Abstract of GCD on ecology in the middle group “Flowers. "Flowers". Outline of a lesson on the world around us (middle group)

Program content.

  1. Learn to recognize garden flowers from wild and forest flowers.
  2. Deepen children's knowledge and ideas about flowers and their appearance.
  3. Continue teaching children to work in small subgroups.
  4. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the end of the task, to answer the question, giving a complete answer.
  5. Continue to enrich vocabulary and develop children’s coherent speech.
  6. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Org. Moment 1 - All the children gathered in a circle, you are my friend and I am your friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. (in a circle)

Look, children, Maria Ivanovna came to visit us today! Let's welcome her. And now all attention is on me.

Our rule: Every day, always everywhere, during lessons in the game - we speak boldly, clearly and sit quietly (with children)

Conversation on topic 2 (Go to the Easel). I came to work in the morning, and there was an envelope, I didn’t open it without you. Let's open it. What is there? (read letter) Can we help? Let's take a look and name the colors.

Q: What are flowers for?

D.: For beauty, to admire.

Q: Will we be able to find out where they grow?

Q: Where do garden flowers grow?

D.: In the garden, in the flower beds.

Q: Name the garden flowers.

D: Rose, tulip, poppy, carnation, etc.

Q: Where do wild and forest flowers grow?

D.: In the field, in the forest.

Q: Name the wild and forest flowers.

D.: Bluebell, chamomile, cornflower, etc.

Q: What shapes do flower beds come in?

D.: Flower beds are square, round, oval, etc.

Q: How do flowers appear? (a seed or shoot is planted, cared for, watered)

Q: Who takes care of the flowers in the garden?

D.: Gardener.

Q: How are garden flowers different from wildflowers?

D: Garden flowers are grown by humans, but wildflowers grow on their own.

V.: Guys, some flowers are listed in the Red Book. What kind of book do you think this is?

D.: The book in which rare plants, of which there are very few on earth.

Q: Do we have garden or wildflowers growing in our apartment?

D.: There are indoor flowers growing in the apartment.

Q: Why are they called that?

D: These flowers grow indoors.

Q: How do we care for flowers?

D.: We water, loosen the soil, wipe off the dust from the leaves, pick off the dried leaves. Q: What benefits do flowers bring?

D.: Flowers can be food for animals, they can be placed in a vase, and medicines can be obtained from flowers.

Q: Name your favorite flowers. Well done!!!

3. Physical education minute.

Our scarlet flowers open their petals

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers
The petals close
Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

4. Well done! I invite you to play a game called "Collect a picture" You need to sit down at your tables, collect a cut picture and name the flower. (children's answers)

Now name these flowers affectionately (peonies, carnations, poppies, chamomile, rose)

You guys are great, you can do everything. Here's another task.

5. In my opinion, the most difficult thing, but you know how to do everything and tell me everything correctly (presentation of flowers).

Result: Were we able to help Vasya the gnome find the answer to why these flowers are called garden flowers? where do they grow?

What are they needed for? (to please the eye)

If the child finds it difficult to answer. Question: Who can help? Mom’s gone, dad’s gone too, who can we turn to? To the teacher. Ask me a question then (V.B. please help, we don’t know)

Envelope with Letter

Hello guys!!! My name is Gnome Vasya. I saw these flowers and would like to know where they grow. Please help me find out where these flowers grow.

Project: “Colored flowerbed” in the middle group of the village of garden No. 5 “Rainbow”

Educators: Sonnikova M, N.

Oreshnikova G, G.

INTRODUCTION: I'm walking through a green meadow,

The dew dries on the leaves,

The wind shakes the grass elastically,

They whisper - don’t tear us apart, don’t

Our flexible stems do not rot

We are a delight for the eyes and the heart

Decoration of the native land.

The need for new experiences is one of the most important for a child.

The famous psychologist A.S. Vygotsky, emphasizing the creative nature of the child’s activity, wrote: “The more the child saw, heard or experienced, the more productive, other things being equal, will be the activity of his imagination.”

The love of flowers has been characteristic of peoples since ancient times. Bright, varied shapes, with pleasant aroma always, for the rest of his life, he has a love for flowers; he has been attracted to him since childhood, and no matter where he lives, he will plant flowers everywhere.

We spend most of our time in kindergarten and therefore it should be beautiful inside and out. When choosing a theme, we decided to please ourselves and not only those around us. And also try your hand and use the help of your parents.

Children can use the knowledge gained during the project in later life.

PROBLEM SITUATION: Our flowerbed is not landscaped or decorated.

Goal: Decorative design of your site and the entire territory of the kindergarten.

Introduce children to environmental culture. Promote the development of curiosity. observation skills, gaining practical skills in caring for plants.

Objectives: To provide knowledge about flowers (they emit a good smell, clean the air of bacteria).

Expanding ideas about ornamental plants,O that the plant is a living being.

Developmental: Develop creativity, communication skills, aesthetic perception in communication with nature

Introduce children to the profession of designer.

Educational: Instill personal responsibility for fulfillment teamwork, teach to build friendly relationships, learn to notice beauty. Cultivate a caring attitude, love for nature.

Project implementation plan.

Organizational: Execution of work. Drawing up a work plan.

Stage 2: research:

Studying options, design, studying types of colored flower beds.

Project activities Growing seedlings, laying out flower beds, planting seedlings, caring for flowers.

Final. Project analysis.


From April to September 2016.

APRIL: 1 Determination of the area for the flower bed.

2Growing seedlings.

3 Preparation of illustrative material.

4 Album design: “Favorite Flowers”

5 Coloring flowers in coloring books

6 Research activity: planting seedlings

7 Reading A. Onegov: “The First Flower”

8 Listening to music: “Don’t pick flowers” ​​by Yu. Antonov.

MAY: 1 Soil preparation (dig up, fertilize)

2 Consideration of perennial garden flowers

3 Securing names.

4 Planting seedlings in a flower bed

5 Plant care (watering, fertilizing, observations)

6 Excursions around the territory of the village garden.

7 Reading A. Smirnov “Flower of the Sun”

8 P/i. "In the garden or in the vegetable garden"

JUNE: 1 Continue planting seedlings.

