The most useful and unpretentious indoor plants. How to choose indoor flowers that do not require special care

Today we’ll talk about our favorite and popular indoor plants.

Indoor plants are grown to decorate the interior, refresh, purify indoor air and as an alternative to live pets, because some people care for plants like children.

Without flowers in pots, mini bushes, exotic palm trees, orchids, containers with summer flowering seedlings on balconies, would you agree that our life would be much more boring and grey?

Besides the fact that flowers at home are beautiful and cute, there is another aspect - status - expensive, original plants V big houses, apartments, cottages - they greatly refine, stylize, and increase the cost of the interior.

Among the palms and trees, the most popular are: Yucca, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Monstera, Ficus.


“Yucca (lat. Yúcca) is a genus of tree-like evergreen plants of the Agave family (Agavaceae). Previously, this genus was included in the subfamily Dracaenoideae of the Liliaceae family, and later began to be included in the Agave family (Agavaceae). According to modern concepts, the Yucca genus belongs to the Asparagaceae family.”

Pictured is Yucca

Yucca aloifolia most often lives in our apartments - this is a decorative and miniature species of these plants. Yucca non-ornamental grows mainly in hot countries - in the southern United States, Mexico and Central America.


“Dieffenbachia (lat. Dieffenbachia) is a genus of evergreen plants of the Araceae family, common in the tropics of South and North America.”

Dieffenbachia in the photo

A plant with large oval leaves, a green stem, can reach a height of 2-3 meters, rarely blooms under artificial conditions. The juice of the leaves is poisonous, causing dermatitis, burns of the throat and skin. You need to use gloves when handling the plant and keep it away from children.


“Dracaena (lat. Dracāena) is a genus of plants of the Asparagus family, trees or succulent shrubs. The number of species, according to various sources, is from forty to one hundred and fifty. Most species are native to Africa, a few to southern Asia, and one to tropical Central America."

Pictured is Dracaena

Like yucca from the asparagus family. Looks like yucca.

Several varieties of dracaena are grown at home. A worthy plant that harmoniously brightens up the interior.

Monstera (Philodendron)

“Monstera (lat. Monstéra) - large tropical plants, lianas; genus of the family Araceae."

Pictured is Monstera

In no decorative version distributed in hot countries - in the tropical rainforests of the equatorial zone of America, parts of Brazil, and Mexico.

A liana with huge “holey” leaves is a beautiful plant if taken care of well. There are versions that it absorbs negative energy, emits at night carbon dioxide, so you can’t put it in the bedroom.


“Ficus (lat. Ficus) is a genus of plants of the Mulberry family (Moraceae), which forms the monotypic tribe Ficus (Ficeae). Most species are evergreen, some are deciduous.”

There are only about 840 types of ficus, some of them are decorative and can be grown at home.

The most popular domestic species: Ficus rubber, Ficus dwarf, Ficus benjamina.

Each species has many more varieties and varieties.

Ficus benjamina. Usually a small tree with pointed, oblong, glossy leaves. At home, with good care, such a plant grows up to 2-3 meters in height.

In the photo Ficus benjamina

About ficus Benjanimin varieties: “There are many varieties with leaves different sizes, colors and shapes. The most popular among Russian flower growers: Danielle, Exotica, Monique, Barok, variegated Starlight and Reginald, small-leaved Natasja, Kinky, Wiandi. Dwarf varieties used for bonsai."

At auctions (on the Internet for example) you can buy such a flower for 400-1000 rubles.

Ficus rubbery- a tree with large, dense, pointed-oval, smooth, glossy leaves 20-30 cm long and 10-20 wide.

In the photo, Ficus rubbery

“The most famous ornamental varieties:

Ficus elastica ‘Decora’ - with bronze young leaves;

Ficus elastica ‘Doescheri’ - withvariegatedleaves«.

"Ficus benjamina is the symbol tree of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand." It’s hard to imagine, but these green trees are relatives of fig trees, growing in warm countries; fig trees, or fig trees, grow berries such as figs. Figs are very sweet and healthy berries, we sell them in dried form. Sometimes decorative ficus trees also bear fruit, somewhat similar to figs.

There is even experience when ficus was grown from the seeds of figs purchased at the market, you just need to be patient and take very good care of it, although according to reviews from those who grew such a miracle, it is very unpretentious, and after sprouting it quickly gains growth. Small fig tree Quite a fashionable house plant.

Among the succulent indoor plants and cacti, the most popular are: Crassula, Aloe, Kalanchoe, Cacti, Sansevieria, Euphorbia.

Crassula (or money tree)

“Crassula (lat. Crássula) is a genus of succulent plants of the Crassula family. Includes between 300 and 350 species, of which more than two hundred are native to South Africa; a significant number of species are distributed in Tropical Africa and Madagascar, several species are found in southern Arabia.

Many species are used in indoor floriculture; houseplants this kind of round leaves, which look like coins, are sometimes called “money trees.”

In the photo there is a fat woman

It grows quite slowly, a compact tree with a dense, delicate trunk and fleshy, oval, coin-shaped leaves. The leaves contain a lot of arsenic, so it is dangerous to eat them; you need to keep the plant away from children.

With good care it can bloom, but it does not bloom very impressively.


“Aloe (Latin Áloë) is a genus of succulent plants of the subfamily Asphodelaceae of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family, containing more than 500 species, common in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.”

In the photo Aloe arboreal

In the decorative version, the most popular species are Aloe tree and Aloe aristata. Aloe is a very useful flower. Its juice heals wounds and helps with a runny nose. Raw materials are widely used in medicine for the manufacture of drugs.


“Kalanchoe, also Kalanchoe (lat. Kalanchoë) is a genus of succulent plants of the Crassulaceae family. More than two hundred species are known, growing in tropical and southern Africa, South and Southeast Asia and the tropics of South America.”

Pictured is Kalanchoe

The photo shows flowering species of Kalanchoe

It is also a very healthy flower; the juice has healing properties. On each leaf, “babies” are “born” to collapse: small plants with roots, you just need to plant them in the ground and the finished plant will be ready in a couple of months. An ordinary Kalanchoe is a rather inexpressive plant; all its strength lies in its healing properties. But the blooming varieties are very beautiful, bright, and expressive.


“Cactaceae, or Cacti (lat. Cactaceae) - a family of perennial flowering plants of the order Cloves.”

Among the cacti there are very interesting and unusual representatives, they bloom very beautifully. There are versions that cacti absorb radiation, thereby protecting people from it; it is recommended to place the plant near a computer monitor and radiation sources.


