How to activate a money tree. How to grow a money tree to bring in money

No, we are not talking about a magic field from a fairy tale, but about how to plant correctly Money Tree so that there is money in the house. Probably everyone has seen this indoor plant. It is called Crassula or, scientifically speaking, Crassula.

The plant received both of its names (“money tree” and “tostsyanka”) for its fleshy, rounded leaves that resemble coins.
It is believed that the plant not only brings wealth to its owner, but also generally improves the situation in the house. It is unpretentious special care It doesn’t require it, but you can’t just buy it and bring it into the house. The tree will be useless.

Growing money on the windowsill

In general, it is believed that any plant will take root from someone who stole or bought a small sprout and grew it. Crassula is no exception here. It propagates well from cuttings. In adult plants one can even observe aerial roots in some parts of the trunk.

For cutting, choose a stem that is not very thick, otherwise you can seriously damage the plant. Place the cutting in water so that it takes root, but the mother plant at the cut site should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal or ash.

After the cutting has given good roots, you need to prepare for landing. In order for the fat woman to help improve the well-being of the owner, several rules must be followed.

Step one

The pot should be green or black. Since your plant is still small, but root system and for an adult it is not too large, then you should not take a bulky pot, 12-15 cm in height is quite enough. In terms of width, you should also not take a very wide one; a diameter of 8-12 cm will be sufficient.

Step two

An even number of coins are placed on the bottom of the pot; exactly how many depends on the diameter of the bottom. Usually this is 6-8 pieces. The denomination and currency affiliation do not matter. You need to put the coins with the numbers down. Then drainage and soil are poured on top. The planting depth of the shoot depends on its size. Usually they do not plant deeper than 6 cm. But you shouldn’t take less than 4 cm - the plant may sit unsteadily in the ground.

Step three

Plants are planted only during the growth phase of the Moon, and during the planting process you must recite any money-raising spell you know three times. After planting, tie a red ribbon or thread to the trunk of the plant. This will enhance the energy of the money tree.

For the ceremony to be successful, you need to know not only how to plant a money tree correctly so that there is money in the house, but also how to properly care for it. At improper care any plant can die, even one as unpretentious as a fat plant.

Crassula comes from the African continent. She likes a lot of sun and not too much watering. That's why the best place for the fat woman in the house - this is the window sill of the south-eastern or southern window. By the way, the energy of financial well-being also lives there, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui. Watering for it in summer should be moderate. The earthen ball should not be over-moistened or dried out; it should be slightly moist. In winter, the fat plant is watered very rarely. Once a month, and sometimes every 2 months.

Despite its love for the sun, the money tree must be protected from direct sunlight. They can burn the leaves of the plant. Therefore, in the summer sun, it is better to cover the window with the fat plant with gauze - it will disperse the sun’s rays.

The fat woman does not tolerate proximity to cacti of any kind. It is believed that cacti are the guardians of the house; they do not let any foreign energy through the window. Therefore, a conflict arises - the fat woman attracts energy, but the cacti do not allow it. Conflicting plants should be kept on different windowsills. And do not forget to turn the fat plant towards the sun from time to time so that it does not grow in one direction.

Video: How to plant a money tree correctly: so that there is money in the house

Like these ones simple rules how to properly plant and grow a money tree at home so that it contains money. How better for the plant lives, and the fleshier its leaves are, the better the owner will do financially. By the way, the fat woman is also flowering plant. If you take good care of it for at least 15 years, then you will be lucky enough to see this. It blooms in small inflorescences of white or purple flowers on long stalks.

Many of you have heard about the money tree. This is not a myth, such a plant really exists, and it will help increase your income in 2016. Money, however, will not grow on it, but you can get the energy to attract financial success. The main thing is to plant it correctly.

A little truth about the money tree

If you believe the observations of experts, we can say that the opinions of people who grow the money tree and believe in its properties are divided. The first claim that the tree really helps to increase income and good luck in business, at work and even in art. The second camp of those who plant such a tree is of the opinion that this plant has slightly different properties. According to them, it shows what your financial situation will be in the future. If the tree is in good condition, then this speaks of stability and good luck, but if it is dry and lethargic, then you should not expect financial growth.

The second point of view, regarding predictions, raises questions from skeptics, since the condition of the tree also depends on its care. But there is definitely no doubt that it brings good luck to the owner, especially if it blooms.

