Installation of an alarm system at the dacha. Security alarm based on motion sensor. Advantages and disadvantages

In defense and security systems, there is one “iron” rule - the costs of attackers to overcome a security alarm must be higher than the cost of the material assets they have coveted. In other words, the model and alarm capabilities for a dacha must correspond to the status of a country house or dacha.

What home and dacha security alarms can be used?

The main problem in choosing an alarm system for security is, oddly enough, not the model or the ability of a particular system to promptly detect and record the fact of an attack and penetration into the house. The most difficult question for using any alarm system in a country house was and remains - how to organize the protection of property, the capture or detention of an intruder, after receiving a notification from the electronic “watchman”. This problem must be solved in conjunction with the choice of a specific alarm system.

Using commercially available conventional alarm systems, we can organize security and protection of the dacha premises in one of the following ways:

  • Create a complete simulation of the presence of complex and multi-stage building security, using dummy CCTV cameras and sound sirens. The main calculation is to frighten an inexperienced robber and attract the attention of security, neighbors, and passers-by;
  • Install a powerful, multifunctional and, most importantly, reliable electronic system with a full-fledged video camera. All information generated by the alarm is supposed to be displayed on the security console;
  • Create a security circuit at your dacha with sensors and several video cameras capable of providing a full-fledged image to the DVR and via dedicated channels to your computer, tablet, or phone.

Important! The last method of arranging an alarm system in a dacha is the most interesting, but at the same time expensive and problematic, since it actually ties you to the dacha village.

Such an alarm system, without a doubt, has the highest efficiency, and is more suitable for protecting a home rather than a country house. It is difficult to entrust the issue of control over the operation of the dacha security system even to friends or acquaintances.

How to properly organize the operation of an alarm system in a dacha

At the first stage, you need to determine exactly how you will react to the alarm going off at your dacha, especially when you consider that most dacha plots are many kilometers away from their owners. We need a person with experience and willingness to go to the place where the alarm is triggered at any time. It is best if it is a private security company that has the ability to detain the criminal or organize a search for him using available photographs from the crime scene.

At the second stage, agree on a method of informing security using alarm systems. If there are serious material assets in your house or country house, then when choosing an alarm model, be sure to take into account the presence of the following systems:

  1. GSM module, with the ability to connect an additional external power source and an external directional antenna. It is better if the wireless communication module can be removed from the dacha premises to a separate box or equipped place on the dacha plot;
  2. Systems of several video or photo cameras recording events on a video recorder;
  3. Possibility of remote control of the alarm using a telephone. Primary access to changing the password or to the functions of deleting files in the alarm memory must be carried out using programmable keys;
  4. The system must include a controlled sound alarm, which will turn on at the operator’s command, and a powerful autonomous source of electricity.

Advice! By the reaction to the operation of the howler, you can easily determine the qualifications of the attacker. The homeless will clear out quickly enough, and experienced crooks will try to turn off the sound source.

The most interesting alarm systems for cottages

In addition to good functional features, the alarm system must have high reliability and the ability to work in conditions of interference, low temperature and unstable power supply. The biggest problem is considered to be the presence of false alarms in the security alarm system for birds, bats, cats, dogs - any living creature that can enter the territory of the dacha. In order to properly respond to an alarm in the dacha security circuit, a video camera must be present.

System "Guardian S200MMS"

This is one of the few inexpensive alarm designs equipped with the ability to transmit a picture directly in the format of a mobile message. The developers very competently approached the organization of the process of using photos and video images. Most often, work with images from a video camera, even in expensive models, is organized using an Internet channel and a data transfer protocol.

If you receive a message about the activation of a motion sensor or an open circuit on the door, you can programmatically enter the memory of the alarm unit and see the image from the camera. But practice shows that Internet access to a specific address can be blocked relatively easily, thereby depriving you of the opportunity to see the picture. In the “Guardian” alarm system, a picture will be sent to you or to the guard’s phone in photo-MMS format in 640x480 resolution. Blocking it is quite problematic. In addition, the firmware unit will send a copy from the video camera to two mailboxes online. In total, the system is capable of taking and sending up to 20 photos inside the dacha upon one request.

