Which frying pan is better, marble or Teflon? Pans with titanium coating. How to choose the right frying pan

Who hasn’t been inspired by the idea of ​​preparing a dish according to a recipe, but has given up on it? After all, when instead of an appetizing treat you end up with a burnt mass, you really give up.

But it is not at all necessary to complete culinary courses. All you need is a frying pan with non-stick coating. With its help, anyone can easily organize a “belly feast” for themselves and their loved ones, even if they couldn’t make regular pancakes before.

Maybe this is the first time you have heard about such a useful invention of mankind? Then choosing the most suitable frying pan will not be easy. However, it is easy to guess that the secret of success lies precisely in the coating. Materials such as ceramics, titanium, Teflon or marble are used for it.

Ceramics: for healthy food lovers

Have you decided to give up unhealthy fried foods, but you just can’t bear to see boiled chicken and steamed vegetables? Then a frying pan with a ceramic coating is ideal for you. You can fry any food on it with a minimum amount of oil, or not use it at all.

In addition, ceramic models heat up very quickly and evenly. Therefore, those who have little time to cook will no longer have to run to work hungry.

The disadvantage of ceramic frying pans is their fragility. It is believed that their service life is about 2 years. Well, if we talk about cheap models, then it is. Therefore, it is worth choosing high-quality products from well-known brands that will last a long time.

Titan: innovation and tradition in one bottle

A frying pan with titanium coating is an ideal solution for those who love to eat delicious food. We remember the taste of grandma’s pancakes or mom’s signature casserole for a reason. Previously, everyone used cast iron frying pans, on which nothing burned. The dishes turned out incredibly tasty and aromatic.

You have a chance to take a gastronomic excursion into childhood - titanium frying pans are as close as possible to cast iron ones. This means that preparing pies exactly the way grandma baked them is as easy as shelling pears.

Titanium models promise a service life of up to 25 years. Having bought one, you will forget about your intention to figure out which frying pan coating is better.

Teflon – is its popularity deserved?

The most popular are Teflon frying pans. They are very convenient in everyday life thanks to simple care. These dishes are easy to clean after cooking, even with a small amount of detergent. And the low weight of the frying pan will not complicate the cooking process - compared to cast iron products, it is weightless.

However, Teflon is very susceptible to high temperatures - at 200 degrees it begins to release dangerous carcinogenic substances. Of course, such an addition to the dish will be redundant. Therefore, if you definitely decide to buy a frying pan with a non-stick coating, you will have to give up your favorite dishes that require high temperatures. As a last resort, use other dishes that are more suitable for this purpose.

It is also worth considering that Teflon pans can deteriorate after using metal utensils. By stirring food with a metal spoon, you will inevitably scratch the coating, which will gradually reduce its non-stick properties. This means that the quality of the food deteriorates. Wooden utensils will help avoid this. Such forks and spoons have a more gentle effect on the Teflon coating. Another variant cast iron frying pan with a coating at least 3 mm thick.

Marble: luxury or necessity?

Marble frying pans have been gaining popularity lately. In fact, ordinary Teflon was used as a coating, just with the addition of marble chips. Thanks to this, the pan cools down much more slowly, so the food remains hot for a long time and retains its taste qualities. There will no longer be a need to waste time heating food - just cover the pan with a lid so that it does not cool down.

At the same time, marble models are completely unsuitable for glass-ceramic and electric stoves. Like an aluminum-coated frying pan, this can cause it to become unusable.

As for the service life, it depends on the thickness of the coating. Branded dishes with walls 3-5 cm thick can last for several decades. It is known: the more layers of coating, the more resistant the frying pan is to mechanical damage, high temperature and temperature changes. But there are dishes whose preparation requires just such extreme conditions.

Therefore, internationally recognized manufacturers produce dishes with thick walls and bottoms. Thus, a grill pan with a non-stick coating was developed specifically for roasting meat and crispy vegetables “al dente”.

