Coffee tree: care and cultivation of an indoor flower at home. Basic rules for growing a coffee tree at home

Our flower growers have already learned to grow a variety of plants at home. From the most common compact flowers, to tropical vines. Many people want to try growing something exotic and the coffee tree is ideal for growing at home. There are different types of this plant, but if we decide to grow it, then the most suitable one will be Arabica coffee.

Coffee tree scripture

The foliage of the coffee tree is not small, fleshy and has a greenish tint. Flowering begins and the plant produces an umbrella-like inflorescence consisting of approximately 76 flowers. The flowers are white on small roots and appear on young annual stems. The fruits of the plant consist of two seeds, round in shape, initially having a yellow tint, turning into green. And the ripe fruits of the coffee tree are red. When the fruit ripens, it is covered with a crust on the outside, and inside is filled with sweetish, slightly sour pulp and a pair of seeds about 13 mm in length.

A home-grown coffee tree has beneficial properties. It can purify the air from harmful substances, increase and improve a person’s energy capabilities, reduce and relieve stress and put the nervous system in order.

Beneficial properties of coffee

It has diuretic properties, therefore preventing the formation of kidney stones.

The benefits of coffee are used to prevent constipation. The plant fiber contained in grains helps with this. Caffeine increases the acidity of gastric juice and stimulates increased liver function and bile production.

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, increasing efficiency, tones the body and eliminates drowsiness and headaches. The effect lasts 3–4 hours.

The benefit of coffee for the respiratory system during bronchitis and pneumonia is the removal of phlegm, due to the content of tannins. In combination with lemon and honey, it strengthens the immune system, suppresses viruses, and enhances the antioxidant effect.

A sugar-free drink is beneficial for the female body when losing weight. It promotes fat burning during exercise due to the increased tone and performance caused by caffeine.

Coffee is known to be beneficial for hypotension, as it increases blood pressure.

The drink prevents Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases due to stimulation of the central nervous system. Drinking coffee prevents the destruction of brain cells.

What are the benefits of coffee? Caffeine enhances the effect of medications such as Aspirin and Paracetamol, increasing the load on the liver.

The drink helps with poisoning due to its antioxidant effect. Helps remove toxins from the body.

Caffeine, when consumed in moderation (up to 300 ml per day), restores damaged liver cells, preventing cirrhosis.

Types of coffee tree to grow at home

The following types of coffee trees can be grown at home:

  • Arabian coffee. This is a favorite variety of many gardeners. The plant reaches a height of no more than 2 m. The leaves are slightly elongated, the flowers are white, small and very fragrant. It can bloom several times a year. The fruit is small, red, with 2-3 seeds inside. This variety has several varieties. The species called Nana is especially small and suitable for apartments.
  • Liberian coffee. This variety is larger, tall with large leaves (up to 40 cm). Due to its size, it is not often grown in apartments. The flowers are white, the fruits are yellowish-red with large seeds.
  • Robusta. Low grade. The leaves are bright green, with veins and slight fluff. The flowers are white and fragrant.

Coffee tree from cuttings

The substrate for planting cuttings should be light, allowing easy penetration of water and air. A mixture of peat and coarse sand (or perlite) works well. If you plant several coffee cuttings in one container, make sure that they do not touch or shade each other. For successful rooting they need bright (diffused) light. You also need a fairly high temperature of +25-27 degrees. Therefore, you need to start rooting the cuttings in the warm season, when there is no need for special heated mini-greenhouses, but cover the cuttings with a glass cap ( glass jar will do) or plastic bag definitely necessary. A sign of rooting is the appearance of a new bud at the top of the cutting. When a couple of new leaves appear, the plant can be transplanted into a permanent pot.

Coffee bean tree

You can grow a coffee tree from purchased green coffee beans (not roasted). Before soaking a coffee bean for germination, its shell is destroyed (deeply scratched). Then they proceed in this order: the scarified coffee bean can be soaked overnight before planting in a growth stimulator (“Epin”, “Emistim”, “Zircon”); for planting, prepare a deep pot with loose, slightly moist soil mixture and drainage at the bottom; grains are planted in the ground to a depth of 3-4 cm (the distance between planted grains is 3-5 cm); the soil with planted coffee seeds is watered and covered with glass or a plastic bag; the pot is placed in a warm room: the higher the temperature, the faster the shoots will emerge; glass or film is removed from the pot twice a week, condensation is shaken off and the crops are ventilated.

After a year, coffee seeds almost lose their viability; their growth energy is defined as 3% out of 100. Therefore, if a grower has obtained dry green coffee beans, then when soaked in stimulants and prolonged wet germination, 2-3 grains out of a hundred may hatch. A coffee seed from a neighbor's window tree is much more likely to germinate. Such grain will be fresh, in a burgundy shell. The seed is visually divided in two, and a separate coffee seedling will sprout from each half of the grain.

Replanting a coffee tree

If everything was done correctly, the first shoots will appear within the next 4-6 weeks. As soon as the plant reaches a height of 2-3 cm, it already needs to be accustomed to room temperature. First you need to increase the ventilation time by 2-3 times. Every day the ventilation time must be increased in order to reduce the time the plant stays in the greenhouse to zero within a month. In principle, by that time (2-2.5 months after planting) a small coffee tree with 3-5 fully developed leaves will have already been formed, which needs to be transplanted into its own individual pot. The diameter of the first pot for a coffee tree should be at least 15 cm with a height of about 20-22 cm. Just like a pot for seedlings, it should be one third filled with drainage, which is expanded clay or small crushed stone. The soil level should be 1.5-2 cm below the height of the walls of the pot.

It is best to choose clay or ceramics as the pot material, since additional air supply to the roots will not hurt, however, since the root system when grown at home is very close to the surface, this does not play a special role.

Coffee tree care

Growing a coffee tree at home means that the gardener will carefully observe certain features. It is important to remember that this plant cannot coexist with other crops, although it is considered quite unpretentious.

Where to put the coffee tree

A young indoor coffee tree requires a lot of light, so it is best to place the pot on a windowsill in a warm room. Coffee also grows well on a north-facing window, but a south-facing window is best suited for it. One of the most important requirements is not to change the location of the plant and not to rotate the pot. This will cause the leaves to fall, and the flowering tree may lose its buds and subsequently fail to produce fruit.

Temperature conditions for growing coffee trees

For normal growth and development in the spring-summer period, the plant requires normal room temperature. In winter, the room where it is located should be cooler, namely from 14 to 15 degrees. It should be remembered that the temperature should not be allowed to drop below 12 degrees.

Watering a coffee tree

Water the coffee sparingly but regularly. The top layer of soil that has dried by 1-3 cm is a signal for the next watering. Use only settled soft water. Hard water with a high salt content is unfavorable for the plant - the coffee tree will begin to hurt over time. Coffee prefers moist air. Provide desired humidity(60-70%) can be done using a humidifier. Many sources advise posting flower pot on a tray with pebbles filled with water. Such a measure will not be able to ensure required humidity, since for high-quality humidification you need to evaporate at least 1.5-2 liters per day every day.

Help maintain optimal humidity can be regularly sprayed with purified or boiled water, the temperature of which is a couple of degrees higher than room temperature. IN summer time A warm shower is very helpful.

Feeding the coffee tree

It is better to use mineral liquid fertilizers as top dressing; it is recommended to apply them once every two weeks from April to September, i.e. during the period of most active growth. Complex mineral fertilizer is suitable as a top dressing. For best results, it is recommended to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. From the second half of autumn until next spring there is no need to feed the plant.

