How to take care of your skin. Some simple tips for taking care of yourself at home

You spent a long time choosing a plant in the store and finally decided on an orchid. This is very beautiful flowers, but they are also demanding to care for. But if you care for them correctly, they will grow at home on the windowsill and delight the owner with their beautiful flowers for a long time. Many people are interested in how to care for an orchid at home? It's all about choice correct soil, watering, lighting and air humidity.

And so, you brought the beautiful orchid home. But what can you do to ensure that the plant endures stress with the least loss and adapts perfectly to new conditions and does not harm other flowers that grow in your apartment? And how to properly care for an orchid that you just brought home?

Quarantine and its duration

The very first thing is to provide the orchid with a kind of quarantine for two weeks. To do this, it must be placed separately from other flowers. If there is no place for it on the windowsill, you can put it on the bedside table or some other place. But here you need to take into account that the newly purchased plant does not need direct sunlight, the flower should stand alone. Also, during this period, you should not feed it with fertilizers, which sellers in a flower shop often offer when buying an orchid.

Watering the orchid during the dormant period is also undesirable, just constantly monitor its leaves, as well as other parts. This is necessary for the timely identification of possible flower pests in order to prevent them from reproducing. After the end of quarantine, gradually accustom the flower to the sun on the window and water it a little if necessary.

Transplantation and other nuances

It is worth noting that replanting an orchid that was recently brought from the store is not required. It is capable of growing in its substrate for two years. Immediate transplant needed only if the flower in the store was planted in sphagnum moss.

How to do a transplant correctly:

There is no need to treat the new plant with any kind of floral “anti-stress”, just keep it dry and it will cope with stress and adapt to new conditions. Also, there is no need to treat the leaves with insect repellents, especially if they are not there. Why poison an orchid that has already survived the move? A plant left dry and alone will activate its own defenses and adapt perfectly to new conditions.

Lighting, watering, fertilizer and much more

If you are interested in how to care for orchids at home, then you need to know that this plant is considered capricious and delicate, so it requires the creation of certain conditions for it. But caring for a flower is not difficult; the most important thing is to know exactly what to do and when.

This is the most important factor when caring for an orchid, which determines whether the plant will bloom or not. After all, if the flower has enough light, flowering will be regular, and if there is not enough light, the leaves will gradually begin to turn light green, then they will stretch out and turn yellow.

When choosing lighting for your beauty, follow these rules:

  • orchids love a lot of diffused light. Direct sunlight is not suitable for them; this must be taken into account when caring for an orchid at home;
  • In summer it is advisable to darken the flower. Especially if there is a high probability of direct sunlight hitting the sheets. Plastic or matte film is good for darkening;
  • There is no need to darken in autumn. The intensity of sunlight decreases at this time and the orchid begins a state of dormancy - shoots ripen and flowering occurs. flower shoots. You need to take this point into account when caring for indoor orchid;
  • duration daylight hours- this is also important for the plant. The normal daylight hours for this plant are considered to last 12 hours; if the daylight hours last less than 10 hours, then the flower needs artificial lighting. Caring for orchids at home involves using lamps with fluorescent bulbs for this purpose.


All orchids are divided into three groups according to temperature conditions:

  1. heat-loving flowers. These orchids are native to tropical coastal forests and plains and include dendrobiums, phalaenopsis and some varieties of catley. These species need warm conditions content, so the daytime summer temperature for them should be from 15 to 32 degrees, and the nighttime winter temperature - from 15 to 18 degrees. The daily difference should not be more than three to five degrees;
  2. medium temperature plants. Such varieties of orchids grow in the middle mountain zones of the tropics and include miltonias and odontoglossums. Such an orchid at home should be cared for in a cooler environment temperature conditions. Daytime temperatures in summer for them range from 18 to 22 degrees, and winter night temperatures from 12 to 15 degrees;
  3. cold-loving flowers. These orchids are native to subtropical or highland climates and include Australian dendrobiums, many laelias and most Paphiopedilum varieties. Most optimal temperature for them the summer daytime temperature will be 22 degrees, and the winter nighttime temperature will be from 12 to 15 degrees.

In general, it can be noted that almost all types of orchids that grow in your home will feel good at a temperature of 18-27 degrees during the day and from 13 to 24 degrees at night.

How to water an orchid correctly

If you are interested in how to care for an orchid, then you should also be interested in how to water it. It is worth noting that in nature, most of these plants are never found in water, since their roots cannot tolerate stagnant moisture. But each variety of orchids has its own watering characteristics. For example, Paphiopedilium and Phalaenopsis love moist soil all the time, but Dendrobium and Oncidium need a drier substrate and need to be watered only when the soil is dry.

