Painting of aluminum surfaces. Anodizing at home

Painting aluminum at home is often difficult. After all, this material is not the most better basis. If you apply dyes to it in a standard way, you may subsequently encounter such an unpleasant consequence as desquamation.

In order for layers of paint to adhere well to aluminum, they must be applied in a special way. This is the only way to avoid negative consequences. At the same time, you should not leave aluminum unpainted at all. After all, this metal is characterized by high chemical activity, which leads to the formation of an oxide film on the surface of products. So painting aluminum products plays not only a decorative role, but also a protective one.

Those who decide to paint aluminum products themselves must first understand in detail how to paint aluminum. Below we will look at the main methods of applying paint to aluminum products.

In industrial conditions, 2 methods of applying paint to such surfaces are most often used:

  • Powder coating.

Features of powder coating

Before applying powder paint, the products are treated with a special chemical composition, and then they are painted with a substance that has a powder consistency.

This method has its undeniable advantages. Firstly, this method allows you to achieve almost any color. Secondly, defects obtained during subsequent operation are easily masked with a special pencil. So the products are protected from chips and scratches.

One of the common methods of painting aluminum is electrochemical. This is a very labor-intensive and complex technology. It is based on chemical surface cleaning and subsequent electrochemical oxidation. Only after these two operations can primer and paint be applied. The oxidation process produces a protective film. To increase the stability of this film, the product is treated by immersion in a chromium solution before applying the primer.

The electrochemical oxidation method is based on the action of a current that passes through an acidic electrolyte. The result is a layer of the required oxide. At chemical method products are treated with solutions of sodium bichromate, potassium fluoride, chromic anhydride.

Carrying out oxidation on your own at home is quite problematic. This requires certain skills to work with chemical compounds. Only after receiving the oxide layer can you begin to paint the aluminum.

The best dyeing agents are aniline powders, which are usually used for dyeing wool fabrics. In this case, the powder is diluted in a hot liquid (50° - 60°), then the product is lowered into the solution and kept there for about 20 minutes. When the time is up, the aluminum is removed, dried and treated with colorless varnish.

Anodizing is often used in production. It is based on the galvanic method. This is the most suitable method for painting aluminum products at home. It gives good lasting results.

Anodizing allows you to improve the aesthetic characteristics of any product, ensuring its protection from negative external influence. As a result of anodizing, aluminum parts acquire a gray tint. Such a surface can be painted in almost any color with the appropriate paint.

1. To carry out anodizing, prepare 2 strong solutions. One is from table salt. The other is from baking soda. They will take 45 minutes to prepare. During the first half hour, the substances will dissolve, but do not forget to stir them. The next 5 minutes are needed for the solutions to settle well. At the end they are filtered.

Then take 9 parts of soda solution and 1 part of salt solution. These parts are thoroughly mixed in a glass or porcelain container. When they are mixed, an electrolyte will be obtained.

2. Before painting aluminum, it must be carefully prepared. It is cleaned with fine sandpaper and all traces of grease are removed. To do this, you can use a special tool or simply washing powder in high concentration.

Next, the product must be rinsed under running water. running water and then dry thoroughly. Care must be taken to ensure that the prepared item cannot be soiled again. Therefore, it should not be handled with ungloved hands. Otherwise, greasy finger marks will remain on it, which will interfere with smooth processing.

3. When the product is prepared, the electrolyte is poured into an aluminum container. And then aluminum is dipped into this solution. A car battery is usually used as a power source.

If you have an adjustable current rectifier, you can use that too. In this case, the device voltage should be 12 volts and the current value should be 2 amperes. “Minus” is connected to an aluminum container, and “plus” is connected to an aluminum product. Anodizing will take an hour and a half, and as a result the product should have a gray-blue tint.

4. After anodizing, the product can be painted with aniline dye. Typically 15 g of dye is diluted in a solution acetic acid(1 m per 1 liter of water). This makes the color more durable. The longer aluminum remains in the coloring composition, the brighter the color will be.

In order not to be disappointed as a result of painting an aluminum product at home, you must strictly follow all the rules.

The main steps to prepare a product for painting are as follows:

  • stripping;
  • degreasing;
  • primer;
  • coloring.

The coloring matter is of great importance. There must be a special inscription on the primer that clearly states: “for aluminum.” The paint must also be special; it is better to take two-component epoxy or polyester.

