DIY wedding candles or how to light a family fire

Decoration of a festive table, part of the interior, a lifesaver in case of a sudden power outage, a nice gift for loved ones. What is this? Handmade candles!

Yes, yes, such an activity also exists. Moreover, those who are interested in such a hobby receive incredible aesthetic pleasure from it.

You can look at the photos of candles made by yourself endlessly...

What you need is easily accessible

Anyone can make candles. What will you need?


Sometimes paraffin can successfully replace it. The difference between them is that wax, due to its naturalness, does not emit soot, while paraffin, when completely burned, produces smoke.

This simple materials, the acquisition of which will not be difficult. You can find them in any craft store or, as a last resort, melt a ready-made candle, the cost of which is quite low.


There are also two options here: remove it from an unnecessary candle or make it from cotton-based threads. It is not recommended to twist them too much - the flame may go out.

It is also worth considering that a wick that is too thick will cause the candle to melt faster, while producing a lot of smoke.

The length of the wick is determined by the size of the candle plus a small section for convenient lighting.


A hollow container made of any material. The only thing: the edges of the form should be straight and not narrow.

Available materials are:

  • A saucepan and metal utensils for a water bath;
  • A stick or any long thin object (pen, match) for fixing the wick.

Making a candle

Having prepared everything necessary materials, you can start creating. Detailed master class will show you how to make candles with your own hands quickly and beautifully.

Lower the wick into the prepared mold for the future candle, secure one end of it to a stick, and place it on the container.

Grind the paraffin or wax and melt it in a water bath. The heat should be low, and the process should be monitored and the mixture should be constantly stirred to avoid lumps.

It is worth considering that the temperature of the molten material is quite high, so it should be handled with care.

Pour a little melted paraffin (wax) into the mold with the prepared wick. Place the tip of the cotton thread in the middle and let the material harden a little.

Wax has the ability to cool quickly, so you need to work with it quickly.


Fill the mold with the remaining melted material to the required level.

Wait until the candle hardens and trim off the excess part of the wick. It is recommended to do this at least 24 hours later.

All that remains is to remove the candle from the container. For ease of removal and to avoid damage, the mold should be placed in the freezer for half a minute or immersed in hot water.

You can light a finished candle only a day after its production is completed. During this time, it will have time to completely harden, which will have a beneficial effect on its operation.

Candle colors

You can make candles at home not only in the main (white) color, but also in absolutely any shade.

In order to color a wax work, you cannot use paints. Oil or acrylic they will not fulfill their purpose, but will only stick together in the melted paraffin, turning into unattractive colored flakes.


Wax pencils will help to give the desired shade. They mix perfectly with the chosen material by adding small pieces directly during the melting process.

Using several pencils, you can create a real rainbow of shades by gradually pouring paraffin of various colors into the mold.


When making wax products, they not only paint them, but also make them give off a scent. The fragrance of a burning candle can create an atmosphere of peace and comfort, as well as energize or, conversely, relax.

In order to make a beautiful candle that will delight the eye and smell, you will need essential oils. They are sold in great abundance at any pharmacy or cosmetic store.

A few drops of oil will give the future candle a unique aroma.


When choosing a scent, you need to be guided by the purpose or color of the wax miracle:

  • relaxation will be given by lavender oil, and in this case it is better to paint the candle in light purple;
  • Bergamot can also relax – it’s suitable for this green color candles;
  • An orange can improve your mood - a bright orange tint will complement the effect;
  • ylang-ylang will set you in an intimate mood - lilac or pink color candles will be just in place.

Wax works of art

Decorating candles is the true pinnacle of wax craftsmanship.

You can decorate a candle in various ways:

  • Natural materials - pebbles, shells, twigs and others. Basically, they are placed at the bottom of the mold before adding molten paraffin.
  • Food products – coffee beans and dried fruits. Such materials can be placed throughout the entire volume of the mold, pouring wax gradually and giving it the opportunity to fix the decoration.
  • Decoupage. The technique has been known for a long time and is successfully used in the manufacture of candles. A colored napkin design is placed on the surface and secured with glue designed specifically for candles. This fixation protects the paper from burning.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the carved decoration of candles. Not everyone can do this - it will require perseverance and accuracy, but the result exceeds all expectations.

