We are expanding the range of the Chinese GSM alarm system - another country craft. Chinese GSM alarm: what to look for when choosing

Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that the products of Chinese manufacturers dominate the shelves of any stores. To a large extent, this affected stores selling household radio-electronic equipment, computer gadgets and various alarm systems. Chinese GSM alarms can be viewed from two perspectives. This - price and quality, as well as some features characteristic of goods from the Middle Kingdom.

GSM signaling structure

Security alarms made in China with a moduleGSMcan be divided into two groups:

  • Wired alarms
  • Wireless systems

In the first case security sensors are connected to the control panel using wire lines, and in wireless systems Contact between the sensors and the base unit is carried out via a radio channel. Chinese manufacturers They present most of their security products in the form of ready-made kits, which include a full set of components intended for self-installation.

Typically, a GSM security alarm kit includes the following elements:
  • Control panel with GSM module – 1
  • Macnitac contact reed sensor – 1
  • Infrared volumetric motion sensor – 1
  • Remote control for remote control – 2
  • Piezoelectric siren – 1
  • Network adapter – 1

This is a standard minimum set that is suitable for a summer house or small apartment. For larger objects, the number of protected zones and sensors in them can be increased.

A GSM alarm system made in China can look very decent in appearance. Beautiful plastic case, availability LCD-display for many models, and the declared specifications correspond the most stringent requirements. In addition, very low price compared to domestic developments. It is precisely this cost of security systems that cannot but alarm.

Disadvantages and advantages of Chinese signaling

Chinese products can be compared to a lottery - you'll be lucky, you'll be unlucky. For some, a Chinese-made security alarm system did not live up to the hopes placed on it, but in other cases there are no complaints about this equipment.

The choice of Chinese security alarms on the market is very large, so before making a choice and purchasing such a system, it makes sense to read reviews from real consumers of this product. You should not trust sellers, since their goal is only to sell and you can rarely get objective information from them. The lowest prices for various electronic devices can be found in online stores. But, in case of refusal, replacing the product with another, or returning the money spent, will be very problematic.

The most popular wireless ChineseGSMsignalingmay have the following disadvantages:

  • Low power of security detector transmitters
  • Low power GSM module
  • Poor noise immunity
  • Lack of Russian-language instructions

B usually indicates a fairly large distance between the security sensor and the control panel.

Some Chinese models may indicate a distance of 100 or 150 meters. In fact, practice shows that the distance is overestimated by at least two times.

If we add to this the presence of one or more brick or reinforced concrete walls, then the distance between the sensor and the base device can be limited to 10-15 meters. Basically small country house or one-room apartment can be equipped with such a system, but for a larger area a more powerful model will be required.

Insufficient power

Low transmitter power of the GSM module can lead to more serious negative consequences. Typically, a wireless security alarm is equipped with one or two wired loops, so if the transmitter power of the sensor is not enough, the security alarm can be easily converted from a wireless to a wired version. Low technical specifications GSM modules force the owner burglar alarm move the antenna to external wall. If the apartment is located high up, then this is not a problem, but in a low-rise building, the antenna can be easily removed.

What about GSM signal strength?

The consequence of a “weak” GSM module is its low noise immunity. The stronger the signal, the less likely it is to be clogged with any radio interference. The weak point of any security alarm operating in a cellular communication channel is that it can be silenced by special devices. Such “jammers” are inexpensive and are sold on any radio market. But in order to suppress the signal high-quality GSM alarm system will require a whole set of expensive professional equipment, and this should also be taken into account when choosing security system.

Where to find instructions for a Chinese alarm system

Chinese GSM home alarms often do not have instructions, written in Russian. If there is an instruction, it may contain many errors and incorrect translations. Some security devices are equipped with an LCD display, but they do not have a Russian-language interface. Therefore, the choice of security alarm should be approached very carefully. The main advantage of electronics from Chinese manufacturers is low cost. Usually this factor is decisive when choosing a security system. The design of the control panel and security sensors also meets the best international standards

Choosing a Chinese-made security alarm system

In practice, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance. Chinese manufacturers have quite decent alarm models with a GSM module, which can be called optimal in terms of price/quality ratio. Such devices have good functionality, are reliable in operation and are affordable for any segment of the population.