But, in general, all orchids are more tolerant of drying out than waterlogging. The orchid needs increased watering only during active growth, flowering and release of peduncles. If there is a lack of moisture, you will definitely know about it: the plant’s pseudobulbs and leaves will wrinkle. If there is an excess of water, the leaves will turn yellow and become wet, and the roots will begin to rot.

IN winter time when there is little light and cool, there is no need to water the flower heavily, and the plant does not need large quantities moisture after flowering during the dormant period.

Proper care of an indoor orchid involves watering the plant with soft water. Thawed, settled water is very suitable for this. rainwater. You can also water the flower with regular boiled water. In summer, water it two or three times a week after the outer layer of soil dries out, and in winter, keep watering to a minimum - once or twice a week. See if the pseudobulb is wrinkled; if this phenomenon is present, the plant is asking for water.

Watering the plant consists of placing the orchid in a pot in a container with warm water for ten minutes or intensively watering it with water from the shower. In the latter case, the soil will become completely wet, and water will flow out of the drainage holes. After watering, hold the flower on a special grid, then all the water will drain, and then place it in a decorative pot.

Fertilizer and feeding

You want to know how to properly care for an orchid, but you doubt whether you need to fertilize it or not and when exactly to do it. The plant needs feeding only during its growth period; it is recommended to fertilize the flower no more than once every three or two weeks. For this, special fertilizers are used - Greenworld, Pocon or Bona Forte.

The most important thing is not to overdo it and follow the indicated proportions on the packaging.

Orchids do not like concentrations of mineral salts in the soil and may not tolerate it. Therefore, during the fertilization period, you should rinse the substrate with clean water, alternate fertilizing and watering every week. Never buy fertilizers intended for other flowers; do not feed the plant during the dormant period and in winter.

Many experts are against frequent feeding of orchids. They proved that frequent fertilization reduces the flower's immunity, so it is more susceptible various diseases. Therefore, ideally, there is no need to fertilize this flower at all, since it receives all the necessary nutrients from the substrate, but this rule only applies if the substrate is renewed once every two years. So you have found out another answer to the question of caring for an orchid at home.

Places for correct pruning orchids

How does an orchid reproduce?

If you know the basic features of caring for this flower, you can easily propagate the required specimen. Orchid propagation is carried out different ways, let's look at each of them in more detail.

Reproduction by “babies” (stem suckers)

“Babies” are small new plants that can form new varieties of orchids. Such side shoots usually appear on those plants that have a high nitrogen content. If you see “babies,” then try to spray the orchid very often and wait for them to grow up and send out roots. Now you can separate the new plant, treat it with charcoal powder and plant it separately.

This method of propagating an orchid involves using layering; sympodial orchids have such layering. Aerial shoots are very often formed on shoots that have elongated or cylindrical thickened shoots.

In this case, you will need a small greenhouse over the bent part of the stem. It can be made from a small plastic container and a slot can be made on the side. Now start moistening the moss and wait for the dormant buds to awaken.

The leafless shoot, which is in a horizontal position in the greenhouse, needs to be heated and regularly moistened. In about a month, the dormant buds will awaken, and young plants with leaves and roots will grow from them.

After rooting, small orchids must be carefully separated from the mother shoot, then processed; you can also transplant the orchid into a small pot. Keep them in the greenhouse for a while.

Vegetative propagation

This method is convenient for propagating almost all varieties of orchids. The rhizome of the flowers just needs to be divided, leaving two or three pseudobulbs on each plot. But this propagation method is suitable only if the orchid is large enough.

Remove the flower from the pot, then carefully separate the soil from the roots. Cut the rhizome through with garden shears, leaving two or three bulbs on each divided part. Sprinkle the cuttings with charcoal and plant each fragment of the plant separately.

If the question arises of how to care for an orchid in this case, then everything is simple. Water the new flowers a little, spray them every day until new shoots or leaves appear. This confirms that the orchid has begun to grow.

Orchid care during and after flowering

Many people are interested in how to care for an orchid at home during its flowering. Features of flower care at this time are as follows:

  • a flowering plant requires increased watering. It is recommended to water it under a warm shower, and the water temperature should be 35 degrees; after watering, remove moisture from the growing point, otherwise it will rot;
  • It is recommended to raise the night temperature for a plant by five degrees;
  • replant during flowering no orchid, otherwise she will shed all the buds and flowers;
  • during this period the flower needs feeding. To do this, use a special fertilizer intended specifically for these flowers, but you should not overfeed the plant.

If you want the orchid to bloom as long as possible, do not move it from place to place.

