How to make figures from plasterboard to decorate walls and ceilings. We create original chocolate figures. weeks is a short time to give your figure an ideal look

With the help of figured ceilings you can achieve incredible effects. In combination with lighting and various special effects, they allow you to create a unique interior design. In most cases, they refer to suspended multi-level structures.

How to make a figured ceiling on your own without hiring expensive craftsmen? First of all, you should choose the material that will be used to cover the frame. Stretch ceilings also take the lead in popularity.

However, other materials are equally successful:

  • plywood;
  • plexiglass;
  • plastic;
  • MDF, etc.

They can be used in main or auxiliary elements. Bold combinations of 3D designs will impress your guests and help you beautifully and elegantly zone large spaces.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to draw the outline of the ceiling to scale and sketch it out by hand with a pencil. If you have design program, then it is advisable to arrange furniture and interior items in it, and then overlay the outlines of the elements on top of this picture. In this case, you will be sure that the overall picture of the interior will be harmonious, and all zones will be well defined.

Next, you need to make patterns according to which all elements of the suspended structure will be made. Curly ceilings, despite all the freedom of thought and smooth lines, require precise calculations and a steady hand.

When the contours of the new ceiling are determined, you need to prepare the base. To do this, the ceiling is cleared of all coatings that can crumble and do not hold firmly. There is usually no need to level or paint the ceiling.

At the same time, with a small wall height, decorative treatment of the ceiling may well be required, because it will serve as the topmost level of the entire structure.

In this case, you can choose any type of finish from decorative putty, in-line mirror tiles to painting, wood and textiles. The main thing is that the selected material fully corresponds to the overall design concept.

If you are afraid that concrete particles will settle as dust on top of the plexiglass or tension fabric, you should prime the ceiling.


When figured ceilings installed, it is no longer possible to change the wiring of communications without dismantling the casing. For this reason, all wires, ducts, etc. attached to the ceiling before the frame is installed. In this case, you will definitely not damage the braid and you will know where everything goes. It would be a good idea to sketch out the location of the laid lines so that they can be easily replaced if necessary.

Repairing electrical wiring will be easier when the wires are laid in a box or corrugated pipe. If necessary, the technician will simply install a new cable or replace the existing one.

Be sure to provide easy access to wires and pipes. This is easy to do when there are unobtrusive removable hatches. In this case, replacement ventilation pipe will not entail costly repairs to the entire ceiling.

Geometric shapes - how to make?

Curly ceilings are complex precisely because of their geometry. And while polygons are quite easy for anyone who remembers even a little of their school geometry course, not everyone can master curvilinear frames the first time.

What to do? The answer is simple: break the entire image into simple shapes. Each curved line is a combination of straight sections and parts of circles. Knowing this, you can easily build any desired contour.


In order to draw a circle on the ceiling or a large sheet of drywall, you need to drive a nail or screw in a screw in the center of the circle. Next you will need a strong thread, cord or soft wire. Measure the required length of the cord equal to the radius of the future circle. Tie a pencil to the end. That's it, the simplest compass is ready for action. All that remains is to draw a line by pulling the cord.


Oval shapes are quite common. In order to get a beautiful oval, draw two straight lines intersecting at right angles. Mark the length of the oval and its width on them. Now you need to decide how pointed its outer sections will be.

You will need two radii. One is smaller, defining the width of the figure, and the second is larger, forming long sections.

You will need 4 screws and two cords. First, draw circles at the ends of the horizontal segment. The second thing you do is set the width of the oval and connect the horizontal circles together into a single shape. This cord must be larger than the first so that it is long enough for the entire figure.

However, there are situations when this method cannot be used. For example, when the outline of an oval comes close to the walls. In this case, you can use a template cut out of cardboard or a projection.


Curved ceilings often contain curved lines in the form of curls and waves, representing alternating radii. Draw a straight center line. It will serve as your guide. Then, using a template or a makeshift compass, draw the outlines of parts of various circles on both sides of the center line. This way you will get a beautiful wave-like shape.


Curly ceilings can have one or two levels. It depends on what level of complexity you can afford. High walls make it possible to complete up to 5 levels. And when low ceilings all that can be done is to build an interesting fantasy or strict rectangular edging around the perimeter of the room.

