How is heating calculated in the rent? Calculation formula: how is the payment for heating in an apartment calculated?

Often utility services propose new tariffs for payments for thermal energy and rules for their calculation. The cost of payment changes every year, including changes in tariffs in 2015 and 2016. Tariffs depend on the availability of metering devices, i.e. whether there is a counter or not. An important factor is standard temperature, because it often happens that the apartment is cold, and payment is made for warm room. In apartments multi-storey building It is not always possible to regulate the heating power, and the heat meter is not installed everywhere.

Features of calculating the cost of heating

Standard temperature

The standard indoor air temperature is determined by the documentation “Building Norms and Rules” (SNiP). If the temperature does not correspond to its standard value in winter period you must contact the appropriate organization. They will send a specialist or commission to verify that the temperature does not correspond to the standard value, about which a corresponding report will be drawn up.

Low indoor temperature

The room temperature is determined by measuring it with a thermometer at point y interior wall. To determine this point you need to step back from outer wall not less than one meter and from the floor - not less than one and a half meters.

The act of measuring the temperature of the room must be drawn up in two copies, one of which belongs to the owner of the apartment.

Table of optimal and permissible temperature premises

Type of roomAcceptable, C oOptimal, C o
In the warm season
Living room20 - 28 20 - 25
During the cold season
Living room18 - 24 20 - 22
In an area where the outside air temperature is 31 0 C or higher for 5 days.20 - 24 21 - 23
Kitchen18 - 26 19 - 21
Bathroom or combined bathroom18 - 26 24 - 26
Toilet18 - 26 19 - 21
Kitchen18 - 26 19 - 21
Corridor between rooms16 - 22 18 - 20
Pantry12 - 22 16 - 18
landing14 - 20 16 - 18

The temperature must remain within the permissible value throughout the year. If it is lower, this should lead to a reduction in the cost of heating payments. In practice, it often happens that the commission deliberately comes at a time when the temperature is satisfactory and does not draw up any report. Such a visit can not be considered, because it will not give any result.

During the cold season, heating can be turned off for a total of no more than 24 hours per month and no more than 16 hours in a row. Each hour exceeding the norm should reduce the cost of payment by 0.15%.

The feasibility of installing a meter

Even installing a common meter per house does not guarantee that the distribution of costs will be fair, because someone could increase the number of radiator sections or even install heated floors, due to which heat consumption increases, and the payment for it is distributed among all residents of the house.

This problem can be solved if you install individual equipment heat calculation. One such device is installed at the supply, and the other at the exit from the apartment. The difference in heat values ​​constitutes the true value of its consumption. In addition, with the presence individual counter it is easier to prove the lack of proper heating levels. If the room temperature is below the permissible value, no heating fee is charged.

Individual thermal energy meter

It is advisable to install this method of heat metering for horizontal wiring. But most often the house has vertical wiring, where each room has a separate riser. Installing two meters on each riser will be too expensive.

It is unacceptable to install the meter yourself; this must be done by representatives of a licensed organization.

Another option for individual heat calculation is to install a switchgear on each heating radiator.

He collects heat consumption readings from one radiator, and then a utility employee takes readings from the distributor and determines the cost of payment.

This method has a number of features:

  • a distributor must be installed on each radiator;
  • the distributor does not take into account the area of ​​the radiator, but removes the amount of heat only at the installation site of the device;
  • It is necessary to have a common meter for the house, it will help to calculate consumption more correctly;
  • Radiators must have a thermostat;
  • It is possible to count using distributors only if at least 75% of the apartments in a multi-story building are equipped with such devices.

Heating cost calculation

Method No. 1

Calculation of the cost of heating in an apartment building with a common building meter installed in the absence of individual heat meters is carried out in two directions:

  • apartment heating;

The calculation is carried out according to the formula approved by the Government of the Russian Federation:

R i = V d * S i / S d * T T, where:

  • V d – total consumption all consumers apartment building for the heating season, determined by the common house meter;
  • S i – apartment area;
  • S d – area of ​​all premises, including common use;
  • T t – the established tariff for a given period of time.