As you can see, you can figure out the coatings too. Don’t be lazy to get acquainted with the characteristics, and you will get not just a frying pan, but a faithful assistant!

Among the various utensils, there are some without which it is impossible to imagine preparing many dishes. We are talking, of course, about the housewife never perceiving it as a banal frying device. And if it is also a non-stick frying pan, then in the hands of a master it becomes a muse that encourages you to create real masterpieces.

A housewife's dream

From time immemorial, women have dreamed of having frying pans in their kitchens to which nothing would stick or burn. With the development of science and modern industry, these secret desires came true. Nowadays there is a non-stick frying pan in almost every home.

It can be purchased at any store. And not just buy, but even choose. This is a very important factor, considering that all frying pans can differ from each other in several respects:

  • manufacturing material,
  • type of coating,
  • size,
  • external design.

The material usually used is aluminum, cast iron or stainless steel. Judging by thermal conductivity, the first option is, of course, more profitable than the others. It is superior in this indicator: steel by 13 times, cast iron by 4 times. For electric stoves, such a comparison says a lot. A good housewife always remembers to save money. In addition, each non-stick frying pan is made using a specific technology, which also has its own pros and cons.

Coating options

As practice shows, it is rarely applied. Yes, this is not necessary. The material itself initially has a similar property. Most often, dishes made from Probably main role The weight of the product plays a role in this choice, because a lightweight non-stick frying pan is more convenient to handle. And the coating can be very different:

1) Teflon. It is based on a chemical compound called polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which was discovered by chemists back in 1938. The material is resistant to action elevated temperature and various aggressive media (alkalies, acids). Moreover, it has two significant shortcomings. Firstly, Teflon does not tolerate contact with metal. All spoons and turns must be made of plastic only. Secondly, he has a negative attitude towards sudden temperature changes.

2) Ceramic. A worthy product of the 21st century. The special properties of this coating make it possible to preserve the vitamin and mineral complex of the products used as much as possible. But just like Teflon, it is afraid of sudden changes in temperature.

3) Titanium. Increased strength allows you to reliably protect the product and use cutlery made of any materials when frying. In addition, due to good heat conduction, all dishes cook much faster.

But the choice is always made by the buyer and it is up to him to decide what is best.

Famous brand

Among the numerous manufacturers of tableware and kitchen utensils, the French company Tefal especially stands out. She was the first in the world to produce aluminum frying pans with a special coating applied to them that prevented food from burning. Founded in 1956, the company is still considered a leader in the world market among manufacturers of not only tableware, but also household appliances. Over the years, the Tefal non-stick frying pan has undergone many changes.

The company's technologists are constantly working on developing new types interior coatings. Today the most popular of them are:

1) "Resist". This is a four-layer film applied to the inner surface of an aluminum container. Dishes with this coating can last at least two years.

2) "Expert". This option is much stronger due to the additional fifth layer. Food can be cooked in such pans even using metal utensils.

The company's products are constantly updated with new items. Each of them has in its design interesting features. For example, "Premier" is a regular frying pan with a "Resist" coating, which is complemented by a device called "Thermo-Spot". It allows you to control the heat level to determine when to start cooking. The company's next development is Tefal Logics. It uses the “Expert” type of coating and a new product for the season - a unique “Durabase Technology” bottom, which ensures uniform heating around the entire perimeter. The latest invention is the Cooklight frying pan. It is a copy of the previous model, complemented by a removable handle. This technique allows you to use the cookware for cooking in the oven.

Cookware for special frying

Considering different ways cooking, manufacturing companies began to produce new products. This is a non-stick grill pan.

It largely repeats its predecessors, but has a number of design features.

1) It has an unusual inner surface. It has relief protrusions located parallel to each other in several rows. As a result, the contact area between the pan and the food is reduced. This makes it possible to cook food at maximum heat without forming a dense crust. On the surface of a fried piece of meat, for example, a pattern imitating a lattice remains.

2) Such pans have a special groove on the side to drain accumulated moisture or fat. Sometimes there are even two of them. This allows liquid to be removed from the desired side.