Before the communications are laid, it is necessary to apply all the outlines of the figures to the ceiling.

Wires, cables and pipes will be laid with this in mind. Next, according to these contours, the profile sheathing is installed.

To bend metallic profile To obtain a circle or oval, you need to cut its side walls with metal scissors or a grinder. Incisions are made every 5-7 cm.
The frame is attached to the ceiling using rigid perforated fasteners.

How to bend plasterboard sheet

There is dry and wet method forming 3D figures from plasterboard.

In the first case, notches are made on the wrong side. The outer layer of cardboard must remain intact. This method is good for forming arched structures. Its disadvantage is a broken, angular surface that needs to be leveled using putty.

The wet method produces high-quality smooth curved surfaces. To do this, the underside of the sheet is processed with a needle roller and then moistened with water. Avoid excess moisture.

Then the sheet is laid on the template, its ends are fixed with a weight, and after some time it takes the desired shape.

Thanks to these simple methods you can create beautiful figured ceilings at home, comparable to the work of professionals.

- the dream of many. Everyone has their own parameters of perfection. To possess them you need desire and daily work. Needed A complex approach which includes sports activities, proper care for the body and healthy food. It is also worth adding to them a great desire for ideal. Then all actions will come together and lead to the expected result.

You can achieve tangible changes at home without going to the gym. You need to adjust your daily schedule to leave time for light exercise. Switch only to healthy and natural food, and also pamper your body more with cosmetic procedures that can be done at home without going to a beauty salon. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

First, inspect your refrigerator. First of all, get rid of all sorts of “goodies”. These are not only flour and sweet products, but also carbonated drinks, food from fast food cafes, and coffee.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of dairy products - this forced measure will make the waist thinner. When buying bread, you should choose lower-calorie types (rye, black or with bran). Drink instead of unhealthy drinks green tea, compotes and mineral water without gas. After your main meal, make it a habit to eat fresh fruit instead of dessert. Sugar can be replaced with natural honey. By following this diet, you will soon see noticeable results.

Love your body!

There are several recipes that you can use to get perfect skin.

Cleanse your body once a week with scrubs or exfoliations. Both remedies can be prepared at home from ordinary ingredients. A coffee scrub will help in the fight against skin unevenness and cellulite. It is made from one teaspoon of ground coffee and a tbsp. spoons of any shower gel. This mixture is rubbed in a circular motion over the entire body. For mild peeling, you can use honey. It will perfectly cleanse pores of impurities and also remove excess oil.

Treat yourself to pleasant baths. For example, saline. This procedure will rid the body of excess water, make the skin smooth and remove extra centimeters from the sides. A honey bath with milk will deeply cleanse the pores and also moisturize the skin.

When you come home after a hard day, remove its consequences contrast shower. It is necessary to start and end it warm water. It perfectly relieves the effects of stress and gets rid of cellulite.

Heavy artillery as exercise

Everything in this life is real. An ideal figure will not become overnight; its creation requires specific actions. Even if you have lost noticeable weight, your skin and muscles need exercise to achieve firmness and tone. You shouldn’t rush out and buy a simulator with your last dollar. Start small - buying dumbbells, a hoop or a jump rope. They will help make the exercises most effective.

Is it possible to get a perfect figure in a week?

Naturally, in such a short period no amount of physical exercise will cope with the task. They should not be excluded, but they should not be completely relied upon. In this case, a diet will help, as well as buying shapewear and new outfits that can hide the nuances of your figure.

The diet is about the right combination of foods.

Diet for four days:

  1. only protein foods;
  2. food containing starch;
  3. carbohydrate foods;
  4. only vegetables and fruits.

Then repeat the course. As a result, you will lose 3 kg in a week. In this case, you need to perform regular physical exercises for problem areas of the body.

Is 2 weeks a short period of time to give you an ideal figure?

Before summer season Many women begin to frantically get their figure in order. Sometimes there are only two weeks left before a trip to the long-awaited sea. How can you help yourself during this period?