How to care for a plant after flowering

Proper care of orchids after flowering is also very important point. Once flowering has finished and the peduncle has dried out and turned black, it needs to be cut to the very base and removed. After flowering, plant feeding is reduced. In winter, watering should be reduced to once a month; it is advisable to spray the plant several times with water.

It is worth noting that if a flower needs replanting, it will not bloom and in order for it to bloom again, change the location of the pot, put it in another place.

If, while caring for orchids after flowering, you notice that the flower’s leaves have turned yellow and wrinkled, and it does not release a peduncle, also move the pot to another place. Then it will bloom regularly.

We hope that all of the above information was useful to you, and you now know how to care for orchids at home and if the care is correct, it will beautiful plant will regularly delight all residents of the house with flowers. After all, flowering is the most favorite period in the life of every flower lover.

A woman’s face is the most unprotected part of the body, which is most susceptible to external influences. This is why facial skin requires careful daily care. However, many women make serious mistakes even in simple skincare procedures. In this article we will tell you how to take care of your facial skin step by step every day.

The success of facial care directly depends on what care and cosmetic products you use. For correct selection Using these products, you need to determine your skin type. There are 6 of them in total:

  1. Dry skin. Signs: thin and delicate skin, tightness of the dermis after washing, narrowed pores, a tendency to premature aging and early appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Oily skin. Signs: thick skin, enlarged pores, oily sheen, prone to the formation of comedones and acne.
  3. Combination skin. Characterized by signs of both dry and oily skin types. For example, the cheeks are dry, and there is increased sebum secretion in the T-zone.
  4. Normal skin. Signs: natural matte complexion, small pores, normal sebum secretion
  5. Sensitive skin. Signs: tendency to peeling and redness, increased sensitivity to any external and internal irritants.
  6. Fading skin. Signs: deep wrinkles, loss of elasticity and tone of the skin, sagging oval of the face.

As you can see, each skin type is characterized by its own characteristics. Accordingly, the procedure for care will differ. Usually, on the packaging of any product there is a note indicating what skin it is suitable for.

Proper skin care

To properly care for your skin, you should adhere to two main rules. These include:

1. Regularity. Basic care should be carried out daily - morning and evening. All procedures will take no more than 10-15 minutes.

2. Correct application technique. It must be applied along massage lines, that is, along the lines of least stretch of the dermis. Otherwise, every day you will only stretch the dermis, which will cause wrinkles to appear earlier.

Remembering massage lines is not difficult - almost all lines from the center of the face go to the periphery. In the area around the eyes, the product should be applied from the outer corner to the inner. On the front surface of the neck, all products are applied from bottom to top, on the side - from top to bottom.

It is also worth mentioning that daily care should consist of at least the “Minimum” program, otherwise it will be of little use. Minimum care includes 3 mandatory steps:

  • cleansing:
  • skin toning;
  • hydration.

But in order to achieve a brighter and more lasting result, you should not forget about the other stages of care. We will discuss this in more detail and step by step below.

Step-by-step skin care

To protect your skin as much as possible from negative influences environment, regular care should be comprehensive. It’s not enough to wash your face every day; you also need to moisturize and nourish your skin. A complex approach will not only achieve the desired effect, but also maintain it.


This is perhaps the most important stage. After all, a lot of dust, dirt, and harmful substances accumulate on the skin during the day. We’ll also add decorative cosmetics here - powder, foundation, concealer, etc. This cocktail clogs pores, leads to inflammation and the formation of pimples and blackheads.

Before washing, makeup and dirt accumulated during the day must be removed with special products. This can be milk, lotion or micellar water.

For direct washing, of course, you need to use water. Best filtered. There is no need to use soap, as it has a detrimental effect on water balance skin. Preference should be given to foam, milk or gel for washing. After the procedure, the skin should be blotted with a separate face towel. Just get wet, not rub.


Instructions for scrubbing facial skin are as follows. The procedure is carried out with a specially selected scrub 1-2 times a week. It perfectly exfoliates all dead cells, makes the skin smooth and deeply cleanses the pores.

The scrub should be applied to damp skin and massaged with light movements for 5-7 minutes. If the composition dries out, you can wet your hands a little with water. Scrubbing should not be done if there is severe rosacea, severe irritation and inflammation of the skin.

There is also a procedure called peeling. It can be done by a cosmetologist, but not more than once a month. In its action, peeling is similar to scrubbing, but it has a more aggressive effect on the skin, although the effect is more pronounced.

Applying a mask

A complete skin care routine necessarily includes the use of face masks. You can use store-bought ones, but it’s best to make homemade ones. They act much more effectively due to their naturalness, and they will also cost several times less.

