Interior decoration of the walls of a house made of timber. Where to hide communications and how to decorate the ceiling. Other methods of interior wall decoration

The next stage of work after building a house made of timber will be finishing its walls from the inside. This is relatively easy to do if you have done everything yourself before. If difficulties arise at any stage, you can find the necessary information at any time or transfer some of the functions for processing walls to professional repairmen.

If you still plan to work on your own, you need to remember about the shrinkage of the walls. Internal repairs in houses made of timber can most often be carried out only after 5-6 years from the moment the structure is completely ready. After all, shrinkage wooden structures occurs constantly, which means that the height of the structure gradually decreases over the years.

Of course, depending on the materials chosen and the repair plan, the work scheme may change, but there are several general rules:

    • in many cases it is most convenient to start with laying the floor, where internal communications can easily be hidden; the floor covering can be either temporary or permanent, but must be well insulated;
    • Next, the profiled or laminated timber is processed: sealing the walls from cracks, treating with antiseptics, if necessary – puttying, sanding and polishing the wooden parts of the house from the inside;
    • at the final stage they are taken as the ceiling, which must also be well insulated.

Experience shows that, having minimal knowledge in construction, but working carefully and carefully, you can carry out high-quality repairs walls of a wooden house made of solid or laminated timber.

Types of interior decoration

Interior decoration timber house must fit into the overall style of the building. Ideally, if you use wooden carriage boards inside or process directly profiled or laminated timber decorative materials. In the latter case, with professional laying of logs, you will get an excellent result that will delight you and make a pleasant impression on your guests.

If you want to cover the walls and carry out repairs cheaper, take a closer look at modern and inexpensive building materials: plasterboard, plastic panels or plaster. They look no less advantageous, creating their own unique cozy style, which will appeal to many. It often happens that the walls of wooden houses are decorated from the inside into apartments, and the latter, on the contrary, are decorated with imitation timber.

Decorative processing of timber

The only requirement before performing such repair work– high-quality thermal and waterproofing of a house made of timber. After all, later you won’t be able to change anything and will have to completely change the design style or redo everything in a new way. In any case, don't forget that wooden logs need to be sanded to give them the most attractive appearance.

If you decide to sheathe a log house in this way, you can begin repairs almost immediately after the construction of the structure. There is no need to wait for shrinkage, because it has virtually no effect on the final result.

Depending on the method of laying wooden logs (in a paw or in a bowl), you should choose the appropriate option for interior finishing: varnishing or painting. Each of them will preserve the natural structure of the timber and allow it to “breathe”.

Where to hide communications and how to decorate the ceiling

Please note that when decorating walls using the described method, you will have to hide communications under the floor or in the corners of the rooms. To give open elements For an aesthetically pleasing look, use planking, then paint or varnish them, depending on the main method of arranging the walls of the house.

Also remember that in in this case the ceiling will look better if you decorate it natural wood, for example, a carriage plank.

The main advantage of the described method when processing natural logs is the preservation of the natural, natural internal structure of the room after painting or varnishing. In addition, this is a significant saving of time, effort and money.

The only thing you will have to come to terms with is the need to periodically (every 3-5 years) repeat the repair again, because due to shrinkage and drying out, the wooden walls become slightly curved. But, you must admit that varnishing or painting is a fairly quick process that can be easily completed in a few days.

Using a carriage plank

This material is not only relatively affordable and reliable, but also universal: it is used to decorate both walls and ceilings with floors. Please note that you will need to make a lathing to ensure that the carriage board lays flat. In addition, most of the internal communications can easily be hidden in the resulting space, and insulation can also be placed here.

There are three types of lining on sale:

  • “regular” – the most affordable, but also the least quality;
  • universal - more expensive, but reliability and durability are an order of magnitude higher than in the first case;
  • Block House - maximum quality and best technical parameters; one side of it imitates a wooden frame.
  • imitation timber - a finishing material that is used for cladding, including timber houses, to preserve the natural appearance of the structure after insulating the walls. In addition, if over time wooden walls have lost their original appearance and require restoration work, then finishing them with imitation timber will return the room to its original appearance in a less expensive and labor-intensive way.

Remember that each of the described types of lining needs to be treated with antiseptic agents before painting or varnishing in order to preserve its best properties for as long as possible.

The advantages of the carriage board include perfect combination with natural wooden beam, giving the room a more aesthetic appearance, ease of covering communications, reliable wall insulation and ease of installation. The “fly in the ointment” is the high susceptibility to fire, the need for additional processing and a significant amount for the purchase of materials for sheathing, antiseptics, etc.

