Thyme for all occasions: beneficial properties, contraindications and harvesting rules. Useful properties of thyme

Thyme is a subshrub with thin trunks growing along the ground, 5–40 cm high. The leaves are green, small, oval. The flowers are also small, pink-violet, collected in the form of bunches at the tips of the branches.

Thyme is distributed throughout almost all of Eurasia (except the tropics), North Africa and Greenland.

Chemical composition

Thyme contains up to 1.7% essential oil with a predominance of phenols - thymol and liquid carvacrol. It also contains cymene, borneol, terpinene, terpineol, although not much. The plant also contains tannins, ursolic, caffeic, chlorogenic and oleanolic acids, flavonoids, gum, bitterness and many mineral salts.

What are the benefits of thyme for the body?

This plant is very useful for both.

For men

Thyme is really valuable for women, as it helps to increase “male strength”, affects potency, improves sperm quality, and treats prostatitis.

In addition, the plant has a healing and expectorant effect. It is recommended to avid people to get rid of the characteristic cough. And also this medicinal plant used in the fight against, to normalize, it helps relieve muscle spasms.

For women

Thyme is highly recommended for non-stress sufferers who suffer from prolonged migraines. Gynecologists recommend thyme for inflamed or painful appendages. Baths with thyme reduce stress and restore strength.
Mothers nursing their babies also need tea with thyme, because it has beneficial properties for improving lactation and milk quality. But it’s better to reduce the consumption of thyme, as it can cause uterine tone. In some cases, it is generally contraindicated. So be sure to consult your doctor.


Thyme is equally good in folk medicine, and cosmetology and, of course, in cooking.

In cooking

In cooking, the herb is used both fresh and dried. This is an excellent seasoning for dishes (especially potatoes or), as well as pea and bean soups.

Adds a slight bitterness and piquancy to fried pork, lamb, duck, turkey, and goose. This spice is added to various cheeses. It is also suitable for pork pates.

Thyme is often added to, because it makes it tastier and gives it an amazing smell. Fresh or dried thyme is added to homemade preserves when pickling tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables.

In folk medicine

Herbal infusion is used for numerous reasons:

  • colds, bronchitis, cough;
  • heart disease, chest pain;
  • illness;
  • as a diuretic;
  • stomach pain or;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • low acidity;
  • shortness of breath, swelling, tumors;
  • nervous diseases;
  • anemia;
  • goiter (enlarged thyroid gland);
  • rheumatism;
  • uterine bleeding, before or during childbed fever.

In cosmetology

Thyme perfectly cares for thin and weak nails, damaged due to coloring or curling, strengthens and restores nails. Thyme extract tones and has an antimicrobial effect. It is mixed into creams, lotions, and shampoos. It is also good against acne.

Aroma baths with thyme have a beneficial effect on overall well-being and improve mood. Thyme oil is often used to flavor creams, soaps, lotions, and toothpastes.

Collection, drying and storage of medicinal raw materials

You need to collect thyme while it is blooming - from late June to early August. It is best to do this in dry weather when the thyme is dry with dew.
Carefully cut off the tops, along with leaves and flowers, and place in baskets or paper bags. It is forbidden to pull out the plant by its roots, as it will no longer be able to reproduce. Moreover, for medicinal purposes you will only need its ground part.

Important!When collecting and storing thyme, make sure that it does not become compressed or wrinkled. Also make sure that the basket does not include rough stems, damaged, unhealthy plants eaten by insects, as well as insects themselves or their larvae.

It is best to dry thyme in the attic or in the shade under special canopies. The main thing is that there is good ventilation in this place. Place it on paper or natural, not very thick fabric. Another option is to tie the thyme into small bunches and hang them.

It is not recommended to use dryers in this case, since with accelerated drying the plant will lose such important essential oils. If you can’t do without a dryer, be sure to monitor the temperature inside; it should not exceed +35 °C.

It is necessary to dry the plants until their stems become brittle and the flowers and leaves begin to fall off. At the end of the process, do not forget to remove rough stems, spoiled leaves and other unnecessary impurities from the grass.

Place the thyme in a dry, dark place with access to oxygen. To preserve thyme longer, place it in a glass container, paper or fabric bags, thick carton boxes. Plastic bags are contraindicated! In them the grass will lock up and lose medicinal properties. If you follow all the recommendations, you will have thyme for at least two years.

