How to choose an instantaneous water heater: which is better, manufacturer ratings. What is the difference between a boiler and a water heater?

When arranging a country house or country house Many people are faced with the question of whether a storage or instantaneous electric water heater is better. Both of these boilers have their own advantages and disadvantages, so they can be used to heat water.

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the fact. This is a device that allows you to heat water to a certain temperature. It happens different types, while models differ depending on the presence of the tank, power, type of control, fuel used, and the design of the heating element.

That is why the choice of this complex equipment must be made individually, taking into account the installation location, required power, daily volume of water consumed, as well as the number of people living in the house or apartment.

Depending on the design, there are two types of boilers. They vary depending on the design, type of control and other parameters, but the main difference is appearance. The water storage device has a tank in which a heating element in the form of a tube is installed.

It constantly heats water to a predetermined temperature. But if all the contents of the tank are used up, additional time will be required for heating. The flow type does not have a container for collecting water in its design, and it is heated while passing through the heating element.

So, what is the difference between a instantaneous water heater and a storage water heater? Let's take a closer look at their main differences:

  • Economical use. Instantaneous boiler uses more electrical energy for uninterrupted hot water supply compared to a similar option;
  • Weight and dimensions. Storage heater has large dimensions, which vary depending on the volume of the tank. It can be placed in the boiler room or in the bathroom in a free corner or above the toilet. Properly selected equipment will not spoil the interior, but for uninterrupted operation of the device it will require reliable fastening;
  • Practicality. For comfortable use, you must select a boiler in accordance with the required power. A heater with a container for collecting water is more convenient to use;
  • Installation. The heater with tank is attached to the wall, and for its operation only an outlet is needed. The second type of boiler is more difficult to install, since in this case it requires wiring and installation of an automatic protection unit;
  • Service. For uninterrupted operation, the owner of a water heater with a tank must regularly carry out preventive measures related to cleaning the container and removing scale from the heating element. Another type of boiler does not require special attention after installation;
  • Price. Flow heaters have more low price, compared to accumulative ones. But the cost varies depending on the power.

An instantaneous or storage water heater will help make life in a city apartment or country mansion comfortable and practical. Which copes with its tasks better and more efficiently? The answer to this question is simple. Equipment should be selected individually based on the required volume of hot water supply.

The first type of boiler has small sizes, long service life, ease of operation, and economical energy consumption. Depending on the installation location, you can select the optimal power. Models with power consumption up to 9 kW are suitable for small summer houses with low water consumption, and devices with power from 9 to 12 kW are an ideal solution for large cottages.

Nowadays, such convenience as hot water in the home is taken for granted. If there is no hot water, then the person experiences certain inconveniences. People living in city apartments do not face the problem of its absence. But for the owners country houses and residents of rural areas, this is a pressing problem. While solving it, they make a choice in favor of a water heater, but at the same time they are faced with the difficulty of which boiler to choose. For many private homeowners, the answer is ambiguous. The constant mode of its operation imposes rather stringent requirements on its selection.

Previously, there were no difficulties with choosing equipment for heating water, since only gas-burners domestic production. Now the range of installations is quite large. Therefore, it is not so easy to navigate and choose a good device.

What to choose - flow-through or storage water heater? To avoid mistakes, there is no need to rush. Before you go to the store, you should learn more about each type of this equipment: the principle of operation, as well as the advantages of installation. It would be useful to inquire about the disadvantages that both types of water heaters have. This information will help a potential buyer ease the task of choosing a boiler.

Types of water heaters

Currently, companies involved in the production of this equipment offer consumers two types of water heaters - flow and storage. They can be used not only in apartments, but also in country houses.

The demand for water heaters among consumers is due to the fact that the process of connecting them is quite simple. Therefore, the apartment owner can carry out this procedure without involving outside specialists. Another reason for the popularity of water heaters is their reasonable price. In addition, when installing a water heater in an apartment, you will not have to fill out documents.