There are a great many different recipes for masks. There are cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, toning, whitening, anti-wrinkle, etc. You just need to choose those recipes that suit your skin type. The mask should also be applied along massage lines. This should be done immediately after cleansing or scrubbing. After these procedures, the pores are enlarged, and the nutrients from the masks can more easily penetrate the skin.

Masks can be used every day. However, keep in mind that the same recipe can be used 2 times a week.


Toning is the most important part of care, which women most often neglect. Meanwhile, it is very important - it “closes” the pores that have expanded after the cleansing stage. The tonic is easy to use: just apply the product to a cotton pad and gently wipe the skin along the massage lines. You can also use a toner in the form of a spray: just spray it on your face.

Buy only natural-based tonics that do not contain alcohol. You can also tone your skin with home remedies - each time wipe your skin with an ice cube made from a decoction of herbs: sage, chamomile, thyme, nettle, etc. Sharp cooling normalizes microcirculation, strengthens blood vessels and is an excellent prevention of capillary networks and fine wrinkles.

Applying cream

After toning, be sure to apply a cream according to your skin type. For young skin, it is preferable to use a light gel with a moisturizing effect. But for more mature people, a complex cream is suitable that nourishes the skin and gives it elasticity.

In winter, you need to apply a nourishing cream in the morning, and a moisturizer in the evening. In summer it should be the other way around.

Before applying, rub the cream between your fingertips to give it your body temperature. This way you can increase its activity. Then apply the cream to the face and neck, carefully distribute along the massage lines. Blot excess product with a napkin.

Need to remember:

  1. In the morning, the cream should be applied half an hour before going outside. And in winter - even in an hour.
  2. In the evening, the cream should be applied an hour before bedtime. This is because your muscles are mobile and the cream is quickly absorbed.

Care in other areas

It is also worth considering daily care for the neck, lips and skin around the eyes. This is also important, since care occurs differently in these areas.

Neck care

The skin of the neck is thinner and more delicate. More than facial skin, it is prone to sagging, dryness and wrinkles. The skin of the neck should be cared for with the same means as the skin of the face: cleanse with foam, wipe with toner, apply a mask and apply cream. The same applies to the décolleté area.

Some manufacturers produce special means for neck care. In their action, they are practically no different from facial care products. Their only advantage is that they do not leave any marks on clothes.

Eyelid skin care

The area around the eyes is sensitive. It has very few sebaceous glands, which makes it easy to stretch, so you definitely need to know how to properly care for the skin in this area.

Apply and remove cosmetics from the eyelids carefully, while observing the direction of least stretching of the dermis. Above the eye, movements should be directed towards the temporal side, and under the eye - towards the nose.

Cleansing should be done only with special lotions and gels. Under no circumstances should you apply face cream to your eyelids. You need a special eye cream, so it has a lighter consistency and is quickly absorbed.

Lip care

The skin of the lips is always exposed to external irritants (frost, sun, dry air). She has no sebaceous glands at all, so she needs daily nutrition and hydration.

Use special lip care products. They also need to be applied morning and evening. Please ensure that your lipstick contains softening and moisturizing ingredients, ultraviolet filters and vitamins.

Once you get the hang of it, daily skin care won’t take much time. Your skin will respond positively to all treatments. However, don't expect immediate results. Lasting changes will not occur earlier than a month. Only regular care will reward you with elastic and smooth skin that will keep you youthful for many years.

Makeup beautifies a woman and makes her brighter, but even the most correct and flawless makeup cannot hide skin imperfections. And in order for the skin to have a healthy appearance, it must be properly and carefully cared for. The most important indicator of beauty is grooming, and only proper daily skin care will help you always look well-groomed.

And on well-groomed skin, makeup looks different. Our step-by-step instruction will teach you how to properly care for your skin in order to always look flawless.

Step one. Determining your skin type

In order to take proper care of your facial skin, first of all you should know your skin type in order to select suitable cosmetic products. After all, if you have oily facial skin, then you cannot over-nourish it, and if it is dry, then it should not be should be over-dried with various masks and tonics. You can determine your skin type yourself.

Dry skin very delicate and thin, at a young age she is very beautiful, no pimples, blackheads or enlarged pores. But with age, dry skin increasingly lacks moisture and nutrition, and without this, it quickly fades. Dry skin is often sensitive and prone to flaking and irritation.

Oily skin strikingly different from dry. It is denser, rougher, with enlarged pores. But the big advantage of oily skin is that it produces protective film, and, therefore, such skin is better protected than others from harmful environmental influences. Oily skin, unlike dry skin, ages much more slowly, but due to excessive sebum secretion, acne and pimples often appear on oily skin, and enlarged pores do not look aesthetically pleasing. But if you take proper care of such skin, it can acquire a clear and clean appearance.

