Blackberry planting and care in open ground in autumn. Secrets of proper planting of blackberries. Instructions for care and cultivation in autumn in simple words

Blackberries are an unpretentious plant and can grow in any soil. It can be planted both in autumn and spring. But it is also worth noting that autumn planting must be done before the onset of frost. When planting in autumn, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that the roots of the plant still have time to take root before frost.

Planting blackberries in the fall. Video #1

Planting blackberries in autumn

The first thing we need to do is clear the area allocated for planting from weeds. Then we make holes or furrows (30?30), where we add compost or rotted manure mixed with the fertile layer of soil. Next, we need to place the seedling in a hole, straighten its roots and cover it with fertile soil, after which we carefully begin to compact the soil from the edges to the center.

At the same time, you also need to remember that the upper bud, which is located at the base of the stem, should be 2-3 cm above the ground level. This is explained by the fact that the soil at the site where our seedling is planted will gradually settle.

Planting blackberries in the fall. Video No. 2

If blackberries are planted using cuttings, then we will need to place them in a trench (furrows) and cover them with a 7-8 cm layer of soil. And after the entire process of planting blackberries is completed, we begin watering, and then mulching. Peat, sawdust, dry grass, etc. can be used as mulching agents.

Straight-growing varieties of blackberries must be planted with a distance from each other (in rows) of 0.8 - 1 meter. And between the rows there should be at least 2 meters. Between creeping varieties we leave a distance of 2.5 to 3.5 meters.

How to prune blackberries?

Once the fruiting period of the blackberry ends, it begins to gradually dry out. Therefore, it is advisable to cut them out immediately. But you can do this a little later. Dried shoots are cut out at the root. But if there are stumps left, you can be sure that pests will settle there for the winter.

Then we proceed to cutting out young, weak shoots.

Planting blackberries in the fall. Video No. 3

We leave the strongest ones, which next year will be able to give good fruits. But we also need to pin them or cut them to a height of 1.7 to 2 meters.

Where and how to properly plant blackberries on the site

Selecting a landing site

When choosing a location, take into account the weak winter hardiness of blackberries. Select sufficiently lit, well-warmed areas, protected from cold winds. Blackberries produce the highest yields on fertilized, well-drained loams. It does not tolerate high water levels and damp, waterlogged soils, where the formation of plant shoots is delayed until late autumn, as a result of which winter hardiness is reduced. Blackberries cannot be planted on carbonate soils, as plants on them are affected by chlorosis due to a lack of iron and magnesium.

Blackberries are unpretentious and grow well on medium loams with an acidity of 5.5–6.0 pH.

Blackberries are planted in the sunniest and most sheltered place in the garden (near the southern wall of the fence or on a southern slope), otherwise the berries ripen poorly and the yield is reduced.

Preparing the soil and planting blackberries

The soil for planting is prepared in the fall. Dig to a depth of 50 cm, add 10-12 kg of rotted manure (compost), 40-50 g of superphosphate, 20-30 g of potash fertilizers per 1 m2.

It is best to plant blackberry plants in early spring. Although it is possible in the fall, but in this case aboveground part you will have to shorten it to 20-30 cm and cover the plant with spandbond for the winter.

The holes for blackberries are not very large - up to 40–50 cm deep and wide. Add 1 bucket of compost and 100-150 g of complex fertilizers.

Instead of carrying out continuous soil preparation, you can dig a trench 40 cm wide and deep, mix the excavated layer of soil with organic and mineral fertilizers and pour the mixture into the trench.

How to plant blackberries in the fall?

Autumn planting of blackberries should be done before the onset of frost. Many people have a question: how to plant blackberries correctly? There will be no difficulties when planting strawberries, but where exactly you need to plant blackberries on your plot, you need to think about it in advance so that later it will give you a good harvest.

How to plant blackberries correctly in the fall?

When choosing a place to plant blackberries, remember that this crop has poor winter hardiness. Blackberries love well-heated, illuminated and protected from the wind areas. This berry garden will give a very good harvest if the planting area is well fertilized and the soil does not become waterlogged. Under no circumstances should blackberries be planted on carbonate soils, because due to a lack of magnesium and iron, the plants are affected.

The correct landing sequence is:

  • The area that you have chosen for planting blackberries must be completely cleared of weeds. Pour compost or humus into the holes, the width of which should be approximately 35 centimeters, and mix it with the soil. Then the seedling is placed in a hole so that its roots are spread out in different directions.
  • When filling with soil, you need to periodically compact it from the edge to the center of the bush. Please note: the top bud of the planted bush, which is located at the base of the stem, should be no less than 2 cm above the ground. If you want to plant blackberries with cuttings, then you need to place the cuttings in a furrow and cover them with soil, the layer of which should be approximately 7 -8 cm.
  • After planting, be sure to water and mulch with whatever you have on hand. The distance between upright bushes should be 1 m in a row and at least 2 m between rows. And varieties that creep should be planted at a distance of 3-3.5 m
  • If you plant blackberries correctly, they will definitely reward you with a good harvest.

    How and should you plant blackberries in the fall?

    Growing blackberries, a close relative of raspberries, is becoming increasingly popular in our conditions. Interestingly, this crop is grown in Europe all year round, and in America they love it more than other berries.

    Like raspberries, they have a sufficient amount of vitamins and are wonderfully processed for storage for the winter. Some gardeners like it better than raspberries because the berry has a tougher coating and is easier to transport.

    Plant seedlings can be planted in the ground in spring and autumn. Let us dwell in more detail on planting garden blackberries in the fall.

    Planting in autumn: all the pros and cons

    Gardeners have not come to a consensus when it is better to plant blackberries in spring or autumn. Some say that it must be in the spring, while others argue that the season does not matter for planting.

    Any opinion has its place, so let’s consider all the pros and cons regarding this issue. Let's start with the very first thing that people pay attention to when planting seedlings of this plant. The earth must be warmed up and properly prepared.

    And everyone advises preparing the land, that is, clearing it of weeds and applying fertilizers, in the fall. Regarding soil temperature, it is natural that in autumn period it is better warmed up than in spring.

    On the other hand, we can say that if seedlings planted in autumn tolerate winter cold well, they will certainly be more resistant to weather conditions next year and less susceptible to diseases. Frost-resistant varieties will not be harmed by frost in principle.

    But on the other hand, the scorching summer sun can destroy them. If the summer is very hot, then the plants can simply “burn out”. In autumn, the sun is gentle, so the plants feel comfortable and death from the sun can definitely be avoided.

    If you decide

    As you can see, there are no special contraindications to planting the crop in the autumn. We will learn in detail how to properly plant and care for garden blackberries in the fall.

    Selection of seedlings

    Experienced gardeners advise buying blackberry seedlings from special nurseries that breed blackberries. There is a variety of varieties of both ordinary garden and remanent species.

    The latter is now becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that it bears fruit longer and is more resistant to both weather conditions and diseases. Eat planting material with high and low levels of shoot formation.
    This also needs to be taken into account when choosing based on the amount of space allocated for planting. Should choose annual plants with several branches more than half a centimeter in diameter.

    Choosing and preparing a place

    Before planting blackberries in the fall, you need to decide on a planting site and prepare it.

    In order for the plant to feel good, it needs a sunny place. You also need to remember that blackberries produce a lot of shoots, so a distance of about 1.5 m should be maintained from the place where they are planted to buildings and fences.
    The crop gives a good harvest if the soil is well moistened and fertile. Therefore, before planting blackberries in the fall, it is recommended to fertilize them. Due to the fact that the roots of the plant lie deeper than those of raspberries, the soil is loosened to a depth of 0.5 m.

    About 5 kg of manure or compost, up to 150 g of superphosphate and three times less potash fertilizers are added to the pit.

    It is important to mix fertilizers well with the soil so that plant roots do not come into contact with them. Gardeners say that after such fertilization the soil is fertile for about 4 years.

    Planting scheme

    Planting scheme garden blackberry directly depends on whether the plant produces many or few shoots. If the formation of low-level shoots, the so-called bush method is used. Several seedlings are placed in one hole, the distance between them should be slightly more than 1.5 m.

    The belt planting method involves high level formation of shoots. Each seedling is planted in a separate hole in a row, the distance between which is about a meter. The width between rows is from 2 to 2.5 m.

    When planting, the roots of the plant are well straightened, sprinkled with soil and watered. It is important that no air pockets form and that the bud is at least 3 cm above the ground.

    The time to plant blackberries in the fall is from the end of summer until the first serious cold weather. September is best for this. It is warm enough and the plant will have time to take root before the cold weather.

    Shelter for the winter

    Blackberries need pruning in the fall. This is both a stage of preparation for wintering and preparation for greater yield next year. Only shoots that bear fruit this year need to be pruned. If there were no fruits, like seedlings, then the plant is simply cut off by 10-20 cm.

    For the winter, the bushes are insulated to protect them from frost. The lashes are laid, a little peat or sawdust is poured under the root and they and the shoots are covered with agrofibre, spruce branches or roofing felt with a layer of up to 15 cm. You can first cover them with corn leaves and then cover them with film. The plant usually does not wither under cover.

    Features of caring for blackberries in autumn

    If you decide to plant blackberries in the fall, then the seedlings periodically need to be watered and the soil loosened. You can also treat them against diseases and pests. The easiest way to do this is to prepare a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water and spray the shoots.

    This solution can be used to water the soil after planting up to twice a month. This will neutralize the soil from pests, fertilize the roots and give them additional oxygen.

    The plant should not be planted next to raspberries. Since it multiplies faster, the raspberries will simply disappear. Blackberries are enough unpretentious plant with much higher yields than raspberries. She feels great in our climatic conditions.

    It can be planted both in spring and summer, while following a few mandatory recommendations. Blackberries do not bear fruit in the first year after planting, so when proper care wait next year excellent harvest.

    Blackberries – mostly wild berry. Gardeners prefer to grow raspberries or strawberries, while blackberries remain in the shade due to their thorny and uncontrollable structure. But unlike the others fruit crops, blackberries do not require special care and specific preparation for planting seedlings. However, before starting planting work, you should refresh your knowledge of rooting young cuttings.

