Anthurium Scherzer. Anthurium in indoor floriculture

The most suitable for growing at home, Scherzer's anthurium (Anthurium scherzerianum Schott.) is undemanding in care, and the most popular varieties This species may have a green, pink or red blanket. Particularly popular is the Scherzer anthurium mix, represented by several varieties grown in one flower pot.

Botanical characteristics of the species

A plant with a short stem part and numerous thin roots. The foliage of the crop is prostrate, with cylindrical petioles. Sheet plates are characterized by moderate thickness. The leaves range from linear to elliptical and lanceolate in shape, with a gradual, slightly pronounced point at the apex.

The base is obtuse to wedge-shaped. The upper surface of the leaves is semi-glossy, the lower part of the leaf is matte, dark green in color. The upper central vein is sharply convex. The number of secondary veins can vary between eight and eleven pieces. The leaves of this species are covered on both sides with fairly small black dots.

Inflorescences are vertical, equal to or slightly longer than the foliage. The blanket is of moderate thickness, from elliptical to oval in shape. The small flowers are collected in a spirally twisted and fairly long cob, surrounded by a bright blanket, the color of which varies depending on the variety. Flowers bisexual, protogenic type, with no self-pollination. Anthuriums bloom in winter spring period. Flowering is quite long and from the beginning of the opening of the inflorescences to the stage of their complete withering, at least three months pass. The formed fruits are represented by orange and red berries, inside of which there are relatively small seeds.

How to transplant an anthurium (video)

The best varieties

Anthurium Scherzer is one of the most unpretentious and low-growing species anthurium, up to 35 cm high. Very unpretentious and decorative varieties with red coloring there are “Artus”, “Rustica”, “Lindsay” and “Hanna”, as well as varieties with a green coloration “Arinos”, “Unica”, “Amaretti” and “Smaragd”. However, recently varieties of this type of anthurium have become increasingly common on sale, which are not only unpretentious, but also highly decorative, thanks to the unusual coloring of the bedspread.

Anthurium Scherzer "Lacetti"

It is this variety that is most often grown not only in pots, but also for cutting. It is characterized by the presence of dark leathery leaves pointed at the apical part and a bright pink cover. The cob is twisted in the form of a spiral. The stem part is low, reaching half a meter.

Anthurium Scherzer "Graffiti"

A characteristic varietal feature is the presence of a fairly wide and dense blanket of white color, which is very abundantly covered with various specks of bright red color.

Anthurium Scherzer "Hawaii"

The variety is very popular in indoor floriculture and has a two- or three-color coloring of the bedspread, which can have a green-pink, whitish-red-yellow color or other interesting shades.

Anthurium Scherzer "Alexia Blue"

This variety is characterized by domestic amateur flower growers as one of the most unusual and quite rare in our country, due to the presence of a very decorative sky-blue bedspread.

Anthurium Scherzer "Chocolate Love"

Characteristic feature this variety is very spectacular contrast between the dark green, pointed at the top, fairly thick and leathery foliage and the rich brown color of the bedspread.

Anthurium Scherzer "Rubens"

Small flowers of this variety are collected in a spirally twisted, rather long, tail-shaped cob, surrounded by a rounded two-color blanket. The apical part is pointed, Pink colour, and the wide base is green.

Breeding rules

One of the most unpretentious types of indoor anthurium reproduces quite easily in indoor floriculture. In order to preserve the characteristics of the mother plant, Anthurium Scherzer is propagated vegetatively. For propagation, the “babies” that appear on the stem part of the plant with roots that are at least two centimeters long must be very carefully removed using a sharp and clean knife, and then placed in a prepared soil substrate. A plant grown in this way, if the rules of care are followed, takes root very well and quite quickly. Providing the young ornamental plant comfortable conditions, you can get a profusely flowering specimen the very next year after planting.

It is allowed to propagate this type of anthurium by dividing an already mature and well-developed plant, older than four years, during a planned transplant. In this case, several stems with a root system are separated from the mother plant. When carrying out cuttings using a sharp and clean garden tool, the apical part of the stem is carefully cut off from an adult and well-formed adult plant. Optimal time for cuttings is the period from the first ten days of March to the last days of April.

Characteristics of Anthurium (video)

The soil for growing Anthurium Scherzer must be sufficiently breathable. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the flower pot to a third of the height of the planting container, after which a mixture consisting of humus, turf and leaf soil, peat and medium-grained sand in a ratio of 1:2:1:1 is poured. It is useful to add pieces of tree bark, crushed brick scrap, and charcoal to a medium-sized nutrient soil substrate. This type of indoor anthurium grows very well at home using hydroponics.

Growing technology

These are tropical forests, so when organizing the growing site and crop care schemes need to be taken into account botanical features plants and natural conditions growth:

  • decorative culture prefers to grow in well-lit rooms, but it should not be installed flower pot under direct sunlight, which is destructive for indoor flowers;
  • Scherzer's anthurium feels most comfortable on eastern or western windows, where on too hot summer days it is recommended to use a light shade curtain;
  • the plant belongs to the category heat-loving crops, therefore optimal for growing temperature regime should be within 20-25 o C in summer and 16-17 o C in winter period;

  • decorative culture is capable of reacting quite painfully to even the slightest drafts and sudden temperature changes;
  • abundant regular watering should not cause moisture accumulation in the flower pot, since in this case rotting of the root system is often observed;
  • periodic removal from foliage using a damp soft cloth has a beneficial effect on appearance and condition decorative culture;
  • good result gives the location of the flower pot next to aquariums or special air humidifiers;
  • to root system the plants are regularly saturated with oxygen, it is recommended to periodically loosen the soil substrate in the flower pot;
  • It is best to cover the aerial roots of a houseplant with moss, which allows maintaining an optimal level of humidity;
  • young plants can be replanted once a year, but older plants need to be replanted no more than once every two to three years, in the spring;
  • in spring and summer you need to feed indoor flower mineral fertilizers twice a week.

