What types of putties are there? Putties for interior work. Finishing, decorative putties. Classification of wall putties by composition. Several recipes for homemade adhesive putties

Not everyone has an idea about which putty is best for walls under wallpaper, because there are many varieties of this material.

It is not always easy to understand which putty to choose for walls under wallpaper.

The article will help you decide what types of putty mixture there are and how to make it right choice for each specific case.

Type of putty and its purpose

Wall putty is selected according to two criteria: composition and functions. The mixture is selected based on its constituent components, because the quality of the final result depends on them.

So, putty is divided into the following groups:

  • gypsum – levels the wall well and does not shrink in the future. The only disadvantage of such a mixture is that the composition is afraid of moisture;
  • cement - has a high resistance to moisture, but may shrink over time. The negative aspects can be added to the long drying time;
  • acrylic – moisture resistant, does not shrink. Perhaps this is the most suitable option finishing both for wallpaper and for painting.

The list shows the three most common types of putty that can be purchased on the construction market.

The main thing is to remember that the purchased materials must be produced by the same company, which will affect the quality of the finished surface.

In order to ultimately get the result you want, you should consult with the seller and choose a putty that is suitable specifically for your purposes.

Regardless of the components present in the mixture, putty is divided into two types:

  • starting mixture, which is used to smooth out large flaws and cracks on the wall. This type of composition can correct any errors in the walls, because the thickness of its layer can be five millimeters;
  • finishing option - a type of material designed for repeated puttying in order to eliminate minor defects and give a smooth surface to the wall.

Sometimes a third type of putty mixture is used - universal. This product contains both finishing and starting putty at the same time.

The price of such material is much higher, but the quality is better. Which choice will be correct?

It turns out that all types of mixtures are good, and the question of which putty is best for walls under wallpaper remains unclear.

The answer can be obtained directly from the sales consultant, explaining to him for what purposes the putty solution is needed.

Starting and finishing putty

When you plan to hang wallpaper, then you simply need to putty the walls. Walls with severe flaws are first puttied with a starting solution, because it can be applied to brick or concrete walls.

The finished mixture is distributed in a thick layer, up to ten millimeters; if necessary, another layer can be applied.

If there is a need to apply putty in more than one layer, then a reinforcing mesh is used, thus improving adhesion.

The starting solution is excellent for leveling walls, and the structure of the composition allows it to be easily applied to any type of surface.

Starting putty comes in both dry form and in the form ready mixture. Most people prefer dry powder for dilution: the advantages of dry mixes are an affordable price and the ability to prepare the solution yourself, making the putty the consistency necessary for comfortable work.

It is important to know that to use putty both indoors and outdoors, types of mortar with different characteristics are used.

After leveling the walls with the starting mixture, finishing is carried out. This should be done only after the first layer has completely dried.

The finishing putty differs from the starting putty in its fine grain, as a result of which the composition is applied in a thin layer, approximately two to three millimeters.

Taking this factor into account, everyone should understand that finishing putty cannot be used to seal seams and rough surface irregularities.

Finishing putty, like starting putty, can be used for facade works and for internal - do not forget about this when choosing, because mixtures for external and interior works different indicators of adhesion and moisture resistance.

Of course, you can make the putty material yourself, but the quality of the solution will be worse than purchased, so it is better to purchase a good factory-made product.

Instructions for puttying walls

To carry out the work of filling the walls yourself, you must first prepare the tools that will be needed during the work process:

  • several spatulas of different sizes;
  • electric drill with attachment;
  • empty bucket for preparing the solution;
  • sandpaper;
  • wide brush (broom brush).

After preparing the tools and purchasing the required amount of building material, you can begin finishing works.

So, first you need to treat the walls with a primer - to do this, use a paint brush and a primer container. The process is necessary to remove dust from the surface of the walls.

To prepare the solution, use a clean bucket, into which water is poured in the proportions indicated on the packaging, then mixed thoroughly using a mixer. When the solution is ready, you can begin leveling the wall with the starting mixture.

To apply the resulting mixture to the wall, use two spatulas of different sizes.

Using a narrow spatula, scoop up the solution and spread it onto the surface of a wide spatula, after which the mixture is applied to the wall.

When the surface treated with the starting solution dries, apply finishing putty.

Wallpaper putty, regardless of whether it is a starting mixture or a finishing mixture, should be applied in an even layer.

The final layer of putty is cleaned with sandpaper, after which excess dust is removed from the wall. Now you can start priming the wall, using a deep penetration primer.

If each action is performed strictly in accordance with the instructions, then the wallpaper on the wall will lie smoothly and last longer.

Although there are situations in which people putty the wall with only one layer of starting solution. Of course, you can do it this way, but only if the wallpaper is very thick (vinyl or non-woven).

Instead of a conclusion

So, now you know how to putty walls and you can figure out which putty will be best for walls under wallpaper in your particular case.

But for beginners, a few more practical tips will do no harm:

  • the bucket for the solution should always be clean, especially for work with finishing putty - this will help prevent debris from getting into the mixture;
  • the solution is prepared in small portions so that the contents do not have time to dry out;
  • the walls must be primed;
  • Rough surfaces are first puttied with a starting solution.

To understand which putty to choose for repairs, first consult with a consultant at a hardware store: tell us for what purpose you need the building material.

Putty can be either liquid or in the form of a dry solution - decide for yourself which form of material release is best to choose for repairs.

To perform exterior work, always purchase façade putty, because this mixture has increased moisture resistance characteristics and has strong adhesion.