    When to plant blackberries in spring, in what month: timing

    Blackberries are planted in the spring if the shrub is not planted in the fall. To do this, you should choose the optimal time, focusing on weather conditions. If you bury the selected seedling at an earlier date, the root system may freeze when return frosts occur in the spring months.

    It is recommended to plant in mid-spring, at a time when the air temperature is +15 C and the soil warms up to a depth of 10-12 cm. Such air temperatures have a beneficial effect on the development of the root system of a young seedling; it grows faster.

    Attention! A favorable time for planting blackberries is mid-March and the last days before April. Most regions have already felt the breath of spring, and the soil has begun to warm up.

    It is best to focus not on a specific date, but on weather conditions and return frosts. If March turns out to be cold and cloudy, then it is better to postpone the rooting of the shrub until the onset of warm sunny days.

    Advantages and disadvantages of planting in spring

    Blackberries are planted in the spring as needed. Carrying out planting work has its advantages and disadvantages. Almost equal numbers of both are detected. Therefore, the farmer will have to decide when it is better to plant a young seedling or cuttings.

    Advantages spring planting:

  • Planting in the spring allows the plant to quickly grow new roots, take root normally, without worrying that cold weather may suddenly set in.
  • Planting is carried out in the warm season, so you can immediately see whether the plant is viable or not, as the blossoming buds begin to grow.
  • It is possible to control the rooting of the plant - moisten it in a timely manner, apply mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • The disadvantages of planting are warm weather, which does not allow moisture to remain in the soil for a long period. Therefore, if watering is not carried out on time, the bush will quickly dry out under the scorching rays of the sun.

    Important! The shrub, in addition to the root system, develops a ground part. If the blackberry does not have enough strength to stretch both the developing roots and the growing foliage, it may die without taking root.

    In the spring, seedlings or cuttings that were not sold in the autumn are sold. It is better to choose from trusted suppliers or those who provide guarantees for quality products. Otherwise, there is a possibility of restoring a seedling that was destroyed in the fall.

    Therefore, before carrying out work on planting blackberry seedlings, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons, so that later you do not regret about lost time and a lost seedling.

    When to plant blackberries - in spring or autumn

    Each period is good for planting in its own way. It is impossible to say with certainty that planting blackberries in the fall is the optimal time. At the same time, spring also has its disadvantages for rooting seedlings.

    In addition, planting before winter hardens and stimulates the production of immunity. But if you calculate incorrectly optimal timing planting, the seedling will not have time to prepare for winter and will freeze at the first drop in air temperatures.

    Important! Spring planting in a new place of residence stimulates the plant to develop faster, produce young roots and tender leaves. At this time, it is easier to control the condition of the plantings. But with improper care, there is a chance of losing the seedling due to drought or invasion of diseases and pests.

    Video: blackberry planting time - when is the best time to plant

    How to plant in spring: features and step-by-step instructions

    Blackberries cannot be called a demanding plant. It is recommended to plant it with certain requirements for a certain rooting depth. You should take into account your closest neighbors, because not everyone can get along with the bush. Otherwise, it will be crushed by larger plants.

    What should a seedling be like?

    When choosing a blackberry cutting to plant, you should consider it carefully. Don't buy second hand from mass markets. This culture should be purchased in specialized stores or trusted nurseries.

    When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to root system seedling, it should be sufficiently developed - 3-4 roots no less than 10 cm in length, as well as a basal bud. The above-ground part of the plant should be 2 stems with green leaves.

    Attention! If the rhizomes are open, then their structure should be healthy, without rotten parts. There should be no mechanical damage or wrinkled areas of bark on the stem, which indicate that the seedling has long been dug out of the ground.

    Before purchasing, it is recommended to test the seedling - carefully pry off the bark on the trunk. If the cut is green, then the cutting will take root well; if it is brown, your money and time will be wasted. In the latter option, the seedling cannot be revived.

    If you want propagate blackberries yourself, then you can read more about this In this article!

    Landing location

    To board you must select sunny plot. Blackberries can grow in the shade, but their shoots will become very elongated and bear little fruit. The main factor good growth is absence of areas with prolonged stagnation of accumulated moisture after watering or rain.

    Attention! Strong wind can cause mechanical damage to the plant, so it is more advisable to place the bush under a fence or on the south side of the building.

    What you can’t plant with

    Blackberries are not recommended to be planted in places where they were previously grown vegetable crops . The roots of these plants may contain a disease that is dangerous for the shrub - late blight (or phytoflora). It remains in the ground and, if possible, moves to an unprotected young plant.

    Raspberries are a good neighbor to blackberries., because caring for crops and their requirements for growing conditions are very similar.

    At what distance

    Blackberries are planted from other fruit crops at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. This distance is enough for the bush to spread its lashes and grow. In this case, neither the blackberry nor the neighboring plant will interfere with each other.

    Important! It is of great importance that fruit trees do not block the sunny side of the berry plant. Otherwise, the blackberry harvest will be sour and small.

    Also, if you place blackberries close to other trees, they will spread to their neighbors and begin to choke them, entwining them with their shoots. This can cause the death of fruit plants, as well as the appearance of bacteria and pests in the area.

    What kind of soil is needed

    The best option for the growth and development of blackberry seedlings will be light, fertile loamy soil. It is surprising to note that the plant prefers acidic soil. The best option for it would be to keep the bush on soil with a pH level of 6-6.7.

    At what depth to plant

    For planting, a hole in the ground is first prepared. It should be dug to the level 40x40x40 cm. This depth is necessary in order to add mineral and organic fertilizers to the middle of the hole, and then place an earthen ball with the grown cuttings.

    The distance between seedlings should not be less than 1.5 meters. A 2.5 m gap should be maintained between rows. Such an area will allow, if necessary, to install supports and move freely between overgrown bushes.

    How and what to fertilize before planting

    A hole prepared in advance for a blackberry seedling should contain not only garden soil, but also fertilizing. The latter has a positive effect on the development of cuttings or seedlings after they have been placed in a new place of residence.

    The following additives are additionally added to the soil:

    1. rotted manure – up to 6 kg;
    2. potassium – up to 60 g;
    3. phosphate – up to 150 g.
    4. All ingredients are mixed with garden soil. The amount of soil to be filled should not exceed half of the recess. The preparation of the pit should be done long before the planned planting work, so that the additives have time to be absorbed into the soil.

      Note! The minimum period from soil preparation to planting is 1.5 months.

      Planting methods

      If the plant is purchased with bare roots, then planting work should be completed in a short time. If the seedling is pre-planted in the ground and is in a flowerpot, then rooting can wait until warm weather.

      The following planting methods are distinguished depending on the external condition of the plant:

    5. Open root system– the rhizomes are examined, if necessary, damaged or diseased areas are removed, the sections are sprinkled with ash or activated carbon. When installing a seedling in a hole, all roots must be carefully straightened. They are sprinkled with earth; as you deepen, you should shake the seedling slightly so that the soil fills all the hollow spaces near the roots.
    6. The seedling is in the ground– the plant should not be removed from the soil, the soil should not be shaken off from the roots. Before transplanting, water generously so that the lump of earth can easily jump out of the flowerpot. Afterwards, the seedling is placed in the middle of the dug hole and covered with earth. The surface should be lightly compacted.

    Thus, planting blackberries is carried out in 2 ways. There is no need to apply additional mineral fertilizers for 2-3 years. The plant has enough of those nutrients, which were laid at the time of landing.

    Video: how to plant blackberries in open ground in spring

    Care after landing

    Cultivation care involves periodic watering as needed and during dry summer periods. Excessive irrigation should not be carried out due to the fact that the shrub does not tolerate marshy soils, which leads to the death of the root system.

    Important! A mandatory procedure is loosening and removing weeds. In addition, during loosening the soil is saturated with necessary oxygen. The procedure also has a beneficial effect on the rapid penetration of moisture deep into the roots.

    It is also recommended to carry out mulching. It contributes to less evaporation of nutrient moisture from under the bush. In addition, mulch blocks the germination of weeds and prevents branches from laying on the ground during fruiting. The latter provokes rotting of the fruits and the acquisition of pathogenic bacteria. In the fall, it is imperative to carry out preparatory work for winter.

    Features of planting in different regions

    Blackberries are a southern plant and are mainly planted in warm climates. Therefore, its cultivation in the central zone and in the northern regions did not always have positive results.

    So, in outskirts of Moscow It is recommended to plant blackberries immediately after warm days arrive. Be sure to cover it for the winter and fertilize it in every possible way. Planting of young cuttings is carried out mainly in late March - mid-April.

    In the zone of risky farming - in the Volga region, in order to achieve ripe and large berries, you will have to try. The landing is delayed until it is warm. To carry out rooting, you should focus on weather conditions.

    Siberia and the Urals for a long period of time they were not a place for growing southern berries. All attempts ended in failure. This continued until new selective varieties with increased frost resistance were developed. Only after this did it become possible to grow blackberries in these regions. But planting in these regions in the spring is usually not carried out due to the fact that the event takes place in early June, and the ripening of the berries occurs at the moment when frost occurs. Therefore, the bulk of the harvest is lost.

    Possible mistakes when planting blackberries in spring

    Even experienced gardeners without thinking, they can make mistakes when rooting cuttings and seedlings. The most common mistakes when planting blackberries are:

    • wrong seedling– non-viable will not be able to germinate;
    • buying second hand and trusting on your word of honor– in order not to end up with an unknown variety, you should purchase it in specialized stores or at the breeding site (in a nursery);
    • close placement– free space between plantings and air circulation are required. The latter is necessary for the complete ripening of fruits and the absence of pathogenic bacteria;
    • increased amount of fertilizer applied– it is better to apply less fertilizing than to feed the plant, causing its death.

    Important! In order to avoid making such mistakes, it is recommended that before planting you familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of burying seedlings in the ground in the spring.

    Thus, in the spring, blackberries should be planted as prepared seedlings in optimal soil, having previously fertilized it. After planting, you should not leave the plant to its fate; without proper care, it may die.

    Video: description, planting and caring for blackberries

    Planting blackberries in spring and autumn - with health benefits!