For cutting you will need: a stationery knife, paper and a pen. After wrapping the candle in paper, determine the size of the future drawing, and cut off the excess. A pattern is applied to the remaining rectangle.

The candle is wrapped again in paper and secured with tape. Using a knife, carefully trace the pattern along the contour, and then cut out the excess layers of wax.

You can use these candles at a wedding, for table decoration, or just for the interior.

Transparent candles

You can make completely transparent candles using a special gel.

The advantages of this material are:

  • absence of smoke, odors and soot;
  • transparency (for beauty and decoration);
  • possibility of self-cooking.

How is the gel prepared? Glycerin, gelatin and tannin are mixed in equal quantities, the same amount of water is added to them, all this must be put on low heat and cooked until the liquid evaporates.

At first, the gel may be cloudy, but as it cools it will become transparent.

Working with gel is not much different from using wax, but there is still a slight difference:

  • after the candle hardens, it is impossible to remove it from the mold, so it is better to use a glass and transparent container;
  • Before adding the gel, the mold should be slightly warmed up - this will prevent air bubbles from appearing in the candle.

You can color, scent and decorate a gel candle just like any other.

Knowing how to make candles yourself, you can always have a wonderful table decoration on hand, an exclusive gift for friends and family, and also use your creations in the interior.

Photos of candles with your own hands

Decorating wedding candles is not just a fun and interesting process, but also symbolic. Traditionally, a candle is considered a kind of symbol of the family hearth, which is an integral attribute of the ceremony of removing the bride’s veil. Exquisitely decorated candles also decorate banquet tables, creating a beautiful romantic atmosphere for a wedding celebration. By decorating such an important accessory yourself, you will fill the product with hidden meaning and turn it into a real amulet. family happiness and well-being.

Rules for decorating wedding candles

Decorating the banquet hall begins with decorating the main table of the bride and groom. The style and colors used when decorating the central place in the hall should be in harmony with the rest of the decorative paraphernalia. Professional graphic designers highlight several recommendations in this regard that will help maintain the overall style of the wedding ceremony and festive celebration:

  • The overall design should be in harmony with the details of the candle decoration. In other words, the decor of glasses, champagne bottles, balloons and tablecloths should be in the same style.
  • You should take into account the size of wedding products - they should not be too thin or long. To decorate the family hearth, it is recommended to use a low, wide candle.
  • Decorative elements on the product must be made with high quality so that when burning, nothing begins to melt, fall off or catch fire.

Necessary materials

Decorating candles is an interesting and exciting process. When decorating them, all kinds of materials are used, such as chains, lace, polymer clay, fabric, satin ribbons, pearls, wrapping paper, coffee, cold porcelain, shells and much more. Among the popular ways of decorating wedding attributes are modeling, decoupage, and painting.

How to decorate wedding candles with your own hands?

Decorating candles for a wedding with your own hands - perfect option, if you want to turn a decorative detail into a real symbol of family happiness. When preparing a sketch, it is necessary to take into account the type, size of the products, as well as the presence of a candlestick. As a rule, I decorate banquet tables with tall candles. To do this, experts advise using a beautiful candelabra, which is additionally decorated with delicate flowers.


Satin ribbons are perfect for elegant decoration of candles for a wedding. There are many options for decorating wedding accessories using this versatile material. First, you need to decide on the style of the decor, and then proceed to choosing a color and design. Check out this short tutorial on decorating candles using satin ribbon.

  • satin ribbon;
  • glue "Master";
  • scissors.
  • thread;
  • needle.