2 Plant care, watering, weeding.

3 Learning poetry.

4 Stories: “HOW they grow seedlings”

5 Reading p.” Gift" from k. B, Vovk: "Flowers"

6 Conversation about the profession of florist and designer.

7 Holiday of Riddles

8. Observation of the beginning of flowering

9 S/R. game “Flower Shop”

10.Research activity: “If you don’t water for a long time”

11. Exhibition of drawings: “Flowers around us”

JULY: 1 Examination of the structure of a flower

2 N. game: “Mosaic”, “Loto”.

3 Collective application: “Ladybug on a daisy”

4 Reading: “Whose flowers are better” from the book: Flowers”

5 Finger game: “Our scarlet flowers”

6 Evening of riddles.

7 Drawing on asphalt with chalk: “Flowers”

8 N, game: “Domino” - garden flowers

AUGUST: 1 Observation - what happened to the flowers?

2Math game: “Assemble a bouquet by color”

3Reading the book: “Field Path”

4Consideration – transformation into seeds

5 Looking at illustrations

6 Application: “Flowers in a flowerbed”, cutting out circles, a button in the middle.

7 Applique Exhibition

SEPTEMBER: 1 Conversation: “Flowers for the holiday”

2 Entertainment: “Visiting the Fairy of Flowers”

3 Word game: “Yes-no”

4 Application: “Vase with flowers”

5 Production: “Garden flowers” ​​- screen.

6 Drying the seeds.

7 Game: “Mosaic” - lay out a flower.

8 Reading poems about flowers

9 Board game: “Collect a flower”

10 Exchange of experience on the topic.

11Seed collection.

12 Preparing the flower bed for winter.

Card index of games on the theme “Flowers” ​​COLLECT A BOUQUET (movable)

A “gardener” is selected. The rest of the children sit in a circle and put their hands behind their backs. A vase or flower pot is placed in the center. The “gardener” comes out. He has cards with flowers in his hands. He says the words: “I love my flowers, I water my flowers.” He imitates how he waters the flowers and gives cards to some of the children. The “gardener” names these cards: “poppy, chamomile, cornflower...” Then the children say the words: “one, two, three, collect a bouquet!” » Players who received cards must get up, go out of the circle, run around the circle to their place, run into the circle and put their flower in the vase. The player who places the flower first becomes the "gardener". He takes the flowers out of the vase and the game repeats.

FORGET-MENT (movable)

A “forget-me-not” and a driver are selected. The rest of the children are flowers; they are given one card with a picture of a flower. “Flowers” ​​scatter throughout the room. The driver selects three flowers, puts the children in one line and says: “I am always happy with all flowers. I'll plant flowers in a row. Poppy, chamomile, cornflower (or other three flowers).” The driver puts flowers in a certain sequence. Next, the three selected “flowers” ​​are “lost” among the others. “Forget-me-not” must find them, put them in the right order and name them.


“Bees” are selected and given toy buckets. The rest of the children are given cards with images of honey flowers (dandelion, fireweed, cornflower, clover) and simple flowers (chamomile, bell, lily of the valley).

The presenter (adult) once again pronounces the names of all the flowers, draws the children’s attention to which of them are honey plants. Then the presenter says: “Bees, bees, to the meadow! Collect your honey! “The bees take cards of honey flowers from the children, name them and put them in buckets. Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.


Children are divided into grasshoppers, butterflies, flowers, grasses and rehearse roles: grasshoppers jump, grasses squat, butterflies wave their arms, flowers fold their palms like cups of flowers. The presenter (adult) says the words: “The game is starting, it’s time for everyone to wake up.” Children turn into meadow inhabitants and perform their movements. Then the presenter says: “The sun disappeared until the morning, it’s time for everyone to sleep in the meadow.” Children sit down and “fall asleep.” Then the children choose other roles for themselves, and the game is repeated.


Children become flowers. First, they do gymnastics for the “roots”: They stomp their feet, squat, and raise their legs forward. Then gymnastics for the “stalks”: they stretch their arms to the sky, sway in the breeze, bend down, greeting good travelers. Then the “flowers” ​​do gymnastics for the “leaves”: they lower and raise their arms, tilt their arms left and right, and clap their hands. And finally, they do gymnastics for the “flowers”: they open and close their palms, make “flashlights”, squeeze and unclench their fingers.


Children are divided into 2 equal teams. 2 daisy petals are laid out on the floor. (there should be as many petals as there are children in the team). Teams are asked to move the flowers a certain distance (5-7 meters) and place the petals around the prepared centers. The teams stand behind the line. Each participant can take only one petal. The player starts moving after the previous player slaps his hand. The team that collects the flower first wins.

BELL (musical and didactic)

The driver leaves the room. The rest of the children hide the bell flower (a picture of a flower) in the group, take the bells, invite the driver and start ringing the bells. The driver is looking for a flower. The closer the driver gets to the flower, the louder the children begin to ring - this is how they tell the driver where to look for the bell.

LIVING FLOWDER. (low mobility)

Children become flowers: fireweed, St. John's wort, clover. Please pay attention to the children that fireweed is the highest among these flowers. Children depicting fireweed stand in the center of the circle and raise their hands up. St. John's wort is a medium-sized flower. Children portraying St. John's wort stand in a circle of tall flowers and walk in a circle, holding hands. The clover is low; the children form a second circle: they surround the fireweed and squat. To the words of the presenter: one, two, three, flowerbed, freeze! "- the children freeze.

“FIND A PAIR” (didactic)

Cards with images different colors They are cut in half and the children are given one half of the flower. Children are looking for their soul mate. The first couple to make a flower from 2 halves wins.

FLOWERS (finger)

Our scarlet flowers are opening their petals.

(fingers open, hands turn left and right)

(slowly move your fingers)

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals,

(close your fingers together into a bud)

They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads.

(put your hands down, make circular movements with your hands).

Catch up with the flower

Each player chooses the name of a flower. Several children cannot have the same name. By lot, the chosen flower, for example, “Rose” starts the game: it calls up some flower, for example, “Poppy”. “Mac” runs, and “Rose” catches up with him. When he is in danger of being caught, he says the name of some other flower, and the next flower runs away. The one caught changes his name and is included in the game again. You cannot come up with the same flower name over and over again.


To pick us flowers

You need to squat together.

We pick poppies and cornflowers and make bouquets.

ON THE LAWN (movable)

There are daisies on the lawn (you can change the name of the flowers)

The beetle was flying wearing a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm friends with daisies,

I sway quietly in the wind, bend low and low (actions are performed according to the text).

