How to grow a money tree so that money can be found. Money tree - wealth according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui, wealth can be attracted to the home with the help of the money tree - the Crassula. This indoor plant activates the energy of success and promotes enrichment. In order for the fat woman to help you in solving money issues, you must follow several important rules.

Feng Shui experts recommend taking a small sprout of a money tree from the home of successful and rich people, then the plant will be initially charged with the energy of money. This will significantly increase your chances of getting rich. If you don’t have such friends, you can buy a tree at a flower shop. It's better to choose young plant. This way you can establish a close energetic connection with him.

It is better to transplant the fat plant into a new beautiful green or red pot. Green is the color of growth and development. Red – symbolizes activity and determination. To attract money, use one little trick: when replanting a plant, put a coin in the pot and bury it in the ground. The money will give the fat woman additional strength. Coins can be hung on the leaves of the plant. This should be done when it becomes strong enough. In this case, it is better to use Chinese coins, which can be purchased at any Feng Shui store.

Caring for a money tree is not at all difficult. It needs to be watered about twice a week. This plant is unpretentious; it rarely dies from lack of water or fertilizer. If Money Tree begins to fade, then expect financial problems. In the case when the fat woman is actively growing and getting stronger, your financial situation will improve.

Although the money tree does not require special care, you should still pay attention to it. In order to attract money with the help of this plant, you need to talk to it as often as possible, thank it for success and profit. The money tree will feed on your positive emotions and kind words, thereby processing them into the energy necessary for financial prosperity.

Sometimes the money tree does not bring the desired result. This happens when it is not in the right place. Where to put the fat woman? Feng Shui experts advise keeping this plant in the southeast part of the house. This is where the zone of wealth and money energy is located.

Many feng shui adherents make their own money tree from wire, beads, ribbons and other similar materials. This artificial plant will also radiate the energy of wealth. Usually the money tree is decorated with Chinese coins, cinnamon and red ribbons. By creating this plant with his own hands, a person puts his soul and positive thoughts into it, which charges the talisman with powerful energy. And although this plant is not living, it also requires care. Wipe him often, tell him about your desires, boast about your achievements and dream of new heights of financial growth next to him.

A money tree will be able to attract money into your home only if you believe in its power, follow all the rules of care and start talking about money next to it with a positive intonation in your voice. The tree will grow, and with each new leaf your financial situation will improve. Don't stop caring for your fat cat even when it gets big. And to attract money luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

House and apartment design » Feng Shui» How to plant a money tree to make money?

Crassula tree - very beautiful plant with fleshy green leaves that look so much like coins, but for most it is still important to know how to plant a money tree not only to decorate your own home, but to attract flows of financial well-being. If you believe in the signs of Feng Shui teachings for money, then you can use this tool, one of the main and most powerful, but if not, then just decorate your apartment with a new, very nice and unpretentious tenant.

How to plant a money tree correctly

Like any other plant, you can buy Crassula ( Latin name Crassula) in a florist shop, but this method is not very well suited for our main goal - how to plant a money tree to improve your well-being. For Feng Shui, energy flows are generally very important, it is built on their interactions, strengthening and weakening, so real specialists think through every little detail, right down to the types of finishes kitchen apron. So, it is believed that a plant can only benefit the one who planted it and whose energy it absorbed. For this reason, you should not take it already mature tree, formed, with a beautiful crown, and start from the very beginning, with the germination of a shoot or one leaf. This path may be longer, but it will be the most correct from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Now some semi-criminal advice - look for a good plant somewhere, mature and healthy. They are often displayed in the corridors and halls of various organizations. You need to discreetly pinch off a shoot or leaf so that you can put it in water. It is the plant taken without demand that, according to some inexplicable law, will grow well with its new owner. This is one of the important nuances of the process, how to plant a money tree to bring in money.

Place the leaf you bring home in a glass of water for several days. You can also add to water special means germinators, but as practice shows, fat plants are very tenacious, so the roots will germinate in ordinary settled water. In a couple of days, when they appear good roots, you can proceed directly to disembarkation. In, how to plant a money tree in a pot It also has its own nuances. From a purely floristic point of view, it is important to choose a pot that is not too large, so that it is easier for the plant to master it. But from the point of view of attracting wealth, not only the size, but also the color of the pot is important. It is believed that perfect colors, which will support the energy we need are red and brown, as well as gold and silver, like the shades directly inherent in coins. If you don’t find a pot or flowerpot of this shade, you can decorate it yourself.