Firstly, diet. It will be short, so it will not cause any harm to the body. The most effective technique would be to give up carbohydrates. It is necessary to temporarily avoid eating potatoes, flour and sweet foods, and eat meat, mushrooms, eggs and fresh fruits. Within the specified period, you can lose 5 kg.

Secondly, exercise. Due to rapid weight loss, the skin of the thighs and abdomen may sag. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to perform exercises in parallel with the diet that will strengthen the muscles of these particular areas.

Thirdly, cosmetic procedures. Give yourself a daily anti-cellulite massage using targeted products. If there are no problems with blood vessels, perform the wrap every other day. It will improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

How to get a perfect figure in 3 months?

During this period, you can achieve amazing results with a properly planned set of exercises. You should definitely include in this course: squats, abdominal swings, work with a hoop and dumbbells. Additionally, everyone chooses for themselves what needs to be corrected and tightened. Without dieting, sticking to proper nutrition and skin care, you can make your dream come true - create a perfect body in 90 days.

Exercises for an ideal figure

Nowadays, many exercises have been developed to create a perfect figure.

Here are the most popular of them:

He never ceases to amaze us with the boldness of his ideas. Bizarre curves and fantastic shapes, incredible combinations of colors, the use of unusual materials and functionality that at times amazes - these are just a few of the things that await us in the world of modern furniture.

Often, individual pieces of furniture are designed specifically for photo shoots and filming. Their main task is to enrich the interior and inspire the viewer. As a rule, these are one-time products that do not have a special margin of safety, but are a figment of the designer’s imagination.

This chair with a curved seat was born first as an idea and clearly did not expect to be replicated for mass use. However, the master’s hands do not sleep, and the author of this master class set out to realize the idea in such a way that the chair could be used every day.

To do this, he used stronger materials and tested the resulting product. And he kindly shared his technology during this detailed master class.

In order to make a chair with a curved seat with your own hands, you will need:

1. MDF or pine plywood sheets:
- 2 pcs x 12 x 500 x 900 mm or 1 pc x 12 x 1000 x 900 mm - facade figured parts;
- 24 pcs x 12 x 50 x 300 - frame connecting rails.
2. durable plywood for covering the frame;
3. glue for woodworking;
4. paint white for painting wood with a gloss effect (preferably aerosol);
5. varnish for woodwork;
6. wood screws;
7. wood putty.

1. jigsaw;
2. electric drill;
3. orbital sander;
4. screwdriver;
5. drill with a cutting mini-disc (you can do without it);
6. spatula;
7. construction tape;
8. pencil;
9. steel chain with large mesh - 1 meter;
10. fine-grain sandpaper.

Step one: choosing materials

You can equally well use plywood or MDF sheets to make a chair. The author settled on the second option, and selected sheets 12 mm thick. You can purchase slightly thicker material, but somewhere after 20 mm it is no longer convenient to work with it along curved lines.

If everything is clear with MDF, then choose high-quality plywood that is dense in cut. There are a lot of cuts in the product and all of it will be visible, so it will be impossible to process a sloppy crumbling edge.

From an aesthetic point of view, the quality of the putty will be of great importance. Unsuccessful compositions sometimes cannot boast of strength at all, although they will not necessarily be cheap. So if some putty suits you, it’s better not to experiment.

Step two: marking MDF parts

Determine the center of the working area and fix a small nail or self-tapping screw at the designated point. Place one end of the chain on the cap, and use the opposite end as a compass, inserting the tip of a pencil into the cell.

Determine the radius of the seat circle and put the resulting value on the sheet from the screw. Draw a perfectly even circle. Add 50 mm and repeat the technique, obtaining a circle of larger diameter next to it.

Both parts of the circle will be used, because you need to make two shaped parts. Each of them is solid and consists of a seat and legs, so start drawing out the outline of the legs.

If we take as a basis the fact that the legs diverge to the sides by the same amount as the width of the seat, marking them will not be difficult. Simply draw two parallel lines down from the protruding tops of the seat and at the intersection of each line with a specific leg, get its length.

Also saw slats measuring 50 x 300 mm, where 30 cm is the width of the seat. You need to make approximately 24 slats.

You will also need sheets of durable fiberboard. It had to be thick enough to ensure the strength of the structure, but it should not lose its bending elasticity, since the bending of the part itself during the sheathing process is noticeable.