Several types of milkweed are grown at home: for example, plump or plump milkweed Euphorbia obesa, beautiful spurge Euphorbia pulcherrima or poinsettia (Star of Bethlehem), white-veined spurge Euphorbia leuconeura, Mil's spurge Euphorbia mili, triangular spurge Euphorbia trigona, large-horned spurge Euphorbia grandicornis, etc. .d.

In the photo, white-veined spurge

White-veined spurge is the most common spurge in Russian homes. It is poisonous; the juice must not come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, much less fall into the hands of children.

Sansevieria (pike tail)

“Sansevieria (sansevieria, sansevieria, pike tail) is a genus of stemless evergreen perennial herbaceous plants family Asparagus. Plants of this genus are found in dry, rocky regions of tropical and subtropical Africa, Madagascar, India, Indonesia and South Florida.”

In the photo there is a “pike tail”

Pike tail, as it is popularly called this plant, a very popular, unpretentious, inexpensive, easily propagated flower. There are several varieties of Sansevieria - spotted, miniature, rose-shaped, long feathers.

The leaves of this plant contain toxic substances - sapopins. Sansevieria is used to make ointments and medicines; for this, the raw materials are processed, which neutralizes the toxicity.


“Spathiphyllum, or Spathiphyllum (lat. Spathiphyllum) is a genus of perennial evergreen plants of the Araceae family, some representatives are popular indoor plants.”

In the photo Spathiphyllum

Inexpensive, pretty flower, without a stem, “a bunch of leaves from the ground.” Blooms with good care. It can be a very voluminous, lush flower, standing on the floor in large pots.

African violet (or Saintpaulia)

“Saintpaulia (lat. Saintpaulia) is a genus of beautifully flowering herbaceous plants of the Gesneriaceae family. One of the most common indoor plants; Also known in floriculture as Uzambara violet. IN natural conditions grows in the mountainous regions of East Africa."

This is a favorite home flower many gardeners of all ages, a compact, cute plant with bright and beautiful flowers. Violet is quite whimsical - from my personal experience and from the experience of friends. However, as comments from lovers of these flowers on the Internet say, caring for these plants is simple, but you need to follow a number of rules:

“And I have about two hundred of them... There are no special problems. I water it at the root, feed it once a month, and illuminate it with lamps in winter.”

“I have a lot of violets, they are not whimsical, the only thing you need to water is in a tray, in the winter once a week, in the summer twice a week, and so that they stand on the sunny side, I have them on the window in the kitchen - the sun is there in the second half days - they bloom 10 months a year.”

“The 2 main conditions are not to overfill and do not place in direct sunlight. I water mine once a week.”

Violet propagates conveniently: a leaf placed in water produces roots.


“Gloxinia (lat. Gloxinia) is a genus of plants of the Gesneriaceae family. Named after the German or Alsatian botanist and physician Benjamin Peter Gloksin (1765-1794)."

As we see, violet (Saintpaulia and gloxinia) are from the same genus of plants of the Gesneriaceae family. Gloxinia is very similar to violet, has a different leaf shape, larger flowers, sometimes in the shape of bells. It is propagated by tubers and cuttings, seeds.


“Anthurium (lat. Anthúrium) is a genus of evergreen plants of the Araceae family (Araceae).

Perhaps the most numerous genus of its family, modern sources number more than 900, other (older) about 500 species.

The Latin name of the genus is derived from the ancient Greek words meaning “flower” and “tail.”

In the photo Anthurium

In the photo Anthurium with blue flowers

Anthurium is similar to Spathiphyllum, but with red flowers - as we see they are one genus of evergreen plants of the Araceae family. An unusual, beautiful plant.

Schlumberger (or Decembrist)

“Schlumbergera (lat. Schlumbergera) is a genus of epiphytic cacti common in the tropical forests of southeastern Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro, at an altitude of 900-2800 m. Introduced to Europe by the collector Allan Cunningham around 1816.”

In the photo the Decembrist is in bloom

We call this flower the Decembrist. Despite the fact that experts do not classify it as a capricious plant, according to the experience of many of my friends, it is quite sensitive to any adverse effects. It got its name because it blooms in winter, in December.

Except for winter time, against the background of other flowers, it is gray and inconspicuous, but during flowering the whole attitude towards it is revealed: if there was good care- the Decembrist will bloom profusely, with beautiful buds, if the care was poor - one or two pale flowers will come out.


“Camellia (lat. Camellia) is an evergreen plant of the Tea family (Theaceae). The most famous species is Camellia sinensis (Camellia sinensis, or Tea, or Tea bush), from the leaves of which raw materials for making tea are obtained. Many types of camellia are used in ornamental gardening."

Indoor camellia - beautiful plant, especially in bloom. Capricious. Cannot be moved from place to place.


It is impossible to imagine an old grandmother’s house in the village without geranium; its smell, which causes either a headache or a slight gloom, is inseparable from the memories of parents and grandmothers for many.

In the photo there is a geranium


“Azalea (lat. Azalea) is the collective name of some beautiful flowering species plants from the genus Rhododendron.

In the photo is an azalea

All rhododendrons are very beautiful, azalea, of course, stands out against the background of all indoor green pets, a miniature plant similar to rhododendron, rose, camellia. They are very picky, capricious, and often simply dry out with good care.

Judging by the statistics of flower purchases at auctions and queries in search engines, Russians are actively interested in houseplants.

As we see from history, many flowers came to us from subtropics, hot countries. Africa is one of the richest countries in potential house plants.

Among the house plants that are quite poisonous are: Euphorbia, Dieffenbachia, Crassula, spitting evergreen, Trichocereus cactus, Persian cyclamen, Dioscorea, autumn crocus, common oleander, common mite, clivia cinnabar, Japanese euonymus, aglaonema changeable, etc.

On the picture poisonous plants

As for superstitions and the fact that some flower brings happiness - of course, this is all “feng shui” in the Russian way, the money tree will not help you make money, and, given the poisonous nature of the plant, although not lethal, it will more likely harm than help. But there are such things as the impact on the atmosphere in the house, for example, monstera emits carbon dioxide at night, and it is better not to place it in the bedroom (also, do not forget that it is poisonous). Citrus fruits and conifers refresh and purify the air better than other plants.

And green pets with oval and round leaves have a more positive and softening effect on psychological condition people, relieve aggression due to the fact that the smooth forms of natural plants contribute to the adoption of balance. Likewise, plants with sharp lines are more likely to provoke impulsiveness and aggression, but, of course, all this is not clear-cut.