    Blackberries, like raspberries, are plants that provide not only health benefits, but also very delicious fruits. It doesn’t matter when you decide to plant this plant on your site - planting blackberries in the spring is just as possible as in the fall!

    Required Tools

    How to plant blackberries in spring - what does the plant not like?

    When you go shopping for seedlings, you can purchase both plants with an open root system and those planted in containers. Main condition the right purchase– so that the roots are well developed. Do not buy a variety blindly, ask about the care features, varietal advantages and disadvantages, because proper planting depends on this.

    Blackberries are not very demanding on soil fertility, but for planting you should select areas that are well-warmed by the sun, protected from eastern and northern winds. Close relative Raspberries are moisture-loving, but waterlogged soils are destructive for them, since the roots die from lack of oxygen. Therefore, drained loams are best suited for blackberry plantings. But an increased content of limestone in the soil is fraught with yellowing of leaves and a decrease in yield. During the initial growing season (April-July), it is important to ensure regular soil moisture, for which drip irrigation is best suited.

    Planting blackberries in the spring - helping the plant take root!

    Planting blackberries in the spring begins with clearing the place where the plant will be planted of weeds and deep digging the area. In the spring, it is best to plant varieties that do not have high frost resistance, and in the fall, winter-hardy varieties will take root under a layer of humus or peat. The hole for the seedling should be dug to a depth of 50 cm, even if the seedling is small. Half a bucket of well-rotted compost or humus should be added to the hole, which is mixed with 40 g wood ash.

    Then a little soil is poured onto the fertilizer, forming a cushion on which the roots are laid. Before planting, they should be thoroughly inspected, damaged ones should be cut out and too long ones should be shortened.. The root collar should be 2-3 cm below the soil level. Having straightened the roots, you should pour the remaining soil into the hole, shake the seedling a little so that the soil settles between the roots, and compact it well to form a hole for watering. For the first watering, you should use at least half a bucket of water.

    Straight-growing varieties, which are also called brambles, should be planted in a row at a distance of 1 meter with a row spacing of up to 2 m. Rosyanika (creeping varieties) should be planted at a distance of two or three meters, maintaining a row spacing of up to 3 m. If the seedling was pruned before purchase, it does not need additional shortening, but if you bought it without pruning, you should leave 2-3 buds on one branch and remove the rest.

    Fertilizing blackberries in the spring - for delicious berries in the fall!

    Blackberries have won the love of many gardeners with their high productivity and unpretentiousness. But for a good harvest, regular irrigation is necessary; in this case, the plant will develop well and produce large berries. To prevent the soil in the hole from becoming clogged from constant watering, it is imperative to cover its surface with mulch: hay, straw, leaves...

    Sawdust is undesirable for mulching - wood absorbs nitrogen, which bushes need in large quantities.

    The mulch layer should be at least 3 cm - this not only helps retain moisture and inhibits the growth of weeds, but also protects the root system from overheating in the summer heat. Feeding blackberries in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers is one of the mandatory measures if you want to get a good harvest. In autumn, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied. One bush requires up to 100 g of superphosphate, 60 g of saltpeter, 7 kg of humus and a half-liter jar of ash.

    For blackberries, you should prepare a support in advance, the same as trellises for grapes. The garter should be carried out as it grows, so that by the time the berries ripen the shoots are firmly fixed. The types of trellises can be different, and the shape of the bush can be different, but gardeners most prefer the fan-shaped formation - young shoots are placed on one side of the “fan”, while branches from last year bear fruit on the other side. In the fall, branches that bear fruit are cut off, making way for next year's young shoots.

    Planting blackberries in the fall has its own nuances and is carried out mainly in southern regions with a mild climate. The active growth and further fruiting of the berry crop depend on how correctly it is performed.

    Choosing a suitable location

    First you need to decide on the area where you plan to plant blackberry seedlings. The area should be level and open. If the site is located on a slope, then the upper part of the slope with a southern exposure is selected for planting.

    In a wet area, you will need to organize ridges. On dry soils, blackberries are planted using the trench method, so that when watering the water does not spread, but goes directly to the roots of the plants. Most best option- drip irrigation.

    Blackberries are grown on an industrial scale only in large open areas. And 1-2 bushes can be planted near the house, terrace or along a fence. The main thing is that the soil is good and the place is illuminated by the sun.

    The main requirement for soil is fertility. Good predecessors are field and vegetable crops, except for nightshades and berries. Blackberries grow well on black soil and loam, but sandy soils will not be able to provide them with enough moisture. In this case, the composition of the soil must be balanced by adding clay and mineral fertilizers to the soil.

    One more point needs to be taken into account: unlike other berry plants, blackberries prefer soils with an acidic reaction of 6-6.6 pH.

    To prevent the planted material from becoming infected with the virus, it should be as far away as possible from where wild blackberries grow.

    Preparing the soil and installing supports

    Before planting, the area is freed from pests and weeds and leveled. If you plan to plant a large number of seedlings, then you need to start preparing the site at least six months in advance. For example, in the fall, 50 tons of manure, 75 kg of phosphorus and 75 kg of potassium are applied to each hectare of land, then it is plowed or dug up, and with the onset of warmth, seedlings are planted.

    It is noticed that the recoil organic fertilizers when applied during planting, it is only 40-50%, while pre-incorporation into the soil ensures more complete absorption. But in any case, organic matter significantly improves the condition of the soil.

    Both trenches and ridges are cut from north to south. This will improve the lighting of the bushes. The recommended width of the ridges is 1.2-1.5 m, and the interval between them is 2 m. The depth of the planting holes depends on the root ball of the seedlings, but not less than 30 cm.

    You can grow blackberries using the trench method and on garden plot. This makes maintenance easier, the rows are well ventilated and illuminated. From each blackberry bush you can get a generous harvest:

    • from an erect bush - up to 20 kg;
    • from the creeping type - 25-30 kg.

    Another quite a few important point before planting work - installation of supports. The poles do not need to be driven in where the vines are, and blackberries should be planted along an already installed structure.

    For creeping species, you can install a two-wire system: stretch the upper wire between the supports at a height of 1.5-1.8 m from the ground, and the lower one 45 cm lower. For straight-growing blackberries with short, strong shoots, you can build T-shaped trellises.

    Many gardeners wonder when it is better to plant blackberries - in autumn or spring. When planting in autumn, there is a risk of seedlings freezing in winter, so in the central and more northern regions it is mainly practiced to plant blackberries in the spring. On the other hand, seedlings planted in autumn will begin to actively bear fruit a year earlier. Therefore, the choice remains with gardeners.

    Planting work

    The soil removed from the trenches is mixed with organic matter (4-5 kg ​​of manure or 1.5 kg of bird droppings per 1 m²) and mineral fertilizers (100-140 g of superphosphate and 25-30 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m²). Potassium fertilizer can be replaced with 1/2 cup of ash.

    Important: when planting in autumn, do not add manure or bird droppings. The planted bush may freeze, and under the shelter there is often a growth of pathogenic flora.

    The prepared holes are filled 1/3 full with soil mixed with fertilizers, then watered. The seedlings are buried in the soil so that the root bud is immersed 2 cm in the soil. This applies to all varieties. If the depth is made smaller, the bud may dry out.

    The roots of the plants are straightened in different directions and sprinkled with black soil, compacting from the periphery to the stem. Then the plants are well watered so that the soil is wet along the entire length of the roots. If the seedlings were planted in the fall, they continue to be watered in the absence of rain about once a week until frost begins.

    Planting density is a hot topic for farmers who want to set up blackberry plantations. Gardeners who decide to plant several bushes of tasty and healthy berries, this question is also of interest, because the yield is directly affected by the feeding area. And for creeping species, compaction also threatens thickening. Please note: in a day, a shoot of creeping blackberry can grow up to 1 m, so the recommended distance between such bushes is 2.5-3 m. Semi-creeping varieties are planted at the same interval, and upright bushes can be located at a distance of 1.5-2 from each other .5 m.

    If fan molding is planned, the distances between the bushes are increased: between rows - 2.5 m and 2.5-3 m in a row.

    On industrial plantations, the density of plantings can be reduced: leave 0.7-1 m between plants, and 1.7-2 m between rows. In this case, the organization of drip irrigation and an increase in the number of fertilizing is mandatory.

    How to plant blackberries in spring? If these are cuttings, then they are placed in grooves and sprinkled with soil to a depth of 7-8 cm. In the case of planting seedlings, they are mulched after watering. This allows you to maintain soil moisture, protect against weeds and save water when watering. After the first watering, mulch a week after planting, and the rest of the blackberries before the shoots appear. Straw, husks or other bulk organic matter are used as mulch.

    About planting material

    How to plant blackberries in spring? You need to purchase planting material from specialized nurseries with a good reputation, then you can be sure that the seedling will be of the desired variety, high quality and healthy. The prevailing opinion that blackberries are not susceptible to diseases is just a myth.

    Which seedling is of high quality? Firstly, it should have 1-2 stems. If the root system is open, examine it carefully. A developed root system has a lobe and 2-3 roots (more than 10 cm). They must be fresh, not dried out. If there are wrinkles on the bark, this indicates that the seedling was dug up a long time ago, and its rooting will be difficult. You can carefully pry off the bark: if the fabric is green, everything is fine, but if the fabric is dark, you should avoid purchasing it.

    If possible, for autumn planting It is better to buy plants in pots. They have an intact root system, so the probability of seedlings rooting before the onset of cold weather is very high, and it is preferable to plant root layers and cuttings with rudiments of the root system in the spring.

    You can obtain planting material yourself if there are already blackberries on the site. Propagation by layering is a popular method among gardeners. Best time to begin preparatory work - early October or a little earlier. The stems grown this year are selected. They are bent to the ground and secured with a wire flyer. Then the stems need to be covered with earth. They will begin to take root, and in spring and summer they are separated from the mother bush, receiving planting material. Beginning gardeners may have a question about when to plant cuttings of blackberries. Do it better in autumn. To do this, the cuttings, along with the formed roots, are removed from the ground and planted in new places.

    The last stage is sheltering the young animals. During snowy winters, when the thickness of the snow cover is 60-70 cm or more, there is no need to cover the seedlings. With less snow cover, it is better to play it safe: just before the frost, bend the young plants to the ground and sprinkle them with peat. With the onset of spring warmth, the stems become free.