1-2-3- FLOWERS GROWN (warm-up)

(the children crouched down, imitating unopened flower buds).

1-2-3 - flowers have grown!

(children rise slowly, stretch their arms up and open their palms with outstretched fingers - the buds have opened).

Reached high towards the sun (on tiptoes)

They felt nice and warm!

The breeze flew by, the stems shook (the child “wind” runs among the children)

They swung to the left, bent low,

Swung to the right - bent low (movements according to the text)

Wind, run away!

Don't break the flowers!

Let them bloom, grow, and bring joy to children! (“the breeze” runs away)

FLOWER (finger)

It's closed early in the morning

But it's getting closer to noon

Opens the petals - I see their beauty!

By evening the flower closes its corolla again.

And now he will sleep until the morning, like a chick.

(actions can be discussed with children and performed at their request)


I am a cheerful cockchafer,

I know all the gardens around. (option: flowers around)

I circle over the lawns, and my name is Zhu-Zhu (option: I’m also friends with flowers)

(they clench their fists, spread their index finger and little finger apart and move their “mustaches”).

A bee sits on a flower and drinks the fragrant juice.

(extend index finger right hand and rotate it, then do the same with the finger of the left hand).

“BLOW ON A DANDELION” (breathing)

On a bright sunny day

A golden flower blossomed.

A light breeze is blowing and our flower is swaying.

A strong wind blows and the petals are agitated.

(children blow on dandelion petals with different strengths and observe the intensity of movement of the petals)

White fluffy ball

Showed off in a clean field, blow lightly on it,

There was a flower - and there is no flower.

(then blow on the cotton wool - “dandelion” without puffing out your cheeks).

DANDELION (warm-up)

Dandelion, dandelion! (squat, rise slowly)

The stem is as thin as a finger.

If the wind is fast, fast (they run away)

It will fly into the clearing,

Everything around will rustle. (pronounce sh-sh-sh)

Dandelion stamens will scatter in a round dance (they hold hands and walk in a circle)

And they will merge with the sky).


Children-"seeds" take places on the rug, sitting on their knees, hiding their heads.

The leader (adult) walks between them, touching each one, saying: “I’m planting

marigolds (or another flower suggested by the children). I sprinkle the seeds with soil, water them with water (perform the appropriate actions, loosen them (pat the children’s backs).

Grow, marigolds, to my joy, to the envy of my neighbors (you can say about labor).

After “watering” and “loosening”, children depict how a root sprouts, leaves appear, and a stem grows. The children straighten up, show how the breeze sways the flowers, tilts them, how they turn towards the sun.


Children's attention is drawn to individual elements of flowers; it is reported that the wind tore off all the petals from the flowers. Flowers need to be collected and revived (according to the main colors of the spectrum).


The presenter names the flowers growing in the flowerbed and among them is one meadow flower.

The child must name which flower is the odd one according to its place of growth.

Also, find garden flowers among the meadow flowers.


The child lists flowers:

bell one, cornflower two, forget-me-not three, etc.

FLOWER STORE (according to mnemonic tables)

A child comes to the “store” and calls characteristics flower, gives a description of the appearance, names the place where the flower grows.


One tulip, two tulips, three tulips and so on.

NAME WHAT? (speech)

Field where cornflowers grow - cornflower

Field where daisies grow - chamomile

Eyes the color of violets - violet

Eyes the color of forget-me-nots - forget-me-nots

Clover honey – clover honey

The aroma of lily of the valley – lily of the valley, etc.

PLANT A FLOWER (didactic)

The sheet shows a flower bed and a field (in the middle). Along the edges of the sheet there are various flowers (depending on the children’s knowledge).

Children are asked to use a connecting line to indicate the place of growth.

COLLECT A FLOWER (didactic).

Cut a card with a picture of a flower and invite the child to collect it, give the name of the flower, indicate where it grows.


Children use a template to cut out a flower for themselves (or get a ready-made one, twist its petals, lower it into water, and watch the flower “bloom”


Children are asked to list flowers of a certain color:

Red ones are beautiful

White - tender,

Yellow - sunny,

Blue - heavenly (or children's variants).


When introducing kids to wildflowers, it is suggested:

Children, you are bees, you need to fly to the named flower:

1, 2, 3, fly to the daisy, 1, 2, 3, fly to the bell...

Children can be offered bees made from kinders or put on hats.

Flowers - cards or artificial ones - are laid out in the “clearing”.

Also, the role of flowers can be played by children wearing flower hats made by their parents.

Lesson summary for middle age “Flowers in a flowerbed”

Program content: Teach children to work with buttons, create a beautiful image from them, develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, imagination, fine motor skills hands Foster a sense of collectivism, love for native nature, accuracy, a sense of compassion, evoke a desire to help the game characters.

Materials: bouquets of flowers, a sheet of round paper, a light green flowerbed, glue, tassels, napkins, small trays, buttons.

Preliminary work: observation in the flower garden of a kindergarten, looking at flowers in a bouquet, looking at pictures of flowers, didactic games to consolidate knowledge about shapes and flowers.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now? Autumn. What signs of autumn do you know? (it has become cold, birds are flying south, leaves are falling). It has become cold, all the flowers have bloomed, nature is preparing for winter. In our group, look how many flowers there are. How beautiful they all are! What flowers do you know? (Daisies, bells, coltsfoot, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, mimosa, lungwort, etc.)

There is a knock on the window. A butterfly flies in, frozen.

Educator: Look, guys, a butterfly has flown to us. She's so scared. Dear butterfly, what happened?

Butterfly: I was born and lived in a wonderful magic garden, where the gentle sun always shone, a lot of flowers bloomed beautiful flowers. But suddenly an evil sorceress flew in, blew an icy wind, and the elegant flowers drooped, all the butterflies scattered across the world, hoping to find them again. blooming garden. And a gust of wind lifted me high up, then threw me down, and I found myself near your window, looked into it, and it seemed to me that I again found myself in my magical garden. Only there were many more flowers in my magical garden, and they grew in flower beds.

Educator: “Let's help the butterfly! You too can be wizards. Don't be upset, butterfly. Now our little wizards will help you, and they will bloom in our flower beds. magic flowers».