Interior finishing of a log house with plasterboard

If for repairs you decide to take a closer look at modern building materials, drywall is one of the best options. When using it, you can decorate the floor with parquet boards or its imitation, and the ceiling, for example, with hanging plastic panels.

The main advantage of drywall is its versatility, the ability to assemble structures of any shape and size. In addition, it is easy to work with; almost any owner of a log house can handle it, even without construction experience. Plus, it’s relatively inexpensive and allows you to hide the communication wiring.

There is only one minus - the need for additional processing: putty, wallpaper, etc. But after this you will get an almost perfectly flat surface!

Plastic panels and plaster

The process of laying plastic panels is similar to working with drywall and carriage boards, but the choice color shades material (which will no longer require any processing) is very wide. Also here you will need a sheathing to help easily hide internal communications.

Plaster is probably the simplest way to decorate the walls of a log house. At the same time, they turn out smooth and can be painted in a color that you like and matches the interior.

Whichever of the described methods of interior renovation of a house made of profiled or laminated timber you choose, you need to remember general style and building design. Of course, natural wooden decorated logs look presentable, but they are quite expensive. If you want to save money, choose one of the many modern materials, which are easy to find at most hardware stores.

Term interior decoration includes a complex of works on laying communications that provide heat, electricity, water supply, sewerage, etc. In addition, interior decoration involves creating an interior. Interior decoration in timber houses has a number of features.

Features of interior decoration of a house made of timber

In principle, the same materials are used for interior decoration of houses made of timber as for finishing, for example, brick house. But the tree has a number of features that need to be taken into account when performing finishing works:

  • houses made of timber are characterized by significant shrinkage, which can last for 5-6 years after completion of construction.

​Shrinkage is due to the fact that the beam dries out and decreases somewhat in volume; in addition, due to the action of a constant load, the gaps between individual beams also decrease. As a result, by the end of 5-6 years of operation, the height of the floor may well decrease by 2-3 cm. Such deformation can have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the wall (cracks may appear in the plaster, the tiles may partially fall off or crack).

The use of laminated veneer lumber partially solves this problem. In this case, the shrinkage of the house is completed by the end of the year after operation.

  • Another feature of houses made of timber is that wood, compared to other building materials, reacts especially strongly to changes in humidity. But changes in floor height for this reason are insignificant and rarely exceed 1% of its height.

Materials for finishing the interior of a timber house

Wood itself is an excellent finishing material, therefore, if the surface of the walls inside does not have obvious flaws, then it is quite possible to leave the walls without additional finishing. It will only be enough to saturate the wood with the appropriate composition to give it the required shade.

But wooden walls do not always meet the owner’s needs; in this case, there are many options for finishing the walls.

Regardless of the chosen finishing method, the wood must be impregnated with an antipyretic and antiseptic. Otherwise, the wooden elements will quickly become unusable.

The finishing method depends on the age of the house and the purpose of the room. So, for houses whose age exceeds 5-6 years, there are no restrictions. For houses whose shrinkage has not yet been completed, it is not recommended to use low-deformation Decoration Materials, for example, tiles.

In general, the following options for finishing a house made of timber inside are possible:

  1. Painting. The advantage of painting walls is that the paint layer will serve as an additional protective layer for the wood.

  1. You can just plaster the inside of the house. In this case Special attention attention should be paid to waterproofing wooden surfaces. Plastering work is not recommended to begin earlier than a year after completion of construction.

  1. Finishing with block house or clapboard. This option is used when the walls inside have an unsightly appearance, but the owner wants to keep the inside of the house wooden surfaces. This finishing method is recommended to be used only after the house has settled. First you need to create a frame that will slightly reduce the usable area of ​​the room.

  1. Wood tinting. To do this, the wood only needs to be cleaned of dust and impregnated with the composition in order to obtain the required shade.
  1. Plasterboard finishing. Perhaps a universal option for interior decoration of a house made of timber. Then, after puttying, you can stick wallpaper on the drywall and paint it. You can even lay tiles on drywall. For finishing a room with high humidity Drywall is also most often used, for this it is recommended to use moisture resistant appearance plasterboard (sheets of a greenish tint).

An important advantage of finishing a house made of timber with plasterboard is the ease of laying communications. Wires and pipes can be routed into the space between the wall surface and the drywall sheets. The disadvantage of this finishing method is some loss of usable space.

