Designing a winter garden in an apartment - a green garden on the balcony all year round. Traditions and tropics. Plants for the winter garden - correct selection and design options

We are all familiar with the state of joyful excitement and elation on days when the spring sun is shining outside, the buds are blooming on the trees, and the front garden is the first to be colorful. spring flowers. It's nice to wake up from hibernation and feel the beauty of life again. How can we do it so that there is spring? all year round? Moreover, not only in the soul, but also in reality. Nothing could be simpler. So, from here on in more detail. An excellent option is a winter garden on the balcony.

Original, simple and pleasant. Of course, you'll have to work, but it's worth it. The result will exceed all your expectations. First of all, let's consider what is meant by the concept of “winter garden”. No, these are not just flowers on the balcony.

Winter garden on a glazed balcony

is a complex device, the creation of which must take into account many different and important factors.

Such as, for example:

Action plan

So, first, let's think about an action plan.

  1. First of all, of course, you need. We want to grow heat-loving and exotic plants and flowers on the balcony in winter, and the cold for them is certain death. This will be discussed in more detail below.
  2. The next step is to sketch out a small layout of plants, decorative accessories, as well as bedside tables for storing equipment, a table and chairs for the recreation area. In general, everything that will be located on the balcony.
  3. Then you should buy everything you need to create winter garden and get down to business directly.

It is best to start in the spring, when it is already warm. This way you won't have to rush to finish the work before the cold weather sets in. After all, in a hurry, you can miss some important and the required part. But in our business this is unacceptable. In addition, working in good weather is much more pleasant.

So if you've stocked up on everything necessary materials and with a tool, as well as patience and desire, you can begin.

You will probably want to place in your winter garden not only flowers that are accustomed to the harsh climate, but also those brought to our region from the distant tropics.

For such “sissies”, the temperature on the loggia should not fall below +8 degrees. Therefore, the balcony needs to be insulated.

Winter garden insulation


Let's start with the windows. The best option is plastic frames with double glass. They will reliably protect from frost.

Glass for facades can be:

  • ordinary;
  • hardened;
  • laminated.

In addition, there are double-glazed windows that can retain heat. The secret of this ability is simple: metal is sprayed onto the glass, which repels heat from the inside and thereby traps it in the room. This coating also delays the penetration of direct sunlight into the room. The thickness of the glass units varies from 24 to 38 mm.

And finally, for beauty, it’s a good idea to install glass with frames in the form of bars or arches that will fit perfectly into the interior of your winter garden.

You can also decorate the windows with stained glass. The flowers will love it, no doubt about it.

But if you don't have metal-plastic windows and you don’t plan to buy them in the near future, don’t be upset. You just need to try to insulate the existing ones as much as possible: carefully seal all the cracks and crevices (this is best done with foam), cover the frames with paint that is resistant to moisture and low temperatures.

It’s better to apply two or three layers - it’s more reliable.


Then tackle the lower outer wall of the loggia. It can be insulated not only from the outside, but also from the inside. True, in the second case, the area of ​​your balcony will be slightly reduced, but this does not matter.

In addition, condensation may accumulate. This too should not be forgotten. Therefore, it is better to use moisture-proofing insulation.

Foam plastic, penofol and styrodur are best suited for insulation.

They have excellent heat-insulating properties, are environmentally friendly and easy to use. Penofol has the lowest thermal conductivity, which allows for maximum heat retention.

The advantages of styrodur, in addition to the main ones, also include its low flammability and ability to self-extinguish. And most importantly, it contains air and does not contain freon.


The following information is for those who live on the top floor. It is advisable to change the roof on the balcony. This is necessary so that the flowers receive more light. It is best to make the coating from cellular polycarbonate. Its thickness reaches 25 mm, and the panel dimensions are 6000x1200 mm in length and width, respectively.

It transmits light well and at the same time delays ultra-violet rays.

Flowers need sunlight, but direct sunlight is harmful to flora.

In addition, this material is several times stronger than glass.

We can confidently say that polycarbonate:

  • he will not squeeze under the snow “blanket”;
  • can easily withstand heavy rain;
  • hail strikes;
  • It certainly won't crack like glass.

Cellular polycarbonate is available in different colors.

He can be:

  • Transparent;
  • Matt;
  • Bronze;
  • Blue;
  • Green;
  • Even opal.

Choose the one that best matches the color of the walls and the interior of the loggia.

If it is not transparent, you need to place 2-3 fluorescent lamps on or under the ceiling (the number of lamps depends on the size of the loggia). By the way, these lamps will not only illuminate, but also additionally heat your winter garden. For complete set You can install a humidity regulator, thermometer and other useful accessories.

However, we will return to the issue of accessories a little lower, but for now we note that plants that receive proper care and attention live much longer and look more beautiful than those left to the mercy of fate.

The garden design also includes drainpipes and gutters. In addition to the fact that water flows through them, they are also equipped with heating systems. And to prevent condensation from accumulating inside, these structures are equipped with a passive ventilation system: transoms around the perimeter of the facade and a hatch with manual or automatic control in the roof.