Educator: Now guys we will do beautiful flowers. On the tables you have multi-colored paper circles on which we will stick buttons. Each circle is a flower. We take a brush and carefully dip it in glue, coat the button or bead well and carefully glue it. During the application process, prompt and help the child if necessary. Well done, guys, now put all the finished flowers on a large sheet of paper (flower bed). The children lay out their flowers. Look, Butterfly, what a flowerbed we have, is it beautiful? Do you like it? The butterfly looks at the flowers in the flowerbed, is happy that there are so many of them and how beautiful they are.

Educator: Guys, are you probably tired? Let us play a little.

- One, two, three - the flowers grew. (Children slowly rise, raise their arms up and open their palms with fingers spread, imitating flowers)
– They reached high towards the sun. (We stretch on our toes, look up)
“They felt nice and warm!”
- The breeze flew by. (They blow.)
- He shook the stems. (Swing)
– Swung to the left (Tilts to the sides)
– Bent low (Sit down)
- Breeze, run away! (They shake a finger)
– Don’t break the flowers (they crouch)
– Let them bloom and grow (slowly rise)
– They bring joy to children! (They raise their hands up and smile)

Educator: Guys, tell me what we did in class today. What material did we make the flowers from? Did you like our lesson? You did a great job today and made this beautiful flower bed for the butterfly, she wants to thank you for this, and has prepared a surprise for you.

Butterfly: Thank you guys, I won’t forget you.

Finger games


Fingers play hide and seek Clench and unclench your fingers.

And the heads are removed, Open and close your eyes.

As if blue flowers,

The petals are blooming Bring your fingers together and spread them out like a fan.

They're swinging at the top, Swinging and tilting the hands left and right.

Bend low.

blue bell Circular movements with brushes.

Bowed, turned

To you and me.

Bluebells-flowers Turns the hands left and right,

Very polite, and you? Place your palms on top of the table.

"Spring has come to us"

Spring has come to us,

She brought beautiful flowers! Hands are extended forward “with a bouquet.”

We went to the front garden

And we made ourselves a wreath! The fingers move as if weaving a wreath.

"Flower for Mommy"

Oh, in our flower garden

Big flower on a stalk. Open and close your fist, fingers, like petals.

It sways in the breeze, Hand movements left and right.

And he smiles at me! Facial expressions, gestures.

I'll kiss mommy

And I’ll give her a flower!

Finger gymnastics"Flower".

A tall flower grew in a clearing, Hands with palms vertical

Pressed together, round your fingers

On a spring morning I opened the petals. Spread your fingers to the sides.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals Rhythmic movement of fingers

together and apart.

Together they grow roots underground. Place the backs of your palms on

table, spread your fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Flowers grow in the meadow.”

Flowers of unprecedented beauty grow in the meadow. Hands on the table in

vertical position

supported on elbows, fingers


Flowers are reaching out to the sun, and you can reach out to them too. Stretch - arms up.

The wind blows sometimes, but that's not a problem. Wave your arms, pretending


The flowers bend down and drop their petals. Tilt your hands.

And then they get up again and still bloom. Straighten your hands,

fingers open.

Finger gymnastics “Every bud”.

Every bud would be glad to bow down Place your elbows on the table

the fingers of both hands are collected in

pinch – “buds”.

Left and right, forward and backward. Rock the “buds”

right-left, forward-backward.

From the wind and heat these buds Bring your elbows together and

palms of hands forming one large


They hid quickly in a flower bouquet.

Finger gymnastics “Flowers”.

Our delicate flowers petals bloom. Raise your hands up

supported on elbows, fingers

gathered into pieces, reveal


The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway. Smooth rocking

open fingers


Our scarlet flowers cover their petals. Gather the fingers of both hands

to a pinch.

They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads. Smooth swinging of fingers,

collected in a pinch, left-

to the right.


Dandelion golden
He was handsome, young,
Wasn't afraid of anyone
Even the wind itself!
Dandelion golden
He has grown old and gray-haired,
And as soon as I turned gray,
He flew away with the wind.

Hey daisies,
Give me an answer:
Where are you from,
If it `s not a secret?
- Not a secret, -
answered the daisies, -
The sun carried us
In your pocket!


Look, look,
What is this red light?
This is a wild carnation
Hot day is celebrating.
And when evening comes,
The flower will fold its petals,
"See you in the morning! See you again!" -
And the light will go out.


What is the bell about?
Ringing in the meadow?
Reply to this
I can't help you.
But I think this:
It will ring in the morning
And they hear the flowers -
It's time to wake up.

Water lilies

The sun has fallen asleep
The water lilies fell asleep.
Quietly cradling them
In the morning,
Just a ray of sunshine
It will spill
Immediately the water lily
He will obediently wake up.


The Snow Maiden cried,
Saying goodbye to winter.
She followed her sadly,
Strange to everyone in the forest.
Where I walked and cried,
Touching birch trees
Snowdrops have grown -
Snow Maiden's tears.


At the old doghouse
Forget-me-nots have bloomed.
Our fluffy red dog
Pokes his nose at forget-me-nots:
"How long will I live in the world -
I won’t forget the forget-me-nots!”

Yellow irises

There are garden irises,
There are purple irises -
These grow in esteem.
And the yellow irises have grown
In a wild place
in the dampness
Just not in the swamp!

You will meet unexpectedly
Such beauty in the wilderness,
And we don’t need anything:
Don't breathe.

Winter frosts
The sun has driven away.
fragile violet
I stood up in the clearing.
Blue corolla towards the sun
Pulls on stubbornly.
The first violet
I'll pick it for mom.

Lily of the valley was born on a May day,
And the forest protects him.
I think,
his rear -
It will ring quietly.

And the meadow will hear this ringing,
And the birds
and flowers...

Let's listen
But what if
Shall we hear - me and you?

We have no reason to call him
He will come anyway
Will blossom trustingly
Right at the gate -
filled with sunshine
Golden buttercup.


The daisies in the garden are blooming.
Very low - close to the ground.
It was as if a rug had been thrown at my feet.
But I couldn't step on it.

Peony bloomed in the garden
And surprised with its beauty,
It's all covered with dew -
He looks at us furtively.


In April, young, so small
There were still leaves
When the lemon covers
The daffodils have blossomed.

And a starry yellow waterfall,
Looks like the sun
Insanely pleased my look
And mom and dad too!

It's May, it's warm and summer is coming.
Everything and everyone is dressed in green.
Like a fiery fountain -
The tulip opens.