Security Alarm System

  • Type – multifunctional alarm with GSM module
  • Wireless zones – 6
  • Wired zones – 4
  • Sending SMS messages – 3 phone numbers
  • Dialing – 6 numbers
  • Remote control and programming by SMS commands
  • GSM 900/1800 MHz

In addition to the control panel, the kit includes the following devices:

  • Magnetic contact sensor – 1
  • Infrared motion detector – 1
  • Wired siren 110 dB – 1
  • Remote control key fob – 2
  • Battery – 1
  • Power adapter 220/12 V – 1

The control panel allows the connection of up to 25 additional sensors. In addition to security detectors, the system can be equipped with smoke fire detectors, devices that respond to household gas leaks, sensors that are triggered when a specified temperature threshold is exceeded, and devices that respond to room flooding. Upon command from a mobile communication device, you can turn on the built-in microphone and control your home environment online. Thus, the Security Alarm System can be considered a universal security system for an apartment or house. The cost of the basic set is only 2,700 rubles, which is much cheaper than security systems from other manufacturers.

Almost every homeowner thinks about how to provide reliable protection to your home. Range of security systems for modern market quite diverse, and today without special labor you can choose equipment that is suitable in terms of cost and functionality. It is known that not everyone has the opportunity to purchase expensive devices from well-known world brands, so many install GSM alarms from China, which is considered a budget option, while having good technical characteristics.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a GSM alarm system from China?

When choosing a warning system from China, you should consider the following features:

  • Security settings;
  • Ease of use criteria;
  • Ability to duplicate functions;
  • Availability of documentation in Russian;
  • Compliance of mechanisms with state standards;
  • Availability of certified service centers on Russian territory;
  • Compatible with devices from other manufacturers.

The principle of operation of the Chinese GSM alarm system and its complex composition

Ensuring control of a protected object using GSM alarm occurs by transmitting an alarm signal via a radio channel. For these purposes, sensors are installed in the building that respond to a certain impact factor, which, in the event of an emergency, send a signal to the receiving device. Next, warning mechanisms are turned on, for example, a siren, and an alarm message is sent to the owner’s phone.

Chinese-made GSM alarm systems include a central unit and peripheral devices. The warning system is also equipped with the following mechanisms:

  • Radio key fobs or keys;
  • Reed switch;
  • Sensors that respond to movement.

The choice of equipment is individual and determined by many factors: from the architectural features of the building to the user’s preferences. Upon completion of installation, the complex is configured and synchronized with the owner’s mobile device. At the user's request, the alarm can be connected to a centralized security console, but for this, an agreement must be concluded with a company providing such services. In this case, the system will transmit an alarm message directly to the private security console, which is obliged to immediately take response measures.

Chinese GSM alarms are easy to configure and allow you to control the system from the owner’s mobile phone.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using GSM alarm systems from China?

Like all electronic devices from different manufacturers, Chinese GSM warning systems have certain advantages and disadvantages in operation. The advantages of alarms include:

  • Low cost of equipment and installation work;
  • No need to connect to a landline telephone network and lay cable lines;
  • Easy to install and operate.

The main disadvantage of GSM signaling from China is its susceptibility to signal suppression by attackers using special devices. However, this problem can be solved by connecting the equipment to a landline telephone network. Also, when choosing a device, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics and the ability of the system to function effectively in the climatic conditions of a particular region.

What are GSM car alarms from China?

It is known that Chinese manufacturers have a number of developments in warning systems that protect any vehicle from theft. Thus, the domestic market for such gadgets is filled with the following brands: Tomahawk, Huatai, Scher-Khan. They attract Russian buyers, first of all, with their price. The cost of a car alarm consists of the costs of the following mechanisms:

  • Processing unit;
  • Control key fobs;
  • Additional components consisting of a siren, sensors, relays;
  • Cable lines and fastening mechanisms.

However, when the system is equipped with additional devices, the cost of the alarm increases. Chinese GSM car alarms have the following functionality:

  • Notifying the owner about an illegal attempt to break into the car;
  • Indication of a specific time, date, and penetration zone;
  • Charge control battery keychain;
  • Providing feedback;
  • Interaction with various communication channels.

The video shows an overview of alarm systems from China:

Experts recommend that when purchasing car alarms from Chinese developers, choose the latest generation models, since attackers have not yet mastered them for the purpose of hacking. It is also better to purchase systems equipped with a high-quality immobilizer, as they provide a higher degree of vehicle protection.

If you need to purchase budget option, you need to choose systems with a basic set of functions, which can be expanded in the future.

When installing a warning system on your vehicle, you need to find out which security zones it is capable of monitoring. The optimal protection option is considered to be alarms that simultaneously monitor several vehicle components, for example, wheels, doors, hood, trunk, etc. Chinese manufacturers offer multifunctional car alarms. GSM system notification, which can automatically return to the original mode, as well as control various mechanisms (sensors, locks, ignition key).