The next stage is insulating the floor. Don’t expect that it’s enough just to insulate the walls, and your loggia will immediately turn into an oasis. For achievement best result Every detail must be taken into account. Because the loggia in the apartment on the floor below is glazed, the floor will not become warm.

After all, it is usually concrete, which means it heats up slowly and cools down quickly. Meanwhile, your favorite flowers need complete comfort, and taking care of them lies entirely on your shoulders.

How to insulate the floor?

You can, for example, make it “puff” or in other words, made up of several layers.

  1. First - insulation.
  2. Then - boards.
  3. The next layer is hardboard
  4. And finally, all this is covered with any floor covering.


Don't forget about the space under the windows, but the first layer should always be one that protects from the wind. For example, glassine.

Heating and ventilation

  1. To make plants cozy and comfortable both on the floor and near the window, take care of the even distribution of heat throughout the balcony space.
    A fan heater equipped with a temperature sensor copes well with this. The latter is needed to ensure that the temperature on the loggia is constant.
  2. You can, of course, install a “warm floor” system, but only if the flower pots will not stand directly on the floor, otherwise the roots of the plants may overheat.
  3. If you use conventional heaters, they need to be placed in several places - around the perimeter of the loggia. Well, for those who have a small loggia, it is quite possible to do without additional heating systems.

But that is not all. In the winter garden it is necessary to maintain the required air humidity. Optimal for most indoor plants is humidity in the range of 75–80%, while for humans 45–50% is enough. This means that in a winter garden that imitates the humid tropics, a person will not be too comfortable.

Therefore, if the plans involve using a tropical garden as part of the living space, you will have to carefully select an assortment of plants and place them in the common space, those that can exist normally in low air humidity.

For example:

  • representatives of the aroid family;
  • ficus;
  • fatsia;
  • succulents, etc.

Forming a winter garden

So, if you have created all the conditions in which the life of your plants will be comfortable, then you can begin placing them in the winter garden. And rest assured: in such conditions, even the most capricious plants can easily overwinter.

Feel free to buy orchids and azaleas, citrus fruits and persimmons, palm trees and even such exotic things for our region as a coffee tree. But that's not all.

In a real garden, water is always gurgling and birds are singing. Why are we worse? What prevents us from installing a cage with a parrot or a canary in our winter garden on the balcony? And you can go even further: let him find there permanent place residence fluffy hamster, chinchilla or tree frog. How you feel about it is another question, but the animals and your children will definitely be happy.

But let's return to the prose of life. It is important which side (north, south, east or west) your balcony is on. It is best if it faces the east, southeast or southwest. It's worse if it's to the south. Too much sun for flowers.

Therefore, some measures will need to be taken.

  • first, install the fan;
  • secondly, it would be a good idea to tint the glass with a film that reflects the sun's rays. Or at least hang blinds on the windows.

If the balcony faces east, then the plants receive gentle morning rays of the sun and sufficient light throughout the day. But with Western orientation in summer period they will overheat. The solution is a fan and darkening the windows.

The most unfavorable direction is north. In this case, the plants will not receive the required amount of light. But there is no need to despair. You can compensate for the lack of light by installing additional lighting.

In addition, by choosing the right assortment, you can create a very nice shady garden in which you will be happy to grow:

  • fatsia;
  • ivies;
  • many types of ficus;
  • shefflers;
  • representatives of the aroid family.

What flowers you plan to place in the garden is up to you. But here we must take into account that not all indoor plants are suitable for a winter garden. Some crops can bloom and delight the eye throughout the year, while others die altogether after flowering. The first include ferns, ficus, palm trees, the second - exacum, cineraria, calceolaria.

Such well-known flowers as:

  • poinsettia;
  • cyclamen;
  • azalea;
  • garden hydrangea;

To restore dead plants, you will have to make a lot of effort. And although it won't take less than a year, it's worth it. But if you want your garden to bloom constantly, place in it those plants that will not die after flowering.

All plants can be divided into:

  • subtropical(resistant to temperatures 5–10ºС). These include lemons, oleanders, cypresses, araucarias, yews, Colchis ivy;
  • tropical(a comfortable temperature for them is no less than 18–22ºС). These can be arrowroot, bromeliads, palms, and many aroids.

It is better to choose flowers from the same climate zone. Then the surroundings should be appropriate. You can, for example, create an African tropics with dracaenas, pandanus, croton, aglaonema, strelitzia, etc.

Or the subtropics of China and Japan. Here the hosts will be azaleas, aucuba, euonymus, gardenia, hibiscus, cryptomeria, aspidistra and their relatives.

For lovers of cacti and succulents, a garden that creates an imitation of the desert landscape of America is suitable.

The following will feel great:

  • prickly pear;
  • yucca glorious;
  • Cereus;
  • creeping sedum;
  • agave americana.

Well, the African deserts are home to:

  • aloe arborescens;
  • Dracaena canariana;
  • Crassula arborescens;
  • agapanthus;
  • Kalanchoe becharensis.


The winter garden on the balcony is also a relaxation area. Be sure to place a small table and a few chairs. Enjoy the results and the beauty of the magnificent flowers.

