Money tree: signs associated with it, proper care for the crassula. What signs and superstitions do you know about the “Money tree” (crassula)? Can you keep the plant at home?

Good day, dear friends! Today the topic of conversation is the money tree, signs and superstitions. Crassula, Crassula or money tree has been considered a symbol of wealth and financial success for hundreds of years, money talisman. It is difficult to determine how far the roots of this belief lie. Many associate the sign with the East and its traditions, attributing its authorship to the Chinese, who have long been revered by Feng Shui experts. In previous articles you will find everything about growing, caring for crassula and medicinal properties plants. Contents: 1 Money Tree, signs and superstitions1.1 Folk signs money tree1.2 Sign - burying a coin in a money tree pot1.3 Video - how to plant a money tree correctly so that there is money2 Why does a money tree bloom3 How to care for a plant so that it affects wealth4 The money tree died, reasons, what to do5 Crassula was given as a gift, what to do 6 Why do you dream about a money tree 6.1 Video on how to attract money into your home using a Crassula Money tree, signs and superstitions The rituals below will help strengthen the energy power of the plant. But we should not forget that the money tree is first and foremost a flower. This means that it needs the same care as any plant. If trouble happens to the fat plant and illness overtakes it, first of all pay attention to the conditions created in your home. Remember how long ago you watered it, and whether the fertilization regime was followed. Is your plant tired? Perhaps it needs a winter rest. This article contains signs, beliefs, and rituals about the money tree that will help attract money to your home. Some of them are filled with wisdom and meaning, sometimes the signs will seem strange. How well do beliefs work, what experience do you have with growing a money tree, and has the plant filled your home with prosperity? Your comments under the article will be very useful.

Folk signs of the money tree It is generally accepted that in order for the tree to be energetically closer to the owners of the apartment, it is better to grow it yourself from a shoot or seed. At the same time, we should not forget that the plant, like all living things, loves attention and care. In order to increase the energy of the keeper of your home well-being, follow these tips: All indoor plants, and even more so the Crassula, prefer not to just be looked after. Show to the fat woman increased attention. Try to make friends with her. The plant loves communication. This behavior has the greatest effect on Wednesday. Energetically, this day of the week is associated with well-being and communication. On Wednesday, it is advised to tell the tree about your financial problems, thank them for their help and share their plans for financial movements for the week. It is generally accepted that the dust on the leaves of the tree can eat up all the monetary energy of the plant. From an energy point of view, dirt will be an obstacle to financial flows. Even if you do not believe in the magic of this ritual, it is recommended to wipe the leaves periodically. Through them, moisture evaporates and carbon dioxide- necessary for the nutrition and growth of the seedling. According to Feng Shui, the southeastern part of the apartment or room is responsible for wealth. Here the fat woman will most demonstrate her energy abilities. Place the flowerpot with the plant on the southeast or south windowsill. Avoid direct sunlight on the bush. Crassula can easily get burns, which will be indicated by a change in the color of the leaf, its redness. To increase well-being, bills are sometimes tied to the Crassula or secured between the leaves, thereby increasing its potential. It is customary to periodically exchange money for new ones, thereby activating the money cycle. One of the signs of a money tree is that electrical appliances cannot be installed near it. This is especially true for electronic items: televisions, Cell phones, radio devices. They will take all the energy upon themselves; whether the plant will have the strength to help the owners of the house is a controversial issue. It is important that these devices are not loved by all indoor plants in the house. The color red is initially associated with wealth. A scarlet flowerpot additionally feeds the plant with financial energy. A red ribbon tied to a pot will have the same effect. Select a coin from each amount earned and let it lie next to the flower for a while. Metal money is a strong energy source. It is generally accepted that money loves counting. In the same way, counting the leaves of the fat plant will help to attract financial well-being into the house. This is easy to do while dusting. Sign - burying a coin in a money tree pot