Varieties of Anthurium (video)

Despite the sufficient stability of indoor ornamental plant to damage by pests and diseases, the flower must be regularly inspected, and if there is a clear need to carry out both therapeutic and effective preventive measures not aimed at preserving the health and external attractiveness of the crop.

This tropical plant family of aroids has attracted the attention of gardeners with its decorative evergreen foliage and unusual flowers, consisting of a blanket wrapped in a spiral around the inflorescence-cob. Anthurium flowers remain fresh when cut for up to three weeks and are often used by phytodesigners in making bouquets.

Most of the approximately 900 natural species are epiphytes or semi-epiphytes.

Read below:

  • Types of anthurium for indoor floriculture;
  • Conditions necessary for maintaining anthurium;
  • How to care for anthurium at home;
  • Rejuvenation of an old flower;
  • Atrium propagation methods;
  • Diseases and pests of anthuriums;

Types of anthurium for indoor floriculture

The most widespread of all the variety are two decorative flowering species– Anthurium Andre and Anthurium Scherzer and two decorative deciduous ones – Anthurium magnificent and Anthurium crystal. Let's look at the photo.

Anthurium Andre

A plant with large heart-shaped leaves on tall petioles. The shoot is covered with numerous aerial roots. The heart-shaped bedspread is textured, with pronounced veins or bubbles. The color of the flowers varies from red to soft pink, and can be greenish, yellow and white.

Anthurium Scherzer

A small anthurium, the size of which does not exceed 40 cm. Leathery dark leaves are covered with black dots on both sides. Large flowers rise above the leaves. Varieties with a spiral-twisted tail look very original.

Anthurium magnificent and Anthurium crystal

These varieties are quite similar to each other. They have large, velvety foliage with a pointed tip and pronounced voluminous white or silver veins that form a unique pattern against a dark background. The cover of flowers is greenish, less often with a purple tint.

Conditions necessary for keeping anthurium

Caring for the plant is quite complicated. Anthurium grows best in closed greenhouses with a maintained tropical microclimate. Home care requires more time and care. Another option is growing in closed arboretums.

Growing Temperature Range

For proper development and regular flowering it is necessary to create a difference in the microclimate of winter and summer seasons. Summer months the temperature should vary between 20-25 C, in winter it requires a decrease to 16-18 ° C.

Sudden temperature changes and drafts weaken the plant.

Lighting requirements

Anthuriums are quite shade-tolerant. Decorative deciduous varieties thrive on northern windows. Decorative flowering plants are more demanding of light. They need to be grown in good brightness, but avoid direct sunlight, which can cause burns to the leaf blade.

IN winter time or in shaded areas, it is advisable for the plant to organize artificial illumination with a predominance of the red and blue spectra of the lamp.

Proper watering and spraying

As an indigenous inhabitant of the rainforest, the anthurium flower needs high humidity.

Watering is carried out with soft warm water 3-4 times a week. In winter, water less often - once every seven days is enough.

For supporting optimal humidity Around the surface of the plant, daily spraying is used through a fine sprayer.

You can lay pieces of sphagnum moss around the flowerpot. The moisture evaporating from the surface of the tray with moss will create an excellent microclimate.

Advice! Monitor the humidity and always drain excess water from the tray. Overdrying and overwatering are equally disastrous for the root system.

How to make a soil mixture

The pot needs to be selected wide and not very deep, slightly larger than the root system. A good drainage layer is required.

The soil mixture should be light and loose, with a large fraction. When compiling it, take the following ratio: 4 parts humus, 2 parts leaf wholemeal, 2 parts peat and 1 part sand. Up to 15% of the volume of charcoal, moss and pieces of cones are added to the soil. These inclusions increase the air and water permeability of the substrate.

The Ph reaction should fluctuate within slightly acidic limits - from 5.5 to 6.5 units.

How to care for anthurium at home

In addition to maintaining optimal conditions, anthuriums require certain care - regular transplants and feeding.

Advice! It is advisable to wear gloves when working with anthurium. The juice of these plants is poisonous and, if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, causes severe irritation.

How often to feed anthuriums

Feeding is required only during the period active flowering or growth. Both excess and deficiency nutrients in the soil can lead to visible defects on the leaves and flower spathe.

To avoid mistakes, dilute half the liquid fertilizer for indoor ornamental flowering plants and water once every 2 weeks.

Rules for planting and transplanting

In the spring, young anthurium is transplanted once a year. Transplanting at home does not cause any particular difficulties. You should tap the edges of the pot to make the roots easier to separate from the walls. We take out the plant along with the earthen lump. A well-developed root system is usually tightly woven. It needs to be gently shaken, removing loose pieces of soil. Do not be too zealous so as not to damage the brittle roots.

Place the plant in the center of the pot with drainage and add soil mixture to the sides, shaking the container periodically. This will allow you to better fill the voids between the roots with fresh soil.

An adult anthurium requires soil renewal once every two years. Transplantation is carried out in a similar way and may be accompanied by dividing the overgrown bush.

You can watch how to transplant an anthurium at home in the video.

Rejuvenation of an old flower

With age, the lower part of the stem becomes bare, the leaves and flowers become smaller and lose their decorative effect. Rejuvenation will help restore your former beauty.
You can simply cut off the top of the shoot from aerial roots and plant in a new pot with prepared soil mixture.

If the roots on the shoot are in their infancy, the cutting can be placed in warm boiled or distilled water. When the roots sprout, the plant is transplanted into a pot.

Important! If the room temperature is below 20°C, attempting to root a cutting in water may result in rotting.

There is one more original way rejuvenation by cuttings. The shoot is not cut off immediately, but the appearance of roots is stimulated by tying a piece of moss around the bottom of the branch intended for cutting. The moisture of the moss is constantly maintained until roots grow through it. A cut is made under the roots, dusted with coal and planted.

Polishing the leaves

Anthuriums look great with polished leaves. To do this, plants are sprayed with a special phytospray for 20-30 seconds.
Polishes remove stains from water droplets, prevent dust from settling, and give a beautiful glossy shine to the leaf plate without affecting the course of photosynthesis processes.