Decoration steps:


Floral arrangements are an integral decorative attribute of any wedding. It would be inappropriate to use live buds to decorate candles. Over the course of the evening, the flowers will wither and become deformed due to burning. IN in this case many use artificial elements or make flowers themselves using various materials. For example, polymer clay. The wedding candles in the master class below are decorated with flowers made from this material.

Required materials and tools:

  • polymer clay of two colors;
  • seven pins;
  • rhinestones;
  • glue;
  • nail scissors;
  • toothpick.

Decoration steps:

In a nautical style - using blue candles

Often newlyweds choose to decorate their wedding marine theme. This topic becomes especially relevant in summer time. Design artists offer many ideas for turning a special event into a sea fairy tale. Take advantage of the small master class below on how to decorate candles in this style to add some zest to your formal table decor.

Required materials and tools:

  • satin ribbons blue and white;
  • rough rope;
  • scissors;
  • transparent jar or decorative container;
  • shells;
  • sand;

Stages of registration:

Decoration in silver style

All kinds of styles are chosen to decorate wedding accessories (candles). If you are planning to decorate your wedding in silver tones, the paraphernalia should be decorated accordingly. To do this, you can use beads that imitate pearls, as well as satin ribbons and decorative delicate roses. Check out the silver style wedding candle decorating tutorial below.

Required materials and tools:

  • ribbon made of pearl beads;
  • satin ribbon;
  • decorative satin roses;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Stages of registration:

Ideas for decorating a wedding table with candles with photos

There are a lot of options for decorating banquet halls using elegant wedding attributes. Figured candles in the shape of hearts will look impressive on the edge of the table, alternating with delicate bouquets. Thick, low products are also suitable for this type of decor. Currently, the minimalism style is especially popular. A table design with a large number of candles of different sizes, but without the rest of the wedding paraphernalia, will look fresh and creative.

Video: master class on making a home fireplace

The video below demonstrates step-by-step the process of turning a candle into an exquisite home hearth. For decoration, satin ribbons, rhinestones, and decorative flowers are used. Try to make the same gentle and romantic family hearth for your wedding; it will become a wonderful symbol of love, happiness and prosperity in the family.

How to decorate a room for the New Year? After all, we are talking not just about a standard celebration, but about a holiday during which miracles come true. And the environment surrounding you and your guests in New Year's Eve, should also be mysterious and enigmatic.

In order to provide such an atmosphere, it is enough place candles around the entire perimeter of the room: place them on festive table, bookshelves, coffee tables, windowsill. With the lights off, combined with bright garlands on the New Year tree, this method of lighting will help emphasize the specialness of the holiday.

Nowadays you can find it in almost every store. a large number of various decorative candles. A large assortment allows you to choose the most suitable color or form. But, you must agree that the process of making holiday candles with your own hands will bring you much more fun than a banal shopping trip.

Moreover, such a solution would save a considerable amount of money, because on the eve New Year's holidays price decorative ornaments and holiday toys is rising sharply. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting and quite in simple ways making New Year's candles with your own hands.

Making holiday candles from wax

How to make beautiful wax decorative candles with your own hands? Candles made from regular wax, are the most common. It will not be difficult for you to find the required amount of wax (for this you can buy ready-made ordinary candles). After the source material has been prepared, you need to think about what shape your candles will take.

In advance prepare special molds of various sizes. For the base for a future candle you can use:

  • geometric molds made made of cardboard(it can be rolled into a cone or cylinder);
  • matchboxes or other similar items;
  • glasses or small cups;
  • molds of unusual shapes made made of plaster;
  • non-standard options: nut shells, bottle caps, eggshells, citrus halves etc.

If you decide to make candles that have unusual thematic form(for example, a snowman or Santa Claus), first you need to correctly prepare the future base for the candle. The easiest way - use of ready-made figurines small sizes . They are coated with Vaseline and silicone, dried and filled with plaster.

After drying, the resulting structure must be Carefully divide into two halves and remove the inside. As a result, you will get an original candle mold, and the raw materials used for this will not lose their appearance.

