Chinese GSM alarm system: what should you pay attention to when choosing? Selection and purchase of high-quality GSM alarm system

Every homeowner, faced with the need to secure their home, begins the thorny path of choosing an alarm system from Chinese security systems. Products from the Middle Kingdom have flooded the market, are cheap, and store consultants unanimously praise their durability and acceptable quality.

What are Chinese security devices?

This is a set of equipment that includes wireless and wired sensors, a siren (annunciator that informs about an illegal intrusion into a home) and a control panel (the link between the sensors and the warning device). The list of additional devices includes a power supply unit for the control panel, a GSM antenna, and a stationary panic button. To control the system (disarming and arming), a set of key fobs/remotes is provided.

Chinese alarm systems work on the simplest principle:

  1. A motion sensor or camera, having detected a fraudster, transmits an alarm signal to the control panel.
  2. The central starts the sound of the siren and directs to mobile phone the owner receives an SMS notifying about the intrusion (or makes a call).
  3. The owner calls the law enforcement agencies, and the criminal, frightened by the siren, leaves the premises.

In addition to providing security, Chinese security devices can play a role fire alarm, protect from water leakage. The number of dial-up numbers (programmed numbers that the system will contact in case of an alarm) ranges from 3 to 10.

Chinese video surveillance systems should function in a similar way, according to the manufacturers' stories.

Chinese signaling: the other side of the coin

The lion's share of intercoms and other security equipment goes to Russian market from Chinese retail trading platforms, where the quality of the product can vary greatly depending on the batch and assembly factory. Often at first sight Chinese alarm may surprise a non-professional with its acceptable design, build quality and materials.

Signaling deficiencies are discovered later:

  1. False positives. Typically, Chinese GSM signaling transmits a signal via a radio channel at a frequency of 433 MHz. This frequency is characterized by a lot of interference, and sensors transmitting radio signals over it are easy to jam. A loss of sensor communication is interpreted by the control panel as an alarm.
  2. Rapid failure of sensors. Justified by low build quality and cheap components. Often the control panel stops seeing the network and responding to key fobs.
  3. Short life of batteries. In addition, in the absence of a 220V network, the Chinese GSM security system only works for 6-10 hours due to the low battery capacity.

The above problems are just the tip of the iceberg. In reality, the hassle associated with Chinese equipment is much greater:

  1. Some Chinese security systems for dachas are produced by fly-by-night companies.
  2. Inability to buy additional sensors (they are often not freely available).
  3. Technical shortcomings. This is the lack of a cable for integration with a PC, the need for manual soldering of contacts, complex installation work, preceding the connection of the system. Tape can be used to quickly attach the siren and sensors. Over time it dries out and the equipment may fall.
  4. Lack of a Russified interface and instructions in Russian (in some models).
  5. Absence service centers and technical support, short warranty period (maximum 1 year).
  6. Narrow range of operating temperatures (Chinese GSM alarms stop working if the temperature drops below 1-5 degrees).

Is the risk worth it?

GSM alarm systems from China are attractive due to their low cost: the price of kits starts from $50-70. Another advantage is the ability to select wireless and wired sensors. Some systems can be expanded with additional devices.

We have collected the best inexpensive summer cottages GSM security alarms , available on the popular Aliexpress marketplace. Most attention was paid to new generation models with the ability to control via mobile applications for smartphones.

Typical inexpensive GSM alarm system It consists of a small control unit, a set of wireless sensors (door opening sensors, infrared motion sensors) and a pair of key fobs, which are control panels.

Self-installation of such kits takes a few minutes. You simply place the main unit on the wall, having previously installed a SIM card of a cellular operator in it, glue the door/window opening sensors on double-sided tape and hang up the infrared motion sensors. Next, just turn on the main alarm unit and activate the sensor search mode. Other settings are made through the mobile application, SMS commands or from the device panel in accordance with the operating instructions.

Working with GSM alarms is extremely simple. If one of the sensors is triggered, the owner’s phone receives an SMS with the corresponding content, which indicates which of the sensors triggered. The alarm can also turn on the siren and make several voice calls to the specified numbers.