By choosing any - cumulative or instantaneous water heater, the problem of the owner of a country house with security hot water will be resolved. But the types of this equipment have certain differences that are worth knowing about.

Storage water heater

Storage water heater as the main one has the following function: The water it is filled with must be heated to a certain temperature. This makes it possible to use it in the quantity required by the consumer. By its appearance, water heating equipment of this type is a container of a certain displacement. It is supplied with water from the water supply system.

Installations of this type include built-in electrical elements, which are known as heating elements. Thanks to them, the water is heated to the desired temperature. Control over the water heating process is carried out by another component of the water heater - the thermostat. to install desired temperature heating water, all that is required from the consumer is to turn the handle. When the water is heated to the desired temperature, the thermostat will turn off the power supply that goes to the heating elements of the water heater.

Modern models of instantaneous water heaters have insulated walls, so the heated water does not cool down long time. But when the temperature drops, it happens automatic switching on thermostat - heating elements begin heating the water to the desired temperature level.

Pros and cons of a storage water heater

Storage water heaters have many advantages that every consumer should know about.


If we talk about the main ones, then The following should be noted:


Note that storage-type equipment also has certain disadvantages that you should also be aware of.

A family of two people can comfortably use a storage water heater only if a heater is installed in the bathroom with a capacity of at least 80 l. If the family is large, then when choosing a device you should consider models with an even larger volume. It is also necessary to remember that larger water heaters will require more secure fastening. Another disadvantage of storage-type equipment is that the automatic water heater turns on the heating elements as the water cools, and this leads to an increase in electricity consumption.

In order for a storage type water heater to serve for a long time, it should be periodically subject to cleaning procedure. The need for this arises for the reason that with constant heating of water, precipitation falls on the bottom and walls of the tank. The resulting layer of scale leads to performance characteristics devices are declining. When cleaning equipment is carried out, the magnesium anode should be replaced during the cleaning process.

Flow heater: what is it?

The main difference between a instantaneous water heater and a storage water heater is the process of heating water. In devices of this type, it occurs noticeably faster, which is ensured thanks to the higher power heating elements that are installed in these installations.

Hot water starts flowing in just 15 minutes. This is provided by flow sensors, the main task of which is to regulate the number of heating elements turned on. When the valve opening value is small, it is not in the on state. a large number of heating elements. As the pressure increases, the maximum number of heating elements is activated. A similar principle used when operating storage-type equipment makes it possible to minimize power supply costs.

Instantaneous water heaters ensure that the water is heated in accordance with the specified parameters. Thus, overheating of the water is eliminated and the risk of burns to the owner is also eliminated.

Note that instantaneous water heaters can be equipped with additional equipment - electronic control. All processes are reflected on the display. When working, it will display all important information: hot water temperature, consumption and power of heating elements. If a malfunction occurs in the operation of the equipment and the temperature of the heated water exceeds the set value, the security system will warn about this by highlighting a special indicator on the display.

Advantages and disadvantages of flow-through installation

To understand which water heater is better when choosing a water heater, you should first get acquainted with the advantages that flow-through installations have.


For instantaneous water heaters, as well as storage water heaters, has its advantages. The main ones include the following:


Along with the advantages, this equipment also has certain disadvantages.

Increased power. This means high energy costs when using the equipment. Most models currently available on Russian market, have power from 8 to 10 kW. In addition, when installing such a drive, a reinforced cable is required. When connecting a water heater of this type, the wiring in the house must match the power of all connected devices.

To avoid electrical problems during operation of the instantaneous water heater, experts recommend installing circuit breakers. If the water heater being installed has a power of more than 10 kW, then in this case it should be connected to a network that has three phases.

Which devices are more economical?

Now, knowing about the advantages of different water heaters, it will become much easier for many to understand which one is better. However, one important question remains: what more economically profitable. In terms of price, the most affordable are flow-type units with a power of up to 6 kW.