It is better to mark fiberboard parts after the fact, when the frame has already been assembled, otherwise you cannot avoid additional correction and trimming.

Step three: manufacturing parts and assembling the frame

You have made the markings and can safely start cutting out parts using a jigsaw.

Remember that the slats must be perfectly level in order to fit snugly against the sidewalls. It is convenient to use a miter saw for this purpose, but in capable hands Even a square and a hand saw will do.

Start assembly by forming the sides. As you remember, these are composite parts, so you need to strengthen the legs with additional parts as shown in the photo below.

To prevent dents from using clamps on the parts, place pieces under the metal soft material type of packaging foam.

Now start fixing the slats. Initially, all work is carried out using glue. Apply glue to the end of the rail and press it to the base. This is why it is so important that the slats are cut straight. Otherwise, they will be recorded haphazardly.

The thicker the slats, the more convenient it is to glue them, since the contact area increases and they become more stable.

Glue the second side panel on top and place a weight on it until the glue completely hardens, pressing the parts together. Remove excess glue with a damp cloth.

When the structure acquires sufficient strength, secure the slats with one or two screws as seen in the photo. The area under the screw head must be widened and deepened with a larger diameter drill. Later, these recesses will be filled with putty, but the protruding heads of the screws will definitely not be useful to you.

Step Four: Sheathing the Frame

In order to make fiberboard sheathing parts, take the necessary measurements. Measure the inside of the seat and then the outside. You already know its width, so you just need to know the length.

The author used a strip of fiberboard in width, secured it, and only then sawed off the excess material. A good option, but for this you will need a drill with a cutting disc, and this is a rare tool in our workshops.

Mark and cut out the trim pieces. Start fixing each sheet with glue. You could use several small cans of paint as weights to evenly press the trim against the ribs of the slats.

When the glue has hardened, drill small holes for the screws and caps and screw them in with a screwdriver.

Step five: protective and decorative treatment

You're probably eager to start painting, but first you'll have to lightly retouch the surface, because you've got a lot of cracks and holes for screws.

The putty work will be more or less large-scale, which is why the quality of the putty you use is so important. If pieces of it begin to fall off during operation, it will be very unpleasant, you will agree.

Apply putty and remove excess with a rubber spatula. Allow the compound to harden and sand the surface thoroughly.

If you bought spray paint in a can, painting won't take too long. Simply line your workspace with newspaper and spray on the first coat of paint. Give it a few minutes to dry and reapply. If the tone suits you, you can stop there. If not, apply as many layers of paint as needed.

No matter how durable the paint is, it is better to coat the product with varnish. This will protect it from minor mechanical damage, such as scratches. Apply the varnish in two or three layers with mandatory sanding between layers. This light sanding is usually done by hand using fine-grained sandpaper.

The work is finished, and the chair with a shaped seat is ready to decorate your home!

Chocolate can be a great gift for a special occasion. Especially if it is made in the form of an original and stylish figure. And it just seems that only professionals can do this. In fact, with some skill, it is quite possible to make a chocolate figurine yourself.

Make your own chocolate figures

Creating chocolate figures is not only a creative activity, it is also an opportunity to show your imagination, in some cases spend time with your family, and give your child the opportunity to experiment. Moreover, making chocolate figurines and decorations is not so difficult.

How to make a chocolate figurine

To make an original chocolate figurine you will need:

  • molds (any kind your heart desires)
  • chocolate (you can have black, you can have white, you can have both)
  • corrugated cardboard and parchment
  • food coloring

There may be several ways to make chocolate figures. Choose the one that suits you best - it will be less labor-intensive, more visual, etc.

To prepare a three-dimensional figure, take a chocolate bar (if your shape is very deep, use two or more). You can melt chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. In the first case, crumble the chocolate bar into a fireproof container and place it in the oven. Set the microwave mode to 50% power. The time depends on the amount of chocolate used. You can use the following scheme for calculation: 30–50 g are heated for about a minute, i.e. 240g will melt in about 3 minutes. If you do not have a circle in your microwave that rotates while the oven is heating, you will have to stop the device and rotate the container with chocolate yourself. This is necessary so that the melting process proceeds more evenly. Also, remember to stir the chocolate while melting.

