Fire alarm installation. Installation of fire or fire alarm systems

Carrying out work on installation (installation) and commissioning of automatic installations fire alarm(AUPS), as well as any other actions for the purpose of subsequent uninterrupted operation of fire automatics must be carried out in full accordance with:

The adopted project, as required by Article 83 of the Technical Regulations on Requirements fire safety, or an inspection report, according to standard design solutions, as allowed by the rules “RD 78.145-93. Security, fire and security-fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for production and acceptance of work";

Technical documentation of equipment manufacturers;

Current regulatory requirements.



Simultaneously with these documents, today there is an order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2009 No. 624, according to which, the List of types of construction, reconstruction and major repair works (Section III) that affect the safety of capital construction projects includes installation and commissioning:

Electrical installations and equipment;

Automation systems, alarms and interconnected devices (clauses 23.6 and 24.10).

Thus, to perform these types of work, not only licenses from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations are required, but also SRO approvals. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, in its Conclusion dated June 29, 2012 “On the examination of the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 30, 2009 No. 624 “On approval of the list of types of work...” criticized the duplication in various legal documents of work that is simultaneously subject to licensing and requires obtaining SRO approvals.

As a result, there is a need to clarify this situation, in which the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation acted as the arbiter. In his Determination No. APL13-295 dated July 16, 2013, he emphasized that the installation of automatic fire alarm system, if it is carried out at the operation stage of already constructed, commissioned buildings and structures, requires licensing, but not SRO approval. At the same time, if the relevant work is carried out only during construction, reconstruction or major renovation buildings and structures, in addition to the license of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the installation company must have an SRO permit. Activities affecting facilities at the stage of operation and ongoing repairs of buildings and structures are not regulated by urban planning legislation. Also, SRO approvals are not required during installation and commissioning works ah at individual housing construction sites and sites for which the issuance of a building permit is not required.

The Integrated Safety Alliance has all the necessary permits to carry out a full cycle of work on the installation and commissioning of automatic fire alarm systems both at the stage of building construction and during its operation or routine repairs. In addition, the company’s specialists can provide certificates confirming completion of training at the manufacturers of the installed equipment.

Preparatory work for installation of AUPS

The installation and commissioning organization begins work on installing a fire alarm within the time limits established by the contract, while the building in which installation work will be carried out must comply with the requirements of the set of rules “SP 68.13330.2017. Acceptance into operation of completed construction projects. Basic provisions. Updated version of SNiP 3.01.04-87.”

Before direct installation of the AUPS elements, their integrity and operability, completeness are checked technical documentation, the necessary materials (products) are selected and the workplace is organized, the presence of electric lighting in the installation areas is established. Work production logs are prepared, which are maintained in accordance with RD-11-05-2007, approved by Rostechnadzor order No. 7 dated January 12, 2007, as well as other production documentation, including Acts:

Surveys, with annex to it: estimates for installation and commissioning work; building plan; Technical specifications for the customer to ensure the technical strength of the facility;

On the acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation (unified form No. OS-15, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 21, 2003 No. 7, OKUD form - 0306007);

Readiness of the building for installation work (according to the form of the inspection report of critical structures given in Appendix No. 4 to the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation RD-11-02-2006);

Inspections of hidden work, compiled for each type of installation of electrical wiring: in walls, ceilings and floors; inside the sewer; in the ground (Appendix No. 3 to the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation RD-11-02-2006);

On carrying out incoming inspection, with entry into the incoming inspection log (Appendix No. 3 to the Manual to the governing document RD 78.145-93, standards “GOST 24297-2013. Verification of purchased products. Organization and methods of control” and “GOST R 50-601- 40-93. Recommendations. Incoming control of products. Basic provisions");

Tests of protective pipelines with separation hermetic seals are compiled for installation in hazardous areas (Appendix No. 8 to the Manual to the governing document RD 78.145-93);

On the completion of installation work, together with a list of installed control and control devices (PPK), signal and triggering devices (SPU), detectors (IP), sirens, technical means of AUPS (Appendices No. 5 and No. 16 to the Manual to the governing document RD 78.145- 93);

On completion of commissioning work (Appendix No. 14 to the Manual to the governing document RD 78.145-93);

On acceptance of technical signaling equipment into operation (Appendix No. 17 to the Manual to the governing document RD 78.145-93); and also Protocols:

Warming up cables on drums is drawn up only when carrying out work at low temperatures (Appendix A.17 to the set of rules “SP 77.13330.2016. Automation systems. Updated edition of SNiP 3.05.07-85” or Appendix 21 to “STO 11233753-001- 2006. Automation systems. Installation and adjustment");

Insulation resistance measurements (Appendix A.16 to the set of rules “SP 77.13330.2016. Automation systems. Updated edition of SNiP 3.05.07-85”).

As you can see, the main acts, protocols and statements are drawn up for the most important and sensitive areas of installation work. In addition, when installing AUPS, it is necessary to be guided by a system of standards in the field of general occupational safety requirements (GSR), in particular:

 “GOST 12.1.004-91. Fire safety. General requirements»;

 “GOST 12.1.030-81. Electrical safety. Protective grounding. Zeroing";

 “GOST Electrical products";

 “GOST 12.3.046-91. Automatic fire extinguishing installations”, etc.

When preparing for electrical installation work, the following requirements must be met:

 Code of rules “SP 48.13330.2011. Organization of construction. Updated version of SNiP 12-01-2004";

 Code of rules “SP 76.13330.2016. Electrical devices. Updated edition of SNiP 3.05.06-85";

 Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE No. 7), approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated April 9, 2003 No. 150.

Requirements for the installation of AUPS are enshrined in numerous regulations, which are both general (universal) and special (industry and departmental) in nature. But the fundamental documents, as in design, should be considered the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ and the Code of Rules “SP 5.13130.2009. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design norms and rules."

Sequence (stages) of fire alarm installation

After the customer (construction organization) has completed:

Conditions for safe installation work,

Laying electrical networks with devices for connecting the electrical wiring of the AUPS,

Introducing 2 independent sources of power supply in premises where the project provides for the installation of receiving and control devices (RPKU), signal and triggering devices (SPU),

and the installation contractor has completed all the preparatory work and signed a Certificate of Readiness of the building for installation work; in accordance with the architectural and construction drawings, building structures (walls, ceilings, foundations) are marked for gating (if hidden wiring is provided), making holes, openings, niches and sockets for the installation of embedded devices and fastenings - if these works were not performed by the construction organization in accordance with the RD for the capital construction project.