Once the base for the future candle is ready, you can start using wax. Prepare the wick, place it in the central part of the mold and begin pouring the wax.

Once the wax has cooled and become hard, you can begin the process. decorating candles. For example, you can use beads, beads or coffee beans. Enough wet them under hot water and press it into the candle: under the influence of high temperature, the wax will calmly let them in.

Advice: When making candles, you can add a small amount of fragrance. In this case, the candle will delight you not only with its appearance, but also with a pleasant smell.

Gel candles: manufacturing features

If you want to make the candle transparent, use special gel wax. You can use it as per the previous instructions, but it is typically used to make candles that have a different appearance. You've probably noticed in stores how unusual candles look, placed in transparent cups or transparent plastic bases. This candle is very easy to make at home.

For the manufacture of transparent candles you will need the following materials:

  • gel wax;
  • wick;
  • transparent base for candles (cups, glasses or other items);
  • decorative ornaments(beads, sparkles, shells, dyes, etc.).

The procedure for creating such candles also begins with the process heating wax. This is done over low heat or in the microwave. If you decide to put wax on fire, do not forget stir it constantly, otherwise there is a risk that your candle will have small lumps.

Advice: If you want the future candle to have a colored tint, pour pre-prepared dyes into the melted wax.

When the wax is ready, take a glass, insert a wick into it (hold it with your hands or fix it for a while) - and start pour melted gel. If you want the transparent candle to contain small figurines, pour a little wax to the bottom, then place the figures - and only after this procedure pour in the remaining wax.

As a rule, this the candle will take about one or two days to dry(this depends on the temperature and humidity of the room). After the candle has hardened, you can finish it. decoration.

Ways to decorate candles

When the candle is ready, the most important question remains to be solved - how decorate it beautifully and originally? There are a large number of ways to decorate handmade candles. By the way, you can start decorating already during the manufacturing process: at intermediate stages you can decorate it from the inside(this has already been discussed above) or use several shades to make the candle multi-colored.

You can decorate a candle, carving original patterns on its surface. Candles of this shape will probably not be found in stores, so you can be sure that you will surprise your guests. But remember that this kind of work requires great care, and for the result to be beautiful, draw the intended pattern on a piece of paper in advance. You can make cuts in the outer walls of the candle using ready-made stencils.

To decorate the outside of the candle you can use paints, bright sparkles, beads different forms and sizes. If you find interesting New Year's pictures, you can also use them to decorate a candle. This process is called technique "decoupage". Do-it-yourself decoupage of candles for the New Year is another way to decorate a festive table, a room where guests and household members will gather on New Year's Eve to celebrate the holiday.

This technique requires thin pictures, so New Year's napkins are most often used.

Peel off a thin layer of the pattern and wrap it around the candle. Be sure to smooth the surface thoroughly so that there are no uneven spots or air bubbles. Then take a hairdryer, and start blow hot air onto the candle. Thanks to high temperature the wax will melt a little and provide gluing the design to the surface.

The candle will look more elegant if wrap it in foil or bright ribbons. You can attach a small bow or decorate it with berries and branches from the Christmas tree. Also great for decorating candles. coffee beans.

if you have bright nail polish- use that too. In advance prepare small stencils in the form of snowflakes, stars and other designs, attach candles to the surface - and start painting with varnish.

By the way, You can place several wicks on one candle at once, if it is of sufficient size. Thanks to this method of decoration, the candle will seem more original.

It’s very easy to make a wonderful New Year’s gift and make a candle using the decoupage technique with your own hands - watch the master class in video format, how, having a nondescript blank, a candle acquires decorative value in literally 15 minutes:

Don't forget that candles must be placed on special surface , as they will gradually melt. You can buy ready-made candlesticks or make them from improvised materials. Any materials are suitable for this: from paper to glass.

The main thing in this process is to show maximum imagination and decorate such stands in an original way. This can be done with the help of rain, tinsel, spruce branches, toys, tangerines, pine cones and many other elements.