Anthurium propagation methods

For those who value anthurium, propagation of the plant is possible in several options:

  • dividing the bush;
  • stem cuttings;
  • seeds.

Dividing an overgrown bush is done in the spring when replanting the plant. The main task is to carefully unravel the roots and divide them evenly between the two divided parts. It is advisable to powder the wound at the site of separation of the common root and broken roots activated carbon to prevent rot.

For cuttings, take the top of the shoot with several aerial roots. On some bushes you can take a side shoot with its own root system.

Propagation by seeds is more labor-intensive and time-consuming. As a result of artificial pollination, berries develop on the anthurium, each of which ripens from one to four seeds. Before planting, the seeds are soaked for two hours to prevent mold fungi in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Germination is long. Shoots can be expected in two months, and the first flowering only after 4 years.

Diseases and pests of anthuriums

In case of violation of growing conditions or in the absence preventive measures from pests, anthuriums can develop diseases.

Signs of the disease and treatment

  • Anthurium leaves curled into tubes. The lighting is excessively bright and triggered the activation of the protective mechanism. Move the pot away from direct sunlight. The plant will quickly react and unfold its leaf blades.
  • Black spots appeared on the flowers. The result of large drops of water hitting a plant. You need to spray carefully, using a good sprayer. Sometimes this is caused by excess calcium salts in the soil mixture or being kept in a cold room.
  • The stems began to rot. Manifestation of excess humidity and watering. It is recommended to remove the affected stems on which putrefactive bacteria and fungi develop. For treatment, it is necessary to completely stop watering and spraying until the earthen ball dries out. Reduce further watering and spray less intensively.
  • Dark spots appear on the leaves. Excessive humidity and watering. Lightly dry the pot and normalize the hydration of the plant and the earthen coma.
  • Yellowing lower leaves. May indicate excess fertilizer or too cold temperature content.
  • Massive yellowing of leaves. Indicates problems with the root system. The plant is urgently removed from the pot, dead parts are removed and planted in fresh soil.
  • Drying of leaves. May be normal as they age. If the leaves dry out en masse, check for mites or aphids. The tips of the leaves may dry out if there is insufficient air humidity and high temperatures.
  • Why doesn't anthurium bloom? Lack of flowering is a sign of insufficient lighting, inappropriate pot sizes or too high a temperature. Move the pot to a bright place, out of direct sun, replant and lower the room temperature below 20 degrees to stimulate the formation of flower buds.

Advice! Closer to spring, the plant is shed once with warm (from forty to fifty degrees) water. Such watering will provoke lush flowering.

  • Aphids are clearly visible to the naked eye. The young, most tender parts of the plant are most affected. The plant can be easily cured by spraying with special preparations.
  • Scale insect: dark spots appear on the leaves. WITH reverse side A brown tubercle is clearly visible in this place on the leaf. Rubbing leaves with a solution helps against scale insects laundry soap or spraying with insecticides.
  • Spider mite. The leaves turn yellow in spots and curl, and young leaves grow in an irregular, degenerate shape. Acaricide treatment is required.
  • Root nematodes. Thickenings and tubercles on the roots indicate damage to the anthurium by nematodes. This disease cannot be treated. The plant and flower pot are destroyed (preferably burned to prevent the spread of nematodes).

Advice! Ceramic pots can not be disposed of, but can be sterilized in the oven.

Anthurium from the Araceae family is the most numerous genus, numbering more than 500 species of evergreen herbaceous and liana-like plants. Thanks to its unpretentiousness in care and undemanding conditions, it is the Scherzer anthurium that has become widespread in indoor floriculture.

Botanical characteristics of the species

Anthurium Scherzer, native to the tropical climates of Central and South America, is a perennial, relatively low-growing plant with dark green leaf blades and a curved inflorescence. orange, wrapped in a heart-shaped blanket of red-orange color.

Unlike other species, for example, from, this species has miniature sizes - up to 30 cm in height, which is often a plus in home floriculture.

Another significant difference is that the Andre anthurium has a straight inflorescence, while the Scherzer anthurium has a twisted inflorescence.

The best varieties

Thanks to the continuous work of breeders, many miniature varieties with bracts of various colors were developed. Among the most popular representatives of the species, a wide range of which is presented in flower supermarkets, stand out:

Attention! The most common is the Scherzer anthurium mix, consisting of several varieties planted in one container.

Home care for Scherzer's anthurium

Caring for Scherzer anthurium at home is quite simple, without much effort. The main thing is not to forget about tropical origin plants and create conditions closer to natural ones.

Lighting and location

Anthurium feels comfortable on window sills in eastern and western directions with a sufficient amount of soft light, which will ensure the brightness of the flower and prevent the appearance of burns on the leaf plates from the active rays of the open sun coming from the southern windows.

Advice! To preserve the decorative appearance of Scherzer's anthurium in winter with short daylight hours It is recommended to organize additional lighting.


During the active growing season, anthurium grows excellently at room temperatures in the range of 20-25°C.

In summer, if possible, you can move the pot to fresh air - to a place protected from winds, precipitation and open sun.

With the arrival of winter, the mercury drops to 15°C.

The critical minimum is 10°C.

Air humidity

A moisture-loving representative of the tropics and subtropics needs an increased level of humidity, which can be provided in several ways:

  • installation of a stationary air humidifier in the anthurium room;
  • placing the container on a tray with moistened pebbles;
  • spraying soft, warm water around the plant.

Carefully! Direct contact with water on anthurium leaf plates when spraying can cause limescale and, as a consequence, lead to loss of decorativeness.


Watered exotic flower abundantly. However, before a new portion of water, the top layer of the soil mixture must have time to dry.

The remaining liquid from the pan must be poured out. With the arrival of winter, when vegetation processes slow down, Scherzer's anthurium is moistened much less frequently.


The root system of anthurium needs free access to air and water, which can be easily provided using a light substrate with a loose structure.

The soil mixture can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands from leaf soil, peat, sand and vermiculite in a ratio of 2:2:1:1.


