How to visually increase the height of the ceiling: designer's advice. Low ceilings: how to visually raise them

In most standard apartments and private houses, the ceiling height does not exceed 2.5-2.70 meters, which necessitates the use of original design solutions in order to visually expand the dimensions of the room. This concept is being implemented with the introduction of a number of solutions, which we will discuss in more detail in this article.

Surface texture

To make the ceilings appear visually higher, it is necessary to use mirror surfaces. There are two ways to implement this:

  • install mirrors when finishing the ceiling;
  • use mirror surfaces, for example, glossy paint or glossy stretch ceilings.

A visually mirror surface will give the surface greater depth, and the ceilings will be visually higher (look at the photo).

Design features

A visually higher ceiling can be achieved using multi-level structures. These are the so-called suspended structures. Of course, several centimeters of usable space will be “eaten up,” but the visual effect will compensate for everything.

Suspended structures are widely used:

For example, to make the ceiling visually higher, you can make a box around the perimeter of the room, stretch a glossy fabric between it, and add overall effect by using local lighting.

Colors and designs

There are several main directions, the use of which allows you to make the ceiling visually higher. A high ceiling can be obtained using:

  • cool colors when painting the ceiling (green, purple, blue);
  • monochromatic painting of walls and ceiling, which allows them to merge into one surface.

The optimal color for the ceiling is white.

The second secret is drawing. Remember. In rooms with low ceilings, horizontal lines should not be used. If you still decide to use ceiling plinth(curb), then choose the narrowest one.

But vertical lines are a necessary element. Just vertical stripes should not be placed too often and be too bright.

The wallpaper pattern should be small, as an option - use Decoration Materials with a homogeneous structure. In rooms with low ceilings, it is not recommended to use finishing materials with large patterns.

Examples of using vertical lines and color solutions look at the photo.


To make the ceiling appear higher, you can install lighting that includes a strip (LED, neon or duralight) and spotlights that are installed in a box.

Spotlights should be oriented towards certain functional areas and built into furniture, such as the top wall cabinets, sliding wardrobes and directed upwards. Yes, exactly up.

Do not use classic, massive chandeliers and pendant lamps in rooms with low ceilings. If general lighting is expected, The best decision– shades or flat lamps, for example, in Japanese style or dish lamps.

Great alternative general lighting may become local (floor lamps, sconces, table lamps).

Remember: the more light there is in a room, the higher it appears.

Examples of using lighting fixtures To visually increase the height in the room, look at the photo.

Door and window openings

To make the ceiling appear higher, you can increase the height of the doorway, even right up to the ceiling. The same effect occurs when using long vertical door handles.

You can refuse interior door and replace it with a plasterboard arch.

WITH window openings the same situation, only you won’t be able to extend the window to the ceiling, so use translucent curtains that fall from the ceiling to the floor and have a vertical pattern.

Changing accents

To prevent the ceiling from appearing low, you can divert attention from it. For example, move accents to floors and walls. And on the walls use photo wallpaper, decorative painting or beautiful panels, including those with perspective.

An excellent option are dark walls and light floors.

You can also use various decorative elements, for example, a tall mirror placed on the wall, a shelf with books, vases with branches or long stems.

You can see some other options in the photo.

Choosing furniture

One of the options for visually increasing ceilings is the use of low furniture in oriental style. That is, you need sofas, sofas, bedside tables, cabinets, tables, armchairs and other furniture that is small in height.

Using our tips, you can get visually more high level ceilings.

As an owner ordinary apartment, in which there is often simply not enough space, both above the head and in general, where the ceilings hang over and sit directly on the head, you have to think about how you can visually increase the height of the ceiling. Using competent design techniques, using optical illusions, which are considered the best assistant in these matters, you can hide the shortcomings, or try to beat them by increasing the height of the ceilings, at least visually.