But if the task is to purchase a functional device for your home with high power, then an instantaneous water heater with a boiler will be superior to storage-type installations in this regard. The price tag for the latter largely depends on the material used in the manufacture of the tank. The cost is also influenced by factors such as displacement, and in addition to it, the coating material of the internal surfaces of the tank. The design of the storage tank is also an important factor influencing the cost of the boiler.

Both flow and storage devices consume the same amount of energy. Some experts say that higher energy consumption demonstrates a flow-through water heater during operation. This is due to the fact that in such installations heating elements of higher power are installed. To verify the truth of this opinion, it is necessary to turn to the laws of physics, which also apply in the case of water heaters.

Heating 40 liters of water to 45 degrees in both instantaneous water heaters and storage-type installations requires the same amount of kW. The thing is that in flow-through devices, although heating occurs quickly, the supply of electricity stops only after the tap is closed. In storage-type installations, it takes longer to heat water, but the heating elements installed in these devices have less power.

But at the same time, people using such equipment have the opportunity to use hot water for a long time. But considering that a storage type installation continues to heat water even if there is no need for it, it can be stated that instantaneous water heaters are more economical.



  • higher efficiency compared to instantaneous water heaters;
  • minimal dimensions with a long service life, and besides this, ease of installation;
  • ideal for use in summer cottages;
  • during any period they are provided with hot water in unlimited quantities.


All of the above allows us to say that by choosing an instantaneous water heater, it will be possible to use all the advantages of this equipment subject to proper installation. Storage type devices are distinguished by their large size. In addition, such an installation must be secured to a solid wall. When choosing such a water heater, you should also remember that in the absence of the owner, these installations continue to consume electricity. What kind of installation will good decision, everyone decides for themselves.

When choosing a boiler you should proceed not only from your needs. Financial possibilities must also be taken into account. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you can ask for advice from friends who have experience in operating such equipment or contact specialists.

Who among our compatriots has not at least once in their lives experienced discomfort caused by the disgusting work of housing maintenance enterprises? Their constant accidents, preventative shutdowns and interruptions in the supply of hot water force sooner or later to think about purchasing alternative sources hot water supply.

In our country they are most popular. This is due to their low cost and ease of installation.

According to the heating principle, all water heaters are divided into instantaneous and storage.

What's the difference between them?

To put it simply, then storage water heater is a large electric kettle. When it heats the water to the required temperature, you can use it.

IN flow heater water running through powerful heating elements(heating elements), takes heat from them and flows out of the tap already heated.

Let's try to compare each type of water heater according to characteristics important to the consumer.

1.Energy consumption or, in other words, efficiency.

At first glance it seems that instantaneous water heaters, having powerful heating elements, must consume much more electricity than storage ones. However, it is not. They simply consume it in a relatively short period of time, while storage ones stretch out energy consumption over time. The total amount of electricity spent on heating water is comparable in size.

2.Dimensions and weight.

Here the palm belongs to instantaneous water heaters. They do not need to have in their design large containers for heating water as storage.
The compact dimensions of instantaneous water heaters allow them to be installed in the most small apartments. However, the design of many modern water heaters will not only not spoil the interior of your home, but, on the contrary, will give it its own style.

3.Comfortable to use.

Water parameters acceptable for showering can be provided by instantaneous water heater power not lower than 6-8 kW. Heaters of lower power are suitable only for washing or washing dishes. And in winter time, when the water temperature in the system does not rise above 5°C, you will get barely warm water at the output. You can't even dream about taking a bath.

However, instantaneous water heaters, unlike storage ones, are not limited in the volume of hot water produced.

A storage water heater is much more comfortable in this regard, and after some time has elapsed, it gives you good pressure of water at the temperature you choose, but limited by the size of the tank. With a boiler volume of 80-100 liters, you can already take a bath with confidence.

In addition, a storage water heater can simultaneously supply hot water to several water points, for example, a shower and a washbasin.

A instantaneous water heater is more capricious. Simultaneous activation of several water collection points will lead to temperature jumps at the outlet. More complex models of instantaneous water heaters solve this problem using electronic controls, but they will cost much more.

4.Problems with installation.