Our regular reader shares his experience in choosing and configuring GSM alarms. We hope that this text may be useful to those who are thinking about a modern and easily controlled alarm system for their home or office.

Our regular reader shares his experience in choosing and configuring a GSM alarm system. We hope that this text may be useful to those who are thinking about a modern and easily controlled alarm system for their home or office. “Wireless GSM alarm system is relatively inexpensive and at the same time extremely convenient. Functionality alarms are easily adapted to the specific needs of a household. The number of connected sensors is in principle unlimited, and the use of a set of sensors different principle actions and assignments allows you to control all potentially vulnerable places in the house."


Winter. Mice and... various strange creatures roam around the dachas in triumph. Having discovered an attempt to open the metal entrance door at the dacha, we decided to act somehow. Set up a stretch? It’s dangerous - children, neighbors, and it’s a pity for the dacha. Hire a security guard? Very expensive. Even if you don’t buy him a machine gun. And then I remembered about wireless GSM alarms. In the event of an alarm, the alarm will notify us, and we will call the neighbors who permanently live in the holiday village, who, with the help of a shotgun and a kind word, can quickly find out who is roaming around other people's yards.

Of course, a wired remote alarm would also be excellent option. But the holiday village is simply not served by “wired” security companies due to its significant distance from city communications. In general, for suburban houses, dachas and rented apartments, wireless GSM alarm system will be the best option. Such an alarm will not require the conclusion of contracts, and when moving to new apartment or it’s easy and simple to take her home with you. The alarm system informs about all alarming events via the almost ubiquitous GSM mobile connection. Moreover, if desired, and with additional financial investments, the alarm can inform not only about the entry of strangers into your abode, but also about the threat of a fire or a household gas leak, a water pipe break, etc. Having received the corresponding SMS or voice call on your mobile phone, you immediately decide whether to call the police, neighbors, firefighters, gas service, or run to the plumber for a bottle.

Difficulty of choice

I’ll be honest, I recently understood no more about alarms than I did about the nature of dark matter. Initially, as always, I wanted to save money. Therefore, the choice started with GSM alarm OKO-U with a very attractive price at $50. But I very quickly realized that the stingy one would overpay three times. Poor equipment even without sensors, a suspicious bunch of different firmware for some use cases, and finally a bit weird appearance“young technician” forced me to say a resounding no to the toad and OKO-U.

The alarm system should be beautiful - that’s what my wife thinks. Although all my life I have been trying to convince her that any thing should be practical, but so far it is useless. A cool screen with blue backlight plus a bonus in the form of a built-in keyboard was found in the ALFA Vip 606C GSM alarm system costing $144. But honestly, no one will bother with a screen and keyboard at the dacha. The alarm system will be operated wirelessly - using a key fob or smartphone, and the control panel will generally be hidden away from prying eyes. Why all these frills? Plus, having turned the alarm in my hands, I was not very impressed with the build quality of the control panel, as well as the properties of the screen. Finally, the absence of an official website is very suspicious and typical of fly-by-night companies and “last echelon” manufacturers, so I never bought the “alpha”.

But China rules the market. The next one that came into view was the Chinese Tenex Guard 3220G GSM, priced at $125. The seller spent a long time explaining to me what a cool thing this was. But I haven’t been fooled by empty words for a long time. And I prefer to do some additional digging on the Internet. On the home site, the alarm is called the ideal solution. But probably ideal for someone else, not me. The need for manual soldering of contacts to obtain a code compatible with the alarm system for sensors (even for those included!), lack of the necessary sensors on sale, finally, the inability to trigger the siren when powered autonomously from the built-in battery finally convinced me that Tenex is not the option to take.

So that you understand what soldering of contacts is and the alternative setting of the central control code with jumpers, I provide two pictures: in the first case, the contacts are soldered, in the second they are connected by jumpers. What do you think can be done easier, faster and with less risk of damaging the sensor?

In general, it seems to me that the cheapness of Chinese do-it-yourself alarm systems is explained by the fact that a significant part of buyers turn to a service where they are charged an additional fee for soldering the sensors.