The entire scope of installation work can be divided into three main blocks:

1. Wiring of loops to the locations of the AUPS units (including the placement of electrical decoupling boxes, panels and corrugated hoses, protective pipes for electrical wiring, connecting sockets, as well as gating of concrete floors - if necessary, make hidden cable routing).

2. Installation and connection of central and peripheral equipment (fire detectors (IP), sirens, UPS, alarm and triggering devices (SPU), reception and control equipment (PPKU, modular fire stations, addressable event visualization panels), as well as integration AUPS into existing engineering systems: SOUE, AUPT, ACS, elevator systems, etc.).

3. Commissioning work (connecting power supply, electrical testing, adjusting and configuring peripheral devices, programming, testing (testing) the performance of individual elements and the system as a whole, launching the automated control system).

Based on the results of the tests and performance checks of the fire alarm system, the company specialist hands it over to the customer, and also introduces the features of the functioning of the automatic fire alarm system to the employees of the protection facility responsible for fire safety in the form of instructions.

Installation of control panel and fire alarm system loops

The connection of all components and elements of the system is made using wires and cables, the requirements for the type (FRLS, FRHF, etc.), core material, cross-sectional diameter and installation method are defined in the standards GOST R 53325-2012 and GOST 31565-2012, PUE (7th edition), as well as in paragraph 13.15. set of rules SP 5.13130.2009. Thus, in the case of open installation, the minimum distance between power/lighting cables and low-voltage (up to 60 V) cables/connecting lines of the AUPS should be 50 cm; the latter also cannot be enclosed in the same box (pipe) with lines having a voltage of 110 V and above . In conditions of significant electromagnetic influences, it makes sense to use fiber optic communication lines.

When installing fire alarm control and control devices (PPKP/PPU) and the fire notification transmission system (SPI), the requirements of the provisions of the set of rules SP 5.13130.2009, the guidance document RD 78.145-93 and its manual, and the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia R 78.36 are taken into account .032-2013 and R 78.36.032-2014.

Thus, PPKU should be installed in the premises of a fire post or for round-the-clock duty, with an area of ​​15 square meters. m and with a humidity of no more than 80%, which, in turn, should be located no higher than the 2nd floor or with a separate exit to the street through a corridor and stairs with a total length of no more than 25 meters. The illumination in the room must comply with the requirements of the set of rules “SP 52.13330.2016. Natural and artificial lighting. Updated edition of SNiP 23-05-95*", and ventilation - to the requirements of the set of rules "SP 60.13330.2016. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Updated edition of SNiP 41-01-2003.” It is mandatory to have a telephone connection with the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

PPKU (block-modular fire panels or stations) are mounted at a distance of at least 1 m from the floor and heating systems in such a way as to provide comfortable access for display monitoring and maintenance. At the same time, at least 1 meter must remain from the upper edge of the fireproof housing of the PPKU to the suspended ceiling (if any). When several modules of PPKU, PPU and other units are arranged in one row, there must be a space of at least 5 cm between them. The placement of a backup power supply in the form of a battery UPS in the fire station room must provide for its recharging mode, in addition, rechargeable batteries must be contained in a sealed housing.

The national standard GOST R 53325-2012 identifies several types of AUPS in terms of the installed PPKP/PPU and SPI equipment. As a result, automatic fire alarm installations can be classified according to many criteria (see Fig. 1-a and 1-b), but it is customary to distinguish three main types of automatic fire alarm system:

1. Non-addressable (standard): they have a ray (radial) loop topology, do not show a specific source of fire, but only the zone in which it occurred, cannot generate a “fault” signal, cannot receive information from the IPD about the dust content of the smoke chamber, are subject to frequent false positives.

2. Addressable-threshold: they can have any loop topology; in such AUPS sensors diagnose themselves and “decide on their own” what type of notification to send to the control panel, which only monitors the integrity of the loop and receives signals from the IP. In such systems, it is impossible to accurately determine the location of the ring loop break; they do not use short circuit insulators. When identifying the location of a fire, those on duty can only rely on the number of the loop along the length of which fire detectors are located.

3. Addressable-analogue: in the AUPS data such important advantages appear as early detection of signs of fire, accurate determination of the location of the fire (damage to the loop), the lowest possible level of false alarms, successful interaction with automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal and warning systems. The advantages are due to the possibilities:

“fine” tuning of detectors to certain levels of sensitivity values, the achievement of which means the occurrence of programmed events/states and the formation of a signal to the control panel;

Receipt of information from individual entrepreneurs “online”, which allows you to timely identify the weakest points in the chain, predict failures and take preventive actions for possible breakdown of automatic control system elements;

Centralized processing of all information from detectors and other peripheral devices by the PPKU microprocessor in real time - automatic polling of all sensors is carried out: collection, analysis and differentiation of information from each detector separately.

Rice. 1-a. Classification of AUPS according to GOST R 53325-2012

Rice. 1-b. Classification of AUPS according to GOST R 53325-2012, GOST 26342-84 and RD 78.145-93

From a constructive point of view, the most promising at the moment are block-modular fire panels and stations with microprocessor control - PPKP/PPU devices with a chassis/frame for installing additional expansion boards. They allow significant scaling of the initial capacity and functionality of the AUPS due to the additional configuration of the control panel unit with micromodules, which can be designed:

    for additional lines, expanding the number of loops (up to 32 or more) and groups of detectors (up to 1512 addressable devices and more);

    for building a loop with a radial-ring topology based on 200+ or ​​200AP protocols and automatic addressing;

    for control of non-addressed loop;

    for additional configurable inputs/outputs, for example, open collectors for connecting relays, LEDs;

    to increase the number of ports and conversion/connection via various protocols/interfaces;

    to activate the main detector (master box) and transmit the alarm and fault signal to the appropriate emergency services;

    for intermodular Ethernet network connections;

    to repeat (retransmit) a signal;

    for controlling 240V circuits;

    for short circuit insulation, etc.

Installation of such stations and panels for controlling AUPS is carried out comfortably and relatively quickly, similar to assembling a system unit for a PC. They are convenient to integrate with other engineering systems. Modular fire panels in protected housings with well-structured displays are available in various sizes and are suitable for both wall and frame mounting. The most popular models are Bosch FPA-5000, Siemens Cerberus PRO and Siemens Synova, Esser IQ8 Control M and Flex, ESMI FX NET (Schneider Electric).

Installation of fire detectors

The basic classification of fire alarm elements and their abbreviations are given in the national standard “GOST R 53325-2012. Fire equipment. Fire automatic equipment. General technical requirements. Test methods".