    Autumn planting of blackberries should be done before the onset of frost. Many people have a question: how to plant blackberries correctly? There will be no difficulties when planting strawberries, but where exactly you need to plant blackberries on your plot, you need to think about it in advance so that later it will give you a good harvest.

    How to plant blackberries correctly in the fall?

    When choosing a place to plant blackberries, remember that this crop has poor winter hardiness. Blackberries love well-heated, illuminated and protected from the wind areas. This berry garden will give a very good harvest if the planting area is well fertilized and the soil does not become waterlogged. Under no circumstances should blackberries be planted on carbonate soils, because due to a lack of magnesium and iron, the plants are affected.

    Landing rules

    The correct landing sequence is:

    1. The area that you have chosen for planting blackberries must be completely cleared of weeds. Pour compost or humus into the holes, the width of which should be approximately 35 centimeters, and mix it with the soil. Then the seedling is placed in a hole so that its roots are spread out in different directions.
    2. When filling with soil, you need to periodically compact it from the edge to the center of the bush. Please note: the top bud of the planted bush, which is located at the base of the stem, should be no less than 2 cm above the ground. If you want to plant blackberries with cuttings, then you need to place the cuttings in a furrow and cover them with soil, the layer of which should be approximately 7 -8 cm.
    3. After planting, be sure to water and mulch with whatever you have on hand. The distance between upright bushes should be 1 m in a row and at least 2 m between rows. And varieties that creep should be planted at a distance of 3-3.5 m

    If you plant blackberries correctly, they will definitely reward you with a good harvest.

    The Attractiveness of Blackberry Cultivation- high and stable productivity. The rich chemical composition of the fruits of the bush makes them especially important for the human diet. This is a worthy alternative to garden raspberries and the opportunity to diversify culinary preparations. With proper planting and care, taking into account all biological features blackberries will bear fruit for at least 10 years.

    When is the best time to plant garden blackberries - in summer, autumn or spring? Choice of dates

    The potential for productivity and benefits of blackberries is much wider than that of its close relative, raspberries. However, gardeners are not eager to plant and grow this magnificent shrub on their property.

    This is distinguished by the fact that plant varieties bred from southern forms have been cultivated for a long time. They found it difficult to take root in the planting region and led to massive disappointment among gardeners.

    The situation changed after new relatively winter-hardy varieties have appeared, which are able to withstand temperatures down to -30 C.

    Therefore, for growing in middle lane or more northern regions(in Siberia and the Urals) it is important to purchase varieties of modern selection.

    To grow blackberries in the middle zone or more northern regions, you need to purchase varieties of modern selection

    Despite this, in the northern regions, blackberry cultivation is somewhat limited. This is due to uneven fruiting, the final period of which often coincides with the first frost and some of the fruits do not have time to ripen.

    In addition, insufficient lighting leads to loss of quality in ripened fruits.

    Autumn planting of blackberries has more benefits and is most optimal in the middle and southern regions. After planting the shrub, a period with stable and cool temperatures will follow, high humidity will promote root development until the soil temperature drops to -4°C.

    Blackberries emerge from a state of relative dormancy very early, and shrubs that have taken root in the fall will immediately begin to develop vegetative mass.

    When planted in spring, the plant does not have time to take root. due to too rapid warming and the onset of sap flow, after which active growth of shoots begins.

    A weak root system is not able to provide the necessary nutrition to the increasing vegetative mass. This greatly weakens the bush and affects overall development.

    Spring planting is preferable in northern regions and if the blackberry variety is characterized by poor winter hardiness.

    In autumn, the plant should be planted at least 20-30 days before the first frost, in spring before buds open, when the air temperature rises to +15°C.

    For growing in the garden planting material must be purchased from reputable nurseries. Annual seedlings with two stems, the thickness of which is at least 0.5 cm in diameter, have the best survival rate.

    An important criterion is the formed bud on the roots. The optimal length of tap roots is at least 10 cm.

    Preparing a place for planting a seedling: where is it better to plant, in the sun or in the shade?

    For growing blackberries you need to choose a place well lit by the sun and protected from northern winds. In the shade, young shoots of the plant will grow poorly, they will stretch out, the fruits will become smaller and lose taste qualities.

    A good option is to plant along the fence, where the bushes will be protected from the winds and the stems from breakage. In this case, you need to retreat 1 m from the fence so that the plant is not heavily shaded. It is better to place the bush on the south or southwest side of the site.

    To plant blackberries, you need breathable and well-drained soil. Loams are ideal with a humus layer of at least 25 cm.

    To plant blackberries, choose well-lit places, loamy, well-drained soils.

    Groundwater occurrence on the site should be no higher than 1.5 meters. If these indicators are violated, the roots of the plant will be damp and cold, which significantly affects winter hardiness and yield indicators.

    To plant thorny bush, the area for planting must be prepared in advance. All weeds are removed, plant waste is destroyed, and preventive spraying is carried out against pathogens and pests.

    For growing blackberries Salty, rocky, sandy and marshy areas are not suitable.

    Severely depleted soils need to be replenished with essential macroelements. To do this, the area is dug up to a depth of 30-35 cm, and organic and mineral fertilizers are applied.

    How to plant in open ground

    Planting pits and substrate are prepared in 15-20 days before planting seedlings in open ground.

    The blackberry root system is more powerful and penetrates deeper than others berry crops. Therefore, the pits need to be made more voluminous. The best option - adhere to the parameters 40x40x40 cm.

    Upright varieties of shrubs are placed at a distance of 1 m, creeping plants at 1.5 m. 2 m are left between rows.

    Organic matter and minerals must be added to each hole:

    • compost or humus 5 kg;
    • superphosphate 120 g;
    • potassium sulfate 40 g.

    The nutrient components are mixed with fertile soil and the resulting substrate is filled into the hole 2/3 of the volume.

    The shrub is planted vertically with root collar depth 1.5-2 cm. In the lungs sandy loam soils deepen up to 3 cm.

    Blackberries are planted vertically with a root collar depth of 1.5-3 cm, covered with substrate and watered

    Blackberry roots are placed in a hole, straightened and covered with substrate. In this case, the hole is not completely filled, leaving a distance of 1-2 cm to the soil level.

    Thus, there will be a recess under each bush, which will contribute to the rational hydration of blackberries.

    Then the surface of the substrate needs to be compacted and water the seedling with 5-6 liters of water. After planting blackberries in spring, the plant must be provided with regular watering for 40-50 days. After soil compaction trunk circle mulch with sawdust, peat or straw.

    Mulching the soil surface under the bush with peat or rotted manure with a layer of 15 cm will protect against weeds and prevent the appearance of dense crusts. Additionally, it is a source of balanced supply of nutrients to blackberry roots.

    Planting blackberries:

    How you can and should care for a bush in the garden - advice from agricultural technicians

    Blackberries are more drought-resistant and easy to care for than raspberries. The only drawback of culture- relatively low winter hardiness and frost resistance. Therefore, you need to care for the plant taking into account its biological characteristics.

    With proper care and preparation for winter, blackberries will grow and delight you with a high yield, according to the indicators of which among berry crops it is second only to grapes.

    The golden rule of care is pruning

    Throughout the life of the blackberry you need to control the density of the bush and make formative prunings.

    These activities include:

    1. Removing inflorescences in the first year of growth. This is done to stimulate the development of the root system.
    2. In the second year after planting, you need to shorten the stems, leaving a height of 1.5-1.8 m. The procedure is carried out in the spring before the buds open. Sections should be made above the kidney.
    3. After each winter you need to cut off frozen areas stems to a living bud.
    4. In summer, at the beginning of June, the bushes are thinned out. At the same time, young shoots are removed, leaving an average of 6-8 strong stems for creeping varieties and 4-5 for erect ones. The tops of young shoots are cut off by 5-8 cm.

    Blackberries require pruning: this way the density of the bush is controlled and the stems frozen over the winter are removed.

    Bush blackberry is a shrub with a biennial fruiting cycle.. During the first year, the stems of the plant develop, become woody and form fruit buds. The next year they bear fruit and only in rare cases can they form new fruit buds.

    Agricultural technicians advise removing biennial shoots that have spawned, thereby stimulating the development of new growths and thinning out the blackberry crown, which will only make it look better.

    Prickly bush garter

    For creeping types of shrubs you will need a trellis with 3-4 rows of wire with a distance between them of 50 cm.

    In the first year of development, 2-3 shoots are fan-shapedly tied to the lower wires. Annual shoots are directed to the center of the bush, tied to the topmost wire.

    Before the onset of cold weather, young shoots are removed from their support and sheltered for the winter.

    Stems of erect blackberry varieties tied to a trellis with a slight slope to one side. When new shoots grow during the growing season, they also need to be tied up. This time the slope is made in the opposite direction from the fruiting branches.

    A peculiarity of growing blackberries is the need to shade the bush while the fruits are ripening. Exposure to direct sunlight negatively affects the commercial quality of the fruit. To do this, shading nets are stretched along the rows of bushes.

    Fertilizer and fertilizing are the key to a good harvest

    Blackberries need fertilizing every spring nitrogen fertilizers that will stimulate the growth of annual shoots - this is another golden rule. To do this, add 50 g to each bush. ammonium nitrate, sealing it to a depth of 10-15 cm.

    Every 3-4 years, shrubs in the garden need to be fed and other macroelements. This procedure is carried out after harvesting. Per 1 m2 the following is added to the soil under the plant:

    • compost or humus 10 kg;
    • superphosphate 100 g;
    • potassium sulfate 30 g.

    Blackberries need fertilizing with ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, humus

    It should be remembered that nitrogen fertilizers are applied only in spring. This mineral is also found in large quantities in pig manure and chicken droppings.

    Measures for fertilizing blackberries can be combined by spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture, which will suppress the development of microorganisms. For additional disease prevention, the area under the bushes should be cleared of fallen leaves.

    When to water, do you need to loosen?

    Deep-lying, compared to other berry bushes, The blackberry root system makes the plant drought-resistant. But this does not mean that the plant should be left without irrigation and not watered.

