What is alfalfa, what is this plant for? The benefits and harms of alfalfa, how to grow it? Alfalfa: beneficial properties and contraindications

Alfalfa – perennial, belonging to the legume family. The beneficial properties of alfalfa are explained by its unique composition: it contains 8 amino acids and a large number of vitamins and minerals.

Means for prevention and treatment

High concentrations of calcium and potassium help eliminate uric acid, which helps prevent arthritis and gout.

Alfalfa has a pronounced diuretic and laxative effect. This improves digestion and removes excess fluid from the body. Therefore, alfalfa can be used to prevent arthrosis, cellulite, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, edema, gout. All these diseases are in one way or another associated with water retention in the body.

The diuretic effect of alfalfa in combination with the anti-inflammatory effect is advisable to use for prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, as well as urolithiasis.

Advice! Preparations based on alfalfa are used when it is necessary to strengthen the immune system: due to their high saturation with vitamins and amino acids, they increase vitality. They are used by those who want to get rid of chronic fatigue those who are worried about nervousness, loss of strength.

Vitamin K contained in alfalfa is beneficial for the liver. It also increases blood clotting.

It should also be said about the positive effect of the plant on the cardiovascular system. Alfalfa helps strengthen the myocardium, restore normal heart rhythm, and eliminate spasms in the heart. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels: their walls strengthen and become more elastic. The plant is used to reduce blood pressure, prevention and treatment of tachycardia and ischemia.

Alfalfa significantly reduces the risk of cataracts and farsightedness - sprouted seeds of the plant are consumed for this purpose.

Alfalfa is characterized by antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. These properties are important in the treatment of many diseases. For example, it is recommended to take it for tuberculosis. It prevents the development of pneumonia and reduces the activity of the tuberculosis bacillus.

It is also good to use the plant for wet coughs. The mucolytic effect allows you to clear the lungs of viscous sputum.

Eating alfalfa promotes the death of fungi and viruses. Therefore, the plant is often used to treat fungal and viral diseases, although in severe forms this will only be an addition to traditional medicine.

Also, the use of young shoots of alfalfa allows you to get rid of dental problems, strengthens bones, and accelerates their fusion after injuries and operations. This effect is provided by calcium, fluorine and vitamin D, which are part of alfalfa.

This plant is characterized by antitumor effects. The use of alfalfa allows you to stop pathological processes in the body, promotes the resorption of benign tumors, and does not allow them to transform into malignant ones.

In addition, with the help of alfalfa they treat:

  • acne, furunculosis;
  • female diseases: colpitis, erosion;
  • diabetes;
  • lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • anemia.

Advice! You can make a home remedy from alfalfa that will help get rid of bruises, bruises, and remove traces of insect bites. To prepare this paste, the seeds of the plant are crushed and mixed with a small amount of clean water. The paste is applied to the affected area and kept until the pain goes away. The same remedy can be used against edema.

For digestion

The consumption of alfalfa has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating the processes of breakdown and digestion of fats. This plant will help people who suffer from flatulence, heartburn or stomach ulcers. Eating young shoots will make the walls of the stomach more elastic, which will significantly improve your health. In case of ulcers, due to the anti-inflammatory effect, the regeneration processes of the affected area are accelerated.

The plant stimulates intestinal motility, therefore quickly and effectively solves the problem of constipation. Another positive effect is that metabolism accelerates, which means alfalfa will help you lose excess weight.

For women

Doctors recommend including alfalfa in the diet of pregnant women. The presence of calcareous substances in the plant will have a good effect on the growth of the baby’s bones. It is important to know that the plant does not have a stimulating effect on the uterus. The ability of the plant to enhance lactation has been known since ancient times, so alfalfa will also be useful for nursing mothers.

For men

The benefit of alfalfa for men is that it can be successfully used to treat prostatitis. It eliminates swelling and reduces inflammation. It is also important that taking medications with alfalfa reduces the likelihood of prostatitis transforming into adenoma. If you start taking alfalfa at the initial stage, you can completely get rid of prostatitis.