Formation of the crown of a coffee tree

In the first year, the plant rises as a seedling 20-25 cm. During the growing season, axillary buds emerge from the seedling, from which lateral branches are subsequently formed. Buds also appear on the side branches, and branches of the third order grow from them. The coffee tree begins to actively grow its crown in the second year of the growing season - it does not require adjustment or pruning. The branches of the coffee tree grow perpendicular to the trunk, and the crown of the crown turns out to be wide and lush. Mature plant can be shaped by trimming and pinching. This is usually done in the following cases: when the main skeletal branches are strongly spread to the sides and do not fit into the indoor space allocated for the plant’s life; when excessive crown density reduces the lighting of the plant; when you need to take green cuttings for planting new plants.

Coffee tree disease

The most common diseases and pests found on coffee trees are:

Sooty fungus. Sooty fungus most often affects young and weak plants. It occurs if the room is poorly ventilated or the air humidity is too high. The fungus clogs the pores, disrupts the photosynthesis process, and as a result, the leaves become brown and gray. You need to fight the fungus with ventilation and insecticides.

Shield. Small insects that attack indoor flowers. They leave small gray spots on the leaves. You can also see the insects themselves on the stems and in the soil. You can fight scale insects mechanical cleaning, spraying with disinfecting solutions.

Leaf spotting. A fungal disease that is practically untreatable. First, spots appear, then the leaves quickly fall off and the tree dies. Damaged leaves and shoots must be removed.

Rust. This fungal disease associated with improper care and high humidity soil. The leaves begin to turn yellow and brown spots appear on them. Some varieties are immune to this disease. You can fight the fungus with the help of special preparations and spraying.

Bacterial damage to leaves. Typically, bacterial infection begins through a damaged trunk. The leaves on the plant begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off. To get rid of the disease, the affected trunk must be cleaned and treated with disinfectants.

Coffee trees can become infested from other houseplants, so they should be inspected regularly for spots and larvae. At proper care the likelihood of illness is reduced to a minimum.

The coffee tree, whose homeland is considered to be Ethiopia, later coffee traveled across countries and came to Europe, where it was successfully cultivated when cared for at home.

The coffee family has about 40 species. The most significant are Liberian, Congolese, Arabian and high. These are representatives of the Rubiaceae family.

General information

The foliage of the coffee tree is not small, fleshy and has a greenish tint. Flowering begins and the plant produces an umbrella-like inflorescence consisting of approximately 76 flowers.

The flowers are white on small roots and appear on young annual stems. The fruits of the plant consist of two seeds, round in shape, initially having a yellow tint, turning into green. And the ripe fruits of the coffee tree are red. When the fruit ripens, it is covered with a crust on the outside, and inside is filled with sweetish, slightly sour pulp and a pair of seeds about 13 mm in length.

Home-grown coffee trees have beneficial properties. It can purify the air from harmful substances, increase and improve a person’s energy capabilities, reduce and relieve stress and put the nervous system in order.

Types of coffee trees

Arabian type of coffee , popular for indoor growing, is a compact tree. The leaves are shaped like an elongated ellipse with a dark olive tint, glossy on the outside and pale on the inside. The inflorescences are small, about 2 centimeters in diameter, collected in a bouquet. The size of the inflorescences directly depends on the growing conditions.

Once opened, flowers remain fresh for only a few hours. But the buds gradually open, not all at once. After the inflorescences fade, the fruit ripens in the form of a berry; when ripe it has a burgundy hue. Ripening occurs approximately 8 months after pollination. The paired fruits resemble round beans. This species reaches a height of up to 5 meters.

This is a neat plant, reaching a height of about 85 cm. It blooms profusely and subsequently bears fruit well at home. The tree can be given the desired design by trimming and pinching the tops of the plant.

Also grown indoors. Its ripe fruits have a scarlet or sunny slightly orange tint. The length of its leaves reaches up to 40 cm, and the height is adjusted and the required shape is formed by trimming the crown of the plant. The inflorescence has a light shade and large fruits- berries.

Caring for a coffee tree at home

The plant does not tolerate drafts and changes temperature regime. With proper care, you will enjoy fresh homemade coffee all year long.

The coffee tree prefers abundant, diffused lighting. The optimal location would be the southern part of the room. Constant ventilation is required winter period and preferable cultivation on loggias or terraces in the warm season. During heating season It is necessary to place the plant away from the battery to avoid drying out the tips of the leaves. If there is insufficient lighting, it is necessary to use an artificial lamp.

The air temperature for the plant in summer should not exceed 25 degrees, and in winter it should not drop below 15 degrees. If you do not comply with the temperature conditions, the plant may lose its leaves and drop its buds.

The plant prefers regular spraying, and in the summer the plant needs to have a warm shower, this helps well with growth and active flowering. The humidity in the room should be high.

Watering in the summer is regular, allowing only one centimeter of the soil layer to dry out, and winter time should be reduced by one per week. Water for irrigation should be soft and settled, without limescale, otherwise the plant may start to hurt.

Fertilizer for coffee tree

During the period of active development and flowering, the plant must be fed once every 14 days. For this purpose, fertilizing is necessary with potassium and nitrogen content. Or special fertilizer for azaleas.

In the cold season, the plant's fertilizer should be removed completely.

Transplanting a coffee tree at home

Young individuals need replanting constantly, that is, every year; plants up to three years old are considered such. Older plants need to be replanted once every two to three years. The plant needs a high capacity.

After replanting, the plant should be placed in a slightly shaded place and given time to adapt, remembering to spray regularly. When replanting, it is necessary to place good drainage at the bottom of the container.

Soil for coffee tree

The soil for the plant requires loose, acidic peat, coarse sand and humus, and with the addition of crushed charcoal, all in equal proportions.

Pruning a coffee tree at home

The plant is pruned as needed, dried leaves and stems are removed, and the necessary crown is formed by cutting off overgrown branches, giving them the required length.

Coffee tree propagation

How to grow a coffee tree at home, many people ask this question. This can be done using seeds and cuttings.

It is possible to grow a tree from coffee beans with your own hands. Instead of soil for sowing, use coarse sand or perlite.

Coffee tree from seeds

Before sowing, the grains must be peeled and soaked in a light solution of potassium permanganate. After this, we sow it into the ground a couple of centimeters deep. Spraying periodically.

After one month, the first seedlings appear. When the first pair of leaves begin to appear, the plants are planted in separate containers.

Coffee tree cuttings

For this procedure, shoots about 8 cm long with a pair of buds are cut and planted in loose soil consisting of leaf, turf soil and sand in the same proportion. After this, we plant the cuttings there and adhere to optimal temperature for rooting within 27 degrees.

The container with cuttings must be covered with a transparent film. Periodically unforgettable, open and spray. After rooting, it is necessary to plant in permanent containers.

  • Why do coffee tree leaves fall and brown spots appear? - this indicates a lack of soil moisture.
  • Necrosis of coffee tree leaves - occurs as a result of a lack of phosphorus and potassium, lack of light or dry air in the room. A sudden change in temperature in the room may also be the cause. With insufficient phosphorus fertilization, the plant slows down in development and leads to yellowing and falling leaves.