How to plant to get rich

Rule one. To plant a tree correctly, you need to buy a seedling, and not take a ready-made adult specimen. Never take mature plant, because someone has already raised it for you. It has someone else’s energy, and therefore from its side you will only get an aesthetic effect - decorative flower. This is one of the main rules.

Rule two. It is necessary to plant a tree during the growth of the Moon. Now, until December 25, the Moon is just growing. Therefore, you still have time in the outgoing year to take care of your well-being by planting such a tree.

Rule three. The greatest effect is achieved if you plant the plant before the New Year. IN in this case you will provide yourself with much greater luck throughout 2016.

To the bottom flower pot You can put either one or many coins of different denominations. You can also insert bills between the branches. Some knowledgeable people It is advised to read the plot: “My money is growing - not somewhere there, but here. Tree, live and bring money.”

In Eastern culture, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, it is customary to hang red ribbons and decorations in the form of crystals on a tree to reflect negative energy. They need to be changed periodically, and the crystals need to be washed. The tree should grow on the south-eastern side of the home, because it is this sector that is responsible for well-being. If there are no windows in this sector, then you don’t need to immediately expect losses and financial problems, just place it next to another window. After all, if it feels bad, it is unlikely to have a positive effect on the energy at home.

Now you know how to plant a money tree to get rich or improve your financial condition in 2016. Treat this plant with respect, grow it with love and remember to press the buttons and

12.12.2015 01:00

Crassula is called a money tree. Many people associate this houseplant with profit and financial...

Crassula tree - very beautiful plant with fleshy green leaves that look so much like coins, but for most it is still important to know how to plant a money tree not only to decorate your own home, but to attract flows of financial well-being. If you believe in the signs of the teaching, then you can use this tool, one of the main and most powerful, but if not, then just decorate your apartment with a new, very nice and unpretentious tenant.

How to plant a money tree correctly

Like any other plant, you can buy Crassula ( Latin name Crassula) in a florist shop, but this method is not very well suited for our main goal - how to plant a money tree to improve your well-being. For Feng Shui, energy flows are generally very important, it is built on their interactions, strengthening and weakening, so real specialists think through every little detail, right down to. So, it is believed that a plant can only benefit the one who planted it and whose energy it absorbed. For this reason, you should not take it already mature tree, formed, with a beautiful crown, and start from the very beginning, with the germination of a shoot or one leaf. This path may be longer, but it will be the most correct from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Now some semi-criminal advice - look for a good plant somewhere, mature and healthy. They are often displayed in the corridors and halls of various organizations. You need to discreetly pinch off a shoot or leaf so that you can put it in water. It is the plant taken without asking, according to some inexplicable law, that will grow well with its new owner. This is one of the important nuances of the process, how to plant a money tree to bring in money.

Place the leaf you bring home in a glass of water for several days. You can also add to water special means germinators, but as practice shows, crassulas are very tenacious, so the roots will germinate in ordinary settled water. After a couple of days, when good roots appear, you can proceed directly to planting. In, how to plant a money tree in a pot there are also some nuances. From a purely floristic point of view, it is important to choose a pot that is not too large, so that it is easier for the plant to master it. But from the point of view of attracting wealth, not only the size, but also the color of the pot is important. It is believed that perfect colors, which will support the energy we need are red and brown, as well as gold and silver, like the shades directly inherent in coins. If you don’t find a pot or flowerpot of this shade, you can decorate it yourself.

As you can see, the little things are how to plant a money tree at home no, because by performing one or another sequence of actions, we are launching a program, primarily for ourselves, that soon an inevitable financial takeoff awaits us, and our new pet will also predict the future of our finances with its condition.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui

So, we have a pot ready, we have a sprouted leaf, now it’s time to find out how to plant a money tree according to feng shui. You need to prepare the soil for succulents; it is quite light and not too nutritious, the same as what they are used to in their natural environment a habitat. But before you fill in the soil or drainage layer, place one large coin in the bottom to activate the pot itself.

Since this is a fairly important part of the task, how to plant a money tree to make money, then let's talk about the coin in more detail. You can also use Chinese coins, which are bought in souvenir shops (they have a square hole in the middle), but real money is still important for the flow. Therefore, use the coin of the country in which you live or the coin in which you would like to receive your income.