3) Some models have an additional handle. Sometimes it is covered with heat-resistant material for safety.

Dishes of this type can be different shapes(round, square). This is not of fundamental importance, but some people like non-standard options.

Additional equipment

The frying pan with a lid is especially favored by customers. The non-stick film prevents food from sticking to the bottom, and the transparent dome on top allows you to control the progress of the cooking process.

1) It protects against splashing of boiling fat. This allows you to keep the kitchen clean and protect yourself from possible burns.

2) The dish is better baked from the inside.

3) In a confined space the process goes much faster. This makes it possible to save electricity or gas if meters are available. Here are direct savings for your own wallet.

4) The finished product is more juicy due to the fact that the lid prevents the removal of moisture in the form of released steam.

Such kits are good to use in cases where you first need to lightly fry the product and then stew it a little. Many companies have mastered the production of such models. For example, the same Tefal released the Provence sample with a particularly durable Durabase bottom, a Thermo-Spot indicator and the latest wear-resistant Resist Plus coating. I immediately liked the model and began to sell well in stores.

Competent opinion

Nowadays, no one will be surprised by a non-stick frying pan standing on the stove. Reviews from housewives indicate that the product is really popular and is needed by consumers. The fact is that dishes do not last forever. Sooner or later, each of them fails and requires replacement. Therefore, you need to know well all the positive aspects of the product in order to have a clear idea of ​​the upcoming purchase.

These unique kitchen utensils have everything taken into account:

1) Various materials allow you to select the desired model. For example, on hob It is better not to use cast iron models. There are lightweight aluminum options for this. But it must be remembered that the bottom must be covered special enamel to protect against contact with glass ceramics.

2) They allow you to cook without fat. However, the product loses its taste. In addition, this method leads to damage to the pan itself. Therefore, there should still be a little oil.

3) Sometimes questions arise regarding pens. It is best if it is made of metal and covered with heat-resistant material. And fastening with screws and soldering is not entirely reliable. Therefore, it is better to choose a removable option.

Let's talk about frying pans? Like dishes and utensils, what could be special about them? However, of all the frying pans that I have had over... many years, only one is still in use - my grandmother's cast iron. The rest are thrown into the trash in two or three years, if not sooner.

Specifically, I would like to find out which frying pan with a non-stick coating is better: lasts longer, does not emit harmful substances, does not require careful treatment?

Player 1 – Teflon pans

Teflon is the very first and so far the most popular non-stick coating, and the most famous manufacturer of such frying pans is the French company Tefal, which was the first to launch them on the market. Therefore, Teflon coating is often called Tefal.

But these are not the only names: you can find in stores, under the guise of new products, frying pans coated with:

  • adgelasta,
  • stalaflon,
  • Steloflon, etc.

In fact, they are all the same substance: polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or, for short and more pronounced, Teflon.

What you need to know about Teflon and cookware with such coating

There are many conflicting opinions and reviews about Teflon, as well as concerns about its use. Some argue that this best frying pans, others complain about the fragility and rapid abrasion of the coating.

To understand where the truth is, you need to know how to choose them correctly and what not to do when using them:

  1. Firstly, the maximum service life of such cookware, as stated by the manufacturers, is 5 years. And this is when proper care and careful use. Therefore, you should not count on a miracle.

  1. Secondly, Teflon cannot withstand heating above 230 degrees, so frying pans with such a coating are recommended to be used only on gas stoves ah, the heating temperature of which is lower than that of electric ones.
    When overheated, the coating cracks, and particles of Teflon that have fallen off the walls and get into food will not add health. Although they do not cause harm - this is a common myth. PTFE, which is absolutely neutral to acids and alkalis, is excreted unchanged from the body.

  1. Thirdly, the instructions for any Teflon glass prohibit eating directly from it using ordinary cutlery, as they instantly scratch the surface. For the same reason, you should not use metal spatulas when cooking - only wooden, silicone or polymer ones.