Let us give an example of how the payment for heating a conventional apartment in a multi-storey building is calculated.

Initial data:

  • apartment area – 55 sq. meter.
  • total area of ​​the house – 5000 sq. meter.
  • conditional tariff – 1000 rub. per gigacalorie.
  • the previous counter indicator was 1540 gigacalories.
  • The current counter is 1615 gigacalories.

Cost calculation:

  1. Amount of thermal energy consumption = 1615 – 1540 = 75 gigacalories.
  2. 75 * 55 / 5000 * 1000 = 825 rubles.
  • heating for general house needs (ODN).

This item is calculated using two formulas. The first determines the volume of services provided, and the second determines their cost.

The determination of consumption is determined by the formula:

V i one = V d * (1 – S r / S d) * S i / S r, where:

  • V d – the total consumption of all consumers of an apartment building during the heating season, determined by a common building meter, is estimated to be 75 gigacalories;
  • S about – the total area of ​​all apartments, presumably 4000 sq. m. meter;
  • S d – the total area of ​​the house is 5000 sq. m. meter;
  • S i – apartment area 55 sq. meter.

V i one = 75 * (1 – 4000 / 5000) * 55 / 4000 = 0.21 gigacalories.

P i one = V i one * T cr, where:

  • T cr – tariff for a utility resource in a given period of time, presumably 1000 rubles. per gigacalorie.

R i one = 0.21 * 1000 = 210 rubles.

Thus, the conditional total cost of heating for a given period of time is (825 + 210) = 1035 rubles.

Method number 2

Calculating the cost of heating a house with a common house meter installed and if some apartments have individual metering devices has two options:

  • The apartment is equipped with an accounting device.

P i = V i p * T cr, where:

  • V i p – amount of heat per apartment with an installed individual meter. Determined by the difference between the previous and current values ​​of the meter. Presumably the previous value is 94 gigacalories, and the current value is 96 gigacalories.
  • T cr – the cost of heating for a given period of time per gigacalorie. Supposedly 1000 rubles. per gigacalorie.
  • V i p = 96 – 94 = 2 gigacalories.

Calculation using the formula:

2 * 1000 = 2000 rubles.

  • An apartment not equipped with an accounting device.

P i = S i * N t * T t, where:

  • N t – standard consumption of thermal energy in a given region. Presumably it will be 0.014 Gcal per sq. meter.
  • Тt – cost for heating (1000 rubles per 1 gigacalorie).

R i = 55 * 0.014 * 1000 = 770 rubles.

Household heat energy meter

Calculation of fees for one-way service:

(V d – V cr) * S i / S about, where:

  • V d – the volume of heat consumed by the house over a certain period (75 gigacalories).
  • N t – standard heat consumption (0.014 Gcal per square meter).
  • S v – the area of ​​all apartments not equipped with an individual metering device (1700 square meters).
  • S i – the area of ​​this apartment (55 square meters).
  • S about – the total area of ​​all apartments (5000 square meters).
  • V cr – the amount of thermal energy spent on heating water (4 gigacalories).
  • V W living space – the volume of heat consumed by all residents during the billing period (3 Gcal).

All values ​​in parentheses are conditional for the calculation example.

(75 – 5 – 0.014 * 1700 – 3 – 4) * 55 / 5000 = 0.43 Gcal.

Heating cost ONE: 0.43 Gcal * 1000 rub. = 430 rubles.

The cost of payment for ODN is summed up with the cost of payment for the apartment, depending on whether there is an individual heat meter or not. This gives the total cost of the heating fee.

Method number 3

The calculation determines how much it costs to heat a house where a common house meter is not installed. In this case, it is worth calculating using known formulas.

  • For apartments that do not have an individual meter:

P i = V i p * T cr

  • For apartments with an individual heat meter:

P i = S i * N t * T t

Examples of how the cost is calculated using these formulas are given above.

Determination of heat consumption:

V i one = N one * S oi * S i / S about, where:

  • N one – standard heating consumption (0.014 Gcal per square meter).
  • S oi – area of ​​the common room (450 square meters).
  • S i – apartment area (55 square meters).
  • S about – the area of ​​all apartments in the house (5000 square meters).