The size of the pot imposes restrictions, since ideally there should be not one, but six such coins (the magic of numbers), but for a small pot this will be too many, so it is better to put one, but the largest denomination of all available. But if you want to know, how to plant a money tree from a scion, then you can take a larger pot and put those same six coins on the bottom. By the way, you can do this during transplantation, when your plant is already more mature.

When we considered what it should be, we talked about the sectors in which certain amplifiers should be placed. The Crassula is an ideal amplifier for the financial sector, which is located in the southeast. You can build a plan for the entire apartment, or you can find a place for a pot with a plant in any room, because we already know that how to plant a money tree to attract money there is nothing complicated.

The plant loves fresh air, so it can be placed on the windowsill, sprayed or washed with leaves. If you live in country house, then you can take it out to the veranda, ideally there should be a lot of wood, which helps enhance energy (we have already written) and light, but not direct rays, from which the leaves can dry out.

Before, how to plant a money tree at home, prepare a corner for him, in which, in addition to wooden things, there should also be details associated with the element of water. If it prevails and there are images of calm water hanging on the wall, this is good, but powerful waterfalls or giant waves are more likely to wash away the financial flow than to support it.

You can see, how to plant a money tree, video This process is available online, but the most important thing is to look after it, take care, even talk, giving it your energy. Then in the future, perhaps you will even see a rare flowering of Crassula, which promises an incredible financial boost.

Find out how to plant a money tree to attract money so that the energy of this house plant worked for your benefit.

Crassula, according to signs, attracts cash flows into the house, but for this you need to follow several rules.

Money tree, Crassula or Crassula has long been considered a plant that should be in every home. Its thick, fleshy leaves resemble large coins in appearance. Perhaps because of this similarity, Crassula began to be considered a money plant. However, only one proper carefor the plant is not enough to increase

t income. You should plant it correctly and speak to it, and then observe the ancient signs of wealth. Caring for the fat woman and treating it correctly from an esoteric point of view will help to establish a connection with the money egregor. People who follow the rules of this energy-informational entity are connected to it. Money signs , including signs about indoor plants

How to plant a money tree to attract money?

Consider the phase of the moon. Like your income in the future, it should grow.Crassula should not be planted on a waning moon, like any other plant - this is a bad omen.

The best day of the week to plant this plant is Wednesday.

Crassula does not release the energy of wealth on its own. She carries it through herself. Therefore, it is better to take a cutting of this plant from people whose income level makes you envious. They will not lose what they have, and the cash flows they open will go to your home too.

In order not to share your success, you need to separate the shoot yourself, without letting other people touch your plant. But, if there are no such people or they do not want to share the money tree, you can purchase a shoot. Do not take a mature plant if you need a money tree to attract money. We'll have to grow it from a shoot.

The magic of a money tree can be enhanced when planted using affirmations. Speak them only in the present tense, without the particle “not” - the Universe does not perceive it, as if it does not hear it.

You can say something like:

“I attract money, I become rich, my income grows.”

It is advisable that no one distracts you while planting a tree.

Spell for planting a money tree:

When planting a wealth tree, it is worth putting a few ordinary coins on gravel or expanded clay, which is placed at the very bottom of the flower pot. Coins must be of the same denomination.

They need to be laid out with the coat of arms facing up, saying a spell for each coin when planting a money tree:

Let a tree grow in the house and bring me a lot of money. I’ll hide the coin in damp earth, I’ll bring a big salary into the house. Rich people will give generous gifts, I will no longer feel caring about money. So be it! Yes, done three times! It's locked! Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, you can plant the plant and start watering, which can also be accompanied by a spell. The same spell for coins can be repeated every time you decide to place coins in a pot with a plant. But only on condition that they are hidden in the ground.

Spell for money tree when watering:

The money tree plot is read while watering the plant. This can be done immediately after planting. But at any other time you can charm the fat woman so that it brings profit.

While watering the plant, say:

,You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Amen."

Water for irrigation should be infused with silver or gold. For about three days it should be saturated with the energy of precious metals and profit. Iron coins are also suitable, but they are much weaker than gold and silver. Do not use jewelry to charge water; they contain the energy of the owner, which is not always positive.

Money tree for attracting money - signs and customs:

To the question of how to plant a money tree so that there is money in the house, they will answer folk signs, customs of Feng Shui teachings and other beliefs. Thus, the Chinese consider green, red and gold to be the colors of wealth.

