What to do if the leaves of a hydrangea turn yellow: reasons for the change in color of the leaf blades and help for the shrub. Garden hydrangea leaves are drying

Causes of yellowing

If you see that the hydrangea has begun to turn yellow, then the first thing that comes to mind is that somewhere an error in care has crept in or the plant is missing something. Therefore, first of all, you need to evaluate the correctness of care, and only then look for other reasons why a yellow leaf appeared on the plant.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow due to the following mistakes made when caring for it:

  • you flooded the flower. Home hydrangea is a very moisture-loving plant. But even it can be flooded if you water it too often. The first to react to waterlogging will be the leaves, which will begin to turn yellow and fall off;
  • lack of warmth. The indoor flower does not like drafts and low temperatures. When a plant finds itself in such a situation, the first signal about unsuitable conditions will be the appearance of a yellow leaf;
  • lack of nutrients. Even indoor hydrangea, which grows in a pot, must be ensured that it receives the optimal set of micro- and macroelements;
  • lack of sunlight. For normal growth and development of a flower, a certain light regime must be observed. It is important both for the health of hydrangea and beautiful flowering. But remember that the light should be diffused, not direct. Otherwise, those with sunburn will be added to the yellow leaves. It manifests itself in the fact that the leaves are colored Brown color and dry;
  • feeding during flowering and formation of stems. If this is not done, after a while the first yellow leaf will appear on the stem.
  • On shortage nutrients It's worth going into more detail. During the flowering period, the plant requires the maximum amount of nutrients. And even a slight lack of them can lead to defective formation of inflorescences, and also cause the leaves to turn yellow. This usually indicates that the soil is deficient in iron and nitrogen.

    If caring for the flower turned out to be correct, but the leaf is still yellow, you need to look for another reason. Sometimes hydrangea leaves turn yellow and dry out due to disease. Despite the sufficient resistance of hydrangea to various types infections, in certain situations it can be attacked by viruses and fungi. Why such situations occur can be answered quite easily. The whole reason here lies, again, in improper care of the flower.

    Indoor hydrangeas are not characterized by many diseases, and only some of them can cause yellow leaves to appear. For example, the most common reason why leaves turn yellow is a viral disease such as ring spot. In this case, the sheet not only turns yellow, but also becomes deformed. It is by the deformation of the leaf blade that one can determine that the cause is a virus.

    In addition to ring spot, house hydrangea can be affected by axochytic spot. Here the castings also turn yellow. But they also dry out quite quickly, die and fall off. Indoor hydrangea is also characterized by an ailment such as chlorosis. The reason for its occurrence is a violation of the plant’s watering technique. A flower can contract chlorosis after being watered with harsh tap water, which contained a high percentage of lime.

    As a result of the accumulation of lime in the soil, it leads to alkalization of the soil. The infected leaf will turn yellow and dry out. They dry out due to the fact that the plant does not have the opportunity to fully feed. Such a situation can lead to the complete death of the flower. As you can see, there are quite a few reasons that can lead to the leaves of a hydrangea turning yellow. But often the reason lies in improper care. Therefore, you need to be very attentive to this indoor flower and caring for it.

    Video “Treatment of indoor plants”

    How to cure diseased leaves

    When the leaves turn yellow, it is necessary to urgently take measures to treat the hydrangea, otherwise the flower may die. First of all, you need to find out the cause and then proceed from it in choosing a treatment method.

    Let's look at some of them:

  • in case of waterlogging, the water regime should be normalized by reducing the number of waterings;
  • if there is a lack of heat, move the flower out of the way of drafts and into a more heated room;
  • If the cause is identified as a lack of nutrients, start fertilizing. Typically, fertilizers are added to the pot during watering along with water. You should also use only soft water that has settled well.
  • It is also worth noting that if there is a lack of iron in the soil, then it is necessary to restore the acidity of the soil. To do this, you need to add a solution of vinegar essence to the soil. It is prepared by adding 1 tsp to 10 liters of water. essences. Please note that you can use oxalic or citric acid instead of vinegar. In addition, a special ferovit solution can be used to restore soil pH.

    But in a situation where resuming proper care no longer gives the desired result, the flower will have diseases of a viral or fungal nature. Although proper care will help improve the condition of the plant, it will not be enough. Here the infected leaf must be removed, and the hydrangea itself must be treated with special fungicidal preparations. Very often, Bordeaux mixture (1% solution) is used to combat diseases.

    Measures to combat chlorosis include replanting the flower in a new pot. Its further watering is carried out only with softened water.

    Disease Prevention

    Prevention has always been everywhere the best remedy fight against various diseases and pathologies. This applies not only to the animal, but also flora. Therefore, if you want to prevent yellow leaves from appearing on your hydrangea, follow these recommendations:

  • Maintain optimal water regime. Do not over-water or dry out the plant;
  • water only with soft, settled water;
  • place the flower only in warm room no drafts;
  • Avoid direct exposure of the leaves to sunlight;
  • do periodic feeding (especially during the flowering period).
  • You can also sometimes treat the flower with agents against germs and viruses. By following these recommendations, you can prevent the appearance of yellow leaves in indoor hydrangea and preserve its beauty for many years.

    Video “Why do the leaves on plants turn yellow?”

    Every self-respecting gardener has repeatedly asked himself the question: why do plants’ leaves turn yellow? To answer this as accurately as possible, we recommend watching the following video.

    Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow: causes and solution to the problem

    Hydrangea is divided into many types. It is impossible to establish an exact number, but it varies from 30 to 80. This flower is most common in Japan and China. It owes its name to a Roman princess. Despite the fact that hydrangea has many species, room conditions Only a few of them are grown: garden hydrangea or large-leaved hydrangea. This is the only species that has compact forms for home growing.

    IN natural environment A hydrangea bush can reach 3 meters in height. Usually this small trees and vines. It is interesting that some species of this plant can be evergreen, but in our regions gardeners prefer deciduous species. Hydrangea has large round leaves, pointed at the top and with small teeth on the sides. You can admire the blooming hydrangea from spring until the onset of the first frost. Most species of this plant have white or cream flowers. But there is one species, large-leaved hydrangea, which can bloom with purple, pink and even red flowers. Interestingly, the shade of the inflorescence depends on the soil on which the plant is planted. Many gardeners have a question: why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in the article.

    Types of hydrangea

    Since hydrangea is divided into many types, it is better to find out which one is suitable for your region and soil before planting. After all, each species has its own requirements for the place of cultivation and care:

  • Hydrangea. Tree hydrangea is widespread in our latitudes. It has the appearance of a bush that can reach a height of 3 meters. The plant has white lush inflorescences.
  • Hydrangea paniculata. This is a fairly tall species that can reach five meters in height. It is very popular among gardeners and is very popular. With proper care paniculata hydrangea can grow in one place for up to forty years. Flowering is abundant, although short-lived. The first blossoming inflorescences can be observed only in August. They have White color. The species is not afraid of frost, so it can be grown even in our northern regions. Many people are interested in why the leaves of paniculata hydrangea turn yellow. You should take this problem seriously if you want a healthy and beautiful tree to decorate your garden.
  • Large-leaved hydrangea (garden). The usual habitat is the garden, but this species can even be grown indoors. This is exactly the one most interesting view, which can have inflorescences of white, red and even of blue color. Their color directly depends on the composition of the soil. When growing, you may also wonder why the leaves of garden hydrangea (large-leaved) turn yellow.
  • These are the most common species that can be found in our gardens.