Special conditions for installation of storage water heaters No. A regular 220 V outlet and a wall thick enough to support the weight of a water-filled boiler will do.
To connect an instantaneous water heater you will need a separate power supply line and a circuit breaker. Heaters with a power higher than 9 kW can only be connected if you have the possibility of connecting a three-phase network.

The light weight and size of the instantaneous water heater allows it to be easily mounted, not even on solid walls.

5.Easy to maintain.

Storage heaters require more attention during maintenance. About once a year, depending on quality tap water, it is necessary to clean the heating elements of the boiler from scale and replace the magnesium anode.

The flow heater is more unpretentious. At correct connection and use it will serve you for a long time.


Low-power instantaneous water heaters (up to 6 kW) are slightly cheaper than storage ones. But powerful high-class protection devices with electronic control of temperature and water flow are quite expensive.

The price of a storage water heater depends on its volume, the material from which the tank is made, its internal covering and design.

Let's summarize.

  • A instantaneous water heater compares favorably with a storage water heater due to its small dimensions, durability and ease of maintenance.
  • Low-power flow machines are optimal for use in dachas and summer houses in the warm season for washing dishes and taking a shower.
  • Instantaneous water heaters of higher power (9-12 kW) can be installed in apartments that have the ability to connect to a three-phase network. They can already provide acceptable speed and temperature parameters of water.
  • Instantaneous water heaters are more economical than storage ones.
  • Storage type heaters are simpler and more comfortable to use.
  • The storage water heater allows you to connect it to serve several water points.
  • An inexpensive and low-power storage water heater with a volume of 80 liters or more will already allow you to take a bath.
  • Storage type heaters are easy to install, do not require separate electrical lines and additional equipment, and are also safer.

The choice is yours, but I must say that over the past five years, almost two-thirds of water heaters sold on the domestic market were electric storage ones.

Ask a question about choosing a water heater at.

A water heater is a device designed to heat water in a water supply system. It may be needed during interruptions in hot water, which is not uncommon in Russian realities. There are two main types of such devices on sale - storage and flow-through.

The first ones are the same boilers, which have found their application in private houses and apartments with large area. They operate on the principle of accumulation, that is, the design provides a certain volume of the reservoir where the liquid is to be heated. Flow models work in real time and pump up the temperature directly from the jet, and not in a pre-filled tank. These devices cope well with small volumes and can often be seen in ordinary city apartments.

There are also hybrid options that combine these two heating principles, but judging by the reviews of instantaneous storage water heaters, the practicality of the purchase is felt only in models from the premium segment. In other cases, that is, in the budget and mid-budget category of devices, the user gets neither this nor that: the boiler does not really work, and the flow part heats mediocrely.

We will look at the most popular type - instantaneous water heaters. User reviews, device reviews, as well as the advisability of purchasing a particular model will be discussed in our article. First, let's look at the manufacturers of such equipment, and then we will designate a specific list of water heaters.


Only five brands firmly hold leading positions in the market and they do not allow newcomers onto the pedestal. Companies have been operating in the market and in this segment in particular for a very long time, and have earned the respect of consumers with high-quality products and sensible service.

Judging by the reviews of instantaneous water heaters, the best manufacturers are considered:

  • Stiebel.
  • Thermex.
  • Timberk.
  • Zanussi.

Of course, in stores you can find quite high-quality models from other venerable brands like Bosch, Electrolux or Gorenye, but in this case the model must be selected with special care, because not all series turned out to be not so successful in terms of quality , and how many are unbalanced in the ratio of price to return. Moreover, the leaders of this market, as they say, have eaten the dog on heaters, so you can completely trust them.

Next, we will consider the most intelligent instantaneous water heaters, reviews of which users leave mostly in a flattering manner. All of the models described below can be found both in specialized offline and online stores.

Atmor Basic 5

Despite the existing skeptical attitude towards the products of this company among domestic consumers, they no, no, and they look at the brand’s shelves in search of “something cheaper.” Judging by the reviews of the Atmor instantaneous electric water heater, this model turned out to be of surprisingly high quality and is an exception from the general mass of mediocre devices.