Of course, all this is about high-quality Teflon. If you take into account all the manufacturer's recommendations, it will serve its purpose. And a fake will reveal itself almost immediately, despite all precautions.

But not only the quality of the coating matters, but also the frying pan itself, its base. If it is made of thin extruded aluminum, then its bottom will deform when heated, which does not contribute to the integrity of the Teflon film.

The bottom must be thick, at least 5 mm. It would be even better if the walls had the same thickness.

Review of popular models

Of course, I am not able to buy a bunch of cookware and test it, so this impromptu rating was compiled based on customer reviews.

  1. Tefal E4400612

Made of die-cast aluminum, with a grooved bottom, temperature sensor and non-removable bakelite handle. The cost is about 2500 rubles.

  1. Tefal 04081400

And it costs almost half as much – 1350 rubles. Because it's thin extruded aluminum.

  1. Rondell RDA-290

Thick bottom, removable handle, oven safe. Price 2500 rubles.

  1. Rondell RDA-073

The bottom thickness is 2.5 mm - not so bad for stamping. And affordable for your wallet - 790 rubles.

  1. Supra SAD-K240P

670 rubles for cast aluminum and a 4.5 mm bottom - an excellent purchase!

  1. Vitesse VS-1191

An interesting combination: cast iron with Teflon coating. For 900 rubles I would have bought it without it.

  1. Rondell RDA-119

Grill pan made of cast aluminum with a bottom of 5.5 mm and walls of 2.5 mm. The price is reasonable - 1750 rubles.

  1. Becker BK-631

Excellent cast iron pot with a volume of 3.6 liters. Costs 1250 rubles.

  1. Gipfel 2405

Expensive steel model with a removable handle for 4,200 rubles.

No one can say which frying pan is the best, because some value versatility, others value durability and quality, and others value affordable cost. Choose the optimal ratio of these parameters - and you will be happy.

Player 2 – marble pans

Surely everyone has seen cute frying pans in stores that look like they were made of marble. This is hinted at not only by the multiple shiny specks on the surface, but also by the name itself: many manufacturers proudly write on the label: marble coating. Or even diamond.

In fact, it is still the same polytetrafluoroethylene, but, indeed, with the addition of marble chips. Or artificial diamond.

Despite some embellishment of reality, such a coating actually has greater strength and resistance to mechanical damage than conventional PTFE. And “marble” dishes heat up faster and retain heat longer.

The cost is almost three thousand. But both the appearance and long service life justify it. There are also much more expensive ones...

...and much cheaper

Player 3 – Titanium Pans

And again the picture is similar: there is no pure titanium coating; this element is built into the PTFE structural lattice, improving its properties. Either the pan itself is made of an alloy or aluminum with titanium.

Coating features

In terms of their properties, products made from this metal are similar to cast iron: they hold heat well, do not oxidize, and do not deform. Plus they don't rust. But they cost more.

Titanium frying pans have the following pros and cons:

  • Very high resistance to damage and wear. The highest among all “non-stick” ovens. So high that it allows the use of metal accessories when cooking.

  • However, it’s still not worth eating from such a frying pan with a fork and knife. How to clean it with a wire brush or abrasive products. This can be considered a disadvantage;
  • Fast cooking due to the high thermal conductivity of the titanium coating and uniform heat distribution;
  • Keeping the finished dish hot for a long time;
  • Coating safety;
  • Durability of dishes;

Review of popular models

  • The most famous manufacturer of such frying pans is the Whitford company, and QuanTanium is precisely its invention.

  • But titanium coating is also used by many other well-known companies, including Russian ones.

  • The production of the European “monsters of frying pan production” is much higher. For example:

I would not make a choice of frying pan based on the promotion of the brand or the high price, which supposedly guarantees appropriate quality. It's better to rely on reviews. Although they can also be “custom-made”, so you can’t guess.

Player 4 – Ceramic Pans

I haven't had any luck with these pans yet. As it turned out, due to lack of information. Or rather, because I was simply too lazy to study the item of purchase.