Young specimens of Scherzer's anthurium require replanting every spring, however As you get older, the interval between procedures increases to 3-4 years. depending on the filling of the substrate with plant roots. A tropical flower is transplanted according to the following scheme:

  1. A tall and rather narrow pot is selected, which will stimulate rapid flowering.
  2. The bottom of the container is lined with a drainage layer of gravel or expanded clay.
  3. The top of the drainage is sprinkled with a soil mixture with a loose structure, onto which the flower is placed by transshipment.
  4. The remaining space is filled with fresh soil mixture, which is slightly compacted and moistened.

Feeding and fertilizers

During the period of active growth, anthurium spends a lot of strength and energy, which must be replenished with additional nutrition.

At this time, feeding is carried out twice a month using liquid mineral fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. In winter there is no need to enrich the soil.

Diseases, pests and control methods

Among the diseases that can affect the moisture-loving Scherzer anthurium are various rots caused by an excess of soil and air moisture. It is possible to cure the affected specimen in the early stages, When:

  1. The affected parts of the shoots or roots are removed.
  2. The plant is planted in a fresh substrate, after which it is treated with a fungicide solution.

An inhabitant of the tropics can be attacked by such harmful insects as aphids, scale insects, thrips, spider mite, whitefly. As a protective measure, the potted crop is sprayed with an insecticidal preparation according to the manufacturer's instructions.


Anthurium at home propagated by vegetative methods, but seed propagation is also possible.

Dividing the bush

The simplest method is:

  1. When transplanting, the extracted overgrown bush is divided into parts, each of which must have formed roots.
  2. The cut areas are treated with crushed charcoal or activated carbon.
  3. The divisions are planted in individual pots with a drainage layer and nutrient substrate.

Side shoots

Reception is also known as propagation by children and is carried out during transplantation:

  1. Side shoots are separated with a sterile sharp object and placed in a moist substrate of sand and peat for rooting.
  2. After the formation of a full-fledged root system, new plants are planted in permanent pots.


Many varieties can be propagated using cuttings when:

  1. A part of the shoot with several aerial roots and 2-3 internodes is cut off at an angle.
  2. The cut is treated with a growth stimulator to stimulate root formation.
  3. The cutting is buried 3-5 cm in damp vermiculite and covered with a bottle to create greenhouse conditions.
  4. For successful rooting the cuttings are provided with high humidity, temperature within 23-26°C and long daylight hours with soft lighting.
  5. When a new plant develops roots 4-5 cm long, the Scherzer anthurium can be planted in an individual container with a substrate for an adult plant.

Leaf propagation

Although some members of the Araceae family can grow from leaves, this does not apply to anthuriums. Often the wording hides cuttings, which means cutting a leaf plate with part of a shoot. In this case, rooting is carried out according to the scheme described above.

Important! Vermiculite can be replaced with soft water, in which the shoot can also easily form roots.

Propagation by seeds

The seed method is labor-intensive and unproductive in comparison with vegetative methods. As a rule, breeders resort to it when developing new varieties and hybrids.

If the florist decides on a similar experience, then:

  1. During the flowering period it is carried out artificial pollination of a plant.
  2. After 8-12 months, the ripened seeds are collected.
  3. The seed material is cleaned and disinfected in a manganese solution.
  4. The container is filled with a well-structured substrate, over the surface of which the seeds are distributed without embedding.
  5. The crops are covered with film and moved to a warm, bright place., where they are systematically moistened and ventilated.
  6. After emergence of shoots, the film is removed.
  7. The first picking is carried out after the formation of a true leaf.
  8. As they grow at a slow pace, the seedlings dive several more times.

This video contains details of caring for a beautiful plant:

Thus, subject to simple care rules and ensuring optimal maintenance conditions, a bright representative of the tropical flora will become the highlight of the apartment interior for many years, delighting household members with the bright colors of decorative shoots and flowers.

You don't need to spend a fortune on furniture and antiques to decorate your home. Just buy anthurium. This strict, but at the same time elegant plant will decorate any corner of the apartment, and will give an office or bank a presentable appearance. Despite being so flashy appearance, the plant’s character is flexible. You just need to pay attention to it and follow simple rules of care at home.

History of the origin of anthurium

Without a doubt, one of the most representative and attractive indoor plants is a handsome anthurium. For experienced flower growers he becomes proud home collection. And for beginners it causes awe and awe. But this does not prevent anthurium from being among the best-selling plants, although the price of a tropical exotic is far from low.

Anthurium is native to Central and South America. The distribution area is limited to Mexico, Paraguay and Argentina. It grows in humid tropical and subtropical regions, as well as in mountainous areas. The flower can be found in lowland areas and at an altitude of 3400 m above sea level.

Probably, a person who saw such beauty in nature, his heart sank with delight

The strange flower was first described in 1829. Due to its capricious nature, the plant did not become widespread; it was grown exclusively in greenhouses in compliance with all care rules. But with the advent of hybrids that adapted to new conditions, anthurium began to conquer new spaces with great strides.

Anthurium has several common names - male happiness, flamingo flower, red tongue. The literal translation from Latin “tail” and “flower” characterizes the appearance of the plant. There is also a legend associated with this unusual flower about a girl who chose death in the flames of a fire over marriage to someone she didn’t love. Scarlet flowers grew at the site of the death of the proud beauty. The story is very sad, but thanks to it, anthurium became a symbol of true love, and the flower itself became a talisman for newlyweds.

Anthurium is a wonderful gift for newlyweds

Characteristics and description of the flower

Anthurium belongs to the genus of evergreens perennial plants family Araceae. Presented in the form of herbaceous or climbing forms; tree-like specimens are very rare. Most species are epiphytes and semi-epiphytes. But there are also lithophytes, that is, plants adapted to life among stones.

Plant height is from 40 to 80 cm. The stems are thickened, with shortened internodes. Leaf plate, depending on the type, may have different shapes- round, lanceolate, sagittal, heart-shaped, spatulate, with a blunt apex or pointed. In addition, the leaves can be whole or complexly dissected, differing in texture - mostly it is dense, leathery, but there are also fragile leaves that resemble thin paper. The surface of the sheet plate is almost always glossy or semi-glossy. Species with matte velvety leaves are rarely found.