Village residents are very lucky to be constantly near wildlife. This is much more difficult for a city dweller. There is not always one near the house appropriate place to relax and unwind. And sometimes you want to sit in silence, admire nature, breathe in pleasant aromas blooming greenery. Many take advantage of every opportunity and create entire greenhouses in their rooms. However, in this case, the usable area is taken away, which is not very large apartment. What else can be offered to a city dweller living high above the ground in cramped conditions? It turns out that there is a way out of this situation. Most apartments have external extensions that you can turn into a real room with your own hands and create a garden on the balcony.

Preparing to arrange a garden

Where should you start to with my own hands create a wonderful winter garden on your balcony? You need to start with arranging the room. In order for the greenhouse pets to feel good, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements: normal temperature, enough light and high humidity.


The greenhouse must be maintained at a comfortable temperature. If in summer this requirement is somewhat easier to fulfill, then in the cold season prerequisite is the presence window frames. The best option is to install double-glazed windows. If the frame has already been installed, then you need to insulate it as much as possible, closing all the cracks.


Floor covering is equally important for maintaining temperature. An ordinary non-insulated one will be an excellent heat transmitter to the neighbors below. To create a winter garden on the balcony, you need to close all the cracks, fill in a leveling screed, on top of which lay insulation and the final finishing coating. It would be nice if the floor is electrically heated, this will create additional comfortable conditions for the pets.


A good option for creating a cozy room would be. It will be beautiful and stylish. In addition, the material is an additional heat insulator. If internal electrical wiring is planned, then it is done before the sheathing.

Additional insulation can be done with . This is quite enough for a winter garden.


Brightness artificial lighting is selected depending on the intended inhabitants. You can use zoning at different ends of the balcony, where species with similar needs will be planted. To adjust, you can use dimmers or replacing lamps.

Greenhouses located on the north side will need regular lighting with electric lamps. The south side needs sun protection for plants. Here the best option There will be the use of blinds. Western and eastern are the most convenient for growing plants.


It is impossible to imagine a winter garden on a balcony in the cold, so a natural task is to insulate it. To do this, carefully inspect the space for cracks and drafts. They're closing up polyurethane foam or special adhesive tapes.

This work should be carried out on initial stage repair. Then the walls, ceiling and floor are insulated. Only then the finishing touches.

Most green friends need temperatures ranging from 18 to 24 degrees for ideal growth. They need warmth to normal development and growth. Double-glazed windows will be a good help, as they keep a constant temperature well. In addition, during the cold season, they allow the sun's rays inside, which heat the walls. And back they prevent his exit. A kind of greenhouse effect is created.

If the sun hides behind the clouds for a long time, then in winter the air will have to be heated artificially. This can be done using electrical thermal devices or fluorescent lamps, which are specially designed for greenhouses and provide not only light, but also heat. The best solution is a warm floor; its use will greatly help to achieve a constant temperature necessary for the normal functioning of the greenhouse.


Maintaining the required humidity is essential for many plants, no less than watering or spraying. Most people feel comfortable at 80% humidity. Doing this manually is not easy - it takes a lot of time and effort. The use of air humidifiers can be considered a qualitative way out of the situation. various types with automatic feeding.

How cheap Alternative option low-height pallets filled with gravel protrude. They are filled with water and pots of flowers are placed in them. Constantly evaporating water creates the necessary conditions for life.

A creative option that promotes relaxation is the installation of mini-waterfalls. They have an exceptional ability to have a beneficial effect on a person’s mental state, while simultaneously raising humidity and helping flowers.


High temperatures coupled with dampness can negatively affect some delicate flowers. For such inhabitants it is vital to provide protection from excess sun and water through ventilation.

For this purpose, supply and exhaust grilles are installed. The first is installed at the bottom, the second at the top. In order to constantly be able to change the air flow, it is better to purchase options that have adjustment.

South-facing plantings may lack shade and natural ventilation, so there will be no need to install an air conditioner.

To create a full-fledged winter garden on a loggia with your own hands, you need to take into account things that will be vital and useful to the flowers.

Artificial lighting should be stronger than in a normal room, because for green friends, light is a source of life and nutrition. You just don’t need to forget about the differences between individual types and place them according to your needs.

To arrange pots and pallets on the balcony, you should take into account the fact that it is located in the form of a console on reinforced concrete slab and you shouldn’t overload it too much. It is much easier with a loggia, because it is located on the ceiling and does not have support on only one side.

If you plan to relax in the garden, then you should take care. It is better to select and install it before arranging the plants.

Placed flowers should be within hand reach so that you can easily get to them and they are all visible. Therefore, the tall ones are placed in the back, and the short ones are lined up in the foreground.

There are a lot of special stands that are mounted on the wall. Such products for several pots will give an aesthetic appearance and save space.

Another mounting method is hanging from the ceiling. Plants with hanging branches look great on such structures.

There is no need to maintain absolute symmetry. The main thing is that there is harmony and compatibility without clutter.

Interior Design

The best interior decoration is natural materials: wood and stone.

To create a certain style, you can use decorative pots. The main thing is that they go well with the decoration and furniture. The same attention should be paid to flower shelves. Their shape, color, texture must fit into the overall concept.

Looks very stylish in the interior as an accessory wicker furniture, especially the rocking chair.

Despite its small size, the balcony can be made in one of famous styles, for example, classic, country or modern would be suitable.