Folk recipes

Thyme is simply a real storehouse of useful things! Therefore, in folk medicine and cosmetology there is no way without it.

For hair

A decoction is prepared based on the plant, which is added to products for. It’s very simple to prepare: pour a spoonful of thyme into a cup hot water, bring to a boil, after 5 minutes set aside, let brew for 30 minutes, strain and cool.

The resulting broth is added to:

Rinse for oily hair. After washing your hair, use one of these treatments:
  • three spoons oak bark, cook a spoonful of thyme and chamomile in a liter of water for 20 minutes;
  • the collection of thyme, linden and yarrow (in equal proportions) pour a couple of cups of water brought to a boil, boil again;
  • two tablespoons of crushed dry rowan, pour boiling water over a spoon of thyme, simmer for 10 minutes.

Wellness baths

If you are worried about joint and muscle pain, paralysis, or you are seriously hurt, prepare a strong infusion: 500 g of dry crushed thyme, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, cover, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain and add to the bath. The water temperature should be +37-38 °C. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes.

For skin rashes, diathesis, for bathing weakened babies, pour 5 tablespoons of dry crushed herbs with a liter of boiling water, close tightly, leave for two hours. Strain and pour into baby’s bath water.
Thyme has a general strengthening effect, acting as a natural immunomodulator. For this purpose they use medicinal baths with it: boil the plant until you obtain a concentrated infusion, pour into hot bath. Take a bath for a maximum of 15 minutes.

For headaches

If you are worried about frequent symptoms, thyme will also help you. Pour 1 tablespoon of thyme leaves and flowers into 250 ml of boiling water, cover, cook for 5 minutes. Juice, strain, take 20 ml infusion three times a day before meals.

For joint pain

As mentioned above, baths with thyme are good for joint pain. But, in addition, for example, with rheumatism, they also do it with essential oil thyme.
Mix the oil with cream or ointment (2-3 drops of oil per 5 ml of cream). Massage can also be done with a mixture of essential oils, juniper, eucalyptus, fir, cypress, lavender, rose, rosemary, mint or. They all go well with thyme. But you cannot mix more than three oils and increase the dosage by 2-3 drops. Massage your joints until the skin turns red and you feel warm.

For coughs and colds

When coughing:

  • Place a fresh plant with flowers in a liter jar, pour 500 ml, leave for several weeks in a dark place. Strain. If you have a cough, take the infusion 30 drops once a day.
  • Mix two or three tablespoons of thyme with a spoonful of oregano and a spoonful of mint, pour boiling water over it, leave overnight. Drink like tea, an excellent cough remedy. For children, be sure to dilute the broth with water.
  • They also help with coughing: cover your head with a towel/blanket and breathe over the steam of the hot infusion for 10-20 minutes. After the procedure, wrap yourself up and do not leave the house.

In cases of colds:
  • Take 1 tablespoon of thyme infusion, aloe juice, honey, mix and drink.
  • By the way, for colds, thyme is mixed with other herbs for inhalation: 1 tablespoon of dry thyme, eucalyptus leaves and sage, pour three cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain, breathe over the infusion.
  • Thyme essential oil is taken orally, adding 1-2 drops (no more!) to half a glass of tea/milk or dripping the oil onto a piece of sugar/in a teaspoon with honey.

To increase potency

For men suffering from early ejaculation, there is a thyme drink: pour two large spoons of dry thyme into a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them, leave for two hours, filter. Drink twice a day for two weeks. Take a break of seven days and take the course again.
To increase sexual energy and stamina, use thyme oil, rubbing it daily into the groin and perineum. By the way, you can not only buy oil, but also make it yourself: pour a little olive oil into 15 g of chopped herbs, leave for a month in a dark place. Treat as much as you like, rubbing in the oil as needed.

Did you know?In Ancient Rus', wreaths were made from thyme for brides, and on the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, icons of the Mother of God were decorated with it, as the plant was considered sacred.