Visually increasing the ceiling height with wallpaper

Among the most effective methods it is worth highlighting:

  • covering walls with wallpaper with a regular vertical pattern;
  • painting the walls, as well as gluing them close to the ceiling;
  • application of color solutions;
  • accentuating the flooring;
  • lengthening walls;
  • installation of a mirror ceiling.

Wallpaper with a vertical pattern

Using wallpaper to increase height

The most simple solution This problem is considered to be wallpaper on which a vertical pattern is applied. Here, of course, it is necessary to have a sense of proportion, because the wallpaper is too bright colors and wide patterns will not be able to save the room. On the contrary, they can add more “squatness”.

Important. The use of discreet and soft wallpaper designs can demonstrate a positive result. Such wallpaper will visually increase the ceiling.

To make the design more vibrant by adding some bright stripes, you can do this using accents. For example, highlight a specific zone.

Pasting or painting close to the ceiling

Wallpaper back to back

Enough effective method increase the height - painting or gluing the walls close to the ceiling. At the same time, you should not abuse wide plinths or borders painted in similar colors. This is because they can steal the desired height of a room. If you absolutely need a plinth, it can be painted in the same color. like the walls themselves or use thin models.

Wallpaper that expands space

Increasing the walls

To visually increase the overall height, you can add a little height to the walls. It is enough to paint the edges of the ceiling that are in contact with the walls or stick wallpaper around the perimeter so that it extends slightly onto the ceiling. If the room is large enough, then the extreme lines on the ceiling can be used to a much greater extent.

Important. It’s better not to get too carried away with the process of blurring the boundaries between the ceiling and walls, thereby eating up more than thirty centimeters of the ceiling. If the room is of medium size, then five centimeters will be enough, but if its area is up to twelve square meters– It’s better not to use such equipment.

Color solutions

Light ceiling

To visually enlarge the ceiling, it is worth using exclusively cold shades and light colors in the interior. Thanks to the play of colors, you can even make the walls and ceiling the same color, but for low ceilings you should use only colors that are a couple of tones lighter.

Accentuating the floor covering

Mirror floor

When solving issues of increasing height, it is not necessary that the main object of activity be the ceiling surface. Attention can also be focused on the flooring. If you make the floor glossy or shiny using varnishes, you can get great effect depth, thus giving the room the desired volume. For this they use different materials, the main thing is that they have reflective properties; this can be glossy tiles or a floor covering made according to a technology called a mirror floor.

Mirror ceiling

Using a mirror ceiling

It is known that it is through the use of mirror surfaces that space can be added. This technique is visible in the photo above. If the owners decide on this design move, they can safely guarantee a significant increase in the volume of the room.

If desired, the ceiling can be made completely mirrored or only a few mirror inserts can be used. You can achieve an unusual effect by using a mirror strip instead of a border, which should be placed right under the ceiling. When the mirror is at a similar height, it will not be able to bother you, constantly showing your reflection.

Application of interior elements:

  • taking advantage of ceiling beams V wooden house, when planning the design of a room, you can solve the issue of increasing visual height ceiling. If you make beams from light wood, while the surface of the ceiling is dark, you will get the effect of a floating ceiling, and this can work perfectly well when increasing the volume of a particular room;
  • You can use tricks of a slightly different nature. If you pick some low furniture, the ceiling may seem higher. A variety of vertical elements can also be very useful - long vertical handles, narrow shelving;
  • air curtains hanging down to the floor, especially when the fabric is left lying on this floor, can add significant height;
  • high doors, simply resting on the ceiling, can make low ceilings almost invisible;
  • The use of suspended and two-level ceilings will help well. Even if a few centimeters are technically selected, the visual component will not be affected; moreover, it can be changed in the right direction. To raise the ceiling in a private house, you can make the entire perimeter near the walls a little lower. For this they use different shapes, making the lower ceiling, while the main part, which has a glossy texture, can significantly increase the space;
  • When decorating a room, it is worth remembering lighting, because it, along with the problem of choosing color and geometry decorative elements, often becomes an indispensable assistant, when it comes to issues of visual enlargement.