What is important to know when buying GSM alarms on AliExpress

  1. Most GSM alarms there will be no instructions in Russian(English and Chinese only). And even if the word “Russian” appears in the description of a product or on its advertising images, this often only means the presence of voice alerts in Russian or a Russian-language menu.
  2. Sensors can be purchased in addition. Typically, you can connect several dozen wireless sensors to an alarm system, but only a few of them will be included with it. Moreover, their number depends on how a particular seller equipped the alarm system. To simulate diversity, kits come in modest sizes and, conversely, with a large number of sensors.
  3. Sensors are different. In the most common cases, these are infrared motion sensors and window or door opening sensors. Also for these alarms you can find smoke, leak, and gas sensors. In addition to sensors, basic kits usually include two radio key fobs and a siren.
  4. If the alarm does not have a proprietary mobile application. In this case, you can find a universal application on Google Play or the AppStore that will send SMS commands pre-added to it.

The best inexpensive GSM alarm system – Marlboze GSM02

Of the models with the lowest price, this will be the most optimal purchase. It is based on the previous generation model, but comes with a proprietary mobile application for control from a smartphone on iOS or Android. You can connect not only wireless sensors to Marlboze GSM02, but also wired ones.

The basic kit includes an infrared motion sensor, a door/window sensor, two radio key fobs and a siren. Plus Russian-language instructions.

The best GSM alarm with an expanded set of functions - Kerui G18

This model has a color LCD screen and a menu through which you can configure and activate it various functions. Also, the alarm can easily serve as a landline cell phone. Of course, there is a proprietary mobile application and a basic set of sensors: an infrared motion sensor, a door/window sensor and two radio key fobs.

The best price is 3585 rubles. Moreover, there is the possibility of fast delivery from Russia in 2-10 days.

The best GSM alarm with a large set of sensors – Marlboze PG-500

Although this model belongs to the previous generation, if you need to cover as many independent rooms in the house as possible for a minimum price, this will be the best deal. There are five here infrared sensors motion, five door/window sensors, four key fobs and a siren. But there is no proprietary mobile application. If the issue with the mobile application is fundamental, then it is better to pay attention to a more modern model, which with the same set of sensors, but without a touch panel, will cost about 1000 rubles. expensive.

Best price – 4619 rubles. including discount until July 20.

We have placed the remaining popular models of GSM alarms in a small table, providing brief comments.

model sensor set best price excluding discounts sensors for a fee a comment
1 infrared
1 doors
2 radio key fobs
1 siren
2300 rub. Up to 6 wireless and 4 wired sensors, including smoke and gas sensors. Low price, Russian-language manual. There is no proprietary mobile application.
Marlboze GSM02

1 infrared
1 doors
2 radio key fobs
1 siren
2600 rub. Up to 50 wireless and several wired sensors, including smoke and gas detectors. Low price, Russian-language manual, proprietary mobile application.
Kerui A2

1 infrared
1 doors
2 radio key fobs
2900 rub. Up to 100 wireless and 20 wired sensors, including smoke and gas sensors. LCD screen, touch panel, proprietary mobile application.

1 infrared
1 doors
2 radio key fobs
1 siren
3100 rub. Up to 99 wireless sensors, including smoke detectors. A modern model with a proprietary mobile application. The seller has a wide selection of ready-made kits.
Kerui G18

1 infrared
1 doors
2 radio key fobs
1 siren
3600 rub. Advanced modern model with LCD screen, touch panel and proprietary mobile application. Fast delivery from Russia.
Hssafe HS-GA-120CG

1 infrared
1 doors
2 radio key fobs
1 siren
4300 rub. Up to 120 wireless and 2 wired sensors. Touch panel, mobile application.
Marlboze PG-500

5 infrared
5 doors
4 radio key fobs
1 siren
4600 rub. Up to 99 wireless sensors, including smoke and gas detectors. Previous generation model. Lots of sensors for a low price. There is no proprietary mobile application.