If the product has been previously painted, carefully remove the layer of old paint. To do this, use fine sandpaper. As soon as the product is cleaned, it is necessary to immediately apply a primer. This must be done before the product becomes matte. This shade will indicate that oxidation has occurred. In air with aluminum parts this happens very quickly. So you need to be on time so that all the work is not in vain. There must be a pause between applying the first and second coats of primer.

Before painting aluminum, it must be cleaned, even in cases where paint or primer manufacturers indicate that the composition can be applied to an uncleaned surface. Aluminum is a metal that allows paint to adhere normally only to a freshly cleaned surface. The higher the sandpaper number, the better the result. For example, you treated the surface with 600th paper, then improved it with 1200th, then took 1500th, and finally - 2000th. This way you can achieve the perfect result.

If painting is done using a spray can, it should be kept at a distance and applied in several layers. Wait 15 minutes between each layer, and then apply the next layer. The total number of such layers can be from 4 to 5. In this case, the can must be shaken periodically, this ensures a uniform supply of paint. If there is a need to clean the nozzle. You should turn the can over and spray the paint in this position for some time until the emanating substance becomes transparent.

Upon completion of work, the tools are cleaned. Remaining paint is stored in a dark place, protected from access by children.

Anodizing is a process of chemical or electrochemical treatment of the surface of aluminum (or other non-ferrous metals) to prevent surface oxidation. Anodized aluminum can be easily painted in any color, because... The anodized surface has excellent adhesion (adhesion) to paint or primer.

So how and with what to paint aluminum with your own hands at home?

We offer you two options for painting aluminum:

1 With anodizing and aniline dye

2 Without anodizing, using a special primer and special zinc-aluminum paint for metal

Of course, you will get the highest quality and durable result only after anodizing, but this is not easy to do at home, especially if you are painting something large - aluminum boat etc., so you can resort to more simple option– preparing aluminum for painting using.

Method 1

In order to carry out the procedure of anodizing and painting aluminum you will need:

Salt, soda boiled water for preparing electrolyte solution
- aluminum container in which our part or product will fit
- fine sandpaper
- current source (about 2A and 12V)
- acetone or kerosene for degreasing
- aniline dye and acetic acid for preparing paint

Instructions for painting aluminum with anodizing

1 First we need to make electrolyte at home. To do this, you need to prepare two saturated solutions - salt and soda. We add salt to one container with boiled water, soda to another, stir, add more, stir again and do this for 25-30 minutes so that the solutions are maximally saturated with salt and soda. Leave them for another 15-20 minutes, filter and mix in a GLASS CONTAINER in the proportion of 9 parts soda solution to 1 part salt solution 2 We take our aluminum part or product and carefully process the surface with fine sandpaper 3 Degrease the surface using acetone, kerosene or a special degreasing liquid 4 Rinse the aluminum part in water. After rinsing the part in water, try not to touch it with your hands, as your hands may leave stains on the surface that will affect further processing of the product 5 We pour the electrolyte we prepared into aluminum cookware- a basin or pan - and put our aluminum product there. To start the anodizing process, we connect the current source with a plus to our product, and a minus to the aluminum container.
As a current source you can take car battery or an adjustable rectifier (the current should be about 2 Amperes, the voltage should be about 12 Volts). Anodizing should be carried out within 1.5 - 2 hours, during which time our aluminum product will acquire a pleasant bluish-gray tint 6 How to paint aluminum? Anodized aluminum should be painted with an aniline dye solution. To prepare such a solution, you need to add 15 grams of dye, 1 ml of acetic acid to 1 liter of water and heat it to 70-80 degrees.
We immerse our aluminum product in the dye solution for 10-15 minutes, the longer we keep the product in the dye solution, the more saturated and dark its color will be after dyeing

Method 2

To paint aluminum at home you will need:

- primer for aluminum, stainless steel and galvanic coatings
- fine sandpaper
- acrylic or epoxy zinc-aluminum paint for metal
- white spirit, acetone or kerosene to degrease the surface