The drugs may cause harm to people diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. The standard contraindication is the presence of an allergic reaction to the plant. All alfalfa-based products must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to use

  • To prepare a remedy for the treatment of diabetes, brew 2 teaspoons of the dry plant with a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then remove from the heat and let it brew for an hour. The resulting decoction is drunk throughout the day, divided into 6 servings. The duration of the course is not limited - the medicine is taken until the sugar returns to normal.
  • To alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause, prepare the remedy according to the following recipe: pour 150 ml of water into a tablespoon of herbs and bring to a boil, then keep on the fire for another 5 minutes. The product should sit for 3 hours, after which it is filtered. The finished medicine is taken 3 times a day, half a glass before meals.
  • Joint pain is treated with alfalfa tincture. 5 tablespoons of the plant are poured into glass bottle and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. The product should be infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. Apply the product 3 times a day before meals, 10 drops, previously diluted in half a glass of water.
  • To improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, prepare the following infusion: 6 tablespoons of the herb are poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for 6 hours. Strain the infusion and take a quarter glass 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • To prepare a sedative based on alfalfa, 2 tablespoons of the dry plant are poured into 300 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes. After this, the product should sit for 3 hours.
  • In case of injury to the skin, in order to speed up the healing of the damage, take a decoction prepared based on the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water. It can not only be taken orally, but also added to the bath.
  • To improve lactation, you can add a small amount of alfalfa (a quarter of a teaspoon) to regular tea. Drink it 3-4 times a day for 4-5 days.

Other uses

In addition to preparing infusions and decoctions, alfalfa can be used in the following ways:

  • add to soups and salads;
  • make freshly squeezed juice from the shoots;
  • Grind the seeds into flour and use for baking.

Eating alfalfa sprouts will also have a positive effect. They are saturated with valuable fats and amino acids. You can not only buy ready-made sprouts, but also germinate the seeds yourself.

Medicinal herb from the legume family, widely used in different countries as a source of vitamins and minerals, for disorders of the digestive system, neutralizes infections and reduces cholesterol levels. In America, the flower is used as a treatment for jaundice and to improve blood clotting.

Since ancient times, grass has been used as an additive to animal feed, but over time, it was discovered medicinal properties for people.

Alfalfa can grow in many countries, but the central part of Asia is considered its homeland.

When treated in folk medicine, use only the upper (ground) part of the grass, although some argue healing properties alfalfa roots.

The grass is pre-dried at the time of flowering. Let's consider beneficial features and contraindications of alfalfa with recipes in traditional medicine.

Alfalfa - beneficial properties and applications

The plant contains hormone analogues phyto-estrogens. Preparations based on of this plant, used as a treatment for female infertility. It is often used for mastopathy and uterine fibroids, but you must first consult with a herbalist.

The herb contains a large number of enzymes and beneficial elements:

  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese
  • Silicon
  • sodium
  • Vitamins C, K, D, E, B12, B1, B2

From the dried herb, a diuretic, diuretic, for diabetics, bactericidal, for rapid healing of wounds is prepared. The product acts as an anti-inflammatory and strengthens the immune system.

The medicinal properties of alfalfa have a beneficial effect on the body during the menstrual cycle, especially with deviations from the norm; during pregnancy it helps strengthen the bones of the fetus, and after the feeding period of the baby, it promotes milk production.

Alfalfa beneficial properties - recipes

Reducing sugar in diabetes

Alfalfa effectively affects the body in case of diabetes and lowers blood sugar levels. Freshly squeezed juice and herbs, dilute in a 1:1 ratio and drink 50 grams before meals 30 minutes 3 times a day.

Removes toxins from the body

Alfalfa contains a large amount of insoluble fiber and chlorophyll, thanks to which the blood is well cleansed of various toxins.

Recipe: 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed dry herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 2-3 hours. Strain and take throughout the day, dividing the glass into 3 parts before meals for 20-30 minutes.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Cholesterol contributes to the appearance of vascular atherosclerosis, as a consequence of atherosclerotic plaques and chronic cardiovascular disease. In simple words, there is a blockage of the veins for blood flow.

The herb contains saponins, which remove cholesterol. If treatment is not timely, heart pathology, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, brain dysfunction, and hypertension appear. To do this, a tincture is made from alfalfa grass.