Calculation example:

V i one = 0.014 * 450 * 55 / 5000 = 0.07 gigacalories.

To determine how much the cost of one-way service costs, the formula is used:

P i = V i p * T cr

At a conditional tariff of 1000 rubles per 1 gigacalorie, the ODN is:

0.07* 1000 = 70 rubles.

To determine how much it costs to heat an apartment in a building without a common building meter, it is enough to sum up the cost of heating the apartment and the cost of heating equipment.

Tariffs 2015 and 2016

In order to determine the cost of heating in a given region, you need to know the current tariffs. They change with enviable regularity. The cost of heating in 2015 was 990 rubles 50 kopecks. for 1 gigacalorie.

The standard consumption of thermal energy for the heating season was 0.0366 Gcal/sq.m. meter.

New heating tariffs have arrived

Since May 2015, standard consumption has amounted to 0.0122 Gcal/sq.m. meter.

With the coming of the new heating season in October 2015, tariffs increased and began to amount to 1,170 rubles 57 kopecks. Standard consumption was 0.0322 Gcal/sq.m. meter, and since November it has increased to 0.0366 Gcal/sq. meter.

In 2016, standard consumption during the heating season is 0.0366 Gcal/sq. meter, and the fee for 1 gigacalorie is 1170 rubles 57 kopecks.

With the end of the heating season, the value of standard consumption will be 0.0122 Gcal/sq. meter, and the cost per 1 gigacalorie will not change until July 1, 2016.

Let's do the calculation. Video

This video explains how to determine the cost of heating and water heating in 2016.

At the moment, prices for utilities are considerable. To reduce them, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to insulate the room and eliminate unnecessary costs. If you learn to count correctly, you will find that often the payment is not made for the resources consumed. It is important to optimize costs here. An online calculator will help you make the correct calculation. Based on the calculation, it is necessary to decide on the advisability of installing a common house or even an individual heat meter.

In contact with

When planning a heating system for our home, we are faced with the question of how to correctly calculate the heating. And the calculation in in this case has two aspects: on the one hand, it is necessary to find out what devices should be installed to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room, and on the other hand, to calculate the amount that will need to be spent on paying for services.

Heating a private house

Boiler type and power

If we are planning the construction or reconstruction of a private house, then one of the most important design points is the choice of a boiler that is optimal in terms of power. If you install an insufficiently efficient boiler, then in the cold season it will work in forced mode, which will lead to its rapid wear. On the other hand, we don’t want to pay for power we don’t need either!

Note! Using a boiler with excess power leads to an increase in energy consumption by 20-30%

The first thing you need to decide is – this is the type of boiler itself:

  • Solid fuel– relatively inexpensive and economical, but have some inconveniences in operation. Such inconveniences include, for example, the need to periodically add fuel (in severe frost - up to 3-4 times a day).
  • Liquid fuel- have quite acceptable performance characteristics, but the large amount of toxic combustion products makes their use insufficiently environmentally friendly.
  • Electrical– quite effective and easy to use. The main disadvantage of such boilers is the high cost of electricity.
  • Gas– the preferred option for most parameters, including ease of use and economical consumption of energy resources. The key disadvantage is the high price of the equipment itself and dependence on the availability of a gas pipeline.

Regardless of the type of installation used to heat the house, it is necessary to select its optimal performance.

There is a fairly simple formula for calculating it:

Wcat = Wsp * S / 10

In this case:

  • Wbot – minimum permissible boiler power.
  • Wsp is an indicator of specific power per 10 square meters.
  • S is the area of ​​the heated room.

Note! Specific power is a standard indicator and differs depending on different regions. So in Moscow and the Moscow region this parameter is 1-1.2, in northern regions can reach 2, and in the south it is 0.7-0.9.

Radiator calculations

In addition to the boiler itself, it is also necessary to produce. Below we will tell you how the heating of the main area of ​​our house is calculated.

To calculate the number of batteries, use the following formula:

W = S * h * 41

  • W – radiator power sufficient to ensure a comfortable temperature in the room.
  • S is the area of ​​the room.
  • H – height from floor to ceiling (excluding suspended structures).
  • 41 – rate of thermal energy consumption per cubic meter of internal volume.