Firstly, I took something cheaper, and such dishes could very well turn out to be fakes with an enamel coating. And secondly, I washed them in the dishwasher, which is very undesirable to do.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ceramics are a priori safe natural material, consisting of clay, sand and other natural components. When heated, it does not emit harmful substances, of course, unless the manufacturer added them there. Which is unlikely.

What other advantages does this coating have?

  • It, unlike Teflon, is not afraid of strong heat and can withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees;
  • The cookware heats up quickly and evenly;
  • The ceramic surface is more resistant to damage. Some manufacturers don't even warn us against using metal spatulas. But I still wouldn’t risk it;
  • You can use very little oil for cooking. We can’t do without it at all, because we need the food not to burn, and the concept “non-stick” means that it will not stick to the surface, that’s all.

Now about the cons:

  • The frying pan is not afraid of strong heating, but it is very much afraid of sudden changes in temperature. That is why you should not wash it in a PMM - only with your own hands. Also, do not put frozen foods into hot dishes or rinse them cold water, barely removed from the heat;
  • The coating, despite its strength, is quite fragile - if you drop the frying pan on a tiled floor or accidentally hit it with something hard and heavy, chips may appear;
  • Since such dishes are usually covered with ceramics on all sides, they lose their magnetic properties and therefore cannot be used on induction cookers. Although, given this feature, manufacturers often leave the bottom uncoated.

These are the features you need to consider before choosing a frying pan with a non-stick ceramic coating.

Review of popular models

“Everyone is the same in the arena.” I would like to say that all the most famous manufacturers of Teflon cookware have also mastered the production of ceramic cookware. Perhaps its popularity is due to the fame of the brands.


  • Gipfel 2556

  • Supra SCS-H231P

  • Kukmara S262A

  • Tefal C6204072

  • NMP 3130W

On my own behalf, I would like to advise: do not buy frying pans with a light coating. Meat juice, flour, oil during heat treatment leave too obvious dark marks on it, which you are tempted to rub off with something abrasive if you do this by gentle means it doesn't work right away. The result is obvious.


I think it makes no sense to advocate for any particular type of non-stick coating - everyone will decide for themselves what they like best. Moreover, in any form you can find both very expensive and cheap models.

But I would like to listen to the arguments - why this particular one was chosen, and not that. In addition, real reviews in the comments, like the video in this article, will help someone not make a mistake or get rid of doubts.

P.S. I almost forgot: I appoint a cast-iron frying pan as the goalkeeper. Nothing sticks on it even without any coating.

Nowadays no housewife can do without a frying pan in the kitchen. In this article we will tell you how to choose a frying pan and which one is better depending on the material, size, ingredients, etc.

The kitchen should have several frying pans, since almost any with a non-stick coating is suitable for cooking scrambled eggs, and for frying steak you should choose a grill pan with a special grooved bottom. To prevent pancakes from sticking when frying, it is better to choose a pancake frying pan or an electric pancake maker.

Types of frying pans

All frying pans can be divided into several types depending on the products being cooked on it and the cooking method. Let's look at the main ones that may be useful in your kitchen.


As you may have guessed from the name, this is the most common type of frying pan. A classic frying pan can be different sizes, usually round in shape with one handle, made from various materials(we will talk about the materials in more detail later).

The classic is suitable for preparing most dishes; you can fry and stew in it.

Grill pan

This is a heavy frying pan, usually square in shape, with large ribs on the bottom, which allows you to fry meat or fish with almost no oil.

The steaks are juicier and healthier. By appearance, due to the characteristic fried stripes, they seem to be cooked on coals.

This is a more professional cookware made of high quality steel. The bottom consists of several layers, ensuring even distribution of heat throughout the pan and preventing food from burning.

You can cook it either by frying it in the usual way on the stove or in the oven.

Using a fryer you can fry, stew and even bake; the products can be very different:

  • meat,
  • fish,
  • vegetables, etc.

