Proper planting of cabbage seedlings in open ground. We prepare the site in advance. Conditions for growing early cabbage

Grow healthy seedlings cabbage is the first task facing the gardener on the way to getting a harvest. The next problem is how to plant plants in open ground on permanent place with minimal losses. There are some subtleties here.

Preparing seedlings for planting

Before planting seedlings in open ground, they must be properly prepared. This process consists of several procedures. First of all, regulating watering, fertilizing and hardening:

  • stop watering a week before planting. Immediately before planting, about 2 hours, water thoroughly;
  • 2 weeks before planting, feed with mineral fertilizers - dissolve a tablespoon of urea and potassium sulfate in ten liters of water, pour 150 grams per plant;
  • 15–20 days before planting, begin hardening - take it out into the open air at a temperature of + 5–6 0 C in a sunny place (duration of the procedure is 20 minutes with a daily increase in time by 5 minutes).

Landing dates

The timing of planting seedlings varies over a fairly long period of time. They depend on weather conditions, growing region, varieties and types of plants grown. General rules, uniting all the conditions are as follows: cabbage should have 4–5 true leaves and a height of about 10 cm (this is at the age of 40–45 days); temperature environment at night it should not be below +5 0 C. Approximate dates - May or early June. For planting, choose cloudy weather or carry out work in the afternoon.

Site preparation

The growing area should be level and well lit. The most acceptable are loamy soils with a neutral reaction. Good precursors for cabbage are legumes, root vegetables and cucumbers. All types of cabbage plants are demanding on soil fertility, so when preparing the beds you need to pay attention to the application of fertilizers.

In the fall, before digging, add organic fertilizers: manure, humus, compost at the rate of 1 bucket per m2. In spring, minerals - 1 tablespoon of urea, the same amount of superphosphate and a glass wood ash per 1 m 2. If organic fertilizers were not applied in the fall, be sure to do so in the spring - humus significantly improves the soil structure. To save fertilizers, they can be placed directly into holes or rows. In this case, add 0.5 kg of organic matter, a teaspoon of nitroammophosphate, 0.5 cups of ash per plant and mix everything well with the soil.

How to plant cabbage seedlings in open ground

You need to transplant the seedlings with a clod of earth into the prepared hole. Its depth should be slightly greater than the size of the root system and ensure that the plant penetrates to the lower leaves.

Seedlings early varieties place in a row every 25–30 cm, between rows 35–40 cm. For late varieties white cabbage, which has large forks in the maturity phase, the distance in the row should be increased to 0.5 m. The plantings should not be thickened - these plants are light-loving.

How to plant correctly - video

Bright sunlight can damage fragile plants, so it is advisable to shade the beds for the first few days.

After planting, the seedlings need to be watered and, to prevent cracking of the top layer, sprinkle the holes with dry soil.

Caring for planted seedlings

Planted cabbage should be watered every 3-4 days with 2-3 liters of water per plant. After about a month, water once a week with 10–12 liters per m2, if the weather is hot, then twice. Good results when growing vegetables are achieved by using systems drip irrigation. In this case, watering can be carried out at any time of the day (not only in the morning or evening).

Loosening the soil should be done after each rain or watering. Its depth should be about 7 cm. When loosening, so that the watering moisture does not spread, you need to correct the holes.

The first feeding should be done 2 weeks after planting. During this period, it will be most effective to use complex fertilizers, which include macro- and microelements. Now there are special fertilizers for various types seedlings, they can be very useful, of course, if the instructions are strictly followed. If there are no such fertilizers, then use infusions of mullein (1:5) or bird droppings (1:10) 0.5 liters per plant.

The second feeding is 10 days after the first. Apply mixture ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride (1:2:1) at the rate of 40–60 g/m2.

In order to prevent the appearance of pests (snails, slugs, aphids), plants and the soil around them are dusted with wood ash - one glass per m2.

The best companion plants

The correct selection of plants that are planned to be planted nearby contributes to better development of cabbage and to some extent protects against diseases and pests. Some of these crops include lettuce, celery, leeks and beans. Dill planted nearby will improve the taste.

Compatibility of cabbage with other vegetables: examples in the photo

The smell of celery repels pests
Onions have a beneficial effect on cabbage growth
Beans enrich the soil with nitrogen
All types of salads go well with cabbage

Many types of cabbage are grown in our fields and gardens - white and red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts. They all have similar cultivation techniques, and if you follow these simple recommendations, the quantity and quality of the harvest of any of them will be slightly higher.

11.04.2016 25 031

How to grow cabbage in open ground?

Many summer residents and gardeners know how to grow cabbage in open ground, each has their own secrets and tricks, but the harvest is different. The technology for growing vegetables is actually not complicated; you just need to correctly calculate the timing, plant them on time and properly care for them. From the article you will learn which crop is best to plant, at what age to do it, and also look illustrative examples in the form of a photo.

Timing for planting seedlings in the ground

There is direct sowing of cabbage in the ground and. Depending on the method of cultivation, the timing of the expected harvest of the vegetable, and the climatic zone of cultivation, the time is calculated.