Coffee is the favorite drink of a huge number of people. Despite its fairly long history of use, its widespread use has only recently occurred. Coffee is obtained from the dried and roasted fruits of the coffee tree, which grows mainly in the equatorial and tropical latitudes of our planet. However, with due effort, you can grow a coffee tree at home.

general description

Coffee trees belong to the Rubiaceae family. Traditionally, they are divided into several types according to the type of grains obtained. For the consumer, the difference comes down to taste. Most coffee comes from a plant called Arabian coffee (or Arabica)., the second most popular type of Congolese coffee (or Robusta). The taste of the latter has a fairly pronounced sourness.

Typically, Arabica is a short-growing plant, and Robusta is a tall plant.. But in different conditions cultivation options are quite possible when the growth of Arabica is not inferior to the growth of Robusta (for example, Arabica grown in the Hawaiian Islands).

The fruits of the coffee tree, or coffee beans, are structured exactly the same for all representatives of coffee trees and differ only in size and flavor. The core of coffee beans, actually the seed of the fruit, is the very substance from which the well-known drink is obtained. Depending on the type of coffee tree, from each of them you can get from 0.2 to 10 kg of coffee beans per season.

There are about a hundred species of the Rubiaceae family in the world, growing in different parts of the globe.

Some of them can be adapted for growing at home in our area. The main problem in cultivation is not to create for the coffee tree temperature conditions or lighting conditions; coffee thrives at temperatures from +20°C to +24°C and can be grown in the shade.

The problem is creating the necessary atmospheric pressure for growing coffee, because in natural conditions it grows at altitudes from 900 to 2500 meters above sea level; and this is neither more nor less, a few hundred millimeters of mercury difference. However, this is only critical for industrial cultivation coffee. We're not chasing a bountiful harvest coffee in a temperate continental climate?

Preparing the soil for cultivation

Loves coffee acidic soils, which corresponds to the conditions of his homeland. The pH level for coffee should be between 4.5 and 5.5. At the same time, some gardeners recommend using soils for azaleas, hydrangeas or rhododendrons for coffee trees at home. However, you should pay attention to the acidity level.

Sometimes inexperienced gardeners purchase soil suitable for growing citrus fruits for a coffee tree. It is only partially suitable for the coffee tree, since its composition is acceptable, but it is more neutral than slightly acidic. You also need to know that approximately six months to a year after the start of active growing season, the soil under the coffee tree changes its composition and ceases to be acidic, shifting to neutral acidity.

In both of the considered cases, to ensure a normal level of acidity for coffee, it is recommended to “acidify” the soil once a month. This is best done using in a concentration of 3-4 drops per 1 liter of water. If you don't have lemon on hand, you can use citric acid(2-3 grains per 1 liter of water).

The roots of the coffee tree are quite long, penetrating deeply into the soil. To provide them with sufficient provision nutrients and air, it is necessary to use well-drained and loose compounds. The matted soil must be loosened and humus or peat added to it (depending on the acidity).

You can prepare the soil yourself. For this you will need:

  • turf soil – 1 part
  • leaf soil - 1 part
  • humus - 1 part
  • coarse river sand – 1 part
  • peat – 2 parts

Planting coffee seeds

Coffee can be grown either from seeds or from cuttings. Cuttings, of course, are preferable, since it is quite possible to make it bloom and bear fruit in the first year, however, they are not always possible to find.

Coffee seeds have relatively good germination, but only in the first days, sometimes weeks after being picked from the branches. Over time, germination deteriorates significantly. Therefore, if you buy grains for planting, their quantity should be quite large.

The percentage of germinated seeds for coffee is generally considered to be around 10%.

Prepare seeds for planting as follows: the grain is peeled from the outer shell and soaked in a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate. After which it is dried and planted in a small individual pot.

Later, when the shoot grows enough, it is transplanted into a stationary pot. The composition of the soil in pots should be the same as for growing an adult tree.

Planting is carried out according to the standard scheme: a third of the small pot is drainage (egg shells, small pebbles, gravel), then soil is laid in which a hole 1 cm deep is made. The grain is placed in this hole with the flat side down and covered with a layer of soil. This position of the grain will allow it to break through to the surface with less problems.

After planting, it is recommended to create grains greenhouse conditions(humidity about 90-95%, temperature about +25°C). Such conditions can be achieved either in a mini-greenhouse, or by placing pots with grains in the sun and covering them with plastic film or glass. Once a day it is necessary to ventilate the soil surface by removing the film or glass for 5-10 minutes.

Planted grains are watered abundantly, however, watering must be done using a tray. It is prohibited to pour water from above onto the ground. Watering is carried out once every 2-3 days; The criterion for the need for watering is dry soil on top of the pot. The soil should not be allowed to dry out.

First transplant

If everything was done correctly, the first shoots will appear within the next 4-6 weeks. As soon as the plant reaches a height of 2-3 cm, it must be accustomed to room temperature. First you need to increase the ventilation time by 2-3 times.

Every day the ventilation time must be increased in order to reduce the time the plant stays in the greenhouse to zero within a month. In principle, by that time (2-2.5 months after planting) a small coffee tree with 3-5 fully developed leaves will have already been formed, which needs to be transplanted into its own individual pot.

The diameter of the first pot for the coffee tree should be at least 15 cm with a height of about 20-22 cm. Just like a pot for seedlings, it should be one-third filled with drainage, which is already expanded clay or small crushed stone. The soil level should be 1.5-2 cm below the height of the walls of the pot.

It is best to choose clay or ceramics as the pot material, since additional air supply to the roots will not hurt, however, since the root system when grown at home is very close to the surface, this does not play a special role.

Plant care

Conditions of detention

The living conditions of the coffee tree are quite simple: in summer the temperature should be between +22°C and +25°C, and in winter at least +15°C. Lowering the temperature is detrimental to the plant.

However, you should also not exceed temperatures above +25°C: In its natural habitat, coffee grows in shade or partial shade more than tall plants, therefore, despite the equatorial climate, it constantly remains in average temperatures. An increase in temperature also has a detrimental effect on the condition of the tree, as it leads to the evaporation of moisture from the leaves and their yellowing, followed by death.

On the other hand, you should not place the plant on east or west windows either.– after all, in our climate the amount of sunlight is less than at the equator. That's why ideal option there will be the use of partial shade or a diffuser (for example, in the form of curtains) on the southern windows. As a rule, artificial light for coffee is not used during the active growing season.

The coffee must not be rearranged or moved. The only exception is when the tree is replanted. It should be remembered that even a slight rotation of the tree around its axis can lead to the cessation of flowering and the fall of leaves.

Flowering of a coffee tree grown from beans usually occurs in the 3-4th year of cultivation. By this time, the plants will already be quite tall and will have already been replanted at least twice. Sometimes recommended flowering plants Provide direct sunlight for 1-2 hours a day.

Naturally, the pot with the plant remains in place; all obstacles between the tree and the Sun are simply removed.


Coffee loves moisture very much. Watering should be sufficient in both winter and summer. The criterion for the need for watering is the formation of a crust on the top layer of soil. Usually, in the summer, 1 watering every 2-3 days is sufficient. In winter, watering is reduced to once every 5-6 days. Do not over-water the soil– like most plants, coffee does not like stagnation of water in the roots.

This should be done in the morning or evening. Moisture should not be removed from the leaves after the procedure. Both watering and spraying are carried out with settled or boiled water room temperature. This must be done to avoid any alkali getting into the plant and soil; After all, it should be remembered that the coffee plant is “sour”.