To enhance the energy of the fat plant when planting it in a pot, you need to put a few coins in the soil. There are several options for performing the ritual: It is considered sufficient, when choosing how to plant a flower, to put money or any number of metal coins at the bottom of the pot. There is an opinion that it is better if there are three coins. In this case, the flower becomes more energetically powerful. Some Feng Shui lovers believe that the number of coins should be even - eight. There is an opinion that it is worth putting in three money. You don’t have to bury them, but place them on a saucer under a flowerpot. Video - how to plant a money tree correctly so that there is money

Why does the money tree bloom? Crassula is one of the plants that rarely bloom. Therefore, it is better to use special measures to bring this moment closer. But if the plant blooms, this is a harbinger of wealth, the flower has financial power. When your Crassula decides to pamper your household with flowers, be sure to make wishes, the likelihood of their fulfillment is very high. Material dreams come true well. It is believed that during this period money can come to the family without any reason. How to care for a plant so that it affects your wealth. A few more tips will help you properly care for the flower and tell you how to make a real money talisman out of a Crassula: Traditionally, it is believed that there should not be cacti next to Crassula. They adversely affect plants and can take money away from home. Crassula likes to change its place of residence. From a financial point of view, it is believed that money will begin to wither in a cramped pot. Therefore, adhere to the recommended replanting times. Do not allow strangers or guests to touch the Crassula. This takes away from your financial success. Separately, it is worth considering the question of what to do if the plant falls. Fortunately, this only indicates insufficient attention on the part of the hostess. You can solve the problem in the following way: Install special supports that will support the crown of the plant. You can perform proper pruning, after which the upper part of the plant will not be so heavy. In order to avoid breaking the branches of the plant, it is necessary to pinch out weak stems in time, this will help them become stronger .

If the root system of the fat plant is exposed, try to replant the plant, prop up the stems of the tree. The money tree has died, reasons, what to do. This trouble happens to all indoor plants. If the tree has withered, do not panic. Pay attention to whether you care for the flower correctly, whether you observe temperature and water conditions, how often you fertilize the crassula. Adjust the rules of care. If these steps do not bring results and the tree continues to disappear, separate a good shoot and try to grow the wildflower again. This will answer the question of whether it is possible to prune the money tree. It's never too late to update your money source. If the flower withers and the leaves fall off, there is nothing good about it. Good news: fallen and dried leaves evoke associations with precious stones on which there is dust. Collect them and keep them in your wallet, they have strong monetary energy. If all the leaves have fallen off, you can try to carry out resuscitation measures: replant the plant, water it with fertilizer. Perhaps in this way the plant simply communicated that it needs your care and attention. The fat plant was given as a gift, what to do When asked whether it is possible to give a money tree, I note that the Crassula belongs to good gifts, especially for a wedding. To give it an unusual festive look, tie the pot with a red stripe.

Collect several bills into a tube and tie them to a tree with a scarlet ribbon. It is necessary that the gift be given with a pure heart and must be accompanied by sincere wishes for well-being and prosperity. There is an opinion that transferring a money tree from house to house can negatively affect the wealth of both the giving and receiving parties. To make an exception, ask the recipient to pay a purely symbolic amount. The same rule should be followed if you are deciding whether to give away the plant. The question of whether it is possible to throw away a money tree is quite controversial. If you believe in omens, it is better to abstain. And give the tree as a gift or put it on the windowsill in the entrance. Why do you dream about a money tree? To see a symbol of monetary luck in a dream is good omen. In order to more specifically predict the result using sleep, remember the details: If you plant a money tree, this allows you to hope for additional earnings, but in this case you should forget about a quiet life. A dream can be considered as an opportunity to realize your wildest financial plans. Seeing a beautiful well-groomed tree in a dream is a good omen, indicating that everything is going well with regard to financial well-being. You have read the complete collection of all the signs that relate to financial assistance from a fat woman. Try it, use it, be sure to leave reviews and praise your money tree in them. It loves praise very much. Video on how to attract money into your home using Crassula

The Crassula flower is popularly called the money tree. This houseplant is believed to attract money and maintain financial stability.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with this plant, thanks to which you can learn a lot about the future of your wallet and what kind of energy is present in the house.