    Features of growing hydrangea

    Before decorating your garden with this plant, study the features of its cultivation so as not to encounter many problems and questions, in particular, about why hydrangea leaves turn yellow, what to do and how to avoid this trouble.

    If you want your large-leaf hydrangea to avoid producing white flowers, experiment with soil acidity. For example, on acidic soil the flowers will turn blue.

    Hydrangea loves moisture very much. The plant should not be allowed to dry out. Watering should be regular and plentiful.

    Hydrangea loves bright light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. When planting, you should choose a place where there is enough light, but in the midday heat the flowers can hide in the shade.

    If you have solved the problem with timely watering, then take the process of pruning the plant with the same seriousness. This is an important point in growing hydrangea.

    When fertilized with organic matter, the plant grows quickly and has a very lush crown, but you should not expect flowers, so you should be careful with this type of fertilizer.

    There are frost-resistant plant species, but even they need to be covered for the winter, otherwise they may freeze. This is not a serious problem, since usually the hydrangea is completely restored during the growing season.

    One big advantage is that hydrangea is rarely susceptible to pest attacks and all sorts of diseases.

    Planting by seeds

    Species hydrangeas have been planted with seeds for a long time, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this. In autumn, the seeds are planted in prepared soil. It should include 4 parts of leaf mixture, 2 parts of peat soil and 1 part of river sand. After planting from above, the seeds are also lightly sprinkled with this mixture and watered using a sprayer. Then the container with the seeds must be covered with film or glass. Occasionally they will have to be ventilated and also watered with the same sprayer. Optimal temperature for successful seed germination - +14-20 degrees.

    In just a month and a half you will see the first shoots. It is at this moment that the glass must be removed. Picking is usually carried out twice. The first occurs at the moment when the cotyledon leaves begin to develop, and the second - in the month of May. In May, seedlings are planted in separate pots 7 cm in diameter. During this period, they should be hardened off, so during the day the seedlings are placed outside. But you should choose a place where there will be no direct sunlight or rain. It will take you about two years to grow healthy and strong seedlings at home.

    Planting seedlings

    Healthy two-year-old seedlings are planted in open ground. Early spring is best suited for this. Select a place for the hydrangea in advance. This should be a well-lit area without direct sunlight. Any soil will do. WITH special attention Make sure that next to the hydrangea there are no plants with the same root system (surface). This threatens that there will be a struggle between them for water and nutrients, as a result of which the question may arise: why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow and what to do about it. Before planting, evaluate the size of the plant’s rhizome and make the hole twice as large. Peat, mineral and organic fertilizers. It is necessary to plant a flower together with the soil in which it grew. Before you fill in the roots, they need to be leveled. After planting, the seedling should be well watered and mulched with pine needles or bark.

    Caring for hydrangea is not that difficult, but you will have to remember a few mandatory points. As already mentioned, hydrangea loves moisture, so each bush needs abundant watering twice a week. For one bush you will need about 50 liters of water. It must be warm and settled. Those plants that have been mulched with peat do not need such frequent watering due to the layer of mulch.

    You should also periodically loosen the soil to allow the roots to breathe and trim to remove dead or diseased shoots.

    In order for the hydrangea to be strewn with flowers and you never have to wonder why the leaves of indoor or garden hydrangeas turn yellow, it needs to be fed periodically. It is better to do this once before flowering begins and once after it ends. For one mature plant you will need three buckets of this solution: 20 grams of urea per bucket of water. And after flowering they use it for feeding. mineral fertilizers. Fertilization during flowering in summer is also allowed. During this period they use slurry. But in in this case you need to know the limit so as not to overfeed.

    Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow: reasons

    Many gardeners face this question. So why do the leaves of indoor hydrangea or any other type of this flower turn yellow? There are a number of reasons that can lead to yellowing of leaves:

  • Although hydrangea loves moisture very much, it should not be flooded. This is one of the main mistakes why leaves of large-leaved hydrangea and others turn yellow.
  • If you plant the plant in a draft, then most likely the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, since hydrangea loves warmth.
  • Having provided proper care and timely watering, novice gardeners cannot find the answer to the question of why hydrangea leaves turn yellow. The reason may lie in the small amount of fertilizers that the plant receives.
  • With a large number of inflorescences, the leaves may lack something and because of this they begin to turn yellow.
  • The leaves turn yellow on hydrangeas that are affected by powdery mildew. The presence of this disease can be determined by a gray coating on the foliage.
  • Another disease is ring spot.
  • Ways to combat yellowing of leaves

    Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow (the photo in the article demonstrates this process), and most importantly, what to do about it? Many gardeners were left alone with this problem. Before you start fighting it, you should find out the reason. And then everything is simple. If the plant receives too much moisture, then simply reduce the amount of watering.

    A plant that suffers from a draft should be replanted immediately, otherwise the problem will not be solved and the bush will die completely. It is worth fertilizing those flowers that do not receive enough nutrients.

    If you find traces of disease or the presence of pests on the plant, you must immediately begin to combat them. To do this, use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture as a spray.

    The plant may suffer from low iron levels in the soil. In such cases, the acidity of the soil is usually increased artificially. To do this you will need a bucket of water and a teaspoon of vinegar essence.

    There are not many reasons why the leaves of paniculata hydrangea and other species turn yellow, and all problems can be eliminated quickly and quite simply.

    Hydrangea turns yellow and dries: causes and correction of care errors

    Hydrangea is an amazingly beautiful plant that has lush green foliage and colorful inflorescence caps. It can be grown both in the garden and in the apartment. With proper care and favorable conditions, the bush will be healthy and beautiful.

    However, sometimes gardeners are faced with the fact that hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out or turn black. Why does this happen? And what should you do if you find such a problem in your plant?

    The main causes of yellowing of garden hydrangea and their solution

    Basically, the reasons why hydrangea leaves turn yellow are errors in care or changes in the environment. But sometimes the plant is damaged by pests. Consider possible reasons more details.

    Lack or excess of light and moisture

    If the bush grows in the shade or in an open sunny area, its leaves may begin to turn yellow, brown and dry out. The light regime is very important for the plant - it prefers bright, but at the same time diffused lighting.

    He will also be comfortable in partial shade from trees or near bushes. The scorching sun causes burns on the leaves, and the lack of light affects both foliage and flowering.

    If yellowing is due to improper lighting, hydrangeas should either be created suitable conditions, or transplant it to another place.

    Although hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant, severe waterlogging primarily affects the leaves. They begin to turn yellow and then fall off. If this happens, it is important to reduce the frequency and volume of watering and not to overwater the plant in the future.

    Hydrangea is a heat-loving flower, so sudden changes in temperature and constant drafts at the site where it is planted will lead to yellowing of the leaves and wilting of the entire bush.