As you can see, the little things are how to plant a money tree at home no, because by performing one or another sequence of actions, we are launching a program, primarily for ourselves, that soon an inevitable financial takeoff awaits us, and our new pet will also predict the future of our finances with its condition.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui

So, we have a pot ready, we have a sprouted leaf, now it’s time to find out how to plant a money tree according to feng shui. You need to prepare the soil for succulents; it is quite light and not too nutritious, the same as what they are used to in their natural environment a habitat. But before you fill in the soil or drainage layer, place one large coin in the bottom to activate the pot itself.

Since this is a fairly important part of the task, how to plant a money tree to make money, then let's talk about the coin in more detail. You can also use Chinese coins, which are bought in souvenir shops (they have a square hole in the middle), but real money is still important for the flow. Therefore, use the coin of the country in which you live or the coin in which you would like to receive your income.

The size of the pot imposes restrictions, since ideally there should be not one, but six such coins (the magic of numbers), but for a small pot this will be too many, so it is better to put one, but the largest denomination of all available. But if you want to know, how to plant a money tree from a scion, then you can take a larger pot and put those same six coins on the bottom. By the way, you can do this during transplantation, when your plant is already more mature.

When we considered what an apartment should be like in the Feng Shui style, we talked about the sectors in which certain amplifiers should be placed. The Crassula is an ideal amplifier for the financial sector, which is located in the southeast. You can build a plan for the entire apartment, or you can find a place for a pot with a plant in any room, because we already know that how to plant a money tree to attract money there is nothing complicated.

The plant loves fresh air, so it can be placed on the windowsill, sprayed or washed with leaves. If you live in country house, then you can take it out to the veranda; ideally, there should be a lot of wood there, which helps enhance energy (we have already written about how to build a veranda at the dacha with your own hands) and light, but not direct rays, which can cause the leaves to dry out.

Before, how to plant a money tree at home, prepare a corner for him, in which, in addition to wooden things, there should also be details associated with the element of water. If sea ​​style In your house, images of calm water surfaces dominate and hang on the wall - this is good, but powerful waterfalls or giant waves are more likely to wash away the financial flow than to support it.

You can see, how to plant a money tree, video This process is available online, but the most important thing is to look after it, take care, even talk, giving it your energy. Then in the future, perhaps you will even see a rare flowering of Crassula, which promises an incredible financial boost.

In order for your family’s material well-being to improve, you need to learn to treat money with love and understand its value. It is believed that the Feng Shui money tree attracts finances into the home and helps residents gain financial independence. We will tell you how to correctly activate a money symbol in the article.

Tree meaning

One of the most popular money symbols is the Crassula. They began to call it money for a reason appearance leaves that resemble real coins. People try to grow it at home. She does not require careful care. It is enough to create conditions good lighting and water from time to time.

It is believed that the Feng Shui money tree should be purchased. But, some Feng Shui experts say that you need to steal a piece of the plant from your friends. In this case, financial well-being will definitely settle in your home.

Landing Features

In order for the fat plant to help you increase your wealth, its planting must be done with your own hands. The landing principle itself is not complicated, so it should not cause any problems:

  1. First of all, you should take a sprout from an adult plant.
  2. Now you need to wait until the sprout takes root. To do this, it is placed in water for 2-4 days.
  3. Choose only wide pots to plant the plant. According to Feng Shui, preference should be given to pots that are characterized by a metallic or earth color. That is, choose only brown, black, silver or gold containers.
  4. At the bottom of the pot you need to place 6 coins of the country in which you live. This will awaken everything magical properties plants.
  5. Do not use soil from your garden plot. Feng Shui experts are convinced that you need to plant the plant only in special purchased soil (you can use soil for cacti).
  6. Make a shallow hole in the ground and place the sprouted sprout there. Sprinkle with soil and compact.

Planting a plant correctly is only half the battle. Pay attention to the growth of the bush. As soon as it begins to grow out of the pot, it must be replanted immediately. Otherwise, he will die. When replanting, you need to choose a larger container and carefully plant it in it. mature plant. Such actions can be carried out with your own hands, at home.

Selecting a location

According to Feng Shui, the money sector is located in the east-south part of your home. If you don't know where exactly it is, then use a geographic compass. According to Feng Shui, it is best to place a money tree in a place where most of the sun falls, because the plant needs good lighting.