The ideal fertilizer for a coffee tree is mineral liquid fertilizers for citrus fruits, sold in any flower shop.

As a preventative measure, such fertilizers are applied every 15 days during the most active growth of green mass (from April to September). During flowering, it is recommended to double this dose.

You also need to remember that all crops that prefer acidic soils sooner or later “eat away” almost all the iron from the substrate in which they live. Therefore, it is necessary for plants to compensate for the lack of this element; To do this, once a year (for young plants - every six months) it is necessary to add iron preparations to the soil in the required dosage.

Subsequent transplants The plant quickly selects all the necessary substances from the substrate, it has a high growth rate of the root system, so it requires annual replanting.

After 3-4 years, replanting can be done every 2 or 3 years, annually only changing the top layer of the substrate.

It is recommended to use soil for azaleas (or any other similar plants) for the first two transplants, and subsequent transplants to be done in soil prepared independently with the addition of additional raising agents (sphagnum moss).

Flowering and fruiting Usually, before the first flowering, the coffee tree is pruned a little. This procedure has two purposes: form plants and stimulate them to flower. Typically, flowering occurs when the plant height is between 50 and 60 cm.

There are two methods of circumcision, each of which has its own goals. Either the growth cone is removed to ensure greater branching of the tree, or, conversely, the lowest branches are removed so that the plant accelerates its growth.

Traditionally, the first method is used more often when the plant’s growth exceeds 60 cm. The best time to carry out the procedure is early April, 1-2 weeks before the active growing season.

Approximately 1-2 weeks after pruning the plant, tendrils appear in the axils of the leaves. Green colour. These are the beginnings of future buds. Often their number is very large, from a few pieces to two dozen. It takes about a month for the buds to form, after which they bloom within 1-2 days.

Fruit ripening occurs within approximately six months. The beans remain green until approximately February of the next year, then turn white, and after that they take on the color of ripe fruit. It can be brown, red or yellow.

In the first season, the harvest will be small - about 70-100 fruits; each fruit contains 2 coffee beans.

Drying of grains is carried out at a temperature of about +70 – +80°C. After which they should “rest” at room temperature for about 1-2 weeks on paper; The grains are placed in one layer.

The further procedure for preparing the grains is to fry them in a frying pan before purchasing them Brown. After this, they can be used to prepare a drink.

Propagation using cuttings

Cuttings must be made between the end of February and the beginning of March. On average, it takes about a month to root a cutting.

The advantages of cuttings over growing coffee from seeds are as follows:

  • rooting occurs in almost 100% of cases
  • unlike seed propagation, the plant inherits all the characteristics of the mother
  • flowering and fruiting may occur in the same year (but, nevertheless, more often occurs the next)
  • the fruits of the first harvest are larger and there are more of them
  • Cuttings are made from branches from the middle of the crown of an already fruit-bearing tree. The cutting is cut at a distance of about 3 cm from the first pair of leaves. At a distance of 3-5 mm from the cut, several additional cuts are made on the cutting, necessary for better education roots.
  • The cutting is placed for several hours in a solution of reteroauxin (a quarter of a tablet per 1-1.5 liters of water); A similar solution stimulates the formation of roots in the cuttings.
  • After which the cuttings are planted in a substrate (the same as that of the mother plant) to such a depth that the first leaves of the cutting touch the level of the substrate.
  • Next, the pot with the cutting is closed with a plastic bag, in which several holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm are made to provide air access.
  • Once a day, the cuttings are ventilated and watered by spraying the leaves with water at room temperature.
  • The plant should be in partial shade with a temperature between +22° - +25°C.

At the end of the root system formation procedure, it is necessary to transplant the cutting into its stationary pot. The transplant procedure is similar to that described earlier. After replanting, it is necessary to apply the usual fertilizing to ensure the growth of the green part of the plant.

Tree diseases

Coffee– the plant is quite hardy and, with proper care, its immune system copes well with diseases and pests, however, cases are different, so you should not hope that everything will work out.

Well-growing domestic trees

The main problem for the coffee tree– this is excessive dryness of both the substrate and the air. Maintaining these parameters must be monitored first.

In any case, you need to be prepared for any whims, since it is not always possible to replicate the conditions that correspond to natural conditions for a coffee tree.

Coffee diseases include the following:

Brown rust

Caused by a fungus of the genus Himelia. Externally, the leaves are covered with large brown spots, which turn brown in the middle, spreading to the entire leaf. They are often difficult to notice because the lower part of the leaf is affected.

To prevent leaf rust, you should inspect the leaves daily from all sides and, if the first symptoms appear, spray the plant with fungicides. At the same time, the fungus is capable long time

persist in the soil; it also needs to be treated with an antifungal agent. Sometimes the affected leaves have to be removed completely.

If the disease comes again, it is necessary not only to treat the plant, but also to transplant it into another container.

spotting Forms yellowness on the leaves, has high speed distribution and impact are more dangerous than leaf rust. In addition to the leaves, it damages the stem and fruits.

It helps to completely trim the affected areas and treat the remaining wood with Bordeaux mixture.

A disease caused by bacteria that results in leaf damage and a brown color. The leaves not only change color, but also become wrinkled and dry out quickly. After the leaves, the rest of the plant is affected.

To combat gommosis, it is necessary to remove the damaged areas, the rest is processed copper sulfate. The plant must be moved to another place (even despite the danger of partial loss of fruits and leaves) and its conditions of maintenance must be reviewed.

The coffee tree has special decorative properties and can decorate any interior, be it a home or an office. But the coffee tree can bear fruit, delighting with fragrant white flowers and red fruits. How to grow a coffee tree correctly: home care, diseases and possible problems will be discussed in detail in this article. Big harvest You can’t pick it from a homemade tree, but you can still enjoy a cup or two of homemade coffee.

Under industrial conditions, coffee trees bear fruit throughout the year. The height of trees usually does not exceed 2 m, at home - 1.5 m. The specificity of coffee trees is that their branches are arranged in tiers and do not branch very well. The leaves are slightly wavy, dark green, glossy. Attractive appearance is one of the advantages of the coffee tree, which allows you to grow the crop at least for the sake of spectacular greenery. Coffee blooms with small white or cream flowers collected in inflorescences. Often, fruits are set on the branches of a tree, fully ripe berries turn red, and flowering occurs. It is possible to collect no more than a glass of grains per year from a home tree. But amateur gardeners value the plant not for this, but for the opportunity to enjoy exotic beauty coffee tree at home.

Coffee tree care

The plant is difficult to propagate by cuttings, although this method is quite common. Best results gives seed propagation. The coffee tree has a powerful root system, so for planting take a pot of the required depth. If you take fruits for planting, you need to remove the pulp, wash the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dry them slightly. The substrate is a mixture of turf and leaf soil with the addition of sand. Prepared seeds are planted in holes 1 cm deep, well moistened and covered with film. Seeds germinate best at a temperature of 23-25°C. Twice a week the pot with seeds is ventilated and, if necessary, sprayed with a spray bottle. After a month and a half, shoots usually appear. The pot is placed in a bright place and the film is removed. When 2 pairs of leaves are formed, the seedlings are placed in individual pots. During the season they will have to be replanted a couple more times, and future trees will begin to bear fruit no earlier than the third year. Today you can buy an adult tree in the store, ready to bear fruit. This option is convenient if it is difficult to get seeds. In addition, only fresh seeds are suitable for planting, so it is better to purchase a ready-made coffee seedling for growing at home.