Used as decoration additional elements decor: porcelain figurines, vases, stands, figures of birds or butterflies.

Plant selection

Too many houseplants will create an overloaded picture and turn the loggia into a jungle. Therefore, to create comfort, a certain limitation is necessary. You shouldn’t give up on large flowers, you just need to choose them so that the space is not cluttered. Several large representatives of the green kingdom look more expressive than a large number of short brothers. Caring for a few is also easier than caring for a dozen.

When choosing, the location of housing on the cardinal points is taken into account. If it is too cold in winter, you will have to do without tropical species. On the north side the following will feel good: adiantum, nephrolepis, ferns, chlorophytum, etc.

To create a harmonious and changing composition throughout the year, flowers are selected with discrepancies in flowering time.

Palm trees, ficus, dracaena, yucca or dieffenbachia will look good in the center of the composition. Around which smaller brothers will be located: cyperus, crassula, spurge, calathea, etc.

I will come in handy near light sources: roses, hydrangeas, Saintpaulias, orchids, azaleas. The main thing when composing an ensemble is that each plant has access to light.

Let's sum it up

As can be seen from the presented material, it is not at all difficult on our own create your own home winter garden on the balcony. The main thing is to do it, understanding the end goal and some of the nuances. Such a room can become a source of pride and a place for family members to relax. The choice is always yours.

September 27, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

I really want summer not to end... And it won’t end if you organize a winter garden on the balcony. About how to arrange paradise in your apartment, select plants and provide them proper care, I’ll tell you today.

2 rules of the winter garden

Rule No. 1 – sunlight

Plants love sunlight. Yes, you can organize a balcony winter garden in poor lighting conditions, but in this case There are restrictions in the choice of plants; not everyone will agree to live in semi-darkness.

Rule No. 2 – nursery

Buy your balcony pets from a nursery that specializes in growing plants native to your region. Exotic shrubs and palm trees are, of course, attractive, but in most cases, growing them requires considerable knowledge and a huge amount of fertilizers and fertilizing.

Well, if you are ready, we can start arranging the balcony garden.

Lighting and temperature

The garden location should be as bright as possible. If we are talking about a classic balcony in multi-storey building, you will have to significantly expand the windows or dismantle the walls and install transparent partitions.

If you have several location options, choose the south side. The eastern and western balconies are less well lit, although they will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the sunset.

When arranging, you can take over part of the living room; for example, in a bathroom with a balcony, which are often found in private houses, tropical plants will take root perfectly.

Plants need a place to overwinter, if the balcony is not insulated, reserve it for indoor pets separate room, in which the temperature will vary from 14 to 20 ° C depending on the selected plants and necessary conditions for growing them.

Garden style and plant type

The first thing you need to determine is the style of the garden, which will set the direction for choosing plants and accessories.

Indoor gardens are classified based on microclimatic zones, divided into subtropical and tropical. I treat with special trepidation orchards, which exude an invigorating citrus aroma.

Give the place by the window to subtropical plants, away from direct sunlight to tropical plants, and here place a mini-pond, which can be assigned a decorative and practical function, used as an air humidifier.

Plants can be grown in separate pots, and large tubs for several seedlings. I consider the first option to be more successful, since you have the opportunity to separate the diseased plant from its neighbors.

Since we are talking about the “immunity” of green pets, remember that the strongest are seedlings grown from seeds that are initially adapted to the conditions of an indoor winter garden.

On the picture - Japanese garden on the balcony

Style Description and instructions for creation
Japanese Our compatriots fell in love with it for its unusual exoticism, simplicity and sophistication. If your eye falls on Japanese restraint, you cannot do without a miniature waterfall, a fountain and a couple of cobblestones.
Tropical This style does not make any design requirements, but is extremely demanding in the selection of plants. It can be various varieties begonias, flowering plants, dracaena, ficus, dieffenbachia.
Minimalism This The best decision for a garden that will be located in a small area. Choose medium-sized plants in one color scheme, arrange them asymmetrically in groups.
High tech Organized on the podium in several tiers of simple plants strict shape and monochromatic color.
Rustic Bright flowering plants, herbs and even vegetables in pots are suitable for organizing a garden. Useful garden can be obtained thanks to a tub of dill, basil, parsley, cucumbers and tomatoes, and decorative berry bushes.
Country Among the plants, planting ivy, tradescantia, and geranium is relevant. Be sure to choose appropriate decor: an old chest of drawers, a garden lantern, plaster figures.

Plants: selection criteria

The main goal of a winter garden is to create a good mood and favorable conditions for life. The last point requires special scrupulousness in the selection of plants.

Thus, oleanders and some types of magnolias are poisonous, but they are damn beautiful, tiny primroses can cause eczema or hives, and injections of overseas cacti often result in abscesses.

To purify the air in the apartment, plant conifers, for example, dwarf fir. Juniper, cypress, and araucaria are no less beneficial. Reduce negative impact electromagnetic radiation possible thanks to a cactus with long needles or Tradescantia.

If you often suffer from colds, be sure to plant plants with phytoncidal properties, this could be monstera, aspargus, chlorophytum, thuja, begonia, lemon Tree, geranium.