“Guardian” has very weak autonomy; its built-in battery will last for no more than 8 hours of operation.

The Sapsan system is more powerful and functionally advanced. Its capabilities include the use of an almost unlimited number of radio sensors, working with remote video and photo cameras, transferring photos via the Internet and MMS. Unlike the "Guardian", this alarm system provides a large number of high-quality images and has a high degree of autonomy due to backup power. The cost of the Sapsan 6 Pro is approximately twice that of the Guardian.

Features of using GSM alarms in the country

The idea of ​​installing an alarm system with a wireless communication channel in your dacha is, of course, very successful. Theoretically, the operation of a GSM alarm can be jammed using a special device; the very fact of an attempt at stable jamming will already be regarded by the operator as an attempt to enter the territory of the dacha.

In addition, there are a number interesting solutions using remote antennas and units capable of transmitting the system signal directionally and, what is most interesting, the transmitting device can be located far beyond the range of the “jammer”.

Such the simplest system, for example, is the security complex DACHA-01, 02. Structurally, the alarm system is divided into two blocks - control and transmission. In the very simple case they can be spaced a couple of hundred meters apart.

Important! This type of alarm system, in fact, is a champion in terms of autonomy; on four batteries, Dacha-01 is capable of operating for almost a whole year.

Only very expensive security systems with high-capacity batteries can boast of such characteristics. At the same time, most of the functions of working with sensors in Dacha-01 are not inferior to more expensive alarm systems.

If the signal level of a mobile operator station is weak, you can use a Contact antenna signal amplifier. Theoretically, it should double the distance of stable reception of a mobile signal for a dacha in rural areas.

Autonomy of alarm systems and additional functions

Most modern security alarm systems for a country house or winter cottage are capable of not only responding to the intrusion of uninvited guests. The built-in functions of controlling the temperature inside the dacha according to a programmable limit, working with a room smoke sensor, and the ability to control power electrical appliances, control the sound environment in the house using a remotely activated microphone. For example, the "Sentry 8" alarm model can remotely control the monitoring system gas boiler cottage heating.

But the use of additional service systems requires the presence of a stable power supply, which cannot always be realized for a summer residence and garden house summer type.

The autonomy of any alarm system still leaves much to be desired. In the most expensive security options for dacha security, they can offer sets of alkaline or acid batteries with an intermediate voltage conversion unit from 12V to 220V. In theory, such a backup source should be enough for 60-70 days of work at the dacha to power cameras and infrared illumination.

Some organizations that sell burglar alarms offer alternative options food - on solar powered and wind installations. For photoconverters, there is already little practical experience with the use of wind turbines; the issue rests on the high cost of the module and the complexity of its installation in the country. But the prospects are very good.

Very interesting idea The operation of the security system for a dacha is borrowed from security systems for apartments. The essence is to program the sequence of turning on and off lighting in rooms, external lights, ventilation devices, and music. In this case, a complete impression of the presence of the owners at the dacha is created.


Practical experience in using various systems for dachas shows that the most popular are security systems purchased directly from electronics development companies. It is very important to correctly install the alarm system in your dacha, debug the operation and make it as reliable and resistant to false alarms as possible. Otherwise, even the most expensive security system will only be able to use half of its capabilities.

Each owner of such real estate begins to worry about different thoughts. Who will look after the dacha in his absence? Which things are best to take with you to the city, and which are not so valuable and can be left behind? Or maybe you need to install more powerful locks or stronger ones? Or is it better to negotiate with the local watchman or neighbor to visit?.. But will all these activities be enough, especially when the neighbors’ dachas are already being robbed all the time? Of course not! Therefore, in order not to worry about your property, it is better to buy and install a security alarm at your dacha. Besides high-quality alarm system costs the same as a mid-range smartphone.

Types, types, advantages

On modern market There is a wide selection of alarm models for protecting your home, and even the whole. Therefore, choosing the most suitable security system that suits your expectations in terms of cost, principle of operation and reliability will not be difficult.