Instructions for painting aluminum without anodizing

1 Thoroughly sand the surface of your aluminum product with fine sandpaper. The less grainy sandpaper you use, the better. Suitable size 600, 800 or 1200 2 Degrease the surface using white spirit, acetone or a special degreaser 3 After complete cleaning and degreasing, coat the surface as quickly as possible with an aluminum primer and of stainless steel. If you leave aluminum treated with sandpaper in the air for a long time, then after a short time it will begin to darken - this is the result of the oxidation process, and primer and paint do not adhere well to oxidized aluminum. This is why it is so important to apply the first coat of primer as soon as possible.
A few minutes after the first coat of primer has dried, you need to apply a second coat of primer for better paint adhesion to your product 4 Let's move on to painting. How to paint aluminum treated with primer?
To do this, you will need a special zinc-aluminum metal paint containing zinc and aluminum. It is best to use paint in an aerosol can, since when applying paint from an aerosol can, it goes on much more evenly and smoothly than when applied with a brush.
Before you start painting, shake the can thoroughly; paint should be applied from a distance of 25-30 centimeters. Painting should be done from top to bottom to avoid drips.
After the first coat of paint has dried (20-25 minutes is enough), apply the next coat of paint. As a rule, for good and high-quality painting of aluminum, 3-4 layers of paint are enough 5 Once painting is complete, allow your aluminum piece to dry completely. This requires 4 – 6 hours 6 You can additionally coat the product with varnish, this will add depth to the color and additionally protect the painted surface from damage.

If you have followed all the steps of the instructions exactly, then new paint your aluminum product will last for many years and look like new!

Notes and Cautions:

1 REMEMBER! When painting aluminum with your own hands, be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and do not forget about personal protective equipment.

2 Painting of aluminum should be carried out in a clean and dust-free room, free from mosquitoes and flies, as they can stick to the layer of fresh paint

3 Keep in mind that if the top layer of paint has already dried, this does not mean that the paint has dried inside. It takes at least 5 - 6 hours to dry completely


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Painting aluminum yourself at home

In this article we will talk about how and with what to paint aluminum so that the color lasts as long as possible. Despite the fact that most problematic metal surfaces can be covered powder paint, we will consider methods that are available for use at home, that is, in those conditions where there is no specialized equipment and expensive coatings.

Powder paint is a popular solution for processing aluminum

Features of painting aluminum

Powder coating

Painting aluminum parts, as well as other non-ferrous metals, is significantly complicated by the tendency to rapid oxidation. When interacting with oxygen, the metal is instantly covered with a thin oxide film, to which neither primer, nor paint, nor varnish properly adheres.

Important: When you start painting aluminum at home, be prepared for the fact that the result will be short-lived.
The situation is complicated by the fact that the problem cannot be solved by using most traditional soils.
It will be enough to scratch the layer of dried paint with your fingernail, and it will come off.

Are there any effective ones and what is important? available methods solutions to this problem? There are effective solutions and we will talk about them in this article.

Correct painting

Two-component putty with the addition of aluminum powder

Before properly painting aluminum, it must be anodized and thus significantly increase the adhesion of the surface to the paintwork material.

Anodization is a chemical or electrochemical treatment of non-ferrous metals, as a result of which the oxidation process is less intense than on a clean surface or does not occur at all.

Most factory products made of non-ferrous metals are anodized before applying paints and varnishes. Anodizing is performed using special high-tech equipment. But, as already said, we will consider available methods, which are relevant for implementation at home. (See also the article Types of finishes: options.)

There are two such methods, namely:

  • staining with aniline dye with preliminary anodization;
  • painting with acrylic or epoxy enamels without preliminary anodizing, but with the use of special primers.

We anodize first and then paint

In the photo - anodizing at home

If you don't know how to paint aluminum black in your home or garage, then this method is what you need. Of course, the technology is a little more complicated than painting in its pure form, but the result will be of the highest quality.

To obtain a rich and durable coating we will need the following materials and tools:

  • an aluminum container in which the workpiece can be placed;
  • fine-grained sandpaper to lightly matt the aluminum surface before applying paintwork;
  • painting tool (brush, roller or sprayer);
  • current source (12V/2A);
  • materials for preparing an electrolytic solution (soda, salt and boiled water);
  • kerosene or acetone for degreasing the surface;
  • aniline dye, the price of which is low;
  • acetic acid for diluting paint.