The result of the calculation using this formula is total power installed radiators. We divide the resulting figure by the heat transfer of one section of the battery (the instructions for the radiator should contain this information), and we obtain the required number of sections. To ensure the best heating, it is better to round the resulting number up!

Naturally, after completing all the calculations, it is necessary to select the optimal radiator models and install them in such a way that heat loss is minimal. The technology for installing heating radiators is clearly demonstrated in video lessons posted on our portal.

Payment Calculation

Payment without a common house meter

No less important point is to calculate the payment for the heat supply of your apartment. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision utilities..." the heating payment includes:

  • Payment for heating provided in your apartment.
  • Payment for heating common premises.

The calculation technology depends on whether your home is equipped with heat meters. In our article we will look at both options, which will allow you to perform calculations with your own hands in any situation.

So, how is the heating tariff calculated in a house in which a common meter is not installed?

Payment for heating the apartment itself, in which an individual heating meter is installed, is made according to the formula:

P i = V i * T k, Where:

  • V i is the amount of heat consumed according to the indicators of the individual metering device.

For example, the meter showed that you used 1.5 gigacalories of heat in a month. In this case, the total amount will be:

1.5 * 1400 (heating tariff) = 2100 rub.

If there is no counter, then another formula is used:

P i = S i * N t * T t , Where:

  • S i – room area
  • N t – consumption standard
  • T t—tariff set for the region

In this case, an example calculation looks like this:

  • The consumption standard is 0.025 Gcal per square meter.
  • The area of ​​the apartment is 75 square meters.
  • Tariff – 1400 rubles.

As a result we have:

77 * 0.0025 * 1400 = 2,625 rubles.

As you can see, a careful calculation shows the effectiveness of installing a heating meter in each apartment, because the savings are quite significant.

P i = V i * T k, Where:

  • V i is the amount of heat provided for general house needs during the reporting period.
  • T k is the tariff established by law.

For example, if on general heating If 1 gigacalorie was spent, then the cost of payment will be 1,400 rubles.

  • With individual metering devices installed: 2100 = 1400 = 3500 rub.
  • Without individual meters: 2625 = 1400 = 4025 rub.

Payment with a common house meter

If the house has general device for accounting, the calculation of individually consumed thermal energy is calculated as follows:

P i = V d * S i /S d *T t, Where:

  • V d is the volume of heat consumed during the period according to the indicators of the general building heating meter.
  • S i – apartment area.
  • S d - the area of ​​​​all premises included in the house (including residential, non-residential and utility).
  • T t is the tariff established in your region.

Payment for heating common areas is made according to the same formula as in the previous case.

Another way is to use housing and communal services calculators. Today there are several similar calculators, and the data obtained as a result of their use provide sufficient accuracy of calculations.

In our article we showed how calculations are performed required power heating boilers and radiators for heating your home, and also clearly demonstrated how to calculate the tariff for heating an apartment in different situations. We hope that the formulas and examples given here will be useful, because strict accounting is the most important condition for reducing costs!

constitutional Court figured out how to pay for heating in apartments. Now residents of all houses built or overhauled since 2012 will pay according to their meters, and not according to standards. The norm, due to which everyone was forced to pay without taking into account meter readings in apartments, was declared unconstitutional. Although it was once approved by the government and included in the housing code.

All this time, the rule violated the rights of the owners, and they overpaid. But one owner did not put up with this, went through several instances, reached the Constitutional Court and achieved justice for everyone. Now the law will be changed, but you can save money now: in some regions you will pay for heating

Ekaterina Miroshkina


How do they generally pay for heating in an apartment?

If the house does not have heating meters, everyone pays according to the standards. Then they don’t even count how much energy was spent on concrete house and an apartment.

For houses with a common building meter, there are two options for calculating payments for heating in apartments.

If there are heating meters in every apartment. All residents pay according to their testimony. Norms will not be imposed on them and the total amount of resources will not be distributed in proportion to the area. How much thermal energy is spent, so much must be paid. Someone has left or likes it to be cool - then they will pay less. And some people have small children and a corner apartment, so the pipes need to be hot, which means they have to pay more.