Cooking method: 1 tbsp. spoon of dry herb, pour 100 grams of pure alcohol, and infuse at room temperature closed for 2 weeks. Take 10 grams of tincture 3 times a day before meals. Can be diluted in small quantities in water, for people who cannot tolerate alcohol tinctures.

Strengthening tooth enamel

Included medicinal herb, contains a certain amount of fluorine. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and prevents caries. Drink alfalfa-based tea by steaming it in a thermos.

Improves digestion

Since ancient times, the plant has been used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, and spasms of the digestive tract. Tea is prepared from alfalfa and drunk with the addition of mint and honey.

Cooking method: 2 tablespoons of chopped mint and alfalfa in equal quantities, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover and let steep for 30 minutes. You can add honey to taste and drink 1 glass 2 times a day before meals.

Rejuvenating skin care mask

Grind the dry herb to powder in a volume of 1 tablespoon. Add a little boiling water until it reaches a thick consistency. Mix well, let it brew for a while, add a little natural honey and stir again, now you can apply it to your face, be careful not to get it in your eyes or lips.

After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply moisturizer. A similar procedure is performed no more than 1-2 times a week. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the mask tightens the skin, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and folds, and relieves puffiness.

Hair strengthening and growth
It has a good effect on hair growth when rinsed in infusions.

Food additive

Alfalfa seeds are collected and added as an additive to various salads. This is a natural nutritional supplement with green pea flavor.

Green smoothie to boost immunity

It is good to cook during hot periods as a thirst quencher. In addition, the drink contains many vitamins and fiber.

Recipe: fresh alfalfa grass, nettle leaves, green onions, parsley, sorrel, celery, broccoli. Grind all the ingredients and beat with a blender until homogeneous mass. Dilute with cool water, add honey or sweet syrup to taste and consume 50-100 grams. After some time, the dose can be increased. The drink is good for weight loss.

Hop alfalfa for cancer

Recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for at least 5 minutes. Cover and let sit for 1 hour. Also used for colpitis. The solution is used as a douche.

Dry crushed grass can be sprinkled on an open wound or as a lotion after moistening a bandage in the solution, thus stopping the bleeding. When applied repeatedly to the wound, the herb promotes rapid healing.

Crescent alfalfa - a recipe for calming the nervous system

For 0.5 liters of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herb, boil for 5 minutes, cover and let it brew.
Strain and consume 100 grams (half a glass) before meals, three times a day.
You can simply pour boiling water over it and leave for 3-4 hours, after which you can consume it as described above.

One of the ways to neutralize infection

Preparations based on alfalfa act as diuretics and are taken for cystitis, prostatitis, and nephritis. Drinking a decoction promotes the rapid removal of salts from the body, especially in diseases such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, and gout.

Alfalfa - contraindications

In addition to its anti-aging properties and boosting immunity, there are also restrictions on intake.
With normal use, no obvious contraindications were noticed. But with increased doses and excessive use, the drug contributes to the occurrence of lupus erythematosus. This disease is similar to arthritis and is accompanied by pain in the joints and throughout the body. For such diseases, use is prohibited.

When using a decoction of this plant during pregnancy and in children under 12 years of age, you must first consult a doctor. During these periods, allergic reactions are possible, especially during pregnancy, when the body is completely reconfigured. Also, any use must be started with small doses.

The common man will be attracted to alfalfa as a beautiful field grass. You might want to add it to a wreath or bouquet. But herbalists, farmers and even some chefs know much more about alfalfa - simple at first glance herbaceous plant has enormous benefits. If cows or goats graze in a field with alfalfa, then their milk will not only be tasty, nutritious, but also healing. Chefs in the West use alfalfa to decorate their dishes for a reason - it’s beautiful, but how healthy it is! In folk medicine, alfalfa is highly respected - many diseases and ailments can be overcome by enlisting its support. For treatment, field alfalfa is used ( purple flowers) and crescent alfalfa (yellow flowers).