Also remember that to apply the starting putty in a thick layer, you should always use a reinforcing mesh, and the second layer can be applied only after the first has completely dried.

Wall putty - important stage repair work. Before we begin to understand the merits of this or that putty or putty for wall finishing, let’s clarify whether these are different materials. The Russian dictionary does not distinguish between these words, just one of them, “putty,” came to us from the German language and is based on the word “spatel” (Spatel) - a spatula or plate with a handle, used by doctors and painters.

In construction, such a shovel is used to level the surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors, if necessary. The word “putty” (hence “putty”) has a purely Russian root “tow”. Tow was used to seal cracks in houses, using a thin stick or flexible spatula, wide at one end and with a comfortable handle at the other.

Since the German Spatel was best suited for this work, it “took root” in Russian workshops, and the mixture used to seal and level the walls was called “putty” or “putty” - it makes no difference.

Initially, the putty was mixed with your own hands according to your own recipe, the composition practically did not change: lime-sand mortar, mixed to the state of thick sour cream. Later, oxol (drying oil), animal glue and chalk were added to the materials for puttying walls to give the mixture aesthetic whiteness and additional low shrinkage when hardening.

Modern putty mixtures have also undergone some changes in their composition compared to the last century. Which? This is what we will look at now, and at the same time we will find out why putty is needed and whether it is really necessary.

In the video: smooth plaster or smooth putty.

Putty (putty) is a universal, quickly hardening finishing composition of special materials used for leveling and repairing walls and other surfaces before subsequent finishing work.

Judging by the popular name “putty”, this mixture is designed to cover cracks, potholes, joining seams and other surface irregularities.

Types of building mixtures

The mixture can be dry (sold in bags) or diluted to the desired consistency - a ready-to-use paste. Both of them have a number of advantages and a number of disadvantages over each other. How to understand all the intricacies yourself if you have never putty before?

The binding component is the basis of all putty putties. The division of all mixtures into:

  • cement putties;
  • gypsum putties;
  • polymer (acrylic).


It is clear that the binding component in these mixtures is cement, which transfers its properties to the putty. best qualities: moisture resistance, durability, resistance to the external environment. This material is indispensable for finishing rooms with high humidity and sudden temperature changes (kitchens, bathrooms, etc.)

This is an excellent material for walls outside buildings, but then lime (cement-lime putty) is added to its composition. The main disadvantage is the high degree of shrinkage.


Second name - gypsum plaster. The advantages include:

  • quick “setting” of the composition;
  • plasticity and ease of use when plastering walls and ceilings;
  • formation of a smooth, durable surface after drying;
  • does not shrink.

The main advantage is that gypsum wall putty will be fully included in the affordable estimate. The disadvantage is that the material is not resistant to water, which means it cannot be used in wet areas.

Polymer (acrylic)

The most modern and convenient option putty mixtures. In terms of adhesion, shrinkage, uniformity of drying, complete absence The shrinkage has no equal. Thanks to its fine-grained structure, which gives a very smooth and high-quality strong surface, acrylic putty can be used not only when repairing walls, but also for mating parts of different compositions.

The mixture is capable of holding glass and stone, plastic and fabric, brick and drywall, and any surface to be puttied. Ideal for finishing. This is a universal option for plastering walls! The downside is that the price is steep.

However, the quality of the putty must correspond to the quality of the materials used in construction. Only with this combination can full interaction of materials and high quality work be achieved.

Technical characteristics, methods of use and the expiration date must be indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Dry and ready-made mixtures

The manufacturer will also offer 2 types of putty mixtures - dry and in paste form. Dry mixtures are characterized by low price and long shelf life. They contain all the necessary components in a dry state, and to prepare the technical solution you only need water and thorough mixing. The simplicity of these actions and the affordable prices of such putties make them leaders in the construction market.

However, there are also negative aspects: the batch has a short shelf life - you will have to mix in small parts and work with a spatula very quickly. The mixture dries out literally before our eyes, so you should hurry.

Wet (ready-made) putties do not have such a hardening speed. In addition, they do not require compliance with instructions for proper mixing, but their shelf life is significantly lower than dry, not yet diluted mixtures. The paste also shrinks a lot, and their prices are high. It is more convenient to work with them, on the one hand, but on the other hand, applying them in a layer less than 2 mm is not recommended.

If you have to do a large-scale repair with putty on large areas, it is better to stick with pastes.

If you are going to plaster and putty the wall with your own hands, you will need these tools:

  • wide and narrow spatula;
  • building code;
  • bucket and construction mixer (if dry mixture is available);
  • grater for polishing the surface after puttying.

Putty stages

The procedure for plastering walls is as follows:

1.Starter or putty in the first layer. For this type of work, a coarse mixture is suitable, which is called starting putty. Suitable for covering large differences, you can hide holes and grooves, putty walls partially or completely, depending on the evenness of the walls. The thickness of the starting layer can reach up to 1.5-2 cm, and to give the surface strength, after covering deep cracks and holes, you need to use a painting mesh.

The strength of the first layer ensures not only high-quality leveling, but also complete adhesion with subsequent building materials. Why putty the walls before painting or wallpapering? - To keep it better!

And don’t forget that before applying the next layer, you need to let the previous one dry thoroughly!

2.Putty for the second layer or lighthouse. The mixture is no different from the mixture for the starting layer. Beacon - a straight, even strip of wood or metal profile. Using this rail we will align the walls horizontally and vertically. You need to fix the beacons on the wall and start the second layer of putty.
Using a level, we carefully check the quality of our secondary finishing.