    Watering is especially necessary during the fruit-filling period. and when hot weather sets in. At this time, wide sheet plates plants evaporate a large number of moisture.

    The optimal volume of water for an adult bush during fruit filling is 15-20 liters per week. At other times, you need to focus on the condition of the substrate and not let it dry out too much.

    Several times during the growing season it is necessary to loosen the soil under the bushes to a depth of 10 cm, while simultaneously removing weeds.

    It is especially important to carry out the procedure in the fall, at the end of August, in September. The looser the soil, the less the soil in the root layers will freeze.

    Shelter for winter time

    Before the winter season, the shrub will need shelter. For this plant stems bend to the ground. It is important to do this until the air temperature drops to -1°C. Otherwise, they will lose elasticity and break.

    To do this, the branches are tied into bundles, bent to the ground and secured with hooks. Upright blackberry varieties are quite difficult to bend down without breaking the stems.

    Many gardeners have found a way out of the situation and at the end of the growing season, weights are tied to the tops of the stems, under the weight of which they gradually bend to the ground.

    Regardless of the frost resistance characteristics, all varieties of blackberries need shelter for the winter. To do this you can use:

    • hay or vegetable tops;
    • roofing felt;
    • sawdust;
    • peat or humus.

    Blackberry shelter for the winter:

    The most dangerous time for blackberries is the snowless beginning of winter.. Therefore, it is necessary to cover the plant before the onset of the first cold weather, and in winter, pull snow towards it. Blackberry stems are not prone to overheating, so the plant can also be covered with polyethylene.

    Fruit tree foliage is not suitable as a covering material. It often hides pathogenic microorganisms, which in the spring can begin to actively develop on the bush.

    Spruce branches are well suited for shelter, which will additionally protect against rodents.

    Blackberry fruiting unevenly and can cover a whole month. The fruits of the bush are characterized by good transportability and a long shelf life at low temperatures.

    Leaves and roots of the plant have bactericidal, sedative properties and will take their rightful place in home collection phyto-remedies

    Blackberries have a lot in common with raspberries, not only external signs. The crops are similar in taste, agricultural practices and growing seasons. In America, blackberries have been grown for industrial purposes for many years. The plant is unpretentious and produces high yields. Planting and care behind blackberries will not cause any difficulties for gardeners.

    Timing for planting blackberries in open ground

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    Blackberry bushes cannot withstand frosts as severe as raspberries. It is for this reason that summer residents refuse to grow blackberries. However, fears are in vain. If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, the crop will delight you with a rich harvest of tasty and juicy berries.

    Currently, blackberries are not grown so often in Russia. On certain points of agricultural technology, summer residents disagree. For example, there is a lot of controversy about the timing of planting blackberry seedlings. Experienced Americans believe that blackberries can be planted in spring and autumn. More exact dates depend on the weather conditions of a particular area.

    For spring planting You need to focus on climatic conditions. The air should remain at 15–16 °C, and the ground should be warmed by about 20 centimeters. Shrubs should be planted before the buds open.

    Time to plant blackberries in spring:

    • Middle zone - April 25 - May 5;
    • Southern regions – April 5-15;
    • Siberia and the Far East – May 1-10.

    If you plant the crop at such a time, the risk of seedlings freezing will be eliminated. The bushes will take root well and will have time to take root before the autumn frosts.

    Planting shrubs in the fall is risky. This planting is suitable for those regions where warm weather lasts until about mid-November. The only condition for many climatic regions is that the crop must be planted about a month before the onset of cold weather. This period is enough for the bush to take root and be able to overwinter. On winter period the bushes need to be covered.

    Blackberry planting dates in the fall:

    • Middle zone - mid-September;
    • For southern regions– early or mid-October;
    • For Far East and Siberia - the first half of September.

    Types of blackberries for growing on the site

    IN wild conditions Blackberries feel comfortable and do not require additional care. The bush grows in marshy soils. The bushes are low-growing, and the berries small sizes. After cultivation and selection of the plant, a number of blackberry varieties were developed. Most of these plants are hybrids that were obtained by crossing with raspberries.

    Three main types of garden blackberries and their differences:

    • Kumanika, similar in appearance to raspberries;
    • Dewberry, liana-like shoots;
    • Transitional, includes signs of the first and second.

    Types of blackberries in the photo

    There are many varieties, including:

    • Thornless berry varieties;
    • Regular varieties;
    • Remontant varieties.

    Regular variety retained all the characteristics that are characteristic of wild berries, namely:

    • thorns on branches;
    • pubescence on leaves;
    • endurance.

    In thornless varieties

    • the main difference is the absence thorns on plants;
    • high-yielding plants,
    • make it easy to harvest an excellent harvest of berries.

    The very first thornless variety was brought to Russia in the 60s of the 20th century from America. It's a variety called Thornfree, which is still very popular today.

    Remontant varieties– were bred through a selection process

    • allow you to harvest twice a season;
    • frost-resistant crops, which are recommended to be grown in regions with harsh climates;
    • bear fruit 2 times a year. The first ripening of the crop coincides with the ripening time of conventional varieties. The second time the berries ripen around mid-July in the southern regions and mid-August in the middle zone.

    Among the variety of blackberry varieties, there are those that are recommended for growing in different regions Russia. Shrubs of such varieties quickly acclimatize and produce a stable harvest.

    For Siberia and the Far East:

    • Karaka Black;
    • Agawam;
    • Cascade Delight;
    • Lawton;
    • Taylor;
    • Thornfree.

    For the Leningrad region:

    • Helen;
    • Thornfree;
    • Smutstem;
    • Thornless Evergreen;
    • Diamond;
    • Loch Tay.

    For Kuban:

    • Thorne Free;
    • Doyle;
    • Woshito;
    • Osage;
    • Chester;
    • Polar;
    • Rowada;
    • Loch Tay.

    For Ural A:

    • Kiova;
    • Loch Ness;
    • Thornfree;
    • Loch Tay;
    • Waldo;
    • Black satin.

    For Moscow and Moscow region:

    • Navajo;
    • Wilson Early;
    • Darrow;
    • Apache;
    • Triple Crown;
    • Thornfree;
    • Agawam;
    • Black Satin.

    For Crimea:

    • Black Prince;
    • Apache ZKS;
    • Triple Crown;
    • Triple Crow;
    • Asterina;
    • Kiowa;
    • Boysberry Thornless;
    • German non-covering.

    Watch the video! Meet the new productive varieties

    Conditions for planting

    A competent choice of place for planting a crop is the key to a high yield. It is important to take into account all the nuances. For comfortable growth of plants, space is necessary. Blackberries, like raspberries, have long lower branches. The roots of the plants are quite branched and can go two meters deep. The area for planting must be selected based on the number of shrubs. The optimal distance between bushes should be approximately 1-2 m so that the plants do not interfere with each other. For different varieties There may be individual recommendations regarding the distance between plants.

    One of the important growing conditions is the degree of illumination. The culture needs sunny and sheltered places from the wind.

    The soil should be moderately moist and breathable. The bush varieties are the most picky about soil quality. Kumanika needs fertile, loamy soil or sandy loam. Dewberry is less demanding, it gives an excellent harvest on heavier soils, however, the crop does not do well in conditions of stagnant moisture.

    If the soil contains few nutrients that are necessary for the growth and development of shrubs, this will affect the level of yield and the taste of the berries. That is why when growing blackberries it is important to pay due attention to fertilizers.

    When planting a crop, it is important to consider its proximity to other crops. Blackberries are considered nitrogen fixers. This means that the plant can saturate the soil with oxygen. The optimal neighbor for blackberries is considered to be an apple tree.

    Advice! Blackberries feel comfortable in moderately acidic soils.

    If moss, horsetail or sorrel grow well on the soil, then liming the area should be done before planting. For this it is recommended to use dolomite flour. There should be approximately 350-500 grams of substance per 1 m2.

    Planting: step-by-step instructions

    Before planting the plant, you need to prepare a fertile mixture, which must be placed at the bottom of the planting hole. Preparation of the mixture:

    • 300 grams of superphosphate;
    • 4 buckets of manure;
    • 500-800 grams of wood ash (or 8 g of potash fertilizers without chlorine);
    • 8 buckets of garden soil.
    • Blackberries should be planted in rows in a prepared trench or hole. The gap between bushes should be approximately 1 m - for bush varieties. For creeping plants - 1.5-2 m. The distance between rows should be approximately 1.8 m;
    • Plant in a checkerboard pattern. The spaces between the bushes should be similar to the first scheme.

    If it is necessary to form the crown of plants using one- or two-sided weaving methods, then the distance between the bushes should be approximately 2.5 m. Trellis consisting of three rows of wire should be installed nearby. The wire must be stretched between two supports at approximately a height of 90, 120 and 150 centimeters above the soil level.


    To prevent the seedling from being damaged by diseases, you need to carefully examine its roots. If signs of rot, mold or other diseases are found, the entire infected part should be cut off and burned.

    Before planting, the roots of the plants should be sprinkled with damp soil or sawdust. If we are talking about transportation, then the root system must be wrapped in polyethylene.

    Blackberry planting scheme:

    • You should dig a hole measuring 50x50x50 cm;
    • The bottom is covered with the prepared planting mixture, approximately 1-2 buckets. The mound should be at ground level;
    • Place the plant on the top of the mound, straighten the root system;
    • Next you need to add another layer of substrate. It is important not to fill the root collar;
    • Pour water with a watering can so that the substrate settles a little;
    • Fill the hole with soil and compact it;
    • Water the plant with enough water;
    • Cut off the shoots, leaving 3-4 buds on the branches.


    The crop can be planted from seeds and cuttings. The seed growing method is quite difficult and is suitable for nurseries. However, some gardeners grow blackberries on their plots using this method.

    Scheme for growing blackberries from seeds:

    • Soak the seeds for 3-4 hours in rainwater;
    • Let dry in the sun;
    • Mix in equal proportions with sand;
    • Sprinkle evenly over a container with soil;
    • Sprinkle with earth, the layer of covering earth should be approximately 5 mm;
    • Spray from a spray bottle;
    • Cover with plastic. Every day the film should be lifted to allow air to flow. The air temperature should be at +20+22 °C;
    • Constantly support optimal humidity soil.