Landing early cabbage seedlings into the soil produce:

  • Moscow region, Moscow region, in the Urals from April 25;
  • Perm region, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia– from May 5-6;
  • Voronezh, Saratov regions starts April 1st;
  • Southern regions, Kuban– from March 20.

in the photo - planting cabbage seedlings in open ground

The age of seedlings from sowing seed to planting in open ground should be as follows:

  • 45 (60) days to receive red cabbage varieties, early white cabbage, 35 (45) for mid-season, 30 (35) for late;
  • savoy cabbage 35 (50) days;
  • various varieties of cauliflower and Brussels sprouts 44 (50) days;
  • broccoli seedlings 34 (45) days;
  • Kohlrabi is planted at the age of one month.

They begin to sow vegetables in open ground with the arrival of warm days, when the soil warms up a little and the outside temperature reaches above zero (8-10 ºС). The indicated growing periods are advisory in nature. Take into account the individual climatic conditions of the growing region, use the recommendations of seed producing companies to avoid mistakes when cultivating cabbage.

How to plant a vegetable?

Before planting seedlings in open ground, prepare the bed: loosen it, remove weeds that managed to germinate in the spring. Preferably preparatory work on ridges, carry out in the fall: dig up to the depth of a spade, apply fertilizer (or mineral), lime the soil if necessary. The crop loves dense soil, the soil will settle in the fall, and in the spring all that remains is to loosen the surface with a rake.

in the photo - growing cabbage in open ground

Make beds at a distance of 0.4-0.5 meters, dig shallow holes, maintaining a gap of 35-40 centimeters. Fill the prepared grooves thoroughly with water. At this stage, fertilizers are poured into the hole, if the soil is poor, nothing was added in the fall (1 tablespoon of wood ash, a teaspoon of superphosphate, a handful of humus). The seedlings are planted together with a lump of soil, buried in the hole up to the lower leaves, covered with dry earth on top, compacted, and watered.

Planting seeds in the soil plastic bottles carried out on ridges of any length. The intermediate distance between crops is 0.3-0.4 meters. For convenience, the holes are made with a regular glass bottle. In the required place, turn a shallow hole with the bottom using light pressure. Place 3-4 seeds at the bottom of the resulting groove and cover with a tablespoon of humus (fertile soil), without compacting it.

Experienced gardeners have their own growing secrets. Into the hole with seed material it is recommended to put a mixture of baking soda(1/2 pack) and ground black pepper (teaspoon). The bedding will protect the seed from pests and make the soil favorable for vegetable growth (soda deoxidizes the soil). Pour the resulting soda mixture in small portions (0.5 teaspoon) along the edges of the hole, surrounding the seeds. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, the plantings are closed, slightly pressing into the ground. The lid is unscrewed as needed for watering and ventilation of grown seedlings. The bottle should be removed when the first true leaves appear, at the same time weak shoots are removed, leaving the strongest healthy plants.

Planting care

To grow early varieties, seeds (seedlings) are covered with film cover, spunbond, or lutrasil. The harvest will grow earlier and will be protected from returning spring frosts. It is recommended to sow dill and lettuce in the beds along with the crop. Protective plants planted nearby will protect the plantings from the cruciferous flea beetle and other harmful insects.

in the photo - mid-season cabbage variety "Slava"
in the photo - a harvest of white cabbage grown in open ground

When cultivating a tasty vegetable in the beds, remember about timely watering; you need to irrigate well until the soil is completely moistened. There is no exact watering schedule; it is necessary to focus on the weather conditions of the growing region. In the first weeks after planting, the soil should be moist to ensure good growth of the root system. Limit irrigation while the head is ripening to prevent cracking. You need to water in the morning and evening hours cold water.

During the entire growing period, seedlings are hilled 2-3 times. Hilling up is combined with weeding and loosening. The first laying down is carried out after the seedlings have taken root; the soil around the plant is loosened to a shallow depth, then the soil is well raked up to the first leaves. Hilling promotes the growth of additional roots. Loosening increases oxygen access to the roots for better plant nutrition.

in the photo - fertilizing cabbage grown in open ground with ash

When growing seedlings, the need for fertilizing is determined by the fertility of the soil and the amount of fertilizer applied in the fall. For better growth, it is recommended to feed the plants useful microelements 2-3 times. Use organic or mineral supplements- a personal matter for each gardener.

The first time fertilizer is applied 14-15 days after planting in a permanent place. Further feeding occurs at two-week intervals after the first. Pay attention to the development and growth of the vegetable; if the plants are healthy and strong, it is necessary to apply nutrients, No. In the first stages of growing, plantings require fertilizing containing nitrogen in order to gain green mass (take 2 teaspoons and potash fertilizer, add 20 grams of superphosphate, dilute in a bucket of water). During the head setting period, use phosphorus-potassium complexes.

  • Cabbage began to be grown in Rus' back in the 10th century, and for more than a thousand years it has remained one of the most popular vegetables. She's rich minerals, contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, P, PP, K. In winter and in early spring sauerkraut replenishes the deficiency of vitamin C in the human body. However, organically pure vegetables with excellent taste can only be grown in your own garden bed. A seedling method Growing this crop will allow you to get an earlier harvest.

    When to sow cabbage for seedlings

    To achieve excellent results, it is necessary to sow on time. Regional climate characteristics and cabbage variety affect sowing time. Varieties of vegetables have different periods maturation.