Chlorophytum absorbs formaldehyde and toxins, so it can safely bear the title of air purifier. Aspargus can cope with heavy salts, phenols and formaldehydes, and dracaena cleanses the air of benzene, which is released by linoleum.

In the corners of the balcony you can place aloe, prickly pear or crassula, which will protect the room from fungus.

The maximum amount of oxygen is produced by sansevieria; an adult flower can replace 2-3 plants in its effectiveness.

A comfortable level of humidity is maintained by ferns, cyclamen and violets; Lavender and sage will protect you from unexpected guests in the form of flies, moths and mosquitoes.

If you have heavy smokers in your family, be sure to plant clivia, which purifies the air from cigarette smoke.

Pelargonium, rosemary, lemon balm, mint, dracaena have a calming effect, but lemons invigorate.

Geranium has a specific aroma that not everyone likes, but this plant can rightly be called green Aibolit. If you suffer from high blood pressure, cardiovascular failure, liver and kidney diseases, be sure to set aside a corner for geraniums.

“Wizard” plants

Plants have the power to cleanse geopathogenic zones. The most powerful energy cleansers are palm, myrtle, and ficus. Negative energy Tradescantia, cissus and ivy absorb well, in addition, these climbing plants are very unpretentious and grow well. Callas, ferns and cypress can repel the “attack” of evil forces.

Violets, geraniums, ficus, begonias, echmeas and cacti will help strengthen family relationships. It is worth noting that plants with red flowers are capable of concentrating positive energy.

Flowering plants

It is especially pleasing to the eye when the plants in the winter garden bloom. Unfortunately, not many potted wards bloom in winter time.

The most accessible and hardy variety of orchids is phalaenopsis. It reaches a height of 1 meter and can bloom 2-3 times a year. I advise you to place them in a visible place, next to a miniature fountain.

Cyclamen and Schlumberger cactus bloom in December, and Saintpaulia throughout the year. Azaleas, poinsettias, anthuriums and some types of aphelandra will delight you with color in winter.

As an alternative, consider plants that have brightly colored leaves. These may include Wilkes acalypha with reddish-purple foliage, red-green variegated coladium and coleus.

Please come to the table

A garden on a balcony can be not only beautiful, but also delicious. Among the flowering potted plants, find a place for oregano bush, arugula, curly lettuce, parsley, dill, basil, sage, green onions, spicy indoor pepper and decorative strawberries.

Tub or pot?

Before planting, decide which plants will grow in pots and which will require a deep tub. In my winter garden I installed tubs for araucaria, a brightly flowering red anthuria, money tree, Sansevieria and Dieffenbachia.

Also, separate plants that require increased attention and careful care. I don’t like fancy flowers, but I couldn’t resist the pleasure of having gum eucalyptus and laurel. They need crown formation; this is also worth remembering when arranging a home greenhouse.

Special care for special plants

Separate category – fast growing plants, for example, chlorophytum and tradescantia. The latter needs to be fed and pinched frequently. Otherwise, it will have an unkempt appearance and small leaves. I recommend displaying it in composition with other contrasting varieties.

Be sure to get some kind of curiosity; I chose a phalaenopsis orchid, which is quite unpretentious and will grow in a transparent glass vase.

If the garden on the balcony is adjacent to the bedroom, be sure to plant lotus and calla lilies. They symbolize family happiness.

Few people know that in nature orchids grow on trees, so you can safely plant them in pine bark. The only problem with the composition will be the need for watering from below. There must be a fountain near the phalaenopsis.

You can also grow exterior trees at home. If you start from a seed, it will take several years until the plant no longer fits on the loggia.

To avoid the excruciating pain of killing an adult green comrade, choose frost-resistant varieties that can be planted outside. Among the palms, look out for Rhapidophyllum hystrix and the Yucca Elata palm.

I choose

  • Saintpaulia. Usambara violets belong to the category exotic plants, are very unpretentious and fit perfectly into any garden. If you are decorating a winter garden in country style, take a closer look at violets with terry edges of the Helena or Medison variety. For more restrained styles, the laconic monochrome Mix variety is relevant.
    In order for Saintpaulia to delight you with abundant and long-lasting flowering, provide it with regular watering and a cool place without direct sunlight.

Saintpaulia does not bloom until it fills the entire pot with its root system, so when replanting, choose a container commensurate with the plant.

When choosing a pot, give preference to a plastic container with a wide edge.

  • Orchids. The opinion that orchids are capricious is only partly true. There are varieties that do not require much effort to grow. Oncidiums and phalaenopsis bloom in my winter garden. Why these varieties? Unlike vandas, they are unpretentious in terms of lighting.
    The orchid pot should contain a substrate of bark and moss. I'm from mine many years of experience I do not recommend using unglazed ceramic pots; very often the roots of the plant grow to the walls. It is better to give preference to smooth glass or plastic.

  • Large size. Without them, the garden would not be a garden. If a corner is reserved for a large plant, choose a shade-loving species, for example, monstera, philodendra, ficus, spathiphyllum. Sun-loving plants include dracaena, codiaum and cordelina.

If the plant has variegated leaves with veins and spots, it will need a lot of light.