Among the lush, rich greenery, flowers stand out as bright spots. The structure of the flower cover is leathery and hard. The color range is different. In nature, white or green ones are often found. But the varieties grown for indoor cultivation amaze with their variegation - pink, orange, bright red. Hybrid forms and completely surprise with their multi-colored colors. The inflorescence is a spadix. The shape can be club-shaped, spiral-shaped, spherical or cone-shaped.

Anthurium boasts a wide variety of colors of flower bedspreads

Aerial roots. Their ends, directed upward, are covered with spongy, hygroscopic dead tissue - velamen, which can maintain the viability of the plant in conditions of alternating high humidity and dry periods.


Anthuriums are the most numerous representatives of their family. According to some sources, the number of species of this plant is more than 500. But as it turned out, this is already outdated data; modern scientists have expanded the list to 900 items. The most popular in indoor floriculture are several species that are valued for their decorative qualities.

Types and varieties Description
Herbaceous evergreen perennial. The leaves, similar to an elongated heart, are located on a long petiole and have a rather large size - length up to 30 cm, width - 10 - 12 cm. The surface of the leaf plate is dense, semi-glossy, green in color. The broad-heart-shaped spathe is slightly wrinkled, with pronounced veins, and glossy. The color can be different - salmon, pink, red, less often white. Inflorescence - yellow spadix up to 10 cm long, erect or sometimes
drooping. This species is very decorative and is very popular among gardeners.
A varietal plant of medium size and amazing beautiful foliage dark green color. The flowers are small, but Champion is famous for their abundance. The color of the bedspread, depending on the variety, can be pink or white with a slight yellowish tint.
Epiphyte, sometimes a terrestrial plant with a short stem. The petiole on which the leaf is attached has a length of 4 to 20 cm. Elliptical or lanceolate leaves with a pointed apex have a dense structure. The surface is glossy on top, matte on the bottom. The color is dark green. Distinctive feature is a flower. The bedspread is painted in a red-orange color, which does not lose its brightness for a long time. The surface is glossy, the structure is medium density. The inflorescence is a spirally twisted ear, colored yellow or orange. One of the most popular potted species.
Leads an epiphytic lifestyle. The leaves are large, almost 40 cm in length. They have an elongated oval shape, with a pointed apex. Deeply lobed at the base. Prized for their unusual color. Against a dark green background, the vein areas, painted silvery-white, stand out in contrast. The blanket is small - up to 9 cm, semi-leathery, green in color. Inflorescence - spadix tapering towards the apex yellow color, 12 cm long.
Epiphyte with stems 10 cm long. The leaves are narrow, elliptic-lanceolate, from 20 to 55 cm long. The leaf blade is matte, dark green on top, lighter on the undersides. The flowers are inconspicuous, located below the foliage level. The cover is small, from 2.5 to 5 cm long. The surface is leathery, painted in pale yellow-green tones. There is a purple border along the edge. The inflorescence is an 11-centimeter spadix of white-cream color.
This is a group of hybrids obtained on the basis of common species - Andre and Scherzer. Perfectly adapted to home conditions, they do not require increased attention. As a rule, these plants have compact sizes and a variety of colors of bedspreads.

Species and varietal diversity of anthurium - photo gallery

The Andre Anthurium flowers captivate with their beauty. The Andre Champion Anthurium has a slightly smaller flower size, but there are more of them. Scherzer's Anthurium is distinguished by its spiral-shaped inflorescence. Crystal Anthurium has luxurious foliage. Baker's Anthurium is not at all similar in appearance to other species. Anthurium Mix - the color variety of hybrid plants

How to care for anthurium at home

Like many tropical exotics, anthurium is not easy to care for. But not as much as it seems at first glance. Having carefully studied all the nuances of care, you can understand that there is nothing difficult in growing a handsome dandy at home. On the contrary, excessive care will be detrimental to the plant.

A beautiful anthurium will decorate any room, and in return it only needs a little attention

Watering and required air humidity

Anthurium is watered generously, but before the next watering, the soil in the pot should dry 1/3 deep. It’s easy to check readiness for the next moistening - bury a cleaned wooden stick into the soil. If the surface of the stick remains clean, it means the soil is dry and it’s time to water the plant. Sticky lumps indicate that there is still enough moisture and you can wait with watering.

In the spring-summer period, water more often - once every 3-4 days. In autumn, the number of humidifications is gradually reduced. And in winter, when the temperature is lower and moisture evaporates more slowly, the interval between procedures increases. Be sure to drain the water from the pan.

Anthurium loves generous watering, but the soil should dry out almost half before the next watering.

So that the plant does not suffer from severe tap water containing a large number of chlorine, the liquid is left to sit for at least a day. You also need to consider the temperature of the water. Too much cold water, especially in winter, can cause stress in the plant.

Despite the fact that anthurium belongs to the tropics, it does not like overly moist soil. By constantly flooding a flower, you provoke its death. It also suffers greatly from drought. But briefly overdried soil will not greatly damage the roots.

Air humidity, especially in the summer heat or when the heating is on, should be quite high - 85 - 95%. These indicators are easily achieved. You need to place the pot with the plant on a tray filled with moistened expanded clay or moss. Do not forget to spray the anthurium with a spray bottle and wipe off the dust from the leaves with a damp cloth. In summer, you can bathe in the shower, shielding the flowers from the water.

Anthuriums are perfectly suited for growing in display cases or wall florariums. The microclimate created inside is ideal for the flower. And in combination with other plants, anthurium looks simply great.

Anthurium looks great in a florarium in combination with other plants


It is allowed to use universal fertilizers as fertilizers. mineral supplements. But due to the sensitivity of the root system, the concentrate rate is diluted with water 2 times more than indicated. Fertilizing with azophoska at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water shows a good effect; potassium humate can be added to the solution - 200 g per 1 liter. In addition to root fertilizing, foliar fertilizing is also used, but it must be done carefully, first removing the plant from the sun to avoid burning the leaves.