    With the seedling method of growing cabbage, you can get an earlier harvest

    Early cabbage (June, Ditmar early, Sugar Ball f1, Orient Express f1, Golden Hectare) is sown in late February - early March. The seedlings will be ready for planting in the garden in 40–55 days, and after 55–60 days it will be possible to collect the ripened heads and prepare vitamin salads or preserve them. Leaky heads of cabbage small sizes up to 2 kg in weight with tender leaves are not stored for a long time, they cannot be fermented.

    Early ripening June cabbage is sown for seedlings in the first days of spring

    Medium-ripening varieties Podarok, Slava, Raznosol f1, Kukharka f1, Tescha f1 have sowing frames from mid-March to the 20th of April. They ripen within 70–75 days after planting the seedlings in the garden. Mid-season cabbage with heads of cabbage greater mass(3–5 kg) and dense, strong leaves are used for pickling and pickling. But since it contains a lot of sugars, it is not stored for too long, until January, it can become soft and ferment.

    Late varieties Sugarloaf, Belosnezhka, Moskovskaya late 15, Lausanne f1, Zimovka, ripening in 165–180 days, are sown in the first half of April. With good density heads and tough leaves, this cabbage has good keeping quality and is ideal for fermentation.

    They begin to grow seedlings of late-ripening Moscow late 15 cabbage in the first half of April

    To be able to summer season prepare fresh cabbage salads, cabbage soup and cabbage rolls, prepare hodgepodge and crispy snacks for the winter, you need to grow different varieties in the garden.

    Video: timing of sowing white cabbage. Region: Ural and Western Siberia

    Favorable time for sowing cabbage in a greenhouse and open ground

    It is not always possible to create seedlings in an apartment comfortable conditions. Therefore, many summer residents plant cabbage seedlings in an outdoor greenhouse, where they can control the temperature and humidity of the air, maintaining a microclimate suitable for the plants.

    Sowing time in the greenhouse

    Moisture-loving cabbage is quite cold-resistant, but too low temperatures can destroy it. In outdoor greenhouses and glass greenhouses, sowing can be done as early as the tenth of April. When the sun shines, the air inside the greenhouses warms up instantly, but the soil remains cold for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to loosen the soil and moisten warm water, to create the necessary conditions for seed germination. In case of severe cold weather, it is necessary to insulate the crops additionally by covering them with plastic film.

    A favorable microclimate is created in greenhouses for the development of cabbage seedlings

    Sowing seeds in open ground

    You can sow cabbage simply on a seedling bed. When the sprouts become stronger, they are thinned out, and at the end of May - beginning of June they are planted in a permanent place. Such seedlings grow strong and hardened. And although before planting it is less tall than one grown on a windowsill, it quickly surpasses it in development, since it does not require an adaptation period.

    Crops in open ground are covered with film on the arches

    Experienced gardeners prefer mid-late and late cabbage sow immediately in a permanent place. The seedless method has its advantages: you don’t have to bother with seedlings, waste time and effort. In addition, viable, strong plants grow in open ground, adapted to life in the open air. The absence of replanting helps to shorten the growing season and accelerate the ripening of heads of cabbage. Plants develop more powerful root system, going into the deep layers of the soil, which provides them with a better supply of moisture.

    Cabbage sprouts in the garden, covered with a jar, will survive the cold snap just fine

    In the central regions, sowing is carried out in late April - early May, in the south earlier, in the second ten days of April. Kohlrabi and Chinese cabbage You can sow until the end of July, using the beds cleared of early vegetables. By this time, the earth should warm up well, and the air temperature during the day should not fall below +12°C. You can cover the area under cabbage black film- this will significantly speed up the warming of the soil. For seeds to germinate, a certain amount of temperature regime, and the warmer it is outside, the less time it will take for seedlings to appear and the more intensively they will develop. In cold soil, seeds can lie long time and will begin to germinate only after the soil warms up to +5°C. In soil heated by the sun to +20°C, sprouts are visible already on the 4th day; at a lower temperature of +10°C, germination can take 2 weeks. In central and northern regions spring return frosts are not uncommon, so the bed with crops must be covered with agrofibre or cabbage is sown under plastic bottles.

    Cabbage sown in the garden grows more resilient

    Video: March 30, 31, sowing cabbage

    When to sow cabbage for seedlings, depending on the type

    When determining sowing dates, be sure to take into account the growing season of cabbage varieties. Early species produce a harvest within 90–120 days - at the end of June. They are sown from the beginning of March to the end of March. Ripe heads mid-season cabbage harvested 120–160 days after sowing, at the end of July - August. Her seedling period begins from March 25 to April 25. Late-ripening cabbage requires 160–180 days to form heads. Sowing of seedlings of late varieties is carried out throughout April. You can sow each species at once or carry out conveyor sowings at intervals of 7–10 days, extending the harvest time.

    Seeds of late varieties of cabbage are sown for seedlings in April in order to harvest in October

    Sowing dates vary depending on climatic zones. In Siberia and the Urals, cabbage seeds are sown a week or two later than in the central regions. Early varieties are sown in mid-April, middle and late varieties - in early May.