Many people protect their summer cottages from uninvited guests using cheap GSM alarms. Its main task is to scare the intruder, attract the attention of others and inform the owner of the building that it is worth checking if everything is in order at the dacha. Of course, it won’t stop serious robbers, but such people, as a rule, are not interested in the spoils of dacha thieves. Of course, you can make such an alarm yourself using a controller and a GSM module, but I find it more convenient to use a factory product. Such alarms have an interface for connecting both wired and wireless sensors. The main problem is the short range of wireless ones, and the need to pull wires for wired ones. In this review we will eliminate these shortcomings. I invite those who love crafts (Arduino, boards, code) under cat.

On my summer cottage In addition to the house, there is also a bathhouse and a barn. I would also like to install sensors for the appearance of people in them with a single control center in the house. There are two options here: a radio channel (15-20 meters are problematic for transmission through brick walls and metal tiles), a separate wire to each sensor (I didn’t want to dig and pull and route wires between buildings). Another option would be to install its own alarm system at each facility - which is no longer budget-friendly and adds inconvenience (3 key fobs, etc.). At the same time, between the bathhouse and the house, as well as between the bathhouse and the barn, I have a twisted pair cable laid underground for the operation of my other electronic crafts. Moreover, at each site there is a switch converted to distribute passive POE (12V over twisted pair, on unused wires). Therefore, the solution became obvious - to provide wired and wireless sensors barn and bathhouse, and transmit the data via Ethernet to the house, where this matter is converted into an understandable alarm format. In addition, I decided to add notifications via the Internet and link video surveillance with an alarm (for example, send pictures by email at the moment it is triggered). All this will be solved by the device developed in this review.

Manufacturing of the device

We print on yellow thermal transfer paper:

Preparing the workpiece:

A reliable, heavy domestic iron comes into play:

Drawing on the blank:

Ferric chloride eats excess copper:

Two boards after tinning:

We solder the components and test:

Reverse side (before washing off the flux):

Now you can connect the USB-TTL converter and network cable:

Reverse side with flux washed off:

As antennas, we solder wires about 17 cm long:

Those who wish to replicate the device can.

getting the code

/* Simple example for receiving */ #include RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch(); void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); mySwitch.enableReceive(0); // Receiver on interrupt 0 => that is pin #2 ) void loop() ( if (mySwitch.available()) ( int value = mySwitch.getReceivedValue(); if (value == 0) ( Serial.print("Unknown encoding"); ) else ( Serial.print("Received "); Serial.print(mySwitch.getReceivedValue()); Serial.print (" / "); Serial.print(mySwitch.getReceivedBitlength()); Serial.print("bit "); Serial.print("Protocol: "); Serial.println(mySwitch.getReceivedProtocol()); ) mySwitch. resetAvailable(); ) )

And disconnecting the magnet from the reed switch we see a desperate cry on the air:

Our device code: 1022617

we write a code that recognizes the activation of our sensor

#include RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch(); void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); mySwitch.enableReceive(0); // Receiver on interrupt 0 => that is pin #2 ) void loop() ( if (mySwitch.available()) ( unsigned long value = mySwitch.getReceivedValue(); if (value == 1022617) ( Serial.println("Detected"); ) mySwitch.resetAvailable(); ) )

After loading this code, each time the magnet is removed, the following messages will appear in the console:

For each event, the sensor makes 19 messages.

All that remains is to transmit it over the network. For the ENC28J60 module we need the library. Let's write some simple code:

Sending event data to the center

//////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// // yurok (last change 04/19/2016) // Signal (433) control (draft) /////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// // #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// // PIN configuration ////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// #define ETHERNET_PIN 10 #define ETHERNET_RST_PIN 14 // buffer size for get and send network messages #define NETWORK_BUFFER_SIZE 700 ///////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// // Network configuration ////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////// // ethernet mac address - must be unique on your network static byte mymac = ( 0x74.0x69.0x69.0x2D,0x30.0x34 ); // ethernet interface ip address static byte myip = ( 192,168,0,31 ); static byte gwip = ( 192,168,0,1 ); static byte dnsip = ( 192,168,0,1 ); static byte mymask = ( 255,255,255,0 ); const char website PROGMEM = ""; byte Ethernet::buffer; // tcp/ip send and receive buffer BufferFiller EtherBufferFiller; // prepare the webpage by writing the data to the tcp send buffer //////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch(); void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); // Ethernet init if(ether.begin(sizeof Ethernet::buffer, mymac, ETHERNET_PIN) == 0)( Serial.println("Failed to access Ethernet controller"); exit(0); )else( Serial.println("Ethernet controller ok"); ); digitalWrite(ETHERNET_RST_PIN, LOW); delay(20); digitalWrite(ETHERNET_RST_PIN, HIGH); ether.staticSetup(myip, gwip, dnsip, mymask); ether.printIp("IP: ", ether.myip); ether.printIp("GW: ", ether.gwip); ether.printIp("DNS: ", ether.dnsip); if (!ether. dnsLookup(website)) Serial.println("DNS failed"); ether.printIp("SRV: ", ether.hisip); mySwitch.enableReceive(0); // Receiver on interrupt 0 => that is pin #2 ) // called when the client request is complete static void my_callback (byte status, word off, word len) ( Serial.println(">>>"); Ethernet::buffer = 0; Serial.print((const char*) Ethernet::buffer + off); Serial.println("..."); ) void loop() ( ether.packetLoop(ether.packetReceive()); if (mySwitch.available()) ( unsigned long value = mySwitch .getReceivedValue(); if (value == 1022617) ( Serial.println("Detected"); ether.browseUrl(PSTR("/index.html"), "", website, my_callback); ) mySwitch.resetAvailable(); ) )

We connect the device to the home network, launch Apache on the laptop ( (it just was), we see in the console:

These inscriptions indicate that we were able to recognize the activation of the sensor, transmit this information over the network and receive a positive response from the web server. Our requests are present in the web server log files:

Based on this code, it is easy to organize remote processing of sensor activation via Ethernet. Moreover, all sensors from these alarms work on the same principle: they recognize an event and repeatedly send their code over the air. Wired sensors can be connected to specially left inputs of our board and also transmit information about events over the network. Of course, the given code is just a prototype, but the main points are all there. Naturally, you need to add replay protection, etc., but everyone can do this themselves.

I'll end here. Thanks to those who read to the end, I hope someone finds the information useful! If there is interest, I will continue to write about dacha creativity.

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The concerns of the average car owner are often associated not only with his technical condition, but also with the desire to preserve your favorite car from encroachment various kinds intruders. Setting Rating Alarms the best manufacturers the pleasure is not cheap. The popularity of the brand is associated with highest quality for the entire range of manufactured products. Service infrastructure with active Internet support is an integral part of the marketing struggle for a high rating.

Can any brand in a short time oust the giants of world business from their place in the sun? A place for which huge amounts of money and years of hard work from the best minds of the company were paid. In the Land of the Rising Sun there is no doubt about this possibility. The best Chinese car alarms, among other products from this country, are trying to prove that this is possible. The way to achieve the goal is to copy popular products from leading brands and sell them at dumping prices.

Should you trust Chinese alarms?

It is not difficult to copy and create duplicates of rated products of any type. Chinese specialists are not short of hard work and diligence. Sometimes products from China, including alarms, are difficult to distinguish from original products. Especially when it is impossible to determine the manufacturer on its packaging. But you are immediately amazed by their declared capabilities and amazing price in terms of size.

And it doesn’t matter at all that such products have already been discontinued. Cost and a new name come to the fore. Such once popular car alarms as Tomahawk series TW-9020 and StarLine model B9 are now popular and have a ridiculous price. And such a popular alarm system as the Winner dialog A85 series is a complete analogue of the discontinued StarLine model A91. Falling behind in relevance is the fate of everyone who cannot afford innovation.

Basic characteristic feature All products from China is its unpredictability. This also applies to car alarms. An alarm system, once purchased in an online store or received as a name day gift, can serve well for many years. The best of Chinese car alarms can immediately inform the lucky owner of the gift about his incapacity. Or it may simply freeze, showing no signs of life at the most inopportune moment.

It is not for nothing that in Russia synonyms for the word goods from China are the words - low-grade, shoddy, low-quality. Of course, there are always exceptions, but you have to figure them out somehow. As for specifically the best Chinese alarms, they are characterized by the following features.

  • exceptional, up to the smallest details, external resemblance to the original;
  • decorative quality of finishing of all components and assemblies;
  • low cost, up to dumping values.