Bright holiday New Year's candles with your own hands, made by you on the eve of the New Year 2019, will be an excellent addition to any New Year's interior. They will serve you for many years and are great. suitable as a gift for your friends.

You can even involve your children in the process of making them, but do not forget to make sure that they do not get burned. It is better to entrust them with decorating ready-made candles or candlesticks. We hope that our simple tips will push you to new ideas.

Beautifully decorated candles are often used to decorate a banquet hall. In addition, they participate in a beautiful and solemn ceremony of handing over the hearth. We will tell you how to decorate wedding candles with your own hands.

The wedding ceremony, as one of the most important events in a person’s life, has a magical and symbolic nature. Almost all details of the ritual have some hidden meaning, rooted in the distant past. Candles at a wedding also have their own meanings. Firstly, this is a reference to the Orthodox wedding ceremony, when the future husband and wife hold candles in their hands. The fire of the candles symbolizes the pure and fiery love of the young people for each other. Husbands and wives keep wedding candles for the rest of their lives. Nowadays, church weddings are more a rarity than a rule, but candles carry the same meaning.

In addition, a live fire correlates with the warmth and comfort of a home, warming the whole family. It is this meaning that is played out in the now popular ritual of handing over the hearth. This is a beautiful and deeply symbolic ceremony that will require three beautifully decorated candles. Each couple - the groom's parents, the bride's parents and the newlyweds - take a candle. The older generation lights their candles and together brings the fire to the candle of the young family, passing on to them a piece of their wisdom, experience and love. During this ceremony, parents usually give advice to the newlyweds and talk about how they managed to preserve and carry the fire of their love through all the years of their life together.

Now in stores you can find a huge number of all kinds of candles that will decorate the interior of a banquet hall. However, homemade decor is much more valuable. What candles should you prepare for? original design? Firstly, candles are required to be decorated for the ceremony of handing over the hearth. Secondly, if the newlyweds do get married in a church, then a modest, discreet, but stylish decoration is also prepared for the wedding candles. Thirdly, candles can become a key detail in the interior design of a banquet hall - in this case, you also need to prepare a special decoration for them.

Rules for decorating wedding candles

The choice of technique and style for decorating a wedding candle depends on its purpose. For wedding candles, the most appropriate would be a small wreath of fresh flowers, combined with flowers from the bride’s bouquet, or a wreath of artificial flowers created from ribbon and fabric. A small ribbon bow decorated with rhinestones would also be appropriate.

More interesting, complex and varied ways of decorating interior candles and candles for the ceremony of handing over a home.

The main rule for the first type of candles is that the decor should be made in accordance with the colors and style of the wedding. For example, for an orange wedding, you can make your own cheerful orange candles in the shape of an orange, or candles into which dried orange is fused.

Candles for the hearth should be decorated in the same style with other wedding accessories - glasses of the newlyweds, champagne, an album for wishes, a pillow for rings and others. Most often, ribbons and lace are used for decoration. We will look at all the ways to decorate candles for a wedding with your own hands below.

Fresh exotic flowers - very bright and beautiful decoration. So decorating a candle in this way is very simple - just attach it to the candle with a glue gun or regular glue bright flower, matching the wedding colors. An example of this design for wedding candles is shown in the photo:

However, more often flowers are used to create compositions for candlesticks or wreaths into which candles are inserted. Artificial flowers made from fabric and ribbons can also perform the same function.

Fabric decor is the most common: firstly, it looks very beautiful and stylish, and secondly, it is simple to implement. There are several techniques. Firstly, creating flowers from ribbons or fabric, which are attached to the surface of the candle with glue, creating beautiful pattern.