    IN southern regions On the contrary, sowing is carried out already at the end of winter. Early cabbage seedlings begin to be grown in the third decade of February, and from the beginning of April they are transplanted into unprotected soil.

    Video: the best varieties of cabbage. Early and late varieties. When to plant cabbage seedlings

    When is the best time to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground?

    The future harvest of cabbage largely depends on the quality of the seedlings and their timely replanting into the ground. Seedlings ready for planting in the garden should have a strong stem 10–15 cm high and 3 pairs of true leaves.

    Seedlings with a strong stem 15 cm high and 2–3 pairs of leaves are ready for transplanting into the ground

    Overgrown, too elongated seedlings take root worse. Seedlings are planted on the site in late April - May. The specific planting time depends on the variety and weather. If the day is sunny and warm, and there are frosty mornings in the morning, the prepared seedlings will not suffer from a short drop in temperature to -3°C. But if the spring is long and cold, there is no need to rush; you should postpone replanting the plants until the weather warms up.

    When the weather is warm, seedlings are planted in the ground in a prepared bed.

    Seedlings of early cabbage, ripening in July, are planted in the garden 40–55 days after sowing, from April 25 to May 15. From mid-May to mid-June, seedlings of medium ripeness at the age of 35–40 days are transplanted into the plot. Cabbage seedlings late varieties are ready for planting in the ground at the age of 30–35 days.

    Table: timing of planting seedlings

    Video: planting cabbage seedlings in the ground

    Favorable time for sowing cabbage in 2019 according to the Lunar calendar

    Experienced gardeners, when planning sowing or planting work, try to adhere to Lunar calendar. After all, our ancestors also noticed that the night light affects plants, and unequally in different phases. Most best period sowing and planting of seedlings takes place on the growing moon, which accumulates energy. At this time, energy and juices in the plants rush upward, promoting their intensive growth.

    The lunar calendar is compiled taking into account the phases of the Moon and its passage through the signs of the Zodiac

    Seeds that fall into the soil during this period quickly swell, and exposure to the night light enhances their germination. Such days are good for planting and replanting any plants, especially those grown for their leaves. During the waxing Moon phase, all crops need a lot of water and nutrition, this is the most the right time for watering and fertilizing.

    During the waning Moon, most of the juices are in the roots, so it is better not to pick seedlings or plant them in a new place at this time: even minor damage to the roots can weaken the plants and slow down their development. It is not recommended to plan planting and replanting during the full moon and new moon phases, when the viability of plants is reduced. During the full moon period, which lasts 3 days, you can thin out cabbage crops and clear the soil of weeds. On new moon days, which also last three days, the circulation of juices stops and plant growth stops. Sowing, planting and transplanting are undesirable during this period. On such days, it is better to protect plants from diseases.

    When planning garden work, it is important to take into account the passage of the Moon through the zodiac constellation. Zodiac signs influence vegetable crops differently: some promote good seed germination and activate plant growth, others are suitable for harvesting and other garden work. The most fertile signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. If, when sowing, we take into account the phase of the Moon and its passage through the fertile signs of the Zodiac, the cabbage will develop more intensively, rapidly gaining leaf mass.

    When sowing seeds in favorable days the process of their germination is accelerated and the growth of seedlings is more intensive

    Table: good and bad days for cabbage development according to the 2019 Lunar calendar

    During unfavorable periods, it is better not to work with plants at all. During these days of the lunar month, sowing and transplanting are undesirable.

    If you plan sowing and transplanting cabbage in accordance with the phases of the moon, you can speed up the process of plant development and increase their viability. However, to obtain high yields, it is not enough to simply adhere to the recommendations of the Lunar calendar. Only sowing seeds in optimal timing, regular proper care for cabbage will bring the desired results.

    To get a good cabbage harvest, there are several basic rules. First, cabbage loves water, i.e. Based on this, place it in a low area (if possible). Secondly, cabbage loves light (a long-lasting plant daylight hours), i.e. It does not tolerate any shading, otherwise you will end up without heads of cabbage, with only leaves. Third, cabbage has the largest number of pests; everyone loves it (aphids, whiteflies, thrips, cabbage moths and other caterpillars). Hence the conclusion - replanting in the same place after at least three years. Timely treatment with protective equipment (depending on your views on the environment - chemical protection or natural remedies)

    The first thing is to grow cabbage seedlings

    There are two options:

    • buy (the danger is that they can slip anything)
    • grow it yourself

    good seedlings early varieties of cabbage can only be obtained indoors.

    On the windows it grows frail, often suffering from “black leg”. And there’s a lot of trouble with her in the apartment. IN at home It is difficult to maintain temperature conditions during the day and at night.

    the ground under seedlings I use early cabbage from cucumbers, add per 1 sq. m 1 bucket of crushed red clay, 1 cup of wood ash, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate. I plant seedlings in open ground in the last ten days of April - mid-May.

    I sow the seeds 40 days before the expected date of sale. I plant the seeds in the soil at intervals of 7 days in order to receive seedlings for the entire period while there is a demand for them. Before sowing, I soak them in melt water, to which I add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey in half a liter of water. After 30 min. I dry the seeds on a fine sieve and dust them with the powder of biopreparations gamair and alirin to prevent diseases.