Signs about the money tree

The money tree requires unusual care. In addition to watering and treating the leaves and soil, you need to talk to him. According to the superstition, if you report your income and expenses to the money tree every Wednesday, the fat tree will help you implement all your plans and protect you from unexpected expenses.

  • The leaves are falling on the money tree - Bad sign. This means that there is bad energy in your home. In this case, it is recommended to move the flower to another place.
  • Also, fallen leaves of the money tree may mean that big expenses await you very soon. The tree drops its leaves, leading to financial losses.
  • The properties of the money tree are very diverse. It not only attracts money, but “heals” the space around you. Look at the thick and succulent leaves of the money tree - they exude life and energy.
  • It is believed that a money tree made from coins (souvenir) has the same power as a living crassula. But in order for such a flower to “work”, it also needs to be watered or its leaves-coins must be moistened with water.
  • In order for a money tree to take root at home, you need to bury three coins in its roots. So the flower will be more magnificent, and the wallet will be heavier.
  • Replanting the money tree is a must! As it grows, it is imperative to provide this plant with a larger pot. In a cramped pot, the flower will wither, and your money will wither along with it.

If you hang bills on a money tree, then it is important to know that they need to be removed and spent periodically, and new bills should be hung in their place. This way you can start your money cycle in your home, which will allow you to spend quickly and receive quickly.

The money tree is a special, mystical plant. It is associated with the appearance of money, prosperity and family warmth in the house. In addition, the fat plant is easy to care for, it sits easily and does not require special care conditions. But you can’t just plant a succulent in a pot and expect a miracle. There are signs and superstitions associated with the money tree that must be observed in order to preserve the magical power of this plant. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to understand the general logic and philosophy.

How the Crassula got its mythical meaning

For the first time, attention was paid to the mystical features of the money tree back in Ancient China. During the era of the development of the art of Feng Shui, the legend of “money rain” was popular. The story was about a magical tree that had coins instead of leaves. Worth shaking wonderful plant, as a man was showered with money from head to toe.

Of course, in the real world there is no such plant, but in the art of Feng Shui, Crassula appears in this image. If you properly care for the money tree, observe the necessary rituals and follow the signs, then, according to the followers of this teaching, it will truly bring wealth and prosperity to your home.

Origin and brief description

Crassula was brought to Europe from China. This succulent became a famous houseplant in Asia back in the Middle Ages. It has gained particular popularity in the CIS countries in the last twenty years.

Crassula is a succulent plant. The money tree is one of the few succulents with a thick and strong trunk covered with a dense layer of bark. Crassula grows up to 1.5 meters high at home (in nature up to 2 meters). Its leaves are large, fleshy, and bright green.

The main feature of Crassula is its structure and shape. Without additional pruning and direction of branches, this plant looks like a tree, although it is considered a shrub in itself. In addition, its height and thickness are easily adjustable. If you do not increase the size of the pot, then upward growth will gradually slow down. This is how the gardener gets perfect plant for bonsai technique.

History of the name

Why did Crassula become that legendary tree? The fact is that the shape of the leaves of this succulent is similar to the coins that were used to pay in China in those days. Feng Shui masters noticed this feature, and the fat woman was made a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Of course, the plant itself cannot attract money. It has no special magical properties, if you don’t believe in them. Only when the crassula is properly cared for, a special meaning is put into it and all rituals are observed, it becomes a real symbol of good luck.