The maximum harvest can be achieved no earlier than 6-7 years. The plant feels comfortable at home and can please the eye for decades with proper care. In general, caring for a coffee tree at home is not difficult, diseases and pests do not bother you too much, and coffee is not famous for its special vagaries. True, not every variety is suitable for cultivation. Best in room conditions Arabian coffee grows and dwarf variety Nana.

The tree will begin to bear fruit earlier if the cuttings can be rooted, but this is not easy to do. Even if you treat the shoot with a root stimulating agent, the percentage of rooting will still be low.

The plant cannot be called whimsical, and growing coffee is easier than citrus fruits and any other exotics. The coffee tree needs good lighting, moderate humidity, stable temperature. The coffee tree feels great at a temperature of 18-25°C. It does not tolerate drought and stagnant water. It does not like drafts and immediately reacts to them by losing leaves. The plant also does not tolerate direct sun, but it will also do poorly in the shade. From March to October the plant is fed with organic or complex fertilizers. It is a good idea to feed the tree with compounds without calcium or with a low calcium content.

With increased dryness, the leaves of the plant begin to wither and curl. Drooping leaves also indicate the need for watering. The coffee tree responds well to spraying from a spray bottle. This procedure will not only be useful for the crown, but will also give the greenery shine, brightness and attractiveness.

To grow a healthy and strong coffee tree, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Every spring, remove dry shoots and excess branches that interfere with air exchange;
  • transplant mature tree necessary once every three years;
  • loosen the top layer of soil, preventing the appearance of a crust;
  • Apply fertilizers regularly during the active growing season.

You should not change the location of the pot too often, although gradually rotating the container in which the coffee is growing will help to form a uniform and beautiful crown. In general, the plant prefers soft and stable conditions. The fewer temperature changes the plant experiences, the better. In winter, it is advisable to reduce the room temperature to 18°C; if there is insufficient lighting in the cold season, the plant will have to be illuminated. Keep coffee near the radiator central heating highly undesirable. The plant does not tolerate dry air and may completely lose its foliage. Unlike deciduous representatives of the flora, coffee grows greenery rather poorly, so at the first signs of leaf wilting, it is necessary to increase air humidity and place the plant away from heating devices.

Fans of exotic animals know how difficult the winter period is for green pets. Exotic plants do not tolerate lack of light, cold and dry air. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible to reduce the negative impact of these factors on plants and create favorable conditions for them to winter. Since coffee trees do not have a clearly defined dormant period, in winter they simply try to water them less to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, and stop feeding them. In all other respects, caring for the plant remains the same as in the summer.

Problems when growing coffee

We looked at basic coffee tree care at home, learn about diseases and possible pests. The plant is resistant to pests and rarely bothers gardeners with diseases. However, if the air is too dry, the coffee tree may be attacked by scale insects. If infested severely, it leads to complete loss of leaves. On initial stage leaves lose their shine and may turn yellow. This usually happens in winter when the plant is near heating devices. It is necessary to treat the coffee tree with Actellik or other preparations of similar action and increase the air humidity.

Low air humidity also causes spider mite infestation. If thin cobwebs are found on the crown and foliage, you should wash the plant with a spray bottle or in the shower, after covering the soil with film. Special treatment is usually not required. If you increase the humidity, the problem will quickly disappear. In case of severe damage, the foliage is treated with a soap solution.

Excessive watering can lead to root rot. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to alternate root watering with spraying from a spray bottle.

When it comes to a plant like coffee, the lines of a simple song immediately come to mind: “I’ll pour myself an invigorating cup of coffee...”

Do you think it’s impossible to grow a handful of coffee beans for a cup of coffee? It’s completely possible and not even difficult at all.

The coffee tree is very beautiful in any condition. When it blooms, its aroma will not leave anyone indifferent; when there are no flowers, the plant is decorated with green, glossy, wavy leaves.

How to choose the right seedling?

Where to begin? The most realistic thing is going to the store. You will be offered a great variety of copies. Take your time. Choosing and purchasing a coffee seedling is a responsible matter.

  1. Take a good look at the appearance of the plant:
    • the color of the leaves should be bright green, without damage or spots;
    • there should be a lot of leaves on the plant;
    • absence of signs of diseases and insects.
  2. Read the variety label carefully:
    • C. arabica- a real coffee tree, it is grown as a houseplant;
    • nana– smaller in size, but blooms more readily. More decorative.
  3. For transportation in the cold season or in windy weather, pack the seedling well so as not to damage it on the way home.

Caring for the plant after purchase

The coffee tree requires special care at home, but is not very susceptible to disease. At home, do not place the plant directly next to your flowers. Give him a short quarantine and monitor his condition for a few days. Think carefully about where you will place your coffee permanent place residence. This is not an idle question.

Important! Coffee doesn't like being moved from place to place. It is not recommended to even rotate around its axis.

Coffee is mainly grown in the tropics. And we know that it is warm and humid there. Therefore, in the room where coffee grows, the temperature should be all year round stable, 18 - 20 degrees. There is no need to place the plant on the window if your winters are cold. This will lead to cooling of the earthen coma, and the plant may die.

Another reason why you shouldn't bet indoor plant“coffee tree” on the windowsill - the size of the plant itself. Over time it will grow and will reach one and a half meters in height. The crown of the coffee plant is spreading. No window sill is suitable for such a plant.

Ditto for good growth your pet will need constantly spray with water. It is better if this is a place next to the eastern or western window.

It is recommended to use soil for azaleas (or any other similar plants) for the first two transplants, and subsequent transplants to be done in soil prepared independently with the addition of additional raising agents (sphagnum moss).

If you organize proper care for the plant, it will thank you with flowers. Coffee blooms with small flowers. The flowers smell very delicate, elegant aroma.

Many coffee lovers, having smelled this aroma for the first time, purchase coffee seedlings thanks to the smell of the flowers.

Coffee tree at home blooms annually sometimes it can bloom twice a year. In spring and autumn.

Why doesn't the coffee tree bloom at home?

The flowering of coffee depends on how the plant is grown. If from a seed, you will have to wait several years (4-5 years) for flowering; if your seedling grew from a cutting of an already mature plant, it may bloom the next year. If the coffee does not bloom in due time, look for errors in care.

Artificial pollination is not required. The ovary occurs on almost every flower. The ovary looks like a small green pea. As the fruit grows, it turns red and then turns dark burgundy. The fruits ripen for a very long time, within 9 months.


How to transplant a coffee tree at home?

While the plant is small and gaining strength, it will have to be replanted almost every year in the spring. As they grow older and increase in volume transplantation can be carried out no more than once every three years, but annually change the top layer of soil to a more fertile one.

It is best to use ready-made soil mixture for replanting. If this is not possible, you can prepare it yourself. We take garden soil - 3 parts, humus - 1 part, peat - 1-2 parts, sand (preferably river) - 1 part. Experts advise adding a small amount of wood ash. Don't forget the drainage, which should be at least 1/5 of the pot.

Important! The soil must be disinfected.

Reproduction at home

How to propagate a coffee tree at home?

There are two types of propagation of the coffee tree at home.

  1. Seeds. This type of reproduction is considered very labor-intensive. Coffee seeds lose their viability very quickly and need to be planted as quickly as possible. The quality of the seeds and their germination cannot be checked before planting. Coffee seeds are in a very hard and tough shell that needs to be broken down. Seeds must be soaked in a growth stimulant.