Russians also love and have the following plants at home:

Rose (indoor varieties)

Citrus fruits








Begonia Bauer tiger

There are indoor plants that cannot be kept at home - I would like to mention the photos and names of these flowers in this article. We all subconsciously strive for unity with nature, some have a summer cottage, and others, in the absence of it, strive to create a green corner in their apartment. Sometimes we are impressed by the beauty and bright colors of another flower, and we strive to purchase it as soon as possible in order to decorate our home.

When buying a flower, we don’t always think about the consequences and sometimes we start to feel unwell or our pets suddenly get sick. Among the inhabitants of the green world there are a lot of poisonous representatives, and sometimes the most beautiful of them turn out to be absolutely unsuitable for home keeping.

What indoor plants should you not keep at home? Of course, it is not possible to describe them all here, but I would like to focus on the most common ones - those whose attractive appearance we admire in the windows of flower shops. Some varieties contain toxic compounds and release poisons and harmful pollen into the atmosphere. Some flowers are not recommended to be planted where you sleep. If you have small children or inquisitive four-legged pets who want to try everything, you should be doubly careful and attentive when choosing home flowers.

What indoor plants should you not keep at home?

The simplest safety rules are to use garden or regular latex gloves when in contact with green residents. If you are pruning or removing branches and foliage, use a special knife. The tools you use in the kitchen should not come into contact with plants. Hands, as well as all cutting or auxiliary objects, should be thoroughly washed upon completion of maintenance work. Remember that individual flowers can actively release toxic substances during irrigation or watering.

Indoor poisonous plants - photos and names

Oleander is very beautiful when in flower, but its aroma can cause dizziness, nausea or even fainting. The juice of leaves and stems can cause allergies or burns to the skin. Do not allow oleander juice to come into contact with your eyes - the consequences can be very dire, including loss of vision.

Potted spurge looks very exotic, thanks to its large, rich green leaves. In fact, the Euphorbiaceae family has many varieties: some resemble cacti, others resemble miniature palms. Some species of milkweed have spines, the pricking of which poses a threat to the body, as they are very poisonous. The foliage and stems of milkweed contain juice, which, if it enters the esophagus, causes severe poisoning, and if it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, leads to burns and irritation.


Dieffenbachia attracts the eye with its large decorative leaves with a variegated pattern. Its milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes; upon contact with the skin it causes burns, redness, and itching. If it gets into the mouth or esophagus, it causes severe burns of the mucous membranes and poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, it is better not to get this plant!

Dieffenbachia, photo:


Alocasia is an ornamental foliage plant that is very poisonous. Any work with it should be carried out wearing protective gloves, and not only the juice, but even the fumes from the roots are poisonous. On all thematic forums, experienced flower growers strongly recommend using protection when transplanting alocasia. If you disturb the root (for example, cut it), you can smell a distinct cyanide odor, which is not recommended for even prolonged inhalation. If it comes into contact with the eyes, alocasia juice can cause loss of vision, even if a child or animal inadvertently licks a small drop of juice, long-term illness is guaranteed. All parts of alocasia are poisonous: they contain hydrocyanic acid, mercury, and sublimate.


Croton has very beautiful densely growing leaves; in appearance it resembles a small tree. It blooms very rarely at home, but is often purchased precisely because of its attractive foliage. Croton is also very poisonous; if under some circumstances its juice gets into the blood (through a wound or cut when working with it), then even death is possible. In case of contact with skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water several times.


Azalea is very loved by many gardeners, it is simply luxurious, the flowers have a wide palette of shades, and it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and andromedotoxin, which, when ingested by a person or animal, cause poisoning, nausea, and convulsions. The most poisonous is the Sims or Indian Azalea.


Evergreen ivy from the Araliaceae family is poisonous in its entirety - the berries, foliage, and stems can be fatal to humans and animals. This vine-like plant is very attractive to cats, and they suffer from it more than others. It also poses a serious danger to people.

Evergreen ivy, photo:

Ivy evergreen

Cyclamen is another pet with decorative flowers unusual shape. Its leaves look very attractive, but are also toxic. Particularly dangerous are cyclamen tubers, which contain a strong poison, similar in strength to the poison of curare. When ingested, it causes a sharp deterioration in health, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.


Adenium attracts flower growers with its exotic appearance, which is given to it by thick aerial roots. On top it is decorated with numerous flowers of bright colors, different forms. Adenium is very poisonous, its juice provokes poisoning and causes burns upon contact with the skin. It should be borne in mind that all its parts contain toxins; this plant is especially harmful for asthmatics. The milky juice of adenium is capable of penetrating into the blood through the skin, so think more than once before bringing it into your home.


Monstera can most often be found in offices and public institutions, but flower growers often place it in their homes. It looks very impressive, grows to impressive sizes, and has large carved leaves. Monstera juice is very toxic; if it comes in contact with the skin, it causes a burn. severe itching. If it gets into your eyes, it can significantly damage your vision. If a child or animal eats even a small part of the leaf, poisoning or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is inevitable.


Brovallia is very attractive, it is not for nothing that its full name is Brovallia the Beautiful. This small bush produces flowers in all shades of blue, lilac, and white. Alas, all parts of Brovallia are poisonous, so its contact with the skin or mucous membranes must be avoided. This flower attracts pets, but its juice is very dangerous for them.

Browallia, photo:


Aglaonema amazes with the beauty of its leaves; they are large, dense, with an incredible pattern of diversity. Despite the fact that it has a positive effect on the air in the apartment, cleans and disinfects it, it is still poisonous. The juice is the main danger to people and animals, although the berries are also toxic. If the flower is even slightly damaged (for example, a leaf is broken off or scratched during replanting), the juice will be released immediately. When performing any planting or care work with aglaonema, you should wear protective gloves.

Aglaonema, photo:


Primrose flowers have a wide range of shades, and the leaves also look cute - round, textured, covered with small fibers. Contact with these villi can cause a severe allergic reaction (burning, itching), and when primrose flowers bloom, dizziness and nausea can occur even in healthy, strong people (it secretes alkaloids). You should know that bright decorative primrose is poisonous, all its parts are toxic and pose a threat to your health.


Gloriosa is an exotic, truly luxurious specimen. Its unusual flowers are able to change their shade during flowering. This attractive representative is one of the most toxic among house plants; all its parts contain poison. If you have children or animals at home, you will have to give up having gloriosa. If it enters the body, it causes severe poisoning, including kidney failure.


Can indoor plants cause allergies? The answer will be positive - yes, they can. Representatives of the family Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae, Aroidaceae, and Cutroaceae pose a particular threat. You should handle them very carefully and think more than once before bringing them into your home. Kutrovye are the most dangerous, especially revered adenium, plumeria, carissa, dipladenia can cause significant harm the health of your loved ones and pets.