The number of fire detectors (FD), their type, principle of operation, sensitivity class to the fire factor, response speed (inertia), are initially prescribed in the project and depend both on the geometry, number and area of ​​premises, and on the prevailing fire factors. The state standard provides for the installation of detectors under the ceiling. In situations where this is not possible, they can be placed on columns, walls, or cables.

When placing these devices, the most important requirement is the standard distances - from walls, corners, ceilings, floors, between each other, ventilation openings and air conditioners, natural sources of heat and smoke, and other building structures. For example, manual fire call points (FMD) are installed taking into account the degree of their illumination (visibility), distance from other MFR - no more than 50 m inside the building, and outside the building - up to 150 m, at a level of 1.5 m from the floor, on a distance of 75 cm from sockets, switches, etc.

The area controlled by one individual entrepreneur is influenced by such factors as the height of the room, the slope of the ceiling (roof), the delimitation of the ceiling space into compartments, the width and depth of the ceiling compartments formed by protruding building structures, beams, or shelving, partitions or furniture, if in the room they are 60 cm or more close to the ceiling. In such cases, each compartment formed by the structures must be equipped with separate detectors, regardless of the area of ​​the room and the proximity of the detectors to each other. Most of the nuances that need to be taken into account when installing detectors of various types are spelled out in paragraphs 13.3–13.12, 14.1, as well as in tables for calculating distances 13.3–13.6 and Clause 1 of the set of rules SP 5.13130.2009. Within the established limits, the distances between the detectors, as well as between the wall and the detectors, are allowed to vary, but no more than is indicated in the technical specifications and passports for specific IP models.

Detectors are installed in pre-prepared places - holes or sockets, to which two-wire communication lines from the controllers are connected according to the external connection diagram given in the technical documentation. The basic grounds for individual entrepreneurs can be established:

    on hard surfaces - using connecting sockets (with a clockwise rotational movement, the IP is turned until the marks on the socket and the detector are aligned or a characteristic click);

    in suspended ceilings or on cables - using special installation kits, reminiscent of mounts for recessed lamps.

In the non-volatile memory of addressable (point) devices, a range of free addresses (usually more than a hundred) is specified - all that remains is in the fire panel (PPKU) or PC to assign the required number to the IP. Modern software systems do not allow you to mistakenly assign the same addresses to several devices. Combined IP for each of its parts (for example, gas and heat) allows you to assign your own address in the line. Detectors, especially combined models (CPM), can operate in several modes; this requires setting the required types of inputs (zones) in a certain way.

Detectors generate signals “Normal”, “Fire”, “Attention”, “Fault”, “Maintenance required”, etc., which correspond to a specific LED indication on the IP, and transmit them to the addressable event visualization panel, and can also broadcast temperature values environment(IPT), current concentration carbon monoxide(IPG), smoke or dust content of the smoke chamber (SPD), distance to the fire, etc. The response thresholds for the “Fire” and “Attention” signals in individual IP models can be programmed individually.

At the testing stage, the operability of the detectors is checked by fire test factors: a gas mixture (for IPG), laser testers or even hot air from a hair dryer (for IPT), an aerosol smoke simulator (for IPD), etc. If the AUPS is combined with a fire extinguishing system, then for the duration of the tests in the fire panel, the control outputs to the fire alarm system are turned off and the relevant services and organizations are warned about the activities. After completing the actions prescribed in the technical documentation, the detectors are ready for operation.
facility finishing system (in particular, the presence of suspended ceilings and false floors);

presence of security guards and other engineering systems and the need for integration with them;

restrictions in carrying out installation work, determined both individually by the client and by the characteristics of the work premises;

individual wishes of the client;

  • selection of a specific type of alarm.

There are many options for engineering developments of AUPS on the market. The optimal model is one that satisfies not only the specifics of the premises, but also the client’s needs, i.e. allows you to save company resources.

The cost is affected by the type of signaling: analog or addressable. When determining the location of a fire, the analogue system relies on the loop number, so it is not as accurate as an address system, but it will suit the owners of a small room quite well. Equipment for an addressable analogue fire alarm system is more expensive, but it is fully justified at large facilities. The fact is that high accuracy allows you to use a smaller number of sensors, which means significant savings on detectors, cables, and the installation of a fire alarm itself will cost less. An analogue addressable system is one way to obtain a relatively inexpensive fire alarm option for large areas.

The Integrated Security Alliance makes a detailed estimate in each case and indicates all cost items.

If you send an architectural drawing and explication of the premises, information on finishing and technical specifications by e-mail, we will make a calculation much faster and send you a commercial offer. However, for greater accuracy, it is advisable to agree on the time when our specialist will come and inspect the premises in order to assess the amount of work, the number and location of detectors and other equipment. The final cost of the work will be determined after inspecting the protected object.

Installation of fire alarms (fire extinguishing) can be done at a discount if you are focused on long-term cooperation and plan to sign an agreement with us for further systems.

Ensuring fire safety of the facility

A fire can destroy important documentation in a matter of minutes, ruin a business owner and cause irreparable harm to human health. You may be insured in case of such an emergency, but no monetary compensation will cover moral damage or restore your health. Installing fire extinguishing systems minimizes the risk of an accident and allows you to quickly deal with a fire if it does occur due to human factor or technical failure.

Our country has developed a number of fire safety standards and regulations that oblige enterprises to ensure the safety of their personnel. Installing fire alarm systems is the primary means of protecting your employees and property. Professional installation of fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems is carried out in a short time and does not cause downtime of the enterprise. A properly installed system is simple and reliable, and your safety engineer will be able to independently monitor its operation, subject to regular maintenance.

Advantages of installing fire alarm systems by our company

The Integrated Safety Alliance has a license to carry out installation, maintenance and repair of safety equipment for buildings and structures, and our engineers, installers and equipment adjusters have SRO approvals for types of work that affect the safety of capital construction projects. The qualifications of the company's specialists performing installation are confirmed by certificates and extensive experience in working on complex and large facilities. The Integrated Security Alliance guarantees:

    the ability to change the configuration (the initial layout of devices and components) and scale the AUPS;

    accessibility of system components (elements) in case of maintenance or repair;

    protection of the AUPS from adverse factors (mechanical or chemical influence).

The Integrated Security Alliance uses exclusively certified equipment from proven, reliable suppliers. The successful experience of installing AUPS is confirmed by positive reviews from regular customers. Completed projects can be found on our website.

Our objects

Licenses, approvals, certificates

Ecolife Group carries out installation of automatic fire alarms and turnkey fire extinguishing systems for enterprises, office and shopping centers, schools and sports facilities, apartments, country houses, cottages and other objects. The company also accepts Maintenance and repairs all types of fire alarm equipment.