Combination skin at first glance it seems normal, which is not far from the truth. The middle area of ​​the face with combination skin is oilier than the rest of the face. The cheeks may even be prone to dryness.

Normal skin It is quite rare in adults. It is even, smooth, soft and elastic, like a child's.

Step two. Learn how to properly take care of your skin every day

Having decided on your skin type, it is advisable to buy care products specifically for your skin type. It is advisable not to purchase products from the “for all types” series. Perhaps such means good quality, but in order for your skin to receive exactly what it needs, skin care products must be selected correctly. The basic facial skin care products are the same - makeup remover (you can’t wash your face with soap, as it contains alkali and disrupts the natural balance of the skin), toner, day and night cream, eye cream, and scrubs.

Creams should be divided into day and night, because they have completely different purposes and functions. Day cream forms a protective film on the skin; it should protect our skin from harmful environmental influences, but night cream should be more active, because at night our skin is more susceptible to care products. So the night cream should contain many useful substances and vitamins. Now we will talk about caring for each skin type separately.

Dry skin care program

To cleanse dry skin, it is advisable to use rich milk. It is enough to use it once a day, in the evening. In the morning, it is enough to rinse your face with water. A facial tonic for dry skin should not contain alcohol. It should be a soft lotion with herbal and moisturizing substances. You can make your own tonic.

Softening toner for dry skin:
Brew one tablespoon of green tea hot mineral water, add linden (flowers), let it brew for two hours, strain and put in the refrigerator. Green tea rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and linden flowers have soothing and softening properties.

Creams for dry skin, in addition to moisturizing substances, must also contain nourishing substances, because carefor dry skin includes active nutrition and hydration. Day cream must contain factors that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Night cream should be nourishing and restorative.
You should start using eye cream when the first wrinkles appear.
You should not overuse exfoliating products. Instead of a scrub, it is advisable to purchase gommage. This is a gentler exfoliator designed for sensitive skin. It should be used once a week.
Nourishing and moisturizing masks can be done two to three times a week. It would be good to alternate ready-made purchased masks with homemade ones. Sour cream, honey, and olive oil are good for such masks.

Oily skin care program

Cleansing is the foundation care for oily skin, because the problem with oily skin is shine and excessive sebum production. A cleansing gel with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory additives is a good choice. You should wash your face with this gel both in the morning and in the evening. Onic for oily skin should also be used. The toner should contain alcohol and anti-inflammatory and pore-tightening substances. You can prepare the tonic yourself:

Cleansing toner for oily skin:

Brew one tablespoon of calendula with hot mineral water (one glass), let it brew, strain, add a teaspoon of vodka and lemon juice. Keep refrigerated.

Eyelid cream should be used when the first wrinkles appear, because the skin under the eyes is four times thinner than the skin of the face, and even with oily skin, the skin of the eyelids remains dry and unprotected. A scrub for oily skin is a must; it should be used two to three times a week.
Cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks should also be used two to three times a week. For homemade masks, masks made from dry yeast are good for oily skin; they contain B vitamins, which are very beneficial for oily skin. Dilute the yeast with hydrogen peroxide to a paste, apply this mask for 20 minutes.

Combination skin care program

It is best to cleanse combination skin with preparations that are washed off with water. If the T-zone is too oily, then you should use cleansers both morning and evening. And if not, then a thorough evening cleansing will be enough. The tonic can only be used for the middle part of the face, where there is excess sebum and oily shine. You can prepare the tonic yourself:

Toner for combination skin:
Brew hot green tea (tbsp) into glasses mineral water and add it there lemon juice. Green tea will give the skin the necessary vitamins, and lemon will tighten the pores where it is needed.

It is advisable to purchase creams specifically for combination skin; they contain a lot of moisture, but not too much fat. And if, for example, the skin of the T-zone is too oily, and the cheeks and neck are prone to dryness, then it is best to purchase two different creams for these areas.
Eye cream for any skin type is used when the first wrinkles appear, approximately this happens after 25 years.
For combination skin, exfoliate twice a week.
For such skin, it is best to do it separately on different areas of the face. Where nutrition is required, nourish, and where not required, moisturize.

Step three. Additional skin care rules

You have learned how to properly care for your skin, but in addition to this, there are also general and equally important rules for skin care. It is advisable to read them carefully and remember them.

Five important additional tips:

Never go to bed without cleaning your face of makeup.