Healthy tea recipes

Preparation of tea with thyme:

  • with thyme soothes coughs and relieves inflammation. If you have a cold, pour a couple of tablespoons of chopped herbs into a teapot and add 250 ml of boiling water. Place in a water bath for 15 minutes. Wait an hour for the broth to cool. Drink a cup of tea three times.
  • And this tea relieves pain, calms the nerves, has an anticonvulsant effect, helps men with potency, and treats prostatitis. Pour flowers and thyme herb into the teapot, leaf green tea. Fill halfway with boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes. Add more boiling water and strain.
  • , contained in thyme, improves the functioning of the heart and genitourinary system. Pour the herb of oregano, mint and thyme in a ratio of 1:1:3 into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and wait 12 hours for it to brew.
  • To make your skin better, brew regular tea, adding thyme, sweet clover, lavender, rosemary, chamomile, lemon balm and coltsfoot (all herbs should be in the same amount). Drink 150 ml tea several times a day.

Thyme tea has many beneficial properties, but it also has contraindications that you also need to be aware of.

Thyme or thyme is a unique fragrant plant, the beneficial properties of which were noted by the ancient Greeks: it was believed that it was endowed with divine power, therefore it is a powerful natural medicine. It still has the same reputation today: the bush is still used to prevent and treat many ailments. What problems does thyme help solve? What are the plant's contraindications? Where does it grow in Russia and what are the rules for collecting and storing thyme? Next, we will not only answer the above questions, but also show in the photo what thyme looks like during the flowering period, when it carries the greatest value.

Healing components of thyme

Thyme is a perennial medicinal plant with small pinkish-purple flowers collected in single inflorescences. Thyme contains many valuable elements that determine its beneficial properties.

An important component of the plant is an essential oil with a large amount of phenols: carvacrol and thymol. This pair of elements has antimicrobial and disinfectant properties, and therefore has an extremely detrimental effect on coccal flora, pathogenic fungi and various types of harmful microorganisms.

Among natural acids:

  • Folic acid – promotes the development of new blood cells. The acid is especially active in producing leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets.
  • Ursolova - has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. Promptly restores collagen fibers. In addition, the acid is also known for its cardiac stimulating properties.
  • Oleanolic acid has healing, anti-inflammatory and general tonic effects.

Thyme flowering

It is impossible not to mention such useful vitamins as retinol, vitamin C and vitamin K.

In addition, thyme contains a lot of healing micro- and macroelements:

  • potassium – controls arterial pressure and pulse;
  • manganese – provides antioxidant protection for the body;
  • iron is vital for the production of red blood cells.

To a lesser extent, thyme contains phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, and zinc. All of them have a complex effect on the human body, affecting literally every system.

Useful properties of thyme

Range of preventive and medicinal properties thyme is extremely wide. Let's look at the main beneficial effects of the plant:

Due to the high content of essential oil, thyme is used not only in medicine, but also in the cosmetology field. In particular, thyme is present in numerous remedies for restoring damaged or naturally brittle hair and damaged nails.

Thyme contraindications

Before using thyme with any therapeutic purpose, do not be lazy to familiarize yourself with its contraindications. Of course, there are very few of them, but reinsurance will not be superfluous for anyone. So, when is thyme not recommended for use?

First of all, thyme is prohibited during pregnancy. The fact is that it stimulates uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage.

Important! Thyme is useful for women after pregnancy - during breastfeeding: it activates milk production and prevents bleeding. But even here you need to be careful: before starting a course of taking tea with thyme, a young mother is recommended to consult with her doctor.

Thyme helps slow blood clotting, so it is contraindicated in people with already slowed clotting, as well as in those taking anti-clotting medications.

Thyme is not recommended for chronic problems with the liver, thyroid gland and kidneys. In addition, thyme cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to the plant, otherwise redness and rashes on the skin cannot be avoided.

Rules for collecting, drying and storing thyme

In Russia, thyme is most often found in the European part, especially in the Krasnodar region, the Caucasus, the Urals, Transbaikalia and some parts of Western Siberia. The plant grows in the most different conditions: in sandy areas, in coniferous forests, on southern cliffs, in pine forests, on forest edges. You can identify thyme by appearance– it always grows en masse, forming voluminous turfs.

Thyme should be dried in the shade

Thyme blooms for quite a long time - usually from May to September, with minor adjustments depending on the weather conditions of the specific area where it grows. All the most valuable properties thyme symptoms appear at the start of flowering, so it is recommended to collect and dry the plants during this period.