And one more tip: when disembarking large plants immediately buy a pot with automatic watering. Such foresight will allow you not to think about the fate of your green pets in the future in your absence.

  • Succulents. This category of plants is from dry, hot places, so they do not require frequent watering. This great option for forgetful house plant lovers like me. For my garden I chose brachychytum, pachypodium, adenium and zamioculkis.

If your garden is decorated in a country style, give preference to rhipsalis and Schlumburgers.

Upside down: setting up a vertical winter garden

If the balcony area is negligibly small, you can arrange a vertical garden, which has become mainstream in design and landscaping.

Let's start with the basics. What is a vertical garden? Many people mistakenly believe that this concept includes plants that grow vertically. But a traditional hanging pot is far from a vertical garden.

To be called vertical, a garden must consist of plants planted in a single system. The latter is mounted on the wall.

What is important when arranging vertical garden? All plants must have similar living conditions. You won't be able to separate one flower and move it to a brighter/cooler/shader location.

Classification of vertical gardens

Vertical gardens are divided into two categories, the first are created on the basis of hydroponics, the second - on the ground. If this is your first time setting up such a structure, I recommend choosing the second option; when placed in the ground, the plants receive the necessary nutrition. But for hydroponics, the choice of plants is significantly reduced, leaving only the most unpretentious ones.

This method involves completely clearing the root system of soil and placing it in a special substrate made of expanded clay and sphagnum moss. Expanded clay is a guarantee of oxygen supply, moss is a humidity regulator. Plant nutrition is provided through watering.

Plant selection

Ideal plants for vertical gardening: aglaonema, scindapsus, monstera.

  • Scindapsus – climbing vine, which climbs up thanks to its aerial roots. Prefers a moderate temperature within 15-18 °C, in winter - not lower than +12 °C.
    Scindapsus does not require much fertilizer. From the beginning of April to October during the period active growth Bushes are fed once every 2-3 weeks with liquid fertilizer.

Interesting fact! Scindapsus has a beneficial effect on metabolism and creates a comfortable psychological environment in the room.

  • Aglaonema (Aglaonema) - has large oblong-lanceolate leaves sitting on a short stem. For a vertical garden, I recommend paying attention to the Silver King and Red Diamond varieties.
    The plant is quite thermophilic and even in winter can hardly tolerate temperatures below +18 °C. During the period of active growth, it requires feeding 2 times a month.

Aglaonema purifies the air, saturating it with air ions, and kills streptococcal infections.

  • Monstera is a long-time and well-known indoor resident. For a vertical garden, choose the Monstera deliciosa variety. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +12 °C; partial shade or diffused bright light is preferable.

Beneficial features! Monstera enriches the indoor air with ozone, oxygen and air ions, absorbs formaldehyde emitted by furniture made of chipboard and polystyrene foam.

  • Spathiphyllum is a heat-loving plant that feels comfortable at a temperature of 22-23 ° C, does not tolerate drafts very well, and requires frequent spraying.
    Fertilizer is applied 3 times a month in summer and 1 time a month in winter.

Interesting fact! Do you know what people call spathiphyllum? Woman's happiness. It is strongly recommended that girls who have not yet married be placed in kindergarten.

  • Dracaena (Dracaena) – varieties Dracaena deremensis, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena sanderiana, Dracaena fàgrans, “Song of India” and “Song of Jamaica” are suitable for vertical growing.
    Loves moderate temperatures not lower than +12 °C and diffused bright light. Quite resistant to dry air, but requires frequent spraying. Fertilizing in the form of liquid fertilizers for indoor plants is applied once every 2 weeks.
  • Anthurium – for home grown The species Anturium scherzerianum with bright red flowers is suitable. The difficulty of growing in our latitudes lies in the love of anthurium to bright sun in winter and shade in summer.
  • Guzmania - has orange or red inflorescences, is picky about temperature and will not tolerate it dropping below +25 °C.

Construction type

You can place the selected flowers in a “carpet” structure, panels or modular elements.

  • “Carpet” gardens are created from textile fabric with many pockets. From personal experience I advise you to use a reliable and practical fabric, for example, polymer felt.
  • Plant panels and paintings are suitable for small plants. The structure is assembled from metal or polymer mesh and plastic containers. When choosing a grid, be guided by the size of the panel and the total load of plants and soil.
  • Modular elements are often sold assembled and consist of separate metal/plastic boxes or felt pockets.
  • The wooden bases are classic pallets in which plants are visible through the transverse slats.

Summing up

A winter garden on a balcony is an art that captivates and does not allow you to stop. At first you just take flowers out onto the balcony, then you create compositions and slides from them, then the idea of ​​planting flowers on the walls is born.

And that's it... You are at the mercy of the plants. If you, like me, suffer from the “green” disease, be sure to watch the video in this article.

What grows on your balcony? Let's organize a flash mob in the comments and choose the most exotic balcony "resident".

September 27, 2016

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In this article I will offer you ideas that will allow you to organize a real garden right on the balcony of your own apartment in order to create a green corner in the center of the metropolis, delighting not only guests of the house, but also passers-by.

Petunias are the recognized leader of “balcony” gardening. Unpretentious, bright, pleasing to the eye in a variety of shades, they bloom almost all summer, growing and hanging in picturesque flower “waterfalls”.