Benefits of alfalfa

For starters, alfalfa contains four times more vitamin C than citrus fruits! This is excellent support for the immune system - no cold will go away. It also contains other very valuable vitamins: beta-carotene, B6, E, K and U. I would like to say about the latter that it protects well against the development of duodenal ulcers. Beta-carotene has a beneficial effect on the visual organs, vitamin B6 has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, E is a powerful antioxidant, the vitamin of youth and beauty, and K is necessary for the healthy process of hematopoiesis. Of the minerals, the content of phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and zinc is especially high.

Beneficial substances are present in the green part of alfalfa, flowers and its seeds.. Medicinal tinctures and decoctions are prepared from different parts of this plant. Alfalfa will help those who want to restore their vision. This natural remedy can be used by both older people to stop the deterioration of vision, and young people to return to full vision.

There is evidence that alfalfa eliminates early gray hair. With its regular use, the number of gray hairs is significantly reduced, or even disappears altogether. Rejuvenation literally takes place on the face; alfalfa helps fight the signs of aging and helps smooth out wrinkles.

Alfalfa has a great effect on the circulatory system. It has the property of lowering cholesterol levels and removing it from the body., which is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis. Alfalfa has been noted to lower blood sugar, which is used today to combat diabetes.

Alfalfa is good at relieving various inflammations, both internal and external, of the skin. It is used to treat stomach ulcers, rheumatism, cystitis, and for various skin injuries - injuries and burns. Alfalfa helps relieve inflammation in joints and muscles, heal wounds and prevent the development of complications.

Alfalfa will also be useful for young mothers, because helps increase milk production and at the same time is a harmless natural product. Alfalfa is good for digestion. It allows you to forget what constipation is and pain due to improper functioning of the pancreas.

Alfalfa juice is used for anemia, loss of vitality, and severe fatigue. A shock dose of chlorophyll is added to all the beneficial substances contained in the composition, which brings you to your senses and gives a charge of vivacity. It is recommended to drink alfalfa juice for pulmonary diseases, neuralgia, colds, low hemoglobin, and myopia. To increase efficiency, alfalfa juice is mixed with carrot juice in equal proportions.

Alfalfa is used to prevent the development of cancer, as well as to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Harm of alfalfa and contraindications

Fresh alfalfa is contraindicated for people with stomach diseases. But not because of their own harmful properties, simply because with such a problem you should not eat any greens. Alfalfa should not be given to children under 3 years of age; if treatment is necessary, consult a doctor.

The use of alfalfa in folk medicine

Alfalfa for treating diabetes

To treat diabetes mellitus, an infusion or decoction of alfalfa is used. Pour two teaspoons of dry herb into a glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes and then leave in a warm place for about an hour. Strain and drink throughout the day. Blood sugar control is needed.


2 tablespoons of dry sickle alfalfa are poured into 300 ml of water, boiled for 10 minutes, left for 3 hours in a thermos, filtered and drunk 100 ml three times a day. This remedy helps women in menopause keep their emotions and mood under control.

For the treatment of joints

5 tablespoons of alfalfa are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and left for 2 weeks. 10 drops of tincture are diluted in 50 ml of water and taken half an hour before meals.

For wound healing

To heal wounds on the skin, take a decoction of alfalfa at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water or add the decoction to the bath.

To increase lactation

To increase milk production, it is recommended that a nursing mother add a quarter teaspoon of alfalfa to regular tea and drink it three times a day for 4-5 days.

Alfalfa is one of the legume crops intended for the production and diversification of livestock feed. Alfalfa is widely used for making hay and silage, it is ground into flour, and added to vitamin supplements for livestock.

Today, more than 30 million hectares are planted with alfalfa around the world. The plant is successful in more than 85 countries; the crop occupies vast areas in America, Argentina, Russia, Europe and India.

Description of the plant

Alfalfa plant, perennial crop, from legume family. In nature it is found growing wild. The roots of the plant are strong and thick, lying deep in the soil. The stem is straight, stable, covered with small, densely planted leaves, the plant height reaches 85 cm.

Inflorescences of blue and blue shades, collected in tassels, bloom in summer period. The fruits are hooked beans that reach maturity in August.

