How to quickly wash dishes by hand in hot and cold water

Not all microbes are harmful. Some of them help improve the immune system and improve digestion. You should be wary of pathogenic bacteria that can cause various diseases.

Harmful microorganisms inhabit our kitchens and bathrooms. Although most often they are found in the kitchen, because during the cooking process we sometimes forget about observing sanitary standards and hygiene rules.

What can trigger the growth of pathogenic microflora and what bad kitchen habits do you urgently need to get rid of in order to prevent this? We'll tell you in today's review.

1. Do not observe sanitary rules in the kitchen

If you arrange a real sanitary inspection in the kitchen, many will not pass it, including the experts themselves. However, to avoid the development of pathogenic microorganisms in your kitchen, you must carefully follow all the rules, including cleaning surfaces and storing food. The requirements approved for restaurants and other catering facilities can always be viewed on the Internet.

2. Not following hygiene rules
when cooking meat

About half of the meat comes to us dirty because it was processed in a store or market. In addition, one sick chicken can infect thousands of others with salmonella or E. coli. They die during the cooking process, but you need to be careful when working with raw meat: during the cooking process, you can accidentally transfer harmful microorganisms to other products. Separate cutting boards and utensils should be used for meat. In addition, you must carefully monitor the cleanliness of your hands and wash them every time after touching raw meat.

3. Do not use additional
containers for storing meat

It’s so easy to put the meat on the refrigerator shelf in regular cling film. However, the juice that is released from meat can contain a huge number of microorganisms, including salmonella and E. coli. Without an additional storage container, juice can easily spill onto vegetables and fruits stored on the bottom shelf. It's even worse when raw meat is heavily frozen - it releases even more moisture. Therefore, experts recommend purchasing separate storage containers for meat.

4. Incorrect care
cutting boards

On your cutting board there are probably scratches from the knife. This is an excellent place for bacteria and other microorganisms to accumulate. And they end up on everything you put on the board. After cutting raw meat, it must be properly disinfected. Of course, dishwashing detergent fights bacteria, but once a week the board needs to be properly disinfected with a special product.

5. Using a sponge to wash dishes for too long

A dishwashing sponge is an excellent moist and warm environment for bacteria to grow. And they can live in it for weeks - to quickly find out what was wrong in the house a month ago, you can simply take a sponge for analysis. No need to wait until your sponge has bad smell, change them once a month or even more often.

6. Store the sponge on the sink where it does not have time to dry

As we noted in the previous paragraph, a dishwashing sponge is an excellent environment for further reproduction microorganisms. Try to store it away from the sink - in a place where it can dry completely.

7. Don't wash the bottom of the sink

People often forget about the bottom of the sink, which is one of the dirtiest places in the kitchen. Bacteria and microorganisms can live in it for weeks. Once a week, be sure to clean the sink with a disinfectant or fill it with water and bleach.

8. Clean the sink with a dirty sponge

It is better not to wipe the sink with a sponge. Use a special spray, paper towels or a clean rag that can be easily washed.

9. Rarely change and poorly care
behind the dish brush

Brushes are certainly better than sponges, but they can also accumulate food particles. Before scrubbing the dishes with a brush, rinse them. Clean your brush thoroughly once a week by special means. If you notice pink spots on it, it should be replaced or thoroughly disinfected - your brush is probably infected with yeast bacteria serratia marcescens.

10. Cook when sick

Would you like to eat in a restaurant where the chef suffers from stomach problems? Hardly. It is not advisable to cook while you are sick, especially if you have gastrointestinal diseases; it is better to stay away from the kitchen during this time. As a last resort, thoroughly wipe all surfaces, door handles and switches disinfectant solution and wash your hands with antibacterial soap.

11. Improperly storing food

At room temperature Left food after 2 hours turns into a breeding ground for bacteria, which easily cause poisoning and intestinal upset. This does not apply to bread and fresh products. We are talking about casseroles, soups, and dairy products. It is risky to leave mayonnaise and other sauces that contain raw yolks - they may contain salmonella bacteria. Make sure food and groceries are stored correctly.

12. Put hot dishes in the refrigerator

It's best to wait for food to cool before placing it in the refrigerator or transfer it to a container. Many people are lazy and put pans covered with foil in the refrigerator, not realizing that this way the food will cool much more slowly and bacteria can multiply in it.