Today, inexpensive, lightweight plastic flowerpots are the most popular.

The side walls of the loggia can also be used to organize home garden. A variety of hanging planters will help create beauty on a previously featureless wall.

You can complement the overall picture of a picturesque home garden with figurines, African masks, Chinese bells and other decorative details.

Experts advise choosing for “balcony” gardens such plants from the liana family as maidenhair or fragrant grapes, honeysuckle honeysuckle and clematis.

Of course, such large flowerpots should only be used on fairly spacious balconies, where shrubs will look great. The only problem is that in our climate many perennials will not be able to survive the winter, so you will have to take care of this separately.

Simple and tasteful - wooden shelves on the side wall of the balcony with colorful pots. Perhaps this garden will not be as noticeable from below as the hanging “waterfalls” of petunias, but it will definitely delight the guests of the house.

And in this case, the design with glass doors serves as a real greenhouse in which you can grow flowers from very early spring, without fear of frost or strong wind.

The hanging garden on this balcony is successfully complemented by an imitation of a lawn, because the more greenery, the better.

A green rug like this, which has become the center of an outdoor recreation area, can help imitate a lawn.

On this balcony, brightly flowering plants go well with an equally cheerful tablecloth and chair upholstery. After all, a garden on a balcony is not only flowers, it is also a relaxing atmosphere that should take you from the city to nature.

Large flowerpots with legs can accommodate a variety of flowers, which can be grouped by flowering time and shades, creating a composition that will delight owners throughout the warm season. In addition, it is quite possible to plant herbs and spices in such flowerpots, combining business with pleasure.

The owners of this garden chose colorful pots and took the trouble to label each flower in order to know exactly where everything grows and how to care for a particular plant.

Fragrant or girl's grapes Over time, it may well move from the balcony to the roof or window of a neighboring apartment.

Appreciate all the advantages of this invention - pots that are securely attached to the balcony railings. True, they are not very spacious, so you can’t plant large flowers here. But traditional geranium - please.

Even on such a narrow balcony you can create a picturesque flower arrangement, simply placing pots along the walls and railings. True, the railings themselves remained unused - apparently, the owners simply did not know about the existence of special pots from our previous idea.

In this garden on the balcony there are as many as four levels of flowers, which we managed to place in a relatively small area.

There are two principles for organizing such a “hanging” garden on the balcony - choose flowers different shades to create a bright palette, or plants in the same color scheme to achieve a more subdued, but no less beautiful result.

An example of how original a composition of flowers of the same shade can look. Looking at this balcony on the wall of an old house, you understand that there are a great many shades of red, and they were created by nature itself.

And here the owners took the second path and chose petunias of all colors of the rainbow for their “balcony” garden.

Selecting furniture for a garden on a balcony is a rather difficult task, because you don’t want to disfigure a beautiful flower arrangement with a banal plastic chair white. The owners of this balcony managed to choose a cute sofa and an armchair, not too bright, but eye-catching colors. And be sure to pay attention to the artificial tree on the wall. Cute, isn't it?

On the balcony it is recommended to grow shrubs such as common juniper, black broom, Thunberg barberry, American maple, Weymouth pine (eastern white), Fortune euonymus, whole-leaved willow and dwarf lilac.

A real canopy, which over time will be completely covered with grape vines, will become a source of shade on this small balcony. And the owners decided to complement the overall picture with classic stucco on the wall and sansevieria (also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “pike tail”).

If at your home snow-white facade, petunias should be chosen like this, juicy, bright shade, which will look especially attractive against such a background.

It is appropriate to plant delicate, lovely violets in pots suspended on railings - this way they will be at eye level and will not get lost among other, more lush and climbing plants.
Creating a garden on a balcony is not so difficult - often it is enough to simply move pots of flowers from the room to fresh air. However, if you approach the arrangement of a “balcony” garden with imagination, listen to the advice of experts, you can become the owner of a very beautiful and unusual place for relaxation and even take part in a competition for the most beautiful balcony, which is held today in many cities.

In a noisy, dusty and stuffy city, apartment residents have learned to appreciate every minute of time spent in nature. But in the modern rhythm of life, few manage to get out to the country house, river, or even for walks in the parks often enough. That is why, more and more often, elements of “natural” styles appear in the interiors of apartments - stone finishing, the predominance of natural light and light colors.

However, the most popular way to liven up an apartment and give eco-friendly styles a certain identity is to add green and flowering plants. Moreover, cacti placed on window sills and shelves will not surprise anyone, because real connoisseurs of wildlife are able to organize a real winter garden in their own apartment!

Great place for relaxation!

Advantages of arranging a winter garden in an apartment

Why is it so attractive to place a winter garden in an ordinary city apartment? Firstly, the opportunity to create a stunning interior for a balcony or loggia - most often flower beds are arranged in these rooms so as not to occupy the useful space of living rooms. Secondly, growing and caring for flowers, herbs and even fruit crops can be an excellent hobby and become a replacement for a full-fledged one if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a summer house. This activity requires constant attention, perseverance and acquiring new knowledge, which will undoubtedly benefit those who like to engage in self-development.