By the way, if the walls turned out smooth after the starting, first layer, you can skip this stage. The decision is made depending on the chosen decorative wall covering.

3.Finishing or putty in the third layer. Whether or not you decide on the second layer, you will have to do the finishing putty. Why do you need putty if the walls are already perfectly smooth? It is this that will give the surface ideal smoothness and eliminate the smallest cracks that could form during the drying of a thick layer. The last finishing layer should be thin, almost transparent, like a primer, which you, of course, did not forget to apply under the first, starting layer.

Since finishing putty is akin to a primer, it is not difficult to make such a primer-putty for walls with your own hands: just dilute the remaining mixture liquid-liquid. Often this method of priming (liquid putty) is used before applying the first starting layer, but this is wrong! A real primer will adhere better, penetrate deeper, and prevent the appearance of mold. Use the right primers, there is one for each type of putty!

Universal putties are very convenient in all respects and for all layers; working with them is a real pleasure, and the most unprepared novice master who does not know how to hold a spatula correctly can handle it.

Important Rules

When working to level walls, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Puttying is carried out on strong, solid bases.
  2. The base must be absolutely clean.
  3. The putty is applied after priming the surface to create an adhesive effect.
  4. Apply layers using a wide spatula.
  5. For large uneven areas, apply another 2-3 layers.
  6. Each layer should be given time to dry thoroughly.
  7. You will have to putty the walls for wallpaper three times, and up to 5 times for painting.
  8. The finishing putty is applied with a thin primer layer.
  9. After the last layer has completely dried, be sure to sand the wall with fine-grained sandpaper.

“In everything big there is gradualness, not suddenness and instantaneity!” - the great poet and philosopher Goethe once remarked. This principle must also be adhered to when plastering walls, this required condition: Apply a layer - wait until it dries completely! Otherwise you won't get a masterpiece. The wallpaper will bubble and become covered dark spots, move away from the wall and hang from the ceiling. The paint will lie in uneven stripes, swell and crack in the very first weeks after painting.

Puttying walls with your own hands is not a difficult task, as it might seem at first glance. The small but very useful video tutorials from professional craftsmen below will help you use the tools correctly and apply layers.

How to putty walls (2 videos)

If planning is underway for upcoming construction, capital or even cosmetic repairs, there is always a whole list of questions about what materials to choose so that they last as long as possible. Not so long ago, the assortment in construction stores was not so wide, so everything that could be obtained was used for work. Today, it is possible to choose from a huge offer of materials exactly what you need, and at prices that are affordable for a specific family budget.

One of the most widely used materials for repairs and finishing is putty, which helps to level the surfaces of rooms, so that the decorative coating looks properly. Such compositions are available in a very large number of types, and sometimes it is even difficult to immediately figure out which putty is better and how to choose it correctly. That is, the topic of this publication remains relevant for all owners who are starting to transform their home.

Of course, if a serious renovation is underway, they try to do it as efficiently as possible, largely focusing on European standards, and according to them, ceilings and walls must be perfectly smooth and even. To achieve the necessary effect, the surfaces are first leveled plaster layer or drywall, and then bring them to an ideal condition suitable for decorative finishing, using several thin layers of putty. To choose correct option such a mixture, you need to be able to understand its characteristics.

Classification of putty types

Putty is a fairly simple material (if you have the appropriate work experience) to use. It perfectly levels out unevenness and roughness, and perfectly hides seams from cracks sealed with plaster. Each type of putty composition has its own advantages and is intended for a certain stage of work and specific surfaces. Therefore, they need to be considered in more detail to make the final choice.

So, depending on the stage of the repair and finishing work being performed, starting or finishing putties are used

  • The starting (base) composition is intended for rough work, that is, it is applied first, thick enough layer on a previously prepared, most often plastered surface. This putty is used to level walls that have flaws, curvature and deformations of no more than 5÷7 mm. Starting mixture, unlike finishing putty, consists of filler of larger fractions, and can be applied in several stages with a thickness of up to 15 mm. The surface of the walls and ceiling, leveled with starting putty, turns out to be smooth, but slightly rough, precisely because of the components of a rather large fraction.

  • Finishing compositions have a finely dispersed fine structure filler and are used to create a smooth surface. They are applied to the hardened starting layer of putty. And the application thickness usually lies within only 0.5÷2 mm. This layer of putty is not intended to hide serious irregularities, seams or cracks - it only serves to make the surface perfectly smooth.

  • Universal putty materials are used for both the base layer and the finishing layer. Of course, this is very convenient in terms of purchasing materials, but it is not always profitable in terms of the cost of such compositions.

Now let's move on to considering the classification of compositions based on the base binder.

Types of putties based on the binder component

Cement-based putties

This type of material can be called the most reliable and durable of the entire line of putty mixtures, as it is excellent for various surfaces and is used for both external and internal work. Cement mixtures are resistant to temperature changes, moisture resistant and quite durable.

In addition to the division into starting and finishing, cement plasters are divided into facade, basement, thermal insulation and decorative. Already by their name it is quite possible to determine the area of ​​their purpose.

Most often, cement is not the only binder - gypsum, lime, and polymer components can be used as additives, depending on the qualities that need to be imparted to the putty. Thus, lime gives the mixture increased plasticity, which simplifies the work and helps to easily achieve an even and smooth surface. Gypsum added to cement putty reduces its setting time, which allows construction and finishing work to be carried out in the shortest possible time.