The Wok frying pan, which came from China, is gaining more and more popularity. This is a frying pan with a small bottom and very high walls.

Previously, the bottom was round, now it is flat for cooking on modern stoves.

The wok shape promotes rapid heating, uniform distribution of fat and sauce in the product, and ease of mixing.

Because of design feature The bottom gets very hot and frequent stirring is necessary to avoid food burning.

In terms of functionality, the stewpan is average between a saucepan and a frying pan. It has thick walls and a bottom, this contributes to a more uniform distribution of heat, corrugated bottom prevents food from burning.

Suitable for preparing a variety of dishes from soup to scrambled eggs, as well as sauces and even desserts. Great for a variety of stews.

As you may have guessed from the name, this is a pan for pancakes. It is characterized by the following distinctive properties:

  • small diameter,
  • round form,
  • low sides for easier turning of pancakes,
  • flat bottom with non-stick coating.

It is not necessary to have all of the above frying pans, and even in different sizes, but a certain minimum is still necessary, for example:

  1. classic medium size,
  2. large for stewing,
  3. pancake pan.

Frying pan material

This is one of the main criteria for choosing a frying pan. Previously, all frying pans were made of cast iron, but now the choice of materials has become very diverse. Below you will learn all the pros and cons of metals and alloys used in the manufacture of cookware.

This is the oldest, but not forgotten material. Cast iron frying pans can still compete with the most modern technologies.

Cast iron heats up quickly and strongly and cools down slowly, as it has high thermal conductivity. This is ideal for dishes that require long-term heat treatment.

Cast iron does not deform, does not come into contact with food, and over time it becomes covered with an oil film that prevents food from burning.

Doesn't need special constant care, you can just rinse warm water and wipe dry to avoid rust.

A cast iron frying pan is not afraid of acids.

When first used and periodically throughout its service life, cast iron must be “hardened” as follows:

  • wash with detergent,
  • wipe dry
  • grease the surface with oil,
  • bake in the oven at 150 ºC upside down for 1 hour and let cool.

After this service life cast iron frying pan will be practically unlimited.

  • heavy (not everyone will be comfortable),
  • rust,
  • You cannot store cooked food.

A pure aluminum frying pan without various coatings is the most “economical” option. They have more disadvantages than advantages, so they are gradually being phased out.

  • low cost,
  • heat up quickly,
  • lungs.
  • food burns
  • scratches easily
  • afraid of acids and alkalis,
  • Do not overheat (deformation occurs).

If you still decide to buy an aluminum frying pan, then choose one with the thickest bottom (at least 5 mm). It will serve you up to 5 years, and with a thin bottom no more than 3 years.

Many professionals cook in stainless steel cookware, since this material does not react with other substances. It preserves the color and taste of food better than anyone else.

  • easy care;
  • does not rust;
  • long term service, not afraid of forks and knives;
  • You can wash it immediately after cooking, without waiting for it to cool down.
  • you need to get used to it, as food mixed at the wrong time can burn;
  • When an empty frying pan overheats, colored streaks appear, but this does not affect the quality of the cooked food.

The best frying pan is from of stainless steel Suitable for stewing foods.

You need to choose a frying pan with a double bottom and thick walls.

Economy frying pans - Silampos "Gourmet", more expensive and high quality - Lagostina, Fizzler and De Buyer.

Types of pan coatings

We’ve figured out the materials used for manufacturing, now we’ll look at what kind of coating to choose a frying pan with.

Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) has been the most popular coating for many years.

  1. can be cooked with virtually no oil;
  2. lungs;
  3. resistant to alkalis and acids;
  4. When cooking, food does not stick.
  1. afraid of sharp and hard objects;
  2. cannot be heated above 200 0 C (carcinogens begin to be released);
  3. short service life.

The Teflon coating is very fragile, so we use only silicone or wooden spatulas when mixing. When washing, use a soft sponge and no abrasive detergents.

If the Teflon coating is damaged, the frying pan must be replaced as quickly as possible, as Teflon begins to release toxic substances.

