What you need to know about dracaena. Possible difficulties during cultivation. Houseplant geranium: benefits and properties of geranium

Dracaena is evergreen from the asparagus family, has an extravagant appearance, as well as longevity. This indoor flower is popularly called the dragon tree, and many domestic amateur gardeners prefer to keep such an unpretentious, highly decorative plant at home.

Signs and superstitions

Some well-known popular signs and superstitions are very closely associated with dracaenas, the meaning of which It is highly advisable to pay attention when placing an ornamental plant in the interior:

  • traditionally, dracaenas are considered plants that bring love and happiness, as well as material well-being, to the home;
  • according to esotericists, the plant is capable of neutralizing negative energy in the apartment and has a positive effect on a person, effectively coping with depressive conditions;

  • the tree of happiness has a positive effect on mood, gives strength and helps to cope with sudden difficulties;
  • one of the most common beliefs associated with dracaenas says that a houseplant must be in the house of lonely people who want to find family happiness;
  • Dracaena is considered to be a peace-making plant, therefore indoor culture helps to calm down family quarrels, as well as conflicts between fathers and children;
  • any type of Dracaena, according to flower growers, brings harmony, as well as comfort and well-being to family relationships.

Dracaena: bamboo of happiness (video)

The rather rare flowering of dracaena is also closely related to signs, and promises the owner a career boost and major financial success. But only sad signs are associated with the death of a houseplant. Nevertheless, magical properties trees of happiness are well known, which means that ornamental culture useful, and placing this plant in a living room is not only possible, but also necessary.

Can I keep it at home?

When growing ornamental crops in conditions indoor floriculture It is important to remember that, like any living creature, a plant is capable of processing the energy of people located in its immediate vicinity, as well as pets and other plants. Among other things, according to experienced flower growers, Dracaena is quite jealous and is capable of driving people she doesn’t like out of the house. It is also worth considering that tropical plant characterized by the presence of feminine energy and often takes root very poorly among many male flower growers with a tough character.

How to grow dracaena at home (video)

Benefits and harms

The undeniable benefits and some harm that characterize indoor dracaena, should be taken into account when choosing this ornamental plant for interior decoration of residential premises:

  • Dracaena of any type and variety purify the air and help remove toxic compounds such as benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene, which are emitted by any low-quality synthetic coatings, including linoleums, laminates and chipboards;
  • a highly decorative indoor plant effectively destroys almost all harmful microorganisms and very effectively reduces the level of pathogenic microflora that can cause pulmonary and intestinal diseases;
  • The active substances of dracaena promote the rapid healing of wounds on the skin and accelerate the healing of any skin diseases.

According to some information, indoor dracaenas, regardless of the variety, very well strengthen musculoskeletal tissues, allow you to quickly straighten a curved spine, and also have a very beneficial effect on overall posture and the condition of your teeth.

In the interior and according to Feng Shui

When choosing a type and variety for interior decoration, you need to remember a few botanical features decorative culture:
  • the most demanding in terms of care, as well as humidity and lighting indicators, are Dracaena Fragrant, Fragrance, Deremskaya and Dracaena reflexum, as well as some variegated varieties;
  • Dracaena Fragrant has extraordinary fragrant flowers and into phase active flowering decorative culture is not recommended to be placed in the bedroom and children's room, as the aroma of the plant can provoke dizziness;
  • highly decorative small-leaved species “Song of India” has proven itself in interior design and is easy to shape, allowing you to create a variety of spectacular flower arrangements;
  • Some species and varieties of dracaena have flexible stems, due to which they can be used to form braids and shrub compositions.

When choosing a dracaena variety, it is very important to decide in advance on its location in the interior. For growing on windowsills, it is recommended to choose growing varieties, Lime or Marginata Tricolor. To beautifully decorate corner areas or to decorate the interior on a large scale, Dracaena Fragrant, Marginata and “Songs of India” are best suited.