Negative characteristics that lower the rating of the best samples:

  • a minimum number of authorized installation centers for the best Chinese alarm systems;
  • absence service Chinese car alarms;
  • there is no comprehensive online support for the best Chinese GSM/GPS car alarms;
  • unpredictable technical quality of all car alarm components;
  • technical documentation difficult to understand;
  • difficult to implement warranty obligations manufacturer even for the best rated Chinese alarm systems.

Important: it doesn’t matter at all how the Chinese car alarm got to its lucky owner. Another important thing is to find a reputable specialist who can competently install such an alarm system. Difficulties begin with reading technical documentation in Russian transcription with an “eastern” accent. It will be funny and sad at the same time.

The best Chinese car alarms

Even the best Chinese car alarms are not particularly popular. They can even be classified as scarce goods in the vastness of Russia. But no one is in a hurry to occupy this niche, filling it with cheap assortment from China. Either the marketing of manufacturers from China is not very aggressive, or the Russians have lost faith in the advisability of purchasing even the best rated examples of Chinese alarm systems.

If in the regions of Central Siberia and Far East While there are still online discussions regarding the rating significance of Chinese car alarms, Central Russia is looking at this with surprise. You need to understand why, besides price, Chinese alarms are better than, for example, Russian ones. What can StarLine, BLACK BUG or Pandora oppose them with? The question of price, as a non-technical category, should be omitted. It is worth considering only those characteristics of Chinese car alarms that are necessary to prevent theft:

  1. AGILON models AL-2000F1 series S, T and U;

Chinese alarm system AGILON AL-2000F1 S, T and U

  • all of the listed alarm samples have interactive, two-way communication;
  • can be installed on cars with both automatic and manual transmissions;
  • installed on turbocharged cars, this car alarm activates the turbo timer mode;
  • it can be programmed to autostart the car using a timer;
  • the functional range of the pager reaches 1500 m, depending on the amount of interference;
  • Anti-Hi-Jack anti-robbery mode functions reliably;
  • On the left side windshield there is a coded driver call sensor;
  • the coded “valet” mode will provide emergency shutdown of the alarm.


  • one of the best Chinese car alarms with two-way communication and dialogue coding;
  • it is intended for cars with any gearbox;
  • it is possible to install this alarm on turbocharged cars;
  • has a remote start function with various programming;
  • The “panic” and “anti-robbery” functions make this car alarm one of the best examples of Chinese products.

Alarm system Super BCS 2000RT

  • car alarm from among the best rated models;
  • the alarm system has two-way, encrypted communication with a range of more than 1200 m;
  • built-in immobilizer, anti-grabber and anti-scanner functions;
  • autorun with various programming options;
  • installation on cars with any type of engine;
  • volatile memory in case of unexpected power failure;
  • turbo timer functions and car alarm are among the best rated in their category.

Important: all the best Chinese alarm systems will not be able to surprise the jaded car owner in our country. Blame it all Russian manufacturers the best car alarms, spoiling consumers with their innovative new products.

Given the excellent assortment of Russian models of car alarms for cars, it is difficult to imagine that even the best Chinese alarm system will be able to compare them with anything other than cost. But Russian car owners are not so poor as to buy, even from China, but a pig in a poke.

Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that the products of Chinese manufacturers dominate the shelves of any stores. To a large extent, this affected stores selling household radio-electronic equipment, computer gadgets and various alarm systems. Chinese GSM alarms can be viewed from two perspectives. This - price and quality, as well as some features characteristic of goods from the Middle Kingdom.

GSM signaling structure

Security alarms made in China with moduleGSMcan be divided into two groups:

  • Wired alarms
  • Wireless systems

In the first case, security sensors are connected to the control panel using wired lines, and in wireless systems, contact between the sensors and the base unit is carried out via a radio channel. Chinese manufacturers They present most of their security products in the form of ready-made kits, which include a full set of components intended for self-installation.

Usually included security GSM alarm system includes the following elements:
  • Control panel with GSM module – 1
  • Macnitac contact reed sensor – 1
  • Infrared volumetric motion sensor – 1
  • Remote control for remote control – 2
  • Piezoelectric siren – 1
  • Network adapter – 1

This is standard minimum set, which is suitable for a summer house or small apartment. For larger objects, the number of protected zones and sensors in them can be increased.