If you wish, you can combine business with pleasure!

Well, another valuable feature of the winter garden is that along with it on the balcony you can arrange an entire recreation area, which will serve as an excellent place for relaxation, putting your feelings and thoughts in order. Living plants will create a special, favorable microclimate in the room, which means the overall well-being, physical and mental, of the apartment’s inhabitants will improve.

So, the main advantages of arranging a winter garden on the balcony are:

  • Original balcony interior, suitable for “green” apartments;
  • A fun activity through which you will learn a lot of new things;
  • Improving the microclimate of the apartment and the well-being of its residents.

Naturally, every undertaking has its own disadvantages and pitfalls. In this case, only one thing can be noted - you will have to tinker with the repair of the balcony so that the room is ideal for placing plants. But this is more of a minor difficulty than a significant disadvantage. We’ll talk about how to prepare a balcony or loggia for equipping a home greenhouse below.

Conditions necessary to create a winter garden

As mentioned above, the process of arranging a flower garden on the balcony cannot be called easy. We'll have to take care of quality repairs premises, and about the proper placement of plants, as well as making the right choice and decor.

Let's start with the basics - how to prepare a balcony or loggia for placing plants? First of all you need to:

  1. Make sure the integrity of the balcony structures, if necessary, strengthen them. If you plan to arrange a relaxation area on the balcony with massive pots, flowerpots, etc., be sure to check how much weight its ceilings can support. If there is a loggia, this point is eliminated;
  2. Glazing a balcony or loggia, if the room was open before. At the same time, the quality of the work done is important - the presence of cracks or loose fitting of the valves can lead to drafts and, accordingly, the death of plants. It is best to install ;
  3. , seams and cracks. This must be done for the same reason as described in the second paragraph;
  4. Insulate the room, and also take care of it;
  5. Install heating on the balcony or loggia. An additional radiator or electric heaters suspended from the ceiling are perfect. In the event that the repair budget does not allow the purchase of such equipment, care must be taken to temperature conditions the premises were suitable for the plants you chose.

In addition, it is worth considering using moisture-resistant materials to decorate the winter garden. It can be:

  • Tile;
  • Wood treated with special compounds;
  • Natural stone or masonry;
  • Linoleum, etc.

Of course, it is best to give preference to more natural materials, but still the main selection criterion in our case is practicality.

How to place plants on a balcony or loggia

In case of insufficient lighting, you need to make artificial

Everyone knows that different plants grow better in different conditions. There are heat-loving, moisture-loving, cold-resistant or shade-intolerant species. In order to choose exactly those plants that will suit your balcony, you first need to determine its location relative to the cardinal directions.

So, if the balcony is located:

  1. On the north side, it is dominated by uniform diffuse lighting. Here, the sun's rays will not warm up the room much, which means that if it is not possible to install special lamps for plants and additional heating, you will have to choose those plants that are resistant to low temperatures and unpretentious to the lack of bright light. This could be gardenia, begonia, maidenhair, ficus or climbing ivy.
  2. On the south side, the plants will receive maximum natural light and heat. In this case, you can safely give free rein to your imagination and organize a real paradise with dwarf tangerine trees, light-loving palm trees, blooming cacti and various ampel flowers. But even in this case, you will have to carefully monitor the condition of the plants - the roots should not overheat, and a “greenhouse” effect should not be created on the balcony itself. Ventilation or installation of a split system will help. It is also necessary to hang curtains or blinds on the windows, and do not forget to maintain required humidity air using a special device or a conventional sprayer.
  3. On the east side, in the first half of the day there will be moderate lighting and temperature on the balcony. But in the afternoon the sun can get hot, especially in the summer. To create shade in this case, blinds are suitable, and optimal temperature can support an air conditioner or split system. You can grow ficus, diffembachia, ginger, coffee tree and various hanging flowers on such a balcony.
  4. On the west side, the heat will be maintained around the clock. But on such a balcony you should also take care of shading. Fuchsia, monstera, ragwort, as well as some types of exotic plants such as coconut are suitable for growing.

Generally, modern technologies allow you to create in any well-insulated room necessary conditions and microclimate. Installing a split system will help you avoid many mistakes and will greatly simplify caring for plants in the winter garden.

Now let’s figure out exactly how to place plants on a balcony or loggia:

When placing flowers, trees and shrubs on the balcony, it is important to remember that they should not interfere with the passage along it, block the free opening of the door or touch the heads of people on the balcony. At the same time, larger and more lush plants should not cover smaller ones - the light should be evenly distributed on all leaves and flowers.

Selection of furniture and decor for the winter garden on the balcony

Another important condition for creating a truly cozy and ergonomic place to relax with a greenhouse on the balcony is the right choice of furniture for it. Since balconies usually have a small area and are designed for a small weight load, when arranging furniture and various decor There are a few important things to keep in mind:

So, creating a real winter garden is a difficult, but very exciting task, which you can easily cope with after studying all aspects of this issue. The most important thing is not to forget that flowers and green plants will survive for a long time only if they are properly cared for. Timely watering, spraying leaves, fertilizing and maintaining suitable conditions will turn your greenhouse into a real work of art!

What plants to choose for the winter garden and how to care for them, watch in our video: