Which indoor plants provide the most oxygen? Geraniums kill flies

A bedroom is a place in the house where you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle and everyday problems. To do this, we buy comfortable furniture, create comfort in the room, but the microclimate is the last thing we think about. Indoor plants that release oxygen at night will purify the air and help you get a good night's sleep.

Our green brothers

Plants, as part of the living nature of the Earth, breathe day and night with different intensities, while absorbing oxygen from the atmosphere. But don’t immediately get upset and take pots of green pets out of the house. In order to find out whether indoor flowers absorb oxygen or still release it, it is enough to remember such concepts as photosynthesis and plant respiration.

Basic knowledge of botany will help you correctly place your green helpers, and enjoy a comfortable stay not only in the living room and kitchen, but also get a good night’s sleep in the bedroom.

Everyone breathes

Plant respiration is a 24-hour process in which all cells of a living organism are involved. At the same time, atmospheric oxygen enters through the leaves and stems, using existing organic substances in a chemical reaction. As a result, carbon dioxide is released, and the resulting moisture remains in the plant. At night, when all stomata and lenticels are closed, it uses oxygen accumulated during photosynthesis for respiration.

You need to eat too

The term “photosynthesis” is probably familiar to everyone, but not everyone knows that this is a real miracle, because under the influence of sunlight, the pigment chlorophyll converts inorganic substances entering through the roots into organic ones.

The process of photosynthesis, the opposite of respiration, occurs only during the day, or rather, under the influence of solar quanta and only in green cells. The result of complex chemical reactions is sugar, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starch, necessary to nourish a living organism. This is when plants release oxygen. So much of the latter is produced that green workers have enough of it for their own use, and they nobly share the excess O 2 and moisture with us people.

Interestingly, plants are green not at all because of the high content of the chlorophyll pigment in them, as many people think. The fact is that plants absorb only red and blue light from the spectrum, and reflect green, which is why we see them in exactly this color.

Plants such as orchids and succulents follow a different daily routine. They use the night to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Nature took care of this, giving it the opportunity to grow in hot and dry places.

Welcome to the bedchamber

For a room where a person spends his time mainly in the dark, plants that produce the most oxygen at night rather than absorb it when a person sleeps are more suitable. After all, with a lack of vital important element Headaches and constant fatigue will occur. So what are they houseplants will give their owners oxygen and a healthy sleep at night? We offer the TOP of the most generous and affordable types.


Sansevieria can be considered the leader in the ranking of plants that produce oxygen. For its long, hard and sharp-tipped leaves, it was popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “pike tail”. In addition to the fact that this representative of succulents is capable of secreting a large number of oxygen day and night. So, it also absorbs harmful volatile compounds that are released by furniture and other household items. We can say that there is no better inhabitant for a bedroom. It is enough to place one flower for each person spending the night in the room.

According to NASA, Sansevieria is one of the ten best “green filters” for air.

Another representative of the genus of succulents, with a long history, used by many as effective remedy traditional medicine. We are, of course, talking about aloe. The juice of this plant is used in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, by placing the plant in the bedroom, you can enrich the air with oxygen at night and remove formaldehydes around the clock. Moreover, aloe is unpretentious in care, which attracts the attention of novice gardeners.


A representative of succulents and a good “specialist” in oxygen synthesis at night is Kalanchoe. It calms, helps get rid of negative mood and depression and also does not require much attention, just more sunlight.

Refined orchids delight their owners with beautiful flowers and decorate the house. But few people know that they also purify the air in a closed space from such a harmful substance as xylene, which is released from many types of paints. And the main advantage can be considered the ability to produce large amounts of oxygen at night, and this with minimal expenditure of attention and effort in care.

Spathiphyllum, also known as “women’s happiness,” is a real home worker. It is ideal for any room during the period heating season, because it is able to humidify the air, as well as clear benzene and produce oxygen when a person sleeps. Moreover, the rich green leaves and unusual flowers will decorate the interior of any bedroom.

Beautiful bright “daisies” indoor gerbera will give any room a spring atmosphere and a great mood. But in return, this sophisticated plant will require a little special treatment, attention and care. Fortunately, all the efforts made will not be in vain, and the gerbera will fully thank its owners with clean air at night and pleasing flowers in the morning.

Indeed, geranium can be called a unique indoor plant. More than one generation of our ancestors treated it with reverence, choosing the best place in the hut and talking to the plant every day. In addition to “producing” oxygen at night, geranium saturates the air with ozone and cleanses it of microbes.