Fertilizers are applied once every 2–3 weeks in spring and summer.

Alternating organic matter with mineral fertilizers also worked well. Leaf humus applied as mulch on top of the substrate, well-decomposed horse manure or solution chicken droppings(it needs to be diluted very strongly in water) help anthurium grow beautiful green foliage during the growing season.

To prevent damage to the root system of the anthurium, liquid fertilizers should be applied only after watering.


Handsome man loves anthurium good lighting. Daylight hours should last at least 10 hours. But direct sunlight, enhanced by the action of glass, can cause burns to the leaves. The ideal location would be an east or west window. And the abundance of diffused light will help color the anthurium flowers in brighter colors.

In the southern direction in summer, the plant should be shaded at midday. This is easy to do by hiding the flower behind a light curtain. The northern window will not provide the plant with the required amount of light, and this will have a bad effect not only on lush greenery, but also on flowering. Therefore, in winter, additional illumination with fluorescent lamps will not hurt.

A large amount of diffused light makes the color of anthurium flowers brighter


Anthurium is thermophilic and prefers uniform warm conditions throughout the year. Optimal temperature should be within 20 - 28 0 C. Its increase, as well as a decrease to 18 0 C, is not welcome.

The plant does not tolerate drafts, so try to find a place for it in a well-ventilated area, but away from the cold air stream.

Anthurium loves warmth and does not tolerate drafts

How to make anthurium bloom and what to do with faded flowers

In order for the anthurium to lay flower buds, it should be kept at an average temperature of 16 0 C. The room should be very bright. The cold period, also known as the dormant period, can last from September to February. Then the temperature in the room begins to gradually increase to 20 -25 0 C.

Cut off inflorescences that have already bloomed along with the peduncle so that the plant does not waste energy on producing seeds. This way you will help the anthurium prolong its flowering. At proper care You can admire beautiful flowers from spring to autumn.

Before planting or replanting an anthurium, prepare everything necessary so that the plant does not experience discomfort after the procedure.

Capacity requirements

Anthurium does not require a large pot. The volume of the container should slightly exceed the size of the plant’s root system. In a container that is too large, there is a danger of the soil becoming waterlogged, which means the roots will suffer. The material from which the pot is made matters. Many gardeners prefer to grow in plastic pots. But based on my own experience, I can note that anthurium also performs very well in ceramics.

Select the pot for anthurium according to the size of the root system

The pot for replanting must have drainage holes to drain water.

The soil

This is perhaps the main requirement in the process of transplanting or planting. Anthurium will not grow in randomly acquired soil. The soil should be close to natural, which means it should have sufficient looseness, moisture and air capacity.

  • The reaction should be slightly acidic - pH 5.0 - 6.0. It is easy to prepare such a substrate yourself by purchasing the necessary ingredients in advance. There can be several compositions, the main thing is to mix all the components well.
  • in equal quantities peat, deciduous soil, coarse sand, coniferous bark and charcoal;
  • 2 parts small pieces of pumice (1 - 3 cm), 2 parts pine bark, 1 part coarse fibrous peat, 1 part well decomposed horse manure.

The soil, consisting of large particles, will hold the plant in place well, and at the same time will not quickly disintegrate and compact. Thanks to this, the soil breathes well and allows moisture to pass through.

The soil mixture for anthurium, composed of large particles, perfectly holds the plant in the pot and does not caking

When to transplant

For young plant Transplantation is carried out annually, each time slightly increasing the volume of the container. Adult anthuriums no longer need to be disturbed as often. For them, the planting process is carried out once every 3–4 years.

Usually, replanting is done in the spring, at the moment when the plant comes out of the dormant period and begins to grow rapidly. But there are times when to change old container

I need a new one urgently. This can happen if the purchased anthurium is in waterlogged soil or the root system has become too crowded in the old space and the roots have already begun to grow through the drainage holes. Also, an urgent transplant is required if the disease is detected.

An anthurium bought in a store needs to be replanted.

Landing process

2–3 days before transplanting, water the anthurium generously. If the plant has not been watered for a long time, its roots will be very fragile and may break during transplantation.

  1. Anthurium has very fragile roots, so the plant needs to be watered 2 - 3 days before planting.
  2. Take a new container with holes in the bottom. Be sure to put a drainage layer. Sprinkle some prepared substrate on top.
  3. Remove the plant from the old pot, holding the base of the bush with one hand and firmly grasping the bottom of the container with the other. Try to act carefully so as not to damage the roots.
  4. If possible, remove old soil from the roots. If the leaves show signs of disease, pay attention to the root system. Inspect it, remove rotten areas and fill the wounds with activated carbon.
  5. Place the anthurium in the center of the pot and add new soil mixture around the edges. At the same time, you can lightly tap the pot on the table surface to help the soil fill the space in the roots more evenly.
  6. Water the anthurium moderately if it was transplanted into dry soil, but water the wet soil only after the soil mixture has dried.
  7. Place the transplanted flower in a place inaccessible to sunlight.
  8. For better survival, you can spray the leaves with a solution of Epin or Zircon. But before that, be sure to read the instructions.

Secrets of transplanting anthurium - video

Reproduction methods

Anthurium can be propagated vegetatively - by apical cuttings or daughter plants, or by seed.

Daughter plants

This method is very simple. It is mainly used during transplantation of adult anthurium.

  1. Remove the anthurium from the pot.
  2. Separate young plants that have their own root system from the mother plant.
  3. Immediately plant young specimens in pots prepared in advance.
  4. The soil mixture is used as for adult specimens.

If the root system of the suckers is poorly developed, it can be grown in a mixture of sand and perlite. Containers with plants can be placed in a mini-greenhouse or bag. Periodically moisten the soil mixture and ventilate the shelter.

Daughter plants of anthurium must have a root system

Apical cuttings

This method will also not cause any particular difficulties. The apical cuttings of a non-flowering plant are cut off and rooted in damp sand or a mixture of sand and peat, taken in equal proportions. For successful rooting, cuttings need to be placed in mini-greenhouses. Ventilate daily and periodically moisten the substrate.