If there are no meters in all apartments. For example, if they are not in at least two apartments, then they take general readings and divide them among all apartments. They don’t count who spent how much: with what bigger apartment, the more you need to pay. Even if no one lived in the apartment all winter, you still need to pay in full.

Fair enough. What is the problem?

The problem was with those residents who installed meters for themselves or immediately bought an apartment in a new building with heating meters. For example, according to the law, all houses built since 2012, or if they have been major renovation, are required to be equipped with individual heating meters - each apartment.

And so all the residents pay themselves according to their testimony. And then their cunning neighbors take and dismantle the meters. And they no longer have meters and readings.

For those residents who continued to conserve heat and save money, the payment formula immediately changed. They could no longer pay according to their readings, because now not all apartments in the building were equipped with meters. And the rules say so: you can pay according to your readings only if there are meters in all apartments.

Because of a few uneconomical neighbors, the rest began to overpay. Now the readings of the common building meter were divided proportionally among all apartments.

It was this rule that one of the residents of such a house decided to appeal. He didn’t want to overpay because of his neighbors and went through the authorities. He demanded that the management company recalculate his heating charges and take into account his meter readings. The man was rejected everywhere, even in the Supreme Court. Everyone said the same thing: there is a law, there are rules, they must be followed. Sorry, sorry, we can’t help, because of the neighbors you will pay not only for yourself, but also for that guy.

What did the Constitutional Court say?

It is not possible to appeal to the Constitutional Court with any complaint and not for any reason, but here grounds were found. This time the owner asked to recognize the formula for calculating heating as unconstitutional. It turns out that because of the cunning of some people, others - thrifty and law-abiding - suffer. And the current legislation infringes on their interests.

Here are the conclusions made by the Constitutional Court:

  1. The state regulates the calculation of payments for housing and communal services, but must do this taking into account the interests of all owners.
  2. People need to be encouraged to install meters. This helps to save resources and calculate fees for them fairly.
  3. Those who do not install meters must pay more.
  4. Heating meters cannot be installed in all houses: it is technically difficult and expensive. Therefore, the requirement to install them mandatory applies only to houses that have been commissioned since 2012. Or after a major overhaul.
  5. If there is a meter, the owner expects that he will pay according to the readings. Then he will save heat, and in return will be able to pay only for the resources actually used. This way the state will achieve a careful attitude towards thermal energy.
  6. A formula that forces you to pay for an apartment with a meter not according to your own readings, but according to the general ones, violates the rights of tenants. Those who dismantled the meters actually transferred part of their payments to their neighbors.

Bottom line. The law and rules need to be changed. Those who have heating meters must pay according to their readings and not depend on cunning neighbors.

How should you pay for heating now?

The law has not yet been changed, but the conclusions of the Constitutional Court are already in effect, before the amendments.

If all the apartments in the building were initially equipped with heating meters, and then one of the residents dismantled it, then payments will be calculated as follows.

For apartments with meters- By individual indications. Now it doesn’t matter that the neighbors don’t have them, although they used to.

For apartments without meters- according to standards. That is, not even according to general indications, divided into all apartments, but as if there was no metering device in the entire house.

Does this apply to all houses? Can I install a meter and pay according to readings?

No, the decision of the Constitutional Court only applies to those houses that have been commissioned or renovated since 2012. They are required by law to have meters, and residents are required to keep them. Those who did not save will now pay.

If the house did not have heating meters and everyone paid in proportion to the area of ​​the apartment, it would not be possible to simply install a meter for yourself and pay according to your readings. For such cases, the formula from clause 42.1 of rules No. 354 will continue to apply. So far, it has been declared illegal only for specific cases with cunning neighbors.

And you don’t have to pay for heating the entrance if you’re leaving or just don’t want to. I don't need a warm entrance

No, everyone will have to pay for general household needs. The Constitutional Court also considered this issue.

He explained that heating the entrance and non-residential premises important for everyone. This is done not only for heating, but also to maintain structures and communications in good condition. Even if residents are gone for the entire winter, they are still required to pay for the maintenance of common property. Due to this, the house will have serviceable pipes, dry walls and reliable ceilings.

An individual meter cannot show how much thermal energy is spent on general house needs per specific apartment. Therefore, they focus on common counters. You can’t refuse to pay for heating for common house needs, and you can’t recalculate it at the time of departure either. Everything is legal here.

How to install heating meters throughout the house to pay less?

The payment calculation formula will not change. It will simply be clarified or a new one will be added, especially for houses that should already have meters by law. If your house is not one of these, you cannot force all residents to install meters: you need to hold a meeting, and then pay for it all. Installation of meters in apartments is always at the expense of the owners. By law there is an installment plan, but it depends on the management company.

In order for everyone to pay their bills, the management company must carry out the work. This is her responsibility by law: to ensure that the house saves resources. Therefore, it is best to start by contacting management company. They will explain what to do to pay the bills even for heating. But meters themselves will not appear in apartments.

It always makes sense to sort out payments for housing and communal services. Even if it is not possible to install heat meters in apartments, it may turn out that you pay according to the standards for the entire house, although there is a common meter

Payments for utilities are becoming higher day by day, thereby reducing family funds for other needs. Regardless of the region of residence, every consumer can note that the amounts presented for payment for receiving heat to the apartment are the most significant.

But at the same time, tenants do not know how correct these charges are, since how heating payments are calculated is often known only to heating workers.

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Legislative basis for the formation of heating fees

Currently, the procedure for determining the amount of payment for provided heat is based on Resolution 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation. The adoption of this standard took place in 2012, and since then the main version of the document has undergone various adjustments.

Changes were repeatedly made to the calculation methodology itself. The concept of “general house heating needs” was introduced, which was calculated separately from the heating of residential premises. But in 2013, the heating service was combined into a single utility service, without separation according to the purpose of the room.

Improvements are ongoing to this day; in 2017, new formulas were introduced to calculate the amount presented for payment by the consumer. And in the current period, calculations are carried out precisely according to these criteria and using a new procedure for generating payments.

Factors influencing the formation of payment in an apartment building

According to the law, the following factors influence the formation of the amount received for payment for the service provided:

  1. Type of heat supply system depending on the source of heat supply. Since the classification system can be centralized or decentralized, the formation of the payment system depends on this factor.
  2. Availability of thermal energy consumption metering devices regardless of purpose. That is, the calculations provided for payment include both general house mechanisms and individual heat meters.
  3. Method for calculating fees for the operation of heat supply. By method is meant the presentation of invoices year-round or only during heating season. The heating payment method is adopted at the regional level. Heating companies in each region are entitled to make accruals based on consumption, excluding summer time, but within the framework of regulations of regional significance.
  4. Availability technical feasibility thermal energy IPU installations.

Based on the existing factors that influence the formation of the amounts presented for reimbursement, several options can be identified for calculating the payment for heat supply.

Accrual algorithm No. 1

The main components of the calculation are a centralized heating system, no meters, and a seasonal payment method.

According to the Rules for Forming the Cost of Heat Supply, which are approved by Resolution No. 354, the calculation is made using the following formula:

P payment = S total * N * T,

S total – total area of ​​the occupied dwelling, m2.

N – heat consumption according to the standard, Gcal/m2. This indicator is developed at the local level by authorized energy commissions. Adopted by local governments and subject to revision once every 3 years.

T – regional tariff for heat energy, rubles. In the case of several housing and communal services organizations for the supply of heat, this indicator may vary between companies.

Attention! If it is technically possible to provide an apartment building with a heat resource meter, an additional load is introduced into the formula in the form of Kcp - an increasing coefficient, the value of which has been included in the calculations since 2016. From January 1, 2017, the coefficient for any method of calculation without meters is 1.5.

Accrual algorithm No. 2

The main components of the calculation are that the heating system is centralized, there are no metering devices, the calculation is made evenly throughout the year, including in the summer.

Under these conditions, a different formula of the Rules is applied to the calculation, namely formula No. 2-1, and the fee is calculated as follows:

P olates = S total * (N * K) * T,

S total – total square footage of the apartment, m2.