    Before germination, I keep the crops under additional film cover at a temperature of about 20 degrees. With the appearance of seedlings, I lower the temperature to 10 degrees and try to give the plants maximum sun. I loosen the row spacing and dust it with wood ash to prevent fungal diseases.

    After 2 weeks, I water the seedlings with a solution of the drug gliocladin. Late cabbage seedlings I grow it in open ground with bioheating. At the site of the future bed, I dig a trench about 60 cm deep and 100 cm wide, fill it with rotting cow manure, mixing it in layers with straw or old hay. This mass generates heat for about 60 days. On top I pour a layer of fertile soil with red clay, which contains many microelements and retains moisture in the root layer of the soil.

    Before sowing, I treat the seeds in the same way as for early cabbage. I incorporate them into the soil in stages to satisfy the demand of the belated gardener. Until germination, I keep the bed under film, and on cold nights I additionally insulate the crops.

    When the seedlings appear, I install wire arches and arrange a film cover. On warm days I remove the shelter. I harden the plants, gradually accustoming them to the open air. With lower heating, plants develop rapidly. If you need to adjust the growth of seedlings, I feed them with a solution nitrogen fertilizer and water it abundantly. He refused to fertilize with slurry, as it provokes blackleg disease.

    After planting seedlings to a permanent place, I cover it with lutrasil. Under such shelter, the plants are protected from the burning rays of the sun and the cruciferous flea beetle. Survival rate strong seedlings is almost 100%.

    There are two ways to grow cabbage: seedlings and non-seedlings

    In the case of the first option, seedlings should be grown in greenhouses. Seeds in in this case warm up in warm water(about 50 °C), after which they are sent into the cold for about 5 minutes. This sequence helps to disinfect and harden them.

    Sow early cabbage seeds stands in early March, mid-season - at the end of April, late - towards the end of March. The seeds are buried to a depth of about 1 cm, then covered with film on top. The optimal temperature during this period is + 18 °C. They usually sprout within 5-6 days. Next, the film is removed and the seedlings are kept at a temperature of about + 8 °C. This point is very important, because at high temperatures the seedlings take on an elongated shape.

    After the formation of the first true leaf (and this will happen 5-7 days after germination), the temperature rises to +14, then +17 °C. You can water the seedlings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is also important to ensure good air ventilation.

    Approximately two weeks after the emergence of sunrises, the seedlings are moved to a larger area. Ideally, use separate molds or pots. Before you start planting, you should water the soil thoroughly. And only after this the seedlings are taken out of the ground, they dive and go deep into the soil.

    Planting in open ground should be carried out when early cabbage has about 5 leaves and the height is more than 13 cm. As for mid-fruit and late cabbage, these indicators should accordingly be as follows: 6 leaves and at least 15 cm.

    At seedless method The effectiveness of the harvest depends on the quality of the soil, which should begin to be prepared in the second half of the previous summer. One or two cultivations are carried out after autumn plowing. In the spring, the field is harrowed and then cultivated to a depth of about 70 cm. The timing of sowing cabbage without seedling method are determined climatic features zones.

    The seed sowing rate is about 0.2 g. per sq. meter. While there are no shoots, after rains you should harrow across the rows. After the emergence of seedlings, the rows are bunched. The optimal distance is 50 cm, and the width of the bouquets is about 10 cm. When the plant has about five leaves, the seedlings in the bouquets are thinned out. Selected plants are used for seedlings. Further care no different from seedlings.

    The soil. Cabbage does not like sandy soil or soil poor in organic matter. The best option are floodplain soils, flooded soils, which are additionally supplied with mineral fertilizers.

    Watering. Cabbage loves water. The best yield occurs at a moisture content of about 70% of the full field moisture capacity. However, you should not overdo it, otherwise vascular bacteriosis may develop.

    Let's look at the agricultural technology of white cabbage. It is grown in vegetable-fodder crop rotations, and is also planted on the soil after perennial herbs, legumes, and onions. But after cruciferous plants cabbage can be grown no earlier than three years later. Since cabbage leaves behind the field without large quantity weeds, then in its place next season it makes sense to plant cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions. Early cabbage varieties are best placed on dry soils that are rich in mineral and organic matter. It is optimal to plant mid-season and late-season cabbage on loamy soils; small depressions or low areas are also suitable.

    The soil is processed as follows: after harvesting early cultures peeling takes place to a depth of about 40-60 cm, after weeds appear - autumn plowing at a depth of about 30 cm. If cabbage is planted after later cultures, then peeling is not carried out.

    A good harvest can be expected if sufficient fertilizer is applied. If we consider the non-chernozem zone, then under the middle and late varieties cabbage, about 5 kg of manure per square meter is applied. m. For early cabbage, humus in a volume of 7-10 kg is more suitable. It would not be superfluous to add ammonium nitrate (about 30 g/sq.m), superphosphate (about 20 g), potassium chloride (about 10 g), especially if the zone is non-chernozem.

    White cabbage can be harvested in one go if these are early varieties, and with an interval of 5-7 days for medium and late varieties. As for the regions, in the north it is the end of September, in the south it is December, in the central zone it is October.