The easiest way to make flat multi-colored roses is from ribbon. You can make flowers different sizes and colors, securing them on a wide green ribbon in the center of the candle and additionally decorating them with rhinestones or beads. You will learn how to make the desired decoration from ribbons with your own hands from this master class:

The combination of lace and wide satin ribbons in a contrasting shade to the lace looks very beautiful. You can also combine satin ribbons of different widths and contrasting shades. They are attached to the candle using glue. A good master class on using this technique is shown in the video:

Decorating a wedding candle using decoupage

Decoupage is a very simple way to decorate a candle with your own hands, which at the same time gives a very good result. You will need a thick candle, an ordinary napkin or a decoupage napkin, as well as an iron or a hot spoon that can be heated over a stove or over another candle. A thin napkin easily melts into paraffin. The technique is shown in the video:

You can not use the entire napkin, but cut out individual designs - this will look more stylish. In addition, a small pattern will go well with ribbons or other decor.

Other ways to decorate candles for a wedding

Wedding candles decorated with beads, rhinestones, flowers or other elements made from polymer clay look very beautiful. These decorative methods can also be combined with decoration with ribbons or lace. There are many options. You can cover the entire surface of the candle with beads without leaving gaps, as in the photo below - a good option for a wedding in disco style.

Can be made of rhinestones different colors and the beads have a beautiful pattern. Fasten these decorative elements The easiest way is to use a glue gun. Transparent glue holds well and will not be noticeable.
Another interesting option- create original jewelry from polymer clay. Plastic can be bought at the store. The technique for creating such decor is shown in the video:

Usually, ready-made white or white candles are used for decoration. pastel shade one of more bright colors. However, you can make a candle yourself at home. These candles look the most original. An interesting technique is one in which sea shells, dried petals, flowers, coffee beans, and so on are melted into a candle. To do this, take two forms of different sizes (for example, two boxes), one of which is inserted into the other. Grains, petals, and dried fruits are poured into the gap formed between the forms. After this, the gap is filled with candle mass. To obtain it, store-bought candles, broken into pieces and freed from wicks, are melted on the stove. After the candle has hardened, the smaller inner mold is removed, the empty space is again filled with paraffin so that the candle is not hollow, not forgetting to insert and secure the wick.

Yes, inspiration is a difficult thing - you never know when it will strike. Just imagine, this evening the lights were turned off in the entire house and, naturally, in order not to sit in the dark, my wife and I lit candles. And then it dawned on me - why don’t I tell you about candles for a wedding? I think it will be useful for you, when preparing for the celebration, to learn about this or that design of candles for a wedding.

So, let's start our conversation about decorating a wedding with candles, their ritual significance in a wedding ceremony, and also discuss what to do with candles after the wedding. I tried to select photos that will inspire you to create an excellent family hearth and wedding decor.

Why candles for a wedding?

First of all, let's figure out whether they are needed for such a holiday. I think the answer is obvious: undoubtedly, they are needed. Firstly, at many weddings there is still a ritual of lighting the family hearth, which these accessories symbolize. And, secondly, they will perfectly decorate your holiday and give an atmosphere of warmth and comfort to everyone present at the banquet.

The ritual of lighting a candle-hearth as it is

This ritual has been carried out since time immemorial by our ancestors and we, following traditions, do not cross it out of the banquet scenario, since this is a very touching part of the whole holiday and no less important than the exchange of rings in front of the altar. Lighting a family candle symbolizes the union of two families into one large clan.

For this action you will need a set of candles. How many candles does it include? It all depends on the ritual scenario that you choose. Commonly used standard set of spark plugs, which consists of 2 long and one wide. There can be several options for carrying out the ritual:

  1. The candle is lit by the mothers of the newlyweds (since at all times it was believed that women are the guardians of the family hearth)
  2. Only the future mother-in-law (mother of the groom) lights the candle, thus transferring her son to the care of the young wife. In this case, you can get by with two copies.
  3. Another option is lighting a candle of unity by the newlyweds themselves; in this scenario, each of the newlyweds seems to put a piece of their warmth into this union when the hearth is lit

While the candle is lit and burning, congratulations on the wedding may sound (you can download examples of such congratulations right there). It can be voiced either by the presenter, or by the parents, or by the one who lights it.