Remember that even pollen flying in the air can trigger an allergic attack. Almost all domestic flowers emit spores, essential oils, and pollen during flowering, and in particularly toxic varieties, all the released elements will also be by no means useful. Severe allergies can be caused by geranium and fern crops.

Don’t forget about protection if you decide to house one of them. Representatives of the aroid family also require increased attention and isolation from children and pets. Syngonium, a favorite of many, philodendron, contains poisonous components in its juice.


Be careful with euphorbia plants, each of them contains the toxin euphorin, which can cause allergies, skin inflammation, itching, and burns. Wash your hands with soap, use gloves, or better yet, replace them with safer green ones. The world of flowers is diverse and amazing; among the many options, you can always choose a favorite that will not only be safe for health, but also useful.

What indoor plants are good for the home?

Some of them have been known to many since childhood, such as aloe and Kalanchoe, which our mothers and grandmothers used to treat us for runny noses or colds. The plants listed below are home healers: they purify the air and can be used in recipes traditional medicine, they release components into the atmosphere that normalize the emotional background.

Indoor plants useful for the home

Lemon is very decorative - a small tree with bright fruits looks simply charming, plus it is very useful. I think everyone knows about the healing properties of lemon fruits, but its leaves are capable of releasing beneficial phytoncides and volatile essential oils. Where it stands lemon Tree You breathe easier, your mood improves, and your brain activity is activated.

Lemon with fruits

The well-known aloe is incredibly useful, has wide range applications in medicinal purposes. Aloe is undemanding to care, easily tolerates long breaks between waterings, and grows quickly. The juice and pulp of its leaves are a real immunomodulator for our body. Aloe has a powerful bactericidal, healing effect, is able to suppress the growth of cancer cells, and activates the vital forces of the body. The most common “medicinal” variety is tree aloe, but striped aloe and fearsome aloe are poisonous. Plants that are already 3 years old contain the most useful components.

Tree aloe (Aloe arborescens Miller) or agave
Aloe vera (A. vera L)

Pelargonium – close relative geraniums, they are often confused, although it is geranium that is more related to garden representatives, and pelargonium is closer to domestic ones. One way or another, most often all types of pelargonium are called geranium. This flower is very popular, which encourages breeders to develop many new varieties. You should be aware that some varieties of pelargonium can be poisonous! Therefore, for home breeding, choose safe varieties (hybrids, zonal pelargonium, large-flowered), which refresh, cleanse the atmosphere, and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Moths, mosquitoes, and flies really don’t like pelargonium and “flee” from the room where it is located. If we consider indoor plants and the signs associated with them, then pink pelargonium can be considered a magnet for love relationships. White pelargonium is recommended for those who dream of a child.

Pelargonium, photo:

Pelargonium (geranium)

Spathiphyllum is an elegant, sophisticated flower that brings happiness, helping women meet their love; it is popularly called “women’s happiness.” It purifies the air at home, suppresses harmful bacteria, and has a detrimental effect on mold spores, if such a problem exists. Spathiphyllum actively releases oxygen with the arrival of night. The genus Spathiphyllum is an indoor plant that brings love and family happiness.

Spathiphyllum, photo:


Nephrolepis is one of the most attractive house ferns; it also has air-purifying properties and “absorbs” radiation from a TV or computer. Nephrolepis releases oxygen and biologically active compounds, making it easier to breathe indoors and elevating your mood.

Nephrolepis, photo:


Kalanchoe is another home healer, which is called indoor ginseng or the tree of life. It is unpretentious, and with the onset of summer it is recommended to take it out into the fresh air more often. The scope of application (medicines based on it) of Kalanchoe is incredibly wide - dentistry, surgery, gynecology, etc. Kalanchoe has a hemostatic, wound-healing, anti-burn, antimicrobial, and antiviral effect.


Begonia is useful, namely a decorative leafy group of plants that saturate the atmosphere with phytoncides, moisturize the air, and protect it from dust. Please note that the Begonia Everbloom variety is toxic, as are its hybrids. Rest indoor begonias capable of suppressing staphylococcus and streptococcus bacilli, various chemical components of the air. Decorative foliage begonia species are indoor plants that purify the air.


Chlorophytum is unpretentious, grows and develops in any light, loves moisture. It also has powerful air-purifying properties, and if, when replanting, you add to its soil mixture Activated carbon, then the beneficial qualities of this green resident will only become stronger. This home flower is able to stop toxic emissions of combustion products. Types of chlorophytum, such as indoor cape, crested, variety "Bonnie", winged - these are the best air-purifying indoor flowers.

Chlorophytum, photo:


In addition to their medicinal and decorative qualities, many indoor flowers carry a certain energetic message, at least that’s what many people think. Numerous signs have come to us from time immemorial; believing them or not is our personal choice, but it’s worth paying attention to.

What indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom or nursery?

Your sleep, well-being and, finally, family relationships depend on the atmosphere in your bedroom. You should not place poisonous representatives in the bedroom - those that emit toxic spores into the air or provoke allergies.

Opt for chlorophytum, laurel, potted rosemary or lavender.

Geranium, camellias, spathiphyllum, begonia, Kalanchoe, aloe, and Uzambara violets purify the air and release oxygen. These indoor plants for the bedroom can really relieve stress after... working day, relieve insomnia, calm the nervous system.

But monstera, ferns, ficuses, strong-smelling lilies, gardenias, and oleanders should not be planted where you sleep.

have too much flower pots It is also not recommended in one room - in a humid environment (soil) all kinds of fungi grow faster.

If people suffer from asthma or allergies, then, of course, it is better not to place flowers in the bedroom at all.

Indoor plants for a children's room are the same phytoncides that release useful components, purify the air, and have a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses. For a nursery, it is better to choose unpretentious flowers that are resistant to “trauma” (tearing off leaves, breaking stems). Children, as you know, are fidgety creatures, so some complex or capricious flower is unlikely to take root if it becomes the object of close attention of young researchers.

Hibiscus, lemon, myrtle, chlorophyllum, mandarin, balsam, hippeastrum, eucalyptus, phalaenopsis are perfect for a children's room. These green inhabitants perfectly purify the air, produce oxygen, and fight toxins and all kinds of bacteria.

Waler's balsam Myrtle

Houseplants and signs associated with them

For some, green residents are a favorite hobby or just interior decor. However, along with this, many flower growers pay attention to signs and study the influence of flowers on our lives. A pet can easily become a kind of talisman, a guardian of happiness, a magnet for positive events. For example, you only have to look at oxalis to notice its incredible resemblance to four-leaf clover, an ancient, powerful symbol that attracts good luck.