    If this is the reason for the yellowing, the flower should be transplanted to a windless, sunny place. It is important that the soil in the new location is suitable.

    Low soil acidity

    Hydrangea prefers acidic soil, pH 3-6. If it grows in alkaline soil, yellow leaves may begin to appear.

    If this is the case, then periodically you should add lemon juice in the proportion of 2-3 drops of juice per 1 liter of water.

    You can also replace lemon juice with vinegar essence. In this case, the ratio will be: 1 teaspoon of essence per 10 liters of water. Over time, the soil loses its nutrients, and the plant also needs to be fertilized.

    Nutritional deficiencies

    One of the reasons for the appearance of yellow foliage on a plant may be a lack of fertilizer. From early spring to mid-summer, it needs regular feeding: 2 times a month with mineral fertilizers and 1 time with organic fertilizers.

    If your hydrangea begins to turn yellow due to a lack of micro- and macroelements, feed it in the spring with a high-nitrogen fertilizer For active growth foliage, in summer "Kemira flower" for abundant flowering, in the fall - potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to prepare for the dormant period and laying of young shoots and flower stalks.

    Powdery mildew

    Yellowing of leaves can be caused by this disease. It can be identified by a grayish coating on the back of the leaves. Yellow-green spots appear on the front side, which turn brown over time and acquire clear boundaries.

    Fungicides, for example, Alirin or Fitosporin, will help cope with the disease. At advanced stages, Thiovit, Skor, Topaz, Jet are used.

    Now you know why garden hydrangea leaves turn yellow and what to do with the plant if there are care errors.

    Hydrangea leaves are drying up

    Possible reasons why hydrangea leaves dry and what to do with the plant:

    • Lack of moisture. The plant requires regular, abundant watering, as it loves moisture very much. Due to overdrying of the roots, the leaves begin to dry out, especially if the bush grows on sunny place. The solution to the problem will be timely watering in sufficient quantities and shading of the plant;
    • Incorrect transplant. If the roots, which absorb water and nutrients, are damaged during transplantation, the hydrangea grows poorly and the tips of the leaves begin to dry out. In this case, the flower needs regular, abundant (but not excessive) watering. Once every 10 days, when the soil is moistened, the Zircon preparation is added to the water (diluted according to the instructions). It stimulates root formation. Feeding is carried out only after the bush begins to grow;
    • Low humidity environment . This often happens in enclosed spaces, such as greenhouses. It is important to regularly ventilate and moisten the air around the bush;
    • Lack of nutrients. It is especially felt during the formation of buds and flowering. During this period, fertilizing should be done once every 7-10 days.
    • Hydrangea leaves turn black

      Blackening of leaves can be dry and wet, or flaccid. In the first case, along the edges of the leaves, brown spots, which subsequently cause drying and wilting of the foliage. The reason why hydrangea leaves turn black and dry may be:

    • Sunburn. It is important to protect the plant from the scorching rays of the sun;
    • Hard water for irrigation. Regular tap water may contain lime and other impurities. Therefore, before watering, it is important to stand for at least a day. It is better to do this in the sun so that the water also warms up.
    • Wet blackening is easily identified by limp dark leaves. Its reasons may be:

    • Drafts or sudden temperature changes;
    • Excessive abundant watering;
    • Heavy soil that retains moisture and does not allow air to pass through well. Hydrangea prefers light, loose, nutritious soil.
    • Why do the leaves of Hydrangea paniculata turn yellow?

      Hydrangea paniculata, with its beautiful pyramidal inflorescences and flowering until the coldest weather, may also begin to turn yellow leaves. The reason, as a rule, lies in an excess or lack of something, For example:

    • Excess or lack of light;
    • Overwatering;
    • Lack of nutrients;
    • Low soil acidity;
    • Drafts and sudden temperature changes;
    • Diseases such as powdery mildew and ring spot.
    • Hydrangea turns yellow and dries at home

      Indoor hydrangea is adapted to life in an apartment, so it especially needs creation comfortable conditions for growth and flowering. Sometimes, if the rules of care are not followed, the leaves of the flower may begin to turn yellow and dry out.. What could be the reason?

    • Damage to the root system during transplantation. In this case, the plant will most likely recover, but it will take time - up to 2 months. You can help him with this by adding Zircon to the water for irrigation every 10 days. It stimulates root formation;
    • Insufficient or excessive watering. It is optimal to carry out the next moistening after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried a little;
    • Low air humidity. Hydrangea should be sprayed regularly, especially on hot summer days. It is also important to ensure that the humidity in the room where it is located is above average;
    • Lack of nutrients. During the period of active growth and flowering, potted hydrangea needs regular feeding: once every 7-10 days;
    • Excess light. On a south-facing window without shading, hydrangea can get leaf burn. The optimal place for it is eastern and western windows.
    • You can read more about caring for hydrangea at home here.

      Knowing the causes of yellowing, blackening and drying of hydrangea leaves, you can avoid unnecessary problems. Well, if trouble does happen, tips on quick help will help restore the lushness of green foliage in a short time!

      Causes of leaves turning pale in hydrangeas

      06/14/2017 Leave a comment 3,972 Views

      Hydrangea is a fairly popular plant with large leaves and lush inflorescences. It is grown in the form garden shrub or indoor tree. Hydrangea does not claim to be a capricious plant, but knowing the basic rules for maintaining and caring for it is extremely important.

      Causes of leaf blanching and chlorosis

      The most common mistakes in hydrangea agricultural practices are:

    • Alkaline soil;
    • Lack of mineral elements;
    • Damage by pathogenic bacteria;
    • Garden pest attacks.
    • The main reason that green leaves become lighter is a decrease in the quality of the soil and a malnutrition of the plant. A sufficient level of soil acidity for hydrangea ranges from pH 4.0 to 6.5. It is very important to maintain this indicator at a normal level so that the plant is decorated not only with buds of inflorescences, but also with healthy green leaves.

      Checking the acidity level of the substrate at home is not difficult.

      To check the soil reaction you will need:

    • Litmus paper;
    • Container with water;
    • Sample of soil from under a bush.
    • This analysis is carried out using litmus paper, which can be purchased at a specialized flower shop. To carry out the test, you need to moisten a handful of soil with distilled water and attach a strip of paper to it.

      Its coloring in red indicates high acidity of the soil; the appearance of blue color will indicate a neutral soil level. If the paper turns yellow, the substrate is slightly acidic, and a medium acidic medium will show a stripe in pink color. The appearance of a green-blue tint indicates a pH level close to neutral.

      It is necessary to make emergency adjustments, if the test result shows that the soil is not acidic enough, urgent action must be taken. Is it enough to add? teaspoon citric acid into a bucket of water prepared for irrigation. You can also acidify the soil by adding a coniferous layer to the soil, or using ammonium sulfate or ferrous sulfate for this purpose.

      Violation of the mineral balance in the soil

      Deficiency or excess minerals in the soil can also cause hydrangea leaves to turn white. Most often, the plant suffers from a lack of iron or nitrogen.

      To prevent their deficiency, from the end of spring, the soil is fed twice a month with fertilizers containing these elements. Stop feeding this way by mid-summer. During the same period, the degree of watering of the hydrangea is also reduced.