Lighting is an excellent method for increasing height. You just need to follow some recommendations:

  • the lighting should not be too bright, therefore it is better if there are several light sources;
  • the light must be directed up;
  • local lighting is much better rather than massive chandeliers;
  • lighting sources, located on the floor, will be able to raise the walls and ceiling;
  • can be highlighted suspended ceiling;
  • better do not install a chandelier in the very center of the room. If this cannot be avoided, then let it have a flat shape;
  • if the room has low ceilings, then it’s better do not use wallpaper with bright and massive patterns or horizontal lines;
  • It is worth remembering that if the room area is large enough, then the low ceiling is hardly noticeable. Most depend only on the ratio of area and height.

They are unhappy with the height of their apartments. The ceiling level in such buildings most often is no more than 240 - 250 cm. This is the very minimum at which a clear feeling of a “pressing ceiling” is not yet created.

In modern new buildings, the ceiling height ranges from 260 to 280 cm, being much more comfortable. But even these dimensions do not satisfy everyone, so people are looking for ways to increase the ceiling height, at least visually.

There are many such methods, but in each specific case this issue must be resolved individually. There is no option that suits every apartment, just as no two apartments are alike.

Ways to visually increase ceiling height

All methods can be divided into the following types:

  • increasing the height of the room by using the “correct” finishing materials;
  • achieving the desired effect using certain techniques and design elements;
  • use of color effects;
  • creating an effect using ;
  • use of furniture and accessories.

Decoration Materials

Using wallpaper with a vertical pattern allows you to visually lengthen the wall, and then the ceiling will “rise”. The same effect can be achieved using paint, alternating stripes of different tones or colors.

You just need to remember that in a small room it is better to use wallpaper with thin stripes, and in a large low room it will look better wide stripes, while narrow ones will create a ripple effect.

If you don’t want to decorate the entire room with stripes, then you can use this option only for the most noticeable wall.

with perspective design are a cheaper option for deception. But you shouldn’t cover all the walls with them; it’s enough to place them on the most open and visible wall of the room.

We use special techniques and finishing elements

Extend the wall to the ceiling you can by running the top of the wallpaper onto the ceiling. You just need to know when to stop: the width of the strip on the ceiling should not exceed 30 cm for large rooms, and 5 cm is enough for small ones. If the room is very small, then this method will not help.

In the same way, in the case of painted walls, use the same paint as the walls.

We glue wallpaper to the ceiling. You should not leave a light section of the wall between the wallpaper and the ceiling - this will make the walls look lower. Therefore, wallpaper must be glued directly to the ceiling. Since curved walls and differences in ceiling height are not uncommon in our homes, the top cut of the wallpaper often turns out uneven. If you need to cover up unevenness in the top line of wallpaper, then do not use a wide border, it also hides the height of the walls. Therefore, the thinner the curb line, the better.

If possible, you can “raise” it using ceiling beams. There are two options here:

  • the ceiling is really beam;
  • false beams.

If you live in a house with beam ceiling(the beams can be wooden - in old houses or concrete), then you just need to expose the beams by removing the ceiling lining. And if the house is new, then light false beams are attached to the existing ceiling.

It is important to paint the structures correctly here. The beams should be painted white, and the sections of the ceiling between them should be painted in dark, smoky tones. Then visually the ceiling will be much higher than it actually is.

We use a tone that matches the wall decoration . Traditionally, skirting boards are selected in accordance with the color of the floor covering. Moreover, it is usually much darker than the walls. At the same time, it seems that the floor “runs over” the walls, and they themselves become shorter.

Many people consider light-colored baseboards to be impractical, citing the fact that dirt is too visible on it. But dust is even better visible on a dark baseboard.

. Taking advantage of opportunities wall panels, you can visually increase the height of the room. The only condition: the panels should not be wide. Narrow vertical panels are no worse than wallpaper with a vertical stripe in terms of creating the effect of “height”.