Even if you use very expensive and good cosmetics, skin care must be correct. At night, the skin should be clean. And don't forget to apply restorative cream at night. Daytime face cream must contain filters that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation; this will protect the skin from premature aging. And in order to take care of yourself correctly and in a timely manner, create your personal

You should not use bioactive creams and anti-wrinkle creams unless absolutely necessary. There is a cream for every age. Active creams should be used only after forty years. Our skin, starting to receive active and strong substances, ceases to produce necessary and useful substances itself. She just gets used to the fact that these substances are given to her anyway. Consequently, you will constantly need to use increasingly stronger and more active creams. Good cosmetic companies make creams that are specifically suitable not only for skin type, but also for age. On such creams it is written right away what age they are intended for. Day moisturizing cream is best applied to dry skin, and night nourishing cream is best applied to damp skin.

Use natural vegetables, fruits and berries for facial care as often as possible.

Try to get enough sleep. It would be good to accustom yourself to go to bed early and get up early. Do not forget to periodically take vitamin complexes, lack of vitamins and minerals has a very negative effect on the condition of the skin and hair. We hope that our step-by-step instructions will help you learn how to care for your skin. Take care of your skin and it will thank you!

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Every woman wants to look well-groomed and stay young as long as possible, especially now when the cult of beauty literally haunts us. Active and intrusive advertising offers more and more new cosmetic products, but does not teach how to properly care for facial skin. We will try to figure this out.

The most important moment

basis proper care behind the face is healthy image life. The skin of the face reflects the general condition of the body. If you don't get enough sleep, even the most expensive cream won't help with dark circles under your eyes. If you have problems with the intestines and gastrointestinal tract, pimples and blackheads will not keep you waiting.

Due to lack of physical activity and fresh air, the epidermis becomes dull and flaky.

Daily skin care is unthinkable without proper nutrition. A balanced and healthy menu will help solve many problems. Sometimes pimples, blackheads, and swelling appear due to eating salty, fatty, fried foods. The skin may react with a rash to chocolate or smoked semi-finished products. As soon as you begin to eat healthy and properly, a noticeable improvement in the condition of your skin will come very soon.

We must remember that daily facial care should be competent and correct. Good cosmetologist will teach you how to properly care. You should check your face regularly to make sure there are no problems.

Facial care rules can be divided into 4 main categories: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing, protection. Let's take a closer look at each stage.


Proper facial care begins with cleansing. This important procedure should be done morning and evening. Under no circumstances should you miss it.

Dust, dirt, exhaust fumes, germs - all this settles on the face during the day. If you do not cleanse your face in a timely manner or do not do it thoroughly enough, then blackheads and rashes will quickly appear.

Without cleansing the facial skin, creams, masks and other products will not be absorbed, but will remain on the surface, thereby causing acne.

At night, your face rests, but by morning, dust particles and remnants of the products you used the day before collect on it. Therefore, your face must also be thoroughly cleansed in the morning. The cleansing process must be carried out in stages. Here's how to do it right:

  • If you use decorative cosmetics, first remove it with a makeup remover. For this you can use gentle purchased funds such as cleansing milk or micellar water. And you can successfully get by with any vegetable oil or rich baby cream. These products are equally suitable for removing makeup.
  • When removing makeup, do not rub your face too hard, especially the area around the eyes. Wet a cotton pad with the product and simply apply it to your eyelids or lips for a few seconds. And only after that, easily wipe off any remaining makeup.
  • Do not use toilet soap to clean your skin. Due to the high alkali content, it dries the skin, which will subsequently emphasize its sagging.
  • After removing makeup, we proceed to washing. The water temperature should be comfortable. Remember that it's too hot water harms the skin, enlarges pores and causes sagging. It is best to wash your face with slightly cool water.
  • Do not apply the cleanser directly to your face. Squeeze a little onto your palm, lather, and then apply the finished foam to your face along the massage lines. This product must be washed off thoroughly. Its remains cause clogging of pores.
  • At the cleansing stage, you can use all kinds of brushes, sponges, and facial sponges. All these devices will gently massage the skin and improve blood circulation. But watch the condition of your skin. Perhaps this effect will be too aggressive for your skin type.


After cleansing is completed, you need to move on to the next stage - toning. It helps remove remnants of cleanser and makeup from the face and restore the acid-base balance of the skin.

  • Various facial tonics and lotions are well suited for toning. You can make them yourself. Herbal decoctions do an excellent job of this task. Herbal infusions with chamomile, mint, thyme and celandine have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • For the best effect, you can freeze such infusions in ice cube trays and wipe clean skin with them. This procedure is very useful for the face, it tones and tightens the skin, relieves inflammation and redness. There is no need to use alcohol toners, they dry the skin and can provoke an allergic reaction.