Contract for the installation of fire alarms, a complete set of documents

Our company works with legal and individuals. We conclude an agreement for all services provided, which is a document that clearly defines the cost and timing of the work. Pre-agreed terms reduce risks for both parties, and also ensure the benefits of the transaction for the seller and buyer.
Signing the certificates of completed work and acceptance and transfer of equipment means the successful completion of the work. We provide a full package of documents, including invoices, acts, invoices and cash receipts for cash payments, commissioning reports, and system settings. After completing the work, we continue to work with you as a consultant and service organization.

An engineer’s visit to calculate the cost of work is free of charge.

Fire alarm installation cost

Name of works Unit change Cost, rub
Installation with connection of a control panel PC. 1500
Installation of intermediate devices for the number of beams PC. 1200
Installation with connection of the internal power supply PC. 500
Installation with connection of an external power supply PC. 900
Control panel PC. 1300
Two-Wire Link Controller PC. 900
Relay block PC. 900
Fire extinguishing indication unit PC. 800
Fire extinguishing and control panel PC. 1500
Interface converter PC. 700
Branching-isolating block PC. 400
Address expander for 8 addresses PC. 700
Address expander for 2 addresses PC. 400
Redundant power supply RIP PC. 1200
Battery 7 Ah PC. 350
Addressable analogue fire detector PC. 600
Fire detector thermal addressable analogue PC. 600
Analogue smoke detector PC. 450
Fire detector thermal analogue PC. 400
Manual addressable fire detector IPR-513-ZA isp.02 PC. 500
Linear fire smoke detector PC. 900
Cost of commissioning of OPS systems set negotiable
Corrugated cable laying
Open fastening with tie or bracket m 30
Behind the false ceiling m 30
Under the floors m 40
By trays m 50
Installation of corrugations with drilling m 60
Installation of the box with drilling m 60
in tray m 40
In a box m 20
Shaving (concrete, brick, asphalt) m 300
In the ground m 300
Tightening the cable into the corrugation m 10
Drilling holes 10 cm PC. 100
Difficulty factor
Works Coefficient
Outdoor installation from May to October 1,2
Outdoor installation from October to May 1,5
Installation at a height of 3 to 4 meters 1,2
Installation at a height of 4 to 5 meters 1,4
Installation at a height of 5 to 6 meters 1,6
Installation after hours and weekends 1,3
Installation in rooms with a lot of furniture and people 1,3

To calculate the exact cost of fire alarm installation work, call us or send your existing fire alarm project. We will calculate the price of alarm installation within a day.

Installation of fire alarm systems is carried out on the basis of approved working (design) documentation.
If it is not available, the engineers of Ecolife Group of Companies are ready to perform for you design work. To do this, we will need floor plans of your facility and technical requirements in the form of a technical specification for the design of a fire alarm.
After completing the project, our specialists will begin work on installing an automatic fire alarm system. Thus, Ecolife Group of Companies carries out the design and installation of fire alarm systems in the complex.
Our specialist goes to the site free of charge to calculate the price of a fire alarm, draw up a Commercial Proposal and an Agreement. Contact us by phone, email or order form on the website.

Fire alarm installation: how we work

Fire alarm installation: stages of work

When the design work is completed, we can assume that an automatic fire alarm system already exists, albeit only in theory for now. All technical decisions have already been made, the type of alarm system has been selected, necessary equipment and materials selected. This system is unique and it will not fit any other object. The next stage is installation work, which will put the plan into practice and “breathe life” into the most important human protection system.

That's why, installation of fire alarm systems- not only expensive, but also the most critical stage of work. It requires attention and control not only from the contractor, but also from the owner of the facility.

Any construction and installation work can be divided into two components:

1. Direct execution of work;
2. Preparation of acceptance documentation.

It cannot be said that one is more important than the other. Both components are needed for further stable operation of the system and its operation. Before handing over the completed work, the customer must have a fully tested and functioning fire alarm system and several folders with documentation.

As in the case of design, it would be nice for the customer to have in his arsenal a person who is able to understand all this and control the process. Large companies have no problem with this. An engineer is appointed by order, or even an entire engineering organization is contracted to carry out technical supervision of the work and the preparation of documentation. If this is a one-time job for the customer, or there is simply no way to hire someone additionally, then key points you'll have to figure it out on your own.

So where does the installation of a fire alarm begin?

The installation process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Selecting a contracting company;
  2. Inspection of the object and conclusion of the contract;
  3. Purchase of equipment and materials;
  4. Carrying out electrical installation work;
  5. Carrying out commissioning work.

Fire alarm installation: choosing a contractor

When performing installation work, the most important thing for the customer is preparation. Find a company that will meet all the requirements, discuss all the subtleties and features of the object - this must be done before signing an agreement or contract. During the execution of work, it will only be possible to monitor compliance with all contractual obligations without interfering with the production process.

The choice among companies that install fire alarms is quite wide. Even in a relatively small city you can find a couple of such organizations. In order for the company to carry out this type activity, it must at least have a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.
Recently, specialized organizations have become members of Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs) and received a “Certificate of Admission to Certain Types of Work.” In this certificate they are interested in the section “Installation of means fire protection" This certificate gives the right to perform fire alarm installation work in strictly defined cases. Therefore, if you need to install an alarm in any “standard” operating building (shop, office, hotel), then having such a certificate is not necessary. But, if the company you choose has it, then this fact can definitely be considered an advantage.

Site inspection and conclusion of a contract for the installation of a fire alarm

Now a little about what is required from the customer before concluding a contract for installation work.

Firstly, you should have a project at stage “P” in your hands (or on electronic media). Based on this project, the installation organization will be able to calculate the price of the equipment, as well as the cost of construction, installation and commissioning work. If you have a project in electronic form, then you can simply call several companies, send them the project by e-mail and ask them to submit a commercial proposal. In this case, you will not have to waste time on meetings or travel. And the proposals received can be compared in terms of cost and other conditions (work completion time, presence/absence of advance payment, etc.) at a time convenient for you.

Secondly, the customer needs to imagine in detail how the work will be performed from an administrative and economic point of view. You can even draw up a small document with your requirements for the work. And such a document will be called, as in the case of design, “Technical Specifications”. Samples of such a document can be easily found on the World Wide Web. In this document you can, for example, indicate specific hours for performing work. If the object of protection is a hotel, then this requirement will be relevant and justified. Also, one of the requirements may be cleaning of premises (dry or wet) at the end of each working day, with determination of the location for storing waste. Or you, as a customer, can request that a responsible employee from the company be permanently present at your site so that any technical or organizational issues that arise can be resolved at any time.