    The main pest for white cabbage is the caterpillars of the cabbage butterfly. They are controlled manually (with a small number of plants) or with the help of chemicals. Diseases include clubroot or blackleg, the cause of which is watering with cold water and dense soil with stagnant moisture.

    Cabbage requires a lot of attention during its growth, but its harvest can subsequently delight the family throughout the autumn and winter season.

    Another “recipe” for growing seedlings of white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi

    White cabbage seedlings are grown in protected ground structures using potted and non-potted methods, with or without picking.

    8-10 g of seeds are sown per 1 m2 of greenhouses (50 seedlings per 10 m2), if grown without picking - 1-2 g, when sowing in boxes measuring 50x35 cm - 3g of seeds. Sowing depth is 0.5-1.5 cm.

    Depending on the soil and climatic zone of cultivation, seedlings are sown: early-ripening and mid-early varieties - from mid-January to February 15, mid-ripening, mid-late varieties- from the third ten days of March to April 25, late-ripening - the first ten days of May. By the time of planting in a permanent place, white cabbage seedlings should have 4-6 true leaves with a well-developed root system.

    After sowing early ripening seeds and mid-season varieties the temperature in the buildings must be maintained within 18-20° C. When seedlings appear (on the 3-4th day), the temperature is reduced to 6-10° C within 5-7 days so that the seedlings do not stretch out. In the future in sunny days the temperature is raised to 16-18°C, on cloudy days - to 12-16°C, at night - reduced to 6-10°C.

    Seedlings in the cotyledon leaf phase dive into a permanent place (pots, or directly into the soil of the greenhouse). If white cabbage seedlings are grown without picking, it is necessary to add mulch to the surface of the pots, which promotes the formation of additional lateral roots. To prevent blackleg disease, add 130-150 g of ash or 200-250 g of lime to the mulch per 1 m2.

    Care seedlings white cabbage is to maintain optimal temperature and humidity of the air and soil. Watering is carried out in the morning once every 7-10 days, spending 10 liters of water per 1 m2. It is advisable to feed seedlings in the phase of 2-3 true leaves (20 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water - per 1 m area). After 10 days, feeding is repeated, increasing the dose of ammonium nitrate to 30g, superphosphate - 60g, potassium sulfate - 20g. After fertilizing, it is necessary to water the plants with water.

    Before planting white cabbage seedlings in open ground, 10-15 days in advance, they are hardened off, gradually lowering the temperature and increasing ventilation, and reducing the amount of watering. Hardened seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5° C.

    Seedlings of mid-late and late ripening varieties grown in open ground. The soil is prepared in the fall, organic fertilizer is applied per 1 m2 of 6-8 kg and dug up. In the spring, you can apply mineral fertilizer (30-40 g of ammonium nitrate, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 25-30 g of potassium salt), the soil is compacted. Then ridges 1-1.2 m wide are made, and the surface is leveled. The seeds are sown under a marker, the distance between the rows is 5-8 cm at a depth of 0.5 - 1.5 cm. Shoots will appear on the 5-6th day. When the first true leaf appears on the seedlings, thinning is carried out. In addition to watering and fertilizing, cruciferous flea beetles are combated during this period. Seedlings are pollinated with tobacco dust or ash, and weeds are pulled out. From 1m the yield of seedlings is 200-250 pcs.

    The technology and methods of growing other types of cabbage are similar to white cabbage, with minor differences.

    Beijing and Chinese cabbage have the peculiarity of forming a food organ only in conditions short day- early spring and late autumn. These plants do not tolerate transplantation well, so they are grown directly by sowing seeds in the ground.;

    Seedling cauliflower very demanding on soil fertility, moisture, heat and lack of microelements - manganese and boron. This moisture-loving plant, especially during the formation of the head, cannot tolerate high temperatures. An increase in temperature to 25-30 ° C and overdrying of the soil, and also if there is not enough manganese and boron in the soil, small loose heads form and a cavity forms in the stump.

    It is grown mainly by seedlings. Seedlings ready for planting should have a well-developed root system and 4-6 true leaves. For the spring growing period, 55-60 day old seedlings are planted, for autumn term- 40-45 days.

    Broccoli is a variety of cauliflower, distinguished by a loose head (inflorescence) green, yellow-green or purple color. Broccoli is less demanding on growing conditions than cauliflower. It is cultivated using both seedling and non-seedling methods.

    Cabbage does not form heads, has flat-leaved and curly-leaved forms. The culture is extremely unpretentious. It is frost-resistant (withstands frosts down to -20° C), withstands shading and low soil acidity. Can be grown by seedlings or without seedlings. With the seedling method, seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of 45-50 days.

    Brussels sprouts has a high stem on which up to 90 small heads (diameter 2.5-7.0 cm) are formed in the axils of the leaves. Brussels sprouts have a long growing season (135-160 days), so they are grown mainly in seedlings. Seeds for seedlings are sown on April 20-25 in open nurseries. Shoots appear on the 5-6th day. During this period, the seedlings are treated with ash or tobacco dust from the cruciferous flea beetle, which damages the cotyledon leaves and growth point. The seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of 40-45 days.