The service life is 3-4 years and this is if you follow all operating rules.

Ceramic coating is a new conquering nanocomposite polymer modern market dishes.

A frying pan with a ceramic coating is not inferior to a Teflon coating in non-stick properties, and surpasses it in many other respects. Even if something burns, after washing, there will be no traces of your unsuccessful cooking left on the pan.

  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • when heated strongly, no harmful substances are released;
  • requires minimal oil use;
  • not afraid of sharp and hard objects.
  • You cannot cook on induction cookers;
  • afraid of sudden changes in temperature (you can’t cook frozen foods);
  • It is not recommended to wash in the dishwasher.

When choosing a good frying pan with a ceramic coating, you should not go cheap, as unscrupulous manufacturers may pass off an ordinary aluminum frying pan with an enamel coating as a ceramic coating.

According to their characteristics, titanium frying pans are similar to cast iron. These are not only reliable, but also the most expensive frying pans.

They can be used not only for stewing and frying, but also for baking in the oven.

  • fast and uniform heating;
  • not afraid of sharp and hard objects;
  • wear-resistant;
  • minimum amount of oil during cooking;
  • light;
  • safe for health;
  • does not deform;
  • does not rust.
  • not suitable for induction hob;
  • the most expensive.

One of the most popular coatings is QuanTanium. Top brands: Risoli, Swiss Diamond and Woll.

Service life: 25 years.

Above we talked about the types, materials and non-stick coatings of frying pans. Let's summarize and outline a few main tips that will help you choose a good frying pan.

  1. Decide on the material and non-stick coating.
  2. Between pans of the same type, choose the one that is heavier, has more non-stick layers, and has thicker walls and bottom.
  3. Any frying pan is suitable for gas stoves.
  4. For glass-ceramic plates choose frying pans with a perfectly flat and thick bottom due to the high heating temperature. Avoid copper or aluminum pans as they may stain the surface.
  5. Many frying pans are not suitable for induction hobs; look for cookware with special markings.
  6. If you plan to bake in the oven, make sure that the handle is without plastic elements or is removable. If the frying pan will only be used for frying on the stove, then it is better to choose one with a molded handle.
  7. Optimal height frying pans are 3 cm, and pancake pans are 1 cm, the thickness of the bottom should not be less than 4 mm.
  8. The thicker the bottom, the better to avoid deformation.
  9. The diameter of the frying pan depends on the number of members of your family and the diameter of the stove burners. For 1 person, a frying pan with a diameter of 24 cm is sufficient, and for 3 or more people, a frying pan with a diameter of at least 28 cm is sufficient.

A frying pan is the main attribute in the kitchen. Previously, this utensil could be passed down from generation to generation and serve for many years. With modern analogues it is a little more complicated. And the monotony gets boring, and the housewife wants to update the dishes. Let's figure out how to choose good frying pan for home.

Choosing a frying pan according to the stove

Depending on the stove, the type of frying pan is determined. If you are the owner, then choosing a frying pan will not be difficult, no matter what material it is made of, what thickness and diameter - the gas will heat everything. For electric stoves, the material also does not matter much. It is desirable that the diameter of the pan is equal to the diameter of the burner, and the bottom is flat. For induction appliances, you need to choose cookware made from a material that is magnetic, for example, stainless steel or cast iron, but the most the best option— thick-bottomed utensils made of ferromagnetic materials.

Advice! Special expensive frying pans for induction cookers are mostly a marketing ploy. They still go out of use within 5 years due to the deterioration of the non-stick layer.

Let's now look at dishes made from different materials.

Cast iron frying pans

Real cast iron skillets are very strong and durable. Such cookware has good thermal conductivity, heats up quickly and is therefore the best container for preparing food that requires long-term heat treatment.

Attention! Cast iron frying pan not afraid of acids. Therefore, during cooking, you can add vinegar or lemon juice, it will not harm the surface of the pan.

