Color accents: for beauty's sake. Color accents. Accents in the interior: choosing a color

Apartment design

It has long been known that even a small amount of bright color can enliven the environment, giving the overall appearance interest, attractiveness, and effectiveness. This technique works great for almost any interior, as well as for the landscape, and for the appearance of a person. For example, a bright tie transforms a man wearing a formal suit, while bright accent scarves and bags transform a woman wearing neutral clothes. Even a small flower bed is enough to make the whole garden even more beautiful. Adding no a large number of bright accents, we bring some freshness to the interior.

Put bright accents for the interior is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The main problems arise when determining the accent color and choosing its quantity. If, for example, there are too many color accents, the room will become overly bright. And the accent effect may be completely lost, since the accent color will dissolve in the surrounding motley space and turn into an auxiliary one. And vice versa, if there are few accents, we will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Bright accents in the interior. Color selection

Interior color accents are elements that have a color that is different from the colors of the main surfaces that dominate the room. For example, furniture, textiles, decor and accessories in a pale blue room - this is color accents. But light blue elements for the same room are a complement to the main color. For a purple-beige room, green accessories will be accents, and lilac, lavender or cream will be an addition. For a beige room they will be accents, and pale brown ones will be complementary.

So, the basic rule of color accenting is: if you need to add bright accents, then you need to choose a different color, not another shade. But which one? The choice will depend on the desired effect.

1. “Cold-warm” option. If you need to emphasize the “sultry” quality of a room in which warm tones predominate (orange, apricot, yellow, terracotta, red, etc.), a cold spectrum is better for emphasis. For example, there may be shades of purple, . In addition to the fact that cool accents will emphasize the warmth of the room, they will also cool its ardor a little.

And by analogy: if you like a cool ambiance created with fresh, light, or slightly dark tones, then its coolness can be highlighted by contrast with accents of warm colors. To do this, you need to use accents of honey, yellow, orange, and terracotta shades.

2. Option “Similar”. If you need to create an atmosphere of calm, the accent color should be the one located on the color wheel next to the secondary or primary.

For example, if the room is made in blue tones, then it is better to use pale purple (lavender, lilac) or green accents. An apricot room will be refreshed with bright red accents of berry shades.

With this type of accentuation, harmony and peace reign in the interior. As a result, this scheme is better suited for rest rooms, bedrooms, offices, etc.

3. Option “Additional”. In order to add more energy, life and color to the interior, they use another option - “additional”. For this scheme, a color that is complementary to the primary or secondary is used for emphasis.

Complementary colors are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.

For example, if the room is the main one, then for additional accents you need to select shades of blue or light blue, and vice versa. In a room with green tones, purple or red accents are placed in the same pattern.

The “Additional” option is quite complex - it creates a powerful energy boost for the interior. As a result, this scheme is recommended for use only in dining rooms, living rooms, playrooms, etc.

4. Bright accents for a neutral interior. Let's say the only people in the room are neutral tones, for example black, white, beige, gray, brown, then you can take any existing color for an accent. In addition, there can be many such colors.

The good thing about a neutral interior is that you can change the accents according to your mood. Or, for example, taking the time of year as a basis. IN winter time- in blue and light blue tones; in autumn - red-orange tones; in summer - green tones; in spring - delicate floral shades.

In neutral interiors with very light tones, you can add several different colors at once, and it doesn’t matter where they are on the color wheel in relation to each other. But it is desirable that these accent colors harmonize with each other in brightness and saturation. For example, light blue can easily get along with pistachio, lilac, pink, but not with dark purple, jade or burgundy.

A bright accent created with the help of a sofa. Yellow accents in the interior

Bright accents in the interior. Maintaining balance

There is a classic axiom. Or rather, even a certain formula. It looks like this: 60-30-10. How can this be deciphered?

60% is the main color of the interior
30% is a secondary color (additional) or color shades main in the interior
10% is the accent color of the interior

This formula is completely valid for the image of a person in classic clothes. It looks something like this: 60% is a classic suit, 30% is a shirt, 10% is a tie, which is an accent.

Here is an example for the interior. Suppose the walls of the room are painted with beige paint, and the TV stand, shelving and flooring have the texture of wood. As a result, the brown-beige color scheme predominates, accounting for approximately 60%. Let's assume that cushioned furniture and the textiles in this room are in purple colors. in this case, it is a secondary color, approximately occupying 30%. Yellow, green or blue can be used as accents, it all depends on the intended effect. About 10% should remain on them: this could be, for example, a small carpet in front of the sofa, an ottoman, several sofa pillows, a throw on an armchair and a floor vase.