Design of the selected sector

After you have found where to put the money tree according to Feng Shui, you should decorate the interior according to all the rules.

First of all, you need to take care of cleaning. The wealth sector should not contain unnecessary old things, because they will block positive energy plants.

You also need to adhere to a certain color range rooms. Podoylut light pastel shades(blue, purple or green).

The talisman should be placed on a stand or in a wooden pot. Water will enhance the flow of energy from the symbol, so you can install an aquarium or a small fountain indoors.

The room must be regularly ventilated so that the wind periodically blows on the plant. Feng Shui practice states that the vibrations of leaves from the wind will spread the energy of financial well-being throughout the entire perimeter of your home.

From this article you will learn about what a money tree is, how to plant it correctly so that you can make money, we will also tell you.

Money tree: What kind of plant is this?

  • Let us immediately note that this is far from a fairy-tale tree, which is difficult to obtain. No, it is in almost every home, and you can buy it in any flower shop. This is popularly called the money tree, but scientifically it is called Crassula or Crassula.
  • Appearance Crassula resembles a tree with green coins. This is because the leaves of this indoor plant They are fleshy and have a round shape. They are about the size of a coin, sometimes a little larger.

How to plant a money tree correctly?

“I’m putting you, Mother Fatty, in the cheese of a little earthling. Bring me some money, and let my pockets always be full!”

  • When you plant your tree, tie a red ribbon or thread onto its branches. It is believed that in this way the Fat Woman will attract even more money to her owner.
  • You need to place the pot with the money plant on the south window. It loves when the sun shines on it.
  • Do not place the Crassula in the same window as the cactus, because they are enemies. Cacti do not allow any foreign energy into the house, but Crassula, on the contrary, attracts the energy of money to its owner through the window.
  • You can also read prayers.

Tree care: In what soil should I plant and how often should I water Crassula?

  • First of all, it’s worth talking about the land. It can be completely ordinary, straight from the garden. This unpretentious plant and does not require special care, and it does not need a lot of minerals in the soil.
  • You can water Crassula in winter no more than once a month. You can even water it once every two months. In summer, watering is carried out according to the condition of the soil. You should not overly moisten the soil, but it is also dangerous to overdry it.

How to prayon a money tree so that money can flow?

  • If you want the energy of the money tree to be stronger and for it to attract a lot of money to you, then pray for it every day.
  • The words of the prayer will be:

“Lord Almighty, fill my tree with the miraculous power. Let it bring me wealth. Don’t think, I will not forget to help the poor and do charity work when I become a rich man. Help me, I pray and wait. Amen!”

  • You can also talk about financial well-being.

Here is such an unusual money tree, you now know how to plant it correctly to make money.

Before growing a plant such as crassula at home, many people wonder how to plant a money tree correctly?

What soil composition is needed for Crassula?

If you want to prepare the substrate yourself, the soil for the money tree should include 3 measures of sand, and 2 peat and leaf soil. To ensure good breathability, you can add disintegrants such as vermiculite and perlite.

ATTENTION! Crassula does not tolerate dense, poorly drained soil in which moisture constantly stagnates.

Learn more about how to plant a Money Tree in the video below:

How to grow a money tree correctly?

Crassula is a very unpretentious plant, not requiring anything special.

However, by following certain rules, you can achieve good development and flowering of the tree.

How often to water?

ATTENTION! Overwatering a plant is much more dangerous than underwatering it. Excess moisture will lead to the death of the Crassula.

How to water a Money Tree in the summer at home?

In summer, watering is required as the soil dries out, but no more than 1-2 times a week. If you suddenly forgot to water the tree, it’s okay - it tolerates drought perfectly.

In winter there is no need to water at all, especially if you keep Crassula in a cool room. You can lightly moisten the lump of earth at intervals of 30-40 days. If you overwater the plant, you may end up with root rot.

Where to place the pot?

Crassula loves light very much, but direct rays of the sun can cause burns on the leaves. Therefore, shading is required during the daytime.

You can place the Crassula directly on the windowsill on the east and west sides or slightly away from the south window.

Placement in the shade for example, on a north window, it will cause strong stretching of the stems.

According to Feng Shui, the money tree should be located in the south-eastern part of the house, to bring material abundance.

In winter, a period of rest should be ensured by lowering the temperature up to 8-13 degrees. Otherwise, the Crassula will begin to stretch out due to lack of light.