A GSM alarm system made in China can look very decent in appearance. Beautiful plastic case, availability LCD-display for many models, and the declared specifications correspond the most stringent requirements. In addition, very low price compared to domestic developments. It is precisely this cost of security systems that cannot but alarm.

Disadvantages and advantages of Chinese signaling

Chinese products can be compared to a lottery - you'll be lucky, you'll be unlucky. For some, a Chinese-made security alarm system did not live up to the hopes placed on it, but in other cases there are no complaints about this equipment.

The choice of Chinese security alarms on the market is very large, so before making a choice and purchasing such a system, it makes sense to read reviews from real consumers of this product. You should not trust sellers, since their goal is only to sell and you can rarely get objective information from them. Lowest price for various electronic devices found in online stores. But, in case of refusal, replacing the product with another, or returning the money spent, will be very problematic.

The most popular wireless ChineseGSMsignalingmay have the following disadvantages:

  • Low power of security detector transmitters
  • Low power GSM module
  • Poor noise immunity
  • Lack of Russian-language instructions

B usually indicates a fairly large distance between the security sensor and the control panel.

Some Chinese models may indicate a distance of 100 or 150 meters. In fact, practice shows that the distance is overestimated by at least two times.

If we add to this the presence of one or more brick or reinforced concrete walls, then the distance between the sensor and the base device can be limited to 10-15 meters. Basically small country house or one-room apartment can be equipped with such a system, but for a larger area a more powerful model will be required.

Insufficient power

Low transmitter power of the GSM module can lead to more serious negative consequences. Typically, a wireless security alarm system is equipped with one or two wire loops, so if the transmitter power of the sensor is not enough, burglar alarm It’s easy to convert from wireless to wired. Low technical specifications GSM modules force the owner of the security alarm to move the antenna to external wall. If the apartment is located high up, then this is not a problem, but in a low-rise building, the antenna can be easily removed.

What about GSM signal strength?

The consequence of a “weak” GSM module is its low noise immunity. The stronger the signal, the less likely it is to be clogged with any radio interference. The weak point of any security alarm operating in a cellular communication channel is that it can be silenced by special devices. Such “jammers” are inexpensive and are sold on any radio market. But in order to suppress the signal high-quality GSM an alarm system will require a whole set of expensive professional equipment, and this should also be taken into account when choosing a security system.

Where to find instructions for a Chinese alarm system

Chinese GSM home alarms often do not have instructions, written in Russian. If there is an instruction, it may contain many errors and incorrect translations. Some security devices are equipped with an LCD display, but they do not have a Russian-language interface. Therefore, the choice of security alarm should be approached very carefully. The main advantage of electronics from Chinese manufacturers is low cost. Usually this factor is decisive when choosing a security system. Design of the control panel and security sensors also meets the best international standards

Choosing a Chinese-made security alarm system

In practice, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance. Chinese manufacturers have quite decent alarm models with a GSM module, which can be called optimal in terms of price/quality ratio. Such devices have good functionality, are reliable in operation and are affordable for any segment of the population.

Security Alarm System

  • Type – multifunctional alarm with GSM module
  • Wireless zones – 6
  • Wired zones – 4
  • Sending SMS messages – 3 phone numbers
  • Dialing – 6 numbers
  • Remote control and programming by SMS commands
  • GSM 900/1800 MHz

In addition to the control panel, the kit includes the following devices:

  • Magnetic contact sensor – 1
  • Infrared motion detector – 1
  • Wired siren 110 dB – 1
  • Remote control key fob – 2
  • Battery – 1
  • Power adapter 220/12 V – 1

The control panel allows the connection of up to 25 additional sensors. In addition to security detectors, the system can be equipped with smoke fire detectors, devices that respond to household gas leaks, sensors that are triggered when a specified temperature threshold is exceeded, and devices that respond to room flooding. Upon command from a mobile communication device, you can turn on the built-in microphone and control your home environment online. Thus, the Security Alarm System can be considered a universal security system for an apartment or house. The cost of the basic set is only 2,700 rubles, which is much cheaper than security systems from other manufacturers.