When collecting, you need to use scissors or a sharp knife: using a tool, cut off the top of the shoots with leaves and flowers.

Advice. Do not pull out the plant directly by the roots or break it - this will cause rapid death of the bush.

Dry thyme as follows:

  • prepare a sieve or tray, line it with paper and distribute the thyme evenly on it;
  • place the plant either in a ventilated room or outside, but under a canopy;
  • Dry the thyme for 3-5 days, turning it regularly and keeping it away from moisture.

The leaves will tell you that drying is complete: they will darken and become a little stiff. After this, the plants need to be sifted. The resulting raw materials are packaged either in linen bags or in glass containers. It should be stored exclusively in a dry place.
So, what do we have: thyme - a fragrant, beautiful and incredibly useful shrub with the widest spectrum actions: from the prevention of colds to the treatment of gastrointestinal problems. If you have no contraindications to the use of thyme, consider that your personal first aid kit has been enriched with a whole range of useful substances for literally all occasions.

What you need to know about thyme: video

Chebrets: photos

Thyme (Thyme, Oregano) is an essential oil-bearing low-growing shrub that has gained popularity all over the world due to its healing, decorative and aromatic properties.

The first mentions of this noble plant were found in Sumerian cuneiform tables dating back to 3000 BC. The ancient Egyptians used thyme in the embalming process. At the same time, the ancient Greeks used low-growing shrubs in their baths and burned them as incense in temples, believing that it would give them courage. According to the descriptions of Horace (65 - 8 BC), the Romans actively cultivated this spice culture to attract bees, and also use smoke to purify the air in rooms.

In the European Middle Ages, it was used to repel insects and placed under the pillow for sound sleep without nightmares. It was believed that a sprig of thyme embroidered on a warrior’s clothing would give him courage and protect him from misfortune in battle. There are numerous references to the elegant shrub in Danish, German and Russian folklore.

What does thyme look like (photo)?

Biological characteristics

Common thyme (lat. Thýmus) – perennial evergreen The Lamiaceae family is native to the northwestern regions of the Mediterranean. There are several hundred species that are currently widespread throughout almost all of Eurasia, northern Africa and America, Scandinavia and Greenland. In Russia alone there are more than 170 species of thyme.

It is generally accepted that thyme grows only in forest clearings and forest edges, but this is not entirely true. This spicy shrub has adapted to almost all environmental conditions. Wild thyme can be found in the steppe and pine forest sands, on rocky slopes and cliffs, limestone outcrops and sandy-clayey areas.

Perennial shrubs and subshrubs reach a height of 15-35 cm. The stems of the plant are woody with creeping shoots and vertical flowering branches. Depending on the species, the leaves can have an elliptical or rounded shape, smooth or jagged edges, and a solid or variegated color. The flowers are collected in capitate or elongated inflorescences of purple, white, yellow and pink shades. The fruits of the plant are small, black-brown in color, oval in shape.

Oregano is known for its healing properties, in its composition such components as thymol, tannins and bitter substances, flavonoids, organic acids, gum and mineral salts.

Growing conditions

Oregano grows actively in well-drained soil with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction (soil pH 5.0-7.5). Clayey and excessively moist soil is not suitable for medicinal plants. Mulching the soil can be done with any available material: peat, gravel, small pebbles or even crushed stone.

For a fragrant shrub, you should choose a well-lit, warm place. The plant grows well in direct sunlight. Due to its unpretentiousness, thyme will grow in the shade, but the shoots will be weak, the flowering will be short and not so fragrant.

Let's start growing thyme - planting is the first step

Thyme grass, depending on the variety, can be annual or perennial. Perennial Best grown from cuttings or by dividing rhizomes. Annual thyme does not require propagation from seeds.

Rhizome division

Dividing a bush, due to its simplicity, is the most popular method among gardeners. Oregano can be propagated as early as March-April, when spring frosts have passed and shoots have emerged. Usually a three or four year old plant is planted. How to plant thyme? The procedure itself is simple: you need to dig up the bush, carefully so as not to damage the roots, divide it into 2-3 parts and replant it in a prepared place.