Current signs and superstitions

The signs and superstitions surrounding the fat woman are extremely diverse. They are related to planting rules and further care for a succulent according to the canons of Feng Shui:

  1. Signs say that throwing away a money tree is strictly prohibited. Even if the plant has already died, it cannot simply be thrown into the trash. Crassula can only be “buried” in open ground. It is believed that if a flower is simply thrown away, then the wealthy will be offended by the owner of the house and will not visit him again.
  2. If the plant falls and breaks, both parts can be saved. It is better to plant all the resulting seedlings in new soil, even the part that remained in the pot. If the money tree is broken so that it cannot be used to make new seedlings, soil fertilizer is made at home from pieces that cannot be restored.
  3. It is also impossible to throw out an old plant that is tired of it. It is not recommended to sell it. It is best to leave the flower in a visible place in the office or entrance (if weather conditions permit) and inform neighbors and colleagues that anyone can take it home. Then the ritual of “stealing” the fat woman will be followed.
  4. A succulent that is planted to attract profit cannot be trimmed decoratively. The crown can be trimmed only strictly along the branches, and all separated cuttings should be placed in water to form roots. If it doesn’t work out, they can only be used for fertilizer.
  5. The flowering of Crassula is a special period with which many superstitions are associated. It is believed that at this time the succulent is especially vulnerable to evil spirits, so a red thread should be tied to the trunk. This will protect both the crassula itself and the wealth in the house.

Feng Shui masters also believe that the money tree absorbs negativity. In order for this process to be as efficient as possible, it is best to install a pot with a plant in those places where the family gathers most often, or near the workplace where a person often experiences stress.

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home?

Not all people, even superstitious ones, believe that feng shui can benefit them. Those who do not have problems with money doubt whether they should get a Crassula. Can this plant cause harm?

Breeding fat cats in an apartment is absolutely safe. According to their own botanical properties it is not poisonous, and its mystical features also do not have a negative effect even for fairly wealthy people.

In addition, according to popular beliefs, the fat plant, which was planted by the whole family together, strengthens relationships between relatives and serves as a symbol of the house, protecting it from the evil eye and outside interference. The main thing is that all relatives who were involved in the process do it voluntarily and in a good mood.

Is it possible to give a money tree?

It is believed that the fat plant grows best if it has been “stolen”. A flower purchased or given as a gift does not have such power. You don’t have to actually steal someone’s houseplant, you can just pretend that you’re “taking someone else’s.”

If you present a crassula to someone for their birthday, it is best not to just give the plant to the new owner, but to ask him to “buy it back.” A coin of any denomination is suitable for this. This ritual helps both parties preserve their wealth and well-being.

How to choose a place for a plant in the house

According to signs, the money tree should be positioned so that its mystical properties are revealed to the maximum, fruitfully influencing the inhabitants of the house. To do this, you need to find a zone of wealth. According to Feng Shui instructions, it is located in the southeast of the apartment, in its lower right corner.

At the same time, the place in which the fat plant is planted must meet the requirements for caring for it. It cannot be too humid here, the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees. In addition, you cannot place the money tree in a draft - this will quickly destroy it.

If a family wants to attract money into the house, it is best to install Crassula in the bedroom. Usually, it is in this room that the family’s money and valuables are stored, so there the succulent will be saturated with this energy and increase it many times over. If there is another room in the southeast, there is no problem. The fat plant can be placed in any room except the bathroom (due to high humidity).

Money tree planting ritual

Planting a money tree so that it brings in money is not difficult if you follow the usual rules for caring for and replanting the plant.

First of all, you need to choose the right pot and soil. The soil should be loose and low in nitrogen. The pot should be large, preferably square. The angles symbolize rigor and orderliness, which is often lacking in money relationships.

To plant a succulent, you need to choose the right cuttings. It is best to use a baby formed from an air shoot. Such seedlings take root in a new place with almost one hundred percent probability, and the plant experiences less stress when separated.

Planting Crassula is accompanied by a money plot. While the plant is being planted in the ground, the gardener must repeat the following phrase: “Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket.” The conspiracy must be read at least three times.

Also important condition To transplant a money tree, plant it at night during the waxing moon phase. During the full moon, it is strictly prohibited to replant or plant the crassula.

Coins are placed in the plant pot. They are placed on the bottom as drainage. This helps enhance the effect of Crassula. Valid only if all other signs have been taken into account.