13. Not paying attention to expiration dates

The expiration date tells us at what point the number of pathogenic bacteria will become sufficient to cause illness. Therefore, you should carefully study labels and packaging. As for raw meat, it can be stored for 3-4 days, but it can spoil even earlier - it all depends on the conditions of its storage in the store.

14. Let the cat go wherever he wants

Cats are adorable, but they can carry dirt from the trash can to the table where you cook and eat, and along with it pathogenic microorganisms - for example, toxoplasma, which is not dangerous for them, but is harmful to humans, especially for pregnant women, so How do birth defects occur in the fetus? Try to keep the cat away from the kitchen or thoroughly wipe down surfaces where it has jumped.

15. Forgetting to rinse vegetables and herbs

Sand or dirt in food will not harm you, but the same cannot be said about pathogenic microorganisms that may be present in food storage areas. There are bacteria that reproduce well at low temperatures. For example, listeria. They can cause serious illness. One lettuce leaf contaminated with E. coli can ruin the entire batch.

Every person has washed dishes at least once in their life, so the question: how to quickly and easily wash dishes is a pressing one. Some do this daily, others every other day or two, depending on their mood or the availability of helpers. One way or another, this process is an integral part of our life.

Every housewife necessarily has her own secrets and proven means. We invite you to familiarize yourself with professional tips that will turn a routine task into an easy game, and your dishes will be like new.

How to wash dishes correctly?

To easily deal with even the most difficult stains, perform the work sequentially in 2 stages.

The first stage is soaking

  1. Place all items in a large bowl.
  2. Add detergent.
  3. Fill in hot water.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes.

Note: if you don’t have a bowl, soak it directly in the sink so that there is up to top drain. If all items do not fit, wash in batches.

Stage two - washing dishes

If soaked in a bowl:

  1. Take a sponge.
  2. Apply a drop of detergent.
  3. Remove one piece of utensil from the bowl.
  4. Wipe with a sponge.
  5. Place in the sink.
  6. When the sink is full, turn on the water.
  7. Rinse washed items.
  8. Place to dry.

Note: this method saves water, although it takes a little longer than the next one.

If soaked in the sink:

  1. Turn on weak pressure water.
  2. Take a sponge.
  3. Apply a few drops of detergent.
  4. Remove the utensil.
  5. Wipe with a sponge.
  6. Rinse.
  7. Place on the dryer.

Note: the duration of the procedure ranges from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of items, their size and level of contamination.

A few additional tips on how to quickly and efficiently wash dishes:

  1. Wash immediately after eating.
  2. Do not stack or soak items that are stained with grease or lightly soiled items together.
  3. Always soak items stained with grease in hot water.
  4. Wipe festive sets, glasses and cutlery immediately with a towel.
  5. Dry the table and kitchen utensils in a special dryer, placing it on its edge so that the water drains faster.
  6. Use non-abrasive products.
  7. After washing dishes in the cleaning solution, rinse with clean water 2-3 times.

How to quickly wash dishes?

If you've run out of special detergent and don't have time to go to the store for a new one, look in the kitchen. Every housewife has available folk remedies that will help you deal with dirty dishes quickly, efficiently and “naturally”.


Method number 1. Suitable for not large quantity items:

  1. Take a sponge.
  2. Sprinkle mustard powder on it.
  3. Wipe down the plates.
  4. Rinse it off.

Method number 2. For a large number of dishes:

  1. Take a basin or large bowl.
  2. Place dirty dishes in it.
  3. Fill with hot water.
  4. Add 3 tbsp. spoons of mustard.
  5. Stir in water.
  6. Leave for 10 minutes.
  7. Wash the dishes with a sponge.
  8. Rinse in clean water.

Note: More information about mustard:

  • to quickly deal with very dirty dishes, add a little vinegar to the mustard powder;
  • mustard removes chemical residues well, so it is recommended to wash the plates with it after washing;
  • mustard is delicate to use, so it can be used to wash non-stick coatings.

Baking soda

  1. Take a sponge.
  2. Moisturize it.
  3. Dip in baking soda.
  4. Rub away the dirt.
  5. Rinse the dishes.

Note: Features of using soda:

  • Do not use on cookware with a special coating (Teflon, non-stick) - may scratch;
  • easily copes with fat and deodorizes;
  • good for glass, porcelain, cutlery.