Flower growers rarely use rooting of cuttings; as a rule, the plant itself spreads throughout the garden. The stems of thyme, spreading along the ground, have root rudiments at the bends. When cuttings, the necessary stems are cut off, the lower part is freed from leaves and planted in the ground. When rooted in spring period, some experts recommend covering the shoots glass jar for better vegetation, but this is not required condition. Although this will clearly reduce evaporation and create its own microclimate. What is important... When sufficient watering and favorable weather conditions, thyme will quickly sprout its first leaves.

How to grow thyme from seeds?

The main advantage of seed propagation is the ability to obtain a huge number of plants. You can sow seeds both in autumn and in early spring. Because fragrant shrub It is frost-resistant and can be planted in the ground when there is still snow. If you are concerned that the seeds will not germinate, wait until it warms up in April. Ideal temperature for seedlings – 15-20 C.

Before planting, you need to dig up the soil, break up the clods and apply fertilizer. After some time, seeds should be sown on the surface of the prepared soil, sprinkling them with a layer (no more than 1 cm) of river sand. The sown area is covered with film.

On average, seeds germinate in 1-2.5 weeks. Since they grow densely, the plants need to be thinned out. For better growing season there should be a distance of about 15-25 cm between plants, and 30-50 cm between rows.

How to grow thyme at home?

Since thyme develops slowly from seeds, many gardeners prepare seedlings before planting in the ground. The landing method is the same as in open ground: seeds are carefully distributed over the surface of the prepared soil and sprinkled with sand.

The soil mixture should be light; a sand-peat mixture in a 1:1 ratio is best.

Approximately two months after germination, the seedlings are ready to be planted in the ground. In order for the seedlings to better adapt to transplantation, they can be left outside during the daytime.

What does thyme like? Thyme care

Noble herb does not require special attention in care. In the first year of planting, medicinal grass needs weeding and loosening. In the second and third years of the growing season, it is necessary to add humus and feed with mineral fertilizers.

There is no need to water thyme every day, the roots ornamental shrub may rot. It is better to water from time to time without fear of drying out the plant. Thanks to moderate watering, the leaves will be rich in color and the inflorescences will grow larger.

Although thyme is not prone to pests and diseases, sometimes aphids or thrips can be seen on the bushes. If aphids appear on the leaves and stems, ants, attracted by the treat, may begin to build nests in the roots of the plant. Extended insect nests can cause damage and destruction of the thyme root system. Oregano can also be susceptible to whitefly and spider mites.

When does thyme bloom?

The fragrant shrub blooms long and profusely, from May to September. Newly planted plants will begin to bloom by the end of summer or the next year after planting.

When to collect thyme for drying?

For medicinal purposes, raw materials are collected after the start of flowering. The special days for gathering are considered to be the church holiday of Trinity and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. It is believed that thyme has special healing properties at this time.

For culinary purposes, it is better to prepare thyme before flowering: experts say that during this period the plant retains the maximum amount of essential oils.

When collecting thyme, it is better to do this by cutting off the branches with a sharp knife, but you should not break or pull out the plant. Thyme is prepared in the same way as any other medicinal herb: placed on a rack or tied in bunches in a well-ventilated, dark room. Where they are dried in a tied state.

Representatives of the Thyme genus will be a wonderful decoration alpine slides, rock garden or sidewalk paths. Thyme is considered a favorite spice of chefs around the world and is especially valued for its healing properties.

Throughout our vast country, in wooded meadows and sandy slopes, this low-growing shrub is found, blooming almost all summer. Thyme has many names, it is called Bogorodskaya herb, savory, chebrik, thyme, and lemon scent. It has been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times. It is important to know the time of harvesting thyme herb so that the potions prepared from it are as effective as possible.

Benefits of thyme

People have long noticed that the plant helps against many diseases. It is collected from nearby forests and even grown on personal plot, planting in a well-lit, windless place. In addition to using thyme (its more common name is thyme) in medical purposes, it is actively used by chefs for cooking. Thyme can be bought at any pharmacy, but raw materials collected by hand and dried at home will bring much more benefits. Let's figure out when the plant is harvested and produces green mass all summer, starting from April and ending in October, when almost all perennials retire until next spring. The timing of harvesting thyme depends on the purposes for which it is going to be used.