Care secrets to attract luck and money

Caring for a money tree so that there is money is quite simple. First of all, you need to follow the standard rules. In addition to them, there are several simple secrets that will help make the life of a gardener easier:

  1. Like any indoor plant, the Crassula needs regular watering.. You can only irrigate the soil of this succulent warm water. If using tap liquid, it is best to let it sit before watering the money tree. During this procedure, you can put a coin in a vessel with water. This will help to properly charge the liquid for wealth.
  2. Another ritual is associated with the application of fertilizing. The spell, which is read during planting of Crassula, is recommended to be repeated once and when the fertilizer is mixed into the water for irrigation.
  3. Special attention You need to pay attention to the health of the fat woman. When this succulent is enchanted to generate income, it begins to spend its vitality not only on growth and development, but also on maintaining a positive atmosphere in the house. Because of this, Crassula becomes more vulnerable to various diseases and the negative impact of insect pests. The money tree needs to be treated quickly and radically, using pesticides and insecticides. The danger from pests and diseases is much higher than from chemicals. After treatment, the plant needs to be spoken again.

If a person is experiencing financial difficulties and wants to get himself a talisman, a money tree is great choice. Caring for it teaches responsibility and organization, aesthetics and correct forms Crassula plants help to collect thoughts and sort them into shelves, and adherence to Feng Shui norms will help charge the plant with the necessary energy and set up your life for good luck and profit.

Which person does not dream of prosperity, financial independence and stability? Perhaps the majority are like that. To attract money, people have come up with many rituals. For example, many people carry special coins in their wallets that attract money. There is also a belief that you should not borrow money on Tuesday. If a person takes out a loan, then he needs to do it with his left hand, but when giving money back, he needs to do it with his right hand.

A fairly popular sign is the use of certain indoor plants, growing them at home. This is, for example, Zamioculcas, or the money tree.

Zamioculcas: description of the plant

A tree with dense, fleshy leaves with glossy surface and bright green color. Its homeland is South America. The plant is light-loving, but direct sunlight is contraindicated.

Benefits of the plant

The plant is not only designed to enrich its owners, but also releases special substances that have a beneficial effect on human body. They help eliminate harmful microorganisms in the apartment. A person who has Zamioculcas at home manages to get rid of stress and nervousness.

The tree will fit well into any interior, and by forming a suitable crown, you can achieve interesting effect, make the plant the center of the interior composition. The tree symbolizes life and positive energy. To be convinced of this, just look at the succulent leaves of the tree. By the way, if they begin to fall off, negative energy has probably accumulated in the house or the person is facing large financial expenses.

Signs associated with the money tree

Despite the fact that the plant is completely unpretentious, to attract money you must follow certain rules. The human task is to achieve a lush crown, which is formed by small leaves.

The latter are unusually similar to coins, so the more of them there are on the tree, the more money the owner of Zamioculcas will have.

Purchasing a plant

It is believed that one cannot buy mature plant. It must be grown independently from a shoot or leaf. Also, you should not buy a flower in a store or borrow it free of charge from friends. The best option is to steal, and from wealthy people or from an establishment where money is found. A good option- in the bank, bad - in the hospital.

If theft is contrary to a person’s moral principles or is technically impossible, you can buy a plant for a small fee. Usually it is 5-50 rubles. It is advisable that when purchasing, the buyer hands over coins and banknotes to the seller.

The money tree reproduces by shoots. But even a leaf of a plant rooted in the ground will give roots after a while, and later turn into an adult plant. For better adaptation of the plant, you can use a special cap or cover the shoot glass jar suitable size.

Planting a plant

For a money tree, you should purchase a beautiful pot; it is advisable that its design includes red and gold shades. At the bottom of the pot you should put 2 coins in denominations of 5 kopecks and 5 rubles.

According to another belief, gold should be laid at the bottom - an earring from a lost pair, an element of a broken chain, a gold coin. When planting a plant, you should talk to it.