Sunflower in the garden during the day
Smiles at the weather.
In a circular orbit
He turns his red head.
“I,” he boasted to the wheatgrass, “
Together with the Sun I warm the earth!


Golden petals
Fragile stem.
Bloomed by the river
Sunny flower.
Just a cloud came
The petals shrank.
On green stems -
Round lumps.

As soon as the sun rises -
The poppy will bloom in the garden.
Cabbage Butterfly
It will fall on the flower.
Look - and the flower
Two more petals.

On the window this early
The geranium has blossomed.
round leaves,
Lush flowers
Even very good -
That's what the mice decided.

Actually beautiful area in the garden
I will find a rose of a beautiful color,
I will water it and take care of it
From unnecessary encounters with beetles and storms...
This is how it goes in our house year after year,
And a beautiful Rose grows in the house.
She is not a flower, but a wonderful child,
She smiles even when she's asleep,
She's as pretty as all the roses in the garden
Except it blooms every month of the year!

Didactic games.

Goal: To develop cognitive interest based on observations To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Who will collect the flower faster? Collect from geometric shapes

Miracle flower Decorate the carpet with flowers

4 extra Name which color

Guess the flower by description Plant a garden (field) flower

Guess the riddle (according to the illustration) Collect a bouquet (flower - 7 flowers)


Goal: To introduce the professions of a designer. Learn to distribute roles, develop a plot, act according to the role you have assumed.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors, name them, find the right flower among others, teach how to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquet. Establish rules of behavior in public places.

Flower shop




Bouquet of flowers

What flowers are there?


1 Selection of illustrative material

2Purchase of flower seeds for planting seedlings in a group.

3Preparing the flower bed soil (dig up. Apply fertilizer)

4Planting seedlings

5Involve Styopa Levin’s dad in decorating the group (with willow arches)

6 Involve in the selection of poems, riddles, postcards

7 Involve parents in collecting material for the applique: beads, buttons, cotton wool, etc.

8Create a joint exhibition of works: drawings “Flowerbed of Joy”

9Photo exhibition

10 Newspaper issue: “Ecology and us”

11 Consultation: “Child and Nature”

12 Consultation: “Flowers of earthly beauty”

ВВ13 Exhibition of works on appliqué: “Flowerbed of Joy”

Physiologist I, P, Pavlov: “Hands give a person a head, then the wiser head teaches the hands, and skillful hands again promoting brain development"

Thus, while working on the project: “Color Flowerbed,” we expanded our understanding of ornamental plants, learned which plants are most favorable for our climate, and learned how to properly plant seedlings of different colors.

The children took a responsible approach to the issue of arranging flowers in the flower beds of the site.

Were interested in decorating the site with flowers.

This project opened up the possibility of shaping a child’s own life experience in interaction with the outside world.

Introducing parents to joint activities within the framework of the project

Created an atmosphere of warmth and trust between them and the teaching staff, expanded knowledge about correct selection plants for flower beds.

An important result of the project was the motivation for cooperation and joint creativity among those parents. who, for various reasons, took a passive position.

Participation in the project convinced parents of the importance of their influence on the child’s development, taught them to promote their harmonious development, and actively cooperate in the educational process.

We believe that while working on the project we have expanded our understanding of the surrounding world of flowers. She developed an independent ability to care for flower garden plants and reflect her attitude towards nature and work in her visual arts.

Program content:

To form in children the idea of ​​tolerance as the ability to do good, kind deeds.

Systematize children’s ideas about goodness, good deeds, replenish children’s vocabulary with words of politeness; learn to correctly complete sentences.

Improve communication skills (the ability to express one’s opinion, show kindness).

Develop preschoolers’ coherent speech and logical thinking; develop social skills.

To foster in children friendships, the ability and desire to come to the aid of adults and peers.

Equipment and materials: ethical illustrations, cubes, ball, computer, multimedia projector.

Progress of classes in the middle group of kindergarten

Org. Moment. Greetings.

Educator. Children, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them and to each other.

We'll join hands

It will be more fun for us

Because we are all friends in the group

We give you smiles.

We need to say hello together!

Good afternoon

Let's say it loudly

Good afternoon

Turn right, turn left

Smile at your friends

Good afternoon

All together, don't lag behind

Good afternoon

Educator: Do you like fairy tales? Who reads them to you at home? Let's take a visit to the land of fairy tales, and in that land there is a kingdom - the Fairies of Good. Well, now let's begin our journey to amazing world Kingdoms of fairy tales. Do you agree? Then, listen.

Far, far away, beyond the deep seas, behind the dense, dense forests, behind the high mountains, lies the kingdom of the Fairy of Good. She taught to do good and fights evil.

The Fairy of Good invites you to visit her. But to get there, you need to complete her tasks, because only kind, honest and sympathetic people can get to the Land of Good. The fairy sent us flower petals with tasks. If we complete its tasks and make a flower of kindness, we can become its inhabitants.

Educator. - Well, do you agree to go on a magical journey? classes in kindergarten (Yes)

Didactic game“What kind of person can be called good by your good deeds?”

(with a ball)

(Who does not offend others, helps, shares, understands, who can protect, console, reassure, will not leave a friend in trouble, etc.)

Educator: Yes, a kind person radiates warmth and light, with his good deeds he consoles, calms, and attracts to himself. Such a person is valued and respected, he is polite and tactful, it is pleasant to communicate with him.

Educator: And here is the first petal with the task

Didactic game “Good and bad deeds”

(with chips)

The teacher invites the children to take turns taking a picture, evaluate the action depicted in the picture, and describe it. Children put green circles on pictures with images of good deeds, and red circles on pictures of bad deeds, and explain their choice

Educator: And here is the next petal with the task

Didactic game “Do a good deed”


Educator: You see how many different objects there are: grains, a broken toy, a torn book, a dirty cup, a grandmother with heavy bags, an unmade bed. With these things you can do a good deed. Which?

Children's answers: feed the birds grains, repair a toy, glue a book, wash a dirty cup, help grandma carry heavy bags, clean the bed.

Educator: Well done! And they coped with this task and another petal appeared on the flower. Now you and I have come to the forest. And again a new task

Didactic exercise “Magic glades”

(reinforcing the rules of behavior in nature) - not everyone knows how to behave in the forest. Now we find ourselves in two clearings, let’s think about how we should behave in them.