Then I got to the “witch virobnik”. The first GSM alarm system I came across was the Guardian Avizor Kit, worth $135. But the lack of a cable for connecting to a PC in the package confused me a little. It’s somehow more common to configure the hardware with a convenient user interface in front of your eyes. Therefore, the Guardian Evolution Kit alarm system was chosen, which had not only a USB cable, but also more modern look, as well as an impressive battery included, which was very important for me. In total, for $180 I purchased an option that suited me quite well and had decent equipment for alarm systems of this level. Since the neighbors in the country had two years of positive experience in using the Ajax security alarm system from the same manufacturer, the choice was finally finalized.

What did you like about the Guardian Evolution Kit alarm system? It, unlike Chinese crafts of a similar class, out of the box is configured for normal joint operation of the control panel and the included sensors and does not require fiddling with a soldering iron. Free availability of additional sensors for sale, availability of service support and a reasonable one-year warranty. Decent official website. Installation does not require mounting or renovation work, and the modular expansion principle makes it possible to flexibly expand alarm capabilities by connecting new sensors (the number of which is practically unlimited), key fobs, signal amplifiers and even relay-controlled devices. It is easy to connect even powerful infrared barriers to this alarm system if you are seriously concerned about security country house. And finally, autonomous wireless sensors are a plus; they continue to work when there is no voltage in the mains, which is not uncommon for a summer residence. Actually, all this prompted me to buy a Sentinel alarm system. You, of course, are free to choose the alarm model yourself, especially since the operating principles of different alarm systems and especially sensors are very similar.

The Guardian Evolution Kit alarm system includes only “security” sensors - opening and movement. Additional sensors, such as fire sensors, water leaks, gas leaks, etc. will have to be purchased separately. Fortunately, these sensors are relatively inexpensive and can often even operate autonomously. That is, without a central alarm system at all. To raise an alarm, autonomous sensors are equipped with their own built-in sirens. However, without a control panel, these sensors are not able to report an alarm via GSM communication, which greatly limits their functionality. For example, while you are “hanging out” with friends, a pan forgotten in the country kitchen can flood the stove, and the house will be filled with gas from a cylinder. The siren will sound, but you won't know why. All you have to do is rush into the house with a cigarette, and fireworks are guaranteed.

1. Security functions

The Guardian Evolution Kit alarm kit includes a central console, a power supply for it, a backup battery (from which the alarm operates when there is no voltage in the mains), two key fobs, two sensors performing security functions (an opening sensor and a motion sensor), a siren and USB cable for setting up a security system using a PC. In addition to additional sensors, special keypads and panic buttons are connected to the alarm system. You can safely save on them as unnecessary.
Everything said below about the siren and sensors will be true for 99.9% of sets of inexpensive GSM alarms present on the Ukrainian market. Therefore, the information will be useful to owners of alarm systems of different brands.

1.1. Siren

The siren is turned on by the control panel if an alarm signal is received from the sensors. With its strong howl (110 dB), the siren will both scare away the villain (the powerful sound really “hits” the ears) and give a signal to the neighbors. The only sure way for an attacker to turn off a wailing siren is to pull out or cut the wires connecting the siren to the control panel. Therefore, you should not place the siren and alarm central too much in sight. It is possible that, unable to withstand the deafening howl of an invisible siren, the thief will prefer to retreat, simply so as not to spend money on treatment from an otolaryngologist.

There is double-sided tape glued to the back of the siren for quick attachment, but I still recommend screwing it on with self-tapping screws. The tape dries out over time, and the siren (or any sensor attached to similar tape) may fall off.

1.2 Key rings

Convenient wireless key fobs Guardian M-101 are designed for setting (button closed lock) and removal (button open lock) security alarms. The key fob is also equipped with an alarm button (with a lightning bolt pattern) and an alarm off button (crossed out siren). The panic button, when pressed, instantly activates the alarm with a deafening wail of a siren. This can be used when, approaching the house, you notice strangers there. And to prevent the siren from turning on accidentally, the sliding latch covers all the key fob buttons to prevent unintentional pressing. The set includes only 2 keychains; an additional copy will cost approximately $6.5. In general, the key fob is a convenient thing with extremely intuitive controls, like a remote control for an alarm in your pocket. Especially recommended for children and pensioners.

Unauthorized entry into a room protected by an alarm system is detected using opening sensors, glass break sensors and motion sensors.

1.3 Opening sensor

The set includes one opening sensor Guardian M-401, the price of an additional sensor is $6.3 per unit. If the house has metal Entrance door or need to be protected Garage Doors, then you will need another type of sensor - Guardian M-402, which costs $16.5. Such a sensor is already capable of working with massive metal objects, while the Guardian M-401 may not work in the presence of significant masses of metal. The opening sensor Guardian M-401 is intended exclusively for monitoring the opening of wooden or metal-plastic doors and windows.