Soda Ash

To quickly and efficiently wash cups, plates and cutlery, use soda ash:

  1. Take a liter of hot water.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of this soda.
  3. Dip a sponge into the solution.
  4. Wash the dishes.
  5. Rinse running water.

To wash larger items (pots, pans, trays, etc.) this method is suitable:

  1. Take soda ash.
  2. Add water until a paste forms.
  3. Take a sponge.
  4. Apply the paste to contaminated areas.
  5. Rinse with running water.

Note: baking soda is an alkaline substance. Wear gloves when using it.

Wood ash

This remedy is easily accessible to villagers and those who have a fireplace. Wood ash absorbs and dissolves fats well. You can use it like this:

  1. Wet the dishes.
  2. Sprinkle crushed ash on top.
  3. Wipe with a sponge.
  4. Rinse well.

Note: the ash must be clean, without chemical impurities.

Homemade cleaning paste

This excellent detergent can be easily made with your own hands. It will remove any contamination and is safe for health. It is prepared like this:

  1. Grate 1 bar of laundry soap.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. baking soda.
  3. Fill with hot water.
  4. Mix well.

Note: You can add fragrance oil for scent and vinegar for effectiveness.

To quickly remove dirt, use the paste as follows:

  1. Take a sponge.
  2. Apply a small amount of product.
  3. Wash the dishes.
  4. Rinse with running water.

This is how you can easily wash the dishes without polluting the environment and your body. Spending a minimum of time, effort and money. But the water should be hot - not lower than 50-60°C, since in cold water the effect of the drugs is reduced.

Note: the exception is earthenware and crystal, which can only be washed warm water. If this rule is violated, the glaze may collapse and the crystal may darken..

  1. Wipe tea items and crystal only with a dry towel.
  2. Wash gilded porcelain saucers and cups laundry soap.
  3. Remove brown deposits in porcelain with a solution of baking soda poured into a teapot or cup overnight.
  4. Aluminum pots and pans will shine if you use the following composition: add 80-100g of office silicate glue (pre-dissolved in water) to 1-1.5 buckets of slightly heated water, then add 100-125g of soda ash (caustic). Boil for 20-30 minutes and leave in the solution until it cools. You can wash gas burners in the same way.
  5. It is good to wash dishes with a narrow neck (decanters, vases) with a detergent solution to which eggshells or pieces of paper have been added.
  6. Grease stains from glass can be removed with water containing ammonia- 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water.
  7. Wash bowls containing milk, eggs, dough first with cold and then with hot water.
  8. Clean metal sheets from the oven with moistened metal powder or baking soda, then wash with running water, dry and heat in the oven until the moisture has completely evaporated.

Check out our recommendations in practice! You will be surprised how quickly and effortlessly you can complete this daily task! You will definitely now have a few extra minutes for a pleasant rest, instead of lengthy washing of dishes.

The process of washing dishes is very tedious. In order to make your work easier, you need to know how to wash dishes correctly. Strange as it may sound, even such ordinary homework can raise a number of questions and doubts. For example:

  • how to wash dishes made of delicate and fragile materials;
  • what detergents are safer to use;
  • how to get rid of burnt fat quickly and effectively;
  • how to clean silverware in minutes;
  • is it possible to do without household chemicals.

Let's try to answer these and other questions, and also name the basic rules for washing dishes.

Unless you're one of the lucky dishwasher owners, you'll have to do the unpleasant job yourself.

To wash the mountain of dirty dishes that have accumulated, you need to prepare everything you need.

  • Combat equipment: apron and gloves.
  • Tools: all kinds of sponges, rags, brushes, steel wool, brushes.
  • Household chemicals for destroying grease, old plaque, dried food: cleaning pastes and powders, gel detergents, soap solution.
  • Of course, you need hot water. If there is none, use products that effectively get rid of fat in cold water. You can also heat water in a saucepan.
  • And, of course, prepare a place where “military actions” will take place: it will be a regular sink if you are at home, or a basin (or a bucket) if you are at the dacha or relaxing in a tent in nature.

Whatever you use to wash dishes, remember: all the achievements of synthetic chemistry in the form of powders, pastes and gels are unsafe for health. Only thorough, repeated rinsing can guarantee complete cleansing of dishes from harmful substances contained in washing solutions.

When choosing a dishwashing detergent, be guided by such indicators as:

  • reasonable price-quality ratio;
  • wide scope of application;
  • effectiveness in eliminating fat;
  • quick cleansing of stubborn dirt;
  • the degree of safety of household chemicals for the skin of the hands and for the body as a whole (in case the remains of a poorly washed product get into the stomach along with food).

Sorting dishes

How to quickly wash dishes? Before starting your “favorite” activity, spend a few minutes sorting the existing dirty items: spoons by spoons, forks by forks, a separate pile for plates, cups and glasses. In addition, you can arrange the dishes according to the degree of soiling: in one pile there are devices with a large amount of fat, in the other - “low-fat”. It is better to wash each pile separately, without mixing items from one pile with items from another. For example, start washing small objects (spoons, knives, forks), then mugs, then plates, and at the very end start with the “heavy artillery”, which always has a lot of grease and other contaminants on it - these are frying pans, pots, baking sheets, ducklings, etc. . If you follow this recommendation, you can slightly reduce the time spent on washing dishes. How?

  • Firstly, an orderly process for washing cutlery will help you quickly put all the washed items in their place in the right order, without creating confusion.
  • Secondly, hands perform similar actions much faster. For example, if you first wash only forks, and then move exclusively to plates. In a situation where you want to wash first a fork, then a glass, then a fork or spoon again, and then suddenly a plate, do not expect an instant muscular reaction from your hands: in order to switch from one action to another, the muscles need a certain time.
  • Thirdly, it is better to start with dishes that are free of grease; they are easier and faster to clean. In addition, it will not have time to get even more dirty from other, more contaminated plates.

Creating the mood

The festive feast is over, the guests have left, and you are wondering how to force yourself to do what you should? How to wash dried greasy dishes?

  • Let the dishwashing liquid be pleasant in color and fragrant.
  • Take a new sponge you just bought and mercilessly throw away the old one.
  • Don’t skimp on household chemicals: let there be a lot of foam, this will make washing more pleasant and effective, and therefore faster.
  • Finally, turn on your favorite music or show.

Use any means to lift your spirits; lethargy and apathy will slow things down.

Don't put it off until later

One of the answers to the question of how to properly wash dishes is immediately after eating. Fresh food scraps are easier and faster to clean without waiting for them to dry out. By accustoming yourself to washing dishes right away, while there are still a few of them, you will not then waste time and effort dealing with whole mountains of accumulated dried and bad-smelling tableware.

This habit will save you from the unpleasant feeling of unfinished homework, which will hang over you all day and poison your mood.

When for some reason you cannot wash the dishes right away, soak them in hot water. Then a slight movement of the sponge will be enough to remove all excess from the plate or mug.

What should you wash only with cold water?

Products made of crystal and porcelain are washed in cool water, otherwise they may fade and lose their strength over time.

How to quickly wash dishes if there are traces of dough, eggs, cottage cheese, kefir or milk on them? Do not use hot water. This will cause the proteins contained in these foods to cook from exposure high temperatures and will dry out even more on the plates. In this case, first wash the dishes with cold water and then rinse them with hot water.

  1. To remove the smell of onions, garlic or herring from cutlery, wash them with a vinegar solution.
  2. Plates and mugs with designs should not be rubbed with anything hard or washed in very hot water to avoid damaging the image.
  3. To separate glasses that are stuck together, you can do this: pour hot water into the glass inside, and cool water into the one outside.
  4. Products made of cast iron and iron must be thoroughly dried to prevent rust from forming.
  5. Aluminum dishes cannot be washed with products that contain acid.
  6. Enameled cookware should not be treated with hard brushes or metal mesh pads; avoid impacts, scratches and other damage. All this can lead to the formation of a crack.
  7. To add shine to porcelain, glass and crystal products, use vinegar and salt (add a teaspoon of vinegar and salt to one liter of water). Wash the dishes, rinse and wipe with a dry linen towel.
  8. Dark deposits on the inner walls of the teapot can be removed as follows: leave the teapot filled with a soda solution (200 ml of water plus a teaspoon of soda) overnight.
  9. How to remove sediment in a vase caused by flowers that have been standing in it for a long time? Prepare the solution: one teaspoon acetic acid diluted with a liter of water. This solution will cope well with such contamination.