    U kohlrabi cabbage The food organ is the juicy and tender stem fruit. There are early-ripening (from germination to technical ripeness up to 80 days), mid-ripening (81-90), late-ripening (over 90 days) varieties. To obtain early production, seedlings are grown. Planting dates are determined by the time of consumption of products. Most early date planting - end of April - 1st decade of May, middle and late varieties - from May 15th to June 5th. Seedlings are ready for planting if there are 3-5 true leaves. With the seedless method, seeds are sown in two to three times with an interval of 15- 20 days Kohlrabi is also grown as a repeat crop, sowing the seeds directly into the beds in mid-July - early August, depending on the zone.

    Growing cabbage

    To get a good harvest white cabbage you need to know that early varieties grow best in well-drained areas with light loamy and sandy loam soils. You can plant mid-season and late varieties in areas with loamy and peaty soil. It is better to prepare the soil for cabbage in the fall.

    How to properly fertilize a garden was discussed in a separate topic.

    In order to grow cabbage carefully dig up the area, and if the soil is acidic, add chalk or dolomite flour (200 - 400 g per 1 m²). Good result allows autumn application of organic fertilizers. In spring, don't forget about mineral fertilizers: add 10 g of urea and wood ash per 1 m², dig up the soil again, loosen it and make holes. You can fertilize immediately before planting seedlings, adding compost, wood ash and nitrophoska to each hole.

    To grow white cabbage seedlings, sow the seeds in boxes with a light and loose soil mixture (turf soil and peat in a 1:1 ratio or turf soil, peat and humus in a 2:2:1 ratio). To prevent the development of clubroot vegetable crop, warm up earth mixture in the oven or water before sowing seeds hot water.
    Dates for sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings: early varieties - mid-March, mid-season - late April, late - early April.

    In the first ten days of May, seedlings of medium and late varieties of cabbage are recommended to be picked, transplanted into nurseries in the garden and covered with film. Seedlings of mid-season and late varieties can be sown directly into nurseries.
    Do not sow the seeds too often, as the seedlings will begin to stretch.
    White cabbage seedlings grow well in a cool place (optimum temperature during the day is 14-18 °C, at night - 6-8 °C), but for normal development Good lighting is a must. With a lack of light, the seedlings will stretch out.

    Regularly water the seedlings with cool, but not too cold water, while making sure that the water in the soil does not stagnate. The timing of planting seedlings in open ground depends on the early maturity of the variety. Plant early varieties of cabbage in late April - early May, mid-season and late varieties - in the second or third decade of May.
    Plant seedlings in rows with a distance of 25 cm between plants and 40 - 50 cm between rows (for late varieties, increase the distance between plants and between rows by 10 cm).
    After planting, water the cabbage thoroughly and mulch the soil with any organic materials.

    Watering. Cabbage is the most moisture-loving garden culture. In the first third growing season water it once every 3-4 days, later - once a week. Water consumption, depending on air temperature and soil type, is 2 - 4 liters for young plants and 10 - 15 liters for adult plants.
    After watering, do not forget to loosen or mulch the soil to retain moisture longer.

    Feeding. To obtain a good cabbage harvest, pre-sowing fertilizer application is not enough. During the season it is recommended to carry out at least 2 - 3 fertilizings, for late varieties - 3-4.
    Fertilize white cabbage for the first time 15 - 20 days after planting the seedlings. Mullein (0.5 kg per 10 liters of water) or a mixture of double superphosphate, ammonium sulfate and wood ash (30, 60 and 200 g per 10 liters of water, respectively) are suitable for this purpose.

    If you want to grow good harvest white cabbage, after 10 - 15 days, make a second feeding after the first. Apply a solution of mullein or chicken manure or complex mineral fertilizers under the cabbage. In the future, alternate the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

    The site for planting cabbage seedlings should be chosen as open and with fertile soil. The best precursors for cabbage are legumes, cucumbers, and root vegetables. You can't grow cabbage anymore three years in the same place. Cabbage seedlings can be replanted in the same place no earlier than after 4 years.

    The best soils for cabbage are loams. If the soil is acidic, it must be prepared in the fall. To do this, into the soil per 1 sq.m. add 1 – 2 glasses dolomite flour or chalk and dig it up. Any cabbage varieties are sensitive to the presence of organic fertilizers in the soil. Therefore, per 1 sq.m. on poorly cultivated soils apply 5–6 kg. manure, floodplain 4 - 5 kg., lowland 2 - 2.5 kg. In spring it is necessary to apply organic mineral fertilizers. From organic matter, 3–4 kg of compost or manure humus is usually added. per 1 sq.m., from mineral 1 tsp. urea and 1 tbsp. wood ash, then carefully dig up. If you don’t have enough fertilizers, they can be applied to the hole immediately before planting cabbage (0.5 kg of compost, 1 tablespoon of wood ash and 0.5 tsp of nitrophoska, this whole composition is thoroughly mixed with the soil). After this, the entire area is thoroughly watered. Cabbage seedlings are planted in different time. Early cabbage varieties are planted in late April early May. To do this, it is advisable to choose cloudy days; if the days are hot, it is better to plant cabbage seedlings in the afternoon. The distance between rows for early cabbage is 40 - 50 cm. The distance in the row between plants is 25 cm. Later varieties of cabbage begin to be planted from mid-May to June 1. The distance between rows is 50 - 55 cm, between plants in a row 30 - 35 cm. When planting, cabbage seedlings are buried in the soil until the first true leaf.