Next example. Upholstered furniture and wall structures are made in blue and blue tones (60%). Furniture and flooring - gray colors (30%). Accents - orange (10%).

These figures are, of course, quite arbitrary and approximate. You just need to understand that the main color should take up not much more than half. Secondary colors (or colors adjacent to the main one) are almost half smaller than the main one. And the accent color is about one tenth of the main one.

Since wood color is a neutral color, it may not be taken into account in our formula. That is, you don’t have to take wooden floors into account for the calculation, but a carpet located on the floor is a must. You can do the same with white ceilings and walls, wooden or white doors and window frames, a section of wall lined with stone, a fireplace lined with brick, etc.

If your interior is monochrome and does not have a secondary color, then accents can take up not much more than 10%.

Sometimes, just one bright accent in the interior is enough. But it must be either very impressive or large. For a monochrome interior, this could be, for example, stunning or. Single accents can make a room's interior look very impressive. Comparisons pop up in my head: a completely white snow-covered forest with one blood-red rowan bush or a completely black cat with green eyes.

The smaller the accent color, the more it stands out, attracting attention to itself and to everything around it.

Bright accents in the interior. Location

To create a color accent for any interior, they usually use various elements decor: figurines, vases, photo frames, sofa cushions, rugs, carpets. Although works of art, pieces of furniture, and surfaces can serve as accents.

Regarding furniture, poufs and armchairs, sometimes sofas, are often used as accent pieces. For a bedroom interior, the accent can be the headboard of the bed. In the kitchen - some of the facades kitchen set and chairs.

The accent can be the entire wall or part of it. For example, the area behind the TV, behind the head of the bed or behind the sofa. It is logical to make an accent in the kitchen. However, you should always remember the 10% rule.

Curtains, like other textiles, can also be accent items: napkins, chair covers, bed covers, tablecloths.

Today, the use of accent lights is popular, for example in the kitchen and dining room.

Of course, not everywhere and not always necessary. Not bright two-color or monochrome interiors are beautiful in themselves. But you can always, if you wish, sprinkle a small amount of color into them, since this does not require spending a large amount of money and radically changing the decor. The interior will be transformed and sparkle with new colors!

A furnished room according to Feng Shui ensures that all energy flows will have the best impact on health, life and luck. The location of the furniture plays a significant role, because if it is placed incorrectly, all the energy will “go away”. How do you attract what you want - love, prosperity and health?

A Feng Shui furnished room ensures that all energy flows will have the best effect on health, life and luck

When arranging a Feng Shui zone in a room, it is very important to know which side of the world it belongs to. To clarify this issue, you first need to take a compass and determine where the north side of the room is.

However, as a result complex design apartment or private building (metal fittings or other building materials), compass arrows do not always show accurate results. Therefore, you can use special maps that schematically explain the cardinal directions - north, south, west and east, as well as their intermediate directions.

When arranging a Feng Shui zone in a room, it is very important to know which side of the world it belongs to.

Next you will need to determine the center of the apartment. To do this, take a housing plan and find the center at the intersection of the diagonals. If the apartment does not have the shape of a regular rectangle, you need to complete it yourself and do the same manipulations.

Then the housing plan is divided into 9 regular rectangles, also dividing the opposite sides into 3 equal parts and drawing straight lines through the points.

The last step is to check the floor plan and the special map. It is necessary to determine the angle of rotation of the apartment, which will indicate the correct direction of the room, corresponding to the parts of the world.

It is necessary to determine the angle of rotation of the apartment, which will indicate the correct direction of the room, corresponding to the parts of the world

This will help determine the zone of love, wealth and other desirable things. The Bagua grid is designed to strictly distribute 9 vital categories. It is applied to the marked housing plan in order to understand how to properly arrange it according to Feng Shui. According to the Bagua grid, each cardinal direction is responsible for one category:

  1. North (Water) is responsible for career.
  2. Northeast (Earth) – for knowledge.
  3. East (Tree) – for the family.
  4. Southeast (Wood) – for wealth.
  5. South (Fire) – for glory.
  6. Southwest (Earth) – for love.
  7. West (Metal) – for creativity.
  8. North-West (Gold, Silver) – for assistants.

Guided by a compass, a special map and the Bagua grid, you can determine the north and other cardinal directions where the entrance to the room should be, arranging it according to Feng Shui.

Guided by a compass, a special map and the Bagua grid, you can determine the north and other cardinal directions where the entrance to the room should be, arranging it according to Feng Shui

Arranging furniture in a room according to Feng Shui

When arranging rooms according to Feng Shui, the main rule is the free movement of qi energy.

Attention! To create harmony in your room and attract prosperity, love and health, you need to arrange the furniture correctly.

In the living room. Tall cabinets should be placed against solid walls, away from doors. There should be no stairs or doors in the reflection of the mirrors. It is better to place armchairs and chairs with their backs to the windows, giving preference to furniture with high backs and armrests. A round table is perfect for the living room, where family and friends will gather. The TV cannot be placed with its screen facing a window or door. In the southwestern region, it is advisable to hang a family photo. The walls can be decorated with landscapes.

A table is perfect for the living room, where family and friends will gather

In the bedroom. It is best if this room is square or rectangular. The wardrobe and bed should be placed along the walls without cluttering the space. It is advisable to choose a bed with legs so that qi can circulate under the bed. When positioning the bed, it is necessary to take into account that the person lying down can see the doorway. Opposite the head of the bed you can hang a picture that pleases the eye. When choosing furniture for the bedroom, you should give preference to rounded corners and smooth surfaces. From the mirror and indoor plants in the bedroom it is better to refuse altogether.

When positioning the bed, it is necessary to take into account that the person lying can see the doorway

In the kitchen. The slab is placed in the southeast, avoiding dark corners. In this case, the stove should not be placed next to the sink and refrigerator. When arranging furniture large room You can use zoning, for example, to distinguish between the hostess’s work area and the bar counter. It is not recommended that the door and window be on the same wall. The kitchen should be well lit, so light curtains and various lighting fixtures will be welcome.

The kitchen should be well lit, so light curtains and various lighting fixtures will be welcome

Feng Shui room layout

The layout of the room directly depends on how the house itself is placed. It is undesirable if the house is built on an uneven surface, because this will attract negative energy. Because feng shui loves correct forms, the house must be built on a level area.

What objects are located near housing is also important. Therefore, a landfill, cemetery, power plant, dam, prison, factory or hospital are unacceptable. It is also important that neighboring houses do not place corners into your house, shooting “arrows”. There should be no obstacles in front of the front door so that qi can freely penetrate inside.

According to Feng Shui, the height of a residential building should not be greater than its width or length. Therefore, a one-story building is considered the ideal option. If you live in an apartment, then you need to pay attention to the following features. For an authoritarian personality or a person afraid of heights, an apartment on the lower floors is suitable, and for those who are constantly on the move, an apartment on the upper floors is suitable.

Attention! When painting your home, you should avoid black and blue tones. When choosing the color of the roof and walls, you can trust the taste of the owner, because the rest of the household is under his protection.

The correct arrangement of rooms in the house attracts only positive energy. This is helped by the Bagua grid, which was described earlier. By the way, it is not always rational to place a bedroom in the love sector, and a children's room in the children's sector. When arranging a room, we must be guided by what we most desire. In this case, you will have to sacrifice some area by placing a toilet or bathroom there.

The correct arrangement of rooms in the house attracts only positive energy

Feng Shui wealth zone in the room

Eastern wisdom says that favorable energy - qi - should circulate freely in the room. Therefore, it is recommended to walk around the entire perimeter of the room and if there are no closets, chairs, tables or other objects along the way, then there is a positive aura in it. Otherwise, you will have to remove unnecessary items and free up space in the room in order to attract success.

Eastern wisdom says that favorable energy - qi - should circulate freely in the room.

After all the furniture and objects are in place, you need to determine the southeast zone in your room. The following items should not be in this area:

  1. Broken appliances and broken items. Their presence in the wealth zone nullifies any human undertakings, since, according to Feng Shui, they emit negative energy and do not allow qi to function.
  2. Antiques and second-hand items. They not only bring “poverty” into the house, but also preserve the energy of the former owners. Having persistent negative energy, such objects disrupt the harmony in the apartment.
  3. Bin. This is a kind of abyss that will absorb all positive energy along with luck and wealth. The location of a trash can in the money area indicates that the owner does not need them. In this regard, they will simply leave.
  4. Fireplace. This interior element is directly related to wood. Placing a fireplace in a room to attract money is dangerous, because it will “burn” new opportunities and prospects.
  5. Withered or dry plants, cactus. “Dead” plants bring bad energy, which takes away all the wealth.
  6. Fridge. There are different opinions about its placement, but most agree that it “freezes” all our plans. If it is not possible to remove it, you need to make sure that it does not freeze and is clean.

To attract wealth and success, it is important to constantly maintain order in the southeastern area of ​​the room

To properly arrange a room according to Feng Shui to attract money, you need to place:

  • objects made from metals and precious stones;
  • an aquarium where goldfish will swim;
  • a silver vessel filled with water;
  • small indoor fountain;
  • tubular bells;
  • potted indoor plants, especially the money tree.

To attract wealth and success, it is important to constantly maintain order in the southeastern area of ​​the room. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and light it. And if the wealth zone comes into contact with the toilet or bathroom, you need to “neutralize” it. For this, tubular bells or figurines of guardian deities will help, which will cleanse the qi from all negativity.

It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and light it

Feng Shui love zone in the room

To activate the zone of love and marriage, it is necessary to arrange the western direction of the room as correctly as possible. This is very important for those who are lonely or want to strengthen their relationships.

The main colors when arranging the love sector are pink and red, indicating the energy of Fire. This element evokes the Earth element, which has a beneficial effect on our relationships. Its main colors are yellow, terracotta and brown. Therefore, by adding such shades to the western side of the room, you can achieve a stable and long-lasting relationship.

To activate the zone of love and marriage, it is necessary to arrange the western direction of the room as correctly as possible

To improve the atmosphere in the room, you need to use paired items when arranging it:

  • scented candles;
  • sofa cushions;
  • lamps;
  • images of mandarin ducks, doves or cranes;
  • sculpture in the form of a pair of butterflies;
  • chocolate candies.

In a room arranged according to Feng Shui, you can place a photo that shows a joyful couple. If there is no other half yet, then an image of another happy couple will do.

On a note! Experts who know a lot about the teachings of Feng Shui advise lonely hearts to write on red paper the character traits and qualities that they would like to see in their future soul mate.

Melodic music is an essential attribute for attracting love. Aromatic oils and plants - jasmine, geranium, cedar and ylang-ylang - also direct energy into love.

When it is not possible to arrange a love zone, it is filled with a mirror located on the west side

So that the love zone does not become full negative energy, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  1. Keep the western direction of the premises clean and tidy.
  2. As with the money zone, you need to avoid antiques, used and broken items.
  3. You cannot store photos with your ex-passion or single relatives or acquaintances.
  4. Elements of Wood, Water and Metal (aquarium, fountain, wooden and hardware, furniture).
  5. Eliminate contact between the love area and the toilet, bathroom or closet.

If the area does come into contact with one of the listed rooms, you need to keep the doors to the bathroom or toilet closed. In this case, talismans are not used.

The main colors when arranging the love sector are pink and red, indicating the energy of Fire

When it is not possible to arrange a love zone, it is filled with a mirror located on the west side. But it should not be displayed Entrance door, otherwise the favorable energy will leave the house.

Mirror in the room according to Feng Shui

A mirror is a necessary attribute of every home. Especially for a woman, because fair half You should please both yourself and those around you.

A mirror is a necessary attribute of every home. Especially for a woman, because the fair half of the sex should please both themselves and others

Not only the arrangement of furniture, but also mirrors in the room plays an important role, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. So, a large mirror is best placed in the bathroom, where all family members can see themselves full height. It will be good if there is a little more free space in the reflection above your head. Feng Shui experts say that a vacant lot means the opportunity for “growth” - spiritual, physical, financial or career advancement.

Advice! In order for a mirror to bring positive chi energy, it must be placed in such a way that it reflects only beautiful objects. For example, talismans of love, wealth or photos of people dear to us. Great option there will also be a round mirror framed in the shape of a sun.

It is very important to place a mirror correctly in every room of the house. In the dining room or kitchen, it should reflect the table, which will increase the wealth of the family. Regarding the bedroom: it is better not to hang a mirror in it at all. But if it is so necessary, it cannot be placed so that it reflects the faces of sleeping people. Not only Feng Shui, but also other teachings believe that a mirror is a guide to another world.

The arrangement and furnishing of rooms according to Feng Shui is an entire art that will fill the house with light energy and help attract wealth, health, love, fame, etc.

One more important point is how we look in the mirror. It remembers all the images of people, so you need to look at it only in a good mood.

The arrangement and furnishing of rooms according to Feng Shui is an entire art that will fill the house with light energy and help attract wealth, health, love, fame, etc. This ancient science fills the house with harmony and adjusts the relationships of its inhabitants in a positive way.

Let's splash colors!

It is known that even a small splash of bright color can enliven a picture, making general form more interesting, more attractive, more effective. This technique works flawlessly for interiors, landscapes, and the external image of a person. For example, bright ties transform men in formal suits, and accent bags and scarves transform women in neutral outfits. Even one flowering flowerbed is enough to make the garden much more beautiful. By adding a few bright “spots”, we will bring a “spark of life” to the interior.

Placing bright accents in the interior is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Difficulties arise at the stage of selecting an accent color and determining its quantity. If there are a lot of color accents, the room will turn out to be overly bright. And the effect of accenting will be lost, since the accent color will “blur” in space and turn into an auxiliary one. If there are not enough accents, the desired result will not be achieved.

Accents in the interior: choosing a color

Color accents in the interior are objects that have a color different from the main colors that predominate in the room. For example, textiles, furniture, accessories and orange decor in a white and blue room are color accents. But light blue objects in the same room are a complement to the main color. In a lilac-beige room, green items will be accents, and purple, cream or lavender will be complementary. In a beige room, pink items will be accent pieces, and light brown items will be complementary.


So, the first rule of color accenting: if you want to introduce bright accents, you need to choose not a different shade, but a different color. But which one? The choice should depend on the desired effect.

1. “Warm-Cold” scheme. If you want to emphasize the warmth of a room in which “sultry” tones predominate (yellow, orange, apricot, terracotta, red, etc.), you should choose a cool color as an accent color. These can be shades of blue, green, purple. Cool accents will not only emphasize the warmth of the room, but also slightly cool its ardor.

Blue accents in a warm interior

And vice versa: if you like a cool atmosphere created with light, fresh or slightly dark tones, you can emphasize its coldness by contrasting with warm accents. To do this, you should use accents in orange, terracotta, and honey shades.

2. “Additional” scheme. To bring a lot of life, energy and color into the interior, they use another scheme - “additional”. In this case, a complementary color to the primary or secondary color is used for emphasis.

Complementary colors are colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel.

For example, if the room is dominated by orange, additional accents should be in one of the shades of blue or blue, and vice versa. In a green room, red or purple accents are placed according to this scheme.

The “Additional” scheme is quite complex - it charges the interior with powerful energy. Therefore, this option is recommended for use only in living rooms, dining rooms, playrooms, etc.

3. “Similar” scheme. If you want to create a calm atmosphere, as an accent color you need to choose a color that is located on the color wheel next to the main or secondary one.

So, if the room is dominated by blue, the accents can be green or light purple (lilac, lavender). A peach room will be refreshed by accents of red berry shades.

With this accent scheme, peace and harmony reign in the interior. Therefore, this option is preferable for bedrooms, recreation rooms, libraries, etc.

4. Accents in a neutral interior. If the room contains only neutral tones, such as white, black, beige, etc., any existing color can be an accent color. Moreover, there can be several accent colors.

The good thing about a neutral interior is that the accents can be changed according to your mood. Or, for example, by time of year. In autumn - in orange-red tones; in winter - in blue and dark blue; in spring - in delicate floral ones; in summer - in green ones.

In very light neutral interiors you can introduce a lot at once different colors, and it doesn’t matter what place they occupy in relation to each other on the color wheel. However, it is desirable that these accent colors be combined with each other in saturation and brightness. For example, soft blue can be adjacent to pink, lilac, pistachio, but not to burgundy, jade or dark purple.

How to maintain balance when placing bright accents in the interior?

Eat classic rule. Or rather, the formula. It looks like this: 60-30-10. What does this mean?

60% - main color
30% - additional (secondary) color or shades of the primary color
10% - accent color

Yellow: primary color

Green: secondary color

Blue: accent color

This formula also applies to classic clothing. It turns out something like this: 60% is a suit, 30% is a shirt, 10% is a tie, that is, an accent.

Let's look at an example with an interior. Let's say the walls are painted beige, and the floors, shelving and TV stand are the color of wood. Thus, the beige-brown color palette predominates, accounting for approximately 60%. Let's assume that the curtains and upholstered furniture in this room are purple color. Purple in in this case- secondary color, occupying approximately 30%. Accents can be yellow, green or blue depending on the desired effect. They should account for approximately 10%: for example, a small carpet on the floor, a pouf, four sofa pillows, a blanket on one of the chairs and two.