    Treated seeds are grown at high temperature, in a container with loose soil, which is best covered with glass. In a couple of months the seed should germinate.

  2. Cuttings. This method is believed to be easier. Choose a healthy, non-flowering shoot. The prepared cuttings also need to be kept in a growth stimulator. It is better to root the cuttings in sand. You can make a small greenhouse. A seedling grown in this way will begin to bloom and bear fruit earlier.

Rules of care

How to care for a coffee tree at home?

For some reason, it is believed that growing a coffee tree at home is very difficult. Most often this occurs due to ignorance of the basic rules for caring for this plant.

Caring for a coffee tree at home is not difficult if you remember the basic rules.

  1. Temperature. A fairly high and, if possible, constant temperature all year round is required. In winter, when the temperature outside reaches sub-zero levels, It is important to avoid cold drafts and try to avoid cooling the flower pot.

    Do not place the plant near heating sources. If the floor on which the flower stands is cold, it is better to place the coffee tree on a stand or nightstand. In summer, overheating should not be allowed.

  2. Fertilizer.
    How to feed a coffee tree at home? A complex fertilizer for a coffee tree must be added; organic fertilizer can also be used. When preparing solutions, be sure to follow the instructions so as not to harm the plant. Start fertilizing in the spring and finish in the fall.
  3. Lighting. Bright, diffused. Avoid direct sunlight, There may be sunburn. On hot days, shade the plant. In winter, if necessary, arrange artificial additional lighting.

The coffee tree is very beautiful in any condition. In order for a flower to always be attractive, you need to take care of it. Wash and wipe the leaves, systematically loosen the soil. Keep the flower pot clean. Remove yellowed leaves in a timely manner and form a crown if necessary.

You can learn more about how to care for a coffee tree at home in the video below:

How does a coffee tree grow?

Coffee grows quickly at home; you won’t even notice how it turns from a small seedling into a beautiful slender tree in a few years.


See below in the photo how the coffee tree blooms:

The benefits and harms of coffee

The coffee is wonderful invigorating drink. It’s wonderful to wake up in the morning and feel its enchanting aroma.

What harm is there from coffee?

The debate about whether there is more benefit or harm in coffee has been going on ever since people learned about it. Some prove that coffee excites, increases muscle tone, stimulates physical activity, clarifies thoughts, and improves mood. And this list goes on and on.

Opponents of coffee claim that it increases blood pressure and cholesterol. However, it has been proven that If you pass the brewed drink through a paper filter or napkin, the coffee becomes safe. A paper filter removes kahweol and cafestol from the drink, substances that increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Whether coffee is harmful or healthy is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Important! If you decide to brew a cup of coffee from grown beans, remember that it will be much stronger and there will be more caffeine in such a drink.

As for the coffee tree in your home, we can safely say that it will only benefit you.

What are the benefits of coffee?

The plant cleanses the air well and saturates it with oxygen. His beautiful view lifts your spirits, and by inhaling the aroma of flowers you can practice aromatherapy.

Diseases and pests

Indoor coffee tree is not susceptible to disease and can only get sick if you brought home an infected plant or used contaminated soil.

If your pet's leaves begin to dry out, figure out whether it is a disease or an error in care.

Perhaps the soil has dried out or, on the contrary, you are watering your plant too often.

What about pests?– starts when dry spider mite, scale insects may appear from other plants, mealybug, whitefly. In this case, please be patient and use special medications.

To ensure that your plant pleases you for as long as possible, remember: prevention is better than cure. You can also add it faster and cheaper. Inspect your coffee regularly and take decisive action at the first symptoms of disease or pest infestation.

Important! In indoor conditions, pests rarely attack plants. If you take your indoor flowers out into the fresh air during the warm season, be prepared for the fact that pests may appear on them.

Are you still in doubt? Do not be afraid. You will succeed. Grow a coffee tree, wait for it to bloom, brew a cup of coffee from the collected fruits, and give others advice on caring for and growing a coffee tree at home.

  1. What does a coffee tree look like?
  2. Rules for caring for a coffee tree
  3. How to properly transplant a coffee tree?
  4. Coffee tree diseases: prevention and treatment
  5. When to expect the harvest

Most people associate the coffee tree with plantations and greenhouses, but it can also grow favorably at home if you create a comfortable environment for it. At the same time, you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort caring for this plant.

What does a coffee tree look like?

Stores sell small plants with glossy dark green leaves that are elongated and wavy. This is the coffee tree. With proper care, it begins to bloom at the age of 3-4 years in the summer, releasing beautiful flowers. They are collected in inflorescences, in the place of which red berries soon appear; they are edible, but the main value is their grains.

An adult tree can produce up to 500 grams per flowering. grains, they need to be further processed, well dried and fried. According to many owners of coffee trees, coffee made from a harvest grown with their own hands is much tastier than store-bought.

Rules for caring for a coffee tree

The coffee tree is considered a rather unpretentious plant; the main thing is to provide the correct lighting and temperature. For a coffee tree, home care should focus on flowering and beans. In this case, it will delight not only with its excellent appearance, but also with its harvest. So, the basic rules.

Basic lighting conditions

To obtain aromatic grains, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper lighting. The light should be bright, but diffused. Under no circumstances should you be exposed to direct sunlight, especially midday. The ideal place would be an eastern, south-eastern or western window. In order for the plant to receive the necessary portion of light, there should be as much space around it as possible, so other plants should be at a distance of at least 40-50 cm.


The coffee tree is a heat-loving plant, so it tolerates the cold extremely hard. In winter, even during severe frosts, the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, but it is better to maintain from 18 to 20. Do not forget about dry air, which in winter is provided by power sources. To prevent the coffee tree from suffering, it must be watered warm water. One of the biggest dangers for this plant is lack of ventilation. However, during this procedure there should be no draft, otherwise the coffee tree will shed all its leaves.

Watering rules

In order for the plant to develop properly and bear fruit, you need to know how to water the coffee tree. Sometimes the instructions “Home care with photos” help to correctly calculate the watering schedule in order to prevent overdrying or destructive flooding. The coffee tree has two periods in a year: active and dormant. During the active period (from March to October), the plant requires abundant watering, but it is important to ensure that water does not accumulate in the soil and tray. excess moisture. The water should be soft; it is advisable to let it stand before watering. During the dormant period, watering should be reduced and carried out only after the top layer has dried.

Coffee tree edge

In summer, the amount of fertilizing is increased to once every ten days; any fertilizer without calcium is selected. The best option– universal mineral remedy. During the dormant period, feeding is not required.

How to properly transplant a coffee tree?

The plant needs to be replanted once every 2-3 years, choose for this March is better or April.

If the coffee tree has not yet reached maturity, this procedure is carried out annually. And the most mature plants do not need to be replanted, but simply periodically change the top layer of soil.

The soil should be slightly acidic, heavy, with plenty of humus added. The owner of a coffee tree can buy ready mixture or make it yourself from turf and leaf soil, sand and clay.

The root system of this plant is powerful and deep. This must be taken into account when choosing a pot. It should be voluminous and high, with good drainage to avoid moisture stagnation.