Oxalis (Oxalis)

The same chlorophytum mentioned above is considered the patron saint of happy family life.

Strict calathea has long been considered the guardian of family relationships and contributed to a long, happy family life. By the way, if you provide her comfortable conditions, she will live an incredibly long time, decades.


Aichrizon, whose leaves are somewhat similar to hearts, is considered the “tree of love.”

Aichrizon - tree of love

The money tree (crassula) is a favorite “amulet” that promotes the accumulation of material wealth.

Crassula or money tree

Fragrant myrtle is often given as a wedding gift because it promotes family happiness, mutual understanding between spouses.

Incredibly beautiful hoya, which blooms with snow-white or pinkish “balls”, is recommended for placement in matrimonial bedrooms. This flower is the patron of lovers, helps to maintain fidelity, and gives mutual understanding to couples.


Beloved by many, violets are a symbol of comfort and home.


And spathiphyllum is generally the “happiest” flower (according to the majority). It is called “women’s happiness”; it helps single people to meet their happy destiny, married people - to strengthen existing relationships, the childless it gives the joy of motherhood, and those with many children - harmony, peace in the house, mutual understanding between loved ones. If spathiphyllum has bloomed in your home, then rest assured that happiness is already on the doorstep!

Spathiphyllum blooms

There are also indoor plants and the signs associated with them are not very positive - here it is definitely worth giving primacy to vines. If you keep climbing vines at home, the male sex will avoid the women or girls living in it.

Ivy, tradescantia, roisissus (birch), hanging zebra, campelia are the most active “husband-growers”.

Donated palm trees should also not be placed in an apartment.

The poor cacti got it - according to folk beliefs they encourage the residents of the house to drink. It is also not recommended for unmarried virgins to get involved in growing cacti.

Ferns, philodendrons, along with monstera, are considered absorbers of positive energy and vitality.

Geranium, yucca, neoregelia, sansevieria are also considered energy “vampires”.

Be that as it may, practice shows that those who take all negative prophecies to heart attract problems to themselves. He who seeks finds, says ancient wisdom. There are many happy families and successful destinies of people who keep ferns, ivy, and cacti in their homes. So grow your favorite flowers at home, enjoy life, but be on the lookout for poisonous representatives!

The choice of green pets directly depends on your preferences; follow safety measures when caring for them, protect any flowers from contact with animals or small children. Be careful about your choice; if you are in doubt, you can always consult an experienced florist or address your question to the appropriate flower forum.

In addition to external beauty, there are indoor plants that cannot be kept at home - I described the photos and names of the most frequently purchased representatives in this article. I hope this information will help you do right choice, create cozy interior, which will be aesthetically attractive and safe for you and your loved ones.

Many people who want to decorate their home with fresh flowers are stopped by the fact that such crops require a lot of attention. But there are unpretentious indoor plants that do not require special care, they are easy to grow, but at the same time they are highly decorative and will help refresh the interior of the house. Some unpretentious plants bloom all year round, even if you forget to water and feed them on time.

In this article you will find photos, names and descriptions of the best unpretentious indoor plants for the home. Using the advice from the article, you can choose best flower for home.

Characteristics of unpretentious indoor plants

Unpretentious indoor plants are popular for several reasons. Firstly, they tolerate irregular watering well, so you can safely leave them while you’re away. Secondly, most of them do not require intense lighting. In addition, they do not need additional humidification and tolerate dry apartment air well.

However, when choosing unpretentious indoor flowers, you still need to take into account some of their features and your personal preferences. You can choose species that bloom all year round, or hanging varieties that will beautifully complement the interior with their flexible hanging stems.

From the video you will learn what unpretentious indoor plants you can grow at home.

Unpretentious indoor flowers that bloom all year round

Unpretentious indoor flowers that bloom all year round are the dream of any housewife. They will refresh the interior with their bright buds, but you don’t need to spend a lot of time caring for them.

There are a lot of flowering unpretentious crops, and you can buy them at any flower shop. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium is one of the most common flowers for the home (Figure 1). Most varieties are intended for growing in the garden, but there are also a large number of species adapted for growing in a city apartment.

Note: Geranium has a pungent odor that repels insects and destroys bacteria in the air. But it's next to blooming geraniums long time not recommended as its aroma may cause headaches.

This flower loves light, but it cannot be placed on a southern windowsill due to the risk of burns on the leaves and buds.

Other geranium care features include:

  • Moderate watering: the flower does not like too much moisture, as excess moisture can cause rotting of the roots. In addition, in winter, when the geranium is dormant, watering is almost completely stopped.
  • The temperature should be room temperature, since this is the mode that is best suited for geraniums and provides it year-round flowering. The exceptions are December and January, when the flower is dormant.
  • Pruning is carried out rarely and only if the flower has grown greatly.

Figure 1. External features of indoor geranium

To propagate pelargonium, it is better to use the cutting method, but in some cases you can use the method of direct sowing of seeds in the ground

Begonia is also an unpretentious species with abundant flowering. If you provide her optimal care, new buds and inflorescences will form all year round (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Growing begonia at home

You can use any soil for begonias. In addition, they tolerate high and low temperatures normally, but they need good lighting for abundant flowering. In summer, the pots can be taken out to the balcony and left there overnight.

Impatiens has another name - “light” because of its large single flowers with characteristic spurs (Figure 3). When the balsam is covered with numerous inflorescences, its leaves are not visible, and this period lasts quite a long time (from June to October).

Figure 3. External features of indoor balsam

Impatiens loves good lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In addition, it loves warmth, but on hot days it needs to be misted boiled water room temperature. However, when growing balsam, you need to make sure that the pots are not too close to each other. Crowding can cause impatiens to drop their leaves prematurely.

Unpretentious indoor flowers living in the shade

In city apartments it is not always possible to provide lighting that is optimal for flower crops. If the windows of your apartment or house face mainly the north side, it makes sense to plant shade-loving and unpretentious varieties.

The variety of unpretentious and shade-loving indoor plants is quite large. Among them there are ordinary deciduous ones, and hanging ones, which are highly decorative, and even flowering ones. The characteristics of the most unpretentious representatives of various groups will be given below.

In the video review you will find additional information about shade-loving indoor plants.


Many unpretentious crops that tolerate shade well are characterized by long and abundant flowering. But, despite the ease of caring for them, some growing features should still be taken into account.