The shape of these attributes can be different - from standard cylindrical to heart-shaped or house-shaped, which will emphasize the significance of the action. Candles for the family hearth for a wedding can be buy or made to order.

What other functions do candles have?

At a wedding, every detail is important, right down to the color of the napkins on the festive table. And, of course, much attention is paid to wedding accessories such as candles. Decorating with beautiful accessories creates a sensual and warm atmosphere at the holiday, which will make the guests relax.

To decorate a wedding hall with candles, you don’t have to limit yourself to classic white candles. , who are engaged in the design of wedding celebrations, can offer you a huge assortment of this type of decor for different themes:

  • candles for golden wedding
  • candles for silver wedding
  • for a lilac wedding or any other colored celebration
  • V nautical style
  • in a rustic theme

In addition to standard wax and paraffin products, here you can also find gel candles, which can increase the effect of warmth and brightness at a wedding with candles.

The newlyweds or one of the guests can make wedding attributes with their own hands as a gift to the newlyweds. In addition to them, you can also decorate other accessories in the required theme in order to get a set (champagne bottles, wine glasses, etc.).

Some great candle decoration ideas

The main accents when decorating the table and hall for a wedding fall on the candles and glasses of the newlyweds. Now we’ll talk about how to decorate candles for a wedding so that they fit into the scenario of your holiday.

Wherever you are (in Kyiv, Moscow, Minsk or Almaty), I think that you can find ready-made candles to decorate your holiday in any wedding service salon; in extreme cases, you can use online store. So, you don’t face the problem of where to buy candles. Another thing is to choose a style: everyone wants every little thing to delight and arouse admiration among guests, so there should be a twist in everything.

Gold and silver – nobility in everything

For a sophisticated wedding in silver and gold, you need appropriate decorative elements. The heroines of this article will be able to fulfill this role simply perfectly: using gold ribbons, candlesticks, and beads, you can create masterpiece jewelry. You don’t have to go far - accessories made of gold and silver materials are already beautiful decor in themselves.

Nowadays it is very popular to make some kind of engraving: on thin candles you can write the initials of the bride and groom in gold or silver, and on the main candle you can combine them into a single composition.

Decoration with flowers

This type of decoration is suitable for weddings in a certain style and color:, or. Based color scheme, flowers for the composition are also selected; as a rule, decorating a candle with fresh flowers does not require additional elements(unless you can arrange a composition of ribbons and flowers), but artificial ones - it is advisable to combine them with lace and ribbons.

Simple and elegant

In the so-called rustic style, anything that comes to hand can be used - dry twigs, wooden dies, old grandmother's lace. Here you can also decorate the compositions with ribbons. An excellent idea for this theme is to create a composition in the form of an antique lantern. It will also not be superfluous to create additional illumination from the same lanterns, but smaller in size.

Marine style

Oh, I have a lot to offer here, so catch it. Sand base for candles, you can add shells and pebbles to maintain the image. Banquet tables decorated with floating candles will not leave any guest indifferent. You can complement the interior with bottles with candles, which will create shipboard romance.

Beauty on your own

And now I would like to talk about how you can make this thing with your own hands. Don’t worry, we’re not talking about production scale (although who knows, maybe you’ll get carried away and open your own candle factory), we’ll just make a hearth for the newlyweds.

So, to create you will need:

  1. Candle wax, paraffin or gel
  2. Wick (a strand of cotton thread may be suitable)
  3. Pouring form
  4. Decor elements

The first and second elements can be obtained from ordinary household candles. For the third point, any decorative (fireproof) container is suitable: a cup, jar, vase or glass, a tin jar or box will do.

Now I bring to your attention a video instruction of a master class, where you will be taught step by step how to make and decorate a candle for a wedding.

Well, did you like the article? I hope that you will implement some of the ideas presented here. If you know people who might find this information useful, be sure to share it on social media. networks and more. And also don’t forget to subscribe to blog news - you can do this just below the article. In turn, I guarantee that new information will not be long in coming. Until then, see you again. Bye.