Cement putty can be used in the following areas of construction and finishing:

  • Interior work. Finishing walls and ceilings both in dry rooms and with high humidity, as well as in unheated buildings (garage, veranda, open or cold balcony, summer country house etc .)
  • External works. Finishing the basement parts of foundations and facades built of brick, concrete, stone and other materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of cement putty compositions

In order to get a complete picture of the characteristics of this material, you need to identify its “pros” and “cons”.

So, to positive aspects cement putty mixtures also include the following qualities:

  • Easy to apply the mixture to the base. Even a beginner can easily handle finishing work with cement-based plasters. Setting time quite long so that mistakes can be corrected.
  • The ability of its starting compositions to level surfaces with differences of 5÷15 mm.
  • This material guarantees the resistance of the coating to low and high temperatures, moisture and other aggressive natural influences.
  • The instructions located on each package by the manufacturer provide clear recommendations for the preparation and use of the mixture.
  • Cement-based putty has an affordable price, and this is one of the reasons why it is popular with consumers.

Disadvantages cement putty has a little:

  • More granular structure of mixtures, in contrast to putties based on gypsum, latex or acrylic.
  • Experienced craftsmen can blame her for the duration of setting, that is, exactly what is considered an advantage for a beginner in finishing work.

Gypsum putties

Gypsum putty is sold in dry, finely dispersed mixtures, which also contain various additives that modify it - soluble polymers, mineral fillers, such as fine quartz sand or marble flour.

Plaster Decoration Materials are divided into starting, finishing and universal mixtures. Each of them is applied accordingly, as already discussed.

The scope of application of gypsum-based putty mixtures is most often limited to interior finishing work. They are used to seal joints of gypsum boards or plasterboard sheets, cracks and crevices are filled, plastered walls and ceilings are leveled.

Advantages This finishing material can be considered to have the following qualities:

  • Gypsum putty is an environmentally friendly finishing material, so it can be used in any residential premises without danger.
  • The gypsum mixture has high adhesive abilities, therefore it has excellent adhesion to almost any properly prepared surfaces.
  • Putty made from this material is “breathable”, which reduces the risk of mold stains appearing on the walls. In addition, gypsum is a natural “regulator” normal humidity in room.
  • Gypsum putty is characterized by lower consumption compared to its cement counterpart.

  • The price of these materials is always within the general availability.
  • Putty surfaces are easy to sand.

Disadvantages gypsum materials can be called the following

  • Rapid hardening of the mixture, which requires a certain speed in work. Considering this circumstance, this type of putty should not be chosen by those who will be doing this finishing method for the first time, since working with it requires a certain skill.
  • The material cannot be used for exterior finishing, since it is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs moisture well, which over time will begin to destroy the coating. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use gypsum coating for finishing rooms with high humidity.
  • Plaster does not contact very well concrete surfaces, therefore, before applying it they require certain preparation, which consists of covering them primers compatible with gypsum.
  • Layers of gypsum putty are not so resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Having opened the package of gypsum putty, it should be used within several days, otherwise it will become unsuitable for work, due to the already mentioned property of quickly absorbing atmospheric moisture. However, this approach to dry building mixtures should be used when using materials on any basis so that they do not lose quality.

Polymer putties

Polymer putties arrive ready for sale form in plastic buckets, or in dry mixtures packed in paper bags.

Polymer putties include mixtures made with latex and acrylic base. They are similar in their characteristics and component composition.

Acrylic and latex putties are made on the basis of acrylates, which interact well with other components of the mixture, so the mass is clearly homogeneous. On the surfaces to be finished, due to its inherent properties, it forms a dense, smooth layer.

Acrylic and latex putties are produced in several versions depending on the area of ​​application. So, to decorate the outside of the house you need to purchase facade putty. It is characterized by increased moisture resistance, abrasion resistance, can be easily sanded until smooth after setting, and is suitable for application to plastered surfaces, concrete and wood.

Acrylic putty for interior work is used for coating inside buildings.

In addition to them, you can find universal brands of putties on sale, the scope of which is, in principle, unlimited. Universal putty is used to level all surfaces of the room, including, by the way, repair operations for cracked concrete floors.

The mixture has a fine-grained structure, after hardening it is easy to sand, it is well suited for leveling walls, and can be applied in both thin and thick layers (in several stages).

This class of material, like all other putties, is also divided into base (starting) and finishing compositions. In addition, there are special repair mixtures - they perfectly fill cracks, crevices, and other surface imperfections, and then quickly harden. Without giving virtually any shrinkage .

TO positive qualities Both acrylic and latex putties include:

  • Due to the fact that polymer putty has a certain elasticity even after drying, the coating does not crack or crumble, of course, provided that it is applied correctly. In addition, this quality makes the coating resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress.
  • Polymer putties have water-repellent properties, protecting facade surfaces from the destructive effects of precipitation.
  • The homogeneous structure and excellent adhesion of the mixtures of this line greatly facilitate their application to surfaces, and even an inexperienced master will find it easy to cope with this work.
  • Polymer putties set and dry quickly enough, which allows finishing work to be completed in a short time. At the same time, if you seal even a composition prepared from a dry mixture in an airtight container, it can often be used even on the second day. There will be much less waste!
  • Another advantage of polymer putties is the ability to impart certain thermal insulation qualities to the surfaces on which they are applied.
  • Putties do not contain toxic or other harmful substances, so they can be called an environmentally friendly material.