Educator: you also coped with this task, and now look at the river in front of us, and behind it is the Valley of Fairy Tales. How do we get there?

The children's answers are to build a bridge from cubes.

Educator: Please, take the blocks and build a bridge, but at the same time you must name one polite word.

Children take cubes and lay them out in two parallel paths across game room saying polite words.

Physical education lesson “Across the Bridge”

Children line up in a column in pairs, walk between paths laid out from cubes (an imaginary bridge), moving in a given way - to depict the movement of various characters into which they “turn” during the game.

Educator: Finally, we got to the land of fairy tales

(On the screen - fairy tale heroes)

Educator: And here are the heroes of different fairy tales. But for some reason they are sad. Perhaps someone offended them? Let's help them.

Didactic game “In the world of fairy tales”

Children, name fairy tales in which the characters did good deeds.

- “The Three Little Pigs” (Naf-naf helped his brothers escape from the wolf)

- “Turnip” (everyone helped grandfather pull out the turnip)

- “Little Red Riding Hood” (lumberjacks saved a grandmother and a girl from a wolf)

- “Straw bull” (grandfather and woman did not eat the animals that the bull caught, but released them)

- “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (the forester did not kill Snow White on the queen’s orders, but left her in the forest; the dwarves did not kick Snow White out of their house, but left her to live with them, like a sister).

Educator: We completed all the tasks. They did a lot of good deeds and talked about them. We approached the kingdom of the Fairy of Goodness and made a flower of goodness. (The gate to the kingdom and the flower of kindness appear on the screen.)

At the end of our journey, let's remember proverbs about goodness:

Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself.

An evil man is more evil than a wolf.

In times of trouble you know a true man.

He who wishes good for people receives it himself.

Bottom line. Reflection

Educator: Children, the Fairy of Good thanks you for coping with all her tasks - you are really kind, sympathetic, honest children. Now let's remember what we did during our trip.

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, now let's say goodbye to the guests, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Natalia Alyabyeva

Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system; it is a way of influencing children’s feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, and understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, since they not only help us breathe, but also treat us from diseases. Flowers are not only beauty, but also part of living nature.

Flowers are life itself

How poor we would be if there were no flowers on earth. When introducing children to nature, we adults strive to provide an example of a humane attitude towards all living things, so that the child understands that each object has its own place in nature and its purpose. Anyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say which flower they picked.

Projects, in my opinion, are one of the most successful forms for developing a child’s individuality. It is in project activities that the child participates as a subject of his own education, and, what is important for the kindergarten, parents are included in the educational process as direct customers and participants in the education of their own children.

Considering that children need “live” communication with nature, observations and practical activities in nature, a research, educational and creative project “Ball of Flowers” ​​was developed.

Project participants are children, teachers, and parents.

A study was conducted to begin the project. Most children made mistakes in naming colors. Couldn’t justify their choice (garden flowers and houseplants). It was difficult to tell what plants need to grow and how to properly care for plants.

Relevance of the project

Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system; it is a way of influencing children’s feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas.

Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, and understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, since they not only help us breathe, but also treat us from diseases.

Flowers are not only beauty, but part of living nature that must be preserved and protected, and, of course, known. Know the structure of a flower appearance, peculiarities, healing properties

Anyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say which flower they picked.

Objective of the project:

Introducing children to the variety of flowers, their structure, the conditions necessary for their growth, and the impact on a person’s emotional state.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were identified:

1. Deepen children's knowledge about flowers and their diversity.

2. Practice classifying flowers, reinforcing concepts: indoor plants, garden plants, meadow plants.

3. Strengthen the ability to reflect received impressions in drawings and creative works.

4. Develop a caring attitude towards flowers, develop a desire to care for flowers.

5. Cultivate a love for beauty, the beauty of the world around us.

6. Develop communication skills, independence, hard work, observation and curiosity for all living things

Based on the intended tasks, the expected result of the work

Children understand the need for a careful and caring attitude towards nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans

Mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in practical activities and in everyday life

Manifestation of an active attitude towards natural objects (effective care, the ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature)

For this purpose, the following project stages have been developed:





On preparatory stage The following work was carried out on the project:

Methodological, scientific and fiction on the topic of the project;

Didactic games with natural history content were selected, aimed at developing cognitive activity and forming the principles of ecological culture;

Outdoor games aimed at developing motor activity, attention and observation in nature have been adapted and systematized;

Content developed educational activities different types,

Targeted walks around the territory of the kindergarten;

Problematic tasks have been selected, entertaining experiments and experiments;

I believe that a properly organized subject-based ecological environment carries great value and has a certain impact on the child and is of great importance for the education of environmental culture in preschoolers. When thinking about the interior of the group, I tried to create an atmosphere of warmth, colorfulness, convenience and coziness, where the child feels good and comfortable. The entire space of the group was divided into small mini-centers:

A corner of nature with a variety of indoor plants.

An experimentation center that promotes the development of cognitive activity, awakens imagination, curiosity, and enriches the sensual and sensory experience of children:

A creativity center where children have the opportunity to realize their ideas and desires;

A book corner that helps children become acquainted with nature through books, magazines, postcards;

A play center that satisfies a child's basic need for play.

At the second (active) stage, parents took part in an exhibition of crafts on the theme: “Flowers around us.” Working together awakens parents' interest in the life of the group and the kindergarten as a whole.

Didactic games play a major role in replenishing children’s ecological knowledge about plants. In the morning and evening hours we played with the children the games “Gather flowers in a vase”, “Find by description”, “Odd Four”, “Gardener”, “I Know Five Names of Flowers”, “Cut Pictures” and others.

The series of observations of flowers in the flowerbed expanded children's knowledge about garden flowers and enriched their sensory experience. During the flowering period of plants, children became familiar with the structure of a flower, the conditions necessary for their growth, observing how many days it takes for a bud to turn into a flower, how long it takes from flowering to wilting, and took an active part in collecting flower seeds.

During the observation process, children were introduced to their names (geranium, ficus, chlorophytum, begonia, etc.), structure and other characteristic features.

The children constantly had the opportunity to watch us take care of the flowers. The guys had a desire to help. They happily watered the flowers, wiped dust from the leaves, and loosened the soil. Such purposeful work, organized by adults, develops in children emotional experience and artistic perception of the beauty of plants in different periods life.