N – indicator of the heating service consumption rate, Gcal/m2.

K – coefficient indicating the frequency of payment for the provided heat. It is taken as the ratio of the number of months of the actual heating season, including incomplete ones, to the year-round period. For example, heating in the region lasted 7 months, the coefficient is calculated as 7/12=0.583. The definition of the coefficient was adopted by Government Decree No. 857.

T – regional tariff for covering heat supply services in rubles.

Accrual algorithm No. 3

Modern new buildings in most cases receive an uninterrupted supply of heat using autonomous IHP. With such a heating source, independent production of coolant is provided using equipment that is the common property of all MRR owners.

The amount of payment for this type of coolant generation is determined by the following formula:

V is the amount of utility resource that was spent on the production of coolant. These include heat energy, electricity, cold water. According to Resolution No. 1498, the average volumes of resources used for the previous calendar year are taken into account.

S – General square footage of the calculated dwelling.

S – Total area of ​​all premises in the Moscow Railway.

T – The price of each utility resource used for the production of coolant in the ITP.

How to reduce heating bills

Having considered all types of cost formation, you can find that service providers protected themselves from possible losses by introducing increasing factors and various overhead costs into the calculations when setting the tariff. Every thrifty tenant does not want to pay the inflated amounts that are listed on the receipt.

Therefore, some options for charging for housing heating services have been calculated and the following methods have been proposed to reduce payment for utility services. These include:

  • refuse to provide central heating services and switch to individual consumption by installing a heating boiler. The method is quite expensive and requires registration large quantity documents;
  • install a heat meter in the MRR. In this case, charges will be made according to the quantity consumed natural resource. In this case, the presentation of the amount depends on the area of ​​the home; the number of registered persons in the apartment does not affect the calculations;
  • organize the provision of the Moscow Railway with an individual heating point. This is an expensive option, however, it quickly pays for itself, and it is very suitable for small housing estates or other communities of owners that are not dependent on the management company or housing office.

You can make your own mathematical calculations of the correctness of charges for the functioning of the heat supply in your apartment using the provided formulas and having information about existing tariffs. There may be cases when the amounts presented were received erroneously and need to be adjusted by the consumer. All information related to standard figures and indicators is always widely available and the consumer can use it to compare with the figures written in payments.

The level of comfort in a residential building or in a city apartment largely depends on the quality of heating and the operation of all other communications and utility networks life support of the building. However, it is not uncommon for our comfort to become an expensive pleasure. Payments for centralized heat supply and hot water supply are becoming more and more every year. Why does the board remain unchanged if the heating is in city ​​apartment not served? Is it realistic during the entire heating season?

What possible steps can you take to save on heating bills?

The main advice that thermal engineers give is to reduce thermal energy losses. Such events do not present any difficulties if the problem is approached in a balanced and competent manner. Anyone can increase the thermal efficiency of their own apartment. Just sealing the windows, sealing the cracks in window openings and insulation entrance doors, gives a noticeable effect. If everything is done accordingly, you can achieve an increase in thermal efficiency by 15-20%. There are plenty of ways to insulate your own apartment. We are talking about installing reflective screens behind radiators, thermal insulation of the coldest areas building structures building.

Usually such actions on the part of residents apartment buildings capable of providing normal temperature regime in apartments. From an efficiency point of view, it is easier to achieve heat retention inside a living space by improving thermal insulation than by increasing the production of new kilocalories of thermal energy. Having installed special devices By accounting for thermal energy consumption, you can save a significant amount on bills.

There are the following ways to save on heating:

  • collective, associated with the efforts of all residents of the house;
  • individual ones, which are carried out by the residents of each apartment independently;
  • combined, providing a technical and legal solution to the problem.

One of the effective mechanisms for real savings today is the installation of a heat energy meter for the entire house, which allows you to regulate the supply of coolant to the apartments. In this case, heating costs fall equally on all residents of the house.

On a note: The joint collective efforts of building residents to conserve heat can have a significant effect, including controlling the heat supply to a residential building, adjusting the temperature of the coolant in the system and its subsequent distribution among apartments.