    After 2 independent leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings should be transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. The distance between plants should be about 15 centimeters. Once the seedlings have taken root, they must be transplanted to a permanent location.


    Cuttings should be prepared from the apical shoots of the current season approximately in the first half of July. Each cutting must have leaves (at least one) and buds (1-3 pieces). Preparation of planting soil:

    • Humus;
    • Garden soil;
    • Peat;
    • Perlite;
    • Sand.

    All ingredients must be mixed in equal parts. Cuttings should be planted to a depth of 3-4 centimeters. Next, the container must be covered with polyethylene or placed in a greenhouse. The air temperature should not be below +20 °C. Watering is done every day. It is important that the air humidity is high. After 30 days, the cuttings must be transplanted into the garden bed, maintaining a gap of 15-20 centimeters between plants.

    Caring for garden blackberries after planting

    For proper development of blackberries, care must be competent. Shrubs need pruning, feeding, watering and staking.


    All crop varieties require regular watering. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. After planting, the plants must be irrigated at a frequency that will maintain optimal soil moisture. During the rainy season, watering should be rare, and during drought - at intervals of 2-3 days. The ground next to the trunk must be mulched.


    You should regularly loosen the soil around the bushes to a depth of 5-10 centimeters. This will increase the breathability of the soil. It is worth removing weeds. Weeds should not be allowed to grow near the bushes - this can provoke the appearance of pests.

    Trimming and shaping

    Blackberries have simple agricultural technology, but with some peculiarities. All types of blackberries can produce crops on two-year-old shoots. After the harvest is harvested, the shoots should be cut off with pruning shears and burned. The procedure was called autumn pruning. It includes cutting out two-year-old shoots at the root, as well as removing damaged and weak branches.

    Next year, the harvest can be harvested from the shoots of the current season. In order to stimulate their growth, annual shoots should be shortened in the fall.

    Important to remember! Pruning of erect and creeping varieties is different. Upright varieties need to be shortened to a height of 1.6-1.8 m. Approximately 12 shoots should remain on the bush. Creeping varieties need to be cut shorter - up to 1.4 -1.5 m.

    It's worth remembering tweezing fruit bushes. It involves trimming the tops of the branches. As soon as the shoots grow 8-10 centimeters, they must be cut off.

    How to do pinching:

    • In the first year after planting, you need to cut off all branches that have reached 90-120 centimeters;
    • In the second and remaining years, only the tops are subject to pruning; they need to be shortened to 40-50 centimeters.

    Watch the video! How to prune a fruiting blackberry bush in the spring


    Gartering is similar to shaping a bush. The procedure is necessary in order to support the plants vertically. To do this, you need to build trellises by stretching wire along the supports.

    The most optimal method for growing blackberries is to form a crown. The garter makes the area tidy and allows for efficient use of space. Fan tying of plants in one or two directions is often used. The first option is suitable for slow-growing varieties, and the second for vigorous-growing varieties. For bush and creeping plants, both options are applicable.

    Stages of fan formation of shrubs:

    • In the first year after planting, the shoots of the seedling must be bent to one side and tied to the shralers;
    • New branches are tied in the opposite direction;
    • Cut off all side branches.

    Top dressing

    Spring feeding is carried out before the buds open. Need to take:

    • Humus or compost – 1.5-3 kilograms;
    • Superphosphate – 10 grams;
    • Potassium fertilizer – 4-5 grams;
    • Garden soil - 5 -7 kilograms.

    The mixture should be added at the rate of 1.5-3 kilograms per 1 m2. Repeated fertilization is applied after 2-3 years. It is also recommended to apply 200-250 grams of ammonium nitrate and 100 grams of urea for every 10 m2 in the spring. After the growing season ends, it is worth adding about 6 kilograms of humus or compost for each plant.

    Important! Chlorine-based fertilizers should not be used for fertilizing.

    Pest and disease control

    Blackberries are resistant to many diseases. The fruits are considered to be environmentally friendly and healing. The most famous blackberry disease is rust.

    Rust coats the leaves with sticky, dark orange spores. To fight, you need to remove the affected part of the bush and burn it, then treat the crown with a solution of garlic. Bordeaux mixture is considered quite effective.

    Recipe for making Bordeaux mixture: Dilute 40 grams of lime and 400 grams of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water.

    The most famous pests for the crop are shoot aphids and raspberry beetles. For prevention, you can treat plants with Fitoverm or Kinmiks. At the rate of 2 ml per 10 liters of water.

    Preparing for winter

    The technology for preparing blackberry bushes for winter is the same as for raspberry bushes. The shoots bend to the ground and are covered with covering material. Fallen leaves should be placed near the base of the bush.

    Reproduction methods

    Blackberries can be propagated not only with seeds, but also with green cuttings.

    There are other methods:

    • Apical layers. In summer, the top of a one-year-old branch should be bent to the soil and buried. After the roots appear, the seedling can be separated and planted in the main place;
    • By dividing the bush. The plant must be dug up, the roots divided into several parts and planted in a new place, maintaining the distance between the bushes;
    • Using root shoots. In the spring, you need to separate the shoots that are located at the base of the root. The length of the shoots should be 10 -15 centimeters. Next, the shoot is placed in the Kornevin solution for 10 hours and then planted in a permanent place.

    Advice! Beginners should watch the video instructions proper reproduction blackberries to prevent mistakes.


    If you follow everyone landing rules, this will allow you to harvest an excellent harvest of berries. Every lover of tasty fruits can grow healthy fruits on their own plot. garden blackberry.

    Watch the video! Planting blackberries in open ground

    Blackberries are a worthy alternative to garden raspberries. Blackberry fruits are rich in chemical composition, very beneficial for human health, and provide an opportunity to diversify culinary preparations. With proper care, this magnificent shrub can bear fruit abundantly for about 10 years. The benefits and fruit yield potential are high, but blackberries are not often cultivated in our gardens.

    Previously, varieties bred from southern species were grown: they had low frost resistance, did not take root well, and often died. At the moment, varieties have been bred that can withstand temperatures down to -30 °C. Unfortunately, in the northern regions, the cultivation of blackberries is slightly limited, since the final fruiting period occurs at the beginning of frost - not all fruits have time to ripen.

    The fruits ripen unevenly throughout the month. They can be easily transported: the berries are quite elastic, do not crush, and have a long shelf life at low air temperatures.

    The roots and leaves can also be beneficial as a bactericidal and sedative.

    When to plant blackberries

    in autumn

    In the conditions of the Moscow region and Leningrad region, the middle zone and southern regions, planting in the fall is preferable. When planting in spring, rooting is not so active: warming comes too quickly, active sap flow begins, shoots grow, and the still weak root system is not able to provide sufficient nutrition.

    In autumn, plant bushes 20-30 days before frost. Subsequent cool temperatures and increased humidity promote rooting. In spring the plant will begin to develop properly.

    in spring

    Plant varieties with poor winter hardiness in the spring, in April-May. In the northern regions (Ural, Siberia) also start planting in spring. Do this until the buds open and the air temperature does not exceed 15 °C.

    Choose quality seedlings. Annual sprouts with two stems, the diameter of which should be at least 0.5 cm, take root best. Optimal length The tap root is considered to be 10 cm. The roots must have living buds of growth.

    Note: in autumn there is a wider selection of seedlings and their prices are lower than in spring.

    Planting blackberry seedlings in open ground

    How to plant blackberry seedlings photo

    Selecting a location

    • Choose a well-lit area, protected from the winds - the key to abundant fruiting. In the shade, the shoots will stretch, the fruits will become smaller, will not ripen well, and will lose their taste.
    • Avoid close proximity to groundwater. They should not extend higher than 1.5 m, otherwise the root system will be constantly damp and cold. This affects yield and winter hardiness.
    • A suitable option would be to place it along the fence. Step back 1 m from the fence. The most favorable location is on the south or southwest side.


    Successful growth requires well-drained, breathable soil. Loamy soils with a fertile layer of at least 25 cm are suitable. Sandy, rocky or marshy areas are strictly not suitable.

    Preparation of the trellis

    Installing a trellis for blackberries photo

    Be sure to install vertical supports for the trellis at a distance of 3 m from each other and stretch the wire for two tiers of the garter: at a height of 0.5-0.6 m and 1-1.5 m.

    Site preparation

    Dig up the area, remove weeds, spray with special preparations to prevent diseases and pests. Be sure to enrich the depleted soil with organic matter and complex mineral fertilizers - 1 bucket of humus per square meter of area or half a bucket of humus for each bush. Use mineral fertilizers according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Preparing planting holes

    How to prepare a site for planting blackberries photo

    • Prepare planting holes 15-20 days before planting. The root system of the plant is powerful and penetrates deeply. Stick to the hole parameters of 40x40x40 cm.
    • Apply fertilizers: 5 kg of humus or compost, 120 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium sulfate. Mix all components with fertile soil and fill the planting holes 2/3 full.

    How to plant

    How to plant blackberries Planting blackberry seedlings photo

    • Spread the roots, place the seedling horizontally, cover it with soil, but leave 1-2 cm to the top of the hole to ensure quality watering in the future.
    • Deepen the root collar by 1.5-2 cm, if the soil is light sandy loam - up to 3 cm.
    • Slightly compact the soil surface, add 5-6 liters of water under each plant.
    • When planting in spring, water regularly for 40-50 days.
    • Mulch the tree trunk circle with straw or sawdust.
    • Mulching with a layer of peat or humus (about 15 cm thick) will not only protect against the appearance of crust, but will also become a source of nutrients.

    Distance between bushes and rows of blackberries when planting

    • Place varieties with erect stems at a distance of 1 m from each other
    • With creeping – 1.5 m
    • The distance between rows should be 2 m.

    Planting blackberries with cuttings on video:

    Caring for blackberries on the site

    Blackberries are more drought-resistant than raspberries, but their frost resistance is lower.


    Water when the berries are filling and during severe drought. Apply 15-20 liters of water under each bush weekly. The rest of the time, water occasionally, not allowing the soil to dry out too much.