A distinctive feature of this plant is that it is a strong energy donor. Moreover, the miracle flower has a beneficial effect on hormone levels in women, calms the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and saves from insomnia. One could say that geranium should grow in every home, in every room, if not for one “but” - allergy sufferers and asthmatics need to be careful with it, because the secretions essential oils may harm such people.

Many housewives grow inconspicuous, at first glance, chlorophytum at home, not suspecting that this is a real “factory” for cleaning the room. 4 plants per day can remove up to 90% of formaldehyde over an area of ​​10 sq.m. around you. And, of course, chlorophytum adds oxygen and humidifies the air at night.

Laurel, lavender and rosemary

Laurel, lavender and rosemary may not be champions in oxygen production, but their calming and relaxing properties have a beneficial effect on human sleep. By placing a flowerpot with one of them in the bedroom, you can get rid of migraines, bring blood pressure back to normal, improve and purify the air in the room, relieve nervous tension and significantly improve sleep.

The plants presented above are rather exceptions to the rule. This choice for a bedchamber is due to the ability of a number of plants to produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide in the dark.

It’s also not worth it to oversaturate the bedroom with such nocturnal “hard workers” - there should be moderation in everything.

Entrance to the bedroom is prohibited

For the most part, window “pets” produce oxygen and release excess oxygen during the day, and at night they use their own reserves. And if there are not enough of them, then the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere begins. For this reason, experts do not recommend placing plants in the bedroom that have a large leaf surface area, for example:

  • monstera
  • liana
  • ficus
  • aspidistra, etc.

These beauties are more suitable for a living room or office, where they will diligently saturate the air with oxygen during the day. Moreover, there is no place in the bedroom for exotic friends (Aglaonema changeable, American agave, Areca catechu) or with large, strong-smelling flowers (lily, datura).

Before placing a pot with a plant in a room, study its properties well; the oxygen producer must first of all be safe for people and animals.

An incorrectly chosen flower in the bedroom can be dangerous to health, and sometimes even to life.

Drawing brief conclusions, we can say that indoor plants, which produce a lot of oxygen, help create a unique and comfortable atmosphere in the apartment. By correctly selecting and arranging flowerpots with different flowers, you can get rid of nervousness, negative energy, headaches, clear the air of harmful compounds.

Proven fact: the air in the rooms where we spend 90% of our time is 2-5 times worse than outside. Harmful pollutants (trichlorethylene, benzene and formaldehyde) are all around us (contained in carpets, furniture, household cleaning products, paper towels) and can lead to serious illnesses (asthma, cancer, etc.).

The simplest and beautiful way To cleanse your habitat and protect yourself from diseases and ailments - place plants in your home.

They produce oxygen, remove chemical poisons, and significantly reduce the number of pathogens in the surrounding air.

How to choose the right indoor plants for the bedroom, 24 examples with photos and descriptions useful properties, improving - in the article.

Rules for choosing plants for the bedroom

  1. Try to get as much information about the plant as possible:
  • releases or absorbs oxygen at night,
  • is it an allergen?
  • how it should be looked after.
  1. There is no place in the bedroom for exotic and unfamiliar items, as well as emitting strong odors representatives of the flora3.
  2. Choose slow-growing plants so that their energy does not disturb the peace in the bedroom.

Eucalyptus repels insects.

8. Geranium(pelargonium).

  • Purifies the air from volatile chemical compounds, carbon monoxide,
  • disinfects air masses from staphylo- and streptococci.
  • Releases negative ions that are beneficial to health.
  • Relieves headaches, is useful for hypertensive patients, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system.
  • Helps with sleep disorders.
  • Reduces nervous tension, increases resistance to mental overload.
  • Geranium is especially useful for women, as it normalizes hormone levels.
  • Insect repeller.

Note: May cause allergies.

9. All citrus fruits They will come in handy in the bedroom. For example, a decorative lemon is capable of producing 85 substances that have a healing effect on the aura of the room.

As a result, microbes and viruses within 20 square meters of its presence do not multiply or their reproduction is reduced many times over.

10. Lavender- one of 39 known species flowering essential plants of the mint family. Not only does it smell great, but it can also reduce anxiety and stress, slow heart rate, and calm fussy babies.

11. Rosemary indicated in the bedroom for chronic respiratory diseases. Plant phytoncides improve well-being in case of bronchitis and asthma.