Experts recommend choosing foreign-made chocolate, since Russian chocolate does not melt well and can leave lumps.

The second option for melting chocolate is in a water bath. To do this, chop the tiles and place them in a ladle or small saucepan. Take another larger container and fill it with water. Place it on the fire and wait until the liquid boils. Turn off the heat and wait for the water to cool. Only after this can you start melting the chocolate in a water bath. Place a ladle of chocolate in this pan and wait. When it starts to melt, start stirring. This is necessary so that the mass does not burn.

Confectioners claim that dark chocolate melts at a temperature of about 55 degrees, white and milk chocolate - at 45 degrees. But you shouldn’t heat chocolate in boiling water, as it will simply boil

If you want to make the chocolate mass more shiny and uniform, it is recommended to freeze it after the first melting, and then repeat the procedure again, simply heating the chocolate to 30 degrees.

It is also necessary to prepare the molds. It is best to purchase ones specially adapted for this. But silicone ones are also quite suitable. Wash them thoroughly and wipe dry. Then pour in the chocolate. Remember that when working with it, its temperature should be slightly lower than human body temperature.

To avoid bubbles in the finished product, after pouring the chocolate into the molds, lightly tap them on the table. This will help the mass to be better and more evenly distributed in shape. Then put them in the refrigerator to harden. This will take from 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the size of the mold). All that remains is to turn the molds over and take out the chocolate figures.

Option two involves making openwork figures. For this, as a rule, a stencil is used. Melt the chocolate and place it in a pastry syringe. Using a pre-prepared stencil (preferably made on baking paper), begin drawing out the design. This way the figurine turns out thin and carved.

If you need to attach any parts to each other, do this also with melted chocolate. Just use a brush to lubricate the parts at the joint and press them together.

Drawing tools let you create and edit vector shapes. It's easy to create with them various elements for web pages.

The next family of tools allows you to create geometric shapes of different shapes.

Rectangle (Rectangle)() - accordingly, allows you to draw a rectangle (and with the key pressed - a square), filled with the foreground color.
Rounded Rectsngle square)— creates shapes similar to those described above, but allows you to set the radius of rounding the corners of the rectangle.

Ellipse- creates ovals (in combination with a pressed key - circles).
Polygon- allows you to create geometric shapes with an arbitrary number of angles, as well as multi-beam stars. By default creates a convex pentagon.
Line— draws straight lines of arbitrary or specified length, thickness, color and direction.
Custom Shape— allows you to create a geometric figure of any shape and save it for later use.

Create a new training file.

Left click on tool - shapes - on the toolbar, the tool selection window will open:

Here are the basic shapes we can use. Select any one and look at the options panel:

For any shape you can choose:

  • drawing mode:
    • Shape layer. The figure is created in a separate layer. A shape layer consists of a fill layer that defines the color of the shape, and an associated vector mask that defines the shape's boundaries. The outline of a shape is a path that appears in the Paths tab of the Layers panel.

    • Outlines. This mode allows you to draw outlines of shapes that can be filled or outlined with any color. Paths appear in the Paths tab of the Layers panel.

    • Pixel Fill . When working in this mode, not vector, but raster images are created, which can be processed in the same way as any raster image

  • style and color of the figure

  • set parameters specific to this figure

Drawing rectangles

Let's select the first shape - a rectangle. On the panel we will select mode - shape layer. Select a style by clicking on the triangle on the right.

Choose any one you like. By the way, if you click on the triangle in the circle (on the right), you can select additional styles in the context menu that opens. If you do not want to use a style, then select a white square crossed out with a red line.

Now you can set the geometric parameters:

  • Arbitrarily - as you draw, so it will be.
  • Square - when you stretch the shape with the mouse, the width and height will always be the same.
  • Specified size - you can set the width and height of the rectangle (in cm) and click on the canvas. A rectangle with the specified dimensions will appear.
  • Set proportions - you can set how many times the width will be smaller (or larger) than the height. When stretching the figure, the proportion will be maintained.
  • From the center - draws a rectangle from the center.
  • Snap to Pixels - the edges of the rectangle are snapped to the pixel boundaries.