Plasterboard finishing can be combined with wall insulation.

When finishing the ceiling, quite often the ceiling beams are not masked, but act as an element of the interior. As for finishing the ceiling using traditional methods, for example, plastering, it is not recommended to do this in the first 5-6 years. The fact is that shrinkage of the house causes a redistribution of efforts in ceiling beams. A compromise option could be finishing the ceiling with plasterboard or installing a stretch ceiling.

Separately, it is worth mentioning sealing; these works can also be attributed to the interior decoration of a house made of timber. Of course, the house must “breathe,” but air circulation should occur through ventilation, and not through natural cracks and gaps between boards and beams. In the past, tow or moss was used to seal the joints between logs.

For changing traditional ways sealing (filling cracks with moss or tow) came new materials - special sealants. Despite their high elasticity, they provide 100% tightness and can act as an interior element.

Significant wall deformations require attention when installing doors and windows. To prevent the beams from crushing the frame or door frame so-called pigtails are arranged at a distance of up to 15 cm from the logs. During finishing work, the space between them and the logs must be filled with elastic materials, otherwise, when deformed, the beams will simply crush the door frame or window frame.

In principle, the interior decoration of a house made of timber is not very different from the decoration of a house made of other materials, for example, brick or concrete. You just need to take into account the increased settlement of the house and the susceptibility of wood to moisture.

Video - Decorating the inside of a wooden house with water-based glaze

Finishing of residential premises is the final stage of construction. Everyone knows that mold forms on wood, it is susceptible to insects and rotting processes, and is also easily flammable. To protect a wooden house made of timber from such troubles, it is necessary to carry out high-quality cladding. In this article we will introduce you to recommendations regarding internal and exterior finishing timber house with your own hands.

Wall finishing materials

First, remember that to perform finishing work in timber house it must first settle. This takes about one and a half to two years, but it finally settles after five years. However, you can finish a log house at an early stage using special materials. It is better not to use rigid options, since during the process of subsidence the walls can decrease by up to three centimeters.

Log houses do not need to be finished; it is enough to sand the walls and impregnate them with a special compound that can protect the house from various damages and scratches. The wood must be impregnated, as it tends to absorb household odors. It is worth noting that coatings are divided into protective and tinting. Tinting coatings provide the necessary shade, and protective coatings provide the smoothness of the walls. Let's look at the most popular finishing materials that can be used until the house settles completely.

The cheapest and most popular type is plaster. In most cases, it serves as a preparatory layer for painting or to eliminate large irregularities. If all technological requirements are met, plaster can last up to twenty-five years. However, the work is quite labor-intensive, since almost all technological operations have to be performed manually.

Siding, which is also a cheap material, is perfect for finishing the inside of a log house. It is made of plastic, so it does not rot and does not require painting. In addition, it is very easy to install and process; it does not require special tools or equipment. There are several types of siding - metal, wood, vinyl, wood and cement. It is worth noting that siding does not absorb dust, dirt, odors and can last about fifty years. Panels made of wood and vinyl are lightweight, so no lifting equipment is required during installation. Siding panels are an environmentally friendly material.

Facing brick is a very beautiful finishing material; it can be corrugated, smooth, colored, patterned, imitate a natural stone etc. It is worth noting that this is an excellent insulation. Modifying additives are added to the material, which ensures high strength, durability, frost resistance, reliability, low moisture absorption and thermal conductivity.

Artificial stone is used as an alternative to natural stone. It is lighter and more technologically advanced compared to natural ones. The disadvantage is the labor intensity of the work and the high cost. This material requires careful surface treatment and the use of only expensive adhesive compositions. You can choose and purchase artificial stone of any color and texture. Many people combine this material with wood, ceramics and metal products.

A very popular option is lining, which can even be used to cover the ceiling. This material consists of boards with tongue-and-groove joints. You can also use a block house - decorative lining, imitation timber. When the house is completely settled, you can decorate it with any finishing materials.

Exterior finishing of a timber house

Why do you need to carry out exterior finishing of a log house? Firstly, high-quality finishing can protect the facade walls from adverse effects environment. The walls protect the home from temperature changes, icing, dampness, snow drifts, etc. Therefore, they need to be reliably strengthened, extending their service life. Secondly, the facade of the building must have good thermal insulation and fire resistance, solve the problems of noise and sound insulation, prevent the formation of condensation and allow air to pass in sufficient quantities. All these problems are solved exterior decoration, simultaneously with giving the building an aesthetic appearance.