Schematic illustration of the anodizing process

The painting technology is as follows:

  • Prepare an electrolytic solution. To do this, we determine how much water is required for the part to be completely immersed in it. Divide the liquid in half and pour into two different vessels.
    Pour into one of the vessels table salt in an amount of 1/5 of the volume of liquid. Pour the same amount of baking soda into another container. Mix the water in two vessels thoroughly.
    Next, we filter the solutions and pour them into one aluminum container and mix again, and then let them settle.
  • At the next stage, armed with sandpaper, we carefully sand the surface of the product.
  • Wipe the sanded surface with a cloth soaked in acetone. Thus, we simultaneously remove dust and degrease the surface.
  • We put on rubber gloves, rinse the product in water, and then immerse it in a container with an electrolytic solution.
  • We connect the power source with a plus to the product, and a minus to an aluminum container with an electrolytic solution. The process lasts for 2 hours until a characteristic grayish-blue tint appears.
  • After preparing the metal, you can begin painting. To do this, mix 20 grams of aniline dye with 1 liter of water and 1-2 ml of acetic acid. Mix the solution thoroughly, gradually heating it to a temperature of +80º C.
  • The anodized product is immersed in the diluted dye and left for 15 minutes.

Paint over a pre-primed surface

On the picture - alkyd primer for processing non-ferrous metals

In order to avoid anodizing, but without compromising quality paint coating, we use special primer compositions, which are capable of providing a high degree of adhesion.

To paint the surface of aluminum parts with your own hands without anodizing, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • painting tool (brush or spray);
  • sandpaper for matting the metal surface;
  • special alkyd primer for application to non-ferrous metals;
  • epoxy or acrylic paint for metal;
  • metal degreasing agents (acetone, white spirit or kerosene).

The work is carried out as follows:

  • We carefully sand the surface of the product, making it evenly matte.. For optimal results, use paper with abrasive size 1200.
  • After sanding the metal, put on rubber gloves, soak a lint-free cloth in a degreaser and remove dust and dirt from the product. .
  • Cover the cleaned part with a primer .

Important: The longevity of your paintwork will depend on how quickly you apply the primer.
Therefore, before you start sanding and degreasing, you need to prepare the primer so that you can subsequently apply it without delay.

  • The dried primer can be leveled with sandpaper, after which we proceed to painting. .
  • paints and varnishes Apply in 2-3 layers with the interval necessary for each previous layer to dry .


Still believe that best paint for non-ferrous metals – powder? In fact, this is not the case, since by conducting Painting works, in accordance with the previously given methods, you can achieve good results.

Have questions about painting? You will find comprehensive answers by looking at this article.

Many non-ferrous metals are very difficult to paint. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for coloring compounds to adhere to the surface of metals, which leads to the need to implement complex technological painting procedures.

The above fully applies to aluminum.

How is this problem solved by industry?

In industry, various techniques for painting non-ferrous metals are used. Almost all of them imply very specific conditions. For example, a common method is to spray powder coating on metal under conditions high temperatures and pressure. In addition, technologies based on the electrochemical characteristics of the interaction of substances are practiced. IN in this case, the coloring matter is fixed on the metal surface due to the attraction of particles with different charges.

There are also less common methods of painting aluminum, but they are all characterized by one property - they are not suitable for home use.

What is the solution for home use?

Aluminum is quite widespread in household use. For example, a square aluminum pipe can be used as a supporting profile for various frames or a cable channel. You can also often find aluminum window blocks.

Is there really no way to paint all this at home?

Of course, you can, although the quality will be inferior to factory paint.

For work we will need:

  • Special primer for aluminum or stainless steel;
  • Sandpaper (the finer the better - best option 800 - 1200);
  • Metal paint (acrylic or epoxy);
  • Surface degreasing agent;
  • Ventilated area without insects;
  • Respirator.