Third, it will be extremely useful for both the installation organization and the customer to inspect the site before concluding a contract. The main purpose of this event is to check the compliance of the design and actual data of the facility. In practice, it happens that a significant period of time may pass from the completion of design work to the start of alarm installation work. This happens especially often at facilities under construction. And during this period, some architectural changes may occur at the site, which they simply forgot to include in the automatic fire alarm project. In such cases, a preliminary examination can become extremely important.
For the customer, this is also a great way to get to know a potential contractor better and an opportunity to see him “in action.” And the contractor will be able to visualize the scale of the upcoming work and discuss some of the installation details with the owner of the facility.

It is clear that such requirements can lead to an increase in the overall cost of performing the work. But if there are circumstances that you consider extremely important when installing a fire alarm, then they must be conveyed to the contractor. And it is best if your requirements are in writing. In this case, they can be fully transferred to the contract or this Technical Specification can be drawn up as an annex to it.

Fire alarm installation: purchase of equipment and materials

This task can be accomplished in several ways.

First way- supply is entirely handled by the customer. There can be many reasons for such contractual relationships. If during the negotiations the parties came to such a decision, then it is beneficial for them. For the installation organization this is at least convenient:

  • no need to spend resources on purchasing and transporting equipment to the site,
  • in case of receiving defective or “insufficient” equipment, there is no need to replace it;

This type of cooperation is quite common. In order to buy equipment you do not need any licenses or certificates. But, if the customer decides to take on the role of supplier, then he must understand that any questions regarding the discrepancy between the purchased equipment and the design equipment, as well as possible problems with its replacement or return will fall on his shoulders. If all this doesn't add up special troubles, then this method can easily be implemented in practice.

Second way, when the purchase of materials is entrusted to the installation organization, more common. IN in this case, for the customer the installation organization also becomes a supplier. There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, installation organizations buy equipment for fire automatic systems on an ongoing basis. This means that they know all the nearest trading companies and are guided by the prices of this or that equipment from different sellers. As a result, installation companies have significant discounts from the sellers they work with, so they can also help save your budget.
Secondly, all installation companies have a certain amount of equipment in stock. It is not at all necessary that the installation company will be able to fully provide the facility with everything necessary from its stocks of warehouse equipment. But collecting equipment from your warehouse in order to immediately begin installation work is quite possible. And in a day or two they will be able to deliver everything else directly from the trading company. Convenient, isn't it?
Third, all responsibility for the quality and performance of the equipment will lie with the installation organization. That is, if some equipment turns out to be defective or damaged (which in practice happens much more often than we would like), the installation organization will have to take on the job of replacing it. Moreover, given the availability of a warehouse, most often the replacement occurs instantly and the installation process does not have to be stopped.

Third way Most often used by large companies. It consists of organizing a tender for the purchase of equipment. If you do not have such experience, you may encounter a number of serious difficulties. Probably the most accurate way to organize a purchase would be to contact professional companies that not only carry out these purchases, but will also be able to provide detailed advice. If there are well-designed technical requirements to purchase, you can achieve very serious cost savings. Otherwise, you will still have to spend time and human resources to monitor compliance with the terms of the supply agreement.

Carrying out installation work on site. Alarm installation

After preparatory work You can proceed with the installation.

It's no secret that installing an automatic fire alarm is a process that must meet a huge number of requirements. If the customer has specialists who can monitor the installation process, this will greatly simplify the control task. If there are no such specialists, they can be hired. And then only administrative functions will remain with the customer.
In addition to design technical solutions and conditions for performing work dictated by the customer exist whole line requirements that the installation organization must comply with.

  1. Since the work is aimed at ensuring fire safety, it must comply with fire safety standards.
  2. Installation of an alarm system is a job that is directly related to electrical installation work. And despite the fact that these works mostly relate to low-current systems (up to 60 V), they must meet the requirements for electrical installation work.
  3. Do not forget that installation of a fire alarm is one of the stages of construction. Therefore, the installation of alarm systems must comply with building regulations.
  4. In addition to all of the above, when working it is necessary to comply with safety precautions and labor protection requirements. There are quite a lot of such requirements. And if the object of protection is a zone of increased danger, then their number increases and becomes tougher at times.

It may seem that so many requirements are simply impossible to meet. But for experienced companies that have been conducting this activity for several years and have equipped several dozen or hundreds of objects with fire safety automation, all these norms and rules are very familiar and are followed at the level of habit. They can competently justify and document every step they take and every action they take. Therefore, when choosing a company as a contractor, do not forget to find out about the experience in this field and the number of completed projects. It would not be superfluous to clarify about working on objects that are similar or similar in their specificity to your object. It is worth noting that installation organizations that care about their reputation prepare separate documents that, in chronological order, reflect the list of iconic objects on which the company worked. Such documents are called “Business Reputation”. Customer reviews may be added to this document.

Construction and installation work begins with introductory and initial briefings. Both of them are aimed at ensuring that the work carried out is carried out with maximum attention and is safe for each participant in the production process.

Induction training carried out by the customer. It can take place either orally or in the form of a video presentation. The main purpose of this briefing is to convey information about the object, its purpose and features from the point of view of safe installation work. An introductory briefing is carried out by a labor protection engineer or other responsible person who performs these functions based on the order of the manager. After the briefing, each employee puts his signature in the briefing log, thereby confirming its completion.

Initial instruction also carried out on site. Unlike the introductory briefing, it is conducted by a responsible representative of the installation organization. And it is aimed primarily at informing workers about labor protection and safety requirements. When performing electrical installation work, which includes installation of fire alarms, these requirements relate to safety when working with electricity, hand and power tools, rules for working at height, etc. If the object is a high-risk area (gas, oil, metallurgical, etc. industries), then in addition to general rules, training is supplemented by cross-industry or highly specialized requirements.

Throughout the entire period of construction and installation work, the customer has the right to monitor and control the process of their implementation. If the customer has questions, he has the right to ask them both orally and in writing. After all, despite the fact that introductory training has been carried out, the customer is responsible for the specialists working at his site. Moreover, the customer has the right to suspend work if he sees violations in their production or non-compliance with labor protection requirements. As a rule, most of these issues are agreed upon through negotiations. In very rare cases, when certain rules are systematically violated, the customer may terminate the contract.

Commissioning work when putting the fire alarm system into operation

After completion of installation work, it is time for commissioning work. The name speaks for itself about its composition. The essence of the work is to launch the mounted system and fix everything possible mistakes installation, malfunctions in the operation of system components, identify possible defective equipment. Also, during commissioning mode, it is necessary to test the system in all operating modes and make sure that it correctly and accurately processes received signals and sent commands.