    Loosening the soil

    Loosen the soil several times during the season, going deeper by about 10 cm. It is important to carry out loosening at the end of August or September - the looser the soil, the less it will freeze. At the same time, remove weeds.

    How to trim blackberries

    • It is necessary to prune blackberries to obtain maximum yields and large berries. In addition, pruning maintains the compact shape of the bush, making it easier to pick berries, and prevents depletion of the bush.
    • The shrub has a two-year development cycle: in the first year, the stems develop, forming fruit buds, and bear fruit in the next season. Biennial shoots that bear fruit should be cut off at the root in the fall, leaving only the young shoots of this year.
    • In the first year of growth, remove the inflorescences.
    • In the second year after planting, it is necessary to shorten the stems, leaving their length 1.5-1.8 cm. Do this in the spring before the buds open; the cut should pass above the last bud.
    • After each wintering, prune frozen areas to the first living bud.

    IN summer time(beginning of June) the bush should be thinned out. Cut off all the young shoots, leaving 4-5 strong shoots for upright varieties, and 6-8 for creeping varieties. Pinch the tops of the shoots (cut them off by 5-8 cm).

    Pruning blackberries in spring on video:

    Blackberry pruning in autumn on video:

    How to tie blackberries

    Between the creeping shrubs, place a trellis with 1-2 rows of wire, placing the bottom at a height of 0.5-0.6 m and the top at a height of 1-1.5 m. In the first year of development, fan-shaped tie 2-3 shoots to the bottom wires. Direct several annual shoots to the center of the bush and tie them to the top row of wire.

    In autumn, shoots are removed from their support to provide shelter for the winter.

    Varieties with erect shoots are also tied to a trellis, making a slight slope to one side. New runs that grow during the season should also be tied up, but with a bias in the opposite direction.

    During fruiting, light shading from direct sunlight will be required. A special mesh should be stretched along the rows.

    The video will tell you how to form blackberries on a trellis:

    The plant needs feeding.

    To stimulate the growth of new shoots, apply nitrogen fertilizer every spring. One plant will need 50 g of ammonium nitrate, the granules of which should be embedded to a depth of 10-15 cm. To prevent diseases, treat with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

    Every 3-4 years a complex of fertilizers should be applied. Do this after harvest. For each m² you will need: 10 kg of humus or compost, 100 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate.

    Blackberry shelter for the winter

    Build a shelter before the first cold weather sets in (before the air temperature drops to -1 °C), since the most dangerous time for the plant is the snowless beginning of winter. Do not cover fruit trees with fallen leaves; they can hide microorganisms that become active with the onset of spring.

    Bend the stems to the ground, collect them in bunches, and secure with staples. Gardeners recommend tying weights to the tops of the shoots at the end of the growing season - under their weight the shoots themselves will bend to the ground. As a covering material, you can use spruce branches, hay, sawdust, peat, humus, roofing felt and even polyethylene (the stems do not ripple).

    How to cover blackberries for the winter, watch the video:

    The video will tell you how to cover young blackberry seedlings from cuttings for the winter:

    Blackberry diseases and pests

    The following insect pests can collect on shoots and berries:

    1. Raspberry stem fly ( small insect grayish color).

    It settles in the soil for the winter, and in the spring it leaves its shelter and lays eggs in the upper axils of the leaves. Then larvae appear and harm the plant. You can try to prevent this by digging up the soil in the fall. Having guessed the fly's departure date in the spring (in the middle zone - mid-May, in the south - mid-late April), treat the tops of young shoots with special preparations (Iskra, Actellik). If you have not done this, as soon as the tops of the shoots begin to fade and the tips of the leaves turn black, cut the branches to half their length. If the entire length of the shoot is affected, it must be removed completely. Dispose of all cut sections.

    1. Raspberry shoot gall midge or raspberry mosquito (the size of the insect is 1.5-2 mm, so it can be detected already when harming the plant).

    Females lay eggs under the bark. The larvae begin to eat the inner layer of the shoot, which is why it becomes covered with brown spots; when the bark is finally eaten, the shoot breaks. This occurs at the time of fruit ripening.

    Take preventive measures:

    • be sure to carry out sanitary pruning;
    • to destroy insects in the soil, dig up the root zone, going 15 cm deep;
    • mulch the soil with a layer of peat 8-10 mm thick to prevent insects from flying out
    • from mid-April, treat the soil with an insecticide.
    1. Raspberry gall moth (small insect with membranous wings).

    During the flowering period of the plant, the female lays eggs. After some time, a gall (a round swelling up to 10 cm long) filled with larvae forms on the shoots. Because of this, cracks appear in the bark, which makes the shoots fragile. For prevention, treat the plant with a special insecticide before flowering. In case of defeat, it is necessary to cut and burn the shoots.

    1. Raspberry leaf sawfly

    Females lay many eggs in the leaf axils. After the larvae emerge, the leaves die. Then they continue to feed on the leaves of the plant, leaving holey marks on them. This occurs during the period May-October. If there are a lot of pests, they can destroy the blackberries. Loosen the soil under the bush, mulch the tree trunk, collect the larvae mechanically, and treat the bushes with an insecticide in the summer.

    Blackberry varieties with photo names and descriptions

    Popular varieties of blackberries are:

    Blackberry variety Black Satin

    Blackberry Black Satin Rubus Black Satin photo and description

    A powerful bush that is not prone to thickening. The length of the shoots is 5 m, which begin to creep when they reach a height of 1.5 m. Produces up to 25 kg of berries per season. Tolerates temperatures as low as -22 °C and requires shelter for the winter.

    Blackberry variety Agavam

    Blackberry Agawam Rubus fruticosus ‘Agawam’

    The height of the bush is 1.8-3 m. The tops of the shoots are drooping. One bush produces 5-15 kg of berries. Frost-resistant variety: does not freeze when the temperature drops to -30 °C.

    Blackberry variety Doyle

    Blackberry Doyle Rubus Doyle’s photo

    Most productive variety. Rarely gets sick, resistant to drought. The bush branches heavily, shoots grow up to 4 m long. With intensive cultivation, one bush can produce up to 50 kg of berries. The berries are tasty, sweet and sour, very aromatic, weighing up to 8g. Fruits from the end of July until the end of September.

    Blackberry variety Apache

    Blackberry Apache Apache photo

    One bush produces 7-8 kg of berries. Doesn't like drought. Withstands temperatures down to -20 °C.

    Blackberry variety Karaka Black

    Blackberry Karaka Black Karaka Black photo

    The variety is remarkable large berries oblong shape. Fruiting: 8-10 kg per bush. Sometimes the leaves may turn yellow, which is not a cause for concern, but a feature of the variety. Does not tolerate cold well.

    Blackberry Karaka Black Karaka Black photo of berry harvest

    Picking such berries is a pleasure: large, shiny, do not leak juice, and very tasty.

    Blackberry variety Ruben

    Blackberry Reuben photo

    The compact bush produces about 14-15 kg of berries. It bears fruit for a long time and is not afraid of severe frosts.

    Blackberry variety Thornfree

    Blackberry Thornfree Thornfree photo

    This is a thornless blackberry with large juicy berries. The variety is resistant to drought, cold and pests. One bush produces up to 12 kg of fruit.

    Blackberry variety Loch Tay

    Blackberry Loch Tay Blackberry Loch Tay photo

    Bush with erect shoots. Drought-resistant, but does not tolerate cold well. Very large, tasty berries are the advantages of the variety.

    Blackberry variety Arapahoe

    Blackberry Arapahoe Arapaho photo

    Variety with early dates ripening and very large berries, comparable to the phalanx of a finger. Withstands cold temperatures down to -25 °C.

    Blackberry variety Polar

    Blackberry Polar photo

    Fruits from June to September. One bush produces about 7 kg of berries. The berries have a sweet taste without the inherent astringency.

    Growing blackberries on your own plot is not as popular as raspberries, currants and strawberries, but the beneficial properties of this berry in many ways even surpass the listed analogues. To learn the main secrets of successfully growing blackberries, our article contains important information about this shrub. How to plant blackberries correctly, where it is preferable to place the plantings and how to further care for the bush in order to get a good harvest - you will find all this with us.

    Selecting a location

    Young blackberry sprouts are extremely vulnerable; they are afraid of frost and waterlogging of the soil, so choosing a place for its growth must be taken seriously.

    Basic requirements for the landing site:

    1. Priority for loamy soils. If your site is dominated by carbonate soil varieties, cultivation is possible by changing the qualitative composition.
    2. The depth of groundwater should not be less than one meter. Overmoistening has a very negative effect on the quantity and quality of the crop, so you can make a small reinforced embankment in places where melt water accumulates. This will prevent the blackberries from rotting their roots.
    3. Sufficient lighting. Blackberries grow well in sunny areas and partial shade. It does not tolerate dark corners where it will not bear fruit generously. In this case, the side shoots will stretch too much towards the sun, which will affect flowering, because the plant simply will not have the strength to set fruit.
    4. Wind protection. As mentioned earlier, blackberries do not tolerate hypothermia well. The place for its growth must be well protected from possible weather disturbances, and for the winter it is necessary to organize a special shelter. It will also be useful to know what types of frost-resistant varieties blackberries for Siberia.

    The video shows how blackberries are planted:

    The size of the landing is also of great importance. Typically, gardeners try to place blackberries close to fences and other barriers. This is advisable from the point of view of saving space, but is not always convenient when harvesting and regularly caring for shrubs.

    It is best to leave a small gap - up to half a meter - so that you can move freely along the entire planting. For the same purpose, blackberry thickets are never made wider than a meter, and free access from all sides will ensure comfortable care for the plant.

    Secrets correct landing

    Blackberry bushes are distinguished by long shoots. Their height can reach three meters, so the distance between plants must be sufficient. In order for the plant to take root well in a new place, it is advisable to prepare the soil in the fall. To do this, they dig it deeply and apply fertilizer.

    Calculation of the required amount: per 1 m² - half a bucket of humus, 25 grams of potassium sulphide and 15 grams of superphosphate. Mix the resulting mixture well with the soil, and when planting, provide a sufficient layer for the roots from ordinary soil. This is done so as not to burn the sensitive measles system.