However, in any case, we should not forget about the needs of ornamental crops for high-quality lighting and a sufficient level of air humidity. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, everything beneficial features indoor dracaenas are very tall. Three stems of this decorative crop can bring happiness and good luck, five stems allow you to attract wealth and positive energy, seven stems improve health, and eight stems of dracaena guarantee success in any endeavor. Many flower growers know that a composition that includes twenty stems of the tree of happiness is called a “tower of love” and just such a gift is a gesture of care and sincere friendship.

How to water dracaena (video)

To achieve wealth and prosperity, it is recommended to place an indoor flower in the southern, eastern or southeastern part of the room. Decorative culture has the most favorable effect on everyone born under the sign of Capricorn or Aries, but other zodiac signs are not deprived of attention and the positive impact of this very beautiful and unpretentious tropical plant.

Dracaena varieties marginata colorama, tricolor or magenta will certainly appeal to many lovers homemade greens. Once purchased, this tree will decorate the interior of your home. Miniature specimens are purchased for apartments and private houses, while a large and spreading tree will take its rightful place in the office. How to care for Dracaena marginalata at home, how to replant and reproduce, and what you generally need to know about such a flower - let's look at all these issues in detail.

There are actually a lot of indoor varieties of this evergreen tree, but the dracaena fringe is considered one of the most popular and hardy. The stem of the flower has a serpentine shape; as a rule, it becomes woody over time. This indoor shrub grows elongated leaves at the top.

The plant blooms: its buds are quite small, have a white or greenish tint. A characteristic property of this indoor plant is considered fragrant aroma, which is published by marginata. But keep in mind the fact that during flowering the tree can emit very strong fragrances. However, this phase is short-lived and rare. The evergreen shrub is valued primarily for its pretty leaves, which can be two-colored. In general, the appearance of a flower called Dracaena marginalata is very exotic. That is why among flower growers there are many who want to have such a tree in their home or at work.

We create the necessary conditions

It is not for nothing that Dracaena fringe is considered unpretentious in care. It is hardy and can reproduce in unfavorable conditions. Nevertheless, you should adhere to certain recommendations if you want your home evergreen shrub to develop intensively. First of all, pay attention to the lighting in the room: it is advisable to place a flowerpot with dracaena on the western or eastern window. In this case, there will be no shortage of sunlight, and at the same time you will not have to worry about burns appearing on the leaves of the plant.

It is not necessary to place a pot of dracaena on or near the windows. This flower feels great in partial shade. However, over time, the shade may fade if the plant is left for a long time without proper lighting. In summer, you can take the potted plant outside, protecting it from direct sunlight. As for temperature regime, dracaena is very thermophilic, growing actively at temperatures of +23–25 °C.

IN winter time It is not recommended to lower the temperature below +15 °C - this will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the flower. In order to properly care for your Dracaena marginata at home, remember that from time to time it is advisable to rotate the flowerpot with the shrub 180 degrees around its axis. It is also not worth taking it out onto the balcony.

Proper care

Dracaena marginata requires little care, and this is one of the main advantages of the plant. However, if you put your pet in the shade and forget about it, you will not get the desired result in the process of growing it. Take, for example, recommendations regarding turning a pot with a tree. Neglect them, and over time you will notice how on one side of the bush the leaves have a rich green tint, and on the other – faded.

Remember: when growing dracaena fringed, proper care is required.

Watering and fertilizing

The first thing a gardener should understand is that watering should not be too abundant. But you shouldn’t overdry the soil either. Try to stick to the golden mean when it comes to moisturizing the dracaena substrate. Spraying the tree is necessary, especially in winter period when the house is on central heating. The air in the room becomes dry, and to prevent the flower from suffering from lack of moisture, spray its leaves from time to time. Water quality is of great importance. For truly effective watering, use either settled rainwater or filtered water.

Do not forget to also loosen the soil composition: this way the rhizome of the flower will get enough air. As for fertilizing, you cannot do without it when growing dracaena. Buy complex fertilizers in the store, they contain all the necessary mineral components. It is recommended to replenish the substrate twice a month. In winter, the frequency of fertilizing can be reduced.