For each protected object, be it a huge economic complex with a large territory, there is its own solution. And the principle of dividing alarm systems into types is based on the method of transmitting an alarm signal, autonomy and method of responding to intrusion into the premises.

Kinds Advantages Flaws Features of application
Autonomous simple design and easy installation; simple operating principle; when intruders enter, it emits a high-pitched sound signal; presence of motion sensors. does not connect to the security center; does not notify the property owner of a break-in by transmitting a signal to a mobile phone; can only record the fact of unauthorized entry. can be mounted on windows and doors. Most best option for a budget cottage.
Control rooms can have a wireless or wired connection to the main control unit; have a simple operating principle, which is based on the operation of special sensors installed along the perimeter of the protected object. They react to glass breaking, windows opening, gas entering the room, air temperature changes, etc.; connect to a centralized security console; The alarm signal is duplicated several times. Because of the high price, it is better to install such an alarm at facilities where really expensive things are stored. Otherwise, its use will not be advisable; Maintenance of this type of alarm and payment for the services of a security company are quite expensive. involves installing a control panel and sensors in a certain area. When a thief enters an object, the sensors instantly determine the presence of an intruder. An alarm signal is sent to the security console and within 5-10 minutes. the rapid response team arrives.
Wired affordability; possible distance of sensors from the control unit – up to 400 m; no need to replace batteries or accumulator; Thanks to its simple design, in the event of a breakdown, such an alarm can easily be repaired independently. additional expenses for laying wires; possible reduction in signal strength along the entire length of the cable; there is a risk of damage to the cable by rodents or precipitation or wind; the presence of wires is a clue for robbers who can easily disarm the alarm. This type of home alarm is more attractive in cost than remote alarms and seems more reliable than stand-alone ones.
Wireless a minimum amount of visible equipment that does not spoil the interior and exterior; efficiency; provide convenient control; no need to drill holes; possibility of changing the location of equipment; ease of installation; independence from power supply; operation at temperatures from -45 to +90 degrees; SMS notification; the presence of built-in or remote microphones for listening; possibility of remote control. the need to periodically change the battery - depending on the type of battery, every 3-4 years; susceptibility to radio interference; quite complex and expensive repairs if necessary. This type of alarm sends a message to the owner after the sensors are triggered, and the subscription fee is not charged for this. But you will have to expel the thief yourself or call the police.

Every person strives to protect and preserve any of his property as reliably as possible. In our turbulent times, when theft has become one of the most common types of crime, it is very important to secure your home from outside interference. Over the past few years, attacks have increasingly occurred outside the city limits, which is why owners country estates are thinking about the need for an alarm system for their dacha. The high-tech device provides the highest possible protection without requiring people to be physically present at the site

Basic device information

What are the tasks and basic principles of operation of a garden alarm system? First of all, the device is designed to record the fact of violation of property boundaries and send a signal about this event (siren, information to the security panel, SMS to the owner).

The simplest system of any type will consist of the following elements:

  • Fixing devices (sensors of various categories).
  • Control devices (keypad or key fobs, used for disarming/arming, reprogramming, etc.).
  • Executing device (control panel, receives an alarm signal from sensors and transmits it to responsible persons).

What types of sensors are there?

The simplest classification of alarm systems involves division into two categories - wired and wireless systems. In the first case, all devices are connected to each other using a special cable and are powered by electricity, and in the second case there are individual batteries. If desired, each person can retrofit the basic structure of the system with additional devices, sirens (sound and light), video cameras, water leakage sensors, gas leaks and other extras.

What to look for when choosing an alarm?

What characteristics and features should a burglar alarm system have? If you are not an expert in this matter, be sure to consult a knowledgeable person about choosing a specific type of device. Ultimately, your choice may be influenced by factors such as:

  • availability of heating and temperature regime in the house (many sensors do not work in the cold season, at subzero temperatures);
  • availability of uninterrupted power supply (for installing a wired alarm system);
  • the need for pictures and sound;
  • area of ​​the room (the number of security sensors is determined);
  • GSM signal level, presence/absence of a city telephone line.