The painting procedure is as follows:

  • Surface treatment with sandpaper. The purpose of this action is to remove contaminants and a layer of oxide film that will interfere with the adhesion of paint to the metal surface. Fine paper is used to avoid causing deep damage to the metal (scratches).
  • The treated surface is degreased using special means. Conventional solvents are not recommended.
  • The treated surface must be coated with a primer. Moreover, it is recommended to do this quickly, otherwise the metal will begin to darken, which indicates the formation of a new oxide film. If it appears, you will have to clean the surface again.
    Some consider primer treatment optional, and argue that you can save money by starting painting right away (this is motivated by the fact that the paint is specialized - it will apply well anyway). In fact, the savings here are questionable: the primer reduces paint consumption and improves its adhesion to the surface.
    And, by the way, it is better to apply the primer in 2 layers.
  • After the primer has dried, painting is done directly. We recommend using aerosol sprayers, as they ensure even distribution of paint and are generally easier to use than traditional brushes. Painting a square aluminum pipe with a brush in such a way that no drips form is extremely difficult.
  • After the first coat of paint has dried, carefully inspect the surface. If drips are found, remove them with sandpaper. If you rub the paint down to bare metal, recoat this area primer.
  • For a high-quality result, 3-4 layers of paint are needed, each of which dries for 4-6 hours.

Aluminum is difficult to paint due to the formation of aluminum oxide on the surface, which appears as white plaque. Aluminum oxides are very passive - they do not react with anything, including paint. Therefore, you need to choose a paint and primer specifically designed for painting non-ferrous metals or aluminum. And now more about how to paint aluminum yourself.

Electrochemical painting method

It is better to paint aluminum using the electrochemical method, but it is not accessible to everyone and is quite labor-intensive. The process goes like this: First, electrochemical oxidation is performed, then a primer is applied, then paint. Before oxidation do chemical cleaning surfaces. After oxidation it turns out on top protective film oxide. To increase the resistance of such a film to corrosion, before priming, the part is placed in a chromium solution.

Oxidation process performed electrochemically or chemically.

In the electrochemical method, an oxide layer is achieved by passing current through an acidic electrolyte solution. And after that they are treated with chromium and covered with paint or varnish.

During chemical oxidation, aluminum is treated in special solutions of sodium bichromate, chromic anhydride, and potassium fluoride.

At home, oxidation is quite difficult. It is necessary to have certain skills and strictly adhere to safety rules when working with chemicals.

After obtaining a layer of oxide by oxidation, you can begin painting the aluminum. To do this, purchase aniline dyes in the store - powders used for dyeing woolen fabrics. The aluminum part is placed in a hot (50-60°C) solution of aniline dye and kept there for no more than 20 minutes. After painting, the part is removed from the water, dried and coated with colorless varnish.

Painting aluminum at home

If you need to paint aluminum at home, you should follow all painting steps very clearly and consistently. An aluminum product must first be cleaned, then degreased and primed, and only then applied paint. The quality of the primer and paint is of great importance in this process. It is important to choose a good primer “for stainless steel, galvanized coatings and aluminum.” Special two-component epoxy/polyester paints can be used for painting.

Use sandpaper to remove all old paint and white powder. WITH maximum speed Apply the first coat of primer before the aluminum becomes dull. The oxidation process of aluminum in air occurs very quickly, so it is important to apply the first layer of primer as quickly as possible, before oxides form. After applying the first layer, wait the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions. When applying the second layer, there is no need to rush.

Even if the primer package says that no surface cleaning is required for its application, it is better to do so. Freshly cleaned aluminum will adhere better to paint. The sooner after mechanical cleaning painting is performed, the better the adhesion.

Painting stages

How to paint aluminum at home step by step:
1. Clean the part with sandpaper No. 600 (320 is also possible, but 600 is better)
2. Degrease with a solvent (acetone or gasoline are not suitable!)
3. Prime with a quality primer for non-ferrous metals
4. Dry well
5. Lightly sand primer No. 800-2000. If the primer is damaged and comes to the surface of the metal, apply primer again and dry.
6. Degrease, wait until the solvent evaporates.
7. Apply paint in several layers (enamel for metal - aerosol, alkyd, acrylic).

If the paint is from a spray can, then apply the paint at the distance specified in the instructions, as if spraying several layers onto the surface. Apply the first coat, wait 15 minutes, then the second coat. And so on up to 4-5 layers. If a dripping “drop” forms, wait until it dries, sand with 2000 grit paper and coat the area with paint.

  • While working with a spray can, shake it often and vigorously so that the paint mixes better;
  • To ensure that the can works evenly and does not “spit”, turn it over with the sprayer down and press the sprayer until the stream becomes transparent, this will clean the nozzle;
  • The higher the sandpaper number, the better the final result. After processing 600, you can finish sanding with 1200, 1500, 2000. The result will be excellent.