  • the length of the cutting must be at least 5 - 8 cm;
  • the cut is dried in air for no more than 5 minutes;
  • root apical cuttings It can also be done in water.

For successful rooting of cuttings, use mini-greenhouses

Seed propagation

This method is for those who are not afraid of difficulties. Here problems may arise due to the quality of planting material. Only fresh seeds show viability. It is advisable to sow them immediately after harvest. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy varietal anthurium seeds. But if the shelf life does not exceed 3 months, you can try it.

You can experiment at home by pollinating the opened anthurium flowers with a soft brush. To do this, transfer pollen from one flower to another. After 4 - 5 days, it is advisable to repeat the procedure, since the maturation of pistils and stamens occurs unevenly. After pollination, the anthurium fruits ripen, looking like berries tightly clinging to the inflorescence. The seed ripening period lasts 8 - 10 months. When the inflorescence has changed color, and individual fruits are no longer held on it, it’s time to collect the seeds. The seeds extracted from the fruit are dried for 2-3 days and sown.

Anthurium fruits look like berries

  1. Sow the seeds in a shallow bowl filled with loose soil mixture. You can use peat.
  2. Plant the seeds shallowly - 3 mm.
  3. After planting, use a fine spray to moisten the surface.
  4. Germination occurs in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. The temperature should be between 20 - 24 0 C.
  5. It is best to place the container in a mini-greenhouse or bag, creating a warm and humid atmosphere inside.
  6. Ventilate the shelter periodically.
  7. The first shoots may appear in 7 days, but the whole process can take 2 weeks.
  8. The first leaf on the seedlings will appear in a month.
  9. With the appearance of the 3rd leaf, the moment comes for picking into separate cups.

Sown anthurium seeds germinate within 2 weeks

A plant grown from seeds will not bloom as quickly as we would like. At least 4 years must pass before the handsome anthurium gives you a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

Diseases and possible difficulties

In fact, anthurium unpretentious plant, and if you treat your green friend carefully, there will be no problems. Beginner gardeners, trying to perform their duties as best as possible, make mistakes in care, which over time can develop into diseases. But if the problem is detected in time and the cause of its occurrence is eliminated, the flower will quickly recover.

Frequently occurring problems, their elimination and treatment - table

Care errors
Cause Treatment and elimination
Anthurium leaves turn yellow
  • The room temperature is too low.
  • Perhaps the plant is in a draft.
  • Adjust the temperature in the room with the plant to the appropriate values.
  • Find a place for the anthurium away from drafts.
Dark spots appear on the leaves
  • Excessive watering.
  • Possibly an incorrectly selected substrate.
  • Do not water frequently, especially in the cold season. Let the soil dry 1/3.
  • Incorrectly selected soil can cause excessive moisture. Replant the anthurium in the correct soil mixture.
  • Not enough light.
  • Pot too big.
  • Lack of nutrients.
  • The temperature regime is not maintained.
  • Move the anthurium closer to the light source. If it's a south-facing window, don't forget to shade it in the summer.
  • When replanting, take a pot that is slightly larger than the plant's root system. Large spaces will take a long time for the roots to settle in, to the detriment of flowering.
  • Don't forget about fertilizing. Excess nitrogen can be harmful. To improve flowering, it is better to use phosphorus-containing fertilizers.
  • To set buds, it is important to give the plant a chance to rest.
The tips of the leaves have turned brown
  • It's too hot in the room.
  • Low humidity.
  • If the weather outside is very hot, spray regularly, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and sometimes put it in the shower.
  • Moistened filler placed on a tray will help increase humidity. You can place small containers of water next to the flower.
Blackening of leaves The water is too cold and
Before watering, the water should settle and be at room temperature.
Anthurium leaves lose turgor. The plant turns black and the leaves fall off. Root rot.
  • At the initial stage, adjust watering.
  • If the plant is severely damaged, remove the affected leaves.
  • Make an urgent transplant by removing rotten areas from the roots. Rinse the roots in a weak solution of manganese and sprinkle the wounds with crushed coal.
  • After planting in fresh substrate, do not water for 3 days.
Brown or yellow spots appear on the leaves. In the middle of the spot you can see a dark dot - fungal spores. As the spot grows larger, it dries out and the dead tissue falls off.
  • Cut off and destroy damaged leaves to prevent the infection from spreading further.
  • Replant the plant, change the soil, disinfect the roots in weak potassium permanganate.
  • Spray the remaining leaves with Fundazol, Kuproxate or Fitosporin. After 10 days, repeat the treatment.

Learning to recognize care errors and illnesses - photo gallery

If the leaves of an anthurium turn yellow, it means the room is too cold. Dark spots on the leaves may be a sign of excessive watering. Too short daylight hours may be one of the reasons why the anthurium refuses to bloom. The tip of the leaf beginning to dry indicates too dry air. This is how anthurium looks sad when it has suffered from root rot Anthracnose - fungal disease, which can quickly spread to other plants

How to deal with pests

Even such a resistant plant as anthurium can be threatened by pests. This can happen for various reasons, but if the threat that has arisen is not eliminated in time, negative consequences will not keep you waiting.

Indoor anthurium - video

In total, there are more than 500 species of anthuriums that can be grown indoors, but the Scherzer anthurium, mix, is considered the most unpretentious. Compared to other species and, Scherzer is distinguished by its small height. The foliage of this variety is dark green and lanceolate. The species blooms with orange, beautifully curved inflorescences. The spadix lasts quite a long time; you can find this type of anthurium with inflorescences from white and until red-orange. Today, many different hybrids have been developed with flowers of a wide variety of colors.

Conditions of detention

Caring for this flower at home is very simple. The main thing is to create suitable conditions for its proper growth.

If the climate of your region allows, then the plant can be exposed to the air in summer. It is necessary to monitor air humidity, as the flower prefers high humidity. Do not place the pot in direct sunlight or in a draft. The plant is brought into the house when the air temperature drops below +16.