Collection time

Finding this humble herb in the wild is not difficult if you know where thyme grows. Its thickets are found in meadows and forest edges, in dry rocky places with sandy soil. Thyme blooms very beautifully and fragrantly, from May to August. Thyme is mainly harvested when the inflorescences appear en masse and vast lilac carpets are spread out underfoot. During the harvesting process, beginners usually have questions related to how to collect and dry raw materials. In this article we will try to highlight all the nuances and secrets that you should know about. The grass is collected in warm, sunny and dry weather during the day, between eight and five o'clock in the evening. Plants need to be collected at a time when they are already dry from dew, otherwise the wet raw materials will mold. This herb can be used to make tea immediately after collection. For these purposes, it can be picked without waiting for flowering, since not only the flowers of thyme, but also its leaves have a persistent aroma. When thyme is collected for drying, we will consider below.

Which part of the plant to use

Only the above-ground part of the plant is suitable for use. To collect thyme, you need to use a knife or sickle with a sharp blade. Using this knife, young, undamaged twigs, leaves and inflorescences are carefully cut off. Under no circumstances should the plant be pulled out by the roots. Also, thick, woody shoots close to the ground should not be cut off. It is best to collect thyme during the period of mass flowering in June or July. In regions where thyme grows, people believed that this plant has magical properties, so it was collected on days church holidays: Trinity, Dormition of the Virgin. It was believed that the plant collected on these days would have the most healing properties. For culinary purposes, as well as for making tea, thyme can be harvested before it blooms, which is May or June. Plants that have not yet faded contain the largest amount of essential oils, which adds flavor nuances to prepared dishes.

Drying of raw materials

When thyme is collected for drying, we examined. Now let's take a closer look at the drying process itself. For getting best result thyme is not dried in the open sun. This is done in the shade and in a well-ventilated area, usually an attic or attic. It is better not to dry thyme in a dryer, since this procedure evaporates all the beneficial essential oils that large quantities contains this plant. It is also strictly forbidden to use an oven to dry thyme, as it is very difficult to establish and control a constant temperature. The collected grass should be laid out on a piece of clean cloth (it is better if it is cotton or linen) or on a baking sheet, placed with thick paper, and can also be hung in the form of small bunches. To protect from insects and dust, you need to cover the grass with gauze. The raw materials are mixed regularly, but very carefully, trying not to damage it. Ready, well-dried leaves should be easily separated from the stem. Drying time in natural conditions can last from three to five days, depending on the weather. After thorough drying, the thyme is sorted, separating the unusable material (some plants may turn black or covered with plaque) and placed in clean cotton bags for storage.

Storing thyme

If you are going to store the plant for a long time (no more than two years), it will do glass containers. The raw material is considered dried if the plant stems become brittle, even with little impact. The leaves become dark green and are easily separated from the stem, the inflorescences darken and crumble when squeezed. When thyme is collected, we examined the drying and storage process. Now it’s worth saying a few more words about the benefits this plant brings.

Medicinal properties of thyme

Since ancient times, thyme has been used as an anti-inflammatory agent for the whole body. In addition, it is an excellent antiseptic that destroys most germs. Thyme decoction is prescribed for acute respiratory diseases as an excellent expectorant, especially effective for chronic bronchitis. It is also used as a pain reliever for patients suffering from headaches and joint pain, or women suffering from menstrual pain. Thyme also has a mild sedative effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves the quality of sleep. Can be used as a regeneration medicine for minor wounds and bruises.

What can be prepared from the plant?

Thyme is used to make tinctures for oral administration, inhalations and health-improving compresses. Thyme is also prescribed for people suffering from binge drinking, it is believed that it helps relieve withdrawal symptoms. Patients prone to attacks of gout or articular rheumatism are prescribed thyme-based baths, which relieve pain well. Tea with thyme helps get rid of bad breath. It improves stomach function, freshens breath, and also helps get rid of heartburn. For migraines, you need to rinse your head with a decoction of thyme or apply the leaves to your forehead. Brewed thyme is very effective in treating bladder diseases. Thyme-based essential oils are used to prevent colds. In cold weather this plant will become an indispensable assistant in the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, but only if you knew how to properly harvest thyme for the winter and followed all the recommendations of specialists.