      Diseases of garden hydrangea

      Another reason why hydrangeas appeared pale leaves may be caused by powdery mildew. In fact, when such an infection occurs, the hydrangea leaves not only turn white, but become covered with a white coating.

      Most often, powdery mildew appears when the soil and air are excessively moist.

      The upper part of the leaves and stem is affected first. What to do if powdery plaque appears? First of all, protect the healthy part of the plant - pinch off damaged leaves and treat the bush with fungicides.

      Such products as “Alirin-B”, “Topaz”, “Chistotsvet” are suitable. It is necessary to select a fungicide solution according to the degree of complexity of the hydrangea damage. If the appearance of “powdery mildew” is detected at an early stage, it is enough to thoroughly wash the infected leaves on both sides several times with a mixture of soap and copper sulfate.

      To prepare the solution you will need:

      • Warm water – 10 l;
      • Copper sulfate – 15 g;
      • Laundry soap – 150 gr.
      • Garden pest attack

        Insects like spider mite, aphids, meadow bugs, and slugs also threaten hydrangeas by changing the color of the leaves due to the absorption of plant sap by pests. It is important to inspect the flowerbed as often as possible and at the first sign of insects to use preparations to kill them.
        Damage to leaves by spider mites is indicated by the presence of small yellow spots. Fungicides sold in specialized retail outlets will help cope with this problem. If pests are detected in a timely manner, more gentle methods are used - treating the leaves with a solution of mineral oil or soap.

        When hydrangea is infested with aphids, a slight yellowing of the upper leaves of the bush most often appears. It is also important not to miss the initial stage of infection and thoroughly treat the leaves with a soap solution on both sides. In case of mass leaf disease, solutions such as “Akarin”, “Tobacco dust” or “Fitoverm” are used.

        Methods to prevent hydrangea leaves from turning yellow

        When purchasing hydrangea seedlings, you must carefully examine the leaves; any changes indicate improper metabolism or damage to the bush.

        In order to prevent entry large quantity aggressive ultraviolet rays For leaves, you should choose a semi-shaded area for planting hydrangeas.

        Hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant, but excessive moisture in the flower bed is fraught with the appearance of pests and fungal infections.

        In order to prevent the appearance of chlorosis, it is necessary to feed the shrub with iron-containing supplements twice a season. For this purpose, spraying with “Ferovit” or “Antichlorosis” solutions is carried out.

        And yet, the main methods of preventing mass damage to hydrangea leaves are periodic inspection of the bush and checking the acidity level of the soil. Do not forget that in the initial stages of the problem it is easier to deal with the cause of blanching of hydrangea leaves.

        How to protect garden hydrangea from diseases and pests?

        For many years now, hydrangea has been considered one of the most delightful decorations of a country garden. It looks very harmonious. Tall bushes with carved leaves, large caps of flowers of various delicate colors will not leave anyone indifferent.

        Many gardeners will agree that hydrangea loves constant attention and care. It is not difficult to care for it, but during the growing process you may encounter with a number of problems.

        The flower is endowed with good immunity, but improper care and the vagaries of nature can provoke the occurrence of diseases. It is very important to recognize the problem in time in order to provide timely assistance.

        Leaf diseases

        They occupy a leading number among all diseases.

        Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow?

      • Yellowing foliage may indicate excess moisture. Although hydrangea loves frequent and abundant watering, if there is excessive accumulation of water, it loses its attractiveness.
      • Pay attention to the acidity of the soil. If it is reduced, you can add a few drops of lemon juice per liter of water during watering. Repeat the procedure several times.
      • Protect the bush from drafts, hypothermia, and sudden temperature changes.
      • Do not plant the flower in open sunny areas. He will be comfortable in the partial shade of large fruit trees or next to spreading bushes. If it is on the sunny side, try to create diffused lighting conditions.
      • Yellowing of foliage can occur due to a lack of nutrients. Fertilize regularly.
      • OS look at the leaves. If a grayish coating appears on them in the form of spots, it may be infected with powdery mildew. Insecticide treatment will be required.
      • Hydrangea leaves are drying up, what should I do?

      • Lack of moisture, especially in dry summers.
      • Dry air. This is often encountered when growing in closed or semi-open greenhouses. It is recommended, if possible, to ventilate the greenhouse, install a humidifier, and spray the air.
      • Sometimes the tips of the leaves begin to dry after improper replanting, during which the roots were damaged. Even if you followed the rules, no one is safe from an accidental mistake. You will have to be patient and get to work. Treatment with zircon will be required every 10 days. It may take up to 2 months to restore health and strength.
      • Lack of nutrients also affects health, especially during the formation of inflorescences and flowering. Fertilizers should be applied at least once every 7-9 days.
      • Why do hydrangea leaves turn black?

        First, the gardener needs to understand whether he is dealing with dull or dry blackening. Each case has its own reasons and ways to improve the health of the plant.

        How borummage with dry blackening?

        In the case of dry blackening, large brownish spots form along the edges of the leaves, they become dry and wither. Causes:

      • Sunburn. Protect bushes from direct sunlight. This applies both when grown in a greenhouse and in an open area.
      • Excessively hard water for irrigation. Gardeners often take cold water from the column. But in many areas it contains lime and other impurities. Be sure to let it sit before watering. Place large tubs on the site and fill them in the morning or evening. Better place it in a sunny area so that the water has time to warm up during the day.

      How to deal with flaccid (wet) blackening?

      It is not difficult to distinguish it by its dark and limp leaves. Causes:

    • Excessive and abundant hydration.
    • Drafts, sudden temperature changes, too cold summers. In the latter case, you can protect root system layer of mulch.
    • Pay attention to the composition of the earth. Plant the flower in loose, light, nutritious soil. Heavy soil retains moisture and interferes with breathing and nutrition.
    • Occurs due to iron deficiency. Characterized by impaired chlorophyll formation. The plates turn yellow, but the veins remain green. There may be a lack of iron in the soil, or the flower itself, for physiological reasons, has lost the ability to absorb the mineral.

      Signs of chlorosis can be different: reduction in the size of leaves and their color, curling of the plate, deformation of the buds, drying of the shoots.

      Control and prevention measures:

      1. Downy mildew. It can be recognized by oily spots on the surface of the leaves. Over time, they spread, turn yellow, and take on a dark shade. A yellowish coating forms on the underside of leaves and young shoots. Powdery mildew is often found when grown in greenhouse conditions, at high humidity and air temperature 17-20 degrees.

      To get rid of the pest, you need to treat with a soap-copper mixture prepared from 150 grams of green soap, 15 grams of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water.

  • Spider mite - settles on the undersides of leaves, covering them with a brown web. Then they become marbled in color, dry out and fall off. Spider mites are an insidious enemy. At high temperature(27-30 degrees) and low humidity, it spreads in just 5-7 days.

    You can fight ticks with thiophos.

  • Green leaf aphid - no less dangerous pest. It sucks out the juice and leaves a sugary, unpleasant discharge in which fungi form. Aphids spread quickly, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Settles on the bottom of the leaf.

    Aphids can be controlled with insecticides.