Asia is considered the birthplace of alfalfa. wild plant found in the Balkans, in Russia, settles near reservoirs, on the edges and meadows. The main purpose of alfalfa is to feed livestock; the crop became known in the 6th century and was actively mowed for horse feed.

Types and varieties of alfalfa

Alfalfa, as in cultural form, and in the wild there are about a hundred varieties. In the wild, the plant can even be found as shrubs about a meter in height. In agriculture, alfalfa is actively used as feed for poultry and livestock, but it is also useful for humans. The plant is part of herbal dietary supplements, medicinal homeopathic preparations and cosmetic products. Widespread types of alfalfa include the following:

Crescent or yellow type of alfalfa

A tall, erect plant, the species acquired its name due to the color of the inflorescences. The culture blooms with yellow, small flowers collected in clusters, forming a crescent shape. Forage productivity is average, the cuttings do not have high yields.

Hop-like appearance of alfalfa

A medium-sized plant with an erect stem ends flowering with black pods with a seed inside. Used to diversify the food supply for farm animals.

Blue alfalfa includes subspecies: Caucasian, Central Asian and Indian, European and Mediterranean. The species is frost-resistant, fast-growing, multi-cutting.

A resistant plant, capable of producing three cuttings during the growing season. Of all the species it is considered the most productive. Tolerates short-term drought and low temperatures.

Northern species of alfalfa

Resistance to frost and swampy soils. Grows in northern latitudes countries, settles along the floodplains of rivers and the banks of reservoirs. It has root shoot subspecies.

Seed alfalfa has a diverse number of varieties that meet various agricultural needs.

The most common and resistant varieties, can be called:

Alfalfa variety Sparta

This hybrid variety, developed by long-term selection of combinations of crossing the Slavic variety and Langensteiner alfalfa. The variety originates from the blue variety of alfalfa, and has been planted since the 80s.

Sparta is an upright plant, prone to lodging due to the looseness and heaviness of the bush. It reaches a height of 95 cm.

The inflorescences are cylindrical in shape, presented in racemes up to a centimeter in size. Flower color ranges from blue to dark lilac and purple.

The beans are medium-sized, hidden in a loose spiral-shaped shell.

The seeds of the plant are kidney-shaped and dirty green in color.

The root of blue alfalfa is developed enough to produce at least 4 cuttings.

The regrowth of green mass occurs quickly. The first cuttings are carried out 75-90 days after sowing. This variety contains about 22% vegetable protein. The drought-resistant variety Sparta is not affected by brown spot.

Hybrid variety Bagheera

The variety was developed in the 80s and was the result of crossing hybrids of blue and variable alfalfa. Reaches a height of about a meter, a bushy plant with an erect form, develops up to 40 stems, thick, with sparse edges. The leaves are round in shape, the stipules are light green in color and have a pointed appearance.

The inflorescences are printed and dense, blue in color, with a purple corolla, the size of one brush is about 5.5 cm. The beans are spiral-shaped, brown in color when ripe. Green seeds yellow color. Regrowth after cuttings is fast, the yield is about 4-5 cuts per season. Bagheera, a variety resistant to lodging, which makes it possible to produce high-quality hay.

The yield per hectare exceeds 65 tons. Protein content on a dry matter basis is about 11%. The variety is resistant to putrefactive lesions.

Alfalfa variety Fairy

Alfalfa of domestic selection was obtained by crossing clones of the Krasnodar Ranniy, Ladak and Glasier varieties. The resulting variety was classified as blue-hybrid variable alfalfa.

The Fairy variety inherited high resistance to temperature changes and drought from blue and variable alfalfa and acquired a high combinative ability. It has been grown not so long ago, since 2011, but due to its extensive tillering, straight stem and resistance to lodging, it has become widespread in the south of Russia.

The stems are strong and rough, covered with small ellipse-shaped leaves. The height of the plant reaches one and a half meters in height. The fairy blooms with purple inflorescences, cylindrical in shape, with dark corollas. Spiral-shaped fruits. It produces yellow seeds, weighing about 4.5 grams per 2000 seeds.