Considering that, while learning about the world and exploring it, a child makes many discoveries, we tried to encourage children to engage in joint search activities and experimentation. Conversations “Beauty will save the world”, “Insects and flowers”, “Take care of nature”. The albums “Garden and Wild Flowers”, “Meadow Flowers”, “House Plants” were designed.

Thus, at the conclusion of an experiment or experiment, we sought to ensure that the children themselves made certain conclusions and summed up their own activities.

Reading fiction.

Nursery rhymes “Grass - ant”, “ ladybug", "rain, rain more...".

Works by A. Bosev “Rain”, N. Nikolaenko “Who Scattered the Bells”, E. Serov “Dandelion”, “Cat’s Paws” (from the cycle “Our Flowers”).

Memorizing poems “What is summer?” M. Evensen, “Drawing Summer” by E. Sokolov, “Summer” by V. Shugraev, “Bee” by N. Migunov.

Hearing. "Snowdrops" music. In Kalinnikova, “Rain and Rainbow” music. S. Prokofiev, “I walk with the vine” Russian. adv. song.

Singing. "I'm walking with flowers" music. E. Tilicheeva, “Rain” Russian. adv. nickname.

Song creativity. “Call of the Sun” by I. Lazarev, “Flowers”.

Musically - rhythmic movements. “Exercises with flowers” ​​music. A. Zilina.

Round dances and round dances. Dance with flowers to a Russian folk dance melody; dance of grasshoppers “Grasshoppers”; round dance game "Flowers".

The group hosted an exhibition of children's creativity “Flowers”.

Working with parents.

Design of the exhibition of handicrafts “Flowers around us”,

Design of the photo album “Children and Flowers”,

Making attributes for the game “Flowers Around Us” (flower and grasshopper hats).

The final stage is the defense of the “Flowers Around Us” project.

Practical significance of this project is that the use of various forms and methods of working with children on environmental education helps to expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the diversity of representatives flora, the formation of ideas about the relationships in nature, the development of observation and interest in it, aesthetic feelings, love and respect for nature. Work in this direction not only enriches children’s knowledge, but also fosters kindness, involvement and empathy for everything living and beautiful that surrounds us!

Annex 1

Didactic games for children

1. Didactic game: “Guess!” The teacher lists the characteristic features of flowers, and the children try to guess the name of the flowers. After the name of each flower, the teacher shows an image of this flower.

2. Didactic game: “Drawing a picture.” The children first glued the seeds of buckwheat, rice, sunflower, and peas onto the images circled according to the templates, and then painted the picture.

3. Didactic game: “Collect a flower.” The teacher gives the children cards with pictures of stems and leaves. The children are shown a card with images of flower heads of different plants.

Educator. The green leaves will come to life and find their flower.

The child who has an image of the leaves and stem for this flower replies: “I recognized you, chamomile, you are my stem.” The child receives a card and makes a flower.

4. Didactic game: “Collect a bouquet.” Children look at flowers. Then the teacher asks the children to make bouquets of flowers. Children select the necessary pictures and list how many and what flowers they have in their bouquet.

For example:

I have 2 asters, 1 dahlia, 2 roses in my bouquet.

5. Didactic game: “Name it affectionately.” The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word. The child, returning the ball, pronounces it “kindly.”

For example:

Flowers are flowers.

Words: flower, stem, stems, leaf, leaves, bouquet, bouquets.

Appendix 2

Riddles for children

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

They bloom all year round.

Answer: Flowers.

There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt,

Heart of gold. What it is?

Answer: Chamomile.

At the snow-covered hummocks,

Under a white snow cap,

We found a little flower

Half frozen, barely alive.

Answer: Snowdrop.

The sun is burning the top of my head,

Wants to make a rattle.

Answer: Mac.

He grew up under the burning sun

Thick, juicy and prickly.

Answer: Cactus.

golden sieve,

There are plenty of black houses.

How many little black houses,

So many little white residents.

Answer: Sunflower.

Parachutes over the meadow,

Swinging on a twig.

Answer: Dandelions.

Appendix 3 (Photo)

Album exhibition

Didactic game “Make a flower”

Didactic game “Collect a flower from geometric shapes”

Exhibition of crafts “Flowers around us”

Exhibition of children's creativity "Flowers"

Drawing with chalks “Flowers”

Observation by photography

Planting flowers

Performance of the song “Flowers”

Reading the poem "Lily"

Exercise with flowers

Game “Who can collect seven flowers faster”

Round dance game "Flowers"

Dance "Grasshoppers"

Game “One, two, three - find your flower!”

Reading a poem (using the “tell poems with your hands” method) “Caring Sun”

Municipal state preschool educational institution Vengerovsky kindergarten No. 4

Middle group project

"There are different flowers"

Project leader: teacher, S.A. Bondarenko

Vengerovo 2015


The beauty of flowers is undeniable; they are beautiful at any time of the year.

Flowers are one of the eternal symbols of goodness - this is a miracle that is created by human hands and the bright scorching sun, which allows plants to grow in the ground.

In modern conditions the problem environmental education preschoolers acquires particular poignancy and relevance. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality and the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture take place. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

It is very important to instill in our children a responsible attitude towards nature; it is necessary to make educational work invisible and attractive to children, through cartoons, educational games, physical exercises, poetry, listening to music, looking at pictures of flowers, etc.

The theme of the project was not chosen by chance, because flowers surround us all year round, bringing joy to everyone. Their aroma is wonderful, and there are a great many types of flowers.

Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of living nature that must be protected and protected, and, of course, known. Know the structure of a flower, its appearance, features, healing properties.
Anyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say what flower they picked and why.

Project type : cognitive - research, creative, collective.

By the nature of the content : child and nature

Project participants: children 4-5 years old (middle group, teacher, parents)

By duration : short-term (2 weeks).

Objective of the project: introducing children to the variety of flowers, their structure, the conditions necessary for their growth, and the impact on a person’s emotional state.

Objectives of this project:

    Expanding and clarifying children’s ideas about flowering plants and their diversity;

    Reinforce concepts: indoor, garden, meadow, medicinal plants.

    Develop a caring attitude towards plants, develop a desire to care for them.

    To cultivate a love for beauty, the beauty of the world around us.

    Develop children's creative abilities, consolidate the ability to reflect received impressions in drawings and creative works.