Rosemary improves memory and the quality of indoor atmosphere.

Lavender and rosemary- plants that allow relieve nervous tension and promote sound sleep.

12. Jasmine with wonderful small white flowers, it has a sweet aroma that has long been known for its relaxing effects.

The sedative properties of jasmine have a positive effect on sleep: it becomes calmer, and the sleeper’s motor activity decreases.

13. Valerian has a hypnotic effect, this was proven by Japanese researchers in 2004. But our ancestors knew this well, which is confirmed by the popular names.

They called it all sorts of things: cat grass, shake grass, or forty-flow grass, maun, odolyan, earthen incense.

Pinkish flowers emit an aroma that stimulates the inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, which is responsible for relaxing the body and preparing it for sleep.

Valerian is amazingly beautiful during flowering. It relieves stress, allows you to get enough sleep and feel rested in the morning.

14. Gardenia like jasmine it blooms with amazing white and pleasantly fragrant flowers. Their smell has a pronounced sedative effect, comparable to the effect of taking Valium (an artificial tranquilizer).

Thanks to the work of German scientists from the University of Dusseldorf, it became known:

Gardenia, like valerian, triggers the “native” neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, helping the body adjust to rest mode.

Instead of sleeping pills Harness the therapeutic power of gardenia scent by placing it in your bedroom.

15. Chlorophytum or the spider, as the people lovingly called him, is a real hard worker:

  • destroys harmful chemical compounds, nitrogen oxides from gas combustion, neutralizes harmful radiation electromagnetic devices.
  • 4 plants will clear an area of ​​10 square meters. meters per day by 90 percent from various pollutants.
  • Remarkably moisturizes and disinfects air masses.

As you can see, chlorophytum is needed anywhere: in the kitchen, on the desktop near the computer, in the living room near the TV, in the bedroom.

16. Chrysanthemum(Pot Mum) is very beautiful and pleasing to the eye. It has the properties of calming and improving the microclimate: it absorbs carcinogens from plastics, chemicals, cigarettes, trichlorethylene, ammonia, formaldehyde, and releases phytoncides.

17. English or common ivy - destroys formaldehyde and the chemical benzene (a known carcinogen found in cigarette smoke), pesticides and other toxic compounds of synthetic materials.

Ivy is a first-class air purifier for asthmatics and allergy sufferers; it has a perfect place in the bedroom to freshen the air.

Note: English ivy is toxic if ingested. Choose a different plant if you have small children or pets who might eat the leaves.

18. Philodendron(Philodendrons) is excellent for eliminating formaldehyde, especially at high concentrations.

It should also be noted that philadendrons are toxic, like ivies.

19. Hamedorea gracilis- a plant for large bedrooms when the windows face the freeway. Hamedorea will reduce the harm from benzene and trichlorethylene from exhaust gases entering the bedroom with fresh air.

20. Ficus benjamina- a source of oxygen and phytoncides. With the current pollution of the environment, ficus trees must certainly be present in housing as natural traps of toxic emissions from household chemicals, finishing materials etc. Contributes good sleep and stress relief.

Note: may cause allergies, aggravate asthma, contact with curious children and animals who want to taste the ficus is undesirable.

21. Cissus rhombicus(Cissus, indoor grape, birch or grape ivy) - tropical liana, capable of realizing any design desires (for example, “waterfall”).

Disinfects, ionizes, and humidifies room air.

Non-toxic and non-poisonous.

22. Asparagus. Improves immunity, facilitates breathing, improves the condition of bones and skin, chronic diseases are easier in the presence of asparagus.

Saves you from depression.

Asparagus is considered a plant of active energy.

If you are worried that he will disturb your sleep, bring him into the bedroom at least for the duration of your illness. Its ability to sterilize bacteria and purify the air from heavy metals will allow you to recover faster.

23. Myrtle known for its powerful bactericidal effect against influenza and respiratory diseases.

It eliminates diphtheria, tuberculosis bacilli, staphylococci and streptococci.

The aromas emitted by trees, leaves and flowers are beneficial for the psyche, relieve fatigue and tension, and promote healthy and sound sleep.

24. Laurel ideal for the bedroom. In the old days, it was customary to hang its branches at the head of infants' cribs.

Laurel phytoncides:

  • Improves the health of the air;
  • beneficial for the nervous system, soothing and relaxing;
  • relieve migraine pain, intestinal spasms;
  • improves .

Important! Any of the plants listed above, despite all their usefulness, may cause allergies, due to individual intolerance.