The period of the first mowing occurs during budding. During its growing season, the Fairy will give more than three cuttings. Productivity of this variety about 62 tons per 1 hectare. The protein content of beans ranges from 17 to 22%.

Growing alfalfa

Sowing of alfalfa begins in the spring, when the soil has warmed up sufficiently and is saturated with moisture. Much depends directly on the climatic latitude and region; in most alfalfa sowings begin in April.

To obtain decent harvest, it is necessary to carefully prepare alfalfa seeds for sowing. Since the seeds have a hard shell, they are mechanically processed before sowing, removing the top layer, or ground with river sand.

When sowing occurs in small areas, the seeds are pre-soaked in water, then dried and pickled. Dressing is carried out with pesticides in the amount of 3.5 kg. per ton of seeds. For better germination, seeds are treated with sodium molybdate.

Alfalfa reacts quite capriciously to its predecessors.

The best predecessor crops before sowing are row crops and grain legumes. In turn, alfalfa is an ideal precursor for most plants in agriculture.

The key to harvest success is proper tillage of the arable land before sowing. Preparation begins in advance, with deep plowing, ridding the soil of weeds and harrowing. Plowing breaks up large clods, improves air exchange in the soil, and harrowing levels and fluffs the surface.

Alfalfa loves enriched soils; on such soils the plant will produce up to 4 cuttings, so organic matter is added before sowing (8 kg per square meter) And mineral fertilizers(55-65 grams per square of arable land).

Sowing begins at the beginning of spring. Alfalfa seeds are sown with a grain-grass seeder, reducing losses of the main and auxiliary crops. Alfalfa is often sown with auxiliary plants: rye or oats.

Assorted mixtures of three types of crops, such as red clover, timothy, cucumber, and fescue, have become widespread.

The norms for sowing alfalfa in grass mixtures per 1 hectare are about 5 million suitable seeds.

Norms and timing of sowing alfalfa

Alfalfa, which can safely be classified as a forage grass, is actively used as feed in rural farmsteads due to its satiety, unpretentiousness and productivity. To achieve maximum yield from alfalfa seeds, it is necessary to first calculate the consumption rates seed material per hectare of arable land.

The formula used for this is:

NBB = M1000 x K (the mass of 1000 seeds is multiplied by the germination number of seeds sown in a zone per 1 hectare.)

Another formula makes adjustments to the calculation of seeding rates by the actual sowing suitability of seeds (SG).

NV = NVV x 100 / PG

The approximate norms for sowing alfalfa for feed needs are: 11 kg. for 1 hectare. (plain) and 15 kg. for 1 hectare. (slope).

Simultaneous sowing of alfalfa with cereals can amount to: awnless pinworm about 11 kg. for 1 hectare. and meadow timothy 3.5 kg. for 1 hectare. Sowing alfalfa under cover at 9.2 million usable seeds per hectare of plowed land gives good consistency and germination of crops.

When sowing alfalfa under spring crops or annual grasses, pre-sowing soil rolling with ring rollers is mandatory.

Sowing is carried out using seeders with disc coulters, with the mandatory use of depth limiters.

When sowing alfalfa, a row sowing method is used with a row spacing of 11–14 cm and a planting depth of 1.5 cm (loams), 2 cm (sandstones).

Coverless sowing is possible only in those areas of arable land where all measures have been taken to prevent the emergence of weeds.

It should be noted that a wide row spacing and dense cropping can have a detrimental effect on the yield of alfalfa as a whole.

When the crop is grown for livestock feed, the row spacing is reduced to 11 cm. If alfalfa is grown for seeds, the row spacing should be increased to half a meter to allow the stem to develop and prevent lodging of the crops before the seeds mature.

The mass of alfalfa greens at the output depends on its competition with cover crops; sometimes there is a decline in the growth of the above-ground part of the grass, and then it is customary to increase the alfalfa sowing rate to 25%, and reduce the accompanying rate by 45%.

Care of alfalfa crops

If you follow the norms of agricultural technology, growing alfalfa will not bring any difficulties. Like all agricultural plants, alfalfa needs watering, protection from weeds and pests. initial stage growing season, as well as in several feedings.

All measures taken together will give at least three cuttings and, therefore, a good harvest.