Washing dishes using alternative means: clean and safe

How to properly wash dishes by hand without using harmful chemicals? There are a lot of non-traditional traditional methods. Let's look at the most common of them.

  • Dry mustard is suitable both as a cleaning powder and as a component of an aqueous solution or cleaning paste. You can add a little vinegar.
  • Baking soda is also good, but it can scratch special coatings.
  • Soda ash is useful in the form of an aqueous solution or paste. If you wash dishes with this product by hand, it is better to use gloves.
  • Using grandma's old way of washing dishes wood ash is still relevant today. Ash is obtained from village stoves or fireplaces.
  • Sand is good for camping on a tourist holiday in the forest. It perfectly removes all dirt, but can scratch elegant items.
  • Salt will cope well with burnt, greasy food residues and will clean the glass efficiently.
  • You can use tooth powder to remove plaque on spoons, especially from tea and coffee; This product is also suitable for cleaning silverware.

Save your dishes, as well as your energy and time, do your homework correctly and on time!

Not all housewives trust dishwashers, preferring to do not the most pleasant housework manually. If you know how to wash dishes, taking into account some of the nuances, you can not only get a high-quality result, but also reduce the hassle to a minimum. First of all, you need to spend a few minutes preparing for the manipulation. No less important point is the pre-processing of products. The rules for washing dishes are very simple, but only a few adhere to them.

How to organize the process correctly?

Housewives are often interested in how to quickly wash dishes, spending a minimum of effort. The most unusual approaches are used - from soaking to processing plates from watering hose. All this looks impressive, but it does not provide advantages, but additional troubles. In order to wash plates and other containers from grease and dirty stains in the shortest possible time, you just need to organize everything correctly.

The preparatory stage should look something like this:

  • We prepare everything you need. These are not only household chemicals and sponges. Be sure to use an apron, gloves, and put pipe cleaners and brushes within easy reach. We spread a towel on which we will place clean dishes.
  • If there is no hot water in the house, it needs to be heated. Modern products and natural reagents do an excellent job of removing traces of grease and even old dense plaque, but the use of hot water greatly improves the quality of processing materials.

Advice: It’s not enough to know how to wash dishes correctly, you also need to process them properly afterwards. You should not dry clean items with a towel; it is better to use a dryer or simply lay the items on a waffle towel. This will prevent streaks and scratches from appearing on the material.

  • It is strictly forbidden to collect dirty dishes in a stack, no matter how much space this saves. As a last resort, in the process of storing dishes like this, you need to use polyethylene as a protective layer.
  • Contrary to popular belief, you should wash less soiled items first. Only after this can you try to wash pots, bowls and frying pans from serious dirt and grease.

If you don't take care of everything from the beginning, washing dishes can leave your entire kitchen dirty. Because of this, you will also have to spend time getting the room in order.

If you have to wash dishes made not from the same material, but from different ones, you should spend a few minutes and sort the items. This technique will help determine the scope of work, determine the household chemicals, water temperature and type of tools used.

For example, hardware quite demanding and capricious. To wash them from dirt and old grease, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  1. Cast iron. Practice shows that few people know how to properly wash dishes made from this raw material. First, the surface of the object must be rubbed with paper, after which you can begin washing using hot water and soap. Burnt food is rubbed off with salt.
  2. Enamel. If these items have to be washed by hand, it is necessary to exclude temperature changes and aggressive mechanical influence. Therefore, we abandon metal scourers and plastic brushes in favor of hot water with detergent or baking soda.
  3. Darkened enamel. No amount of chemistry can cope with this problem, so you need to initially approach its solution correctly. You just need to pour water with detergent diluted in it into the damaged container and bring this mixture to a boil.
  4. Aluminum. IN in this case It is prohibited to use salt, acids or soda, abrasive products, or wire wool for cleaning. To wash the container, you need to gently rub it with a sponge dipped in soapy water. Boiling a weak solution of vinegar or water with potato peelings in a bowl will restore its shine.
  5. Silver and nickel. We use warm water, neutral detergents and as soft as possible. Few people know that these products can be easily cleaned with chalk and ammonia. Apply the prepared solution to problem areas and wash it off with water when it dries. Only if you know how to properly wash dishes made from such capricious materials can you count on their long service life and maintaining their attractive appearance. appearance. Even if the silver is not covered with grease stains, it should be washed regularly with soapy water and a couple of drops of ammonia.
  6. Copper and brass. If household chemicals do not help, you should mix a tablespoon of salt and a glass of whey. We wet a sponge or soft cloth in the solution and carefully wipe off the dirt from the material.
  7. Iron. Baking trays or baking dishes are difficult to quickly wash by hand and require soaking. As a last resort, if time is running out, you should try options using emery, river sand, ash or potato slices.