The environment is so polluted that there is no escape anywhere from harmful household substances that lead to asthma, allergies, inflammation and even cancer. Natural helpers cleanse the air of toxins, ionize and moisturize it, enrich it with oxygen and disinfect it.

No air conditioner or filter can compare in efficiency and benefits with indoor plants. The bedroom especially needs a green pharmacy, because we spend a third of our lives in it.

Decorate your bedroom useful plants and sleep in a comfortable and healthy environment.

Have a good night's sleep and great rest!

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

We plan to publish:

  • Plants are vampires.
  • Plants can empathize with all living things.
  • Which plants produce negative and which positive ions.

We decorate our apartments and houses with flowers that visually refresh them and make them more cozy. However, we should not forget that indoor plants have a number of beneficial properties that we should remember. The editors of WANT.ua will tell you about the most oxygen-rich plants that really need to be placed in the room where the whole family is awake and resting.

Oxygen plants: chlorophytum

A houseplant called chlorophytum is called the best health booster for a living space. It perfectly absorbs the release of colorless formaldehyde gas, which can enter oxygen from wooden parts of furniture. IN Everyday life it is often found in other sources, causing harm to health. That's why the best remedy A pot of chlorophytum can be used against unhealthy secretions. By the way, we often associate this plant with educational and government institutions, where you will most often find it. Because of Soviet memories, many abandoned it, but this was in vain. Just transplant the flower into a beautiful flowerpot and enjoy the clean air.

If you place chlorophytum in the kitchen, it will act on the principle of extraction, purifying oxygen from gas and burning smell.

Oxygen plants: chamedorea

Hamedoria is often grown as ornamental plant, vaguely reminiscent of palm leaves. However, not everyone knows that this plant easily absorbs harmful and toxic substances that accumulate in the apartment throughout the day. In the modern world, it is impossible to protect yourself from smoke, benzene and harmful volatile liquids that enter our house from the highway directly through the window. But there is a way out, and it is very simple - you just need to put a flowerpot with chamedoria in your apartment. It is only important to remember that this flower is best kept in the shade so that the sun does not burn its leaves.

Oxygen plants: ficus

The list of oxygen plants cannot be complete without the famous ficus. Everyone remembers it clearly and often places it in the living room or kitchen. And they do it extremely wisely, because ficus cleanses the air of toxins, and also attracts dust from environment. Therefore, the leaves of this plant should be wiped with a damp cloth. This home flower perfectly humidifies the air and also releases oxygen in sunlight. The latter, by the way, suggests that at night they, on the contrary, absorb oxygen, so ficus has no place in the bedroom.

Oxygen plants: Sansevieria

A plant with a funny popular name “mother-in-law’s tongue” can now rarely be found in modern apartments, again due to certain Soviet associations. But it was absolutely unfairly discredited, because Sansevieria literally produces oxygen for the rooms in which it is located. An even more amazing function of this plant is that it helps improve a person’s immunity and protects him from colds. Sansevieria also protects against harmful toxins that can be released from linoleum. The word is truly a magical home flower.

Oxygen plants: geranium

Geranium is a flowering alternative to any antidepressant. The aroma of this plant can relieve neurosis, insomnia, stress and nervous tension. And a substance called geraniol, which this flower secretes, can kill any bacteria and destroy nasty staphylococcal and streptococcal viruses. It is worth noting that geranium can also absorb colorless poisonous gas, and also renew stale air, which often becomes a problem in small apartments.

Oxygen plants: aloe

Never remove aloe from your apartment, even if you want to replace it with another more fashionable plant. By placing aloe in the bedroom, you will find a friend who will regularly absorb carbon dioxide - it causes drowsiness and weakness in people indoors. This plant also removes electricity in the room. And, of course, we should not forget that the aloe plant is medicinal - its juice treats colds and can help relieve colds.

The question arose: are flowers really as useful as they are talked about in the non-scientific environment. There's talk of takeover everywhere carbon dioxide and oxygen release - but no quantitative data are provided.

First of all, about photosynthesis. It is possible only in the daytime, so oxygen is released by plants only in daylight or using a special lamp. At night, oxygen is absorbed by the leaves of the plant. This is what they write in biology journals and other sources:
- Feoktistova N.Yu. Night life of plants / Moscow: September 1 publishing house, Biology magazine, No. 22, 2004;
- Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. Respiration of plants / St. Petersburg: Delo Publishing House, 1899.