    Involve parents in project activities.

Main forms of project implementation:

    Gaming activities: didactic, environmental, board and other games.

    Children's experimentation (experiments, observations, research).

    Artistic and creative activities of children and parents of pupils (applique, making a book about flowers).

    Labor activity (work in a corner of nature - caring for plants).

    Conversations, memorizing poems about flowers.

Methods used in the implementation of the project:

    A corner of nature in a group, a flower garden on the kindergarten site.

    Methodological tools.

    Material and technical (computer, camera, dishes for experiments, nurseries).

    Research: experiments, problematic issues, observations (independent, collective).

    Visual material:

a) fresh flowers, in illustrations;
b) printed board games;
c) didactic games on ecology;

Expected outcome of the project:

    Children know the names of various flowering plants, their features.

    They know how to navigate the types of plants (indoor, meadow, garden, medicinal).

    They understand the need for a careful and caring attitude towards flowers.

    They see the beauty of the world around them.

    Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

Project activity product:collage “Vase with flowers”

Project implementation:

Cognitive development :

    Introduction to nature:

- “All flowers are different.” - Observations – of flowers in a vase, indoor plants in a group. (see Appendix No. 1)

- “How to extend the life of cut flowers?” (see Appendix No. 2)

Speech development :


Conversations - “My favorite flower”, “What indoor plants live in your home?”, “What I remember and liked most.”

    Speech development:

- “What do we know about flowers?”

Learning poems about flowers (individual) (see Appendix No. 3)

    Reading fiction;

Fairy tales, poems - “Thumbelina”, “How the Plants Quarreled”; A. Tolstoy “Bells”, U. Blaginin “Chamomile”, E. Trutneva “Flowers”, etc.

Word creation (poems, riddles).

Artistic and aesthetic development :


- “My favorite flower” (children’s choice). (see Appendix No. 4)


- “Magic Flowers”.

    Application: (collective)

Collage “Vase with flowers” ​​(see Appendix No. 7)

Social and communicative development :

    Game activity:

Didactic games – “Find the plant”;

“Collect a flower from petals”; (see Appendix No. 5)

“Guess what kind of flower”;

“Which flower is gone”;

“Find the same one”;

“Find out by description”;

Word games – “I was born a gardener”;

“Describe the flower”;

Outdoor games – “Sun and Rain”;

« Living flower bed colors"; (see Appendix No. 6)

Board games– mosaic “Lay out the flowers”;


Watering indoor plants.


Formation of the foundations of ecological culture.

Continued acquaintance with the rules of behavior in nature.

Appendix No. 1

Observation “All flowers are different”

Program content:

Clarify with children the names of flowers, their structure, features of size, coloring,

shapes of petals, leaves, stems; encourage comparative statements, the use of epithets, evaluations; show that the beauty of flowers lies in different characteristics: the color of the flowers, their shape, their doubleness; that the beauty of flowers is complemented by foliage; draw children's attention to the fact that some flowers smell nice.

Material: bouquet of fresh flowers, pictures of flowers.

The teacher, examining golden balls, marigolds, marigolds, dahlias, and gladioli with children, encourages them to look for comparisons, think about names, and correctly and variedly reflect their feelings in speech. For example: “Golden balls are very tall flowers. Much taller than a child and

even taller than an adult. Their flower looks like a round ball, so

That's what they were called. These flowers are yellow and lemon-like, yellow apple

or a yellow pear."

During observation, the teacher encourages children to take various actions: he offers to show with their hands how tall the marigolds are, raise their hands up and compare this height with the height of the golden balls, stroke the marigolds with their fingers and feel their softness, use two palms to depict a golden ball flower, place it on the palm a marigold leaf and examine its carved shape.

Includes various senses in the examination: it offers to smell flowers, press your cheek to marigolds, stroke the leaves of golden balls, close your eyes and feel the aroma of a flower bed, etc. (all described

actions are possible if children do not have a predisposition to allergies).

Appendix No. 2

Research activities:

Flowers taken for this study were marigolds. We planted the first flower in a container with soil and began to care for it (water it). The second one was also planted, but they did not water it. We cut the third flower from the flowerbed and placed it in a container with water. The fourth is a cut flower, we put it in an empty container. During the study, the following questions arose:- “You don’t water the flowers, what will happen?”;- “Is it possible to pick flowers and throw them away?”;- “How to extend the life of cut flowers?”- “Which flower will live longer?”;

After two weeks, the children, looking at what happened to the flowers, came to the following conclusions:

If the flowers are not watered, they will die. All living things love water.

Flowers growing in a flowerbed delight us with their beauty for a long time. A flower that is plucked and thrown away quickly dies.

If we pick a flower, then it must be placed in water; it will delight us with its beauty longer.

The flower that we planted in the ground and cared for lived the longest. The flower, cut and placed in water, pleased us with its beauty for only a week. The rest of the flowers died (withered).

Appendix No. 3

The children told their poems about flowers, accompanied by a display of pictures that were made together with their parents.

Appendix No. 4


- “Flower for Mom” (children’s choice).

Appendix No. 5

Didactic game “Collect a flower from petals”

Goal: consolidation of acquired knowledge about the structure of a flower, geometric shapes “circle”, “oval”, primary colors.

The child who names the part of the flower correctly comes up and sticks on the petal. The children admire the resulting flower. They give it a name: “Eight-flowered flower.”

Appendix No. 6

Outdoor game – “Living flower bed”

The teacher says:

“Children, let's play! You will be the flowers in the flowerbed, and I will admire you. The guys who will be “golden balls” will stand in the middle, they will raise their hands up - after all, these flowers are very tall. Children - marigolds - will stand around them.” And the last circle is formed by children - “marigolds”. They will squat down - after all, marigolds are the lowest flowers.” After the children are lined up, the teacher walks around the “flowerbed” and says: “Oh, what a beautiful yellow-orange flowerbed! In the middle there is a tall bouquet of yellow golden balls, around

fire nails! And the most extreme ones are dark orange marigolds! Beautiful flowerbed! But then a strong wind blew, and all the flowers began to move! Come to life! Went!" At these words, the children - “golden balls” - rotate around themselves and wave their arms - swaying in the wind.

“Marigolds” dance in a circle in one direction, “marigolds” dance in a circle in the other direction.

Appendix No. 7

Application: (collective) - Collage “Vase with flowers”