To remove burnt-on plaque, it is not necessary to use various household chemicals; it is enough to soak the product in a solution made from salt and water. If the contamination is very strong, then a little more mustard powder should be added to the liquid.

Features of ceramic processing

Many housewives are interested in how to quickly wash ceramic dishes without damaging their unique surface. The following methods of influence can help here:

  • To wash ceramics, you should use hot water with baking soda, after which it must be rinsed with clean water. The main thing is not to forget to thoroughly dry the products after this.
  • The risk of cracks appearing on the ceramic will be minimal if, before using the item, soak it in cold water for an hour and then rinse it in hot water.
  • After washing, pottery should not be placed on its neck or covered, otherwise it will begin to emit bad smell.

If the rules for caring for products have been violated and an unpleasant odor still begins to emanate from them, the items must be washed several times in clean cold water. All that remains is to dry them in the dryer and you can evaluate the result.

What is the best way to wash earthenware, porcelain and glass?

The above materials are also quite demanding in terms of the washing process. To wash them from grease and not spoil objects, you should remember the following nuances:

  • Faience. The water should be warm; hot liquid will crack the coating. We use neutral detergents; there is no need to whisk them to foam. Darkened objects are additionally wiped with salt or baking soda.
  • Porcelain. We act very carefully, limiting ourselves to warm water if possible. We wipe the darkened areas with a cloth soaked in turpentine or ammonia.
  • Glass. Here, too, no hot water is used, which causes the glass to become dull. It is better to use warm salt water. And for rinsing, water in which the lemon peel has been soaked is ideal. Fireproof glass wash only after it has cooled down. Otherwise, the material may crack due to temperature changes.

Today, plastic utensils are increasingly used in everyday life. To wash it of grease, just take a little cold or slightly warm water and any mild detergent. But hot water begins to deteriorate plastic, its surface becomes rough and even gives off an unpleasant odor.

If the advantage of delicious food is its taste, then the disadvantage is the dirty dishes that remain. If you don't want to eat dinner using disposable dishes every time, you'll have to wash them. How much time will be spent depends on how we wash it.

There are two ways to wash dishes: by hand or in the dishwasher. Both this one and that one have their adherents. And there is disagreement about which is better. Some people prefer the dishwasher because of its convenience, while others choose to wash by hand because you can control how much water you use and make sure your dishes are clean right away. In this article we will consider the option of washing by hand.

If you don't want to clog your sink, it's a good idea to put large leftovers in the trash in advance. Next, without detergent, use the soft side of the sponge to remove the remaining pieces of food. Do not forget that there are foods that are best removed from the plate immediately. For example, the same buckwheat in 1 hour can dry out so much on the saucer that in the future the only option will be to throw out the dishware.

Use the hottest water you can, but not enough to burn yourself. Don't fill the sink all the way to the top, as you'll need room to put your dishes. Fill it halfway. Soak pans and pots. If you have any dishes that are difficult to clean, such as pots or pans, fill them with hot water and set them aside. Let them soak for about 10-15 minutes. You can also place small utensils with stuck dirt in these pans, such as spatulas and knives.

Add a couple of drops of dish soap to the sink and swirl it around with your hands to create a smooth solution with lots of bubbles. If this kind of water is hard on your hands, you can wear a pair of rubber gloves. This will also protect you from cuts from any utensils.

You should clean the most fragile items first so they don't break, and leave the dirtiest items last so they don't stain your cleaning tools when you first start washing.