The device copes quite well with heating water in small apartment. With its small power of 5 kW, the model calmly pumps high temperature at the rate of three liters per minute. But such low cost and good performance are compensated by everything else. That is, everything that could possibly be missing is missing here.

On the front panel you will see only a power relay without any regulators, dispensers and other surroundings for equipment from the budget segment. Users leave mostly positive reviews about the Atmor instantaneous water heater of this series. Yes, it is “naked”, but it copes with its main task very well.

The estimated cost of the model is about 2200 rubles.

Timberk WHEL-7 OC

This is a more serious technique from a renowned manufacturer. Reviews about the instantaneous electric water heater with a tap are entirely positive. The model is distinguished by its relatively small dimensions, but at the same time it has good performance.

A power of 6.5 kW is enough for normal water heating at a flow rate of 4.5 liters per minute. The heater's capabilities allow you to take a shower with proper comfort.

Model features

Users in their reviews of the instantaneous water heater with a tap also note the excellent performance characteristics of the model. The copper heat exchanger works like a clock and will last a long time. In addition, spare parts and accessories for the series can be found in almost any specialized store.

Judging by the reviews of instantaneous water heaters, good and at the same time inexpensive models are extremely rare, and Timberk WHEL-7 OC is exactly that case. In addition, the small dimensions of the device allow it to be used almost anywhere.

The approximate price of the device is about 3,000 rubles.

Zanussi GWH 10 Fonte

This model can be called the most balanced on the domestic market. In addition, reviews of the gas instantaneous water heater of this series are entirely positive. The device has a good power of 18.5 kW, which is enough to heat 10 liters of water per minute. It is also worth noting the very convenient electric ignition, powered by batteries. The device is completely autonomous and uses only gas as a resource.

The model has an original and pleasing design, as well as fairly compact dimensions, which allows it to be installed in even the smallest bathroom or kitchen. The copper heat exchanger is undemanding to water and works quietly with what flows from our taps.

The only drawback that cannot be called critical is the noise. But 30-40 dB does not cause much concern or make you nervous. After a couple of days of use, the noise is almost unnoticeable. There are no complaints about the controls: the main elements are clear, simple and you quickly get used to them.

The estimated cost of the model is about 6,500 rubles.


This electric model considered one of the most reliable in its segment. The model outperforms other plug-in competitors in terms of performance and delivers the desired temperature at a flow rate of 5 liters per minute.

Separately, it is worth noting the excellent protection of the device from short circuit and other power surges, which is especially important for old houses and apartments where the wiring leaves much to be desired. Convenient controls allow you to limit the outlet temperature with one touch, and a clear indication will tell you everything about the status of the device.

Users in their reviews note the ease of installation of the heater and the high maximum heating temperature. The device is well assembled and will serve faithfully for many years without regard to water quality. In terms of price-to-return ratio, this is best option for demanding users. Of course, many consumers complain about the far from affordable price tag, but you need to understand that high-quality equipment has never been known for its cheapness.

The approximate price of the heater is about 15,000 rubles.

Stiebel Eltron DHC-E 12

This is perhaps the best that the instantaneous water heater segment has to offer. The model has outstanding characteristics and a corresponding price tag. The device from the German brand is designed for the most demanding consumers who do not accept compromises.

The model may not be the most powerful in the series, but one of its main features is the ability to connect several water intake devices. That is, we have a stable power of 10 kW, which allows us to easily heat 5 liters of water per minute, but this figure is stable for all subsequent points. That is, the device can be installed taking into account the simultaneous costs of the bathroom and kitchen.

Distinctive features of the model

The controls here are mechanical, reliable and extremely simple. There is no need to talk about the build quality, because the design is ideal: you won’t hear any backlashes, cracks, or any creaks from it. It is also worth noting the extremely long service life of the device along with a long warranty from the manufacturer.