On the other hand, when it is impossible to unite the efforts of all residents of the house, you have to take on individual heat metering. Today there are a sufficient number of devices with which you can calculate heat consumption for each individual apartment. How to pay much less for heating your apartment individually? Let's try to figure out this issue.

Calculate the amount of heat supplied by the system central heating in each apartment it is possible using a device that records the thermal energy in each battery. Having taken readings from each radiator, we simply summarize all the parameters. The result is the number of kilocalories spent heating your apartment. You can buy such a counter today yourself. In addition, if you are determined to fight for a fair heating price, such expenses will quickly pay off.

Such devices are very beneficial to use for those residents who do not live in the apartment permanently. Frequent business trips and travel force us to pay for the heat that we do not use for a certain time. If you have a heat energy meter and the necessary shut-off and control valves, you can safely turn off the radiators that are not needed for heating the entire apartment. As a result, you will receive kilocalories that were spent on maintaining the minimum standby temperature in your apartment.

The idea with a heat meter is very promising, but it is more suitable for new houses, which are more suitable for installing such devices.

We install an individual heat meter

IN apartment buildings In the new layout, the distribution of central heating pipes is built in such a way that each apartment has its own separate branch. This configuration is ideal for installation heat meter in your own apartment.

For comparison. Make calculations: how much does heating cost without installing a meter and how much will it cost you to heat an apartment with a heat meter?

For example, an apartment has the following characteristics:

  • living area 80 m2, the walls of the building are brick;
  • ceiling height 2500 mm;
  • glazing - double-glazed windows;
  • two balconies – glazed;

Living in such an apartment, you will have to spend 2000 x 7 = 14,000 rubles for heating during the entire heating season, where 2000 is the average monthly payment for heating, 7 is the number of months in the heating season.

After installing the meter, the costs for actually spent kilocalories are much less, taking into account frequent absences from home and a decrease in coolant temperature due to warming outside.

- main article.

How are heating charges calculated? Formal approach

The heating season has begun. We are anxiously waiting for bills for heating and trying to understand how the payment for heating services in the apartment is calculated. Without going into deep mathematical calculations, we use general logic, which often does not always work in our conditions.

The heat supplied to our homes is measured in kilocalories. It is their quantity that determines the thermal energy that enters the apartments. Once in the system, the coolant, heated to a certain temperature, gives part of its energy to heating radiators, risers and coils. But how can you find out how many kilocalories are spent on heating each individual apartment?

If you have a heat meter, there are no questions. The number of kilocalories the meter shows is how many kilocalories it took to heat your home. But that's not all. To the received readings it is necessary to add the heat that is used to heat the staircase and the building's lobby (general building needs). As a result, you will arrive at a figure that characterizes the amount of heat spent on heating your house and apartment in particular.

Important! In accordance with current legislation, when calculating heating fees taking into account meter readings, such devices must be installed in all residential areas of the house.

The situation when the heat meter is located at the entrance to the house is more common. A collective meter is a common occurrence today, and based on its readings you can calculate how many kilocalories are used to heat each apartment. Calculations are carried out in proportion to the area of ​​each apartment. The situation is worse when the house is not equipped with a collective house-wide heat meter. In such a situation, standards are taken for calculation that show how much heat is needed to heat one square meter living space. Each region has its own heating standards, taking into account climatic conditions and the availability of energy resources. The only negative is that the collective meter will only determine the average heat consumption of each apartment. According to the calculation method, each unit of area receives the same amount of heat, which means that you won’t be able to save much by turning off your heating during absence.

On a note: Currently, service fees are centralized heating calculated taking into account the standards contained in the “Rules for the provision of utility services in apartment buildings.” This document was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the numbers indicated in your heating bills reflect the real picture of the condition heating system your house. Accruals can be made based on the following data:

  • readings of an individual heat meter for each apartment;
  • collective heat meter readings;
  • based on standards for heating services, in the absence of a home heat meter.

The diagram shows an approximate calculation of heating fees in Yekaterinburg. In other cities and towns of our country the situation looks about the same.