  • Slugs - attack in conditions of too dense and frequent planting. They cause harm by eating foliage. You can fight them with molluscicide (granular preparation). It is scattered near the bushes on the surface of the ground.
  • How to revive hydrangea after winter?

    If the flowers were properly prepared before the onset of cold weather (hidden under cover), there will be no problems. With the onset of spring, the flowers will come to life and will delight you with new blooms in the summer. But what if the flower is left without shelter in winter? It will be difficult to return to the previous appearance. But this task is quite feasible.

  • Treatment will be required to protect against fungal diseases. Bordeaux mixture or copper solution.
  • The affected foliage and twigs are removed and the treatment is repeated after two weeks.
  • Pay attention to the ground. Acidify it weak lemon solution.
  • Definitely needs to be put in order appearance plants, remove frozen, dry twigs, feed. This year it will not bloom, but if you take all the necessary measures and properly prepare for the next winter, in a year it will gain strength and bloom again.
  • Hydrangea - charming flower who loves constant attention and care. Take care of it correctly and it will become the main decoration of your summer country garden.

    For more photos on the topic of garden hydrangea diseases, see below:

    Useful video

    Find out about one of the diseases of hydrangea - chlorosis:

    Why do paniculate hydrangea leaves turn yellow?

    06/01/2017 Leave a comment 2,106 Views

    Why hydrangea is bright and beautiful, home and garden, can allow its leaves to turn yellow - every gardener, experienced and amateur, should know. Changes in the lush foliage are immediately visible to the naked eye.

    This is the first indicator that the sequence of care is broken, and the “requirements” beautiful bush are not fulfilled. What should be done if such a misunderstanding befell the plant? What exactly influenced this result? You can read about this and possible solutions to the problem below.

    Causes of yellowness on foliage

    The hydrangea begins to suffer and yellow leaves appear because it is observed:

  • direct influence of drafts (hydrangea is very capricious to the winds, she, like a queen, needs gentle conditions and necessarily the presence of heat);
  • too wet soil (a moisture-loving plant will not appreciate the fact that the gardener has overdone it and showed it too often in the form of watering, so the attractiveness of the shrub will begin to decline);
  • a clear lack of minerals and nutrients;
  • too much flowering;
  • the presence of diseases (ring or ascochyta spotting, powdery mildew).
  • Measures to combat the problem

    If it so happens that the hydrangea leaves turn yellow, then it’s time to take action. In the case when the reason lies in waterlogging, then the solution is directly proportional to the problem - the amount of watering should be reduced, and everything will return to normal. It is also worth remembering that tap water saturated with chemicals or with lime impurities, the plant does not tolerate. If it is not possible to use rain or settled water, you should add a drop of electrolyte or vinegar or ordinary lemon juice.

    When the problem is in the wrong place for planting the shrub, it will have to be replanted. The process is labor-intensive, but it's worth it. Hydrangea will rejoice in a sunny and windless place, and over time it will show its “mood” with the shade of foliage and the splendor of flowering. This plant also does not need direct rays of the sun. To prevent the foliage from turning yellow, you should find a “golden mean” - partial shade, which will become a growth stimulator and salvation in the wild summer heat. The base of the hydrangea should be especially protected from sunlight. As for house plants, you should remember that on a south-facing window, shrubs run the risk of getting burned. Rearranging a pot with a plant is not difficult and does not take much time.

    The lack of nutrients in the soil should be restored. A small amount of iron is replenished quite easily and simply. A solution of vinegar essence, citric or even oxalic acid with clean settled or rainwater will save the situation.

    The yellowing process can also occur in winter period, under cover. Especially if the gardener decides to leave the bush blooming until the spring season. In this case the best way the fight is to use Bordeaux mixture.

    There are several other reasons why there is a change in color on the foliage of a plant. They concern incorrect transplantation. Damage to the root system can never have a positive effect on the plant. What helps in this case is regular watering and feeding once a month with Zircon, which will help the roots recover.

    The leaves react very sharply to low humidity levels. Indoor spaces and greenhouses require regular ventilation and frequent air humidification. The bush will quickly recover if you react immediately.

    Diseases - as a risk factor

    Why else the leaves may turn yellow will be indicated by the list of diseases to which paniculate hydrangea is susceptible.

    Among them it should be noted:

  • ascochyta spotting, which causes early death of foliage;
  • ring spot (affects young leaves in the form of light spots, sometimes with subsequent deformation);
  • powdery mildew(appears in the form of spots with a grayish coating on the back side of the leaf blade, and on the front side with a yellow-green tint).
  • In pest control, a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture comes to the rescue. Fungicides actively fight diseases. Alirin and Fitosporin can help. In case of a deep form of the disease, you will have to purchase Thiovit, Topaz or Skor.

    If on personal plot suddenly the leaves of paniculata hydrangea turn yellow, everyone who has read this article will know what to do. Having understood the reasons, knowing the source of the problem, you can easily and quickly navigate the situation and make a decision. Let the splendor of green foliage be restored quickly on the hydrangea, and let the question “why did this happen” arise as rarely as possible.

    The flower is endowed with good immunity, but improper care and the vagaries of nature can provoke the occurrence of diseases. It is very important to recognize the problem in time in order to provide timely assistance.

    Leaf diseases

    They occupy a leading number among all diseases.

    Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow?

    • Yellowing foliage may indicate excess moisture. Although hydrangea loves frequent and abundant watering, if there is excessive accumulation of water, it loses its attractiveness.
    • Pay attention to the acidity of the soil. If it is reduced, you can add a few drops of lemon juice per liter of water during watering. Repeat the procedure several times.
    • Protect the bush from drafts, hypothermia, and sudden temperature changes.
    • Do not plant the flower in open sunny areas. He will be comfortable in the partial shade of large fruit trees or next to spreading bushes. If it is on the sunny side, try to create diffused lighting conditions.
    • Yellowing of foliage can occur due to a lack of nutrients. Fertilize regularly.
    • OS look at the leaves. If a grayish coating appears on them in the form of spots, it may be infected with powdery mildew. Insecticide treatment will be required.

    Hydrangea leaves are drying up, what should I do?

    • Lack of moisture, especially in dry summers.
    • Dry air. This is often encountered when growing in closed or semi-open greenhouses. It is recommended, if possible, to ventilate the greenhouse, install a humidifier, and spray the air.
    • Sometimes the tips of the leaves begin to dry after improper replanting, during which the roots were damaged. Even if you followed the rules, no one is safe from an accidental mistake. You will have to be patient and get to work. Treatment with zircon will be required every 10 days. It may take up to 2 months to restore health and strength.
    • Lack of nutrients also affects health, especially during the formation of inflorescences and flowering. Fertilizers should be applied at least once every 7-9 days.

    Why do hydrangea leaves turn black?

    First, the gardener needs to understand whether he is dealing with dull or dry blackening. Each case has its own reasons and ways to improve the health of the plant.

    How borummage with dry blackening?