Can be used for finishing. Budget option is a device using moldings. This decoration will not only visually raise the ceiling, but will also greatly decorate the room.

High - the door reaches the ceiling has the same effect as vertical panels. To do this, it is not necessary to cut an opening to the ceiling; you can create an additional transom above the existing opening. It can be glazed or painted the same color as the door, but it should be light.

You can also cut above the opening and decorate it with a light frame.

Big windows . If possible, you can make the room taller using big windows. You just need to increase the window not in width, but in height. This option is not suitable for high-rise buildings, but for a private house it is quite suitable. An elongated window will let in more light and visually raise the ceiling.

If it is not possible to increase the height of the window opening, it is worth ordering windows with narrow sashes. These can be wood-aluminum structures. Usage aluminum profile allows you to make frames narrower and produce windows of any configuration. The greater light transmission capacity of such openings allows you to make the room brighter, and bright rooms always seem more spacious.

Reflective ceiling. This could be a mirror hanging structure.

The second option is not suitable for everyone; many people do not like it when they “see double.” But if this does not bother you, then the option has a right to life. You just need to take into account that the mirror surface must be constantly cleaned of dust, otherwise its reflective ability is reduced.

Glossy flooring. If it is not possible to raise the ceiling, then you can simply divert attention from it. A shiny floor is ideal for this, reflecting both light and interior items. At the same time, the floor seems to “deepen”, and the ceiling visually becomes higher.

Using color effects

It is known that with the help of the right colors, any room can be radically changed. IN in this case This is painting the ceiling in a light, cool shade. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that it be white, the main thing is that the color of the walls should be darker.

You can paint the walls and ceiling the same color, but for the ceiling choose a shade that is several tones lighter. This allows you to “move away” the ceiling.

Raising the ceiling with lighting

They will help with this sconces and floor lamps , casting light from bottom to top. Lighting from the bottom makes the room appear taller. Therefore, lighting at floor level will also not be superfluous.

At all the brighter the lighting , the higher the ceiling seems.

Local and , making the room more comfortable, at the same time distracting attention from the low ceiling. At the same time, the space in the unlit area always seems wider.

With low ceilings it’s generally better do not use, It is worth placing lighting around the perimeter of the room. But if you can’t do without a chandelier, then use flat lamps located almost under the ceiling (a plate lamp, or a Japanese-style lampshade).

If the room has a suspended or suspended ceiling, then it will be even easier to arrange spot lighting around the perimeter.

Furniture and accessories

Using furniture You can also visually raise the ceiling. To do this, in a low room you need to use only low furniture. This especially applies to cabinets, cabinets and backrests. upholstered furniture. The lower they are, the higher the ceiling seems.

Vertical layout. This method involves using tall but narrow cabinet furniture - shelving, bookshelves, cabinets. The main condition is that they should not stand next to each other. It is better if they form a rhythmic row across the entire width of the room. Then the same effect is achieved as when using vertical stripes.

It is advisable that such furniture be directly “under the ceiling”.

Accessories may also play a role in raising the ceiling level. To do this, you need to use tall narrow vases, in which there are the same tall thin flowers or branches.

If you want to decorate the interior with paintings, then choose canvases that are elongated in height and hang them higher than usual. The same goes for mirrors.

High houseplants also play the role of a vertical layout. They are able to visually raise the ceiling. It is better to use tall, non-spreading ones such as palms, ficus or vines. This way they won’t take up too much space, but will “cope with the role” perfectly.

Curtains do a great job. Only for this you need to fix the cornice directly to the ceiling and use fabrics with a vertical pattern or narrow stripes. Plain thin fabrics will also do the job perfectly if they are beautifully gathered into vertical folds.

Japanese curtains are very good, consisting of separate narrow panels of fabric in matching or contrasting tones. In appearance they resemble blinds with vertical slats. But this option is only good for minimalist interiors, in which there is little furniture and no tall objects at all.

If you have an apartment with low ceilings or an attic space, then you just need to turn this disadvantage into an advantage. There are many ways to do this. And guests, subsequently, will still admire your imagination and unusual interior.