Many reviews contain information that a wireless alarm system for a dacha is not the most the best option, this is due to the widespread belief about the reliability of wired devices. In fact, this is far from the case, and every type of security device these days is characterized by increased reliability.

Features of the GSM system

Quite often you can come across the opinion that GSM alarm system for a dacha is one of the best modern solutions security Devices of this type can be either wired or wireless, they distinctive feature is a GSM transmitter that transmits a signal via a SIM card to the mobile phone of the property owner or to the control panel of the responding organization.

Security alarm for a dacha of this type implies the presence of quite large quantity all kinds of sensors. The most common are:

  • Motion sensors (infrared devices, react to the movement of a person or large animal within the perimeter entrusted to them).
  • Glass/window penetration sensors(often referred to as not relevant for double-glazed windows, since they react precisely to the ringing sound when breaking).
  • Door sensors(consist of two parts connected to each other; when opened, the halves open and generate an alarm).
  • Devices of a specific nature(devices that respond to smoke, water, gas in the kitchen).

You can install such a system with a suitable set of sensors either yourself or by inviting a specialist to your home. Modern GSM alarm systems for dachas are most often available in the form of wireless models, which makes installation easier and does not interfere with the aesthetics of the interior.

Affordable security and autonomy

Autonomous alarm system for a summer residence - perfect solution for many people who want to save on monthly security costs. Reading reviews from many users about systems of this type, the following qualities can be noted:

  • Cost-effective (such devices are cheaper to install and maintain).
  • Reliability (the system rarely fails and copes well with its assigned responsibilities).

As part of such an alarm system, it is logical to use only security sensors. Special devices responsible for the safety of human life must necessarily have access to third-party help services. We are talking about fire protection or gas leakage sensors.

The distinctive characteristics of an autonomous alarm system come down to the fact that the alarm signal is not sent to the remote control when the normal mode of the sensors is violated; they generate a signal, which is expressed either by turning on the siren or by sending an SMS to the owner’s phone.

Do-it-yourself alarm system for a dacha

If you really want to secure your possessions, but cannot afford such a system due to lack of finances, then it is likely that alternative solution- homemade security alarm. The principle of its operation is in many ways similar to the work autonomous system. The devices you install must perform two tasks:

  • generate siren operation;
  • inform the owner in his absence about illegal entry.

You can purchase all the components of the alarm system for your dacha on the market or in a specialized online store. You will need several sensors various types, for example, on the door and on the window. The number of such devices is determined by the area of ​​your home and the number of rooms in it. On average, the price of one device is approximately 15-25 dollars for and 5-10 dollars for a reed switch to open the door. Of course, there are more budget ones, as well as more expensive options, differing in their technical characteristics.

Very important point- good sound notification, which an alarm system should have. A siren for a dacha should have a loud and sharp sound that will scare away burglars and alarm neighbors from other areas.

Where to place sensors and siren?

So, how are the elements installed? First you need to install the sensors. For small room with one window and one door, two devices will be enough: one for the volume placed near the window, the second for opening the doors. The next step is installing the siren. Powerful sound alarm models require significant power, so alarms with such devices are often wired.

The device is placed in a hard-to-reach place; this measure allows the siren to work as long as possible while intruders try to get to it and turn it off. The wires coming from the device must be securely hidden in the box in such a way as not to be affected as much as possible. external conditions(dampness, wind, moisture). Among other things, in order for the alarm to work, you will need an adapter, a relay, and a certain amount of wire.

We install the system

So let's get started step by step plan connecting an alarm system consisting of one reed switch, one volumetric sensor and one siren. Approximate steps would look like this:

  • checking the functionality of the reed switch ( closed doors- contacts are closed, open - vice versa);
  • connecting the sensor to the power source via a relay (be sure to observe polarity);
  • connecting the siren (plus to the adapter, minus to the relay in the closed state, when opened, a sound signal is triggered);
  • install infrared sensor, connect it via a relay to the adapter and siren, adjust the triggering.