    In order for the plant to take root faster, it is sprayed with water for a week 2 - 3 times a day from a watering can. To prevent the cabbage plant from getting sunburned, shade it for the first 2 to 3 days after planting. You can plant 2 - 3 cabbage plants in 1 hole, after they begin to grow, a leader will emerge among them. Then you can thin out, leaving the most strong plant cabbage

    If you are interested in how to collect 60 tomatoes from one bush, then follow the link to this topic.

    Where to start growing cabbage seedlings? It is logical to assume that from the choice of seeds. Decide what you will grow cabbage for: for early consumption of salads, for storage, for pickling? Or for both?
    Depending on this, choose proven ones, good varieties cabbage
    I usually buy 1 bag of early cabbage, 1 bag of cabbage for pickling and 1-2 for storage. It's enough for a family of 3 people.

    When to plant cabbage seedlings

    Early varieties of cabbage are sown from the beginning of March until the 25th-28th of the month;
    medium varieties from March 25 to April 25;
    late varieties - from the beginning of April to the 20th of the month.

    Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings

    Having looked at the favorable days for sowing cabbage, let's get down to business. I note that cabbage seeds do not require any preparation; they do not need to be soaked or processed in stimulants.
    Grow good seedlings growing cabbage at home is quite difficult, and all because it is a cold-loving crop and our room temperature is not suitable for it. The most the best seedlings It turns out in spring greenhouses on the street. To do this, immediately after the snow melts, build a small greenhouse in which seedlings will grow.
    You can sow cabbage seeds at home, in ordinary wooden or plastic boxes. I prepare a soil mixture from turf soil, humus and sand. Basically you can take any ready mixture, the main thing is that it is breathable and fertile. Cabbage seeds are planted approximately 0.5 cm deep. After sowing, the soil must be slightly compacted and carefully watered. room temperature from a spray bottle so that the soil does not wash away. Do not water again until germination!

    Cabbage shoots appear in 10-12 days.
    Before germination, boxes with crops can be kept at home, at a temperature of +20-+22 degrees, but after germination you need to transfer them to a greenhouse made outside. Some gardeners grow cabbage seedlings in greenhouses, maintaining the temperature there within 10-15 degrees.

    Cabbage is a moisture-loving crop; water it with settled water at a temperature slightly warmer than the environment. With timely watering, good lighting And optimal temperature Cabbage seedlings turn out strong and stocky.

    To prevent the disease of cabbage seedlings with black leg, pour it with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate (at the rate of 3 grams per 10 liters of water).
    You could also add a little ash to the soil mixture, this also helps prevent blackleg.

    After two or three true leaves appear, cabbage seedlings need to be planted in separate cups. After transplantation, the root system begins to grow stronger, and with good roots plants develop better and faster.

    When to plant cabbage in open ground

    Cabbage seedlings should be planted in open ground 30 days after germination. But the seedlings should not have more than 3-4 leaves, then the cabbage yield is better and the heads of cabbage turn out large and beautiful. If you are a little late with planting, the harvest will also be later and not so high.
    I plant cabbage in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between plants of about 50 cm. First, I dig a hole deeper, about 20 cm. At the bottom of the hole I put about a glass of humus or manure and a tablespoon of ash, sprinkle it with a layer of soil, and water it abundantly. So first I prepare all the holes and start planting. I carefully place the seedlings in the holes and sprinkle them with soil up to the cotyledon leaves. I compact the soil around the plant slightly so that there is no void around the roots.

    If your seedlings did not take root well in past years, then there is an easy way to fix it. With the drug Kornevin (root formation stimulator), any seedling takes root almost 100%. Before planting the seedling in the hole, lightly powder its roots with this preparation. That’s the whole trick, but the seedlings will take root easier.

    After planting the seedlings in the ground, each planted plant needs 1 liter of water. It is necessary to water carefully so as not to wash the seedling out of the ground. If after watering the soil around the plant has settled, you need to add it, and if the plant collapses, return it to a vertical position.
    After an hour, water the cabbage again and again with the same amount of water - at least 1 liter for each plant. Then, to prevent a crust from forming on the soil around the plant, mulch with dry soil or humus.

    Feeding cabbage

    Cabbage loves organic fertilizers. But you need to start adding them when the seedlings have 6-7 true leaves.
    The most the best fertilizer Manure and humus are used for cabbage. But now you only need to use slurry, that is, an infusion in a ratio of 1:10.
    If there is no manure, a nettle infusion is quite suitable. To do this, half of some container (such as a barrel) is half filled with nettles and filled with water. Nettle is infused for several days (fermented). And then, diluting this infusion with water, we feed the cabbage.

    You can alternate feeding with infusions of mullein and nettle, then the cabbage needs nothing else for full growth.
    All its care will consist of timely watering (frequently) and as the heads of cabbage form (so that they do not fall over), you will need to rake the soil to the stem, that is, hill up the cabbage.

    If you have your own methods for growing white cabbage seedlings, please share them with us. What do you feed your cabbage with?