Structurally, the opening sensor consists of two elements: a magnet and the actual sensor block with a reed switch. The magnet is attached to the moving part of the door/window, and the sensor is mounted opposite the magnet on the fixed part. The reed switch begins to conduct current under the influence of a magnetic field. As soon as the magnet moves away from the reed switch - a door or window opens - the reed switch opens and stops passing current. The sensor generates an alarm.

It is quite obvious that such a primitive type of sensor is easy to deceive. An attacker, noticing the presence of an opening sensor, will simply stick a magnet to its main unit with double-sided tape or even plasticine. And you can safely open the door or window wide - the opening sensor will not work. Therefore, to back up the security system, a motion sensor is also used.

1.4. Motion Sensor

A wireless motion sensor is designed to track the movement of people in a room. The alarm kit includes one such Sentinel M-302 sensor; each additional copy will cost $31. The sensor's operation is based on detecting infrared radiation from living beings. As soon as the sensor detects the movement of a living creature (it can ignore small pets weighing up to approximately 25 kg), it sends an alarm. If some inanimate object moves in the room (for example, a jacket falls from a hanger), the sensor will not react. The sensor detects movement at a distance of up to 12 m and must be installed so that a moving person crosses the “field of view” of the sensor. Under no circumstances should the view of the sensor be blocked by furniture, house plants, or glass structures. The sensor operates in the far infrared range of the spectrum, and ordinary glass is as opaque to it as concrete wall. Actually, this is why the sensor cannot identify movement beyond closed window or glass door. Naturally, a smart attacker will try to neutralize the motion sensor - quickly cover it with clothing or fill it with spray paint. After this, the sensor will become useless. There is no point in breaking or removing the sensor; usually the device is protected by a tamper and an attempt to open it will trigger an alarm.

To make it difficult to neutralize the motion sensor, disguise it under interior elements, install it at a height of 2-2.5 m, where the sensor will be more difficult (inconvenient) to cover or damage. After a visit from strangers, supposedly from the gas service, energy company, water utility and who knows what other organizations, be sure to conduct visual inspection motion sensors.

1.5. Glass break sensor

Glass break sensor Guardian M-601 is designed to detect glass breakage. Such a sensor may be relevant for country houses and apartments on the first and last floors of high-rise buildings - when thieves may try to enter through a window or balcony. The issue price is about $25 per sensor. It is curious that the sensor turned out to be made in Canada, not China. This sensor has a built-in special microphone that detects sounds characteristic of glass breaking. When the glass of a window or balcony is broken, the sensor sends an alarm signal to the alarm central system. The detection range of glass breakage is up to 9 m from the sensor, while the device does not respond to others, incl. loud sounds. The downside of the sensor is that it requires a 12 V power supply. The kit includes a power supply. But if several such sensors are required, the solution can hardly be called wireless. “Disarming” such sensors is as easy as shelling pears – just disconnect the house from the power supply. The alarm will see a loss of voltage in the network, but it will not know whether this disconnection is intentional or just accidental.

Useful features

The threats from fire, water leaks and gas leaks should not be underestimated. All the problems mentioned are real natural disasters. The damage caused by these factors is many times greater than losses from theft. In the event of a fire, flood or domestic gas explosion, everything suffers: flooring and walls, doors, furniture, home electronics and Appliances. Plus there is serious threat damage to neighbors, when the amount of losses increases several times. Fire, water leak and gas leak detectors are highly desirable as part of an alarm system!

Fire protection

A fire sensor makes it possible to quickly detect a fire in order to promptly notify the owners and prevent losses. Wireless fire (smoke) sensor Guardian M-501 is designed to monitor the presence of smoke in a room. There are sensors that can detect a fire by a sharp increase in temperature, since the flame can burn without smoke. But our sensor is simpler and is designed to detect smoke as a sign of fire. The sensor, which costs about $28, is capable of working completely autonomously, and not just as part of an alarm system; it has adjustable sensitivity and a built-in siren. The device detects smoke using infrared emitter and a photodetector. When smoke particles enter the smoke chamber, the photodetector detects distortion of the infrared beam. If there is a lot of smoke, the beam distortion becomes stronger, and the sensor sends a fire alarm message to the alarm center and turns on the built-in sound siren. The sensor is perfectly capable of ensuring that nothing burns in the kitchen, loudly reminding careless housewives of food forgotten on the stove. It is not recommended to install the sensor in a place where there is frequent and heavy smoking, as false alarms are possible.