In order to increase cash flow, you can choose a pot of one of these colors. You can tie a ribbon of one of these colors to an adult plant. The pot can be placed on a red tablecloth or napkin, under which lies a coin.

Chinese wealth coins will help strengthen the energy of the plant.

To do this, you need to bury a “treasure” in a flower pot, consisting of three coins. They should lie hieroglyphs up.

Feng Shui coins, lucky knots and other Chinese amulets of wealth can be hung on the plant - this will bring you profit. You can also take ordinary coins, which are in use where you live.

You can place a dragon figurine near an adult plant that consistently attracts capital. He will guard your wealth, protecting you from the evil eye and the machinations of enemies.

An owl will help fight spending, but will not make you a stingy person.

Chinese lanterns, candles and Feng Shui figurines can be placed near the fat woman, enhancing its energy.

Fiery money energy is not compatible with water. Keep the tree of wealth away from its sources.

If you have a fat plant and an indoor fountain or painting with a waterfall, place them away from each other. Water fights fire, and cash flows will be “extinguished” by the energy of water.

You should not place the fat plant near cacti.Signs about cacti say that they protect the house from energies that are not characteristic of it - they can also prevent the flow of money. Thorns and climbing flowers do not go well with Crassula and interfere with cash flow.

If you know about how to plant a money tree and attract money, this is not enough. You should also know about the traditions of placing plants and other objects in the house. The southeastern sector of a house or apartment is responsible for material wealth. The fat woman and other money symbols belong in this part of your home. But if there is a toilet or corridor there, place the plant where there is a lot of light - regardless of the cardinal directions.

The magical properties of the money tree appear only when the plant is cared for with pleasure. In a loving family, the fat woman helps increase income. If you don't like plants, and caring for them is a hassle rather than a pleasure, it is better to choose other witchcraft techniques.

You will have to talk to the tree of wealth, devote time and attention to it, and then your income will increase. Do not forget to wipe the dust from the sheets, it impedes the flow of monetary energy.

Crassula blooms extremely rarely; cool climates are not very suitable for it. But if it does bloom, this portends a significant profit. Of course, it blooms only with perfect care.

Only one person should take care of it - the money tree has a good memory and can establish contact with only one owner. Don't worry about not being able to go on vacation - this plant needs to be watered every few weeks.

In general, the fat woman can really help improve financial affairs. It is kept both in homes and in offices.

But in order for the tree of wealth to reveal its full potential, certain rules must be followed - mainly from the teachings of Feng Shui and eastern folklore. For greater effect, the plant can be charmed during watering and planting.

The money tree has long been considered a magnet for financial energy. For prosperity to come to your home, you need to plant the plant correctly.

Some plants attract happiness, love and prosperity. These include Crassula, or money tree. Experts on the site suggest everyone to grow a plant that will help get rid of financial problems. It is important to plant it yourself, and not to purchase a ready-made one that has already taken root.

It is best to “steal” the fat woman. A couple of leaves can be plucked from any plant, because they are often displayed in organizations. It is believed that sprouts taken from places related to finance are the best to bring money into the house: an accounting office, a bank, a store. Bring the leaves home and place them in a container of water until the plant takes root.

The landing rules are simple. First you need to prepare the soil mixture, then place drainage in the pot and throw in a couple of charmed coins. Say:

“Just as coins remain underground, giving strength to my tree, endowing it with the energy of wealth, so in my house the finances will not run out.”

You need to plant a money tree in the ground when the Moon is growing, saying:

“The tree fills with strength and takes root in the ground. Just as the roots cling to the coins, I won’t have problems with money.”

Water the tree with water infused with coins during the waxing moon, and also do not forget to feed it, say kind words and take care of it, wiping dust from the leaves. Encourage the Fat Woman to attract monetary energy into your home.

Next to the planted plant you can put symbols of wealth: a bill, a wallet, Chinese coins or a money toad. Crassula is able to bloom, and then you can expect big money luck. In this case, you can purchase a lottery ticket and charm it to win. Good luck and good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.10.2018 01:12

Most plants have strong energy and can not only recreate the atmosphere of nature in your home, ...

According to Feng Shui, wealth can be attracted to the home with the help of the money tree - the Crassula. This is an indoor...