Hydration and nutrition

The stages of facial skin care always include moisturizing. In the absence of sufficient moisture, the epidermis becomes dry, loses brightness and color, and wrinkles appear.

  • The main skin care when moisturizing is the correct drinking regime. You should drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. It is beneficial to start your day with a glass of water on an empty stomach. It's better if it's a little warm water with lemon. No drinks or teas can replace regular water. So watch this moment.
  • Depending on your skin type, choose a cream or gel to moisturize your face. For dry skin, rich creams are great because they penetrate the skin cells and nourish them from the inside.

For oily skin, it is better to use facial gel. It will moisturize and will not leave an oily sheen, which appears very quickly on such skin. Moisturizing oily skin is also necessary. If this is not done, the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce sebum, which causes the formation of pimples and comedones.

  • Moisturizing serums and creams are used depending on skin type.

It is quite possible to prepare healthy ones for the face and area around the eyes at home. Look for these recipes in other articles on our website.

High-quality facial care is not possible without nourishing products. They saturate the cells with essential substances, helping them stay hydrated. Nourishing face creams are best applied at night. This way they can be completely absorbed, and in the morning all you have to do is pat your face with a napkin.


A very important factor in proper facial care is protection. External factors negatively affect the condition of the skin. We regularly expose it to wind and cold, dry air and scorching sun. It must be taken into account that protection is mandatory stage. What should be done?

  • During the hot season, the sun is aggressive towards the human body and face. The scorching rays of the sun destroy the lipid barrier, dehydrate the skin and increase the level of melanin in the human body.

Scientists have proven that excessive tanning leads to premature aging and can cause skin cancer. To protect yourself, use sunscreen. If you plan to be in direct sunlight for more than 3 hours, you may need to reapply the product.

Do not forget to ensure that your neck and décolleté area is protected, as this is the area that reveals your true age.

For protection in summer period It is necessary to take care of your face not only with cosmetics, but also with wardrobe items. Wide-brimmed hats and baseball caps will not work ultraviolet rays contact with skin and hair. Good Sunglasses will protect the eyes and delicate skin of the eyelids. They will eliminate the need to squint in bright light, which will slow down the appearance of facial wrinkles.

  • In winter, the face needs protection not only from cold and wind, but also from the sun. IN winter period You also need to use sunscreen. In severe frost, use creams that contain lanolin. This natural remedy protects against frostbite.

Proper facial skin care will protect against adverse external influences: scorching sun, frost, strong wind, cold rain. Basic facial care includes 4 main stages, which we described above. In addition, facial skin care procedures include massage, peeling, and skin cleansing.

Affordable care

How to care for your skin at home? Various will help you with this folk recipes. The products that are used in the preparation of homemade tonics, masks, scrubs are accessible, cheap and absolutely safe for health.

So, home care involves the use of scrubs and masks for the skin, which should be done at least 2 times a week.

Scrubs remove dead skin particles, make the surface of the epidermis smooth and clean, which allows the skin to breathe fully and absorb more. nutrients. Masks made from natural ingredients can be nourishing, moisturizing and cleansing. All products prepared at home have an excellent caring effect.

Remember that the main thing in facial care is regularity and a clear sequence of actions. Try not to forget about yourself, devote very little time and attention to your beauty and health.

Today you can hear from many girls that guys don’t know how to care. And, unfortunately, this is true. But in a relationship without courtship, there is no romance that allows you to the world during the period of love it is more colorful. That is why every man must know how to properly care for a girl.

First steps

To attract the attention of the representative you like fair half humanity needs to know how to care for a woman initial stage. You should apply your knowledge from the first minutes of acquaintance. To win the sympathy of your chosen one, the first steps must be fully thought out and balanced. This means that you should look after a girl by showing her your good manners and upbringing. It is imperative to emphasize the ability to speak correctly and listen. You should also not forget about the rules of etiquette, for example, you need to remember that you should pull up a chair and open doors.

In addition, please remember that:

  • You need to very nicely invite the girl you like on a first date. We need to come up with something that can surprise her. And, of course, you can’t be late for a date. If unforeseen circumstances arise, the girl should be warned about them, and subsequently, as a sign of reconciliation, care should be taken to turn the meeting into a mini-holiday.
  • During the courtship process, flowers should be given, both with and without reason. In addition, you need to start giving gifts as early as possible. This should be done unobtrusively, and there is absolutely no need to spend a lot of money on gifts. Optimal choice for the initial stage - these are sweets, as well as cute, but inexpensive decorations.
  • It is important to organize communication with the girl you like so that she talks more and you listen. You can throw out topics that interest you and listen to her opinion. But at the same time, make sure that the conversation does not include gossip or complaints about life.
  • You shouldn’t confess your love at the initial stage of dating.. Vividly expressed feelings will make the chosen one doubt their sincerity.

Requirements for yourself

When a guy is courting a girl, he should look confident. But sometimes this does not work out due to existing complexes, which may be associated with the unsuccessful experience of past years. You can count on the fact that you can start building a long-term relationship with the girl you like only if you manage to overcome your own insecurities. Caring for your girlfriend means taking care of her. She should feel that she is under your protection at any moment.

When wondering how to look after a girl beautifully, a man should pay attention to his appearance and lifestyle. You should:

  • Dress neatly and tastefully, take care of your face, hairstyle and the condition of your nails, and also use high-quality, good-smelling cosmetics.
  • Continue to engage in your existing hobby, talk about it and demonstrate it without hesitation.
  • Have your own opinion on all issues and not give in to outside pressure.

Any courtship is always associated with compliments, which are simple, but one of the most necessary signs of attention. It should be understood that they need to be said not only at the beginning of a relationship. Women like compliments on all dates and after marriage too. The following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Compliments should be specific. General phrases about a girl looking good sound uninteresting. It is better to focus attention on her hairstyle or dress, which will indicate your attentiveness to her.
  • Compliments should exclude the slightest vulgarity. Remember that in the initial period of courtship you are not yet close enough to notice, for example, “sexy lips”. Such statements are possible only after you feel that you have become close people with your chosen one.
  • When giving compliments, it is necessary to show an original approach and creativity. This will attract attention to you at the initial stage of dating and fill the relationship with pleasant unpredictability.
  • Comparison should not be allowed in compliments. This will immediately turn your chosen one against you, as all girls strive to be unique and any comparison is unacceptable for them.

Long distance relationship

Sometimes people who have met and felt sympathy for each other have to separate for a while, for reasons beyond their control. Therefore, it is important to understand how to maintain a long-distance relationship. First of all, in order not to cool each other down, it is necessary to call each other as often as possible. But it should be remembered that no communication, even with the help modern means will not replace full-fledged real communication. And this means that you need to use every opportunity to see your chosen one.

If you are away from each other, then you should take into account the advice of a psychologist on how a man should behave in order to maintain a relationship:

  • It is necessary to smooth out all rough edges when communicating and avoid disagreements on certain issues. Remember that they can be settled at a meeting.
  • You should not give reasons for jealousy. You should appear modest and not talk about a wild evening out cheerful companies. On the other hand, it is important to trust the girl without asking her for an account of how she spends her time without you.
  • When talking to your girlfriend, you need to support her. Even from a distance, she should feel that she can rely on you.
  • To maintain a relationship while being away from your chosen one, you need to do original things. For example, you can write a simple letter in which you should tell about your great love and desire to be together, and send it by mail. You can also send it to some noteworthy date beautiful bouquet with a postcard that will be a reminder that you are always thinking about your loved one, and remember the happy time spent together.

Some nuances of courtship

Very often, men have a question about how to care for a shy girl. In this case, it is especially important to be careful and patient during first dates. You cannot say unnecessary compliments and flatter your chosen one. If a girl is shy, this can scare her away. Communication with her should be natural and unobtrusive. Only after the girl loosens up and learns to trust you can the courtship become more persistent.

Many people are interested in how to look after a girl if there is no money. You shouldn't get hung up on this issue. It is necessary to remember that if a girl likes you, then financial opportunities in a specific period of time are unlikely to interest her. Therefore, a representative of the strong half of humanity must care for his chosen one sincerely, because compliments, pleasant communication and a date in the fresh air are always at his service. And all this fills the relationship with romanticism and allows us to hope that it will be long-lasting.

Moreover, it is allowed to demonstrate your financial stability to your chosen one. At the same time, you should focus on the fact that you do not consider it necessary to spend money on charming her. In this way, you can emphasize your confidence and success, as well as the fact that other life values ​​are important to you.

Some time after meeting, you should let the girl know that you have sexual interest in her. You need to demonstrate that being a good friend is not the role for you. But, of course, you shouldn’t insist on sex. She should make the decision about a close relationship on her own without any pressure from you.

It is important for any man to know how to properly care for a woman in cases where he plans to build a long-term relationship with her. At the initial stage, you should remember to be tactful and try not to alienate your chosen one with ill-considered words and incorrect behavior. It is permissible to be persistent in courtship only after you feel that your chosen one is ready to continue the relationship. On the other hand, it is necessary to be as sincere as possible in communicating with your chosen one. This will allow you to eliminate various misunderstandings in the future, as well as quickly build strong, trusting relationships.