Water leakage protection

Leaking water warps the floor, damages furniture and walls, and often damages household appliances. Plus, a leak risks paying for repairs to neighbors living “downstairs” if the flood occurs in apartment building. Alas, I did not find a wireless leakage sensor for the alarm. I was already thinking about purchasing a more expensive Ajax alarm system, which definitely has such a sensor. But the toad, the economic crisis and the family council did not allow me to do this, especially since at the dacha in winter the water supply (by a pump from a well) is turned off. GSM alarm system Sentinel does not yet monitor water leakage. Perhaps in the future on summer season Let's buy an additional autonomous leak sensor, for example, the handsome Fibaro Flood Sensor FGFS-101.

The operating principle of all leakage sensors is simple: the detector is installed on the floor, and when water appears between the contact legs, the electrical circuit closes, generating an alarm signal. According to the experience of friends, random false alarms of such sensors installed in the bathroom can be very frequent. You need to be mentally prepared for this. For a false alarm, all you need to do is let steam in the bathroom or splash water on the floor.

Gas Leakage Protection

It is well known what danger gas accumulated in a room poses. The destruction from a household gas explosion can be so severe that not only the kitchen or apartment, but the entire house will be damaged. Thanks to the gas leak sensor, you can always be sure that there is no danger of household gas poisoning or explosion of the gas-air mixture in the room. Wireless sensor Guardian M-502 detects the presence natural gas, propane, butane. This sensor can work independently, without a control panel, and when an alarm occurs, it turns on the built-in sound siren. The only disadvantage of the sensor is that, although it is wireless, it is powered by a 220 V network. Therefore, you need to allocate an outlet for it in the kitchen. The price of the sensor is $23. How does the sensor detect gas? The device has a special plate - a catalyst. When gas hits the catalyst, the plate begins to heat up. When a certain threshold of gas concentration and heating of the plate is exceeded, the sensor is triggered - it sends an alarm signal to the central alarm unit and turns on the built-in siren. When tested using a gas cylinder at the dacha, the siren (85 dB) was normally audible within the average size of a 3-story building (in the absence of strong background noise, for example, a working radio or television).


The central or control panel is the basis of the alarm system. It is responsible for receiving signals from all sensors and is capable of sending SMS and voice messages to several phone numbers at once. The control panel has a unique support for Smart Home elements: the presence of relay outputs allows you to connect to an alarm system various devices and activate them by a certain type of alarm: these could be automatic water or gas shut-off valves, an automatic fire extinguishing system, etc. Just keep in mind that in the event of a false alarm (and such alarms sometimes occur), shutting off the water or gas will generally occur without consequences, but the futile operation of the fire extinguishing system can cause losses at the level of the fire itself, flooding the house.

For the alarm to work, you need to install a SIM card of any operator into it, having previously deleted all numbers from it and removed the PIN code request. To do this, you first need to install a SIM card in the phone, since such operations cannot be carried out on the alarm system itself. These procedures must be completed so that when the alarm is automatically rebooted after firmware, failure, etc. it did not lose functionality and automatically established a GSM connection with the operator’s network.
The rear panel has inputs for connecting wired sensors. Which are usually cheaper than wireless ones. But the convenience of using wireless sensors is much higher. For example, stringing wired leakage sensors up 2 floors is a hemorrhoid.

Do not forget to connect the backup power supply to the control panel from the battery. This makes it possible to maintain the functionality of the alarm system in the event of a loss of voltage in the electrical network, for example, if attackers cut off power to a house or apartment.

Mobile alarm control is very convenient. For example, arming or disarming is carried out using a call from the specified “owner” number to the SIM card of the alarm system, without a connection, that is, absolutely free. When there is an incoming call, the alarm will simply drop the call and automatically change its status to the opposite. If the alarm was in the “inactive” mode, it will go into the “security” mode. And vice versa: if the alarm was in the “security” mode, after an incoming call it will go into the “inaction” mode. Simple and quite comfortable. I went out, dialed the number - the house was under guard. Call before arriving - and you don’t have to manually disarm the alarm. You can control the alarm more flexibly by sending special SMS commands.