    In the case of dry blackening, large brownish spots form along the edges of the leaves, they become dry and wither. Causes:

    • Sunburn. Protect bushes from direct sunlight. This applies both when grown in a greenhouse and in an open area.
    • Excessively hard water for irrigation. Gardeners often take cold water from the pump. But in many areas it contains lime and other impurities. Be sure to let it sit before watering. Place large tubs on the site and fill them in the morning or evening. Better place it in a sunny area so that the water has time to warm up during the day.

    How to deal with flaccid (wet) blackening?

    It is not difficult to distinguish it by its dark and limp leaves. Causes:

    • Excessive and abundant hydration.
    • Drafts, sudden temperature changes, too cold summers. In the latter case, you can protect the root system with a layer of mulch.
    • Pay attention to the composition of the earth. Plant the flower in loose, light, nutritious soil. Heavy soil retains moisture and interferes with breathing and nutrition.


    Occurs due to iron deficiency. Characterized by impaired chlorophyll formation. The plates turn yellow, but the veins remain green. There may be a lack of iron in the soil, or the flower itself, for physiological reasons, has lost the ability to absorb the mineral.

    Signs of chlorosis can be different: reduction in the size of leaves and their color, curling of the plate, deformation of the buds, drying of the shoots.

    Control and prevention measures:

    • Pay attention to the soil characteristics. It should be nutritious and allow oxygen to pass well to the roots. Water regularly with acidified water to maintain proper soil balance.
    • If the disease begins to develop, feed the bushes with iron preparations (in chelated form): Ferovit, Antichlorosis and others. You can prepare iron chelate at home. To do this, you need to dilute 4 grams of citric acid in one liter of water and add 2 grams of iron sulfate. The solution can be used for watering and spraying. By the way, iron chelate will act faster if you apply it one leaf at a time!


    A disease in which dark brown spots 2-6 mm in diameter appear on the leaves (septoria spot). The causative agent is Septoria. Affected leaves gradually turn yellow, die and fall off. As a result, the plant may completely lose its leaves. As the disease spreads, spots also appear on the petioles and young shoots.

    How to deal with septoria?

    • Fallen leaves must be collected and destroyed in a timely manner to prevent the spread of the disease in the area.
    • Cut off the affected shoots, including the healthy part. Treat the cut areas with garden decoction.
    • In spring, treatment is required with a solution of Bordeaux mixture, as well as chemicals - Ridomite Gold, Profit.
    • If azalea is grown in a greenhouse, monitor the air humidity.

    Rust on flowers

    This is a fungal disease during which a rusty tint forms on flowers, leaves and shoots. This may be due to excessive planting density or an excess of nitrogen in the soil.

    Fighting garden hydrangea rust

    Treatment with copper oxychloride is required (40 grams of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water). Some gardeners use Bordeaux mixture, but it can leave traces. You can purchase drugs: Ordan, Topaz or Falcon.

    Pest Control

    Garden hydrangea often becomes a “target” various pests. It is important to recognize the onset of damage in time and take measures to improve its health, otherwise the flower will begin to fade.

    Common Pests

      1. Downy mildew. It can be recognized by oily spots on the surface of the leaves. Over time, they spread, turn yellow, and take on a dark shade. A yellowish coating forms on the underside of leaves and young shoots. Powdery mildew is often found when grown in greenhouse conditions, with high humidity and an air temperature of 17-20 degrees.

        To get rid of the pest, you need to treat with a soap-copper mixture prepared from 150 grams of green soap, 15 grams of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water.

      1. Spider mite - settles on the undersides of leaves, covering them with a brown web. Then they become marbled in color, dry out and fall off. Spider mites are an insidious enemy. At high temperatures (27-30 degrees) and low humidity, it spreads in just 5-7 days.

        You can fight ticks with thiophos.

      1. Green leaf aphid - no less dangerous pest. It sucks out the juice and leaves a sugary, unpleasant discharge in which fungi form. Aphids spread quickly, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Settles on the bottom of the leaf.

        Aphids can be controlled with insecticides.

    1. Slugs - attack in conditions of too dense and frequent planting. They cause harm by eating foliage. You can fight them with molluscicide (granular preparation). It is scattered near the bushes on the surface of the ground.

    How to revive hydrangea after winter?

    If the flowers were properly prepared before the onset of cold weather (hidden under cover), there will be no problems. With the onset of spring, the flowers will come to life and will delight you with new blooms in the summer. But what if the flower is left without shelter in winter? It will be difficult to return to the previous appearance. But this task is quite feasible.

    • Treatment will be required to protect against fungal diseases. Bordeaux mixture or copper solution.
    • The affected foliage and twigs are removed and the treatment is repeated after two weeks.
    • Pay attention to the ground. Acidify it weak lemon solution.
    • Be sure to tidy up the appearance of the plant, remove frozen, dry twigs, feed. This year it will not bloom, but if you take all the necessary measures and properly prepare for the next winter, in a year it will gain strength and bloom again.

    Hydrangea is a charming flower that loves constant attention and care. Take care of it correctly and it will become the main decoration of your summer country garden.


    For more photos on the topic of garden hydrangea diseases, see below:

    Find out about one of the diseases of hydrangea - chlorosis:

    Hydrangea paniculata is one of the most beautiful ornamental garden plants. It is popular due to its abundant and long-lasting flowering. In addition, breeders regularly present to the public even more sophisticated varieties, intended both for planting in the garden and for the home. And this makes the plant even more popular, but it requires proper care. This is the only way the shrub will develop and bloom normally. If the rules are not followed, the hydrangea's leaves may turn yellow and fall off, the plant will begin to dry out, not to mention the fact that there will be no flowering.

    Hydrangea paniculata: a brief description

    Hydrangea paniculata is a shrub or small tree, although there are quite a few high grades, which can reach a height of 10 m. The homeland of this plant is China and Japan. In Russia, it is found in the wild on Sakhalin. But in general, paniculata hydrangea, along with tree and large-leaved hydrangeas, was cultivated more than 100 years ago. And during this time, more than 25 varieties were bred.

    Note! In summer, this shrub produces white, pink, cream and even purple flowers. They can reach a diameter of 15 cm. Characteristic feature This variety is that its inflorescences really resemble panicles in shape, 25-30 cm long, sometimes more. This is how they differ from large-leaved hydrangea and its other species. But the rules of agricultural technology for all these plants are almost the same.


    Hydrangea is planted in areas where the plant will be in partial shade during the midday hours, otherwise it will disappear. If there is too much sun, the plant will bloom later and produce few flowers. The best option- if the sun's rays fall only in the morning and evening.

    Hydrangea paniculata loves loamy, well-fertilized soil with a slightly increased acidity. In addition, the plant does not respond well to stagnant water, which is why it is so important to ensure good drainage. Before planting the hydrangea, a layer of expanded clay or small stones is placed at the bottom of the prepared hole. This drainage layer should help avoid stagnation. Clay soil It is recommended to mix with peat and sand before planting, add soil intended for conifers.

    Important! The acidity level of the soil determines the color of the inflorescences. Many experienced gardeners know a way to influence color. If you add 30 g of aluminum sulfate to a bucket of water with each watering from spring to autumn, then white flowers will turn blue and pink flowers will turn purple.