Disadvantages of this type of finishing material the following points are considered:

  • You need to work quickly with polymer putties, since the advantage of the material - a short setting and drying time - can become its disadvantage. Or, during work, draw only the minimum required amount of solution, and always keep the main volume in a sealed container.
  • To make the coating reliable, it is applied in several layers 1 mm thick, since if you cover the wall with a five-millimeter layer at once, the putty may crack when drying.
  • Polymer coatings do not allow air to pass through well enough, that is, they cannot be called completely “breathable” - it doesn’t work. In any case, in this indicator they are clearly inferior to compositions based on cement or gypsum.
  • The high cost of the material often forces one to abandon it in favor of more affordable putties.

Adhesive putties

Adhesive putty is made from a mixture of glue, chalk and drying oil. The volume of glue occupies up to 10% of the total mass. Adhesive putty is used as a finishing leveling coating on surfaces usually intended for painting.

This putty option is often intended for interior finishing work, but there are exceptions. The adhesive composition is highly elastic, easy to apply, and after drying it can be sanded - these qualities make it possible to obtain a perfectly smooth surface of a wall or ceiling.

Adhesive putties are divided by type of additive, and their choice depends on what kind of paint will be applied to the walls after they are leveled.

  • So, for example, if you plan to level facade walls, then adhesive compositions with polymer additives are used. They are highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and low winter temperatures.

Polymer-adhesive putties are sold in ready-to-use form, packaged in plastic buckets, or in dry mixtures that require preparation immediately before use. Each manufacturer makes putty in different proportions, so before mixing it you should carefully study the instructions on the package.

Polymer adhesive putties use latex or acrylic resin as a filler. Sometimes they are used in combination, such additives are called acrylates. Such materials can be called universal, since they are used not only for internal, but also external finishing and preparatory work.

  • Another option is oil-adhesive putty, which consists of components such as gypsum, water, drying oil and the necessary plasticizers. This type of material is sold in plastic containers, which makes its use as convenient as possible. The oil-adhesive type of putty perfectly eliminates surface defects, so they are quite popular for interior finishing work.

Some craftsmen are engaged in the manufacture of this type of putty on their own, and use components such as glue, carpentry or PVA for them, laundry soap, gypsum, chalk, drying oil and primer. The composition of putties may vary and depends on the paint base that will be applied to the leveled surface.

Several recipes for homemade adhesive putties

Below are several recipes tested by the practice of master finishers

  • For example, under paint on water based you can make adhesive putty consisting of a five percent solution of PVA glue and a mixture of 1 part gypsum and 3 parts chalk. The adhesive solution is added to the finished dry mixture and mixed until smooth and the desired consistency.
  • Another version of putty for water-based paints has the following composition - 1 liter of drying oil, 100 grams of a 10% solution of wood glue and three kilograms of chalk.
  • Under oil paint a composition in which one of the main components is laundry soap is suitable, which is ground on a grater and poured hot water and left until completely dissolved, stirring occasionally. Then, drying oil is poured into the hot soapy solution in a thin stream, and then sifted chalk is added. For this putty you will need a liter of drying oil, 200 grams of thick soap solution and 3 kg of chalk.

  • For painting walls water-based paints adhesive putty is used, prepared and using a vitriol primer, which will prevent the appearance of mold and eliminate the appearance of rust stains through wallpaper or light paint. To make it you will need one liter of primer and 150 ml of a 10% solution of wood glue. After mixing these two components, gypsum is gradually added to the mixture and gently mixed until a dough-like consistency is obtained. However, this putty has one significant drawback - after mixing, it should immediately be used to finish the walls, since the mixture sets extremely quickly.

Oil putties

Oil putties are made from drying oil and chalk with the addition of driers, which speed up the drying of the applied mixtures. This type of putty is universal, as it is successfully used both for interior work for oil painting of walls, and for leveling the surfaces of facades. Thanks to the components included in the putty, it has good elasticity and frost resistance, and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and moisture.

Oil-based material is used for various surfaces, including wooden interior parts, for example, window sills, doors, floors, window frames and so on .

It should also be noted here that oil putty will be an excellent base for water-based and enamel paint compositions applied to the façade and interior surfaces, both with normal and high levels of humidity.

Brief summary of the above

So, having considered General characteristics putty compositions used in finishing premises, we can come to the conclusion that on The purpose of the material should be given special attention.

  • For interior work in dry rooms, putty mixtures on almost any base are suitable.
  • For rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to choose cement-, polymer-, adhesive- and oil-based putties.
  • For finishing façade surfaces, finishing materials are also selected that are cement-, adhesive-, polymer- and oil-based, but with the obligatory indication that they are weather-resistant and frost-resistant.

At the same time, when purchasing a mixture, it is necessary to pay attention to clarifying information on the scope of application of this material. For example, if the packaging indicates that the putty is intended for interior work, you should not try to level the walls of the facade with it. It is not adapted to external conditions, and the finished finishing will not last very long.

But “in the other direction” – as much as you like. This means that mixtures positioned as façade or universal (meaning universality in terms of application) can be used for both interior decoration rooms with any level of humidity, as well as for outdoor work.

Manufacturers of putties

Since the construction market is overcrowded various types putty compositions, it is often difficult to decide on the choice of material. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to choose products from companies that have been operating on the Russian market for a long time and have gained popularity among builders and finishers due to their quality, completeness and reliability of the information provided by the manufacturer.

Below are several tables with the characteristics of putties produced by the “masters” in the production of construction and finishing materials.

Products of the company "Knauf"

This German manufacturer can be called the most popular on the Russian construction market, and it must be said that this is well deserved. Knauf products are always distinguished by their high quality and variety. It is produced on high-tech equipment using innovative technologies.