The popular name for spathiphyllum is “female happiness.” This crop has pointed leaves and white flowers that look like a sail (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Features of growing spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is great for growing on northern windows. However, it is quite sensitive to soil and air humidity, so it is necessary not only to provide the flower with abundant watering, but also to regularly spray the leaves. In addition, you need to regularly remove faded buds to extend the flowering period of spathiphyllum.

This lush bush arnica, which is covered with large white inflorescences during the flowering period (Figure 5). Gardenia belongs to those few species that do not stop flowering even with a lack of sunlight.

Figure 5. Growing gardenia at home

Despite the fact that gardenia belongs to unpretentious crops for the home, it needs to be provided with regular and sufficiently abundant watering. In addition, the flower is sensitive to dry air, so when the temperature rises, gardenia leaves should be regularly sprayed with boiled water at room temperature.

Outwardly, Saintpaulia resembles an ordinary violet, but differs from it in being shade-loving and unpretentious (Figure 6).

Saintpaulia is a low shrub with lush leaves and large flowers. The leathery leaves are covered with small villi, thanks to which it tolerates lack of moisture well.

Figure 6. External features of Saintpaulia

Watering is required moderately, and low humidity apartments wouldn't hurt abundant flowering Saintpaulia. However, faded buds must be removed regularly so that the plant does not waste its energy on them and forms new buds.


The value of hanging unpretentious types is that they can be used to decorate various surfaces in the house. In addition, they tolerate shade well and can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also away from sources natural lighting.

Let's consider the characteristics and features of growing some shade-loving and unpretentious hanging species for the home.

indoor ivy loved by many gardeners. This crop with variegated leaves of an unusual shape is highly decorative, but at the same time it is very easy to care for (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Using ivy in home decor

A small ivy seedling quickly grows green mass, even if placed in the back of the room. As a rule, hanging pots are used for planting ivy, and its flexible shoots are attached to threads or other supports.

Green-leaved syngonium is presented in a wide variety of species. Regardless of the variety, syngonium feels good in rooms with a lack of natural light (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Growing green-leaved syngonium

Essentially, it is a small vine with lush green leaves. It quickly grows green mass, and its flexible shoots can be used to decorate various surfaces. The only maintenance requirement is maintaining an optimal humidity level. Syngonium should be watered frequently, and in hot weather the leaves should be sprayed (preferably in the morning or evening).

Roicissus rhombicus

Roicissus rhomboidus is considered one of the classic climbing crops for the home, which are easy to care for (Figure 9). This flower quickly adapts to any growing conditions and tolerates both high and low temperatures.

Note: The main feature of roisissus is increased sensitivity to bright light. If you place it on a well-lit windowsill, burns may form on its leaves. Therefore, diffused light or light shadow is more suitable for it.

Figure 9. Roicissus rhomboid and features of its cultivation

Thanks to flexible stems and succulent green leaves original shape, it can be used to decorate furniture or tie its shoots to small supports.

Palm and large-sized

Large indoor plants that love shade are great for decorating the interior in those corners of the room where there is little sunlight. They can be grown individually or in combination with other flowers for the home.


The ficus group includes many species that differ in leaf shape, height and growing habits (Figure 10). Some ficus plants require fairly intense lighting and careful care, while others tolerate shade and do not need frequent watering.

Figure 10. Growing ficus at home

The rubber-bearing ficus is considered the most unpretentious among the ficuses. It tolerates shade well and can be grown in almost any conditions. This plant quickly grows green mass, but requires some care. Firstly, you need to provide it with regular and sufficiently abundant watering. Secondly, large ficus leaves should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth and sprayed with boiled water at room temperature.

Hamedorea is a palm tree that grows quite slowly, but is excellent for growing in the shade (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Growing Hamedorea at home

To keep the plant lush and beautiful, you need to regularly wash its leaves in the shower and spray it on hot days. In addition, direct sunlight is harmful to it, so on hot days it needs to be shaded.


Rapis is a shade-loving indoor palm tree that has high decorative value when proper care(Figure 12). There are two types of rapeseed: low and tall, but low varieties are more often grown at home. Their height does not exceed one and a half meters, while the plant remains quite compact, while high grades can reach three meters in height.

Figure 12. External features of low-growing rapeseed

Despite the fact that rapis intensively grows green mass in natural light, direct sunlight is harmful to it, and it is better to place the pot in partial shade. The pot is turned periodically so that the crown is formed evenly. Rapis tolerates room temperature well, and in summer it can be placed on the balcony.

The most difficult thing in caring for rapis is watering. The soil should be constantly moist, but neither drying nor excessive moisture should be allowed.

Deciduous indoor plants

Deciduous plants are considered the most valuable shade-loving indoor plants. They form a lush mass of greenery, do not require special care and perfectly decorate the interior.

There are a lot of types and varieties of deciduous shade-loving plants, so you can easily choose a flower suitable for the conditions of your apartment.

Fittonia - plant highly decorative, mainly due to its variegated leaves. But its value lies not only in its decorativeness, but also in its unpretentiousness (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Growing Fittonia at home

Fittonia tolerates lack or even absence of sunlight well, and can grow even in artificial lighting. That is why it is often grown in offices and other rooms with a lack of sun. However, this culture needs to be provided optimal watering and air humidity. In summer it is watered quite often, and in the cold season the amount of watering is reduced. In addition, you need to maintain indoor humidity by spraying the leaves with boiled water at room temperature.

Outwardly, nephrolepis resembles a fern, because this indoor plant belongs specifically to this group (Figure 14). Several types of this crop are grown at home, and all of them are highly decorative.

Figure 14. Use of nephrolepis for home decoration

Nephrolepis is very unpretentious. It grows well in any soil, tolerates the dry air of a city apartment and does not require special care. Nephrolepis should be periodically replanted into larger pots (as the bush grows), and watering should be moderate.

Fatshedera lise is an evergreen vine with unusually shaped leaves (Figure 15). Its flexible stems are often used to decorate vertical surfaces in the home, and its ability to tolerate shade makes it an indispensable assistant in interior design.

Figure 15. Features of growing Fatshedera Liza at home

Despite the fact that fatshedera tolerates shade well, if possible it can also be placed on illuminated window sills. The plant can be kept at room temperature, but in winter it is better to move it to a cool room. During active growth The flower is provided with abundant, but not excessive watering.

Note: You can determine that the soil is too wet by the color of the leaves: from excess moisture they will begin to turn yellow.

If the room is cool, additional humidification is not required. But, if the temperature rises above 18 degrees, the leaves are periodically sprayed with boiled water or a stationary humidifier is installed near the plant pot.