Coffee tree diseases: prevention and treatment

  • The main cause of diseases of this plant at home is improper care. For a coffee tree, home care turns into diseases if spots appear, leaves curl and dry out. You should immediately remove damaged areas of the plant and then determine the cause of the damage.
  • A fungal disease often occurs due to overwatering of the soil; the roots may have begun to rot. In this case, the first thing to do is check the roots, remove all damaged areas with a sharp knife and sprinkle with crushed coal. Then the plant is dried and planted in new soil. The upper part is treated with insecticidal soap, copper sulfate or any other ready-made preparation for fungal diseases.
  • The most dangerous pest of the coffee tree, which often appears at home, is the whitefly. The plant that is affected by this pest is covered with a white coating and cobwebs. As soon as the first signs are detected, action must be taken, otherwise the whitefly can lead to the death of the coffee tree. To get rid of the pest, the leaves are sprayed with soapy water for two weeks; in case of serious damage, each leaf is wiped.
  • The whitefly is not the only pest; the owner of the coffee tree must be prepared for the appearance of scale insects and powdery mildew. In this case, you will need alcohol, a solution of actellik or karbofos (10 drops per 0.5 liter of water).

When to expect the harvest

With proper care and disease prevention, within 4-6 years after purchasing the plant, it will delight you with its first harvest. Many people prefer the Arabica coffee tree; caring for this variety at home is carried out as described above. The grains of this variety have an excellent aroma and rich taste. "Robusta" can also be chosen for home grown, but coffee made from its fruits is less aromatic and has a bitter taste.

Find out which flowers should not be kept at home: take care of your health. How to care for ficus, read this article / Lush and beautiful plant at your home

Despite the doubts of many home plant lovers, the coffee tree is one of the most unpretentious and grateful. Caring for it will not take much time and effort, and diseases and pests, if they appear, can be quickly gotten rid of with the help of traditional methods or special chemicals, which are sold in flower shops.

Our flower growers have already learned to grow a variety of plants at home. From the most common compact flowers to tropical vines. Many people want to try growing something exotic and the coffee tree is ideal for growing at home. There are different types of this plant, but if we decide to grow it, then the most suitable one will be Arabica coffee and here’s why:

  • Grows up to 1 meter
  • Looks like a bush
  • Great for decorative decorations
  • Has a very pleasant smell
  • Easy to care for

One of the main advantages of the coffee tree is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time caring for it, because Arabica is one of the most unpretentious plants. In our conditions, it is best to grow a tree from grain or cuttings. Then the coffee tree will best adapt to our living conditions!

What types of coffee are best to grow at home, and where does real coffee grow?

IN home gardening Only a few varieties of coffee trees are grown, among which Arabica coffee is especially popular. In its natural habitat, the coffee tree belongs to the madder family, which has more than 5 thousand species.

Among all species, only 60 belong to coffee trees. Their distribution looks something like this: most grow in Africa, then comes Madagascar, Southeast Asia boasts ten species, and only 3 types of coffee grow on the island of Mauritius. Coffee trees found their second home in Brazil.

Coffee trees are very diverse; among their representatives in the wild there are evergreen plants and shrubs, trees and tall varieties. All varieties of coffee trees have in common the presence of a large dose of caffeine in the leaves and beans.

Coffee trees can grow en masse only in equatorial countries, but they struggle in hot tropical climates. For this reason, plants are planted at a level above 1.2 thousand meters above the sea.

From the point of view of benefits, only a few types of coffee plants are important: Arabica coffee (the second name is Arabian) and Robusta. Useful economic crops include Liberian coffee and high coffee.

Arabian type of coffee

Popular for indoor growing, it is a compact tree. The leaves are shaped like an elongated ellipse with a dark olive tint, glossy on the outside and pale on the inside. The inflorescences are small, about 2 centimeters in diameter, collected in a bouquet. The size of the inflorescences directly depends on the growing conditions.

Once opened, flowers remain fresh for only a few hours. But the buds gradually open, not all at once. After the inflorescences fade, the fruit ripens in the form of a berry; when ripe it has a burgundy hue. Ripening occurs approximately 8 months after pollination. The paired fruits resemble round beans. This species reaches a height of up to 5 meters.

Coffee dwarf Nana

This is a neat plant, reaching a height of about 85 cm. It blooms profusely and subsequently bears fruit well at home. The tree can be given the desired design by trimming and pinching the tops of the plant.

Liberian coffee

also grown indoors. Its ripe fruits have a scarlet or sunny slightly orange tint. The length of its leaves reaches up to 40 cm, and the height is adjusted and the required shape is formed by trimming the crown of the plant. The inflorescence has a light shade and large fruits - berries.

Growing a coffee tree from a bean

To do this, you need regular coffee beans, which can be purchased in the store (just not roasted, of course), or beans taken directly from the plant itself (in case your relatives or neighbors are the happy owners of it). The growing method is almost the same as, for example, pomegranate or lemon - there are only some characteristic features.

Since the shell of a coffee bean is very hard, hard and often prevents the seed from germinating, before planting it is necessary to carry out the so-called scarification. This is the destruction of the shell chemically(with a solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid), or mechanically - the grain must be cut or filed.

The next step is to soak the grain in a stimulant solution. “Epin”, “Kornevin”, “Zircon” or others are good options. Be sure to plant the seed in soft, loose soil. The pot with the planted grain must be placed on sunny place In order for it to germinate quickly, the temperature should be at least 20 degrees.

  • Clean the seeds from pulp and rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The land for planting grains must be prepared in advance, about two weeks in advance. The substrate must be mixed and left to “reach”. The mixture includes well-steamed turf soil with sand and peat. You can add ash.
  • The seeds are placed on the ground with the flat side down, pressed lightly and buried 1 cm. Everything should be spilled well and covered with a transparent lid (glass, film).
  • Place the container with the sown seeds in a bright place, sheltered from direct sun, maintain constant substrate humidity and an ambient temperature of about 25°. Ventilate daily.
  • If the conditions are met, the seeds will hatch in a month.
  • The appearance of the first pair of leaves can be a signal for the first transplant. The pots chosen are small but deep, with a diameter of no more than 7 cm. Seedlings should be carefully protected from the sun.
  • When the trunk begins to lignify, it may seem that it is drying out and cracking. In fact, the process is going well. A brown color and spotting of the trunk may appear, but soon it takes on its usual appearance.
  • Carry out the next transplant in a month, slightly increasing the capacity.

Growing a coffee tree from cuttings

If you find where to buy a coffee tree cutting, it is better to use this planting method. A tree planted in this way will grow faster and, therefore, produce a harvest faster. The second advantage of this planting method is that the tree will grow in width and not in height, as when planting a seed. Planting a cutting of a coffee tree is very simple; there is no difference from other cuttings of plants.

This method has its advantages:

  • If all conditions are met, 100% rooting is achieved;
  • All characteristics of the mother plant are preserved;
  • Flowering may occur in the first year;
  • Fruiting begins 2-3 years earlier than in plants grown from seed;
  • The fruits are more numerous and larger.

Caring for a coffee tree at home

How to properly land was described above. How to properly care for a coffee tree? Many amateur gardeners, not having sufficient personal experience in caring for indoor plants in general, not to mention the coffee tree in particular, draw information from very dubious sources. The consequences of this can be very disappointing - people spend incredible effort and money, fuss around it, are almost afraid to breathe near the plant - but the benefit from this, at best, is zero.

All this happens because not everyone knows that caring for this seemingly finicky tree is very, very simple, you just need to follow simple rules.