Knauf building mixtures are environmentally friendly materials that do not emit toxic substances hazardous to human health. It is easy and pleasant to work with putties intended for various finishing stages, as they have high adhesive properties and ductility.

The Knauf company presents a wide variety of putty compositions made on different bases:

Name of productPackaging, kgAverage price per package
(summer 2017)
(dry mix)
The basis of the material is gypsum.
The mixture is plastic, has good adhesion, and is used for sealing drywall seams and puttying, as well as gluing gypsum board sheets to walls.
25 350÷400 rub.0.8
"Knauf - Fugen Hydro"
(dry mix)
Gypsum-based, has excellent adhesive properties, used for sealing seams and putty moisture-resistant plasterboard.
Good for wet areas
Can be applied to surfaces in a layer of 3÷5 mm
25 900÷950 rub.0.8
"Knauf - Uniflot"
(dry mix)
The base of the putty is high-strength gypsum.
This mixture should be classified as a repair material, since it is more suitable not for putty, but for gluing drywall, sealing its seams, as well as leveling individual flaws on concrete and plastered surfaces.
It is highly durable and does not shrink when dried. At the same time, it is very economical in consumption.
Due to the high price and low consumption, in addition to the standard 25 kg packaging, it is also sold in 5 kg bags.
The thickness of the applied standing is from 1 to 5 mm.
25 1350÷1500 rub.0.5
"Knauf - Rotband-Finish"
(dry mix)
A good finishing gypsum putty mixture.
It has good ductility and a sufficiently long service life of the composition.
The mixed mixture can be used within an hour.
Application thickness – from 0.2 to 5 mm.
25 370÷400 rub.1
"Knauf - Multi Finish"
(gypsum-based dry mixture)
It has characteristics similar to Rotband-Finish, but this putty is easier to sand, bringing it to perfect smoothness.
Application thickness – from 0.2 to 3 mm.
25 350÷400 rub.1
"Knauf - Multi Finish M"
(dry mix)
This putty option is suitable for both manual and machine application.
Has excellent adhesion to any prepared surfaces.
25 400÷450 rub.1
"Knauf - HP Finish"
(dry mix)
The mixture is popular among professional builders, has good characteristics for ordinary putty and has a low price.
However, it should be noted that there are materials that are significantly superior in quality to this mixture.
It is recommended to consider only as a very “budget” option.
Application thickness – from 0.2 to 3 mm
25 200÷250 rub.0.9
"Knauf Multi Finish"
Ready-to-use putty paste with excellent ductility and adhesion.
The material is very easy to work with.
Apply to the surface in a layer of 1÷3 mm.
20 700÷750 rub.1.7
"Knauf Rotband Pasta"
The ready-made mixture for the finishing layer, made on a vinyl base, has a super white color, has high adhesion, and is applied to the surface in a layer of 0.1÷2 mm.
Used for leveling internal surfaces for painting, wallpapering, and decorative relief plaster.
5 350÷400 rub.1.7
"Knauf Multi Finish"
(polymer-cement dry mixture)
The material is intended for leveling surfaces covered with cement plaster in rooms with normal and high humidity, as well as facade surfaces.
Apply a layer of 1 to 3 mm.
25 400÷425 rub.1.2

Putties from the Henkel Bautechnik concern

This concern includes several famous manufacturing companies building materials. Among them is such a well-known brand as “Ceresit”, under which a variety of building mixtures are produced.

It must be said that the line is somewhat smaller than that of the Knauf company, but each of the compositions has a specific purpose, which allows you to accurately determine your choice.

Name of productArea of ​​use of the material and its brief characteristicsPackaging, kgAverage price per package
(summer 2017)
Consumption (kg) per 1 m², when applying a layer of 1 mm
"Ceresit CT 127"
(dry mix)
White polymer putty designed for leveling walls in dry rooms.
The material has average ductility and rubs off quite easily.
The surface leveled with this mixture in accordance with the technology turns out to be perfectly flat and smooth.
The thickness of the composition is from 0.5 to 3 mm.
25 580÷650 rub.1.3
"Ceresit CT 225"
(dry mix)
Facade finishing putty made on a cement base and containing reinforcing additives.
Apply a layer up to 3 mm thick in one go.
Well suited for leveling cement-sand and cement-lime surfaces.
Available in gray and white.
The material is also used in rooms with high humidity.
25 650÷720 rub.1.2
"Ceresit ST 95"
Ready-to-use polymer finishing putty white, plastic, resistant to cracking, has excellent adhesion and is easy to sand.
Designed for use in dry rooms on concrete, plasterboard and plaster surfaces.
Putty is not recommended for use for leveling wooden surfaces.
Buckets 5 or 25 kg≈330 and ≈1320 rub. respectively1.7

Compositions produced by Weber-Vetonit

Putties from this manufacturer can be called the standard of quality among all products that can be found on the Russian market.