Repair is a complex, labor-intensive and costly matter. When starting it, everyone expects good result, which will be a reward for your work and efforts. That’s why it’s so important to think through everything down to the smallest detail.

When thinking about how to visually increase the height of the ceiling, take into account the features of the room, and also try to make the most of all the possibilities modern science and design art.

There are many ways to harmonize space. Let's look at the most popular of them.

General principles

Options for how to visually increase the height of the ceiling come down to the following areas:

  • visual increase in the height of the walls;
  • lightening the top of the room due to color;
  • redistribution of accents;
  • rational use of light.

By using suitable materials for decorative elements, you can achieve excellent results. When thinking about how to visually increase the height of the ceiling, try to combine different techniques and techniques.

Walls with vertical decor

This technique is probably the most common and simple. But he justifies himself 100%. Vertical stripes on the walls of a room with a small height are a kind of optical illusion that creates the effect of a raised ceiling.

Do not think that we are talking exclusively about striped wallpaper. You can use any decor based on the use of vertical stripes. Waves, tree branches, vines, asymmetrical abstract lines, water flows - the choice is simply huge. A good effect is obtained by color blocking - the technique of segmental painting of walls in different colors.

Glossy ceiling

A simple way to visually expand the boundaries of space is to use reflective surfaces. A striking example is that the walls will be reflected in it, as if in a mirror, thereby creating the effect of great height.

They have long ceased to be a novelty. Today this coating is quite common. Installation takes a little time and costs stretch ceiling relatively small.

Be sure to remember this method if you are thinking about how to visually increase the height of the ceiling in the kitchen. Photos show what effect gloss has. The walls are reflected in which creates the illusion of space and much greater height than it actually is.

There are other coatings that have a similar effect: plastic, glass, mirrors. It is important that the surface is glossy; matte will not give such a result.

Emphasis on the floor

The same technique can be used to decorate the floor. Visually it appears recessed, its outlines are washed away. Of course, we are not talking about putting a mirror on the floor, but many special floor coverings are suitable for impregnation with a glossy varnish. This idea can be useful not only for a city apartment, but also for country cottage. If you are thinking about how to visually increase the height of the ceiling in a wooden house, a photo of varnished parquet flooring may inspire you.

The materials with which you can design include the following:

  • tile;
  • parquet;
  • laminate;
  • engineering board;
  • linoleum.

Remember that the abundance of reflective textures in the interior creates a heavy effect. Choose one thing.

A color scheme

When developing the design of the room, pay attention to the selection of colors. Especially if you plan to paint the ceiling and walls yourself, rather than using already painted materials. Main principle consists in selecting colors in such a way as to visually make the ceiling lighter. The gradient looks especially advantageous in this case - a smooth transition from dark walls to a light ceiling.

Another good trick is to apply color from the walls to the ceiling. In this case, it makes sense to select shades from the same range, giving preference to lighter ceiling tones. Eg, purple walls and a light lilac ceiling. In this case, you need to be careful: if the area of ​​the room is less than 13-15 m2, you should not extend it more than 7-10 cm. Too much contrast should be avoided.

Ceiling plinth

Designers know many answers to the question of how to visually increase the height of the ceiling. Among them there are complex schemes and very simple solutions.

And there are no trifles in this matter. It would seem, what features does the ceiling plinth have? You need to choose it based on the “what you liked” principle, and the basic White color, in which it is presented in the store, does not require any improvements.

In fact, everything is a little more complicated. In rooms with a small height, a narrow baseboard with a simple pattern is most appropriate. And it is advisable to mute the shining white color. Use shades Ivory, champagne, mother of pearl or bright hues primary colors. This plinth will not look bright accent in that place of the room to which you do not need to attract attention at all.

If you still have a task to use a massive plinth in the interior to withstand general style, choose options that will extend more onto the ceiling rather than onto the walls.