    Hydrangea paniculata loves moisture, so not watering often enough can cause its leaves to turn yellow. But you need to remember that you should water it no more than 2 times a week. One adult bush will require up to 3 buckets of water. If it has recently rained, you need to wait a couple of days and even then reduce the amount of watering. It is better to use rainwater or settled water for this.

    Watering hydrangea

    In the first year, hydrangea will grow well without feeding, so they begin to introduce fertilizers from the second. Fertilize the plant after the first shoots appear, when the buds appear, and for the last time for the year in August to prevent a lack of nutrients caused by flowering. Yellowing leaves may be a result of this deficiency. But there are other reasons, which are presented below.

    Note! To find out why the leaves of paniculata hydrangea turn yellow, you must check the flower for the presence of powdery mildew or other diseases.

    The main causes of yellowing of paniculata hydrangea and their solutions

    As a rule, yellowing of hydrangea paniculata leaves is associated either with improper care, or with a lack of any substances. The main reasons for this phenomenon include:

    • Lack (or, conversely, excess) of light. If the bush grows in dense shade or in an area illuminated by direct sunlight for most of the daylight hours, the leaves will first begin to turn yellow, then turn brown and dry out. Hydrangea needs fairly bright, but diffused light or even partial shade, and direct sunlight causes burns. At the same time, yellowing caused by a lack of light leads to disruption of plant development. If this is the reason, then the hydrangea will need to be replanted.
    • Over-watering the plant. Although this shrub loves moisture, too much water is harmful to it. In this case, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off. If this has already happened, you first need to reduce the frequency and volume of watering. If everything returns to normal, then that was the reason. Poor watering, when the plant lacks water, is harmful in the same way.
    • Low soil acidity. These plants prefer acidic soil with a pH of 3-6. Alkaline soils provoke the appearance of yellow leaves. It is not necessary to replant such a plant, because you can simply acidify the soil. To do this, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water for irrigation. The recommended proportion is 2-3 drops of juice per 1 liter of liquid. If you don’t have lemon on hand, you can take vinegar essence, but change the proportion - 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water.
    • Lack of nutrients. Even if initially there were enough such elements in the soil, over time their deficiency may occur. Therefore, hydrangea needs to be fed regularly from early spring to mid-summer. At this time, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers once every 2 weeks and organic fertilizers once every 4 weeks. Yellowing leaves may indicate that the plant is lacking nitrogen. In this case, you need to use a fertilizer with the appropriate composition. Why do the leaves of Hydrangea paniculata turn yellow in June? It may not have enough nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to support flowering. In this case, you will need fertilizers such as kemira flower. And in the fall, experts advise using only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers so that the plant prepares for the dormant period and gains strength for young shoots and flower stalks.

    Feeding hydrangea

    • Iron deficiency in the soil. In this case, you can use a special ferovit solution.
    • Presence of drafts. Hydrangea loves warmth, it does not like temperature changes and hypothermia - 2 problems that are often combined with the presence of drafts. They can only be solved by transplanting the plant to a windless place.
    • Significant temperature changes. There is no solution here. This is due to the incorrectly chosen variety for the region.
    • Some plant diseases, such as ring spot or powdery mildew.

    Indoor hydrangea is adapted for development and flowering indoors, but yellowness may appear on its leaves. The reasons are basically the same as for garden plant- damage to roots during transplantation, lack or excess of moisture, low humidity indoor air. In the latter case, regular spraying should help, this is especially true for summer period. Just like in the garden, the cause here may be a lack of nutrients, because houseplants also need feeding.

    Important! To correct the situation, you need to correctly identify the cause and eliminate it, giving the plant the maximum favorable conditions. Below you will find what you need to do to cope with illnesses.

    Septosporia hydrangea

    Other factors affecting plant health

    One of the most common diseases of paniculata hydrangea is powdery mildew. Not only does it cause the leaves to turn yellow, but a grayish coating appears on their back side. Gradually they become brown or yellow-green. Spots with clearly defined boundaries appear. For such a disease, it is better to use fungicides, for example, phytosporin, topaz. The latter helps even in advanced stages.

    Note! There are other fungal diseases of hydrangea, for example, septosporiasis. But with it, the leaves do not turn yellow, but become covered with brown spots. This disease is also treated with fungicides.

    How to get a profusely flowering plant

    For paniculata hydrangea to bloom magnificently and beautifully, fertilizing and watering alone are not enough. Starting at 4 years of age, this plant needs to be pruned to produce larger inflorescences and lush flowering. For old shrubs, rejuvenation is carried out when part of the shoots is cut off almost completely.

    Pruning hydrangea

    During pruning, you need to remove diseased and thin branches, especially those growing inside the crown. Remove branches damaged by frost after winter, cutting them back to a healthy area.

    Important! Such work is carried out in spring or autumn. Most often, formative and rejuvenating pruning is done on warm days, and in the fall only dried branches and inflorescences are removed so that snow does not accumulate on them in winter to avoid breaking off shoots.

    From cut branches with inflorescences you can form beautiful bouquet, but it’s better to admire the flowering of this plant in the garden. And you can achieve this thanks to the recommendations above!

    Hydrangea is beautiful plant, which is quite often grown by gardeners, both in the garden and at home. The plant blooms very beautifully and fits perfectly into home interior. Caring for hydrangea is quite simple, as it is not picky about its conditions. But sometimes hydrangea leaves turn yellow and dry out. Why this happens and what to do in such a situation, we will try to tell you in this article.

    Causes of yellowing

    Why did the hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow, what should I do? There can be several reasons for yellowing, but usually it happens due to inappropriate care of the flower. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the correct care of the flower.

    Hydrangea leaves can also turn yellow due to errors such as:

    1. Excessive humidity. Homemade hydrangea loves moisture very much, but if you water it too much, the flower can simply be flooded, and this will have a rather detrimental effect on the leaves, which will eventually turn yellow and fall off.
    2. Lack of heat. Hydrangea does not tolerate drafts and low temperatures very well. temperature regime. Under such conditions, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry out.
    3. Insufficient amount of nutrients. Homemade hydrangea for good flowering should receive the necessary micro- and macroelements.
    4. Lack of lighting. In order for a flower to grow and develop normally, it needs good lighting. Hydrangea prefers bright and diffused light. But only direct sunlight should not fall on the plant, otherwise the leaves may get sunburn.
    5. Lack of fertilizers during the period of active flower growth. If you do not fertilize, the leaves turn yellow and dry out.

    Why do the leaves of home hydrangea dry out and what to do? home flower needs to nutritional components, and in particular during the flowering period. If there is a lack of useful elements, the formation of inflorescences will be defective, and the tips of the leaves will turn yellow. Very often this happens when the soil is deficient in nitrogen and iron.


    Why do hydrangea leaves turn black? Sometimes it happens that a plant is cared for correctly, but the leaves still turn yellow, which means the reason is something else. In some cases, hydrangea leaves become yellow and dry out due to disease. Although the plant is quite resistant to various infections, in certain cases it can be affected by diseases.

    If hydrangeas are susceptible to disease, the reason is very simple - poor care of the plant.

    The most common disease of hydrangea is ring spot. When a disease affects a flower, its leaves not only turn yellow, but also become deformed.