Caulking walls

Before starting work, you should carry out at least an approximate calculation of materials and components. During construction, gaps may form between the crowns, so it is necessary to use caulk. This procedure is performed at least twice, outside and inside. The walls must be caulked during construction and this is done a year after the end of shrinkage.

During the assembly of the log house, it is necessary to lay a layer of insulation up to one centimeter on each crown. During insulation of door and window openings the width increases to four. Caulking of timber structure starts from the lower crowns and gradually moves to the upper ones.

Preparing the walls

After this, before finishing the façade of a log house, you need to prepare the walls well. Sanding is applied before painting, artificial stone or ceramic cladding. For siding it is necessary to make a sheathing. Sanding the walls can be done using a small grinder or a special grinder. Break the wall into several sections and get to work. Typically, grinding is performed in two stages.

First you need to use coarse sandpaper with a fraction of 40. You can remove the top layer using a coarser fraction, but then the pile will rise, which will have a negative impact after painting. The second grinding can be carried out with a fraction of 100. A grinder is best used for grinding grooves and ends.

Next, you need to treat the walls with protective compounds and impregnations. The range of special compounds is huge. To figure this out, you need to define your desired outcome. If you plan to preserve the wood grain, you need to purchase impregnations, oils and varnishes that will not only protect the walls, but also improve the appearance. Pay attention to the shade and degree of gloss of the protective compounds.

Impregnations and varnishes protect wood from fungi, precipitation and ultraviolet rays. For full protection, it is better to apply two layers of each composition. Such materials last about ten years. Antiseptics prevent rotting and are applied only to previously cleaned wood. Fire retardant materials swell when heated and do not ignite. But they are able to resist for no more than fifteen minutes.

Insulation and sheathing

As for doors and windows, you can choose them to suit every taste and budget. The only thing you need to know during installation is that in wooden houses, doors and windows are attached to a casing structure prepared in advance and installed in the openings.

To insulate a timber house, it is better to use mineral wool, which is installed between the frame and external wall. This insulation will not be affected by air temperature and changes in humidity. First, a vapor barrier is installed and the wall is covered with aluminum foil.

For these purposes, you can also use polyethylene film or roofing felt, which has a bitumen coating. For windproofing, use polyethylene film with high level vapor permeability. This layer is attached to the mineral wool using nails. In insulated houses, it is better to make cladding from boards so that the appearance remains unchanged.

After the above steps, you can proceed to decorative cladding timber house. Remember that painting the walls should be done no later than four days from the date of sanding, otherwise you will have to sand the facade again. Nowadays universal paints are very popular, but for wood it is better to purchase special ones. Basement part can be finished with other material. After this, you can install the entrance staircase and blind area.

Interior decoration of a timber house

What is interior decoration? This set of works is aimed at insulating the future premises, installing utilities and creating an interior. Before interior finishing, all utilities should be installed - heating, plumbing and sewer system. Only after all the pipes and wires have been installed can the interior decoration of the building begin. The interior decoration of the walls of a junk house is done very quickly and produces virtually no waste or dirt.

Communication design

Decide in advance what the room will be used for. If you are only going to spend weekends in the house, you can save on insulation. But if a log house is a place permanent residence, it must be insulated. Don't forget about waterproofing.

Interior decoration of a log house begins with interior design. You should think carefully about where the sewage system, heating pipes, power supply networks, etc. will go. After completing all the preliminary work, you can begin the interior cladding of the house.

Arrangement of floor and ceiling

First, flooring is carried out, which includes installation of a subfloor using a two-layer flooring structure, hydro- and thermal insulation work, and laying of boards. This process takes about two days. Flooring technology is distinguished by its diversity. You can independently lay the floor using joists, on the ground using joists, on floor beams or on a solid base.

The option should be selected based on the structural features. After laying, the floor must be sanded using hand or floor sanders. You will also need sandpaper with different grits and abrasive discs. Remember that the floor also needs to be insulated. Before the final finishing work, thoroughly vacuum the floor.

For finishing it is better to use polymer one-component compositions for water based. The floor can be finished with all materials that are available on the market, such as solid wood, parquet, laminate, cork, carpet, tiles, etc.

You can make the ceiling flat or leave it as is. In the first case, it is better to use a suspended ceiling, in the second, apply a coat of paint or leave it as is. Everything will depend on your ideas, desires and capabilities. Often ceilings are finished with standard options - wooden clapboard, imitation timber, plasterboard, various panels. The ceiling and attic also need insulation if you plan to live in your future home permanently.