To harmonize the space, you can also use unusual wooden elements - caissons. If you want to find a non-standard answer to the question of how to visually increase the height of the ceiling in a country house or country house, be sure to pay attention to this method.

Remember that the color of the wood (or the material that imitates it) should be darker than the color of the ceiling itself. Caissons look especially beautiful if other wooden elements are used to decorate the room.

Rooms with non-standard features: slope between ceiling and wall

In some houses old building the issue of the transition between the wall and the ceiling was resolved completely unexpectedly, and by modern standards, even unaesthetic. A beveled corner is quite difficult to dismantle, so usually it is simply covered with false plasterboard panels or the ceiling is lowered a few centimeters, leaving a slope above the gypsum board sheet. Of course, if the height of the room is 3 meters or more, this is not a problem. But where the ceiling is already low, 15-20 centimeters will play a role.

In this case, the transition is formalized in other ways. For example, the surface is leveled using putty, sanded and painted. If the walls and ceiling are expected to be different color, the joint should be placed as high as possible. To make it look neater, you can use a decorative wall plinth on a flat base.

Use of stucco

Large plaster elements in rooms with low height can play a cruel joke. They focus attention on the ceiling, and the free space between them seems cramped. creates the opposite effect, so it is better to use large stucco molding where you need to hide excess volume.

But with the help of stucco molding you can solve other problems. For example, it may be useful to those who decide how to visually increase the height of the ceiling. Photos of light openwork plaster elements confirm this. Avoid massive parts, prefer elegant and thin ones.

Ceiling with a pattern

If the design suggests unusual ceiling with decor, but the height of the room is small, take into account the features of the room. When thinking about how to visually increase the height of the ceiling using a pattern, keep the color combination in mind. A smooth transition from the dark perimeter to the light middle gives a good effect. Visually the ceiling level will rise.

Remember to use too bright shades not worth it. This ceiling will appear lower.

Furniture in the room

If you are deciding how to visually increase the ceiling height in a wooden house, modern apartment or at the dacha, select appropriate furniture. Prefer tall ones to squat chests of drawers. narrow cabinets. The use of mirrored facades will create the effect of spaciousness, and bright vertical inserts will create accents.

Window decoration

Surely you know how to visually increase the height of the ceiling with the help of curtains. Designers advise placing cornices as high as possible, close to the ceiling. Vertical folds and flowing fabric will create the desired effect.

Another way is vertical blinds. They are made from textiles, plastic, natural wood. Light is also important, so try not to block its access to the room.

A low ceiling in a kitchen or room can be a big problem if you don't know some design tricks. In this article we have collected the most best tricks How to visually increase the height of the ceiling in an apartment.

Optical illusion

  1. Glossy shine. Very effective method solve the problem of low ceilings in a typical apartment - choose correct option finishing. Glossy surfaces visually increase the volume of the room, and the play of reflections gives the space additional depth.
  2. It is for this reason that it is often advised to choose a ceiling made of shiny PVC film for a low room. In this case, the suspended ceiling does not have to be white. If you choose a dark glossy finish, then due to the reflective properties of the surface, the ceiling will still appear higher.

  3. Different levels. Two-level suspended and false ceilings also help make a room or kitchen visually higher. Installing a suspended or stretch ceiling with two or three height levels in reality, of course, will “steal” several centimeters. However, the visual effect can be just the opposite. Along the perimeter of the walls, the ceiling is often made slightly lower. In this case, the central part is sometimes made of a material with a glossy sheen. If it is decided to make the entire ceiling matte, special lighting will come to the rescue. We will talk about his role below.
  4. Perhaps the easiest way to visually add “growth” to the walls and visually increase the height of the ceiling is to use materials of the same shade in their decoration, for example, white, creamy, milky. When the walls and ceiling have the same tone, they seem to merge into one surface, the human eye is not fixed on the border between them, and the space seems higher and larger.
  5. The same trick can be used when choosing cabinet furniture. For a kitchen with a low ceiling, you should choose a light kitchen set. Do you want to add some graphics to your interior? Try this option: order the lower cabinets with bright or dark colored fronts, and let the upper ones have light glossy fronts.