By the way, conversations, according to the sign, allow you to position the owner towards the tree. Then it will generate income. What to talk about with the money tree? Of course, about money! It’s worth telling him what you expect from him, how you will care for him and what you plan to get in return.

Plant care

The money tree is quite easy to care for. It requires moderate watering, but will be able to do without water for a long time.

The tree needs fertilizer twice a year. In early spring, you should add a nitrogen complex; in the fall, you should feed the plant with fertilizer based on potassium and fluorine. Autumn feeding can be combined with tree transplantation. If during the summer the money tree becomes noticeably tired - new leaves stop appearing, the leaves begin to fall off, then you can arrange vitamin rain for Zamioculcas.

To do this, a small amount of nitrogen-based fertilizer should be dissolved in water. It is important not to overdo it and mix the resulting composition thoroughly. Otherwise, the tree will cause burns. Next, the nitrogen-containing cocktail should be sprayed onto the crown of the tree.

Money tree requires good lighting, however, it will not die even in less bright sun. The plant does not like to be moved from place to place.

According to Feng Shui, the ideal window sill for a tree is one that faces east or southeast. IN summer time You can move the money tree to the balcony.

According to legend, a money tree will bring prosperity to your home only if you treat it like a living being - love, care for, and talk. In this case, first of all, the person who cares for the plant will get rich.

Showering is what the money tree loves. It should be arranged using a special sprayer, covering the earthen ball with polyethylene. This will protect it from washing out and exposing the roots. In addition, you need to wipe the coin leaves to remove dust. On the one hand, this will be a manifestation of concern for one’s own well-being (money does not tolerate negligence and negligence), on the other hand, it facilitates the process of photosynthesis, which means the tree will become even taller, lush, and healthy.

It is believed that a thick symmetrical crown is a symbol of prosperity. It can be formed by turning the tree in the direction of the sun, as well as regularly cutting off unsuitable shoots and stimulating the growth of new ones. When the plant reaches 25-30 cm, you should pinch off the top, then it will send out side shoots necessary to create a lush “cap”. As soon as the plant grows the next 20 cm, the procedure will need to be repeated.

Zamioculcas does not tolerate cramped pots, so the tree needs to be replanted almost every autumn. Don’t be lazy and buy too big a pot at once, in other words, “for growth.” The tree, once in such a container, will begin to grow root system to the detriment of leaves.

Crassula, popularly known as the money tree, is believed to attract money and financial stability to the home. With this amazing plant There are a huge number of signs and superstitions associated with them, thanks to which you can learn a lot about the future of your wallet and what kind of energy is present in the house.

Signs about the money tree

The money tree requires special care. In addition to the standard watering and treatment of leaves and soil, you need to talk to him. According to the superstition, if you report your income and expenses to the money tree every Wednesday, the fat tree will help you implement all your plans and protect you from unexpected expenses.

  • Leaves falling on the money tree is a bad omen. This means that there is bad energy in your home. In this case, it is recommended to move the flower to another place.
  • Also, fallen money tree leaves can mean that big expenses await you very soon. The tree drops its leaves, leading to financial losses.

  • The properties of the money tree are very diverse. It not only attracts money, but “heals” the space around you. Look at the thick and succulent leaves of the money tree - they exude life and energy.
  • It is believed that the money tree is made from coins(souvenir) has the same power as a living fat woman. But in order for such a flower to “work”, it also needs to be watered or its leaves-coins must be moistened with water.

  • For the money tree to take root at home, you need to bury three coins in its roots. So the flower will be more magnificent, and the wallet will be heavier.
  • It is simply necessary to replant the money tree! As it grows, it is imperative to provide this plant with a larger pot. In a cramped pot, the flower will wither, and your money will wither along with it.

If you hang bills on a money tree, then it is important to know that they need to be removed and spent periodically, and new bills should be hung in their place. This way you can start your money cycle in your home, which will allow you to spend quickly and receive quickly.