In the apartment, especially in winter, when hot radiators dry out the air, the atmosphere is created like in the desert. Indoors become hot and dry during the cold season; the relative air humidity in apartments averages 30%. Most indoor plants lose their decorative properties due to too dry air, the leaves wither, turn yellow, brown dry spots appear on them along the edges and the tips dry out, the buds fall off, and the flowers quickly fade. The pest often appears on weakened plants - spider mite, it can be detected by cobwebs with reverse side leaves, these tiny insects preferentially reproduce in low humidity.

To maintain the beautiful appearance of home flowers, you have to constantly spray them and install various humidifiers, but not everyone has time for such troubles. Cacti and succulent plants are adapted to grow in a hot and dry atmosphere, but they do not particularly add greenery to the interior and their spines do not add coziness to the home. For those who want to green their home with beautiful indoor plants with luxurious leaves and flowers, but without spending a lot of time and effort on caring for them, We recommend choosing unpretentious species from the selection below.

In this list with names and photos, all indoor plants are resistant to dry air. , they do not need to be specially sprayed, and they will look and grow like tropical crops. Other care for these unpretentious species simplest.

Zamioculcas or dollar tree perfectly greens and refreshes the interior of a home or office. This unpretentious plant looks impressive thanks to complex leaves- curved branches with a thick base are covered with paired shiny leaves. Zamioculcas quickly grows into a lush bush, the shiny emerald leaves are not afraid of dry air, heat or draft, they only need to be wiped from dust from time to time so that they shine again. Zamioculcas develops tubers in the ground, the plant stores moisture in them, so if you forget to water the flower, it will not suffer. Zamioculcas needs to be watered after the soil in the pot dries out; with frequent watering in a constantly humid environment, the tubers may rot and the flower will die. Place this large outdoor plant on a stand so that the cold floor does not cool the soil in the pot. This plant comes from Africa and loves warmth.

In recent years, it has been fashionable to give potted flowers - the most popular Kalancho e Brossfeld various varieties. Blooming Kalanchoe looks like a bouquet in a pot, the thick fleshy stem is covered with waxy dark green leaves at the bottom, and a dense corymbose inflorescence forms at the top. Kalanchoe flowering stimulates reduction daylight hours, so the plant’s buds appear at the beginning of winter. Dry air does not affect the growth of Kalanchoe in any way, and this flower loves bright sun on a southern window. Water the Kalanchoe after the soil in the pot dries. Gifted kalanchoe flower will please bright flowers for a long time, since new buds are formed after the faded flowers, the inflorescence is slightly elongated. Kalanchoe Brossfeld is usually used as a disposable crop and after flowering is over, the plant is thrown away.

Pelargonium zonalis blooms brightly , lush and at the same time practically does not require special care, only good solar lighting. From the numerous varieties of pelargonium, you can choose pelargonium with flowers of any shape and color. Pelargonium flowers are collected in lush umbrella inflorescences; they rise like bright caps above the rounded velvety green leaves. Pelagonia greens have a specific smell; they secrete essential oils that kill pathogenic bacteria in the air. Water pelargonium in winter after the soil in the pot has dried, and in summer moderately, when only the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. If the flower gets enough sunlight, then pelargonium will bloom all year round. Form shoots by pinching, replant the flower annually and, if necessary, rejuvenate by rooting cuttings.

Ferns are quite demanding plants; at low humidity, their main decoration - the original fan leaves - dry out. Centipede fern or polypodium fern is resistant to dry air. . This plant develops “hairy legs”; these shoots are covered with brown hairs; they are necessary for the plant to grow wider, as they take root along the entire length and form new leaves. The leaves of this fern are lamellar with deeper cuts than older plant, the more segments there are in the sheet. The fern does not like direct sunlight, grows well in partial shade, and likes regular watering.

indoor ivy popularly called gossip, perhaps because of the long stems of the plant bearing recognizable triangular leaves. Ivy is used as hanging plant or vertically, fixing long stems to a support or wall. This wonderful gardening plant grows quickly at home with minimal care, without spraying or special temperature regime, requires only moderate watering and annual replanting in new soil. Indoor ivy with monochromatic green leaves is also shade-tolerant and can grow in the back of the room, but ivy with variegated leaves needs bright, diffused lighting, otherwise the varietal color of the leaves will be lost and become monochromatic green.

Sansevieria or piketail flower is one of the most low-maintenance houseplants with decorative leaves and the hardy qualities of succulents and cacti. In Sansevieria, depending on the type, the leaves with a pointed tip can be long, erect, like swords in a pot, or short, collected in a rosette. In nature, pike tail grows in dry semi-desert areas, so the leaves of this plant are hard and perfectly retain moisture inside. This plant is very hardy, you can forget to water it, put it in the darkest corner, do not replant it for several years, do not feed it, place it in a cool or hot room with very dry air, the hard leaves will still stand in the pot like soldiers without reacting to bad conditions. But if you suddenly take care of the sansevieria, move it to a bright place, water it regularly, and replant it in new soil, then the new shoots will quickly fill the entire pot.

Scindapsus - indoor plant with climbing stems and alternate leaves with a pointed tip, despite tropical origin, tolerates dry atmospheres without damage. Plant scindapsus in nutritious, moisture-absorbing soil so that after abundant watering, the moisture will remain in the soil for a long time, since the plant does not like long periods of drying out. Scindapsus will forgive the owner for waterlogging; its roots are resistant to rotting in wet soil, unlike succulent plants. For stable growth of stems and leaves, fertilize every 2-3 weeks. Scindapsus stems will hang dramatically down from tall cabinets and shelves, creating green curtains.

The most common Crassula portulactica or money tree grows in almost every home. This plant can easily be formed into a miniature bonsai tree and looks original with a lush crown of rounded leaves that look like coins. The leaves of the fat plant are thick and juicy, but this does not mean that this plant is moisture-loving; on the contrary, it needs to be watered carefully and moderately. The fleshy leaves of the money tree contain a supply of moisture in case of drought, even if you go on vacation, forgetting to tell your neighbors to water their flowers, the fat plant will not die, but the leaves will gradually dry out from the crown of the tree and fall off, using the moisture from them for life. After establishing a moderate watering regime, new leaves on the crown will soon grow. Crassula has become widespread in indoor culture due to its unpretentiousness and easy propagation; this plant is perfectly adapted for dry and hot rooms, does not require spraying, and tolerates irregular watering and lack of lighting.