Commissioning work should not be underestimated, especially if the object of protection is a large building with many systems associated with fire alarms.
Once the system has been fully checked and tested, it is left on for 72 hours. This period is called the “running period”. The meaning of this practice is to identify malfunctions in the operation of the system or its individual components that did not appear during testing.

It happens, albeit in very rare cases, that the customer hires a separate organization to carry out commissioning work. From a legal point of view, this is a completely acceptable measure. But if you look at this from an economic or organizational point of view, then the customer certainly loses. After all, the new contractor will include all overhead costs in the estimated cost, and to attract him, you will again have to conduct a selection process, introduce him to the project and the facility, draw up technical specifications and conduct briefings. Of course, this will take a lot of time and resources. The positive side of such a step may only be the need to transfer installation work to a new contractor. That is, one specialized organization will be able to carry out an interim assessment of the work performed by another specialized organization. Otherwise, such a “castling” will only create problems. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, installation and commissioning works carried out by one organization.

After completion of the work, the installation organization notifies the customer in writing that it is ready for a comprehensive testing of the installed system.

Preparation of acceptance documentation for fire alarms

In order to document the fact of performing any construction and installation work, there is the so-called “Acceptance documentation”. As a rule, it consists of four sections:

  1. Permitting documentation;
  2. Working documentation;
  3. Production documentation;
  4. Executive documentation.

These sections are compiled on the basis of regulatory documents, state standards and building regulations. Depending on the type of work performed, the composition of the documents varies. Each section is compiled into a separate folder and provided with a register of the documents included in it. First of all, the contractor should know how to correctly and competently draw up the Acceptance Documentation. He, in fact, must develop it and sign it by all responsible persons involved in the work process. A detailed list of documents included in each section of this set is usually reflected already at the time of drawing up the agreement (contract).

After reading all the above information, it may seem that monitoring the installation of an automatic fire alarm on the part of the customer is an extremely difficult task. Especially for those who are faced with the need to equip a facility with fire-fighting automation for the first time.

Why do you need to install a fire alarm?

Installation of a security and fire alarm system (FS) will save not only your property, but also your life, as well as the lives of your loved ones or employees of the organization where you work. In terms of damage, fire is more dangerous than burglary and other crimes, so take the choice of a fire alarm system seriously.

We will install fire alarms (installation of fire alarm systems) and installation of warning and fire evacuation systems (SOUE).

What is the market value of a fire alarm?

In this case, everything depends on the complexity of the system, on the selected equipment (domestic or imported), on the wishes of the customer, for example, if the interior should not be damaged, then it would be better to install a radio channel system. You can find out the approximate cost of the system using our calculator.

The calculator on the website calculates the cost is too high, is it possible to get the service cheaper?
How long does it take to install a fire alarm?

We always try to reduce the installation time for fire alarms as much as possible. If the facility is planned to be put into operation in the near future (workplaces are not occupied), then, as a rule, all work will take no more than 1 month, including the design and installation of a fire alarm.

Can your specialist go to the site for inspection?

We are always ready to go to the site. This service is free! But, initially, it is advisable to send us floor plans by email to determine the preliminary cost of installing a fire alarm.

Do not read if you are ready to pay fines to government agencies

Until relatively recently, managers of enterprises and institutions - owners of private businesses with any real estate - did not have to seriously worry about the presence of a fire alarm in their premises - fines for its absence or improper operation were relatively small, which meant that it was easier for many of them to pay off from the state than to worry about installing modern fire protection systems. The situation changed on May 25, 2011, with the Parliament's approval of presidential amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation related to fire safety issues.

According to the new standards, for violations associated with evading the installation of fire warning systems, much more serious liability is provided: violation of fire safety requirements for fire alarm systems entails the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities in the amount of one hundred fifty thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

One cannot but agree that 200 thousand rubles. - a very serious amount, the immediate loss of which can cause serious damage to any small business, which, by the way, is the object of constant inspections by supervisory authorities, which successfully replenish the state budget with astronomical fines levied on negligent entrepreneurs. Should I delay installing a fire alarm system? – The question is perhaps rhetorical... The argument in favor of professional installation of systems is by no means solely the fear of being fined. Let's not forget about their immediate purpose: timely notification of a fire, which will save not only property - ours and others', but also, possibly, human lives!

Most people naively believe that fire alarms are installed only in production enterprises - for example, in workshops where, due to the operation of powerful electrical equipment, machines and units, there is a high risk of fire. However, as statistics show, up to 80% of fires occur not in production, but in the residential sector and at social infrastructure facilities. Industrial premises with rare exceptions, they have long been equipped with automatic fire warning systems.

Thanks to a fire alarm, you can not only effectively notify people in the room about the danger, but also prevent the growth of a fire or eliminate it at an early stage. At almost any facility, including modern apartment, there are a lot of objects and devices prone to fire. In addition, in old buildings, worn-out wiring is an additional risk factor.

Installing the system is a complex job that requires highly qualified specialists. Proper installation of the system guarantees its reliable, uninterrupted operation and a long period of trouble-free operation. However, it should be assumed that only professional installers under the guidance of a competent engineer can meet all the necessary requirements of GOSTs, SNIPs and NPBs. Modern fire warning systems are very complex devices, usually computerized, with the ability to program various functions. Therefore, when connecting central equipment and sensors, the participation of an experienced engineer is required, and at the commissioning stage, the participation of specialists who have undergone special training at equipment manufacturers is required. Hence, an amateurish approach to installing an alarm system is fraught with inevitable problems.

For timely and prompt warning of fire, many facilities in Moscow today are equipped with special fire alarms. Today, both officials responsible for the safety of the property entrusted to them and property owners in Moscow who decide to insure themselves in case of fire resort to installing a fire alarm in Moscow.

The design and installation of fire alarms in Moscow is controlled by the relevant supervisory departments, therefore, when carrying out such work, it is necessary to carefully comply with the regulations and requirements of all regulatory documents that regulate this area.

Thus, these documents thoroughly prescribe the number and location of sensors when installing a fire alarm system, the list of fire extinguishing agents allowed for use, the distance from the sensors to the control panel, and much more. If you fail to comply with any requirements and parameters during the installation of a fire alarm or fire-fighting equipment, you will receive not only an ineffective system that will not provide you with the required level of safety, but also numerous instructions from inspection agencies.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the design and installation of fire alarms at any facility is a technically complex and responsible task. Therefore, such a task can only be entrusted to a responsible and experienced contractor who knows all the intricacies of installing a fire alarm in Moscow.

What is needed to install fire alarm systems?