However, if we talk about alarm settings in general, then everything is far from being as intuitive as we would like. The settings are quite extensive. And although the interface is Russified, even advanced users, not to mention housewives, are easily confused by the abundance of options in the configurator program. Therefore, before setting up the alarm, I strongly recommend that you carefully read the manual. He describes in detail how everything works. The configurator's capabilities are truly extensive: with its help, you can, say, check the balance on your SIM card account or update the central firmware. For those who do not need unnecessary complications, I advise you to use a configurator program with a “simplified” version of the interface, you can download it here:

Before purchasing country property, we pay attention to many factors. Convenient access, availability of infrastructure near the village and, of course, proximity to nature. Tired of the metropolis, people dream of waking up to the singing of birds, breathing fresh air and picking mushrooms at the end summer season. However, all these benefits require privacy - which means you should pay more attention to the issue of security.

Even the most vigilant guard dogs will not protect your property if the village is located next to a forest. Installing an alarm system will prevent violation of the boundaries of private property not only in summer, but also in winter, when most summer residents move back to city apartments.

Recently, GSM alarms have been gaining popularity. This system transmits an alarm signal to mobile phone or directly to the security console. In Russian online stores, prices for equipment range from 3,990 rubles and above. More expensive GSM alarms are capable of reporting not only about intrusion into private territory, but also about power outages, leaks and smoke. Some models are equipped with a photo and video recording system.

GSM alarm system is compatible with any telecom operator. In the event of a break-in, a siren sounds, and an SMS message and a call are sent to the owner’s phone.

The standard kit includes:

  • main alarm unit;
  • remote control (2pcs);
  • adapter for power supply from the network (220V);
  • wired siren;
  • wireless window/door opening sensor;
  • battery (autonomous power supply for 5 hours);
  • infrared motion sensor.

GSM alarms are expensive equipment, but necessary for suburban real estate. Summer residents can save a little on their purchases on the AliExpress website, where there is a huge selection electronic devices and instruments. Depending on the number of sensors for windows and doors, motion sensors and remote controls, an alarm kit costs from 1918 rubles to 3850 rubles.

Installing an alarm, according to reviews, does not require special skills. Sellers take into account your wishes and send equipment configured in Russian and an up-to-date user manual. All sensors work properly, and the sound of the siren is loud enough to scare off uninvited guests.

With the exception of some nuances, the equipment works properly. As for the disadvantages, not all buyers like the voice guidance when entering the security code - the numbers being dialed sound loud enough and strangers can still hear them. You can ask your seller about disabling this option. In addition, the manufacturer advises installing applications for Android and IOS, but finding them is not an easy task.

Information about temperature conditions no, but some buyers have already checked the sensors in winter - subzero temperatures equipment from the Middle Kingdom are not afraid.

Many people protect their summer cottages from uninvited guests using cheap GSM alarms. Its main task is to scare the intruder, attract the attention of others and inform the owner of the building that it is worth checking if everything is in order at the dacha. Of course, it won’t stop serious robbers, but such people, as a rule, are not interested in the spoils of dacha thieves. Of course, you can make such an alarm yourself using a controller and a GSM module, but I find it more convenient to use a factory product. Such alarms have an interface for connecting both wired and wireless sensors. The main problem is the short range of wireless ones, and the need to pull wires for wired ones. In this review we will eliminate these shortcomings. I invite those who love crafts (Arduino, boards, code) under cat.

On my summer cottage In addition to the house, there is also a bathhouse and a barn. I would also like to install sensors for the appearance of people in them with a single control center in the house. There are two options here: a radio channel (15-20 meters are problematic for transmission through brick walls and metal tiles), a separate wire to each sensor (I didn’t want to dig and pull and route wires between buildings). Another option would be to install its own alarm system at each facility - which is no longer budget-friendly and adds inconvenience (3 key fobs, etc.). At the same time, between the bathhouse and the house, as well as between the bathhouse and the barn, I have a twisted pair cable laid underground for the operation of my other electronic crafts. Moreover, at each site there is a switch converted to distribute passive POE (12V over twisted pair, on unused wires). Therefore, the solution became obvious - to provide wired and wireless sensors barn and bathhouse, and transmit the data via Ethernet to the house, where this matter is converted into an understandable alarm format. In addition, I decided to add notifications via the Internet and link video surveillance with an alarm (for example, send pictures by email at the moment it is triggered). All this will be solved by the device developed in this review.