Ficus - tropical plants, naturally grow in a warm, humid atmosphere. Not all types of ficus feel good in winter, when heating devices are hot, their leaves begin to quickly dry out and fall off. For those who love ficuses, but do not have the opportunity to create a humid tropical atmosphere for them, we advise you to grow them at home or in the office ficus rubbery . This plant has plastic-like leaves, they are juicy green in color, regular oval in shape with a prominent central vein and have a soft shine. A ficus with large green leaves will be part of the decor, as it will definitely attract attention in the room. It is not necessary to spray the ficus leaves, but to make them look beautiful, clean them from dust with a cloth. The rest of the ficus care consists of regular watering, feeding during growth and replanting when the roots fill the entire volume of the pot.

There are many wonderful indoor plants to suit all tastes and needs, and from time to time one or another becomes very popular. But it is not a fact that these plants can be successfully grown in your conditions. It is better to choose the most unpretentious plants, they will not let you down! These are such plants, the presence of dust, and also tolerate shading, their care is minimal. At the same time, unpretentious plants are very beautiful, among them there are many flowering plants and plants with decorative foliage.

Well, the choice is very large:

Chlorophytum comosum

1. Chlorophytum crested (sedge)

This is the first number in our hit parade of the most unpretentious plants. This is who is truly capable of growing practically without our “participation”! Chlorophytum tolerates dry air well and high temperature in room. It is not very demanding on lighting - it loses its decorative effect only in a very dark place. There is no need to water it often, and chlorophytum is practically not affected by diseases. Requiring no special care, it is amazing plant day and night, it cleanses the atmosphere of the apartment from harmful impurities and electromagnetic radiation. Its curved leaves form a beautiful wide rosette, and on long peduncles daughter rosettes grow from time to time, which can be rooted.

2. Abutilon (indoor maple)

An unpretentious plant and at the same time a wonderful dominant in the interior. Abutilon blooms spectacularly: its large flowers are bell-shaped. Its leaves are similar to maple, and its flowers are very striking. They are different colors: white, pink, yellow, red. Abutilone tolerates dryness and heat in the apartment, and you can place a pot with this plant either on the windowsill or at some distance from it. You need to water little - otherwise it won’t bloom. Abutilon is fertilized rarely - once every three weeks with liquid fertilizer for indoor flowers. Abutilone creates a favorable climate in the room: it purifies and moisturizes the air. However, this unpretentious plant space is required, so it is better to place it in a large room.


3. Hibiscus (Chinese rose)

The plant is a spreading bush with huge cup-shaped flowers, most often red, with a long pistil. However, the plant has many varieties, some with white and some with pink flowers, and even speckled! Hibiscus blooms all year round and loves just the same temperature and humidity as in our apartments in winter. But he needs light, so his place is on the windowsill. It is necessary to water frequently and feed regularly, especially in winter, so that the buds do not fall off.

4. Fuchsia

Previously, this flower was called “touch-me-not”, because at the slightest touch its seeds “shot out” far around the plant. Appearance- a compact bush blooming with red or pink flowers. Moreover, the older the plant, the more abundantly it blooms. There are varieties with variegated leaves. Balsam is very easy to care for. This flower prefers partial shade and tolerates dry air; its only requirement is abundant watering. Also, balsam loves periodic spraying, only in this case you need to avoid getting water on the open flowers. In severe frosts, when the air in the apartment is especially dry, whiteflies may attack the plant.

6. Begonia

Beautiful flowering plant as if it was specially created for shaded areas in the apartment. But begonia does not like bright light. There are many varieties of begonia that not only bloom profusely, but also have spectacular variegated leaves. Begonias tolerate both heat and coolness equally well; they are also undemanding to the soil. Pests, as a rule, do not attack begonia. But they need high air humidity, but it is not advisable to spray them: the leaves do not tolerate contact with water well. Therefore, it is better to use a humidifier or place a tray with wet pebbles on the radiator. Begonia roots should not dry out - the plant needs regular watering. In the summer, begonia can be transplanted into a flower bed in the garden.

7. Fatsia japonica

Even if it seems that your conditions are completely unsuitable for indoor flowers, feel free to plant fatsia japonica . This is a shade-tolerant plant, resistant to diseases and pests, with beautiful large leaves similar to chestnut leaves. And even near batteries central heating she feels fine. At the same time, it increases air humidity well, promotes good sleep, heals the heart and lungs. Fatsia is an energy “donor”, ​​so we will feel a surge of strength after spending some time in the room where she grows.

They are also unpretentious, the only thing they still require is good lighting. But there is an opportunity to place them closer to the window - a great option. I would especially like to highlight the Howea Forster palm, the Canarian date and the graceful Hamedorea (mountain palm). They will fill and “revive” any dull corner of the room; their graceful feathery leaves add lightness, airiness, and ease to the atmosphere. They refresh the air and, like ficuses, “feed” energy. They can be placed in “ethnic” containers, the soil near the trunk can be decorated with stones, shells, etc. In general, any interior experiments are appropriate with palm trees.

13. Spathiphyllum

The modest and elegant spathiphyllum blooms periodically without any tricks on our part. Outwardly he is very similar to white calla. The flower is shade-tolerant and does not require special care, but it does not like excessive waterlogging of the soil - the roots can rot. The plant perfectly humidifies the air.

14. Aloe arborescens (so-called “agagave”)

This plant is a succulent and is absolutely undemanding to growing conditions. The only thing that is important for aloe is light, so you shouldn’t place it far from the window. Watering in summer should be as the soil dries out, and in winter - once a month. Aloe is a medicinal plant, and therefore it is worth having at least one copy.

15. Sansevieria (or “pike tail”, or “mother-in-law’s tongue”)

This plant is, as they say, indestructible. There are no problems with watering, or with the choice of soil, or with fertilizing, or with dust - the plant is a succulent. Again, a champion in air purification and neutralization of computer radiation. His spectacular “swords” can be single-colored, striped, or variegated. Sansevieria is especially good “solo”: about 8-10 plants in an appropriate container and substrate, decorated with pebbles or pebbles - that’s something!

Callisia fragrans

16. Callisia fragrant

It is also called “golden mustache” or “indoor ginseng”. This is an ornamental foliage plant, similar in appearance to young corn. In addition to elongated leaves, callisia forms long shoots with articulations similar to joints. When 9 or more “joints” grow on one shoot, they acquire purple shade and become medicinal. Such shoots can be cut and used for tinctures and decoctions. By the way, these shoots are especially good for treating joint diseases. Isn’t that why it’s such a figurative coincidence? Callisia grows under any conditions, even in close proximity to central heating radiators, and is very easily propagated by rooting the cut top. Sometimes, however, you need to wipe off dust from its leaves.