    In addition to ring spot, other diseases can attack indoor flowers:

    • powdery mildew;
    • chlorosis;
    • white rot.

    Powdery mildew

    The disease manifests itself in the form of oily spots, which turn black after a while. The disease occurs due to high humidity. To get rid of powdery mildew, you need to treat the flower with soapy water, to which you add copper sulfate. Such treatment must be performed in the early stages of the disease.


    Why does chlorosis affect hydrangea? The disease most often occurs due to improper watering. Chlorosis appears when the plant is watered cold water from the tap, where there is a large proportion of lime content. With this disease, the leaf turns yellow and dries. In some cases, chlorosis leads to the death of the plant. Treatment of a flower for chlorosis includes spraying the plant with special preparations: Ferovit, Agricol, Ferrilene.

    White rot

    This disease is manifested by rotting of the roots. With such a disease, the flower does not receive nutrients, then begins to darken and dies. To eliminate the disease, the plant must be treated chemical agent such as Fitosporin or use other fungicides. If you do not want your hydrangea to be affected by various diseases, then caring for the plant must be correct.

    Treatment of diseased leaves

    When the edges of the leaves dry out, you need to react urgently, otherwise the plant may die. First you need to determine the cause, and only then choose a treatment method.

    Main methods of treatment:

    • if there is excess moisture, it is necessary to stop watering for a while or water, but not so often;
    • if there is a lack of heat, the hydrangea should be removed from drafts and placed in a warmer room;
    • if there are not enough nutrients, you need to start feeding the flower. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to add fertilizer to the pot when watering along with water; you should also use soft and settled water for watering.

    If there is insufficient iron in the soil, the acidity of the soil should be restored. In this case, you need to add vinegar essence to the soil. Prepare the solution as follows: take 1 teaspoon of essence and pour it into 10 liters of water. By the way, vinegar can be replaced with oxalic acid. In addition, to restore the acidity of the earth, a solution of ferovit should be used.

    At viral diseases, diseased leaves must be removed and the flower treated with fungicides. Quite often, professionals use Bordeaux mixture (1%) against diseases. If you properly care for hydrangea, the edges of the leaves will not turn yellow and dry out.

    Disease prevention

    In order to prevent yellowing of leaves, it is recommended to follow some tips:

    1. It is necessary to properly organize the watering regime. You don’t need to overfill the flower, but you don’t need to dry it either.
    2. Use settled and soft water for irrigation.
    3. The plant is best placed in a warm room.
    4. Keep the plant pot out of direct sunlight, as the edges of the leaves may dry out.
    5. From time to time you need to feed hydrangea (mainly during the flowering period).

    In addition, you can sometimes spray the flower with various preparations against microbes. If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to avoid the appearance of yellow leaves on your home hydrangea and maintain its excellent appearance for a long time.

    – loved by many garden flower, which is carefully looked after to achieve lush and beautiful flowering. But sometimes, despite all efforts, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, wither, dry out and fall off. Why is this happening? What's not to like garden beauty, and what needs to be done to prevent its death?

    If hydrangea leaves dry, wither and turn yellow, there may be several reasons, let's name them:

    Lack of watering - hydrangea loves moisture, rare and meager watering will lead to its leaves beginning to wither and turn yellow. Moisture deficiency is especially dangerous for hydrangeas in hot weather.

    Excessive watering. Gardeners know that hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant, and they simply fill it with water, although this should not be done. Why? Because the roots begin to rot and cannot supply the stems, leaves and flowers with the necessary amount of moisture and nutrients. As a result, the plant withers, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. If you notice yellowing or wilting leaves, remove them immediately; anyway, they will not recover, but will spoil the appearance of the bush and can become a real breeding ground for fungi and pests.

    Cold and drafts. If a hydrangea is planted in a place exposed to prevailing winds, if it is constantly exposed to drafts, it is not surprising that its leaves dry out, wither and turn yellow. What to do in this case? Why don't you transplant your hydrangea to a more secluded and quiet corner? In a new place she will feel protected, will be able to improve her health and will begin to bloom with renewed vigor. If there is no other place in the garden for hydrangeas, you need to provide protection from wind and drafts - put up a decorative fence - wattle, or panels made of polycarbonate and other materials.

    Hydrangea leaves wither at temperatures above 30 degrees; even abundant watering does not help solve this problem. After the sun goes away, the leaves recover, but their constant wilting will cause the bush to begin to dry out. Therefore, protection for hydrangea from strong sun should be done in the same way as from drafts.

    Nutrient deficiency in the soil is another answer to the question: why do the leaves of a flower turn yellow, and what should be done to correct the situation? The simplest answer is to add fertilizer to the soil. They can be purchased at a flower shop, or prepared at home yourself from red peat with the correct acidity level for hydrangeas; humus from leaves, which well acidify the soil and saturate it with minerals; pine needles, sulfur. You need very little sulfur - it is scattered on top of the dug up soil. The first feeding of garden hydrangea should be done in the spring, when new leaves appear, and the rest during the summer.

    A lack of iron in the soil promotes development, in which the leaves wither and turn yellow. Helping the plant cope with the problem is not difficult; you need to restore the acidity of the soil by watering it with a solution of vinegar, citric or oxalic acid. The solution should be made at the rate of 1 teaspoon of acid per 10 liters of water.

    Iron deficiency in the soil can be replenished using a ferovite solution, or by burying metal objects in the soil - seaming caps, nails, tin cans.

    Abundant flowering can also affect the health of the bush. Why? The answer is simple - the flowers greatly deplete the plant, they take all the nutrients for themselves, and the leaves wither, and then turn yellow and dry. To strengthen the leaves, in the spring, before flowering, the plant must be fed with nitrogenous fertilizers, then its leaves will be in order and will not turn yellow. During the period of bud formation, hydrangea is fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which will help it bloom profusely without damaging the leaves.

    Pests and diseases can also cause a lot of harm to hydrangeas. Perhaps the hydrangea is attacked by microorganisms that cause powdery mildew, ring spot, ascochyta spot, gray rot, phyllostictous spot, septoria spot. In this case, the leaves of the plant become covered with yellow or brown spots, turn black, become deformed, wither, and dry out. All these diseases lead to premature death of foliage.

    What to do to treat hydrangea?

    For our purposes, copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture In addition, in a specialized store you can purchase special preparations for treating hydrangea.

    The leaves of the hydrangea turn yellow and dry out, even if a spider mite has settled on it - if the bush is heavily colonized, it may even die. What to do to expel insects? Of course, treat with acaricides or insecto-acaricides.

    Aphids cause no less harm to hydrangeas than mites. It not only sucks the juices out of the flower, but also contaminates it with sticky liquid, which becomes a breeding ground for sooty fungus, from which the leaves turn black. To kill aphids, the bush is treated with insecticides or folk remedies, for example, tobacco infusion.

    To garden hydrangea I was really pleased with its flowering, did not get sick or dry out, the best thing that can be done is to create normal conditions for it and provide proper care. In addition, in the summer you need to inspect plants more often in order to notice insect pests or emerging diseases in time.