Second example. Walls and upholstered furniture are in blue and light blue shades (60%). Floors and furniture - gray(thirty%). Accents - orange (10%).

Of course, the numbers are very approximate and conditional. You just need to strive to ensure that the main color takes up a little more than half. The secondary color (or shades close to the main one) is half the size of the main one. Accent - about one tenth of the main one.

The color of the wood is neutral and may not be included in the formula. That is, wooden floors can be ignored, but a rug lying on the floor is a must. You can also ignore white ceilings and walls, wooden or white doors and window frames, part of the wall lined with stone, lined fireplace, etc.

If the interior is monochrome and there is no secondary color, accents can take up a little more than 10%.

Sometimes it's enough one bright accent in room. But it must be either large or very impressive. This could be, for example, an accent sofa in a monochrome interior or a stunning chandelier. Single accents make the interior impressive. Comparisons come to mind: an absolutely black cat with emerald eyes or a white winter forest with one red rowan bush.

The less accent color, the more it stands out, drawing attention to itself and to everything that surrounds it.

Bright accents in the interior: what to place and where?

For color accents in the interior, various decorative items are most often used: vases, figurines, sofa cushions, photo frames, carpets, rugs. However, surfaces, pieces of furniture, and works of art can also be accent pieces.

As for furniture, chairs and, less often, sofas are often used as accent pieces. In the bedroom it can be an accent. In the kitchen there are chairs and part of the kitchen furniture facades.

The accent can be a wall or part of a wall. For example, at the head of the bed, behind the TV, behind the sofa. An apron is an accent piece in the kitchen working area. At the same time, you should always keep the 10% rule in mind.

Curtains can also be accents, like other textiles: covers on chairs, bedspreads on beds.

The use of accent lights is in fashion, especially in kitchens and dining rooms.

Of course, bright accents in the interior are not always and not everywhere needed. Calm monochrome or two-color interiors are beautiful in themselves. But if you wish, you can always “spray” a little color, since this does not require you to radically change anything and spend a lot of money. The interior will sparkle with new colors, transform and come to life!

We offer a selection of interiors with bright accents. Get inspired!

Hot pink and red accents: a win-win option for neutral interiors

Purple accents give the interior an air of mystery

Green accents: create a feeling of freshness and lightness

Yellow accents: in black and white and gray interiors shine like light bulbs or sun rays

Blue accents: not so impressive, but calm, restrained, elegant

The article uses images from the photo bank.

Red scarf, green pants, orange handbag, blue beret, yellow shoes and violet blouse. What is this set of things associated with? Maybe it's a parrot or Christmas tree? No, unfortunately, today most women look like this, confused in their desire to stand out through bright accents in clothing. And if for some, even the most insignificant bright detail in an image is a whole challenge, then for others, the excessive use of bright color is a way of life.

To avoid looking like the brightest parrot in the world, you need to remember simple rules appropriate bright accents in clothing.

"Accent color"

If the soul asks for something bright and rich in clothing, then this element should be of the purest color. You could even say perfectly pure color. Well, green won’t look like a bright accent if it’s a swamp shade. Or blue if it's the color of a dirty puddle. Therefore, you need to choose exclusively pure colors.

“Quantity does not mean quality”

How many bright accents are appropriate in clothing? One. Not two, not three, but just one. You cannot focus on everything at the same time, only on one detail. Be it a scarf, a massive necklace, a bag or shoes.


If the desire to wear several colorful things at the same time is incredibly strong, then you should remember a simple rule: the shades of these clothes should be overlapping, that is, from the same color range, in which case the whole image will look harmonious.

"Black is the brightest color"

The perfect combination of bright accents will look with black. Black, on its own, bright shade, no matter how contradictory it may sound. All bright colors they look perfect with it, the same crimson, sky blue, orange. Combining bright accents with black is a sign of good taste.

"Fashion Reception"

Most fashion trend today are bright accessories. In order not to overload the image with flashy things, designers recommend using such a technique as bright little things. This could be a necklace, bracelet, earrings, bag or shoes. One such thing will perfectly dilute the calm shades of clothing and look harmonious overall.

Neglecting these rules most often leads to negative consequences. The use of excessive brightness can not only add age, but also “wonderfully” highlight all the imperfections of the figure. Therefore, when choosing bright accents, you need to ensure that the image does not look overloaded. Let it be just one thing, but one with which appearance its owner will be impeccable.