Like any other technical system, a fire alarm system consists of working in a complex various elements. One of the important parts of the system are sensors - these are peculiar nerve endings that react to smoke or fire and transmit the signal to its destination.

Depending on the type of action, sensors come in different types:

  • Smoke - equipped with a smoke detector, they react to smoke that appears in the room or at the facility.
  • Thermal – note the increase in temperature level characteristic of a fire.
  • Flame sensors - these devices respond to various phenomena that accompany the appearance of an open fire (infrared or ultraviolet radiation, electromagnetic component, etc.).

Various models of sensors can be wired or wireless, using different channels for signal transmission.

The main requirements for sensors used when installing fire alarms are their durability, the ability to reliably respond to fire or smoke, as well as a guarantee against accidental or false alarms. Also, sensors are often selected in accordance with the interior design; fortunately, the large number of samples available in Moscow stores today allows you to select sensors of a suitable design without compromising functionality and quality. The choice of sensors largely determines the price and duration of work when installing a fire alarm.
Another important component of the fire warning system is the wires through which the signal from the sensor is sent to the remote control. It is clear that this is relevant for those systems that use wired sensors. The main requirements for wires are low resistance, so that the signal is transmitted as losslessly as possible, and low flammability - such a wire should not burn or melt under conditions of elevated temperature.

How are fire alarm systems installed?

As we have already mentioned, the design and installation of fire alarms in Moscow must be carried out in compliance with all the requirements set out in regulatory documents. Thus, one of the important requirements for installing a fire alarm is the location of the system wires away from power cables and power supply wires of the facility - otherwise such proximity can cause electromagnetic interference and interference, which can lead to false alarms and unstable operation of the system.

Initially, a project for the entire fire protection system is prepared and agreed with the customer, which specifies the choice of equipment, the location of sensors and routes for laying wires, and the choice of a control and receiving device. A balanced and rational choice of equipment for the system will not only provide exceptionally reliable and functional fire protection, but will also provide an opportunity to save on its price.
From the equipment offered today, you can choose high-quality samples from both foreign and domestic manufacturers at the best price, depending on the system parameters and requirements for it. Modern equipment differs in compact sizes.
Another important point when choosing a contractor to install fire alarm systems is whether the company providing such services has the appropriate clearance and authorization. Whether it is a security system in an office, apartment or country house - in any case, the installation of a fire alarm should be carried out by certified specialists.

As for the prices for the services of such specialists, it can be noted that due to the great competition in the capital’s market for fire alarm installation services, Moscow prices in this industry are practically no different from prices in other regions for similar services. As a rule, the price level is determined when installing a fire alarm by the price per point (sensor) - than more sensors, the more wires to pull, the higher the price of work may turn out to be. In addition, when installing a fire alarm, prices are determined by other factors, such as the price of equipment, area of ​​the facility, etc.

Our craftsmen are ready to offer you a full range of services for installing fire alarms in the capital and Moscow region. You can also entrust all technical and legal issues related to the installation of a fire alarm to our specialists. In addition, we are ready to provide advice to the owner of the property on how to behave in the event of unfounded complaints from fire inspectors.

If you require additional information about our work or you intend to order fire alarm installation from us at facilities in Moscow or the region, call us at the numbers listed on the website.

What does a fire alarm system consist of and how does it work?

As we have already mentioned, such a system usually includes sensors that respond to threats, signal transmission channels (wires or others - radio, infrared, etc.) and a control and receiving device, where all signals from the sensors are received. When installing a fire alarm, the price finished system depends, among other things, on the choice of certain brands of equipment.

In addition to the fire warning system, the fire protection system may also include devices responsible for fire extinguishing.

As soon as the sensors detect smoke, an increase in temperature or other signs of fire, the signal from them is sent to a control device, which turns on both the warning system (siren, corresponding light displays, etc.) and activates fire extinguishing means - gas or water fire extinguishers. Also, a fire signal is sent to the fire service or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
This system has been tested more than once in real conditions and has proven itself to be excellent.
If you require our services, please contact us by phone or through the message form on our website. When installing a fire alarm, the price per point is calculated individually in each case. Conditions for installing a fire alarm, prices and discounts - everything can be found out from specialists or found on the website in the relevant sections. We are ready to offer our customers high-quality and prompt installation of fire alarms, subsequent maintenance and repair of the system.

Fire and security systems are in demand and are used at a wide variety of facilities. The complexes differ in functionality and are presented in a wide variety. Therefore, before installing an alarm, it is best to know the features different types equipment.

Alarm system and its operating principle

The security and fire complex consists of equipment that allows timely detection and notification of danger. The key element is sensitive sensors. They react to rising temperatures and smoke, notifying owners of a fire. The automatic fire extinguishing system is activated and a danger signal sounds. This way the equipment allows you to save life and property.

The complex of devices includes sensor devices, which are presented in the form of sensors and detectors. Processing of information received from sensors is carried out by other devices, and the control unit allows you to control the operation of the system. The set of devices also includes peripheral components that are connected to the control panel:

  • control panel;
  • printer for printing messages;
  • sound and light alarms;
  • module for short circuit isolation.

All devices interact with each other, providing timely notification of home owners about danger. The configuration of the system may differ in functionality and the type of elements used, but the security and fire system works as efficiently as possible when configured correctly.

Project and calculation

To install a fire and security complex system in a building, the correct design is important, allowing you to create a complex that meets the established requirements. A unified standard presupposes that the system complies with basic standards, which is necessary for the correct and efficient operation of the alarm system. Design is important stages. The premises are inspected, and in this process the specialist receives the information necessary to calculate the parameters. And also design involves taking into account the following GOST requirements:

  • Conducting external or internal pipes are designed using the ring method. Conductive installations can be dead-end, but only for control nodes of less than three. The length of the external dead-end wire should not exceed 200 m;
  • sanitary or industrial complex equipment cannot be connected to the pipelines supplying power to the fire extinguishing system;
  • pipelines are attached to the main structural elements of the house, but do not support other structures;
  • the estimated volume of water for the fire extinguishing system must be stored in water supply containers, but it is important to provide for the presence of devices that prevent the flow of liquid for other needs;
  • The period of filling the design volume during local extinguishing cannot exceed 180 s.

When calculating, it is worth considering that one sensor monitors a square in space with sides equal to the height of the ceiling, but not more than 4 m. The design and calculation of systems are carried out taking into account the requirements of GOST R 50800, as well as GOST 3262. NPB 88–2001 is often the main document , according to which a complex of pipelines is being installed.

Fire alarm: types of systems

There are main types of security and fire alarms, differing in parameters, functionality and installation rules. Complexes of various levels of complexity are necessary for fire warning and differ in their operating principle.