Why we don’t know this: because in all biology textbooks they write about the daytime mechanism for obtaining oxygen by a plant, but they forget about the nighttime mechanism. There is no sun at night, how can a plant produce energy to maintain life? Oxidize the glucose/starch that they prepared during daytime photosynthesis from carbon dioxide - in order to survive the next night (oxygen during photosynthesis is an excess product, and at night it is a missing product). And now we remember: during a nuclear winter, trees die. There is no sun - they are struggling to absorb oxygen and glucose - the glucose has run out - chemical processes are disrupted - a slow end is coming.

Now about the numbers:
- in the article by F.A. Brockhaus and I.A Efron (the formulas are also there) there are references to the literature with experiments conducted, from which it follows that the plant always breathes, and the volume of carbon dioxide released is tied to the volume of the object that emits it. During photosynthesis, oxygen comes in excess - and that is the only reason why some of the oxygen is released into the atmosphere;
- this work provides a link between the oxygen released and the leaf area, while half of it is spent on the vital activity of the plant itself (only using the example of red cedar): Samarpan Foundation. The value of a tree / India, Bangalore: Media Release of 24 July 1998 by the Kooragang Wetland Rehabilitation Project, Newcastle, New South Wales.

As far as I understand, the plant goes into a kind of hibernation state at night, when the total oxygen consumption during the night is less than the difference between the release and consumption of oxygen during the day. The difference factor is unknown. To be tied to the volume of the sheet or to the area is also a question.

Since no experiments were carried out specifically with plants, we can only make an approximate calculation by looking at the anthurium and simplifying its parameters for convenience and maximum results:
- green leaf there is a triangle with sides 10, 24 and 24 centimeters. Quantity - 10;
- a red flower has a circle with a diameter of 10 cm. Quantity - 5;
- objects emit oxygen on one side, on which the sun falls, and the entire plant is illuminated by the sun all day long;
- flowers are 2 times more active than leaves;
- the thickness of objects is 1 mm (getting rid of the question “area or volume” when calculating the area of ​​a plant in millimeters);
- for each square meter green leaves release 5 moles of oxygen per day;
- the plant spends 50% of oxygen on servicing itself during the daytime and 0% at night (to simplify);
- additional literature on human physiology: Pokrovsky V.M., Korotko G.F. Human physiology / Moscow: Meditsina Publishing House, 2003.;
- textbook on inorganic chemistry.

The sheet area, according to Heron's formula, is 11737 mm 2. Flower area 7854mm 2. The total area of ​​the flower, in terms of foliage, is 195910mm2 (0.196m2). The total release of oxygen per day, taking into account daily self-sufficiency, is 0.49 mol, corresponding to ~8g. In one breath, a person consumes 500 ml of air, 101 ml of oxygen (20.1% in the atmosphere) - 0.143 grams (density 1430 g/m3). This means that a person will consume the daily volume of oxygen from one anthurium in 56 breaths, 14 breaths per minute - in 4 minutes.

So, neglecting the physiology of the plant (oxygen absorption at night), one plant is able to provide oxygen to a person for only 4 minutes, and without neglecting it - even less (2?). Let me draw your attention to the fact that anthurium has huge leaves and flowers, which means that other flowers on the windowsill are even less useful.

What is not covered in this article: other positive or negative properties of plants. There are plants that ionize or aromatize the air; there are radiation absorbers (by the way, isn’t it a myth) - this is a cactus. And there are those that release poison onto the stem and leaves (adenium), and even worse, into the air (all types of lilies, there is no specific antidote). By the way, the aromatizing effect (to attract insects) confuses flower lovers: they think that a lot of oxygen has been released; and according to the formulas, this is how it turns out...

- the benefits of flowers are very doubtful from the point of view of numbers, plant physiology and human physiology;
- the harm can be acute or chronic: eating one adenium leaf can be enough to send a person to the next world. Now type “adenium” into a search engine and see how many people want to grow it. What if the child chews, or the cat chews, or the husband eats because he is hungry? By the way, cacti can be eaten; I tried it at one time, delicious. Quenches thirst perfectly;
- Plants absorb oxygen throughout their lives. Deprived of light, the plant begins to take oxygen from the environment. If the sun disappears as a result of nuclear winter, all the plants on the planet will greatly harm us before their own death.

And most importantly: if the effect of indoor plants on the release of oxygen is so small, the likelihood that other chemical effects are equally small is high (absorption of the same formaldehyde). Sundew, for example, doesn’t even have enough of its own abilities - and it eats flies.