The very first step on the path to a luxurious and fruitful coffee tree in your garden is of great importance - planting, and, in some cases, replanting the plant. The most basic thing to remember is that the coffee tree grows exclusively in an acidic environment (that is, the pH should be equal to

Each of us loves to treat ourselves to a small cup of delicious coffee. Some people prefer tart and strong, others prefer sweet, with the addition of milk. Whatever our tastes and preferences, coffee is considered one of the best appetizing and energizing drinks of our time.

Although the homeland of the coffee tree is distant and hot Africa, it can also be grown in our rather cool climate. True, in greenhouses or at home. A coffee plant will delight its owner not only with a pleasant, rich drink, but also with an exotic appearance that harmoniously combines with the home interior.

What is efficient cultivation indoor coffee plant? Caring for him optimal conditions growth, propagation and transplantation of seedlings - you will find all this in our article.

What varieties are best to plant at home? Where should I start? And what is needed for rapid growth and abundant fruit ripening? Let's find out.

Suitable varieties

In total, there are about one hundred species of coffee trees, and only fifty of them bear fruits suitable for an aromatic drink. The Arabica coffee plant is best suited for home cultivation. It is unpretentious in care and bears fruit with edible fragrant grains.


The domestic coffee plant differs from its relative, which grows in the wild, primarily in height. In apartment conditions, it grows up to one and a half meters and produces about half a kilogram of small, tart grains per season.

The branches of this evergreen tree are flexible and spreading, the leaves are dark green, pointed at both ends. Blooms home plant coffee in delicate white or cream inflorescences twice a year - in spring and summer.

Small flowers are replaced by small round fruits, their color reminiscent of cherries. Their color range can range from pale pink to burgundy, from yellow to cherry.

Inside these unusual berries there is edible sweetish pulp, as well as several light green grains, which subsequently, after roasting, will take on the traditional dark brown color.

How to grow this exotic indoor plant - Arabica coffee (the care of which scares many amateur gardeners)?

There are two ways to propagate it - through seeds and using cuttings.

Preparing seeds for planting

If you decide to grow a home Arabica coffee plant from seeds, you can either buy them in specialized stores or extract them from ripe fruits. The required number of grains should be prepared according to the following calculation: out of ten seeds, only two or three seedlings will grow.

Since the shell of coffee beans is very strong and hard, you need to follow a few simple but important recommendations:

  1. Soak the seed in cold water for two hours.
  2. Carefully remove or cut the shell.
  3. For five hours, pour the grains with a solution that stimulates growth (“Epin”, “Kornevin”, “Zircon”).

What kind of soil should the seeds be placed in? Let's figure this out together.

Preparation of different types of soil

For better and faster growth of the coffee tree, it is recommended to use loose soil consisting of several types.

If we are talking about the primary planting of seeds and cuttings, then the composition of the soil should be as follows:

  • Leaf soil.
  • River sand.
  • Sod land.

Before planting grains, the soil substrate must be sterilized in a water bath for five minutes.

Seeds must be planted on the surface of the ground, lightly pressing them down.

If all conditions are met, then within a month and a half the first shoots will appear. After the leaves appear, the young seedling can be transplanted into another soil. What should its composition be?

Land for constant cultivation coffee tree must combine the following components, taken in equal quantities: acidic peat, humus, leaf soil, sand, charcoal, moss.

The seedling should be transplanted into a large pot so as not to interfere with the root system developing and absorbing the necessary elements. This procedure is recommended to be carried out annually during the first three years of the tree’s life. Then it will be possible to transplant it once every three years.

But what if you want to start growing a coffee plant from a cutting?

Preparation of seedlings

The very first and important condition- it is necessary to cut the cutting from an adult tree extremely carefully and carefully, and then dip it in water. When the first roots appear, the coffee shoot can be transplanted into the soil (the description of which is given above), deepening it no more than three centimeters.

Planting seedlings is the most reliable way growing coffee, since the survival rate of shoots is almost one hundred percent, and fruiting occurs the very next year.

So, the landing has been completed. Therefore, a completely logical question arises: what conditions must be met in order to grow a healthy and productive tree?

Light and temperature

In order for the plant to take root, it is necessary to observe a certain temperature and light regime. For example, the air in the room should not fall below twenty degrees Celsius, and the coffee pot should be placed on the windowsill on the sunny side.

Light is very important for a coffee tree, so during periods of cold weather, rain, and even ordinary cloudy days, a fluorescent lamp should be directed at the plant.

It is not recommended to turn the tree pot towards the sun's rays. This will improve its appearance, but will negatively affect fruiting. The entire coffee tree should be exposed to warm sunlight.

Watering sprouts

Is anything else needed for efficient growth coffee plants? The care that will be required in the future will not take up much of your time and effort.

First of all, the tree will need high-quality watering. Water for irrigation must be settled and used only when warm (several degrees above the room temperature). Rain or melt water, rich in nutrients and microelements, is also suitable.

During the hot season, Arabica coffee loves weekly spraying, similar to rain irrigation. This fuels not only him root system, but also the stem, leaves and even fruits.

Once a month, during watering, you can add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice to the water, which will make the soil more acidic, and therefore more fertile for the variety we have chosen.

How often should the plant be watered? This must be done as the soil dries, so that the soil does not dry out. However, in this case, it is important to keep an eye on one more detail: the roots of the tree should not be in constant moisture.

Nutrient feeding of trees

Should you fertilize your coffee plant? Of course, it is recommended to do this regularly, starting from March and ending in September.

Fertilizers are applied once every one to two weeks, which effectively stimulates the growth, development and fruiting of the coffee tree.

What is included in the concept high-quality fertilizers? First of all, it is organic ( water infusion mullein or humus), as well as mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

There are several ways to feed a plant with beneficial vitamins and minerals:

  • external method (fertilizer is applied to the leaves);
  • root liquid (necessary substances are dissolved in water and poured onto the soil);
  • basal solid (poorly soluble minerals are applied to the surface of the soil, after which, under the influence of regular watering, they penetrate into the ground and nourish the tree).

What else should you know about caring for your coffee plant?

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

  • Fungus. To treat the plant, it is recommended to spray it with specialized antifungal drugs.
  • Root rot. To heal a tree, you should get rid of the affected roots and replace the soil in the pot with new one.
  • Coffee rust, bean borer. In order to get rid of pests, coffee must be treated with insecticidal agents. In accordance with preventive measures, this procedure can be performed once every six months.

Benefits of the coffee tree

As you can see, caring for a coffee plant is not difficult. To do this, it is not necessary to follow any expensive or unusual measures and procedures.

Just a few principles should be taken into account: the tree loves lighting and a variety of soils, it is quite unpretentious and heat-loving. Therefore, with just a little effort and money, you can grow beautiful, exotic plant that will decorate your home interior, will please the heart pleasant aroma and an amazing drink.

According to some studies, the coffee tree is both an effective oxygen emitter and an effective air purifier from harmful chemical compounds (benzene, phenol, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde).

Moreover, the Arabica plant brings great benefits thanks to its tart, pleasant drink, which has a beneficial effect on the whole human body. Coffee tones and refreshes, invigorates and brings pleasure, improves memory and potency. It is used for medical and cosmetic purposes for anti-cellulite, anti-aging and scrubbing agents.

According to some studies, a properly prepared cup of coffee can help prevent such serious and dangerous disease, How diabetes, nervous disorders, hepatitis.

Of course, it is important not to abuse the drink. One or two servings per day will be enough. Moreover, coffee is contraindicated for children under twelve years of age, pregnant and lactating women, and people with cardiovascular diseases.