The only drawback that a good half of consumers complain about is the price, but you have to pay a lot of money for exceptional quality. Moreover, the model fulfills them to the fullest.

The estimated cost of the model is about 32,000 rubles.

Agree, it’s great when hot water always flows from the tap, regardless of its supply from the city utility company. The problem of interruptions will be solved by installing an instantaneous water heater. But the variety of offers on the market is amazing, and you want to buy best model and don't know which one to choose?

We will tell you how to choose an instantaneous water heater that has the necessary technical characteristics. We'll tell you how to choose it taking into account operating conditions. Let us indicate what capabilities the equipment should be equipped with to meet the individual needs of users.

The article discusses the main criteria for choosing the optimal model and provides a rating of the most popular water heaters. Attached are photographic materials and useful video recommendations that will help you decide on the best flow machine.

The design of an instantaneous water heater is not complicated: a small water tank is enclosed in a metal or plastic case, equipped with heating elements or a spiral.

Budget appliances most often have 1-2 heating elements, which have a weak point: the heating elements quickly become overgrown with scale. The good news is that they are easy to replace.

Less scale is formed in devices with a spiral enclosed inside a copper tube. The disadvantage of such a device is a negative reaction to bubbles and air jams. If the equipment fails, replacement will be expensive.

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The heating principle is simple: cold water enters the tank, comes into contact with hot elements, heats up and comes out with the required temperature parameters (on average from + 40 °C to + 60 °C).

To install compact equipment, you need a mounting kit, water supply and electrical cable.

Schematic representation of a household flow-through electrical device with an electronic control unit, in which water is heated using a copper heating element

Powerful equipment designed for several water points requires good flow and high pressure. Non-pressure devices operating at low pressure can sufficiently serve only one tap.

For this reason, they are initially equipped with “custom” devices - a gooseneck or a flexible hose with a diffuser.

The heating process occurs instantly, so there is no need to wait for a certain amount of hot water to accumulate. Electricity is only consumed when the device is operating.

Unlike its storage counterpart, a instantaneous water heater takes up minimal space. Usually it is fixed on the wall near the water point (sink or shower) in a vertical position

If we compare flow models with cumulative ones, the following advantages can be highlighted:

  • space saving, compact size (important for rooms with limited free space);
  • possibility of installation both near the tap (minimizing heat loss) and in separate room(applies to powerful devices);
  • the amount of water consumed is not limited;
  • interval power consumption (only during the active period);
  • beautiful, laconic design;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages include regular costs for paying for electricity: the more often the water heater is turned on (respectively, the larger the family), the higher the electricity bill.

Installation diagram of one device on two mixers. When choosing, you should focus on the power rating of the device. If it is not enough, the device can serve only one tap at a time (maximum – tap and shower)

Another disadvantage concerns the installation conditions. For water heaters with a power of 7-8 kW and above, a reliable three-phase electrical network, high-quality copper wiring and appropriate protection.

The presence of built-in furniture in the room makes it possible to hide the wall duct in one of the wall cabinets. Required condition– easy access to the housing, control unit and important components for maintenance

Why is an electric model better than a gas model?

In city apartments there is no need to choose between two types of devices, since they usually use electric, safer models.

The exception is apartments in which geysers were installed during the process of equipping the premises upon delivery of the house. This applies to “Khrushchev”, “Stalin” and some types panel houses, built in the 60-70s of the last century.

Diagram of the gas water heater. Prerequisite for its operation - water pressure is at least 0.25-0.33 atm (approximately 1.5-2 l/min), otherwise the heating elements will not turn on

In country houses, water is often heated using a powerful floor-standing boiler, but some people prefer to use a gas water heater out of habit.

Its use is appropriate when stove heating or in warm climates that do not require the installation of heating equipment.

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They are considered safer, although their operation is more expensive than use geysers. In addition, when heating with gas, exhaust hood and reliable ventilation are required, otherwise there will be a risk of poisoning carbon monoxide. Savings are considered a plus, since gas prices are lower than electricity.