Non-addressable fire alarm

A non-addressable system involves the use of receiving and control devices that measure the current in the alarm loop with installed detectors. These elements can be in the following states: “fire” or “normal”. If a fire is detected, the internal resistance in the detector changes abruptly, as well as the current in the system loop. As a result, an emergency alert is generated.

Addressable analog complex

In this equipment complex, the control panel (RCD) is a monoblock with one or several loops. They have a ring structure. At the same time, it is easy to connect up to 200 elements to one loop. The ring complex includes the following components:

  • addressable automatic fire detectors;
  • addressable manual fire call points;
  • address relays;
  • addressable sirens;
  • control modules.

In an analogue addressable system, the detector is not responsible for deciding whether there is a fire, but is only a measuring device. The sensor transmits information to the control panel about the received parameters, which makes it possible to distinguish a malfunction in the electrical circuit of the detector from dust accumulation in the smoke chamber. Equipment of this type does not use single indicators to make a decision about a fire, but pre-prepared information about the state of the controlled space. In this case, intermittent short-term interference is not perceived, but persistent indicators and signals from a real ignition source are taken into account.

Threshold type system with radial stubs

In a threshold-type complex with radial loops, there are special fire alarms that are already configured to a certain threshold or level for operation. The thermal sensitive sensor is responsible for deciding whether a fire occurs when a certain temperature threshold occurs, and then an alert is given. The peculiarity of the complex is the radial topology of the cables. So, loops of wires with connected detectors are diverted from the central unit. Up to 30 warning elements can be connected to one beam. When one of them is triggered, the main panel displays the loop number, but it is impossible to obtain other information.

Threshold alarm with modular structure

Systems of this type do not have a central receiving and control device. It has been replaced by interconnected blocks that are placed next to sensitive sensors. Such blocks receive signals from 100 or more loops. When installing an alarm system with a model structure over a large area, it is necessary to increase the capacity of the receivers by installing additional blocks. Receiving devices transmit signals to the main panel. This system also installs one- or two-threshold wire loops. Using the latter option, it is easy to detect a fire and find out about its level.

Modern types of sensors

Sensors various types present in any type of security and fire alarm system. Their number and functionality may vary, but it is thanks to sensitive devices that the system reacts to a fire. The classification of devices depends on the type of signal transmitted, the type of parameter change being monitored, and also depending on the location and type of sensor.

Sensitive devices are classified by purpose, and one system may include several types of elements. This ensures the functionality of the fire and security alarm system.

temperature sensor

Heat devices that are sensitive to an increase in room temperature are always present in fire and security alarm systems. The action of such a device is activated when the air temperature in the controlled environment increases. Some devices operate based on changes in electrical resistance based on changes in temperature, while others use deformable structures.

Smoke detectors Sensing components that are activated when smoke is detected are a popular and effective option for fire and security alarms. They quickly detect smoke manifestations and allow timely action to be taken. necessary actions . For example, short circuit

electrical wiring often occurs with poor access to oxygen and is characterized by a long period of smoldering. In this case, the smoke sensor gives the necessary signal and the fire extinguishing system is activated, if such a design is provided for in the project.

High-quality flame sensors actively respond to an open fire or smoldering hearth. The devices are practically not used in residential areas, but they are effective in industrial or open areas. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the flame is always accompanied by electromagnetic radiation, the degree of which depends on the intensity and temperature of the fire.

Radiation is divided into visible, infrared and ultraviolet. The sensitive component of the device quickly detects such manifestations in one or more ranges. Such sensors are often used in the gas and petrochemical industries.

Gas sensor This device is very rarely used in automatic alarms fire extinguishing, as there is a high risk false alarms

. For domestic purposes, the sensor is effective and notifies of gas leaks from communications. The device reacts to manifestations of carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide.

Installation and connection of security and fire alarm systems Installation of a fire and security system requires proper design, which is carried out taking into account the area of ​​the premises, the type of sensors and other factors. On initial stage

work, you need to calculate all the parameters of the system, which only a specialist can do. This is due to the complexity of the alarm system, which includes many devices. A simple warning system can be installed in a private residential building or apartment. In this case, you need to select devices with optimal characteristics

, as well as determine the location of their installation.

Recommendations in video format allow you to master the installation technology step by step. You can learn the specifics of installing and connecting devices in a private home from the video instructions.

Video: fire alarm installation

Installation of fire detectors

Before installing the system, you should determine the installation location of the sensors. Sensitive devices are optimal in areas of high fire risk: in the kitchen, in the living room with a fireplace. In the house, the devices are installed in the boiler room if there is a gas heating boiler. In this case, it is best to use combined sensors that will react to open flames, smoke, and gas.

  • For proper functioning, you need to take into account the rules for choosing the location and installation of sensitive elements:
  • the distance between sensors should be 9 m, and from corners and walls - 4.5 m;
  • the correct diagram is the key to the correct arrangement of elements;
  • sensors are installed at a distance from heat and flame sources;

in narrow and long corridors, you must first take into account the gap between the sensors.

Action of the warning system For often used local systems alerts. The complexes may not have a common centralized control, and the sound signal is recorded in advance. The system requires an amplifier and a speech processor. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to quickly manage evacuation using the equipment. Control is important when an unusual situation arises or in the event of rapidly changing events.

Possible malfunctions after installation

All fire and security alarm malfunctions are often associated with incorrect installation of sensors. If the distance between elements is violated or if they are located close to heating devices, a constant sound signal may be emitted. The following factors can lead to malfunction:

  • low quality sensors;
  • electromagnetic interference;
  • strong acoustic vibrations;
  • dust and insects getting into the sensors;
  • malfunction of the device design.

If any violations are detected, it is best to remove the alarm, determine the cause and fix the problem. In any case, you should not use low-quality devices that will not ensure safety.

How to remove an alarm with your own hands?

Dismantling a security and fire alarm system includes the removal of all the elements that make up the complex. If the sound alert is false, then you should make sure of this. If there is no source of ignition, smoke or gas leak, the sensors must be turned off. To do this, remove the battery from them or turn it off from the centralized control panel. To temporarily deactivate sensors in only one room, cover the sensitive element with adhesive tape or film.

Security and fire alarm sensors are important components of the system. The correct operation of the entire complex of devices depends on the quality of their connection. You can master installation and connection using video recommendations.

Video: connecting sensors

Security and fire alarms are effective and provide security. Correct installation and selection of sensors - important points for correct operation of the system. To do this, design is carried out, as well as the features are mastered and the characteristics of the devices are selected.