In the first year of sowing, it is advisable to water when the seedlings reach 13 cm and above; a moderate amount of water will give the plant strength to move to the second phase - the formation of buds, and the second watering is carried out during this period.

The green mass after the first mowing grows even in dry conditions, however, to speed up the growth process, the plant needs water.

Watering is necessary for the plant only in arid regions, as precipitation temperate climate quite enough for normal growth of the crop. Prolonged rains can have an extremely negative impact on alfalfa crops; the crop does not tolerate waterlogging.

If the site has shallow groundwater, alfalfa is watered only twice; subsurface sowing means watering at least twice, during tillering and heading.

If the soil is sufficiently saturated before sowing nutrients, fertilizing alfalfa during the growth period will be unnecessary.

An exception may be poor soils that need additional nutrition.

Alfalfa is not picky about minerals and organic fertilizers. To form lush green mass, it needs nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to add nitrogen during active growth plants. For plowing, adding organic matter in the amount of 35 tons per 1 ha. into the soil will undoubtedly give excellent harvest results if the agrotechnical rules for caring for alfalfa are observed.

If you want to speed up the regrowth of cut alfalfa greens, add phosphorus, and after two weeks nitrogen, this will stimulate the plant to grow and speed up the flowering of the crop.

It is considered inappropriate to apply these fertilizers on nutrient soils where the amount of phosphorus exceeds 16 milligrams per 100 grams of soil. In this case, you can do without fertilizing altogether if fertilizers have already been applied to the soil before sowing. Concerning nitrogen fertilizers then the application rate is 25 kg. for 1 hectare.

Fertilizer sowing rates for alfalfa: nitrogen (N) 30-45 phosphorus (P) 60-90 potassium (K) 60-90 kg. per 1 ha., the applied doses guarantee high alfalfa cuttings.

Weed control is prerequisite caring for alfalfa crops. The weed is destroyed by mowing at a height of 16 cm. The size of the cut is adjusted so as not to damage the crop itself. To destroy unwanted annual cereal weeds, 4 liters of eptam per hectare is applied before sowing; other herbicides can also be used.

Beneficial properties of alfalfa

About the benefits of alfalfa for Agriculture as feed mixtures and hay, a lot has been said. However, alfalfa is used not only to meet agricultural needs, but also in pharmacology.

The herb is used for the manufacture of drugs Alfalfin, Anticholesterol, Meishi, Alfagin and others. These drugs lower cholesterol levels, normalize digestion, help with intestinal disorders, in particular eliminate constipation, have the property of lowering blood sugar and are indicated for use by diabetics.

Preparations from alfalfa are indicated for people suffering from diseases of the circulatory system, anemia, any disorders of the body's immune response, exhaustion and physical weakness; they are used to normalize lactation in nursing mothers.

Powders from ground alfalfa leaves have a wound-healing and hemostatic effect. Alfalfa is widely used in folk medicine in the form of decoctions and teas, dried and fresh. Having an alkaloid effect, it helps in neutralizing stomach acid and helps cope with uncomplicated gastritis.

An unpretentious plant in herbal preparations improves immunity and helps fight insomnia. Homeopathic doctors widely use alfalfa as a healing agent for ulcerative colitis, decreased appetite and anemia.

In addition to the above beneficial properties, alfalfa contains B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins D, A and E, and the biologist Beauvoir designated alfalfa in his studies as a “miracle plant” or “great healer” , after discovering a concentration of eight amino acids in its composition.

Alfalfa is often called lechukha, zorya or medunka. It grows mainly in Asia Minor and the Balkans, and is found on forest edges, pastures and steppes. It contains many minerals and other beneficial substances that the plant absorbs from the ground with its long roots.

Americans use it to treat jaundice and improve blood clotting, and in India, for example, they actively use the medicinal properties of alfalfa, which are effective for diseases of the kidneys and joints. Other areas of medical use:

  • acne and ulcers, furunculosis;
  • rheumatism, arthritis and gout;
  • colpitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • erosion;
  • urethritis and cystitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • constipation;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • arthrosis;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

This is a good laxative and diuretic that helps improve digestion and also rids the body of excess fluid. Hence - successful cases of use for the prevention of arthrosis, rheumatism, cellulite, diabetes, edema and gout. After all, the listed diseases often develop precisely because of water retention in the body.