(added 10/29/2016) Another calculation of oxygen per day for anthurium. According to the Mendeleev-Clapeyron formula: 8g of oxygen - 0.006087075m3. It is difficult to find the acceptable range of the percentage of oxygen for breathing - % was found, 21% - the transition from the room zone to the forest zone. Having chosen the minimum limit of the range: for a room of 54m 3 we have 11.07 m 3 of oxygen. This means anthurium, if you don't bother him with your breathing, will increase the amount of oxygen in the room per day by 0.011%. It will take 44.5 huge anthuriums to even bring the air in the room to the border of environmentally friendly - a whole greenhouse. And only after a day will you be able to start breathing.

Many people are not aware of the incredible ability of houseplants to influence the microclimate. Plants create a comfortable atmosphere, stabilize air humidity and saturate it with oxygen so that small children and people with allergies can breathe safely.

We think it is worth making sure that there are plants near us that create more comfortable conditions. Therefore, carefully read the selection of indoor plants that create an ideal microclimate in the house. And rejoice if you already have them!

5 plants that take excess moisture from the air


Flower female happiness, or white sail - there is a belief that the plant brings happiness and love to the house. Spathiphyllum not only absorbs excess moisture, normalizing the climate in the house, but also destroys mold spores.

The plant feels great in the bathroom at an air temperature of +18 °C.

Coffee tree (Coffea)

Of the nearly 100 species, people most often grow Arabian and Congolese coffee trees, which produce Arabica and Robusta varieties. The first fruits appear in 5–6 years, so it is better to buy an adult plant.

Loves good watering and partial shade, absorbs excess moisture from the air and fills it with a tropical scent during flowering.

Myrtle (Myrtus)

Symbol of peace and pleasure. In the past, people believed that the tree was sacred: it restored youth to old people, and gave travelers vigor and spirit.

Today we know that myrtle in the house not only restores a normal microclimate, but also takes care of health: phytoncides secreted by the leaves and flowers of myrtle kill microbes in the air.

Laurel (Laurus nobilis)

In ancient times, laurel was loved by herbivorous dinosaurs, who were the least likely to resist when attacked by predators. Thus, the predator, choosing an easy prey, immediately received a meal with seasoning. People considered the laurel a symbol of glory, victory and greatness.

The plant comes from the subtropics, so it loves moist air, partial shade and abundant watering. warm water. Absorbing moisture from the air, it forms a normal microclimate. Bay leaves can be dried and used in cooking.

Lemon (Citrus limon)

Lemon is a plant that is pleasant in all respects: during flowering, it fills the air with a citrus aroma and draws excess moisture from the air. The leaves release a huge amount of healing substances, sterilizing the space around them.

The tree loves sunbathing, regular watering and dry soil. The Pavlovsk variety produces the most lemons throughout the year.

5 plants that humidify dry air

Cypress (Chamaecyparis)

In Japan, cypress is considered a sacred tree: they believe that the souls of the dead and gods settle in them. This evergreen refreshes the interior with its appearance, humidifies the air, fights dust and relieves attacks of headaches and migraines. In return, partial shade and regular watering are expected.


Or a pike tail, or mother-in-law's tongue. This plant does incredible things with the air: it moisturizes it, produces huge amounts of oxygen (for its size) and neutralizes harmful fumes emitted by synthetic materials.

It is easy to care for: it stores moisture in the leaves and does not require abundant watering. It will fit perfectly in any corner of the house.


Most popular home plant. Humidifies the air, saturates it with oxygen, neutralizes toxins and viruses, and traps dust with the help of wide leaves. Loves large rooms and partial shade.

Ficus benjamina, named after the British botanist and a symbol of the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, is often found in homes. It is unpretentious, grows quickly, but does not like drafts and excessive watering.


Some call it indoor grapes for its relationship with grapes, others - with birch because of the leaves reminiscent of birch. Exception: Cissus quadrangularis. In its behavior, it resembles ivy: it quickly wraps its tendrils around any support on its way to the light.

Easily adapts to dry air, gradually moisturizing it, but needs partial shade and regular wet showers.


A spectacular plant, each species of which looks original. Kalanchoe, originally from Madagascar, feels great only in rooms with dry air: it accumulates moisture in the leaves and regulates the climate in the apartment.

It should not be watered abundantly, but it must be kept in a sunny place.