  6. White cabinets against the background of a white wall and white ceiling will “dissolve” and seem almost invisible. A great way to make your kitchen look taller than it actually is.
  7. For the same reason, the border between the walls and the ceiling should not be highlighted with a contrasting border. Reasonable compromise- a mirror or white stripe under the ceiling as a border.
  8. The traditional solution, which is often recommended by designers, is to use wall coverings with a vertically oriented pattern. Wallpaper with vertical stripes is especially popular, and tiles are less common. Sometimes walls are painted with paint, over which contrasting stripes can be painted using masking tape. Important point: Stripes should not be too frequent or too bright. Otherwise, there is a risk of achieving the opposite effect, and the ceiling will appear lower.
  9. Play of light

  10. Another stylish and functional solution, which allows you to visually raise the ceiling - cornice lighting. LED strips and LED lamps are mounted under the cornice along the perimeter of the room, located just below the main ceiling level. Such lighting not only makes the ceiling higher, but in addition allows you to change the color of the lighting depending on your desire and mood.
  11. False window. The method is unconventional, but very effective. Very good for a kitchen-dining room or a kitchen combined with a living room. The ceiling structure in the form of a window imitates a source of natural light, creates the illusion of perspective and visually distances the low ceiling. Such a ceiling lamp-window is often a panel of light translucent plastic framed by a plasterboard structure in which electrical wiring is hidden. Another option for this solution is to make a niche in the suspended ceiling. For example, you can paste photo wallpaper with a picture of the sky into it (here you will find). Sometimes an imitation window is made from mirror tiles with overlays made of wood or polyurethane molding.
  12. Traditional chandelier or pendant ceiling lamp- a bad choice for low ceilings. Instead, it is better to use mortise or overhead spotlights, local lighting in furniture or niches, as well as lighting built into a suspended or suspended ceiling. If you still want to keep central lighting, you should give preference to lamps that direct the light up rather than down, and in addition “press” to the ceiling. Laconic flat chandeliers in the Japanese style and neat plate lamps are perfect.
  13. Pay attention to the rich local lighting capabilities. Additional lighting should be placed above the worktop, kitchen sink and in the dining area. The more light there is in a room or kitchen, the more spacious it will seem. A little trick: spotlights built into the top of wall cabinets and aimed at the ceiling will also make it look higher.
  14. Windows and doors

  15. If you increase the height of the doorway and, accordingly, the door almost to the ceiling, this will also help to visually raise the ceilings. A good alternative is to “extend” the door by adding a glazed transom to it on top. In a small kitchen, designers advise abandoning the interior door altogether, if possible, or replacing it with a high plasterboard arch.
  16. The window should also be pulled up. At least visually. A light translucent curtain that gently falls from the ceiling to the floor itself, or a curtain with even vertical folds, will help to achieve this effect. A vertical pattern on tulle or a thin, barely noticeable stripe on curtains or roller blinds will also help you achieve the desired effect.

  17. Vertical folds on curtains visually make the walls taller

    Distracting attention

  18. A low ceiling will attract less attention if you try to draw it towards the floor and walls. One of possible options- combination of dark and light walls floor coverings. Another option is a bold accent on the wall. This could be photo wallpaper, a beautiful panel or accent wall, covered with contrasting wallpaper with a bright pattern.
  19. Another good solution is to paint contrasting edgings on the ceiling. They will attract attention and help create the effect we need, visually expanding the volume of space and the height of the room.
  20. Try combining two finishes on the walls. For example, you can use panels (wooden or plastic) or tiles below, and wallpaper, paint or tiles of a different color on top. This solution helps to visually raise the ceiling and at the same time move the walls apart. But this trick will only work in small space, for example, in the kitchen. If the room is large enough, horizontal division of the walls will visually make the ceiling even lower and squat.