In conclusion

If you have not yet become the owner of an alarm system for your dacha, be sure to think about this much-needed and useful purchase. Minor expenses for the system and its installation, of course, do not compare with your worries about the safety and integrity of the property. A variety of alarm options will allow you to choose suitable model(with GSM transmitter, stand-alone, wired and wireless). If the companies’ offers do not suit you, you can assemble the security device yourself.

Installing an alarm system at the dacha

For robbers, someone else's dacha is a real tasty morsel, while almost all criminal penetrations into country houses occur in the off-season, that is, during the absence of the owners. No matter how much you fear for your cottage, you will still have to return to the city, and most the best solution to ensure the protection of its property is installing an alarm system for a dacha.

Practice shows that nowadays the optimal option in terms of quality and cost is wireless GSM alarm system. Installation GSM alarm in the country It is done quickly and easily, after which it will not require any maintenance other than recharging the batteries. An alarm system can be installed in a dacha even in the coldest rooms, where the temperature in winter drops to -30°C, and opening sensors can also be installed on gates or wickets.

Installing a gsm alarm system at the dacha

Installing a GSM alarm system at your dacha also involves installing cameras, smoke and gas detectors, systems that block locks, as well as laser emitters that completely prevent undetected movement around your territory. As soon as the system detects criminals, the siren will be additionally turned on. Practice shows that loud sound and bright light signals shock burglars and also attract the attention of neighbors.

Due to the fact that installing an alarm system in a dacha involves connecting the system to your mobile phone, you will instantly receive a corresponding message on your cell phone and will be able to take the necessary measures. MMS cameras, if you install them, will allow you to visually assess the situation near or inside your country house.

Also, using your phone, you can turn the alarm off and on and change its settings. Add here the functions of detecting fire, gas and water leaks - and you will understand that installing a GSM alarm system in your country house is one of the most reliable ways to protect your country property from thieves and accidents.

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The exact current cost can be found in the top menu of the website "Our prices"

The cost of an alarm system for a home or cottage depends on several factors:

1.Location of sensors inside or outside the house

Outdoor high-quality motion sensors are several times more expensive than indoor ones, and this greatly affects the cost of the system as a whole.

2.Wired alarm or wireless

Price wireless sensors higher than wired ones, but wired installation is more difficult. Therefore, for each situation the answer to the question “what is cheaper” is different. This is influenced by the possibility and difficulty of running the wires. In terms of quality of work, wired ones are, of course, much better.

3.The quality and cost of the system itself from a specific manufacturer

Russian systems, European or Chinese (not branded). The price may vary significantly. Based on installation and operation experience, imported sensors are better, wired central units are better and cheaper than Russian ones, wireless systems are better than European ones. Chinese ones are disposable and often “buggy”; hiring people to install them is “a waste of money.” There is a little confusion between Russian and Chinese wireless ones. Some companies buy cheap Chinese systems and put their own “brand” labels on them. In essence, these are the same Chinese ones, especially if they operate at the outdated frequency of 433 MHz.

Option - "Dacha-1"

Wired autonomous alarm system for a dacha with siren inside

Cost of additional internal

Cost of additional street

This alarm works in cold weather and has a built-in battery. Service life 10 years.

Option - "Dacha-2"

siren And notification

Cost of additional street Crow sensors to the system from 6,000 rubles for 1 sensor with installation

Option - "Dacha-3"

Wired alarm system for a cottage with siren without gsm module. Wired motion sensors outside Houses. Central unit made in Russia, sensors made in Israel.

Cost of additional street

Cost of additional internal sensors for the system described above cost an average of 2,500 rubles with installation for 1 piece

Option - "Dacha-4"

Wired alarm system for a cottage with siren And notification by phone call or SMS. Wired motion sensors inside the house. GSM module made in Russia, sensors made in Israel.

Cost of additional street Crow sensors to the system RUB 6,000 for 1 sensor with installation

The cost of additional sensors to the system described above is on average 2500 rubles with installation for 1 piece

Option - "Dacha-5"

Budget wireless alarm system with sound siren and notification to the phone. 1 month warranty. "Dacha-4"

Additional Motion Sensor RUB 1,500 with installation.

Additional keychain 600 rubles