Such dishes have low chemical inertness, i.e. it does not interact with cooked food and does not rust. In addition, it is very easy to care for; just rinse with water and wipe with a dry cloth. But washing with modern detergents not worth it, because this may disrupt the natural finish of the pan.

Despite its impressive weight, cast iron is a fragile material, but it breaks after many years of service or with a strong fall.

Advice! You cannot cook on new cast iron cookware right away. First, wash it, wipe it dry, grease it with oil and bake it on fire for an hour.

Stainless steel frying pans

For those who prefer healthy food, it is best to purchase a stainless steel frying pan. Why her? This material is inert, i.e. does not interact with any products at all. Those. the taste of food does not deteriorate, and harmful oxides do not enter the body.

Aluminum frying pans

Aluminum is a very light material, dishes made from it have good heat transfer and have attractive price. But frying in such a container is problematic - food constantly sticks, and you can only turn it over with wooden utensils; other utensils can scratch the surface of the pan. It is also impossible to bake in this form, the food simply sticks and then the surface is difficult to wash off.

If you still decide to purchase such products, pay attention to the thickness of the bottom, it should be at least 5 mm, especially if you fry meat on it. And for an aluminum frying pan with Teflon coating, check that the bottom is level.

Advice! A cast frying pan, with thickened sides and bottom, is more practical and reliable than a stamped one.

In general, aluminum utensils do not have a long service life and are intended for preparing simple dishes.

Copper frying pan

This type of cookware is suitable for professional use because... It's hard to cook on it. But it is created for those dishes that require changes temperature regime, because it cools and heats up quickly. In addition, its main drawback is its high price.

Let's talk about coatings

Teflon kitchenware. Teflon was invented in America, and very soon it gained immense popularity due to its heat and acid resistance. It would be more correct to say that pans are made of aluminum or steel, but coated with Teflon. The main advantage of such dishes is that food does not stick to them.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you stir food with a metal spatula or spoon, only with a wooden or polymer (plastic) spatula.

The Teflon coating does not withstand heating above 200 C. When high temperatures Teflon releases dangerous gases and begins to crack, and soon disappears altogether. Therefore, manufacturers advise purchasing such cookware for gas stoves.

The main disadvantage of such dishes is their fragility. At correct use, maximum service life is five years.

Ceramic coating. This coating consists of a nanocomposite material with the addition of sand, most often titanium-ceramics. This frying pan does not emit toxic fumes when overheated. It can also be used to cook in small quantities. vegetable oil. Burnt food does not harm the coating, but washing in dishwasher she can't.

When using ceramic utensils, it is also recommended to use metal or plastic spatulas.

Titanium coating. Titanium is used as an additive material to the main composition in the production of frying pans. Such cookware is distinguished by its durability, fast and uniform heating and high price. Not suitable for use on induction hobs. Service life – 25 years.

Marble covering. This is an improved version of Teflon coating with the addition of marble chips. It is lighter than cast iron, but heats up just as well and evenly. But it is also more durable and is not afraid of metal objects, light falls and temperature changes.

Advice! The more layers a dish has, the more durable it is. If used properly, it will serve you for 25 years.

  1. Don't buy ready-made kits, as a rule, some products from the kit then lie idle.
  2. Choose dishes with a thick bottom. Tap on it; the response should be dull, not loud.
  3. Pay attention to the handle. It is better if it is cast, removable and heat-resistant.
  4. Hold this dish in your hand. You should be comfortable using the frying pan so that it is not too heavy for you.
  5. Always follow the operating instructions, then the cookware will last a long time.
  6. Please note that the diameter indicated by the seller is measured at the top, not at the bottom. For one person, optimal size– 24 cm, for a medium family – 26 cm, for large ones – 28.

We advise you not to buy cheap frying pans. Good and high-quality dishes cost more than 1,500 rubles. If you don’t have enough money for a branded frying pan, pay attention to domestic products, they are cheaper, but the quality is not inferior to European manufacturers.

How to choose a frying pan: video