All materials for leveling surfaces produced by this company are very flexible and have a long life span, which allows carry out work without unnecessary haste. "Weber-Vetonit" presents on the market a fairly large assortment of putty mixtures produced on different bases:

Name of productArea of ​​use of the material and its brief characteristicsPackaging, kgAverage price per package (summer 2017)Consumption (kg) per 1 m², when applying a layer of 1 mm.
"Weber.Vetonit VH"
(dry mixture gray or white)
A cement-based putty designed for interior and exterior finishing work.
Perfect for rooms with high humidity.
Both gray and white putty can be used to apply the starting and finishing coat.
Application thickness – from 1 to 4 mm
25 Gray ≈ 520 rub.
White ≈ 880 rub.
"Weber.Vetonit KR"
(dry mix)
The finishing material is white, produced on the basis of an organic binder, which indicates its environmental characteristics.
Intended for finishing coating of surfaces in dry rooms.
Application thickness – from 1 to 3 mm.
20 400÷420 rub.1.2
"Weber.Vetonit LR+"
(dry mix)
White polymer-based finishing putty, intended for interior work.
The material has excellent ductility and is easy to apply to surfaces.
When using this putty for wallpapering, the wall must be treated with a primer, otherwise when you decide to replace the wallpaper, it will be removed along with the putty.
Application thickness – from 1 to 5 mm.
20 550÷600 rub.1.2
"Weber.Vetonit LR Fine"
(dry mix)
White polymer-based finishing putty for interior use.
Filling: finely dispersed marble chips.
Great for perfectly leveling walls for painting and wallpapering.
Application thickness – from 0.5 to 3 mm.
25 720÷780 rub.1.2
"Weber.Vetonit JS"
(dry mix)
Polymer finishing putty for interior work in dry rooms.
Apply with a thickness of 1÷2 mm to any complex substrates, including previously painted and coated ones decorative plaster surfaces.
Application thickness – from 1 to 2 mm. Does not shrink.
20 500÷600 rub.1.2
"Weber.Vetonit LR Pasta"
(ready-to-use paste mixture)
The putty is made on a water-soluble polymer base with mineral supplements– natural limestone.
The material is intended for finishing high-quality leveling of surfaces in dry rooms.
It has the purest white color, is super elastic, and gives layers that are completely invisible to the eye.
The filler fraction size is 0.06 mm. Apply thickness up to 0.2 to 3 mm.
20 720÷780 rub.1.7

In addition to these most famous and impeccably proven German companies, on the Russian market you can find products from Polish, American and other manufacturers. The most famous of them are the companies “Stabill” and “Atlas” (Poland), “Sheetrock” and “United States Gypsum” (USA), “Beckers” (Sweden), “Tikkurila” (Finland).

Among the domestic manufacturers of building materials that produce putty mixtures of decent quality, we can highlight such companies as Volma, GLIMS-Production, Starateli, Yunis, Ural Construction Mixes and some others.

Video: recommendations for selecting putties for repairs

How much putty will you need?

What affects putty consumption?

As has already been seen from the tables above, each composition is characterized by its approximate consumption per unit area (m²) with a layer thickness of 1 mm. But, we emphasize, this is a very approximate value, since real consumption There is usually more material. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • The treated surface may have small depressions, cavities or cavities - this is especially pronounced on concrete walls or ceilings. So, when calculating the amount of starting putty, it would be useful to take this circumstance into account.
  • Part of the composition will still remain “smeared on the walls” of the container - there is no escape from this. As well as the fact that a certain part during the application process will still end up on the floor, that is, it will become unsuitable for further use. Some of the material will be removed during subsequent grouting and sanding. Thus, a reserve is definitely necessary. Another thing - which one?
  • Much depends on the qualifications of the performer. Experienced master will not allow overspending, will not apply too thick a layer, and will waste a minimal amount of material. But for a beginner taking his first steps in the field of finishing work, the picture may be exactly the opposite. This requires making certain adjustments to the calculation of the amount of material.

We invite the reader to use an online calculator that will help perform the necessary calculations quickly and with a sufficient degree of accuracy. It can be used both when planning the purchase of material, and when preparing the required amount of mortar for finishing a specific area, in order to minimize waste.

Enough information on putties was provided, so, presumably, no additional explanations on working with the calculator will be required.

Nowadays, in construction markets you can find various materials, and therefore the question arises - what putty to choose? To choose this material correctly, you need to know what differences exist between types of putties and where they can be used.

Choosing putty - types of materials

As we have already said, today there are many types of putty that you can use for various works. And it is important that you know specifically how they differ in characteristics, because many people still ask the question: “which putty is better for walls”?

Starting. It should be used if you want to “roughly” level the walls, that is, to correct large unevenness, for example, if the differences exceed 5 mm. If you use some other type of material, then over a period of time it may simply crack, therefore, repairs can be made again. This coating must be applied using wide spatulas. If you have to “globally” level the walls, then it is better to buy a rule of up to 1.5 meters. This material has several features - it hardens quickly, but is less susceptible to various abrasives. That is why you must work with it very carefully, since it will be difficult to correct anything later.

Finish. It should be used for final leveling of work surfaces, and if you then treat it with an abrasive mesh, the walls and ceiling will be smooth. This material can be easily processed with regular sandpaper. To apply the mixture, use a regular small spatula, since it is not practical to use a larger tool. Such a surface can already be called almost ready, and all that remains for you is to eliminate the smallest “pits” and irregularities. Now you don’t need to constantly ask consultants which finishing putty is better, since in this case the choice will depend purely on the manufacturer.

Cement. It is best to purchase it for subsequent use on the streets, as well as in rooms where high level humidity. Working with her is quite problematic. That is why it is necessary to grind the material at a time when it has not yet dried. True, this type of solution is not particularly necessary, since it is most often used if you subsequently either apply plaster, or lay tiles, or glue wallpaper, or do some other cladding. Its main advantage is that the mixture is stable, durable, and not afraid of moisture.

Plaster. This type of material, unlike cement putty, is afraid of moisture. And this is not its drawback, but the main feature that needs to be taken into account when choosing a putty - it can only be used in a dry room if you want your work to have a lasting effect. But the main advantages include the fact that the surface obtained after processing with this material is an excellent base for subsequent finishing with various decorative coatings, including wallpapering or painting.