Dracaena of the marginata bicolor variety will develop more actively if it is pruned and formed in a timely and correct manner. Otherwise, the tree will lose its decorative value over time. Typically carried out to achieve the following goals:

  • restrictions on vertical growth of shoots;
  • stimulating tillering;
  • obtaining a more compact plant.

A prerequisite for the florist: the cut areas must be treated with crushed activated carbon. This way they will heal faster, and the flower will not suffer from infection.

Reproduction and transplantation

When growing Dracaena marginata, transplantation is also necessary in a timely manner. The first such procedure will be needed almost immediately after purchasing a flower. Changing the pot and soil composition is simply necessary. Remember that at the bottom of the flowerpot there must certainly be a layer of expanded clay, which is used as drainage.

As for reproduction, it is carried out in several common ways:

  • propagation by air layering;
  • stem shoots;
  • apical cuttings.

It is necessary to master the propagation features of dracaena fringed if you want to replenish your indoor flower garden evergreen specimen. In addition, knowing how to replant a plant and how to ensure its propagation in stages, you will learn how to care for such a tree without difficulty.

Video “Dracaena marginata”

In this video you will hear useful tips for growing dracaena.

Dracaena is a plant native to Africa, with more than 150 species. African representatives flora have taken root and are popular in the CIS countries due to their decorative effect. They decorate offices, houses and apartments. What does dracaena like, what should it be cared for at home? What types of plants exist, as well as how this flower is useful for the home - we’ll talk about this right now.

Types of dracaena

As already mentioned, dracaenas have about 150 species of plants. Of course, not all of them are intended for home grown. Many plants can grow and develop only in natural conditions a habitat. Here we will look at those types of flowers that are popular in our country and are valued for their decorativeness and unpretentiousness.

Marginata - this species has a woody trunk, on which there are rosettes of thin long leaves. The leaves are green, edged with pink, purple, violet, light or brown stripes. In natural habitats it can reach more than 12 meters in height.

Sandera - its trunk is green, and its leaves are large, oval in shape. In stores you can find such a plant called “Lucky Bamboo”, although it does not look like bamboo at all. Is that the trunk is a little reminiscent in its structure of bamboo shoots.

Dragon tree is very beautiful view dracaenas with a strong trunk on which lush rosettes of long leaves are located. The trunk emits a bright red resin that resembles drops of blood.

Dracaena arborescens is the African plant that most attracted our housewives, which grows slowly at home, but with proper care can reach 2-3 meters in height. It looks like a real palm tree with a massive strong trunk and lush sharp green leaves in its upper part.

All varieties of dracaena, of course, cannot be mentioned in a few lines. It is more important to understand how to care for an African beauty at home.

Home care for dracaena

Despite the fact that this representative of the plant world comes from Africa, he is quite happy with the living conditions in our houses and apartments. The most suitable temperature for it is a threshold of 22-24 degrees Celsius. Exactly like this room temperature stays with us throughout the year. What requirements does the African beauty have for watering, lighting and humidity?


Dracaena loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. If your windows face west or north, the plant will do well. South windows are also suitable, but then you will have to protect the flower from direct rays.

Watering and spraying

Tropical climate characterized by warmth and high humidity, – in such conditions, dracaena feels great. In the hot season, the flower needs frequent, abundant watering - every other day. When winter comes, watering is adjusted depending on how the earthen ball dries out. Just test the soil - dry, water. Do not overwater the plant to prevent the roots from rotting. Dracaena loves humidity, so the plant needs frequent spraying.

Drafts, cold air

The leaves of the African flower are very sensitive to cold air. If you need to ventilate the room in winter, remove the dracaena from the windowsill. Cold air currents hitting the leaves will destroy the plant.

Top dressing

During the hot period, the plant develops and grows faster; in winter it enters a dormant phase. This means that in summer the African flower most of all needs feeding. For this purpose, mineral and organic fertilizers and they are applied to the soil at least once every two weeks. In winter, it is enough to feed dracaena once a month.