Now select -arbitrarily- and stretch your rectangle on the canvas with the mouse. For example, this is what I got when using styles: Button, Glass Buttons and Web Styles.

Enough useful tool to create buttons and menus for your web pages, isn't it?

Draw rectangles with rounded corners

Let's select the second shape - a rectangle with rounded corners. In the panel, select the mode - shape layer, corner radius - for example, 15 and color (you can style it as you want). The geometric parameters are the same as for a rectangle.

Here's what I got with different combinations of radius and style.

Why not news blocks and menu buttons?

Drawing circles

Let's choose the third figure - an ellipse. In the panel, select the mode - layer-shape, color and style. The geometric parameters are the same as for a rectangle, with the only difference being that you can choose a circle instead of a square. Select -randomly- and stretch the ellipse. If you want there to be a circle, then hold down the Shift key or select -circle- in the geometric parameters.

Here's what I got:

Drawing polygons

Let's choose a shape - a polygon. In the panel, select the mode - shape layer, the number of sides in the range from 3 to 100 (for example, 3 for a triangle, 6 for a hexagon), color and style. Let's consider the geometric parameters:

  • Radius - radius of the polygon.
  • Smooth outer corners
  • Star - with the checkbox unchecked, the polygon is convex, with the checkbox ticked, the polygon is concave.
  • Beam depth - if the polygon is concave, then its vertices seem to form rays. This parameter shows what part of the polygon radius will be occupied by rays. The higher the %, the longer and sharper the rays.
  • Smooth outer corners - with the checkbox unchecked, the corners are sharp, with the checkbox checked, the corners are rounded.

For example:

The first hexagon has a radius of 3 cm, the rest of the boxes are unchecked.

The second hexagon has a radius of 3cm, the -star- checkbox, the depth of the rays - 25%, the rest of the checkboxes are unchecked.

The third hexagon has a radius of 3 cm, the depth of the rays is 50%, all the boxes are checked.

All have a style applied to them.

Drawing lines

Let's choose a shape - lines. In the panel, select the mode - shape layer, line thickness (in pixels), color and style. Let's consider the geometric parameters:

If all the checkboxes are unchecked, there will be just a line, the parameters are set by the arrows at the ends of this line.

  • Start- arrow at the beginning of the line.
  • End- arrow at the end of the line.
  • Width- proportions of the arrow as a percentage of the line thickness (from 10% to 1000%).
  • Length- proportions of the arrow as a percentage of the line thickness (from 10% to 5000%).
  • Curvature- determines the degree of curvature of the widest part of the arrow where it meets the line (from -50% to +50%).

For example:

The first line has all checkboxes unchecked, width - 500%, length - 1000%, thickness - 2 pixels.

For the second line, everything is the same, but there is a checkmark at -beginning- and the curvature is 5%.

For the third line, everything is the same, but the -end- is checked and the -beginning- is unchecked.

The fourth line has both checkboxes, width - 500%, length - 1000%, curvature - 15%, thickness - 5 pixels.

All have a style applied to them.

Let's draw arbitrary figures

Let's choose a figure - an arbitrary figure. In the panel, select the mode - layer-shape, color and style. The geometric parameters are the same as for a rectangle. But here there is a choice of the figure itself:

Drawing multiple shapes in one layer

The principle here is the same as with tools rectangular selection(in the first lesson we made a non-standard selection area using the tools in the options bar: add to selection, subtract from selection, etc.). The same tools are available in the Shape Options panel.

For example, create a rectangle shape, now in the options bar click on the "add to shape area" icon, and now select the ellipse shape. Move the mouse cursor to the upper border of our rectangle, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, stretch the ellipse. It should look something like this:

If the ellipse is not stretched as desired, you can correct it. To do this, select from the toolbar contour selection tool-

Move the cursor to the border of the ellipse and, while holding down the left mouse button, drag the ellipse where it should be. Using all these tools, you can draw shapes of varying complexity.

Saving the shapes

Let's say we liked the last shape we created and want to use it in the future. To do this, you need to save it. For this menu Edit -> Define Custom Shape. Give the new shape a name.

Now our shape has appeared in the drop-down custom shape selection panel.