Manufacturing of the device

We print on yellow thermal transfer paper:

Preparing the workpiece:

A reliable, heavy domestic iron comes into play:

Drawing on the blank:

Ferric chloride eats excess copper:

Two boards after tinning:

We solder the components and test:

Reverse side (before washing off the flux):

Now you can connect the USB-TTL converter and network cable:

Reverse side with flux washed off:

As antennas, we solder wires about 17 cm long:

Those who wish to replicate the device can.

getting the code

/* Simple example for receiving https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch/ */ #include RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch(); void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); mySwitch.enableReceive(0); // Receiver on interrupt 0 => that is pin #2 ) void loop() ( if (mySwitch.available()) ( int value = mySwitch.getReceivedValue(); if (value == 0) ( Serial.print("Unknown encoding"); ) else ( Serial.print("Received "); Serial.print(mySwitch.getReceivedValue()); Serial.print (" / "); Serial.print(mySwitch.getReceivedBitlength()); Serial.print("bit "); Serial.print("Protocol: "); Serial.println(mySwitch.getReceivedProtocol()); ) mySwitch. resetAvailable(); ) )

And disconnecting the magnet from the reed switch we see a desperate cry on the air:

Our device code: 1022617

we write a code that recognizes the activation of our sensor

#include RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch(); void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); mySwitch.enableReceive(0); // Receiver on interrupt 0 => that is pin #2 ) void loop() ( if (mySwitch.available()) ( unsigned long value = mySwitch.getReceivedValue(); if (value == 1022617) ( Serial.println("Detected"); ) mySwitch.resetAvailable(); ) )

After loading this code, each time the magnet is removed, the following messages will appear in the console:

For each event, the sensor makes 19 messages.

All that remains is to transmit it over the network. For the ENC28J60 module we need the library. Let's write some simple code:

Sending event data to the center

//////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// // yurok (last change 04/19/2016) // Signal (433) control (draft) /////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// // #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// // PIN configuration ////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// #define ETHERNET_PIN 10 #define ETHERNET_RST_PIN 14 // buffer size for get and send network messages #define NETWORK_BUFFER_SIZE 700 ///////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// // Network configuration ////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////// // ethernet mac address - must be unique on your network static byte mymac = ( 0x74.0x69.0x69.0x2D,0x30.0x34 ); // ethernet interface ip address static byte myip = ( 192,168,0,31 ); static byte gwip = ( 192,168,0,1 ); static byte dnsip = ( 192,168,0,1 ); static byte mymask = ( 255,255,255,0 ); const char website PROGMEM = ""; byte Ethernet::buffer; // tcp/ip send and receive buffer BufferFiller EtherBufferFiller; // prepare the webpage by writing the data to the tcp send buffer //////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch(); void setup() ( Serial.begin(9600); // Ethernet init if(ether.begin(sizeof Ethernet::buffer, mymac, ETHERNET_PIN) == 0)( Serial.println("Failed to access Ethernet controller"); exit(0); )else( Serial.println("Ethernet controller ok"); ); digitalWrite(ETHERNET_RST_PIN, LOW); delay(20); digitalWrite(ETHERNET_RST_PIN, HIGH); ether.staticSetup(myip, gwip, dnsip, mymask); ether.printIp("IP: ", ether.myip); ether.printIp("GW: ", ether.gwip); ether.printIp("DNS: ", ether.dnsip); if (!ether. dnsLookup(website)) Serial.println("DNS failed"); ether.printIp("SRV: ", ether.hisip); mySwitch.enableReceive(0); // Receiver on interrupt 0 => that is pin #2 ) // called when the client request is complete static void my_callback (byte status, word off, word len) ( Serial.println(">>>"); Ethernet::buffer = 0; Serial.print((const char*) Ethernet::buffer + off); Serial.println("..."); ) void loop() ( ether.packetLoop(ether.packetReceive()); if (mySwitch.available()) ( unsigned long value = mySwitch .getReceivedValue(); if (value == 1022617) ( Serial.println("Detected"); ether.browseUrl(PSTR("/index.html"), "", website, my_callback); ) mySwitch.resetAvailable(); ) )

We connect the device to the home network, launch Apache on the laptop ( (it just was), we see in the console:

These inscriptions indicate that we were able to recognize the activation of the sensor, transmit this information over the network and receive a positive response from the web server. Our requests are present in the web server log files:

Based on this code, it is easy to organize remote processing of sensor activation via Ethernet. Moreover, all sensors from these alarms work on the same principle: they recognize an event and repeatedly send their code over the air. Wired sensors can be connected to specially left inputs of our board and also transmit information about events over the network. Of course, the given code is just a prototype, but the main points are all there. Naturally, you need to add replay protection, etc., but everyone can do this themselves.

I'll end here. Thanks to those who read to the end, I hope someone finds the information useful! If there is interest, I will continue to write about dacha creativity.

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