Wall decoration

Immediately after construction, when finishing a log house with your own hands, you need to plaster the walls and cover them with special materials. You must sand the wall surface well, apply a primer layer and protective compounds. The latter will protect surfaces from fungal cultures and ultraviolet radiation.

Already from the first layers the primer should be applied evenly and efficiently. This approach will help you make the finishing layer very smooth and beautiful. As a rule, at least two finishing layers are done. Try to use the most natural and safe protective compounds made from natural ingredients for interior decoration.

You can additionally insulate the house with mineral wool or polystyrene foam from the inside. When insulating, be sure to leave a gap between the insulation boards and the wall. The thermal insulation layer begins with the installation of the sheathing and counter-lattice. Mineral wool fits very tightly into the sheathing, no need to bend the edges. After this, a vapor barrier and facing layers are installed.

After sanding, coating the walls with protective varnish and insulation, you can leave everything as is or think about how to cover a log house. You can cover the walls and ceiling with wooden paneling or other facing materials. Wallpaper that can be painted or classic is often used. wood trim. If the room is not too large, it is recommended to use light and bright finishes, which will help create a pleasant, airy atmosphere.

When cladding a wooden house made of timber, it is recommended to pay special attention to the walls of the building. When finishing walls in a timber house, you need to carefully carry out all the work, and to ensure that the cladding is attractive in appearance and of high quality, listen to our recommendations:

  1. Cladding the walls of a timber house can be carried out in different directions - horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Horizontal wall decoration visually expands the room, while vertical decoration makes the ceilings higher.
  2. You should not immediately start applying paint during the work process; first you need to make a sample. When choosing color range, it is better to give preference light colors, because they look better, in addition, they are easy to darken if necessary.
  3. If you want to avoid color differences different areas walls, use the same application method for both the probe and the wall. The number of layers should be the same. The less paint you apply, the lighter and more natural the building will look, and the paint will not crack. The brush should also remain the same. When decorating interior walls, it is better to use a three-layer application.
  4. If you want to preserve the texture and natural color of the wood, you should still treat the surface with impregnation. In this case, the surface is cleaned, sanded and two layers of material are applied. To enhance the shine of glossy impregnation, you can apply a protective composition with a glossy surface to it.
  5. You must insulate all joints and seams before covering the walls, which is recommended after the walls have settled. You can insulate the outer walls when sheathing, but remember about a layer of vapor-permeable insulation that will not impede ventilation wooden walls.
  6. Work on finishing the exterior of a timber house can be carried out all year round, but the winter temperature should not be below fifteen degrees. When painting external wooden walls, the temperature must be at least 5-7 degrees Celsius, and the humidity must be above 75-80 percent. If you want the paint to adhere well and dry properly, stick to the specified temperature.
  7. Don't forget to treat the wood with fireproof protection! If you properly impregnate the wood, it will not be able to catch fire due to the intervention of special substances. And, as you know, wood is considered a particularly dangerous material in this regard.
  8. If you finish the walls correctly and efficiently, you can avoid repairs in the future. As a rule, weakly protected areas that are exposed to strong ultraviolet radiation - window openings and areas near doors - need repair. Repairs are also made when the surface wears out due to operational wear.

Now you know how to cover a timber house outside and inside. You can combine different kinds finishes and create your own unique style, however, remember that all work is usually carried out in a certain order. In addition, it is advisable that before completing finishing work in a house made of timber, the structure must first “settle”. We hope that our recommendations will help you create a high-quality and attractive design that can last a very long time.

Immediately after completing the construction of a wooden house, you should temporarily forget about the interior decoration of the premises, since the building will begin to shrink for some time, this can negatively affect the finishing materials if they are used for their intended purpose earlier certain period. Finishing in the interior space of a timber house should be carried out based on the characteristics of this type of construction. The interior decoration of a wooden house can be done using the same materials that are used in a conventional brick house. However, wood has some features that should be taken into account when finishing.

A mandatory step after building a house made of timber is its interior decoration.

There is an opinion that the shrinkage of a building is completed 2 years after the completion of construction, but this is not entirely true - shrinkage can continue for 6 years. This process entails a decrease in the height of the walls, which can reach 3 cm. If plaster was used during finishing, it may become covered with cracks, moreover, individual elements of the layer may come off. If you want to finish the interior of the house as soon as possible after completion of construction, you should prefer laminated veneer lumber as a material; it guarantees the completion of shrinkage processes a year after the start of operation of the new house.