For a plant to grow normally, it needs a temperature of at least +10 degrees. In winter, the optimal temperature for growing is +15. During the period of active growth (spring and summer), anthuriums need a temperature of +20-25 degrees.


The homeland of this flower is the humid tropics, so the plant loves high humidity. If the weather is very hot, the anthurium should be sprayed twice a day. It is advisable to spray with settled water at room temperature.

To artificially increase the humidity in the room, you can place a container of water next to the flowerpot. Some gardeners purchase air humidifiers for their flowers.

Anthuriums love diffused light and absolutely cannot stand direct sun. If the sun shines on the flower, especially in summer, this can lead to burns. If, on the contrary, there is too little light, the plant may lose its rich green color.

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Without exception, all anthuriums love moist soil. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that the soil in the flowerpot does not dry out. In summer you need to water the plant especially abundantly. In winter, watering is reduced, but make sure that the soil does not dry out too much.


During the period of active growth of the flower and the accumulation of green mass, it is fed complex fertilizers for blooming ones every two weeks. In winter, fertilizer application is reduced - one fertilizing once a month is enough.

It is important not to overdo it with the application. nutritional compositions. You need to take 10 g of fertilizer per bucket of water.


Every year in early spring young specimens need to be transplanted into larger pots. The size of the flowerpot should correspond to the root system of the plant. Remember that the new flowerpot should be only slightly larger than the previous one.

Anthuriums prefer peat soil with a pH level of 5-6.


Anthuriums can be propagated by cuttings, dividing the mother bush and lateral shoots. Many plant growers successfully propagate this flower by seed and leaves.

Dividing the bush

This propagation method helps rejuvenate the anthurium. The division of the mother bush can be carried out already with the onset of the first spring days.

To divide the bush, the plant is removed from the pot along with a lump of earth, the root system is then freed from the soil. After this, a piece of rhizome along with growth points is cut off from the parent bush with a sharp and sterile knife. Each division must have at least one leaf.

All parts that will be separated from the mother plant can be immediately planted on permanent place in a separate flowerpot. Caring for planted anthuriums is exactly the same as caring for adult plants.


The easiest way to propagate many bushes of this plant is through cuttings. Tip cuttings are suitable for propagation. Cuttings are usually carried out in the spring, although cuttings can also be taken in early summer. An excellent flower quickly develops from the cuttings and soon blooms.

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut off the upper part of the shoot. Each cutting must have at least 2 leaves. The length of the cutting must be at least 12 cm.

Read also: When does begonia bloom and how is it grown?

The cut shoots are first placed in small separate containers. Suitable for this purpose plastic cups. At first, the seedlings must be watered frequently with lukewarm water and maintained high humidity in room. The optimal temperature for rooting is +25 degrees. After just three weeks, the root system of young anthuriums will be more than 3 cm; during this period, the flowers can be transplanted to a permanent place in a more spacious pot.

Side shoots

Anthuriums very quickly, under favorable conditions, become overgrown with children. Children can be separated during the annual plant transplantation.

Please note that the root system of anthuriums is too fragile and they need to be replanted very carefully. The plant should not be pulled out of the flowerpot by force or the baby should not be separated from the parent bush.

Each side shoot is separated from the mother bush with a sharp and sterile instrument, making sure that the shoot has roots and at least a couple of leaves. Home care for transplanted children is exactly the same as for adult specimens.

For example, if you need to exchange different varieties anthurium, then in order to separate the baby, you need to take the flower out of the flowerpot together with a lump of earth, and carefully separate the young shoot. After this, the mother bush is returned to its old place, and the resulting void is filled with soil. After transplantation, the plant is watered well.

Leaf propagation

You can root anthurium with leaves. This method of reproduction requires very painstaking care. Leaves for rooting are placed in boiled water until the first roots appear. After that planting material planted in separate pots.

Anthurium Scherzer reproduces well by leaf. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. cut the leaf so that a 3 cm petiole remains;
  2. the leaf needs to be rolled into a tube;
  3. then the leaf goes deep into a mixture of peat and sand, taken in equal parts;
  4. The top of the container should be covered with film to create a greenhouse effect;
  5. the container must be placed in a warm place, in the shade;
  6. Every day the greenhouse is ventilated and the leaves are sprayed;
  7. After two weeks, roots and a small sprout will appear.
  8. After a month, the sprout is transplanted into a separate pot.

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Propagation by seeds

Seed propagation of anthuriums is a very complex process, which is mainly used to obtain new varieties. If there are several varieties of anthurium, then you can cross-pollinate them and collect the seeds to develop new varieties. But this method of reproduction at home is used extremely rarely.


  1. Most often indoor anthurium affects the tick. You can tell that a pest has attacked a flower by the yellowing of the foliage and the appearance of specks. The mottling is slightly yellowish at first and then begins to turn black.
  2. To prevent ticks from infesting the plant, it should be kept at high humidity. If the plant is nevertheless affected by the pest, then it needs to be sprayed several times with acaricide.
  3. Also, quite often anthuriums are affected by aphids. Aphids are simply collected with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or vodka.


  • If the conditions for keeping the flower are violated and the plant is kept in bright light or in a cold room, the leaves may turn yellowish. Later, necrotic spots develop on the foliage.
  • A serious problem for all anthuriums is rotting of the root system. If the flower grows in too heavy soil and the pot has poor drainage, then the flower must be replanted.
  • Anthuriums love humidity, but they suffer from excessive watering, which can also cause root rot.
  • Of the fungal diseases, anthuriums are most often affected by septoria and anthracosis. You can tell that a plant is sick by the appearance of spots on the leaves and covers. Such diseases are treated with fungicides.
  • If the anthurium is affected by fusarium, then, unfortunately, the flower will have to be destroyed.

At first glance, it may seem that anthuriums are very finicky in their care. In fact this is not the case, and execution simple rules will help you grow luxurious flowering bushes. Try growing Scherzer anthurium or the Christine variety, which is very popular among gardeners, and this flower will definitely become the main decoration of the interior of your home.