    If you did not have the opportunity to prepare the soil in advance, this can be done in the spring before planting the seedlings.

    The depth of the hole is at least 40 centimeters. The seedling is planted on the basis that the bud should be no deeper than 2 - 3 centimeters underground. This will speed up the formation of fruits.

    Depending on the type and variety of blackberries, there are several ways to arrange seedlings. You can choose the optimal method based on the following criteria. It is also worth learning more about growing blackberries in the Urals.

    Bush planting scheme:

    • The bush method is suitable for varieties that are not prone to forming numerous side shoots. To do this, you can plant up to four seedlings in one hole, but you must maintain a distance of at least 1820 centimeters until the next planting.
    • The tape planting method is suitable for blackberry varieties with enhanced shoot formation. To do this, a trench is dug into which the seedlings are planted at a distance of about a meter from each other. Up to two meters of free space should be left between the rows.

    All lovers of delicious garden berries will be interested to learn about how to care for garden blackberries, and what fertilizers are best to use first.

    The video shows how blackberries are grown by bushes:

    Planted blackberries also need a garter or support. You can also choose several options for this. The simplest is the organization of a vertical pillar - a support, to which the side straps are then tied.

    Another method is to install a horizontally stretched wire. This is easiest to do if the blackberries grow next to the fence. The wire is pulled in three rows at a distance of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 meters from the ground level. This type of tying makes it possible to unhindered harvesting and provide comfortable care for seedlings.

    Planting blackberries on wire

    Only fruit-bearing branches need to be tied up, because the lateral ones are not yet formed. Regular pruning will help to form a compact bush and also save energy for fruiting. Two-year-old branches are cut off at the root at the end of the season, because next year there will be no harvest on them.

    But how to plant asparagus in open ground with seeds, and how sowing work is carried out, is described in detail in the article at the link.

    This information will help you understand what Brussels sprouts seeds look like and how they are sowed.

    It will also be useful to learn how to grow strawberry spinach from seeds.

    How to care

    Before planting blackberries on your own plot, you must also take into account that the rhizomes of this plant spread very actively. To fence off the required area, it is advisable to dig slate sheets to a depth of 30 - 40 centimeters. This must be done along the entire perimeter of the planting, because even the neighbor’s fence will not stop this plant. It will also be useful to know whether blackberries need to be pruned.

    Further care comes down to pruning, fertilizing, watering and loosening the soil. All points are described in more detail below.

    The nuances of growing blackberries:

    1. Watering should be plentiful, but not excessive. Some varieties of blackberries can withstand drought without loss of yield, so the principle “less, but often” applies here. It is advisable to use settled melt water, because the crop is extremely sensitive to cold.
    2. In the first year after planting, it is better to remove all fruit buds. This way, you will give the plant time to acclimatize and save strength for the future harvest. As a rule, blackberries actively bear fruit from the age of two, so you won’t have to wait long.
    3. The plant loves regular loosening. Since the root system is located in close proximity to the soil level, it is best to loosen it with a fork and shallowly. It is best to carry out such procedures between rows so as not to damage the rhizomes.
    4. Fertilizers applied during planting last up to two years, after which it is advisable to update the nutrient mixture. You can also use a more gentle method - regular feeding. Blackberries are very sensitive to potassium and phosphorus, but an excess of nitrogen will reduce yields and provoke active growth of shoots and foliage.
    5. Mulching the soil - required element blackberry care. This will help retain moisture at the roots and provide additional mineral nutrition.
    6. In autumn it is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering. To do this, the branches are inspected and pruned. On top it is necessary to organize a shelter of film and mulch. Blackberries are not inclined to rot under cover like raspberries, so you can wrap the plant early.
    7. At the end of the season, be sure to collect all the blackberry leaves and branches. To prevent pests and pathogenic bacteria from accumulating in the soil, waste must be burned.
    8. Another important point of care is shading the bushes during the ripening period. The scorching rays of the sun can damage the tender flesh, so it is advisable to provide a net over the branches.

    But this information will help you understand how to prune blackberries without thorns in the spring, and how to do all the work yourself.

    Video shows how to care for blackberries:

    Blackberries are propagated by cuttings. Material cut from the bush, as well as buried shoots, are suitable for this. The plant actively sprouts side runners, so you can use them too. Some varieties are not capable of propagation by conventional methods, so the bush is divided. For this, plants are selected that are no younger than three years old, and the parts should be as equal as possible.

    Blackberries are a surprisingly useful plant, the closest relative of garden raspberries. Its berries are juicy and sweet, so more and more gardeners are paying attention to this crop. Growing blackberries - painstaking process, in which it is necessary to take into account many details. At the same time, the yield of blackberries is quite high, so this is profitable and promising. Features of growing garden blackberries, rules and nuances of planting and care - all necessary information can be found in our article.

    Despite their excellent taste and many beneficial properties, blackberries can rarely be found on personal plots and in the gardens. The unpopularity of the culture is explained by the presence of sharp, hard thorns and the ability to grow uncontrollably with the formation of impassable thickets.

    Features of autumn planting blackberries

    Like most berry bushes, blackberry seedlings are best planted at the beginning or end of growing season when plants are dormant. The autumn planting method has some advantages:

    • For successful rooting, blackberry bushes need warm earth, and in the fall the soil has not yet cooled down after the summer;
    • prolonged autumn rains allow you not to worry about watering young plants, since there is enough moisture;
    • immediately after planting, the plant spends all its energy on high-quality rooting, trying to develop the root system to the maximum, and in the spring it immediately begins to grow;
    • Next year you can expect the first harvest.

    It is better to plant blackberries in the fall, when the plant goes into a dormant state.

    A significant disadvantage of autumn planting of blackberry seedlings is the possibility of freezing in winter.

    There are no blackberries on my plot. Although a couple of years ago in the spring I tried to plant a bush. The seedling has taken root well and has sprouted several new shoots. But it did not survive the winter, although the variety was quite frost-resistant and zoned for the Siberian climate. Believing the seller, I did not cover the plant for the winter.

    Landing dates

    The exact time for planting blackberry bushes depends greatly on the characteristics local climate. The main thing is to place the plant in the ground 20–30 days before the onset of real cold weather. The seedling must have time to take root well in its new location.

    Blackberry seedlings must have time to take root before the start of winter.

    In northern regions with harsh climatic conditions, planting is carried out from the end of September until the first days of October. The mild, warm climate of the southern regions makes it possible to postpone this period until November and even mid-December.

    A blackberry bush planted in autumn develops its root system until frost, when the soil temperature drops to -4 °C.

    Video: when to plant blackberries

    Selection and preparation of a site for blackberries

    Blackberries are in dire need of sun and warmth. For it, you need to select the sunniest area, which is protected from cold gusty winds from all sides. This berry bush feels very poorly and does not take root well in dry places; it requires constant light moisture. But excess moisture, swampiness and close groundwater levels (above 1.5 m) are destructive for the crop.

    For blackberries, choose a well-lit place

    Blackberry bushes grow best on moisture-intensive, fertile, rather heavy clay and loamy soils. Even on hot summer days, the soil should hold water well and not dry out. It will not be possible to obtain a good harvest on sandy and rocky soils that do not retain moisture well.

    Heavy clay carbonate soils rich in magnesium and calcium salts are not suitable for blackberries.

    The area for blackberries needs to be dug up well

    About 2–3 weeks before planting, the area intended for blackberries must be weeded and dug to a depth of at least 0.45–0.5 m, simultaneously selecting the roots of perennial weeds. Then planting holes are prepared with a diameter of about 0.5–0.55 m and a depth of up to 0.5 m. The extracted fertile soil is mixed with:

    • humus or rotted compost - 9–10 kg;
    • superphosphate - 45–50 g;
    • potassium sulfate - 25–50 g;
    • wood ash - 100–150 g.

    The resulting soil mixture fills the hole to 2/3 of its volume.

    The planting pit is filled with mineral and organic fertilizers

    You can add any autumn phosphorus-potassium mineral complexes with minimal nitrogen content.

    Photo gallery: autumn fertilizers for blackberries

    When applied in the fall, Autumn fertilizer replenishes the lack of potassium in the soil and prepares plants for winter Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer Your garden bed is a complex, highly effective chlorine-free fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium Agrochemical "Gera Autumn" - mixed fertilizer for basic application under autumn digging and during autumn planting of strawberry seedlings, fruits and berries coniferous trees and shrubs, bulbous crops Autumn feeding potassium mixture will help berry bushes survive frosts and prepare for fruiting next year Complex specialized mineral fertilizer Autumn contains an increased amount of phosphorus and potassium, which are especially necessary for plants in the autumn Organomineral fertilizer Autumn is used for application to vegetable gardens, orchards and ornamental crops on any soil Autumn fertilizer is used to feed plants at the end of the growing season (August-October) Phosphorus-potassium mixture does not contain nitrogen Superphosphate is a fertilizer that has a long-term effect on cultivated plants

    Video: preparing a plot for blackberries

    Step-by-step instructions for planting blackberries in the fall

    Direct planting work is carried out as follows:

    1. Water (5–6 l) is poured into the pit.

      IN landing hole pour out at least 5–6 liters of water

    2. After the liquid is completely absorbed, the seedling is placed in the center of the hole. If necessary, dry roots are pre-trimmed and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

      We lower the seedling into the planting hole

    3. The roots are evenly spread in different directions.

      The roots should be spread in different directions

    4. Holding the bush strictly vertically, gradually fill the hole with soil mixture.

      The hole is filled in layers with soil mixture

    5. Each intermediate layer is compacted to avoid the formation of air voids. The root collar should be buried no more than 2–3 cm from the previous level.

      Pour mulch into the tree trunk circle in a layer of 8–10 cm

    At least 3 m is left between individual specimens, rows are placed at a distance of about 2 m from each other. When planting blackberries along a fence or wall of a building, you must retreat at least 1.5 m, since the bushes grow very much.

    Video: planting blackberries correctly

    Video: features of autumn planting blackberries

    Breeders have developed many varieties of winter-hardy and even thornless blackberries, so you should not be afraid to plant this crop in your summer cottages. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology and appropriate care, you will be able to enjoy the taste of these wonderful berries even in the northern regions.