Features of finishing the walls of a wooden house inside

In order to increase the protective properties of wood, it must be treated with an antiseptic.

Wood is a good finishing material; for this reason, the surface of the walls in rooms can be left unfinished if they are free of obvious flaws. However, the wood must be treated with the appropriate composition, which will help give the wall surface the necessary shade. Some owners do not adhere to this design of the premises of a log house. Regardless of which method of wall finishing you prefer, their surface will need to be coated with an antipyretic and antiseptic. If these requirements are neglected, the wood will soon become unusable.

If the finishing process is supposed to be carried out in a house that was built more than 6 years ago, any materials can be used for the work, and for new buildings it is not recommended to use finishing materials that do not tolerate deformation processes, among them, for example, tiles.

The inside of wooden houses is also decorated using paint, which can decorate surfaces and additionally protect them from external influences.

Surfaces in the house can simply be plastered. In this case, special attention should be paid to waterproofing. Plastering walls is not recommended in a newly built house; such processes can be carried out no earlier than a year after completion of construction.

If the walls in the log house have an unpresentable appearance, their surface can be covered with a block house or clapboard. Such materials can decorate rooms with the natural beauty of wood. This finishing method is also recommended to be used exclusively after the building has settled. Initially, it is necessary to equip the frame system, on which the finishing panels will then be installed. This approach will somewhat reduce the usable area of ​​the room.

The inside of a log house can be decorated in a very traditional way - with wallpaper. This coating requires a flat surface, which can be achieved by installing plasterboard sheets. This option can be considered one of the most common and universal among the others. After installing the drywall sheets, their surface must be leveled using putty. The base of the gypsum board can be covered with paint instead of wallpaper. Drywall shows its versatility in the fact that it is even possible to lay tiles on it.

If indoor conditions are characterized by high humidity levels, plasterboard can also be used to decorate such rooms, but you should choose a moisture-resistant type of this material; its sheets can be distinguished by their greenish tint.

The log house has many important advantages in front of traditional buildings. Among them is the ease of installation of communications. Wires and pipes can be routed in the space between the main wall and the drywall sheets.

If a house made of timber is finished with plasterboard, then this material can be used in tandem with insulation.

Features of finishing the ceiling of a wooden house

Finishing the house in the ceiling area can also be done using plasterboard. It is permissible to use seamless tiles, stretch ceiling or plastic panels.

Wooden beams on the ceiling emphasize its naturalness.

Drywall will provide the house with a ceiling that has a multi-level structure. This type of coating can be combined with wooden beams, which will emphasize the naturalness of the building. For ceiling cladding, you can use products based on chipboard, fiberboard or plastic; in the latter version, the finishing material can be polystyrene tiles.

If you want to save money, then the log house in the ceiling area can be equipped with plastic panels. Such products are quite easy to install, and choosing a specific shade from the huge palette presented in stores is quite simple. The advantage of this finish is that it is easy to maintain. The panels will fit perfectly into the kitchen or bathroom. If you need a more durable finish, you should choose upholstery sheets of plasterboard over PVC panels.

The ceiling surface can also be sheathed with wood if you are a fan of all things natural. Lining can serve as such a finish. When attaching it, you should use the same technology that is used when installing this material on walls. If a house based on timber needs to be given a higher degree of heat and sound insulation, then before installing the finishing material on the frame, you need to install slab insulation, the size of each sheet of which should be equal to the distance between the sheathing elements or several millimeters more.

For finishing work in wooden house The following tools and materials may be needed:

  • antipyretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • putty;
  • drywall;
  • wallpaper;
  • wood for sheathing;
  • lining;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • capacity;
  • brush;
  • roller

Features of floor arrangement

A wooden house can be equipped with almost any finishing floor covering, it can be laminate, ceramic tile or, for example, parquet. If a water heating system is used, it is not recommended to combine it with parquet or solid boards, which do not tolerate temperature changes and have low thermal conductivity. The most common option for a private house is a foundation on logs. The main thing to do when arranging the floor in this case is to eliminate vibration and provide good insulation. For wooden houses it is most recommended as flooring solid board, made on the basis of natural wood. Often used and parquet board, laminate and cork covering, the latter of which is a modern, natural, environmentally friendly material that can provide the floor with additional insulating characteristics.

When finishing a wooden house, it has many advantages compared to buildings of a traditional type, due to the fact that walls, floors and ceilings do not need to be insulated as carefully as in the case of brick houses. Because wooden houses much warmer.