In houses old building no way to use powerful device electric type(above 3.5 kW), so you will have to make do with either a weak water heater or. So if there is a choice, consider the condition electrical networks and ventilation, water pressure, cost of fuel (gas or electricity).

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Features of wall mounting

Instantaneous water heaters are installed in a place convenient for control, most often on the wall near the sink or shower. For fastening to concrete panels or brick walls use dowels; for drywall (not recommended) - special moth-type devices. The product should be positioned according to the instructions; it should not be rotated.

If you plan to install the water heating device near the water point, that is, in the bathroom or in a combined toilet, make sure that the degree of protection is not lower than IPX4

Connection to the electrical network must be made through, especially if the manufacturer does not provide a protective automatic shutdown function.

A three-core copper cable is pulled from a common grounding panel, then either a differential switch or a circuit breaker is installed.

Installation diagram for instantaneous water heater: 1 – pipe with cold water; 2 – tap (mixer); 3 – shut-off valves; 4 – set check valve+ filter; 5 – RCD; 6 – electrical panel

It is better to equip the supply pipes for a pressure water heater with ball valves - for ease of installation/dismantling. Remember that a free-flow device has only one pipe - for connecting cold water.

You can find out more about the rules in the article presented to your attention.

Rating of famous manufacturers

The main criteria by which products from well-known manufacturers are evaluated are quality, warranty period, standard functions, availability of additional options, variety of models.

The price of products can be ignored, since each manufacturer has lines of low, medium and high price categories.

Place #1 - Stiebel Eltron

The German company Stiebel Eltron produces impeccable equipment with a 3-year warranty. Known for producing powerful pressure water heaters with a set of additional functions. Easy installation and ease of operation, many convenient modes, temperature and pressure adjustment - outstanding qualities plus German reliability.

Model Stiebel Eltron DHB-E 13 SLi for wall mounting. Power – 13 kW, degree of protection IP 25, electronic control, emergency shutdown function

Place #2 - AEG

In Russia, a line of single-phase devices from the “mini” series, compact and economical, has become popular.

Instantaneous water heater AEG MTD 570 with a laconic design. Power 5.7 kW; productivity – 2.9 l/min; temperature is adjusted using hydraulic control

Place #3 - Electrolux

The Swedish company Electrolux, known for its variety of models in the mid-price segment.

Compact but quite powerful devices are cheaper than their German counterparts due to the use of less reliable materials in the design. Most of the products are made in China.

Flow-through model Electrolux NPX6 Aquatronic with a power of 5.7 kW with electronic-mechanical control. Equipped with automatic on/off function, Maximum temperature heating - +50 °C

Location #4 - Atmor

Israeli brand Atmor, which produces budget devices for home and garden. Compact devices with mechanical control have several operating modes, good protection against overheating.

Atmor Basic shower model. It has three operating modes - with a heating power of 2/3/5 kW, there is temperature control (maximum - +50 °C), indication, a mounting kit and a shower head with a flexible hose are included.

Place #5 - Timberk

Swedish company Timberk, which produces several series of inexpensive instantaneous water heaters. The Primalux and Watermaster lines are popular. The devices are not demanding on water pressure, have compact sizes and a modern design.

Model Timberk Primalux WHEL-7 with a power of 6.5 kW, designed for showers. Productivity – 4.5 l/min; water protection class – IPX4; has three power levels and a fine filter

The listed models are popular in Russia and are available in many online stores. Prices may vary depending on the exchange rate and the marketing concept of the selling company.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Some useful tips presented in the videos will help you make your choice.

The subtleties of choosing a instantaneous type of water heater are discussed in the following video:

Useful information about the design and operating principle of instantaneous water heaters:

Power calculation options:

Review of the Timberk Watermaster series:

As you can see, the choice of instantaneous water heaters is quite wide. Before buying, decide on the power, consider the models different manufacturers, inquire about the availability of additional options and purchase the device that best suits your requirements.

If you have any questions, please contact your sales consultants and carefully study the instructions.