye level. This option would be appropriate for a chandelier above the dining table.
  • IN narrow room lamps that diffuse light from the center of the ceiling to the walls will visually “pull apart” these walls.
  • Halogen spotlights. Located along the perimeter of the room, they will illuminate the walls brighter, which will expand the visible area of ​​space. With such lamps you can equip additional shelves in the closet, place the lamps behind glass doors racks, along the side walls of the podium, in niches. As a result, furniture and architectural elements seem less cumbersome.
  • Plaster lamps- a new word in design. They have a plaster body and decor, are built into the wall or ceiling and are plastered. As a result, the lamp itself is not visible, only the decor and soft lighting remain, which also works on visual extension interior
    • Drawing (ornament) of the floor covering. Parquet or ceramic tiles can be laid not parallel to the walls, at an angle - this disrupts the perspective of perception and visually expands the space. The same goes for wood floors and laminate flooring. It is customary to lay them along the walls, perpendicular to the window. But, if you place it in a narrow room flooring parallel to the end wall, the room will appear wider.
    • A long shelf located on the end wall in a narrow room will help expand the space. A wide window sill, a long cornice or in a rectangular frame will cope with the same role.

    How to choose wallpaper for a small room

    If you choose wallpaper for wall decoration, then it is important to pay attention not only to the color, but also to the pattern.

    • IN small room It is worth abandoning wallpaper with large ornaments. Large drawings “eat up” space. Wallpaper, plain or with a small pattern, will “save” the space.
    • Wallpaper with large drawing You can decorate one wall, making it an accent wall. In this case, it is better to decorate other walls with plain wallpaper.
    • Striped wallpaper They also work for the future. If you place the stripes vertically, this will visually raise the ceiling. Horizontal lines visually push the walls apart.
    • IN dark room The least lit wall can be covered with the same wallpaper, but a lighter tone. This will liven up the room.
    • Photo wallpaper with a panoramic pattern - one of the techniques for expanding space. It is important that the drawing matches the chosen one. Only one wall is covered with photo wallpaper, making it an accent wall. Instead of photo wallpaper, you can design accent wall painting or hang a large panoramic picture on it and achieve a similar effect.

    Decor elements for a small room

    Sometimes they advise do not clutter a small room with unnecessary decorative items and accessories. But in reality this is not the case, it all depends on the chosen interior style, if it is minimalism, then the advice is quite appropriate.

    On the other hand, a correctly composed composition, even from large quantity small items will help expand the room. How it works?

    It is important to wisely select objects that evoke similar emotions and associations. For example, this is a collection of minerals or shells, small figurines, plates, boxes brought from travels, a gallery of family photographs, small models of ships or ancient castles. Each detail evokes many associations and memories in a person; such an interior, filled with information content, is perceived on a subconscious level as spacious and voluminous.

    Using mirrors to increase space

    Mirrors to expand space should be used with caution so as not to create the illusion of a “looking glass”. In addition, some people are bothered by obsessive confrontation with their own reflection, especially in full height and this is also important to take into account.

    In the "" gallery you can find many examples and ideas, but here we will look at only a few options for using a mirror in a small room.

    • Make one of the walls completely mirrored. Then the whole room, reflected in the mirror, will be “duplicated,” as it were, visually enlarging the room. This technique is often used in narrow rooms or corridors.
    • Mirror ceiling - a bold option. Such a ceiling, illuminated by a chandelier, expands the space.
    • If you place mirror opposite the window, will not only visually increase the size of the room, but also add light.
    • Small mirror, which reflects a bright accessory, will help to visually focus attention on an interesting piece of furniture.
    • Can be placed mirrors behind lamps, sconces, floor lamps or candlesticks. By reflecting their light, mirrors will add depth to the room.

    What furniture to use in a small room

    For a small room, small-sized and multifunctional furniture is best suited. We offer some tips for choosing furniture.

    • Sofas and armchairs it is better to choose without armrests, on low legs, especially if the room is designed in minimalism.
    • Large piece of furniture in a small room it should play the role of a focal point around which the rest of the decor will be built. It is better if this is the only large item in the room.
    • Tall and narrow cabinets will visually raise the ceiling. And low furniture located below eye level creates the illusion of space.
    • Good decision - multifunctional transformable furniture. Such furniture is easy to remove and hide when it is not needed. For example, pull-out tables, folding chairs, sofa bed. Any Built in furniture also saves space.
    • For a small room it is better to choose racks with open, through shelves. Blank surfaces “steal space.”
    • As for furniture materials, for a small room it is better to select sets that make the most of glass, transparent plastic and mirrors.

    Particular attention should be paid furniture arrangement. Below are listed a few simple techniques that you can use.

    • In a narrow room Do not place pieces of furniture in one line along an elongated wall. It is better to place a wall or cabinet near the end wall. This will bring the shape of the entire room closer to a square.
    • A group of armchairs and a sofa can be installed in the center of the room, creating a functional and visual barrier.
    • Some designers advise do not place furniture close to walls. By leaving a gap between the furniture and the wall, you can achieve the effect of volumetric space.
    • Don't block the entrance. If the distance from the entrance to the opposite wall remains open, then visually the room appears larger. Therefore, it is better to place cabinets, racks and shelves away from the door.