Cooking method

To brew the herb, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry raw materials, let it brew and take one teaspoon three times a day. It is best to infuse the herb in a thermos. Preparation alcohol tincture It is also not particularly complicated; you need 70% alcohol (100 ml) and dry thyme raw materials. The herb needs to be infused for several days. Take fifteen drops of the tincture three times a day before or after meals. When making a decoction, pour one spoon of dry herb into two glasses of boiling water, heat everything over low heat for several minutes, let it brew and filter. Take half a glass once a day for colds or inflammation. Thyme can also be taken as regular tea, by brewing it in a teapot and adding honey or sugar to taste directly into the mug with the drink. For general healing effect take with thyme and bath once a week. To prepare such a bath, take 40 grams. dry herbs and pour four liters of boiling water. Leave for fifteen minutes, then filter and add to the bath.

Like any medicinal plant, thyme has its contraindications. Before using thyme-based medications, you should consult your doctor.

We described in detail when thyme is harvested.

From time immemorial Thyme was revered as a divine herb, capable of returning a person not only to health, but also to life. The plant is very popular among the people, especially among the Slavs. Even during paganism, our ancestors put Thyme on fireplaces, burning incense to the gods. And now they use it Thyme herb for fumigating premises, for example, cowsheds, after calving cows, for fumigating milk pots, they also smoke frightened children with it.

Names of Thyme

People call Thyme also: Thyme, Bogorodskaya herb, Savory, Incense. Latin name- Thymus vulgaris.

Where does Thyme grow?

Thyme widespread throughout Russia. It also grows in middle lane, and in the Urals, and in Siberia and especially in the Caucasus.

Thyme can be found in open places: Thyme loves meadows, forest glades, forest edges, and also grows in the mountains.

What does Thyme look like?

Thyme (Creeping Thyme) - a small fragrant subshrub up to 30 centimeters high (usually lower because it spreads along the ground).

Thyme stem thin, brown, creeping, woody at the base, often takes root, forming additional roots.

Thyme leaves small oval, with white cilia along the edge.

Thyme flowers pink-violet or pink, two-lipped, collected in loose heads.

Thyme cannot be confused with other grass due to its special structure and bright fragrant aroma. Once again, you won’t confuse its smell with anything else.

Thyme flowering time

Thyme blooms for a long time - from June to August, giving people its aroma, fragrant tea and healing.

Collection and preparation of Thyme

Collect Thyme, like many herbs, it is better in the morning in dry weather. Thyme grows in dense creeping bushes, so it is not difficult to find and collect.

Use flowering sprigs of Thyme. Collect carefully so as not to pull out or damage the roots. You can cut it, you can use your hands: with one hand you hold the stem from below, with the other you sharply break it and, as it were, cut it. If you accidentally pull out Thyme by the roots, do not throw it away, but plant it in the garden or near the house.

Dried Thyme outdoors in the shade, scattering a 5-7 cm layer on paper or fabric, turning over periodically.

Medicinal properties of Thyme

About the properties of Thyme Theophrastus and Avicenna also wrote. Modern experts who claim that “Thyme helps insecure, sensitive, nervous people to open up; restores strength and awakens emotions...” (annotation to one of the patented tonics). So feel free to add Bogorodskaya herb to your dishes and tea (knowing the limit, of course).

Thyme It is considered a very strong antiseptic. It also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, bronchodilator, antispasmodic, mild hypnotic, anthelmintic and many other properties.

Thyme against cough

Thyme effectively treats lung problems. So, with bronchitis or bronchial asthma, Thyme infusion will help.

Helps with dry throat and laryngitis collection from Thyme with leaves of Chamomile and Plantain flowers.

Thyme against impotence

In the treatment of prostatitis and impotence regular use will help tea with Thyme. You can add it periodically St. John's wort, Linden or Rosehip.

Thyme restores strength

Baths with Thyme will help recover and cleanse the skin. It is enough to boil the Thyme, filter it and pour the broth into the bathroom. You should take a bath for 20 minutes.

Thyme oil You can stimulate biologically active points, thereby adding energy. You can prepare the oil yourself. Why thyme grass should be poured with vegetable or olive oil and left for a month. The longer you wait, the better. Before use, the required amount of oil should be filtered and rubbed clockwise into points on the body.