Dracaena quickly develops root system. Already a year after the first planting of the plant, it is worth transplanting it into a new larger pot. The soil mixture for palm trees is perfect. Carefully dig up the plant and transfer it to a new pot, at the bottom of which do not forget to put drainage. Fill it with fresh soil and water. Dracaena usually responds well to handling; its roots can hardly be called fragile.

Why is dracaena valued, what are its benefits for the home??

How is dracaena useful for the home? It is believed that this plant is capable of removing up to 70% of harmful impurities released from the air. various materials which are used for home improvement. The flower absorbs ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and processes these harmful compounds, turning them into amino acids. Dracaenas are known for their ability to inhibit almost half of the known harmful microbes.

This means that with the acquisition African beauty your home will become not only beautiful, but also safer for health. There is also an opinion that this flower must be placed in the bedroom if the couple dreams of children. The plant has a beneficial effect on home energy and cleanses the space of negativity. It relieves its owners from fears, indecision and helps to improve their lives. Who knows, maybe it’s not for nothing that such properties are attributed to the flower?

if you love ornamental plants, it is worth paying attention to dracaena. It does not require much maintenance, but can bring aesthetic pleasure to all household members. This flower will decorate any interior, make it more interesting and become a source of good energy.

Let's talk about dracaena: the benefits and harms of this plant. What is the harm from dracaena? Can I keep it at home? Dracaena = allergies?

Beneficial features

Dracaena has a number of useful properties:

  • perfectly neutralizes chemicals (formaldehyde, benzene, etc.);
  • makes it easier to tolerate temperature fluctuations;
  • helps maintain health (helps cleanse the body of toxins, tones blood vessels, soothes pain in muscles and bones, helps heal wounds);
  • maintains the condition of teeth;
  • from an astrological point of view, dracaena can “help” see a way out of a difficult situation;
  • helps restore mental balance, thoughts and behavior;
  • has a good effect on people who are not emotionally stable and prone to depression.

Dracaena can and should be planted in the house, especially if flooring it contains linoleum (this plant is capable of purifying the air from harmful benzene, which it emits).

Dracaena will also become indispensable in offices, since it is capable of neutralizing trichlorethylene and formaldehyde, which are constantly “supplied” by office equipment.

Do you have allergies?

Dracaena cannot be called a plant that causes severe allergies. But, like any living organism, it breathes, releasing into the air substances formed in the process of life.

In addition, fungi in the soil, small hairs covering the leaves and trunk of the plant, and various chemical fertilizers can become an allergen.

Allergic reactions can be caused by improper care behind dracaena, accumulation of household dust on its leaves, which in itself is an allergen.

That's why it is very important to follow a few rules:

  • be sure to wipe the leaves of the plant, not allowing dust to accumulate on them;
  • if you are prone to allergic reactions, you should not place the dracaena in the bedroom (or place it five meters further from the bed);
  • when using fertilizers, it is better to give preference to those that are diluted with water;
  • all flower manipulations using chemical substances should be carried out not in a room, but in the open air.

Poisonous or not?

Is Dracaena poisonous or not? Dracaena itself is not poisonous plant. However, the juice contained in its leaves equates it to low-toxic plants.

This means that when dracaena gets inside the body, it can cause digestive system upset, accompanied by diarrhea, tremors, and weakness.

And, since an adult will not chew dracaena leaves, it poses a danger, first of all, for small children and pets.

To prevent negative consequences, you can either abandon dracaena altogether, or find a secluded place for it where neither kids nor pets can reach it.


Houseplants represent something different for every person. For some it is a source of beauty, for others it is a home doctor. But, one way or another, they have long entered our lives, and there is probably not a single person whom they would leave indifferent.

Dracaena is an excellent example of this. Thanks to the magical ability neutralize bad influences, drive away bad thoughts and despondency, this southern beauty can increasingly be found in houses and apartments.