Acrylic. Typically, this material is preferable to use if work is carried out to “artistically refine” the ceiling or walls. It should be applied in a thin layer - approximately 1 mm. When using such material you can make practically mirrored ceilings, which will significantly dilute the interior of your apartment. That is, if you want not only to answer the question of how to choose putty for walls, but also to make the room original, this option is for you.

A difficult question: which putty to choose?

This material is also divided according to another criterion, which must also be taken into account if you want the work to also go smoothly and without subsequent rework:

  • With sand;
  • no sand.

You can use the second option for various works: both external and internal, as well as in wet rooms. True, it is quite difficult to work with such a composition, but the result will be impressive - smooth and even. The color of such a solution is usually white, since white cement is also included in the composition. But the first group of putties is best used only for facade work, because their color is dirty gray due to the cement used. You can also use it when leveling “rough” walls with strong unevenness.

If you understand which putty to putty on walls in different cases, then the choice will be much easier. That is why you must initially formulate a task in your head, determining the location of the facing work, after which you can go to a hardware store to get the material.

Important note: despite the knowledge gained from the article, be sure to re-read the instructions for using the putty again.

Any wall finishing work requires comprehensive preparation. At various stages it is necessary to carry out activities that would contribute to the final goal. Wallpaper is often chosen as a decorative covering. But the surface under them must be carefully leveled. Putty is suitable for this. But there are many types of this material on the market. So, which putty will be better for walls under wallpaper?

Today, there are many methods that allow you to prepare almost any solution yourself. It’s just better to abandon such an idea immediately, especially if you don’t have the proper experience in this matter. The point is that you need to create a surface that will hold the wallpaper very well. You also need to take into account that many compositions absorb moisture from the air, which can also have a negative effect on the decorative layer.

Therefore, it is better to immediately opt exclusively for materials that are sold in special construction stores. This is the only way to be sure that the walls will be prepared as needed.

What is putty?

Accordingly, from the existing pasty and dry materials for preparing walls for wallpaper, it would be better to choose the former. They do not require additional manipulations and can be used immediately after opening. But for large volumes of work they are not very suitable in terms of savings.

Thus, drawing a conclusion about which putty is better based solely on its external characteristics will not be entirely correct. A clear understanding of this issue can only be obtained after a detailed study of the compositions of putty mixtures. And how they interact with wallpapering materials.

Differences in putty composition

You can find many different types of putty in hardware stores. They all differ in their composition. You should avoid mixtures that were made on the basis of drying oil (oil-glue). This option has many significant shortcomings, and is also not recommended for use.

Acrylic-based putty (polymer)

This is enough modern material, which has proven itself well at all stages of finishing work. The latex version is also classified as a polymer composition, but it is not so popular, although it has an undeniable advantage. So, acrylic putty has the following characteristics:

  • It is very easy to apply to walls and does not require the use of special tools;
  • easy to sand;
  • protects the wall from destruction;
  • prevents moisture penetration.

It is suitable for almost any subsequent finishing work. There is only one drawback - you cannot apply cheap paint that is not intended for it. It will just peel off.

A common material for various works. Has the following properties:

  • sold ready-made;
  • has excellent viscosity;
  • after drying it shrinks slightly;
  • creates a durable layer.

Water-dispersed putty

Forms a fairly smooth surface that does not require significant processing.

Compositions based on gypsum and cement

This material is used everywhere. Has very good characteristics:

  • used for any type of work;
  • creates a fairly durable layer;
  • many varieties are characterized by increased moisture resistance;
  • does not require special application skills.

This composition is sold in the form of a dry mixture. To prepare it, you need to add the required amount of water and mix everything well. Preferable are solutions in which the main substance is cement. They can be selected for use even outdoors.

So, which putty is better? Of course, wallpaper is not so demanding decorative material, but this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Based on the combination: price + quality + ease of application + interaction with wallpaper glue, then preference can be given to cement-gypsum mixtures. They practically do not require further processing (if you follow the application rules). They also do not react with wallpaper glue, which is often mixed with water. Therefore, the choice most often falls on them.

Preparation for puttying before wallpapering

Can hide some wall imperfections. Small irregularities that would be visible when applying paint will remain completely invisible. But this does not mean that you can not pay attention to preparing the surface for applying this type of material. Any significant cracks or potholes are repaired. For this, it is better to choose cement mortars.

It is assumed that the putty layer will act as a finishing application. That is, the surface will initially be plastered.

First of all, you will need to select the following tools and materials:

  • the putty mixture itself;
  • several types of spatula;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • bucket with water.

After this, the following steps are performed:

  1. The walls are completely cleaned of dust and dirt.
  2. A primer is applied to the surface.
  3. The putty solution is mixed; the preparation time for the dry mixture is no more than ten minutes.
  4. Using a small spatula, the composition is transferred to a wide tool and applied in an even, thin layer to the wall.
  5. For greater effect and to avoid any unevenness, the surface is glossed. This way you can achieve perfect alignment.
  6. After drying, using sandpaper, the remaining imperfections are removed.
  7. The walls are again cleaned of dust and primed.
  8. You can apply wallpaper glue.

After completing all these steps, you can be completely sure that the wallpaper will lie smoothly and will serve for many years.

So, which putty is better? It seems that this question has been answered quite clearly. But still, we must proceed from the fact that the choice should be made depending on specific conditions. Only then will it be possible to ensure that the wallpaper does not fall off the next day, taking with you part of the applied solution.