Thyme - external use

Thyme externally used for the treatment of non-infectious skin rashes, psoriasis, wounds, burns;

Thyme is used for rinsing hair anti-dandruff.

Thyme is used for joint pain, rheumatism, bruises and sprains, do baths, wraps, compresses with thyme;

Thyme tincture copes with joint and muscle pain - it should be used as a rubbing. To prepare the tincture, half a half-liter bottle should be filled with fresh leaves and flowers of Thyme. Then pour in a couple of glasses of vodka and leave the bottle for 2 weeks to steep. After this, the tincture is filtered and the herb is squeezed out. With this tincture you can not only rub your joints, but also take it orally after meals, 30-40 drops.

Thyme - Contraindications

The active ingredient in Thyme is thymol. In case of overdose, thymol can provoke hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. You should also not take Thyme for pregnant women. And also for those who suffer from kidney disease, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.

Application of Thyme

Thyme widely used in both official and folk medicine. The easiest way is to brew Thyme tea(with Thyme).

- an unusually healthy and tasty drink. Tea with Thyme- a wonderful remedy that will help you in the fight against a huge number of ailments. This drink is very good for treating throat problems. You just need to throw a few sprigs of thyme into boiling water. After the tea has brewed and cooled, add honey to your taste and drink this drink little by little throughout the day.

If you feel tired and broken, you are overcome depression, then this aromatic, tonic drink will come in handy. Thyme drink not only can it take a person out out of depression, but is also actively used in rehabilitation after brain injuries.

Thyme tea has a remarkable warming effect in cold season and just as good quenches thirst when outside the window there is scorching summer heat.

Water infusion of Thyme: Pour 1 tablespoon of thyme herb into 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, in a thermos;

Alcohol tincture of Thyme: mix thyme herb with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:5, tightly close the container with a lid and leave in a dark place at room temperature 7 – 10 days. Then the tincture must be filtered through several layers of gauze or through a filter bag. It is better to store the tincture in a dark place. The dose is only a few drops;

Thyme oil (Thyme oil) (not to be confused with thyme essential oil!): pour 100 g of chopped fresh herbs into 0.5 liters of refined oil (preferably olive oil), then leave the mixture in the dark in a closed glassware 14 days;

Thyme Powder: Finely grind the dried thyme herb in a mortar to the consistency of powder. Store in a closed glass container.

Thyme Seasoning

Thyme has a pleasant strong odor, sharp, strongly spicy bitter taste.

The aromatic, vitamin-rich leaves of Thyme are used as a spice. It improves the taste, imparts aroma, and gives a bitterness. Remains one of the leading spices in baking. Improves the smell and taste of vegetable dishes, especially potatoes and cabbage.

Thyme How seasoning for fatty foods, it not only significantly improves and enriches the taste, but also promotes its digestion.

Thyme goes well with egg dishes and cheeses. Its popularity for smoking foods is undeniable; no spice enhances the taste of lentil, pea and bean soup like Thyme. In fresh and dried form, Thyme is used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, and squash.

Thyme leaves added to salads, borscht, vegetable soups, chicken broths. Thyme is flavored with cheeses, added to sauces, marinades, fried dishes (potatoes, mushrooms, eggplants), added to spicy mixtures, added to pickling vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.), healing teas and aromatic drinks are prepared with it. .

Thyme - interesting facts

Thyme, unlike most antibiotics, is one of the few herbs to which modern microbes cannot develop resistance.

The Slavs used Thyme to appeal to the Gods. To do this, flowering twigs are thrown into the fire, they look at the smoke, and inhale it. Thyme helps to establish a connection with the Gods and ancestors. Thyme is used in many rituals both among the Slavs and other peoples.

There is still a belief in Ireland that with the help of Thyme you can see fairies. To do this, you just need to wash your eyes with dew from a Thyme bush at dawn after Walpurgis Night.

Long time Thyme was a symbol of military valor and male strength. Thyme baths and thyme tea were popular pre-battle morale boosters for Roman legionaries and Scottish Highlanders. In the Middle Ages, noble knights wore scarves with embroidered Thyme leaves.