Diuretic properties combined with anti-inflammatory properties are useful in the treatment of pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis and urolithiasis.

In gynecological practice, isoflavones (isoflavonoids), which are part of alfalfa, help treat endometriosis and other hormonal diseases. They are also useful during menopause to relieve symptoms and overcome the lack of hormones in the female body.

Improves the absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, digestive processes. The breakdown and absorption of fats occurs faster.

If you suffer from flatulence, heartburn or have a stomach ulcer, make it a rule to regularly eat young shoots of alfalfa. In this case, the walls of the stomach will become more elastic, which will benefit your well-being.

It is also advisable to add this product to the diet of pregnant and nursing mothers, since it contains calcareous substances that are beneficial for the development and growth of the baby’s bones. But be sure to consult your doctor first.

Fresh shoots strengthen teeth due to their fluoride content. Vitamin D and potassium accelerate bone recovery and promote healing of fractures and fight osteoporosis.

Vitamin K is useful for the liver and improving blood clotting. If there is a lack of this vitamin, even minor physical impact may cause bruises to appear on the body.

Saponins reduce cholesterol levels in the body. And coumarin prevents the formation of blood clots in the arteries - an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis. In addition, alfalfa is recommended for people with hypertension, tachycardia, ischemia, and also as a preventive measure for these diseases.

To prevent cataracts and farsightedness, older people are advised to add sprouted plant seeds to their diet.

For bruises, hematomas or insect bites, alfalfa seeds should be mixed with water to form a paste. Apply it to the affected area and the pain will subside. This easy-to-prepare remedy will also help reduce swelling.

Used to combat bad smell from mouth. The plant owes this property to a large dose of chlorophyll, which is often used in breath fresheners. A small piece of juicy young shoot will help cope with unpleasant smell and will save you from worrying about this.

Benefits for hair

You can even speed up hair growth with the help of alfalfa. Brew 4 tbsp. l. herbs with a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes and leave to cool. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with warm broth. This product works better than store-bought mouthwashes and does not contain chemicals.

Traditional medicine recipes

Young shoots should be used in dishes; mature ones are too tough to eat without additional processing. Usually, before cooking, alfalfa is scalded with boiling water to soften the plant fibers.

You should undergo treatment and add dishes and products from alfalfa to your diet only after you have read the contraindications. In some cases, admission is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

If you suffer from nose and vaginal bleeding, drink 25 g of juice from the leaves twice a day.

A decoction will help reduce appetite. Pour 200 g of young shoots with boiling water (2 cups), wait until it cools, and then take a glass a quarter of an hour before your next meal.

To get rid of skin redness and swelling, and at the same time improve your complexion, you can make a 15-minute mask of a decoction with honey.

It is not difficult to protect yourself from colds and scurvy - just add fresh alfalfa leaves or its juice to your diet. Such plant materials contain large amounts of vitamin C.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids using sitz baths. Stir 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. dried tops, leave to brew for 20 minutes and pour into the bath.


Cannot be used in any form if you have systemic lupus erythematosus.

If you are taking anti-blood clotting medications, ask your doctor first to see if you can add this herb to your diet. The vitamin K contained in alfalfa may interfere with treatment.

In case of autoimmune disorders, exacerbation of gastric diseases and allergies to legumes, you should ask your doctor for permission, otherwise taking it may cause significant harm to your health.

These are all the main contraindications regarding the use of alfalfa in medicinal purposes. All that remains is individual intolerance, which, however, is extremely rare.

Before use, it is advisable to take a course of drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria. With their help, the stomach will more easily accept the large amount of fiber contained in alfalfa, and there will be no unpleasant gastrointestinal reactions such as flatulence, diarrhea or constipation.

In general, alfalfa will be useful to almost everyone who has no contraindications. After all, it not only heals, but also helps to improve well-being and protect against diseases before they occur. Add alfalfa to your salad more often and you will feel much better.