To start washing, simply immerse the dishes in water and scrub off any grease, sauce or food using a kitchen brush, sponge or steel wool. To clean forks, use the corner of a sponge to get between the tines. Be sure to clean every part of every item, including handles on coffee cups and pots that tend to collect finger oils. You can tell the dishes are clean if they start to squeak when you wipe them.

Replace the water and add more soap when it becomes too dirty to actually clean any subsequent dishes or when the water has cooled or the soap scum has disappeared.

When you are done cleaning all the dishes, you should rinse them under the faucet or in a second sink if you are using the double bowl method to remove the soap. For the second method, you can simply fill a second sink with warm water and lower the dishes to rinse them, replacing the water as needed. If you don't have a second sink, simply run the dishes under the faucet. It is better to use warm water.

Sorting dishes

After you have rinsed all the dishes, double check that you have completely cleaned them. Any remaining sauce or food will be fairly noticeable, but you may need to remove your gloves and check with your fingers to make sure you've removed all the fat. If any dirt remains, repeat.

After you put away your dishes, wipe the rack with a damp cloth, then dry it with a towel to prevent hard water from building up minerals. Wiping the sink as well good idea to remove food debris.

Whenever there are dirty dishes in the sink, it means the food has been prepared in some way, which means the countertops and stovetop need to be wiped down as well. Use a sponge with soapy water to remove any crumbs or sticky stains, then wipe down counters with a disinfectant kitchen cleaner if necessary to ensure safe cooking next time.

Choosing a dishwashing detergent

You can find a lot of professional products, and every company says that they are the best, but how do you know if this is true? Practice will help you the most. Quality product must be in safe packaging so that a child cannot use it for other purposes; it should foam well; The product must be safe for your health.


  • Pemolux

An old remedy that can be found in the hardware department of absolutely any store. Equally weak in the fight against all types of dirt.

  • Fairy

The most popular and at the same time the most useful remedy. It will help you in the fight against fat, but, unfortunately, it leaves a specific smell and does not wash off the plate the first time.

  • Sorti

It is the best cheap remedy. Effective against fat, but completely helpless in the fight against dried-on food debris.

Natural remedies

It removes grease and excess odors well. It can be used for porcelain and glassware and cutlery, but in no case for cookware with Teflon or non-stick coating. Plus, soda is absolutely harmless for newborns. If you are not sure that soda is suitable for your child, you can use mustard.

  • Mustard

The option of washing dishes with mustard powder is one of the best, as it removes dirt, is safe for special coatings and copes with chemical residues. To wash very dirty dishes, you can add vinegar to the mustard solution.

Washing dishes with laundry soap every day is not a bad idea, since it does not cause allergies, is not harmful to health, and environment. It skillfully copes with its task, however, due to the fact that some components are poorly soluble in it, a special washing algorithm is required.

  • Soda Ash

This product is not safe for your hands, so we recommend using gloves.

  • Wood ash

If there is no running water at hand and therefore there is no way to wash off the product, you can use ash. It will cope well with grease and other dirt.


The process itself has been known in general terms to everyone since childhood. To begin with, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to use only a few drops of detergent. And this is far from due to the issue of saving.

Just the majority detergents They are quite difficult to wash and the more product you use, the more difficult it is to wash.

It is better to change sponges once every 2 weeks, provided that you wash dishes 2 times a day. You need to wash the dishes thoroughly, eating in the most secluded places, so that over time the food does not begin to acquire a strange, specific taste.


Once you are sure that all the utensils are truly clean, wash your hands and then dry the utensils using a clean towel. Do not use a hand or bath towel as lint may stick to your dishes. Be sure to place cups and glasses upside down on the counter to prevent water from accumulating.

Place the dishes on the shelves after you have dried them. This way, it will be easy to find later and harder to be thrown onto the floor and broken.

A few secrets

  • Use very hot water

The hotter the water, the more likely it is that glasses and silverware will dry without streaks or stains.

  • Wash in the correct order

Order: crystal, glassware, glass plates, other plates, cutlery, serving utensils, and then pots and pans.

  • Cleaning very dirty pans

Fill the pan cold water and 2-3 tablespoons of salt and leave to soak overnight. Then slowly bring to a boil and the dirt should disappear.

We hope after reading these simple tips, the process of washing dishes will bring only positive emotions every day.